SFV Thread Pt 7: Season 3 - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"SFV Thread Pt 7: Season 3" , posted Mon 11 Dec 12:26:post reply

That new thread smell!

Season 3 will be released on January 16, 2018.

Sakura trailer
She looks great and her music sounds great!

General Season 3 trailer, with gratuitous "stage" visual metaphors!
It feels weird to have cherry blossom petals as a motif of two characters!

Portrait shots of the upcoming characters and release date!
Look at that smile on Abraham Lincoln, and the Charlize Theron cosplayer, Falke!

Bask in the glory of being able to make jokes about "G's bloodstains!"

[this message was edited by Spoon on Mon 11 Dec 12:39]


1974th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season 3" , posted Mon 11 Dec 13:34post reply

I am digging the redesigns as well. I guess they finally figured out the style they wanted to strike with SF5. « Older Sakura » was a tricky case we have discussed here many times and, while I liked the rumored PE teacher idea, going for the Nogizaka46-style costume is clever and makes sense with both the character and the different fanbases invested in the character.

Même Narumi est épatée !

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"SFV Thread Pt 7: Season of Two P" , posted Mon 11 Dec 15:10:post reply

Justice Gakuen two-platoon attack: TAG OUT! Spoon, nice opening attack! Here's the rest of the usual stuff:

Official art and strange tales: CFN

Official mascot: Two P, AT LAST (for real this time)

Official theme song: Madman Ga Taosenai

Official MVP/You Wa SHOCK: Abigail

Official MMC next fetish: shoulders

Gekiganger V - gekijmo
Gojira - Gojira
Grave - eccothedolphin
Iggy - Iggywata
Ishmael - Ishmael26b
Karasu - MrKarasu
KTallguy - KTallguy
Maou - zonepharaoh
Micky Kusanagi - MickyKusanagi
Mosquiton - ChaosFrame
Red Falcon - Rugalbgood
Spoon - [code required]
Tai-Pan - Kusanagi82
Zepy - zepysf

Official MMC Archives:
SFV thread 6
SFV thread 5
SFV thread 4
SFV thread 3
SFV thread 2
SFV thread 1
Marvelous SF lore thread


[this message was edited by Maou on Mon 11 Dec 15:15]

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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"Re(1):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season of Two P" , posted Mon 11 Dec 15:21post reply

Shh, don't tell Iggy, or he'll try to take my good mood about Sakura's pleasant costume redesign and music down a peg by linking me to that deadly vocal version of her song he's always threatening!

And they accomplished it all with neither black underwear nor hot pants! Not even listening to the English dubbed voices can bring me down!
And back to my previous comments: she's great! It's also good to see that twenty years later, Sakura's little brother is still at the TV playing video games, just like the rest of us.

And hey, did Cody finally stop hanging out in his jail clothes and instead make pals with Urien to pawn one of his (numerous, combustible) disposable suits off of him?


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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season 3" , posted Mon 11 Dec 15:26post reply

I am digging the redesigns as well. I guess they finally figured out the style they wanted to strike with SF5. « Older Sakura » was a tricky case we have discussed here many times and, while I liked the rumored PE teacher idea, going for the Nogizaka46-style costume is clever and makes sense with both the character and the different fanbases invested in the character.

I like that Cody appears to be ditching the chains. His SFA look was always pretty silly and not particularly Cody-like.

How much older is Sakura? With the skirt, her outfit is still looking pretty schoolgirl-ish, but I guess it works okay as a kind of indeterminate girl/young woman outfit.

The CG animation for the general trailer shows Capcom using yet another visual style, one that I've mixed feelings about. The characters look like exaggerated fake flesh action figures. Poor Sagat looks more rubbery than Dhalsim when Ryu hits him. At the same time, if that new approach led to fancy suit Cody, then maybe it isn't too bad. Capcom probably figures such a style is a better fit for characters like Blanka and even Abigail, and it may be easier (cheaper) to create.

Why is there a white haired Abraham Lincoln?

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PSN: Gojira_X
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"Re(3):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season 3" , posted Mon 11 Dec 16:10post reply

I've already taken care of G

So, no Q this season, but we do get a character with a single letter for a name... coincidence? In all my wildest theories I couldn't have imagined that under Q's mask might have been a former president.

I'm okay with Sakura's redesign but I still hate the character so bleaghhh why wasn't it Sodom

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(4):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season 3" , posted Mon 11 Dec 20:16post reply

Like any sane person I despise Sakura, but I like the fact she finally has the diagonal projectile she learned in SFvsMSH. Will she have an evil tan costume?
I'm slightly annoyed that the game recycles old backgrounds instead of making new ones, but they choose the best ones so there's that. Hopefully S3 will receive more original backgrounds, including the great FANG one that has been eyed ages ago.
The two new characters save the season for me, and I'm eager to play with them.
But... where is the gorilla?

5288th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(5):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season 3" , posted Mon 11 Dec 21:33:post reply

When I saw Sakura's trailer, her equipment immediately reminded me of an arcade staff headset because of its thick wire that's drooping from the side of her neck.... and holy cow bingo, it turns out to be her actual job in her new profile.

So instead of the rumored Phys ed' teacher, Sakura is a part-timer at a Plaza Capcom arcade, which can be figured out from her storyline costume. That means she makes over 1,000 yen an hour with a 50 yen raise during weekends and holidays. But more importantly, it also means that she's not a high-schooler any more since Plaza Capcom won't hire in that case.

I can only assume that Capcom's designers took note of the various Characters that wear Taito arcade uniforms, or something to that extent. Lawson still has the best uniform collaborations, though.

[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 11 Dec 21:54]

1977th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(6):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season 3" , posted Mon 11 Dec 22:00:post reply

Ha! That's an even better idea for her post-school background. That foolish suburbian brat should have studied harder instead of partying around the world with dodgy vagrants twice her age. Today's highly competitive capitalist landscape will only reward hard workers like Ivanka Trump Karin Kanzuki.

Même Narumi est épatée !

[this message was edited by chazumaru on Mon 11 Dec 22:02]

Lord SNK
272th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(7):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season 3" , posted Tue 12 Dec 04:23post reply

I like this trailer, but does Ken did not appear at all? I don't have time to see it again, but I don't remember seeing him anywhere.

Love the new Sakura costume (by the way, I love her voice ahahahahaha) and a lot more Cody new design.

But, does G resemble one of the people on boxer's original SF2 stage?

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(8):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season 3" , posted Tue 12 Dec 06:39post reply

But, does G resemble one of the people on boxer's original SF2 stage?

There's a hilarious theory that G could be the boss of Bloody Roar. Honestly, he has the "G", the top hat, and there's a gorilla in Ed's ending...
If he does turn to be the gorilla, that would be a cool nod! Or a sign that some ex-Hudson employees now work at Capcom.
Either way, I'm really intrigued.

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"Re(5):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season of Two P" , posted Tue 12 Dec 09:00post reply

Like any sane person I despise Sakura

We are going to have such FUN together in our next lagfest~~~


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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(6):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season of Two P" , posted Tue 12 Dec 20:57post reply

We are going to have such FUN together in our next lagfest~~~

If only my plan to gross you out with Abigail hadn't backfired...
... I guess I'll have to learn Blanka next, then.

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season of Two P" , posted Wed 13 Dec 13:43:post reply

We are going to have such FUN together in our next lagfest~~~
If only my plan to gross you out with Abigail hadn't backfired...
... I guess I'll have to learn Blanka next, then.

You cannot possibly stop me now.

Not even Blanka.


[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 5 Jan 11:36]

2353th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season of Two P" , posted Thu 14 Dec 06:29post reply

We are going to have such FUN together in our next lagfest~~~
If only my plan to gross you out with Abigail hadn't backfired...
... I guess I'll have to learn Blanka next, then.
You cannot possibly stop me now.

Not even Blanka.

I'm surprised at how good Sakura looks in terms of costume and character model.

But I have to say, the energy effect on the Shouoken looks really crappy. It's like a trail of soapy water. The staccato hit effects alone would sell it just fine on their own!

Seriously though, they did an alright job with the update.

/ / /
2004th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Grind Fight Money now, before AE patch" , posted Fri 15 Dec 11:26post reply

Link Here


Beginning January 16, modes that offered one-time finite batches of Fight Money will no longer do so. This includes Character Stories, the General Story (A Shadow Falls), Trials, Survival, and Demonstrations – if you haven’t completed these modes yet, there’s still a few weeks left to do so before the changes occur in January!

. . .

For anyone worried about your current balance of Fight Money and League Points, they will remain intact and will not be affected by these changes.

A trick to doing survival mode on the harder levels
Mash pause so you can "react" to the AI. Know your anti-airs and good jump in combos. You can see the wind up stuff like Nash's sonic boom or Birdie's chain and it is easier to punish by jumping over. You can "react" to stuff that is usually hard to react to like Birdie's jump in grab.

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Grind Fight Money now, before AE patch" , posted Sat 16 Dec 00:07post reply

A few quick thoughts:

Although I don't have the dexterity to play her I'm glad to see Sakura is back. The idea of aging characters who aren't designed to age is a bit silly -it's somewhat akin to demanding the university adventures of Dennis the Menace- Sakura's update retains the youthful spirit of the character. Her choice in careers also feels appropriate; uncertain of what to do with her life she parlays a useless hobby into a dead-end job by working at an arcade. Sakura is the walking personification of the FGC.

Sakura and Karin being older (but not really older) is eventually going to create the problem that the younger characters are starting to creep up on the age of the main cast. This could eventually turn into a Batman situation where there are five of six adult Robins running around but Batman, inexplicably, remains the same age.

I don't know who demanded the return of Blanka but he has nicely combed chest hair.

Falke may be interesting but I'm more curious about G. Is he the reincarnation of Abraham Lincoln? Is he Amish? We need more information about this guy. Nature abhors a vacuum and that is shown in the idea that someone dreamt up the insane idea he may be a crossover ape.

I should say something about Cody and Sagat. Hi Cody and Sagat!


Beginning January 16, modes that offered one-time finite batches of Fight Money will no longer do so. This includes Character Stories, the General Story (A Shadow Falls), Trials, Survival, and Demonstrations – if you haven’t completed these modes yet, there’s still a few weeks left to do so before the changes occur in January!

There is no way I was ever going to grind through the harder levels of Survival so that money was already lost to me. But if this announcement means that AE will have new ways to earn money while tossing Survival mode into the trash I'm all for this update.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Grind Fight Money now, before AE patch" , posted Sat 16 Dec 00:30post reply

A few quick thoughts:

Although I don't have the dexterity to play her I'm glad to see Sakura is back. The idea of aging characters who aren't designed to age is a bit silly -it's somewhat akin to demanding the university adventures of Dennis the Menace- Sakura's update retains the youthful spirit of the character. Her choice in careers also feels appropriate; uncertain of what to do with her life she parlays a useless hobby into a dead-end job by working at an arcade. Sakura is the walking personification of the FGC.

Sakura and Karin being older (but not really older) is eventually going to create the problem that the younger characters are starting to creep up on the age of the main cast. This could eventually turn into a Batman situation where there are five of six adult Robins running around but Batman, inexplicably, remains the same age.

I don't know who demanded the return of Blanka but he has nicely combed chest hair.

Falke may be interesting but I'm more curious about G. Is he the reincarnation of Abraham Lincoln? Is he Amish? We need more information about this guy. Nature abhors a vacuum and that is shown in the idea that someone dreamt up the insane idea he may be a crossover ape.

I should say something about Cody and Sagat. Hi Cody and Sagat!


Beginning January 16, modes that offered one-time finite batches of Fight Money will no longer do so. This includes Character Stories, the General Story (A Shado

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What if SF is actually Zeno's Paradox, and we can keep aging characters up and adding sequels so long as they never reach SF3?

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PSN: Gojira_X
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Grind Fight Money now, before AE patch" , posted Sat 16 Dec 01:29:post reply

Link Here


Beginning January 16, modes that offered one-time finite batches of Fight Money will no longer do so. This includes Character Stories, the General Story (A Shadow Falls), Trials, Survival, and Demonstrations – if you haven’t completed these modes yet, there’s still a few weeks left to do so before the changes occur in January!

. . .

For anyone worried about your current balance of Fight Money and League Points, they will remain intact and will not be affected by these changes.

Aaaand here's the step back. I still haven't unlocked 10% of the characters or 90% of the stages, but I went and bought the BGM packs last week because I was sure I'd be able to get more FM when AE dropped. Now I'm not so sure.

They tell us we're losing all these other ways to gain FM and only new way to gain FM they mention is extra battle, which is also going to be a FM sink. They don't even mention the arcade mode. Only giving FM through character leveling is a problem if most of us have already leveled these characters to a point where completing these modes wouldn't have any effect. Can you even level up a character in offline versus or battle lounge yet? Last time I checked you couldn't. I really dislike having to use player/ranked matches to grind since connections are so random it starts to get tiring.

Then again they only mention fight money and league points will remain unchanged... I want this to mean that all character levels will be reset back to 1 when AE happens, but if they were going to do this I also feel like they would have mentioned it up front here.

[this message was edited by Gojira on Sat 16 Dec 01:48]

2355th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Grind Fight Money now, before AE patch" , posted Mon 18 Dec 03:51post reply

Link Here


Beginning January 16, modes that offered one-time finite batches of Fight Money will no longer do so. This includes Character Stories, the General Story (A Shadow Falls), Trials, Survival, and Demonstrations – if you haven’t completed these modes yet, there’s still a few weeks left to do so before the changes occur in January!

. . .

For anyone worried about your current balance of Fight Money and League Points, they will remain intact and will not be affected by these changes.

Aaaand here's the step back. I still haven't unlocked 10% of the characters or 90% of the stages, but I went and bought the BGM packs last week because I was sure I'd be able to get more FM when AE dropped. Now I'm not so sure.

They tell us we're losing all these other ways to gain FM and only new way to gain FM they mention is extra battle, which is also going to be a FM sink. They don't even mention the arcade mode. Only giving FM through character leveling is a problem if most of us have already leveled these characters to a point where completing these modes wouldn't have any effect. Can you even level up a character in offline versus or battle lounge yet? Last time I checked you couldn't. I really dislike having to use player/ranked matches to grind since connections are

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I really wish I hadn't wasted Fight Money on Juri....

/ / /

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P - IGGY ARI !

"KOF mode coming to AE" , posted Thu 21 Dec 04:15post reply


I wonder if you can take several times the same character, so you can organize a 10-Chunli match, all of them with different costumes.

1990th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):KOF mode coming to AE" , posted Thu 21 Dec 08:51post reply

Nitpicking time: there was a Team Battle Mode in Street Fighter II before the first KOF came out! I find all the changes in Street Fighter V Arcade Edition pretty positive, in general. It really seems like the fabled 'Super Street Fighter V' re-launch people speculated about all year long. It seems the game has now slowly but surely crawled to 2.5 millions units. I wish them the best because we probably need a strong Street Fighter brand for fighting games to survive as a commercial niche.

Même Narumi est épatée !

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"Re(2):Indestructible Ishmael coming to AE" , posted Sat 30 Dec 00:40post reply

It appears that a great deal of housecleaning is being done in preparation for season 3, including an update to the CFN Costume Commentary. Sgt. Ashida has been working hard over the holidays!
In addition to bringing this excellent report from Ishmael over from the other thread, an interesting aspect of the drawn-out process to SFV's seasons/making it a real game: I can sort of nostalgically remember the excitement of last year's update announcement, and how cool Gouki's new stage was, I guess!

Meanwhile, following on the heels of the modified SFV trailer I still call "Mr. Vega goes to work," the TRUE version of the SFV-AE trailer can only be watched while Indestructible plays!


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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):SF coming to AE" , posted Fri 5 Jan 00:38post reply

The patch notes for AE were somewhat released. The notes were immediately recanted as not being final and most note descriptions are incredibly vague and raise more questions than they answer. In spite of that I'm certain people are making wild prognostications based on what little they have been given. I hope the MMCafe tier machine is oiled up and ready to go since people are undoubtedly making preliminary rankings.

2357th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):SF coming to AE" , posted Fri 5 Jan 04:00:post reply

The patch notes for AE were somewhat released. The notes were immediately recanted as not being final and most note descriptions are incredibly vague and raise more questions than they answer. In spite of that I'm certain people are making wild prognostications based on what little they have been given. I hope the MMCafe tier machine is oiled up and ready to go since people are undoubtedly making preliminary rankings.

Obviously speculation since the notes aren't too detailed, but....

From what I'm seeing, a lot more attacks have a hitbox that extends behind the character (though hopefully not the way it works in Fighting EX Layer). There seem to be numerous hitbox/hurtbox adjustments to jump-ins and anti-airs in general.

I have to imagine that the idea here is to "fix" the way grounded vs. jumping attacks work. I.e., make traditional anti-air moves actually work now (crouching HPs and the like) rather than have people favoring jabs.

Which is great IMO! Vega's AA game was so dreadful before that I always found it easier to just get out of the damn way rather than risk eating a jump-in combo by whiffing a crouching fierce, AA ASE, or what have you. I also found new players (especially Kens and Roos) to be extremely jumpy with few repercussions. Such blatant disregard of the ancient Street Fighting wisdom "Don't jump" was truly sickening to behold.

I feel like this is going to be good and make the game feel more like I expect Street Fighter to feel.
They just might get me to play the game again. But I could be going way out on a limb here.

Also, Happy New Year to everyone. My cat is still kicking and is officially 20 years old.

/ / /

[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Fri 5 Jan 04:03]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(4):SF coming to AE" , posted Fri 5 Jan 08:34post reply

the MMCafe tier machine is oiled up


I heard Kolin of all people was getting nerfed. Probably they changed her name to "Juri" to make it more accurate.
Also, apparently Abigail is getting several buffs, which was absolutely warranted and necessary.
Not that I'm an expert, I don't even have a car.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):SF coming to AE" , posted Fri 5 Jan 10:57post reply

the MMCafe tier machine is oiled up

I heard Kolin of all people was getting nerfed. Probably they changed her name to "Juri" to make it more accurate.
Also, apparently Abigail is getting several buffs, which was absolutely warranted and necessary.
Not that I'm an expert, I don't even have a car.

No, the funniest thing of all is that ALEX IS RECEIVING NERFS, and I'm not even kidding.

Cammy receives a few nerfs too, but since I'm being selective here I'm just going to point out that she got some buffs.

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):SF coming to AE" , posted Fri 5 Jan 11:32:post reply


I heard Kolin of all people was getting nerfed.
No, the funniest thing of all is that ALEX IS RECEIVING NERFS
guys I feel it's time Juri received some nerfs Juri is OP
Also, apparently Abigail is getting several buffs, which was absolutely warranted and necessary.
Not that I'm an expert, I don't even have a car.
AbiGAAAAAAIL. MMCafe's favorite season 2 character* (*citation needed) doesn't mind if you have a car, as long as you have the soul of a car and will join him in the new intro in crushing a car.

Add me to the mix of people excited for the season 3 tier chart! The new X-axis will feature some variation of "characters more/less annoying to Iggy."

PS: Mosqui-tan, congratulations on your cat! He can be the official SFV mascot at this rate.


[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 5 Jan 11:38]

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(7):SF coming to AE" , posted Fri 5 Jan 12:24post reply

guys I feel it's time Juri received some nerfs Juri is OP

I heard a Juri player once qualified for a tournament, clearly she is OP. Don't players realize that Juri isn't one of the ten characters that is allowed to appear in a tournament?

Sadly, I often cannot help but feel that Capcom really does try to keep certain characters in specific tiers. That Capcom's willingness to buff or nerf a character isn't just based on how effective that character is, but also how effective or ineffective Capcom thinks that character should be allowed to be.

Characters like Juri aren't considered special enough (for whatever reasons), and get poorer treatment.

2357th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):SF coming to AE" , posted Fri 5 Jan 13:29post reply


Sadly, I often cannot help but feel that Capcom really does try to keep certain characters in specific tiers. That Capcom's willingness to buff or nerf a character isn't just based on how effective that character is, but also how effective or ineffective Capcom thinks that character should be allowed to be.

Characters like Juri aren't considered special enough (for whatever reasons), and get poorer treatment.

Hmm, I wonder? At any rate, I do somehow doubt that Claw will ever be as he once was in Super Turbo, a hellish and destructive force of incredible speed and stabbiness.

/ / /
5300th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(9):SF coming to AE" , posted Fri 5 Jan 19:45:post reply

The patchnotes from yesterday were quite hilarious. I wonder how it managed to go live?
Everything basically said "[Move blah] has been changed", which has to be the most awesomely ambigous rough draft.

It's not exactly the same as saying "The baby's diapers has been changed" because you're not going to change it with a set of already soiled diapers. Things are different with fighting games. Developers love soiling characters that've already wetted themselves.

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 5 Jan 19:47]

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(10):SF coming to AE" , posted Fri 5 Jan 21:39post reply

The patchnotes from yesterday were quite hilarious. I wonder how it managed to go live?
Everything basically said "[Move blah] has been changed", which has to be the most awesomely ambigous rough draft.
Yeah, a huge amount of things was worded that way.
At least the S2 tried to describe what was changed, like "hit box has been moved forward". We'll see, I guess.
I was reading that Juri had some buffs (something related to her target combo being more useful and more damaging I think?). There's also some system-wide changes, like a nerf to throws (the distance after the throw has been increased) so grapplers like Gief, Alex and Online Kens might be in trouble. I wonder if they buffed Abigail to compensate for that... but then why nerf Alex (why not).
Zeku had only one change, which is potentially good since he's been in the game for such a short time and it's better not to modify him too much until he's figured out... He feels lacking in this state, but then, I'm not Xian (nor do I even want to be).

There was some seemingly hilarious things in Laura's change log, but I forgot... Something about cancelling her thunder clap into her V-skill I think. If that's what I think it is, I'm back in the Electric Brazilian bandwagon.

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(9):SF coming to AE" , posted Sat 6 Jan 01:30post reply

Hmm, I wonder? At any rate, I do somehow doubt that Claw will ever be as he once was in Super Turbo, a hellish and destructive force of incredible speed and stabbiness.

I'm not a follower of F.A.N.G, but he is generally consistently considered one of the worst characters in the game. He apparently has almost no good match-ups, and the majority are bad. That Xian could win in tournaments with F.A.N.G was more player skill than F.A.N.G being a legitimately viable character, particularly since Xian performs better with and actually wins tournaments with other characters.

Has Capcom ever really done anything to address this? Not that I recall. People quickly gave up on Capcom even attempting to turn F.A.N.G into a legitimately viable character.

While this part is purely my speculation, how many people believe that Capcom would have given the same attitude towards someone like Ryu or Akuma being near universally considered one of the worst characters in Street Fighter V?

Ed is in a similar position, again considered one of the worst characters in the game (which some have dubbed "FANG tier"). While Ed's simple/"easy mode" design does risk issues in regards to buffing, Capcom appears afraid to risk even attempting to buff him into mid-tier.

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PSN: Gojira_X
XBL: Gojiraaa
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CFN: Gojira
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):SF coming to AE" , posted Sat 6 Jan 07:29post reply


There was some seemingly hilarious things in Laura's change log, but I forgot... Something about cancelling her thunder clap into her V-skill I think. If that's what I think it is, I'm back in the Electric Brazilian bandwagon.

It was canceling clap into V-trigger, but also during VT1 she can cancel clap and EX clap into V-skill, which is going to be a literal riot. Also the gauge to enter VT1 will take longer to charge but as a result it will also last longer, so... weeeeeeee~

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):SF coming to AE" , posted Sat 6 Jan 07:44post reply

how many people believe that Capcom would have given the same attitude towards someone like Ryu or Akuma being near universally considered one of the worst characters in Street Fighter V?

Well, considering that top players like Punk thing that Ryu is down in the dumpster:
shoutouts to mmcafe tier maker

And mid-season, some top Japanese players actually ranked Ryu the same as FANG:
so weak!

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):SF coming to AE" , posted Sat 6 Jan 09:15post reply

And mid-season, some top Japanese players actually ranked Ryu the same as FANG:
so weak!

Also, Juri, a character with as many costumes as Ibuki or Cammy, has been one of the most terrible characters of the game for two seasons.
And Chun, who financed probably extended the budget of the game by two years with the sole power of her wardrobe, may not be "terrible" but she's definitely not "good" either in S2, and they didn't patch her up in S2.5.

As for Ed, I have the feeling the characters with unique systems added earlier this year (Kolin, Ed, Menat and Zeku) have not been explored properly yet. And Capcom has a history of over-nerfing characters with specific systems (Hakan should not have needed 3 revisions to finally start the round oiled, even though his pre-fight animation shows him showering with oil) so there's probably a fear there somewhere.
Who knows, maybe this year will be FANG's irresistible ascension to the low-mid-tiers! Maybe Kolin, Ed and Zeku will have to wait for S4.

And Alex's time will never come.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):SF coming to AE" , posted Sat 6 Jan 09:58post reply

I'm equally baffled by the quantity of costumes Chun has versus other candidates who could be surefire costume sellers in a similar vein that are also not DLC characters, like Cammy.

Are they just doing this with one bankable sexy female character at a time in order to dry to keep the DLC costume revenue coming for as long as they can?

2007th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):SF coming to AE" , posted Sat 6 Jan 11:17post reply

I'm equally baffled by the quantity of costumes Chun has versus other candidates who could be surefire costume sellers in a similar vein that are also not DLC characters, like Cammy.

I added it up over the Christmas break and Chun-Li has $50 worth of costumes. More than the base game now; it's more than what Arcade Edition will go for.

I can't say I am too mad as most of her costumes are pretty good. The only real miss is that Chinese style pajama with that apron. The Akiman drawing is nice, but it didn't translate well to the SFV 3D style.

I do hope that there is some more love spread around to other characters as we move to Arcade Edition. I only bought that X-Mas bundle from 2016 when it went on sale two months ago. $8 for all those costumes was a good deal even though I just wanted Zangief with the bear pelt.

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"Re(5):Re(10):SF coming to AE" , posted Sat 6 Jan 11:34post reply

I added it up over the Christmas break and Chun-Li has $50 worth of costumes.
Come to think of it, they probably should have made a Chun-li all costumes pack available by now and not just because I bought all them already. Intrigue: the new costume commentary on CFN noted by Ishmael conspicuously leaves out Chun-li's superior original swimsuit in favor of Akiman's slightly crappier one. I guess he has "custodial rights," as Dan comments in the wedding dress description, but...

In keeping with the ongoing abuse of already hilariously low-tier characters, I am waiting for a Dan costume for Juri and Alex.


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"Re(6):Re(10):SF coming to AE" , posted Sun 7 Jan 01:13post reply

The most important thing I've picked up from this thread recently is that Mosquiton's cat is as old as KoF98 and Third Strike.

I find myself falling into the trap of trying to figure out how the game is going to play based on incomplete information about a game no one has played outside of betas. Should I stick with both Abigail and Zangief or will the throw changes make Gief less attractive? Should I try Chun-Li or should I spend my time kicking everyone in the face with Ryu? Do I even need to worry about any of this since I'm probably going to disappear into arcade mode and do my best to avoid the unwashed online masses? I don't know, but I'm glad I'm ahead of the curve on all the terrible Juri players that are coming soon; my Juri has already been terrible for months.

Even though the notes aren't the real notes I'm glad that the unexplored characters are being left relatively unscathed. No one has really figured out Zeku and I doubt even Capcom knows what the deal is with Ed.

Oh, and with the seeming buffs for Abigail I'm looking forward to some unknown Abigail player to win Japan Evo in a few weeks. It should be a grand old time.

5300th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(7):Re(10):SF coming to AE" , posted Sun 7 Jan 03:26post reply

The most important thing I've picked up from this thread recently is that Mosquiton's cat is as old as KoF98 and Third Strike.

Holy catnip! And I just realized Mosquiton's cat is almost 100 years old in human age. 1998, oh how young we were back then-- broadband was in infancy, people still used pagers, the PS1 was modern technology... people played with their Tamagocchi

I find myself falling into the trap of trying to figure out how the game is going to play based on incomplete information about a game no one has played outside of betas. Should I stick with both Abigail and Zangief or will the throw changes make Gief less attractive? Should I try Chun-Li or should I spend my time kicking everyone in the face with Ryu? 

(Sakura is the only answer, then)

2358th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Re(10):SF coming to AE" , posted Sun 7 Jan 05:25post reply

The most important thing I've picked up from this thread recently is that Mosquiton's cat is as old as KoF98 and Third Strike.

Holy catnip! And I just realized Mosquiton's cat is almost 100 years old in human age. 1998, oh how young we were back then-- broadband was in infancy, people still used pagers, the PS1 was modern technology... people played with their Tamagocchi

My cat is actually one of the first cats to run on CPS-3 hardware.


I find myself falling into the trap of trying to figure out how the game is going to play based on incomplete information about a game no one has played outside of betas. Should I stick with both Abigail and Zangief or will the throw changes make Gief less attractive? Should I try Chun-Li or should I spend my time kicking everyone in the face with Ryu? 

(Sakura is the only answer, then)

I just logged in after a long time and realized that, even after impulse buying Juri, I have enough fight money to buy ONE new character.

Are they still doing the trial thing for new characters? I will probably wait until one of the new characters really grabs me (or until I have enough fight money to buy two of them) before I open the fight wallet again.

/ / /

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New Red Carpet Member

"SFV:AE copy accidentally shipped early?" , posted Tue 9 Jan 10:02post reply

So, someone claims that after ordering a physical copy of SFV for the PS4, he was actually given an SFV:AE disc.

VesperArcade includes a few seconds of alleged footage.

2359th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):SFV:AE copy accidentally shipped early?" , posted Wed 10 Jan 03:12post reply

So, someone claims that after ordering a physical copy of SFV for the PS4, he was actually given an SFV:AE disc.

VesperArcade includes a few seconds of alleged footage.

Wow, these training/learning options are really interesting and seemingly intuitive.

/ / /

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):SFV:AE copy accidentally shipped early?" , posted Wed 10 Jan 03:50post reply

So, someone claims that after ordering a physical copy of SFV for the PS4, he was actually given an SFV:AE disc.

VesperArcade includes a few seconds of alleged footage.

Wow, these training/learning options are really interesting and seemingly intuitive.

The frame advantage/disadvantage display they've got is a big step up from what Tekken 7 had, which just colored both characters blue if they were locked into an animation, and you just had to stare very very hard / run video capture to see how long the difference was!

5308th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"S3 Changelogs" , posted Wed 10 Jan 21:26post reply


There's still a lot of ambiguity to it that it's hard to tell. However as far as Zangief goes it seems to be nurf city so switching to another character might be an idea.

Overall the game's changelog isn't that exciting.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(1):S3 Changelogs" , posted Wed 10 Jan 21:32post reply

Sakura looks really good, and so do Laura.
I'll try to play Kolin again and fail miserably.

Zangief's VT2 makes him Potemkin.

Dictator looks amazing.

5310th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):S3 Changelogs" , posted Wed 10 Jan 21:46:post reply


Shocking revelation: Sakura dropped Ryu in favor of Dan-sensei !!

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 10 Jan 21:53]

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"Re(2):S3 Changelogs" , posted Thu 11 Jan 14:02:post reply

Sakura looks really good
Kukkukkukku, I just knew you'd come around to my way of thinking.
Shocking revelation: Sakura dropped Ryu in favor of Dan-sensei !!
Ah...oh. Youthful indiscretions are still allowed in one's 20s, I guess? And as Iggy noted with the Rufus outfit for Birdie, this plays a socially valuable role of ensuring that the actual Dan stays out of the game.


[this message was edited by Maou on Thu 11 Jan 14:02]

Just a Person
1952th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(9):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season 3" , posted Thu 11 Jan 21:54post reply

There's a hilarious theory that G could be the boss of Bloody Roar. Honestly, he has the "G", the top hat, and there's a gorilla in Ed's ending...

Actually, Greg wasn't the boss of Bloody Roar, just one of the playable characters (and one of the few unfortunate characters forgotten by Hudson after the first game). Uriko was the boss back then, and Greg was one of the good guys.

G does look a lot like Greg, but I think the chances of them being the same person are minimal. If that turns out to be the case, however, that's cool!


I don't know who demanded the return of Blanka but he has nicely combed chest hair.

Well, I didn't demand his return (or anyone else's), but I'm really glad Blanka is back, I love him! And I'm curious to see his lines against Laura (and vice-versa), as fellow Brazilian fighters with electricity-based attacks and all.

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

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"Re(10):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season 3" , posted Thu 11 Jan 23:36post reply

Well, I didn't demand his return (or anyone else's), but I'm really glad Blanka is back, I love him! And I'm curious to see his lines against Laura (and vice-versa), as fellow Brazilian fighters with electricity-based attacks and all.

I'm curious to see how Blanka plays. SF5 has changed several long-standing characters quite a bit so I wouldn't be at all surprised to find out that Blanka is going to be a new beast-man.

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"Re(2):Re(10):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season 3" , posted Fri 12 Jan 02:52post reply

Well, I didn't demand his return (or anyone else's), but I'm really glad Blanka is back, I love him! And I'm curious to see his lines against Laura (and vice-versa), as fellow Brazilian fighters with electricity-based attacks and all.

I'm curious to see how Blanka plays. SF5 has changed several long-standing characters quite a bit so I wouldn't be at all surprised to find out that Blanka is going to be a new beast-man.

If other returns are an indication, he will no longer be a charge character and also have a command throw which does hardly any damage but is really annoying

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(3):Re(10):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season 3" , posted Tue 16 Jan 23:16post reply

Popularity results! Makoto, Q, Dudley and Poison for S4 LET'S GO!
Maki is probably the minor character that ranked higher than anyone expected. Interesting... and too bad Eagle and the other SF1 reps are cluttered at the bottom.

The results probably are half popularity, half "who do you want us to add in the current game". I think Nash and Urien were quite high in a poll they did during SF4, and now they dropped at the bottom, so I'd expect characters not in SF5 have inflated scores.
That doesn't explain Juri over Chun-li, though...

I really wonder what they'll do with the SFEX characters. If they see them as assets, could Capcom strike a deal with Arika down the line? They wouldn't be in the poll if there wasn't a chance, would they?

Worst take-away: Hakan 45th, below Honda. THIS SHALL NOT STAND. At least Sodom is one step above Honda.
Best take-away: Necalli is the worst ranking SF5 character, only one step above Rufus. GOOD.

5324th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(4):Re(10):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season 3" , posted Wed 17 Jan 01:59post reply

Looks like the update patch for Arcade Edition has gone live and people are reporting the download to be anywhere from 13-21 GB depending on region (why, I donut know)

I can only assume that tomorrow will be all about Sakura who iirc will be playable for everyone for a few days.

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season 3" , posted Wed 17 Jan 03:35post reply

Also, the promotion "buy season 3 now, get a bunch of costumes (but none from Chun-li's wardrobe)" is a startling example of "Omakuni": it's applied worldwide, including all of Asia EXCEPT JAPAN.
I don't know, maybe the game is so successful there they don't see the point of pushing the game? What a weird restriction.

And because it wouldn't be a Cacpcom release without a blunder: on PS4 in Europe, they mistakenly put the bundle of all 9 costumes for free to everyone for a few hours. Unfortunately, it's already over, but it's good to know some fundamentals can not be patched out.

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"Re(4):Re(10):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season 3" , posted Wed 17 Jan 04:34post reply

What a weird poll this was! I was especially weirded out to see Juri so high in the rankings-- although I imagine she must be popular to have returned in SFV when practically no other SFIV additions have... unless I'm forgetting someone.
and too bad Eagle and the other SF1 reps are cluttered at the bottom.

Alas, I think we missed our chance at any more SF1 inclusion back in the SF Zero era, but yes, it's definitely unfortunate!

Worst take-away: Hakan 45th, below Honda. THIS SHALL NOT STAND. At least Sodom is one step above Honda.

Ah, Hakan, finally a 'big guy' character who I actually enjoyed using!

Best take-away: Necalli is the worst ranking SF5 character, only one step above Rufus. GOOD.

There is justice in the world, of a sort. Fingers crossed that he won't return in SFVI, if we ever get to VI and don't just have incremental $30 updates every few years to SFV until 2040.

You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.

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"Re(5):Re(10):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season 3" , posted Wed 17 Jan 05:09post reply

Fighting game popularity polls are much like pretending to shake an imaginary stick at a dog and then watching it get excited for no good reason; it's mean and funny in a pointless sort of way. Still, they managed to get 150,000 dogs to vote so who can blame companies for occasionally pulling out the invisible stick?

All the female characters have a fan base so I'm not surprised that Makoto managed to ride Sakura's tomboy coattails. But where did Q come from? Did 3S players vote for him? That seems unlikely since 3S players only play 3S. Is he the new Skullomania?

Other waifu wars observations:

Captain Sawada received more votes than Laura. Either everyone voted ironically or do people not like playing against that Ms. Matsuda?

Why is Menat so low? Were people too busy drawing fan art and buying her costumes to vote?

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season 3" , posted Wed 17 Jan 08:09:post reply

Why is Menat so low? Were people too busy drawing fan art and buying her costumes to vote?

I think she was revealed after the poll was underway, so most people posted then and didn't go to change their vote.

For Laura, it's like this poll was more about the audience than about the series.
From it, we can learn that : tomboy>legs>boobs>ice queen.
You can even go with sub-categories: happy tomboy>angry tomboy, evil legs>generous legs>boring legs-and-ass, fake boobs>stupid boobs... I'm just unsure where Karin belongs.

AE observations!
Everything is more tacky than a hostess bar in Osaka. I like it.
The arcade mode is very cute! They use costumes and stages even if you don't have them (I forgot Chun-li had her Zero costume, because of course she has). They need to add more stages!
They used the sound effects of Zero 2 over 3! These people have good taste, and I want to play Zero 2 again now.
Shin Gôki is a giant ball of "Nope".
The Udon endings are... from Udon.
Gorbatchev has been replaced by a guy who's not Gorbatchev!
There's a bunch of artwork from all our favourite Capcom artists (as well as Shinkirou) to unlock. I'm quite happy by what I could get!
There's also some guest artists, including Hagiwara from Bastard!! fame. I really wonder who he drew...
Sakura is cute. Her voice is nice. I made my peace, she can stay.

The costumes for the S3 characters have been posted, and Blanka.... has been redeemed.
G=Q confirmed?

[this message was edited by Iggy on Wed 17 Jan 08:41]

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"Re(7):Re(10):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season 3" , posted Wed 17 Jan 13:00:post reply

From it, we can learn that : tomboy>legs>boobs>ice queen.
You can even go with sub-categories: happy tomboy>angry tomboy, evil legs>generous legs>boring legs-and-ass, fake boobs>stupid boobs... I'm just unsure where Karin belongs.
What about shoulders? Didn't your increasingly advanced theory cover shoulders? We may need a chart, and I am forgetting who is who now, though "generous"/"evil" legs is now my new favorite set of unexpected gam adjectives.

Meanwhile! I want to play, but I'm so busy! Why was I free for the period when ED (!?!!) was released? I'll content myself with the remarkable phenomenon that Sakura's theme (stage version) is truly outstanding, especially at the start and conclusion. I didn't know a good remix of classic SF themes was possible after most of IV and nearly all of V!

We should probably lagfest on Sunday morning EST/Sunday night JST/Sunday afternoon Europe.

Edit: While Bengus' nutty, rushed art is getting more hilarious by the second, Sakura's story itself is...kind of melancholy and interesting! Not where I'd expect it. After years of just slapping all the characters, living or dead, together into one game like SFIV, the passage of time is very present here. Are Sakura and Ryu going to have babies to fire Blanka from the game center?


[this message was edited by Maou on Wed 17 Jan 14:22]

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"Re(7):Re(10):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season 3" , posted Wed 17 Jan 17:18post reply

Beating Shin Gouki caused my PS4 to lock up. I guess the game still needed to prove that it was a new version of SFV.

I thought there was supposed to be at least some FM to be had, but I've completed tons of stuff and gotten basically no FM for it aside from Sakura's story mode. And I've heard that the FM gained from leveling up Sakura will be taken away when she's no longer free... I wonder how that's even going to work?

I agree with Maou's reaction to Sakura's story mode. Not only is it much less goofy than I would have expected from her (artwork aside), but it's probably also the most grounded and complete character story in the entire game.

The costumes for the S3 characters have been posted, and Blanka.... has been redeemed.

At first I was wondering where Blanka was, he was so well-hidden in that group shot of 5 characters and one stuffed animal.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(8):Re(10):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season 3" , posted Wed 17 Jan 21:13post reply

I concur with Sakura's story line, I didn't expect the writing to pick up and suddenly ground the character like that. Ryu's pokerface during the whole discussion is hilarious, too.
It's surprising how Sakura has evolved so much, personality-wise and design-wise, yet her gameplay is almost unchanged. Besides the anti-air hadouken from her Versus days, everything she does is recognizable as "that thing Sakura does when you press that button".

Also, after the cute but ridiculously over-animated Zeku and Menat, I really like Sakura's more nuanced animations. The way she straightens her stance after some moves tells her story, it really actualizes the fact she's still in training but is more in control than she used to be. I really like what they've done with her, and I hate the character usually!

It seems Shin Gouki has mastered all the winning fighting techniques known to man, including rage-quitting.

Just a Person
1953th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(9):Re(10):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season 3" , posted Wed 17 Jan 21:47post reply

I concur with Sakura's story line, I didn't expect the writing to pick up and suddenly ground the character like that. Ryu's pokerface during the whole discussion is hilarious, too.
It's surprising how Sakura has evolved so much, personality-wise and design-wise, yet her gameplay is almost unchanged. Besides the anti-air hadouken from her Versus days, everything she does is recognizable as "that thing Sakura does when you press that button".

Also, after the cute but ridiculously over-animated Zeku and Menat, I really like Sakura's more nuanced animations. The way she straightens her stance after some moves tells her story, it really actualizes the fact she's still in training but is more in control than she used to be. I really like what they've done with her, and I hate the character usually!

It seems Shin Gouki has mastered all the winning fighting techniques known to man, including rage-quitting.

So it seems AE did some right things (except for the Shin Gouki bug, of course). I wonder if this will be enough to increase SFV's numbers, though. I hope so; recently I got the chance to play it and despite its flaws, I really liked this game.

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
2008th Post

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"Re(8):Re(10):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season 3" , posted Thu 18 Jan 00:11post reply


Shin Gôki is a giant ball of "Nope".
The Udon endings are... from Udon.
Gorbatchev has been replaced by a guy who's not Gorbachev!

The costumes for the S3 characters have been posted, and Blanka.... has been redeemed.

-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --

Shin Gouki is a sucker punch. Walk up raging demon, punish a whiff jab with raging demon, cancel a blocked crouching light kick into raging demon. Designed to eat fight money. the reward of a title is laughable, but the XP bonus after than is almost worth it to level up my Zangief to 50 and get that 15th color.

I didn't realize that the Viewtiful Joe costume was going to be over different battles and tried it three or four more times just getting the XP bonus. I then read the description and realized there are going to be three different challenges needed to unlock him. I guess it is to be expected from Capcom for a "free" costume.

Gorbachev's replacement is like Lenin, but with only a mustache. It is a really weird change.

I wish that the arcade mode had a world map instead of the plain looking blue background with the Street Fighter logo. Where a plane would travel from country to country on the map as opposed to the two maps of the screen that the mode currently has. I hope all the season 3 characters are added to arcade mode rotation as they are released. It would be fun to fight the four lords of Shadaloo in the SF2 arcade path.

Alt costume Cody looks like he was plucked straight out of a David DeCoteau film. (don't look his filmography up at work/school).

Beating Shin Gouki caused my PS4 to lock up. I guess the game still needed to prove that it was a new version of SFV.

I thought there was supposed to be at least some FM to be had, but I've completed tons of stuff and gotten basically no FM for it aside from Sakura's story mode. And I've heard that the FM gained from leveling up Sakura will be taken away when she's no longer free... I wonder how that's even going to work?

I also had the Shin Gouki freeze happen to me too. It also happened to pro-SF player Infiltration on stream.

Do you remember where you read that the Fight Money gained from Sakura will be taken away? I was doing all her stuff to try and just get some FM. Did her trials and easy and normal survival. The FM you get now is just a pittance since it is JUST tied to leveling up.

Survival is still the same joke it was before. I would have thought they would have at least added the new characters/stages and actually randomized the order. It was nice to see the characters in arcade mode have their premium costumes, even if it was just a tease. And it was also nice to play on the new premium stage at the end of the Street Fighter 1 arcade path.

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"Re(9):Re(10):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season 3" , posted Thu 18 Jan 01:45post reply

Yay, after two years I can finally play Street Fighter!

Random thoughts:

The addition of extra stages and costumes in arcade mode is a nice touch. I finally got to experience Rashid's tilt-a-hurl stage so that was something. It does, however, make me wonder if I'm ever going to bother buying another stage again.

The airplane screen looks like a cheap placeholder. There's a big disco globe on the vs screen, why doesn't the plane fly around that?

Capcom needs to make a classic Ken costume. His Alpha outfit is putting in a lot of work in the various arcade branches.

Are Udon's artists getting worse?

Cody's alt. costume continues SF's parade of muscular, shirtless men. SNK Heroines thinks girls sell but Capcom knows the true money lies in equal opportunity pandering. Welcome to Sexy Fighter 5!

Sakura's story has always been a bit ephemeral and sad. Even when she debuted as a little ball of energy in SFA2 it was already known that by SF2 she would vanish. It's interesting to see that the fleeting nature of time is being hardwired into her story. I expect by SF6 her and Blanka will be sharing an apartment and trying to deal with Dan sleeping on the floor.

While it looks like Saturday would work better for me, I would certainly be up for a lagfest party. Let me know where and when.

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(9):Re(10):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season 3" , posted Thu 18 Jan 02:21post reply

Do you remember where you read that the Fight Money gained from Sakura will be taken away? I was doing all her stuff to try and just get some FM. Did her trials and easy and normal survival. The FM you get now is just a pittance since it is JUST tied to leveling up.

It was mentioned on the Capcom-Unity news post that announced the Sakura free trial. It may have been mentioned elsewhere as well.

If you do not own Sakura, then when the free trial ends, the Fight Money and XP that you earned with Sakura will be removed. It will be banked, rather than completely erased, though. If you buy Sakura in the future, the Fight Money and XP that you had already earned will be restored.

I halfway expect Capcom to mess that up in some fashion, such as removing it even from Season Pass owners, failing to properly handle users who end the trial with less FM than they'd earned, failing to properly restore both FM and XP when someone buys the character in the future... There are so many things Capcom can mess up, and it is hard to imagine that they won't get something wrong somewhere.

Micky Kusanagi
704th Post

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"Re(10):Re(10):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season 3" , posted Thu 18 Jan 06:09post reply

Okay, I have this huge shortcoming: I get utterly ashamed when i admit my abysmal lack of fighting game skills. That's why I disappeared for months (I had asked for lounge partners for certain weekly missions because they were getting too infuriating for my abysmal reflexes). Sorry for not contributing to the Cafe for such a long time.

Now, back to SFV, I'm really worried that its increasingly shitty FM earning regulations are getting little to no backlash. Is the majority of SFV players wealthy enough to buy all the additional characters in a heartbeat? Skilled enough to farm a shit-ton FM from ranked and casual matches? Sadistic enough to need us -those players who need the past FM earning model to unlock characters- to suffer? The third case is those dipshits justifying Capcom's scam through the "they need to make a profit" excuse by the way. Are you Capcom's fucking lawyers or what??

I was angry enough at how unfair Hard and Hell survival are, now I'm furious at how Capcom took the non-EXP related rewards away from the game (except the weekly tasks) and, not content with just that, designed Extra Battles to take FM away from us instead of giving it as promised. What a fucking shameful way to fulfill their "you will unlock all the characters by playing the game" promise.

I was really hoping for Capcom to patch the FM shit back at the last moment when I first booted AE, but after realizing things didn't go that way, all I did with the game was trying Ken's new V-Trigger -I admit seeing him shake his hands from the heat after landing had me in awe, wonderful detail-, completing the 10 crossups mission, reading the shameful conditions for the Extra Battles and listening to the gorgeous Kasugano Residence theme full blast in order to comfort myself a bit from the scorching disappointment. I was so hopeful that AE would keep me hooked for 3 hours straight last night -it went live at 9PM here in Italy-, but I ended up shutting it down after a couple minutes. Too bad, because I feel SFV improved a lot, but its business model is a deal breaker to me right now.

Is it even possible that nobody is actually starting a class action to force Capcom to add those FM rewards back to the game?

(now I'll probably disappear for another 6-7 months, but really I hope some kindhearted soul out there takes my huge rant to heart and seriously acts against Capcom...)

Ore no...kachi da!!

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season 3" , posted Thu 18 Jan 08:55post reply

Now, back to SFV, I'm really worried that its increasingly shitty FM earning regulations are getting little to no backlash. Is the majority of SFV players wealthy enough to buy all the additional characters in a heartbeat? Skilled enough to farm a shit-ton FM from ranked and casual matches? Sadistic enough to need us -those players who need the past FM earning model to unlock characters- to suffer? The third case is those dipshits justifying Capcom's scam through the "they need to make a profit" excuse by the way. Are you Capcom's fucking lawyers or what??

Going by the vocal responses, the answer is a combination of sadistic, a tangential connection to skilled, and a heaping dose of "It doesn't affect me".

The players that didn't walk away for months have already farmed the single-player XP that they could expect to farm. People were told about the changes well in advance, giving plenty of time for dedicated players to make a push to grab what they could before it went away. As such, there is the "It doesn't affect me" aspect to their attitudes.

For the "sadistic" part, that has long been around, people who vehemently object to latecomers or the less devoted getting the same thing, much less better. As such, you see people complaining that Arcade Edition owners get the Season 1 & 2 characters.

As for the tangential connection to "skilled," I see a couple of aspects.

First, people did figure out how to cheese the game in various ways, which were as much or more about persistence than skill. Some outright cheated. Some used the shady area of macros (both on PC and PS4). Others simply abused the heck out of online matchmaking potentially giving you infinite continues in survival round. You just need a bit of luck and potentially a lot of time, but even someone who never had a legitimate chance of beating the highest difficulties could eventually grind their way there as long as they could keep restarting any round that they were going to lose.

Second, there is the appearance of skill. Particularly among that vocal audience, the appearance of skill is very important. If you complain about Survival, then "obviously" you weren't "good" enough to beat a lousy AI. The same thing is happening with the Shin Akuma fight currently, where people who complain about how bad it is are met by others saying how easy it was to exploit some pattern, and how they've beat it over and over. I've a feeling that some who aren't up to the task have learned to simply stay silent.

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"Re(3): Sakura vs. Two P" , posted Thu 18 Jan 10:01:post reply

I concur with Sakura's story line, I didn't expect the writing to pick up and suddenly ground the character like that. Ryu's pokerface during the whole discussion is hilarious, too.
It's surprising how Sakura has evolved so much, personality-wise and design-wise, yet her gameplay is almost unchanged.
In a story mode full of hilarious nonsense like "Birdie is so hungry" and "Dude, where's my Abigail's car?", Sakura's is poignant, human, and relatable, especially to anyone who's grown up with these characters. I love it.

I also contend that Sakura's redesign is the greatest thing to happen to the Greater Street Fighter Aesthetic since Chun-li in Third Strike.

And while the question of the relative madness of liking SFIV's art over SFV's is the subject of intense, contemplative, and jungle-based debate at the Cafe, one thing I feel that Nobi's sound eye has always missed in SFV is how wonderfully everyone's character comes out in their animations.

I always used the (gross but evocative) example of Birdie before, but just watch how Sakura's Sakura Otoshi move (the one where she jumps then pounds people on the head 1-3 times) now starts with her making this utterly charming, gangly jump that gives a relatable vulnerability to her otherwise skilled Ryu-esque movement, just the way her shoe coming off in her win pose always did.

PS: I hope everyone noticed that Two-P featured in the screenshot introducing new modes upon update.


[this message was edited by Maou on Thu 18 Jan 10:13]

5331th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season 3" , posted Thu 18 Jan 11:46post reply

Okay, I have this huge shortcoming: I get utterly ashamed when i admit my abysmal lack of fighting game skills. That's why I disappeared for months (I had asked for lounge partners for certain weekly missions because they were getting too infuriating for my abysmal reflexes). Sorry for not contributing to the Cafe for such a long time.

Now, back to SFV, I'm really worried that its increasingly shitty FM earning regulations are getting little to no backlash. Is the majority of SFV players wealthy enough to buy all the additional characters in a heartbeat? Skilled enough to farm a shit-ton FM from ranked and casual matches? Sadistic enough to need us -those players who need the past FM earning model to unlock characters- to suffer? The third case is those dipshits justifying Capcom's scam through the "they need to make a profit" excuse by the way. Are you Capcom's fucking lawyers or what??

Don't worry-- most people here at the MMCafe are casual. Add in the fact that we're playing really cross-continent and it's a total lagfest, we don't play with reflexes either. Feel free to join in the lagfest!

As for Capcom's practices, they keep changing promises too often that their words really don't have meaning any more. Abolishing the Zeny and giving out utterly unwanted costumes in place was pretty much the last straw. My personal assumption for the new costume challenges is that they'll probably be included in the next disc release so I won't nessesarily be collecting all of them. IIRC it was 2500fm x 4 weeks = total 10000fm to get a costume, which is about a week's worth of earnable mission FM unless they decrease the weekly earnings, too.

Anyways guys, I'm up for Sunday-- count me in.

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"Re(10):Re(10):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season 3" , posted Thu 18 Jan 12:42post reply

It was mentioned on the Capcom-Unity news post that announced the Sakura free trial. It may have been mentioned elsewhere as well.

If you do not own Sakura, then when the free trial ends, the Fight Money and XP that you earned with Sakura will be removed. It will be banked, rather than completely erased, though. If you buy Sakura in the future, the Fight Money and XP that you had already earned will be restored.

I halfway expect Capcom to mess that up in some fashion, such as removing it even from Season Pass owners, failing to properly handle users who end the trial with less FM than they'd earned, failing to properly restore both FM and XP when someone buys the character in the future... There are so many things Capcom can mess up, and it is hard to imagine that they won't get something wrong somewhere.

So I take it only unspent FM will be affected? Because if spent FM were to be affected by this... ugh that'd be too complicated to even comprehend. I'm still looking for ways to earn enough FM to buy the 4-5 characters I don't already have, let alone 90% of the stages. If I ended up with some kind of purchase rollback because of this I'd be really frustrated. I'd also feel sorry for whoever had to program such a terrible thing.

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season 3" , posted Thu 18 Jan 13:02:post reply

As for Capcom's practices, they keep changing promises too often that their words really don't have meaning any more. Abolishing the Zeny and giving out utterly unwanted costumes in place was pretty much the last straw. My personal assumption for the new costume challenges is that they'll probably be included in the next disc release so I won't nessesarily be collecting all of them. IIRC it was 2500fm x 4 weeks = total 10000fm to get a costume, which is about a week's worth of earnable mission FM unless they decrease the weekly earnings, too.

To be fair, abolishing Zenny had a non-nefarious, albeit stupidly perfect summary of SFV's launch year, reason. For whatever reasons, they couldn't get the real money currency system working in releasable form, and eventually just gave up.

Unfortunately, Street Fighter V still feels like a bit of a misguided mess. I don't know if the people in charge just cannot settle on a roadmap and general plan, or if it is a conflict of desires between Capcom executives/management and Ono/devs. The game's various elements send so many mixed messages. There are obviously developers involved who are trying to make a good game, but everything tends to come up short in seemingly easily addressable ways.

When it comes to currencies, I think Capcom made a really big mistake when they decided to make DLC characters purchasable with fight money. Capcom did it for PR as well as esports reasons, but it has made a mess of both the monetary model from Capcom's side as well as the entirety of the Fight Money system from the player side. Now they have a system where what otherwise would have been cheap freebies are traded directly against items with real money values. With that decision, Capcom was immediately restricted on how free they could be with awarding Fight Money. And sadly, the whole "you can get every character without paying any additional money" decision was arguably pointless. The multitude of issues with the game's launch and early life pretty much killed any PR buff from people being able to earn characters through play, and it led to other PR issues. As for the esports thing, Capcom itself is the driving force of SFV's esport existence, and could have guarantee things like DLC characters remaining tournament legal and the like.

It is just that when I play something like the new arcade mode, I just cannot help but see missed opportunities. There are nice bits that showed someone cared, like using SFA thin Birdie for SF1. But then you see Sagat is missing, and you wonder why Sagat's development wasn't prioritized so that Capcom could at least get an incomplete AI-only version into arcade as a boss fight. Then you see Zeku and Abigail have been added to boost the roster, itself arguably only necessary because Sagat was missing. Okay, maybe Zeku was meant to be a stand-in for Retsu or Gen, but why Abigail? Is he supposed to be SF1 Birdie, even though arcade mode already contains SFV Birdie using his SFA Birdie outfit? That doesn't even touch on how Capcom could have gone the extra mile and made character cosplay outfits for its stand-ins, so that Zeku could actually look kind of like the character he is standing in for. Capcom's made a ton of costumes, and not all of them are premiums after all.

EDIT: It is also kind of sad when you see stuff like Sakura's character story. Not for the story itself, but because her story seems designed to include a Blanka fight in the middle. This kind of thing happens in multiple character stories, and it even happened in their big cinematic story. And you know that not only was the fight not present, Capcom never even bothers to add these matches in after the characters *do* get finished. (Not that there is any reason to replay these stories anyway, so most of the audience would never experience the matches even if they were added later.)

[this message was edited by Baines on Thu 18 Jan 13:18]

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season 3" , posted Thu 18 Jan 21:57post reply

Okay, maybe Zeku was meant to be a stand-in for Retsu or Gen, but why Abigail?
I have an answer for this one! Abi's ending basically says that he's here because Final Fight 1 was happening during SF1's events. So possibly Cody will be added there as well?

I think the FM situation is really annoying for completionist people. Like, I don't play Rashid, I don't particularly like Viewtiful Joe, and I think the cosplay looks terrible (unlike the gloriously ridiculous June cosplay of Chunli, or Captain Commando Nash). And YET I'm going to try the weekly battle in order to get the costume because IF I DON'T DO IT NOW I MAY NEVER GET IT (which is stupid and probably false, since I'm sure the costume will go on sale normally later. And maybe Karin's glorious Ingrid outfit will be available that way too later).
Same for the backgrounds: I'm in a sort of gonna catch'em all situation with those, which is fine because I've been collecting 6000K each week since the game's release so I could get them as they went, but a friend of mine just started with AE and is dumbfounded by how expensive it would be for him to catch up.

On the other hand, many people are content with the default backgrounds and not having all characters. Some have used the FM to only buy the characters they want to play (a colleague only bought Ibuki, Urien and Kolin, and may by G if he's reminiscent enough of Q). He has no intention of getting the others, so he's satisfied that he could get all that for free past the initial game he bought in 2016 (plus he's sitting on a mountain of FM so he's already geared up for all the potential SF3 characters in the future).

But yeah, "completing the game" sucks at the moment. And I also want more and more and more stages many many more Capcom PLS.

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(5):Re(10):Re(10):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season 3" , posted Thu 18 Jan 22:52post reply

I'm in a sort of gonna catch'em all situation with those, which is fine because I've been collecting 6000K each week since the game's release so I could get them as they went, but a friend of mine just started with AE and is dumbfounded by how expensive it would be for him to catch up.

I don't really like playing online, and didn't have the patience to grind the higher difficulties of that terribly designed survival mode. (So grinding online challenges is certainly also something I didn't have the patience for.) Even though I've owned the game since launch, I've never even amassed enough fight money to *buy* stuff like all the FM-available stages and costumes.

I can easily imagine that it is much worse coming in as a new player.

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"Re(6):Re(10):Re(10):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season 3" , posted Fri 19 Jan 01:50post reply

Okay, I have this huge shortcoming: I get utterly ashamed when i admit my abysmal lack of fighting game skills. That's why I disappeared for months (I had asked for lounge partners for certain weekly missions because they were getting too infuriating for my abysmal reflexes). Sorry for not contributing to the Cafe for such a long time.

I've been sucking at fighting games longer than some players have been alive. One would think I would get better through sheer repetition but instead I find new and innovative ways to be terrible. Thing is, I don't care. As long as I'm having fun while playing it doesn't matter how I stack up to the rest of the player base. Come on and join us the next time we play; I'll use Juri a lot so you're going to feel like you won Topanga League when you compare yourself to me.

SF5's goofball currency system:

As has been noted nothing worked in SF5's debut, including the currency system. I'm certain Capcom dreamed of creating the next Overwatch but the whole thing is still sort of a mess. At this point I look at SF5 as a game where I can buy normal DLC characters but I can also pick up a lot of free junk depending on whether or not I can be bothered collecting fight money. But while it's not perfect I also know we live in a world of Battlefront 2 loot boxes and Namco charging real money for Tekken Bowling so things could be worse. I also remind myself how much I would be spending if I was playing this game one credit at a time at the arcade. In the old days you could burn through all your money in one evening and not even get a Chun-Li costume for all your troubles!

Random things:

I'm surprised Menat was not added into SFA level and FANG was not used as a SF1 proxy. With Menat I guess there are already enough Alpha characters in the game -with more on the way- so they didn't need a Rose proxy. As for SF1 it's more of a quick, silly mode so they probably didn't feel the need to include any representation for the Chinese fighters. That, or they may have forgotten the poor, poisonous beanpole is even in SF5.

Speaking of forgotten characters, it does my heart good to see that Necali is seemingly not a boss character or anything remotely important to the SF5 arcade section.

You can throw Two P at the barrels in the bonus stage. This is not a winning strategy but it's something that should be done.

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(7):Re(10):Re(10):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season 3" , posted Fri 19 Jan 02:49post reply

I'm surprised Menat was not added into SFA level and FANG was not used as a SF1 proxy. With Menat I guess there are already enough Alpha characters in the game -with more on the way- so they didn't need a Rose proxy. As for SF1 it's more of a quick, silly mode so they probably didn't feel the need to include any representation for the Chinese fighters. That, or they may have forgotten the poor, poisonous beanpole is even in SF5.

Capcom acts like it has forgotten FANG exists, or that they at least wish he was gone... At the least, Capcom sometimes pretends that they might actually care about Juri, even if they are scared to give her anything useful. But FANG?

Thinking about it, Capcom really missed out on a joke here though... Since FANG proudly took Sagat's spot as one of the Four Kings, imagine if Capcom had played on that and made him the filler boss for SF1 Arcade. (Once Sagat is finished, they could have either removed FANG, or kept him as a special alternate boss, perhaps encountered if you continue too many times.)

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PSN: Gojira_X
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"Re(8):Re(10):Re(10):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season 3" , posted Fri 19 Jan 07:49post reply

I think Cody is destined to be added to the SF1 path sooner or later, either with the excuse that FF is SF '89 or that he's a proxy for Joe since he has Joe's what, two moves? Plus Joe was the original wall-punching poster boy of SF. Hell maybe the lore now is that Cody IS Joe and has been all along?

Necalli is so bad they didn't even try to give him an appropriate stage in the SFV path. He's just hanging out in the China stage for some reason. I guess he was on his way to devour-our a bowl of noodles.

BTW loving the music on the Zero path. So far my aural ranking of arcade routes is:
Yeah SF2 at the bottom. It's not that I dislike SF2's music but I'm not too into the overly grindy arrangements of the main themes. The character themes fared better.

2009th Post

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"Season 3 Fight Money Halved for Weekly Missio" , posted Fri 19 Jan 13:16post reply


It was mentioned on the Capcom-Unity news post that announced the Sakura free trial. It may have been mentioned elsewhere as well.

If you do not own Sakura, then when the free trial ends, the Fight Money and XP that you earned with Sakura will be removed. It will be banked, rather than completely erased, though. If you buy Sakura in the future, the Fight Money and XP that you had already earned will be restored.

I see. Thanks. If it will be banked I will just finish up what I was doing with Sakura anyways as I buy the season pass on sale with my main account and have a THIRD account I was using to build fight money to buy Season 3 characters as they come out.

If you haven't noticed, weekly fight money missions have had their rewards HALVED.
Those silly "do something specific on a stage" missions used to give 5000 FM, but now it is 2500. Just enough to cover the Rashid costume mission of the week. Other rewards like check CFN were 500 are now 250.

Some shit right there.

I have played through a couple more arcade paths and I kinda wish they just uploaded videos of the original arcade endings when they could. I imagine there may be some rights issues with voices in SFIV or which ending do you upload. Vanilla? AE? Both!? Then you have issues like characters who weren't in the actual arcade release like Kolin in SF3.

I wish they put just a bit more effort into the SFV arcade endings. Make them feel a bit more special as they are the "current" events of the story.

5332th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):Season 3 Fight Money Halved for Weekly " , posted Fri 19 Jan 18:42post reply

If you haven't noticed, weekly fight money missions have had their rewards HALVED.
Those silly "do something specific on a stage" missions used to give 5000 FM, but now it is 2500. Just enough to cover the Rashid costume mission of the week. Other rewards like check CFN were 500 are now 250.

Wow, that's a pretty cheap move for Capcom to make. So basically, challenging for the costumes will eat out those weeklies, or even more if you fail I suppose. Unless it's like Granblue Fantasy where you don't get your points taken away until you clear the challenge. I guess they really want people to play matches (and stick a middle finger to more casual fans that don't want to play online).

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Season 3 Fight Money Halved for Weekly" , posted Sat 20 Jan 07:49post reply

Wow, that's a pretty cheap move for Capcom to make. So basically, challenging for the costumes will eat out those weeklies, or even more if you fail I suppose. Unless it's like Granblue Fantasy where you don't get your points taken away until you clear the challenge. I guess they really want people to play matches (and stick a middle finger to more casual fans that don't want to play online).

I guess it is the trade-off for the Golden Shadoloo soldiers being added. Whether that is a bad trade is yet to be seen. The people that benefit the most from the change will be the higher skilled players, which are arguably the ones least in need of the boost. The people almost guaranteed to be hurt by the change are the most casual players, as they will be the most likely to fail the challenge attempts.

Where the middle ground falls depends on multiple factors. It depends on how difficult the soldiers are to beat and on how often "Wealthy" soldiers are scheduled. It also depends on whether "three attempts" means that you can get the Fight Money reward three times, or if you only get three attempts to win it once. If it is the latter, then this is flat out a loss for everyone, regardless of skill level.

Right now, over the next three weeks there are two "Wealthy" soldier events. One has you pay 500FM to win 2500FM (for a net gain of 2000FM, as long as you win), while the other has you pay 1000FM to win 5000FM (for a net gain of 4000FM). The latter is also apparently against a higher difficulty setting (as it is a Mid-Rank instead of Low-Rank soldier.) *If* you can indeed win the rewards three times per soldier, that is a max gain of 18,000FM over three weeks, or the potential average of 6,000FM per week. If Wealthy soldiers are only appearing every other week, then that weekly potential average is only 4,500FM.

Does anyone remember what the old weekly challenges offered? The easy stage or story specific one was 5000FM, while the utility function (use search, play training, etc) was 500(?). The online ones were a six-day one and three two-day ones, but I can't remember how much they offered in total. But I'd guess halving them all comes to around 4000FM? (2500+250+?+?+?+?)

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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"Re(3):Season 3 Fight Money Halved for Weekly" , posted Sat 20 Jan 08:37post reply


I guess it is the trade-off for the Golden Shadoloo soldiers being added. Whether that is a bad trade is yet to be seen. The people that benefit the most from the change will be the higher skilled players, which are arguably the ones least in need of the boost. The people almost guaranteed to be hurt by the change are the most casual players, as they will be the most likely to fail the challenge attempts.

Honestly, I’m looking forward to fighting the golden goons since a lot of methods to earn FM at the moment involve mindlessly flipping through sub menus. Let me fight for my Street Fighter money! Whether they will be worth the investment is, as you noted, unknown but if they fight like the peons in story mode they should be easy wins.

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):Season 3 Fight Money Halved for Weekly" , posted Sat 20 Jan 10:47:post reply

Honestly, I’m looking forward to fighting the golden goons since a lot of methods to earn FM at the moment involve mindlessly flipping through sub menus. Let me fight for my Street Fighter money! Whether they will be worth the investment is, as you noted, unknown but if they fight like the peons in story mode they should be easy wins.

I don't mind the fighting itself. I'm bothered that people have to pay Fight Money per attempt and that the total number of attempts is limited. For those reasons, I'm also worried about the potential difficulties, particularly when Capcom rolls out higher rank soldiers. The short windows of access may be an issue for some players as well, such as those that work particularly busy weekends.

And it is already off to a great start... Capcom has apparently pushed back the entire Golden Shadoloo schedule by a week. It was supposed to start today, but the mission never showed up in-game, and the dates on the chart posted to Capcom-Unity have been changed.

[this message was edited by Baines on Sat 20 Jan 10:50]

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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"come lag on Sunday" , posted Sat 20 Jan 11:09post reply

Lag Warriors: there is a good possibility that Prof and I will be online on Sunday, 10am or 11am EST/midnight or 1am JST for your lagging pleasure. Look for however's around first? Micky, don't worry about skill level, the official MMC fighting street contains many unique individuals dedicated to screwing up in different ways, whether it's Iggy's valiant attempts to use Kolin, my tragic losses to Rugal's dictator or Gojira's Laura, or the burning hot Zangief vs. Abigail action.

Dear patrons: starting this week, the official MMC convening spot is no longer the highly exclusive Kanzuki Beach (only swimsuits or Urien allowed) but instead Sakura's stage, at least for now. If this is not your favorite music outside of the New Zealand stage, you are wrong.

5335th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):come lag on Sunday" , posted Sat 20 Jan 22:22:post reply

Dear patrons: starting this week, the official MMC convening spot is no longer the highly exclusive Kanzuki Beach (only swimsuits or Urien allowed) but instead Sakura's stage, at least for now. If this is not your favorite music outside of the New Zealand stage, you are wrong.

I'll be around by 1AM Jst or possibly a tad earlier-- anyone that's interested, feel free to join!

Btw has the boy playing the videogame in Sakura's stage grown up since Zero2? IF he hasn't, it would mean that Sakura aged enough to start wanting to procreate but he's in Peterpan syndrome...

[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 21 Jan 00:15]

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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"Re(2):come lag on Sunday" , posted Sun 21 Jan 07:18:post reply

I don’t know if I will be able to make it or not but I will do my best to put in a token appearance so I can get pounded by overpowered Sakura combos.

EDIT: If things are kicking off at 11 a.m. EST I believe I can join in the festivities for about an hour. Someone send me a note when the room gets set up!

[this message was edited by Ishmael on Sun 21 Jan 10:29]

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PSN: Gojira_X
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):come lag on Sunday" , posted Sun 21 Jan 11:57:post reply

It's a bit tough but I will try to make it. I'm having anger issues after today's SF experience.

See, since I found that completing the trials gave me just enough EXP for 1000 FM each, I just had to go and complete all of them earlier. Some of them were annoying (Dhalsim has one that I literally don't know how I managed at all) but Menat's trials took the damn cake. Took me hours just to do the first two. You need a PhD in Buttons to figure out what the hell to do with the Wisdom of Thoth BS because the game doesn't tell you anything. Even watching the demonstration only barely helped and I ended up having to improvise my own solution, which was still hard to pull off.

[this message was edited by Gojira on Sun 21 Jan 11:58]

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):come lag on Sunday" , posted Sun 21 Jan 22:22:post reply

EDIT: If things are kicking off at 11 a.m. EST I believe I can join in the festivities for about an hour. Someone send me a note when the room gets set up!

I'll send off invites to whoever's logged in at that time.
Good games everyone! It was quite fun.

[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 22 Jan 04:43]

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"Re(4):come lag on Sunday" , posted Mon 22 Jan 06:18post reply

Sorry I had to duck out early but it was good fun and great to see everyone.

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"Re(5):come lag on Sunday" , posted Mon 22 Jan 07:50:post reply

Sorry I had to duck out early but it was good fun and great to see everyone.

Great fights, everyone! That was a solid four-country, three-continent brawl. Micky: See, the MMC isn't such a scary group to play with! However, I am buying you Italy a better internet connection for Christmas. Prof: thanks for hosting! Iggy: when is Kolin coming over after school to be Sakura's "private tutor" again and provide further discipline? Ish: I admire your continued consideration for Juri. Gojira: nice swimsuit, nicer wedding dress.

Meanwhile! Arcade Edition is delightful, but there are now too many competing modes and systems, and I need a simple explanation here because I am not reading another menu. Arcade Mode: can I get anything useful out of it in terms of Fight Money? How much Fight Money is gained through leveling up now? Do I get Fight Money through online ranked matches? Should I gamble on Extra Battles that award direct Fight Money or experience points? I'm not quite sure where Fight Money is supposed to come from now.


[this message was edited by Maou on Mon 22 Jan 07:53]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):come lag on Sunday" , posted Mon 22 Jan 09:11post reply

Sorry I had to duck out early but it was good fun and great to see everyone.
Great fights, everyone! That was a solid four-country, three-continent brawl. Micky: See, the MMC isn't such a scary group to play with! However, I am buying you Italy a better internet connection for Christmas. Prof: thanks for hosting! Iggy: when is Kolin coming over after school to be Sakura's "private tutor" again and provide further discipline? Ish: I admire your continued consideration for Juri. Gojira: nice swimsuit, nicer wedding dress.

Meanwhile! Arcade Edition is delightful, but there are now too many competing modes and systems, and I need a simple explanation here because I am not reading another menu. Arcade Mode: can I get anything useful out of it in terms of Fight Money? How much Fight Money is gained through leveling up now? Do I get Fight Money through online ranked matches? Should I gamble on Extra Battles that award direct Fight Money or experience points? I'm not quite sure where Fight Money is supposed to come from now.

I think the KOF style match should be fun, because one of the silly things you can do with it is pick multiple of the same character.

Because sometimes, having 3 different colored Abigails is just what you need.

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(6):come lag on Sunday" , posted Mon 22 Jan 11:51post reply

Meanwhile! Arcade Edition is delightful, but there are now too many competing modes and systems, and I need a simple explanation here because I am not reading another menu. Arcade Mode: can I get anything useful out of it in terms of Fight Money? How much Fight Money is gained through leveling up now? Do I get Fight Money through online ranked matches? Should I gamble on Extra Battles that award direct Fight Money or experience points? I'm not quite sure where Fight Money is supposed to come from now.

Arcade Mode not only offers no Fight Money, it doesn't even offer XP. The only reason to play Arcade mode, other than just for fun, is to unlock one-page "endings" and other artwork.

The "endings" honestly aren't anything special. They fail at being nice art, due to being a jumble of panels attempting to jam a summary of an actual ending into a single "page". They fail at story telling in part due to again being a jumble of panels, and some also fail at story telling due to the lack of surrounding context that might have been present in the original game.

The endings are I think all obtained just by beating a mode with a character? The other artwork have various conditions, which can be viewed in the new Gallery mode. Conditions are stuff like "Beat the mode with Birdie on Hard" or "Beat the mode with Ryu without continuing".

As for leveling, I think it is still 1000FM per level?

For Extra Battles, it remains to be seen, as Capcom pushed back the Golden Soldier schedule by a week. I did kind of a break-down post yesterday about how it looks the values will work out, but we won't know for sure how everything will actually be until the coming weekend when the first soldier mission appears.

For the current Shin Akuma battle, that awards XP, not Fight Money. Though the XP can be enough to level a character a few times, and thus will speed up getting that level up reward Fight Money. However, the battle is rigged in favor of the CPU, so you might want to look it up online before attempting it. It *can* be cheesed with particular tactics, and particularly with certain characters, but it is easy to burn more FM than you'll gain if you aren't careful.

As for where Fight Money is supposed to come from now, my speculation is that Capcom wants to drive as many people as possible to playing online as much as possible. That is my real guess as for why they removed FM rewards from the single-player Survival Mode and offer neither FM nor XP for the new Arcade Mode. From Capcom's point of view, it is in there best interests to push as many people as possible into playing online, as that makes the game look healthy, and encourages people to keep playing online (as well as to buy into the game in the future.)

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New Red Carpet Member

"SF5 Arcade Mode" , posted Mon 22 Jan 14:37post reply

Some random thoughts on Arcade Mode:

It is nice when CPU opponents have costumes and/or palettes that match their actual appearance from the game. SF1 Ryu has red hair, SFA Chun-Li has her SFA outfit, etc.

The barrel breaking minigame really should have been offered as its own option, available outside of playing SF2 Mode.

Personally, I don't find the barrel minigame to be fun anyway. It feels like the barrels are harder to break than their actual SF2 incarnations. The barrels quickly overwhelm you, and there are too many exploding barrels as well.

There was no effort put into balancing either scores or difficulty between the different games. SF1 is probably the easiest, simply because it consists of four matches. Further, I don't think the opponents' AI is scaled based on the total number of matches you have to fight, but is instead just based on which number that particular opponent is. So your final fight in SF1 Mode is the same difficulty as your 4th or 5th fight in SFA Mode, but SFA Mode still has five more matches after that point.

I kind of wish I were allowed to take non-canon characters into the various arcade modes, beyond the "retconned" appearances of Geku and Abigail to SF1.

Arcade mode is ultimately pointless, since it doesn't offer either XP or Fight Money. It arguably manages to serve even less of a point than Survival, which at least still gives XP on first completion and unlocks colors.

I've already said my theory that Capcom wants to push everyone to playing online. While playing Arcade Mode, I thought about how you'd play solo in arcades waiting for someone to come along and challenge you. At that point, I came to the conclusion/realization that Capcom is treating single player in SF5 with that exact mindset. I think Capcom, or at least the SF5 devs, see single player not as an end in and of itself, but rather as just a way to kill time while waiting for the matchmaking to find your next online opponent.

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(1):SF5 Arcade Mode" , posted Tue 23 Jan 00:18post reply

While the Udon artwork you unlock in arcade is terrible (or at least I haven't unlocked a single one that didn't make me throw up in my mouth), some of the artwork by actual illustrators (mostly Capcom people, but also some interesting guests such as Hagiwara) is good. It's also a reminder that while Bengus' work in Story Mode is laughable, he's a talented illustrator when given appropriate time.

As for Extra Battle, Shin Gouki is just a waste of FM. The risk of losing several thousands FM just to get them back through leveling up is pure, unadulterated gamble.
If you want Rashid's cosplay, you need to play his extra battle now, and then once every week for the next three weeks to get all pieces of his costume. He gives some XP, which, if your character isn't too highly leveled (or is Sakura), should give you some FM back.
The first battle is very easy, hopefully they won't be complete dicks with 3 easy fights and a 4th nightmarish one.
Presumably, Chunli's June cosplay and Nash's Captain Commando cosplay will be acquired the same way.

Watch demonstrations, as those still award some pocket change. Do Sakura's story mode and Survival easy. If you can finish some of the combo challenges, those give FM as well. And... that's about it?

The golden Shadoloo soldier better be filthy rich. I want many more backgrounds added to the game so Arcade Mode gets even better, but as long as I can still get them without FM.

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"Re(2):SF5 Arcade Mode" , posted Tue 23 Jan 04:58post reply

It's a bit mystifying that arcade mode doesn't give out even a pittance of fight money since it's a mode that can easily take quite a bit of time to complete. The absence is doubly frustrating since this is the part of SF5 I like; even now I've probably already played arcade mode more than I have any other aspect of SF5. (I was home with the flu for several days and didn't have the physical or mental strength to do much of anything else besides kick the CPU in the head which inflated my stats but I don't think that caveat detracts from my enjoyment of arcade mode.)

The golden Shadoloo soldier better be filthy rich. I want many more backgrounds added to the game so Arcade Mode gets even better, but as long as I can still get them without FM.

Has it been stated that you need to buy the future backgrounds in order for them to be added to arcade mode? Currently arcade mode is using several backgrounds -including the Kasugano residence- that I have yet to buy. Do you only need to buy the backgrounds if you want to use them in training and online?

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(3):SF5 Arcade Mode" , posted Tue 23 Jan 07:01post reply

Has it been stated that you need to buy the future backgrounds in order for them to be added to arcade mode? Currently arcade mode is using several backgrounds -including the Kasugano residence- that I have yet to buy. Do you only need to buy the backgrounds if you want to use them in training and online?

You're right, I was too tired to form proper sentences.

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):SF5 Arcade Mode" , posted Tue 23 Jan 07:07post reply

Has it been stated that you need to buy the future backgrounds in order for them to be added to arcade mode? Currently arcade mode is using several backgrounds -including the Kasugano residence- that I have yet to buy. Do you only need to buy the backgrounds if you want to use them in training and online?

Capcom at least seems to have realized that they can use Arcade mode to promote the various stages, as well as nostalgia outfits.

As to the case of future backgrounds, I'd guess that depends on how well Capcom bothered to code the mode or whether they remember it even exists in a month's time. It wouldn't have been hard to "future proof" random stage selection. But if Capcom has to manually activate new stages (and characters), then the odds of Arcade mode staying up to date are lower. (I honestly wouldn't be surprised if by the time Sagat gets released, Capcom doesn't even bother to make him the boss of SF1 mode, assuming that they haven't already laid the code work for it. No, I don't have much faith in Capcom.)

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(4):SF5 Arcade Mode" , posted Fri 26 Jan 14:31post reply

Quick note about golden soldier missions-- the reward FM can be acquired multiple times that you've succeeded (ie: if you win for all 3 tries on this week's low-rank soldier you'll get [(2500 - 500) x 3 = 6000 FM).

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"Re(5):SF5 Arcade Mode" , posted Fri 26 Jan 14:37post reply

Quick note about golden soldier missions-- the reward FM can be acquired multiple times that you've succeeded (ie: if you win for all 3 tries on this week's low-rank soldier you'll get [(2500 - 500) x 3 = 6000 FM).

On that note: it seems like he gets harder each time! I breezed through the first time, then lost the next two tries, wondering what the "mystery prize" after the first one would be.

One of the most important updates is that Birdie's V-Trigger 2 is called "Birdie Time." It is always Birdie Time.


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"Re(6):SF5 Arcade Mode" , posted Fri 26 Jan 21:11post reply

So Capcom has announced the Monhan outfits that are coming up in extra battle.

Pay special attention to the dates. With this Capcom is now clearly declaring to casual players that they want you saving your FM for these extra challenges and paying real money for the other stuff. Otherwise you're not even going to have enough FM to do these and you'll miss out forever.

I wonder if it will work, though.

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(7):SF5 Arcade Mode" , posted Fri 26 Jan 23:37post reply

So Capcom has announced the Monhan outfits that are coming up in extra battle.

Pay special attention to the dates. With this Capcom is now clearly declaring to casual players that they want you saving your FM for these extra challenges and paying real money for the other stuff. Otherwise you're not even going to have enough FM to do these and you'll miss out forever.

I wonder if it will work, though.

Well, you only HAVE to do it if you play Ken, Ibuki and Mika.
If not, you just need to do the one of the character you actually play.
... Or you have a compulsive attitude towards games and you're screwed.
.... back to getting the ugly cosplay of a character I don't like for a character I don't play! 2 out of 4!

5342th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(8):SF5 Arcade Mode" , posted Sat 27 Jan 01:27:post reply

Here's a sincere question.

If you're starting off on Street Fighter V, where can you find all the strategy details up to date?

It used to be that Wikis had info such as what moves are invincible, what moves are good for certain purposes, the strength and weaknesses of the character, matchup tactics, etc. But all of that info nowadays is completely outdated. For instance the Japanese wiki hasn't had an update in about an year, and the English wiki (Shoryuken.com) seems to have stopped updates since.. well, season 1. They're practically useless, especially given that what might've been previously a good tactic could be very much be a suicide in the latest version.

And this, we're talking about the most played fighter in the world right now. With other smaller games their Wiki can be even worse.

In this day in age where everything is supposed to be available on the Internet, it almost seems like for fighting games, things are going the opposite direction since everyone just posts short bits on social media and they quickly scroll away into the mass flood of yesterdata. Ergo they end up being useful for only a handful of people reading in real-time. Some people may point out that gamers use Discord instead of Twitter and forums nowadays, but they function pretty much the same, or actually worse imo.

In some cases, people may try and help out, but it ends up being just a slobber of compiled frame data and videos since they don't really know the characters and can't really provide any strategic details.

Any thoughts?

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 27 Jan 01:43]

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(9):SF5 Arcade Mode" , posted Sat 27 Jan 01:38post reply

I had a similar question recently, and the answer sucks.

Everything moved to Twitter and Discord.
I tried both, but Twitter makes looking for specific information almost impossible, and Discord is unfathomable for my old brain cells.

On the bright side, even Reddit seems obsolete, so at least we don't have to deal with that.

If not.... replays of top players, either through the game (one of the only good things about the online infrastructure of the game) or youtube (but then it's mixed with all the obsolete matches).

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"Re(10):SF5 Arcade Mode" , posted Sat 27 Jan 02:00post reply

It's frustrating, there is more information about how to play fighting games than ever before but its up to the individual to hunt it down and sort it out. The genre as a whole needs an archival system.

Pay special attention to the dates. With this Capcom is now clearly declaring to casual players that they want you saving your FM for these extra challenges and paying real money for the other stuff. Otherwise you're not even going to have enough FM to do these and you'll miss out forever.

Now Capcom is getting grief for clearly communicating the process of obtaining an optional novelty costume? You might want to save those VATS points for the end of Evo since there's a 50/50 chance Blanka will show up.

Btw has the boy playing the videogame in Sakura's stage grown up since Zero2? IF he hasn't, it would mean that Sakura aged enough to start wanting to procreate but he's in Peterpan syndrome...

I'm not certain but it looks like the calendar on the wall of the Kasugano residence says 1996? If so, the kid's stuck in a time warp.

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(10):SF5 Arcade Mode" , posted Sat 27 Jan 02:10:post reply

Iggy-- My impression of Discord is that it feels like an online tech support where you're not really sure if the person on the other side is qualified to actually answer your questions. It might be a good tool for posting up latest info or sharing random stuff, but certainly not as a strategy guide substitute. Wikis used to be good in that sense because they get polished in due time from multiple edits.

I can of course understand why things end up this way; once you understand a certain character and you play the game regularly, you're going to be following info on them and you can keep up. There's no need for a wiki, nor any reason to take time and update them which usually isn't convenient on smart mobile devices. Even if you end up behind for a while, you still have the fundamentals and by watching the latest videos, you can easily break things down and extract the info from there, then go into the lab and make sure you've got them hammered down correctly.

However that's if you've already have that foundation built up. In fact it's hard otherwise even for pro-gamers, which is one of the reasons why they usually stick to whatever game they're comfortable with, and only start on another title if it's a completely new (non-sequel) release. Yet, very few seem to want to admit that, or to address it as an issue to why people avoid fighters, making it seem like it's a 'noob thing'.

And as a side note, pro-gamers are quite fortunate since they usually have connections to get players of their strength in another fighter title teach them how to play. Yet it's more often that if they try, they'll drop the game after a few months when realizing they can't match up to more experienced players that often times aren't even sponsored. They more or less experience the same wall as beginners, just at a higher level.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 27 Jan 03:35]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):SF5 Arcade Mode" , posted Sat 27 Jan 04:32post reply

where is all the info consolidated these days

The irony about wikis is that the wikis for LESS popular and smaller-scene games are kept better up to date because of the hardcore dedicated crowd. The mizuumi wikis for airdashers and dustloop remain one of the best English language resources about their games, even though there are still gaps in their info.

Tekken for instance became totally fragmented. There's like one frame data site, it may or may not be up to date. OTOH, the video resources for Tekken on youtube are outstanding. People are eager to post up their findings/tactics/strategies and have these attributed to themselves so that they can receive recognition and have their voice heard, so there's no single aggregation of all this knowledge and info.

I agree that the lack of a comprehensive set of frame data for characters for SFV that is up to date feels weird, in spite of TOOLASSISTED's work in making this immediately available for anybody who wants to dig in at any patch version.

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Re(10):SF5 Arcade Mode" , posted Sat 27 Jan 04:59post reply

The irony about wikis is that the wikis for LESS popular and smaller-scene games are kept better up to date because of the hardcore dedicated crowd.

Yes, that's pretty true depending on the title. I recall how incredibly detailed the Undernight In-Birth Exe:Late wiki was when I was trying to get into Hilda-- it probably still remains to be the most detailed wiki I've read to date. Dustloop also helped a lot when trying to learn of BB's fundamental game system which is quite different from even Xrd. Wish the same could've been said about the JP counterpart ....And Then, there's for example the KOF XIII or XIV wikis, which does a really hard job at explaining the core mechanics but falls apart after that.

The thing though, SFV being a major title shouldn't be any sort of excuse of having lesser updates than minor titles with dedicated fans. Good comparisons are the Granblue Fantasy and Kancolle wikis. They're not fighters of course but they're top titles in their genres, and they get updated immediately in almost real-time when there's something new. That makes getting into those games a lot friendlier in terms of having the needed details to start off. I certainly do wonder what's making the update difference.

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(8):SF5 Arcade Mode" , posted Sat 27 Jan 08:18post reply

Well, you only HAVE to do it if you play Ken, Ibuki and Mika.
If not, you just need to do the one of the character you actually play.

That's part of why I say that Capcom really misread its various audiences with Street Fighter 5.

Their hardcore fans, the ones that arguably would be most willing to pump money into the game, effectively can get everything they actually want (except premium costumes) for free.

This isn't just the ease they have in acquiring Fight Money relative to casual players, this is also a matter of what items they actually want to own. While this is purely personal opinion, I feel that the casual audience has a higher perecentage of "completionists" who want to own everything, while the hardcore fans have a higher percentage of people who don't see any point in owning potentially large chunks of the game. You particularly see this difference with SF5's model, where many people defend the FM system because it allows them to get for free one or two DLC characters that they actually want.

When you believe only three characters need to exist, you will have plenty of FM to buy everything you want. On the other hand, if you actually want everything, you are pretty much out of luck. I'm not sure you can afford to unlock everything else with Fight Money even if you buy the Season Passes.

The divide between the two groups is just too great, because Capcom's pricing models do not scale particularly well between the two groups. Worse, it feels like Capcom has been tweaking its model towards the practical hardcore buyer, continually making matters even worse for the casual completionist.

I'd also argue Capcom's approach is short-sighted, that they might be better off offering big discounts for buying a lot of stuff. Give season pass owners a million FM, particularly full price Pass buyers, because you already got their money. If you want to guarantee people won't just spend that Fight Money on the next season of characters, then instead give them substantial discounts on non-character items, to urge them to spend their existing FM elsewhere. Give an increasing discount on stage and costume purchases based on how many stages or costumes you already own. I don't think Capcom would be losing money if they went this way.

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(6):SF5 Arcade Mode" , posted Sat 27 Jan 10:07:post reply

On that note: it seems like he gets harder each time! I breezed through the first time, then lost the next two tries, wondering what the "mystery prize" after the first one would be.

I just noticed the current Extra Mission calls the golden soldier "Middle Rank".

From the schedule, the 500-to-win-2500 FM soldier (as well as the first XP soldier) was supposed to be "Low Rank". The "Mid Rank" soldier was supposed to be the 1000-to-win-5000 FM soldier that would come two weeks later. I wonder if Capcom decided to rebalance (cut in half) the FM rewards...

And while I could be wrong, it felt like the AI level in the Viewtiful Joe costume mission was a notch higher, albeit moving from something like difficulty 1 to difficulty 2. The single round fight goes so quickly that it is hard to tell, and certainly doesn't provide enough data to judge a potentially slight change, but it did feel like the AI responded slightly differently than it did last week. It does make me again wonder if Capcom will be gradually ramping up the difficulty of these costume challenges, so that the final week (once you are already invested in getting the costume) will be the most difficult. But that could all just be me misinterpreting a not very good AI system in a very short round.

EDIT: I tried the golden Shadoloo soldier three times. I won twice and lost the third time. I don't think he gets more difficult across the three attempts. My second attempt was actually much easier than my first attempt, mostly because I knew not to blindly spam fireballs after that first play.

My loss in the third round wasn't due to him getting harder. It was due to me making more mistakes. The soldier can actually do a fair amount of damage if he hits you, and he can hit you if you do something stupid.

If I had to pick a "difficulty" level for him, I'd guess that he is around Level 5, though the argument could be made that he is Level 4. There is a bit of give due to his limited move set. He doesn't do the typical longer combos of the Level 5 AI, but he might not *have* those combos. He feels more effective than the Level 4 AI, but that could be because he has a moveset that whether intentionally or not is effective at countering some of the basic tactics that still work on most Level 4 characters.

He certainly isn't a "low" level difficulty, though. He is too aggressive for that, and too capable of (even if only blindly) hitting a player for decent damage if the player is careless.

He also has an advantage in that players are effectively going into the fight blind. I'm sure better players find him a pure cakewalk, but I got hit rather a bit just trying to feel out his moves.

[this message was edited by Baines on Sat 27 Jan 11:02]

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"Re(9):SF5 Baines Mode" , posted Sun 28 Jan 04:03post reply

In between them both being members of the broken avatar club and their astute analysis on Capcom's unwise choices regarding the management of SFV/Fight Money, I am increasingly wondering if Baines and Loona aren't the same person! Great thoughts on the mismatch between who has Fight Money and who will actually use it and keep playing. I cannot see how the risks of Extra Battle and the plummeting value of the (admitedly recycled) weekly 5000 Fight Money targets won't end up leaving casual players with no Fight Money at all.

As to the question of online strategy sources, it's always nice to have my position that the modern internet really sucks confirmed by actual data and practice---it wasn't just my imagination, Shoryuken really is worse now, the communities really are fragmented now, and the lack of a go-to stop for good training information really is the case now. Oh well. I still really like AE.


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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(10):SF5 Baines Mode" , posted Sun 28 Jan 06:04post reply

In between them both being members of the broken avatar club

My avatar isn't broken, I just never set one. I thought about it once or twice, but decided I liked the "No Avatar" avatar.

As for resources, lately I've been relying on YouTube, which is honestly less than ideal.

Way back in the day, it was Usenet and the occasional fan sites. Then it was GameFAQs. (Wow, it is kind of amazing to think about how GameFAQs went from being one of the major sources for video game information to being largely forgotten.) Then the dedicated sites started going into decline. Now in the last several years, we've had the rise of corporate overlords that see community forums and even the ability to comment on articles as a negative, so forums (and comments in general) are getting marginalized.

I wasn't ever a big fan of IRC, which was a bit too ephemeral for me. Now everyone seems to want to move their communication to the ephemeral Discord.

PC games have Steam forums, but community guides tend to fall out of date when games see updates.

Theoretically, the trials and demonstrations and the like inside Street Fighter 5 were meant to help educate players, but Capcom didn't bother to keep them up-to-date with gameplay changes. Now you get disclaimers saying that anything preceding the Season 3 additions may be out of date, and odds are even some of the new Season 3 stuff added this year will be out of date by year's end.

Which kind of leaves YouTube... Which isn't a great source for discussion, but at least you can watch someone talk about something. Even if it is sometimes really inefficient. And when the videos are actually accurate to the current state of the game.

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"Re(2):Re(10):SF5 Professor Mod(e)" , posted Mon 29 Jan 08:29post reply

Does all of this mean that MMC is destined to become the next centralized source of fighting game analysis?! I think so. Hey Prof, weren't you thinking about creating a fighting game guide here sometime recently? Time for the return of "Howlin' Mad" Moriarty to the world of FAQs.

This also seems as good a place as any to note that while the continuing superiority of the PC version is clear due to the ability mods to correct tragic mistakes like Sakura's leggings, I am deeply disappointed that AbiGAIIIIIL only has one known mod at this time.


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"Re(3):Re(10):SF5 Professor Mod(e)" , posted Mon 29 Jan 09:19post reply

Juri won Evo. I was right all along.

5347th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Re(10):SF5 Professor Mod(e)" , posted Mon 29 Jan 10:21:post reply

Does all of this mean that MMC is destined to become the next centralized source of fighting game analysis?! I think so. Hey Prof, weren't you thinking about creating a fighting game guide here sometime recently?

I certainly plan to do so either this year or the next. However it'll only cover up to fundamentals of 2D gaming and probably not game-specific stuff. For example SFV, KOF and DBZF are all apples and oranges, but if you know the fundamentals of 2D fighting gaming, adapting should come relatively smooth.

It's not a solution to the lack of game-specific details though, which is the thing needed to go beyond beginner level (into the 2000LP and beyond).

[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 29 Jan 10:43]

2009th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):SF5 Professor Mod(e)" , posted Mon 29 Jan 11:16post reply

The thing though, SFV being a major title shouldn't be any sort of excuse of having lesser updates than minor titles with dedicated fans. Good comparisons are the Granblue Fantasy and Kancolle wikis. They're not fighters of course but they're top titles in their genres, and they get updated immediately in almost real-time when there's something new. That makes getting into those games a lot friendlier in terms of having the needed details to start off. I certainly do wonder what's making the update difference.

Well, those games are free, and have a much lower barrier of entry since they don't rely on any complex command, and they are (please correct me if I am wrong) dedicated about PVE rather than PVP, which is another friendlier environment for new players. So it would make sense that their Wiki has a much bigger pool of writers and readers, especially when you consider that wikis need to be managed by users who have a lot of free time and nothing better to do; these usually are low income users, mainly students, so a ¥30,000 console exclusive ¥5,000 game, from a genre of which they have never known the golden age, is probably not gonna find so many caretakers compared to a popular smartphone RPG.

From my perspective, Capcom's mistake is rather that they should be nurturing those wikis themselves, "artificially" if you will. There are several companies now offering such services in Japan. Hell, considering who's behind the two games you took as examples (Kadokawa and CyGames), I would not be surprised if they had the smarts and the funds to finance some of those well-maintained wikis in the first place.

However, for more traditional game companies like Capcom, there is probably still a Guidebook economy mentality that must lead some higher-ups to believe this kind of effort would endanger their publishing partnerships, even though contents patches, GaaS strategies and smartphones are making printed guidebooks irrelevant.

The constant updating is also an aspect which has made keeping fighting game wikis alive much tougher vs the potential user-base (and writer-base) for such sites, and why comparisons with games (and FG communities) of the previous decades is not so fair. FG wikis used to be about keeping up with the extending and evolving knowledge of a game set in stone. And that already proved quite a lot of effort to maintain! Now that any patch can reset the value of information collected (in a much more drastic way than, say, a game like Dark Souls will change with a new patch), I can see why it's hard to get motivated in maintaining the site up to date.

Même Narumi est épatée !
5349th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):SF5 Professor Mod(e)" , posted Mon 29 Jan 13:02:post reply

Well, those games are free, and have a much lower barrier of entry since they don't rely on any complex command, and they are (please correct me if I am wrong) dedicated about PVE rather than PVP, which is another friendlier environment for new players. So it would make sense that their Wiki has a much bigger pool of writers and readers, especially when you consider that wikis need to be managed by users who have a lot of free time and nothing better to do; these usually are low income users, mainly students, so a ¥30,000 console exclusive ¥5,000 game, from a genre of which they have never known the golden age, is probably not gonna find so many caretakers compared to a popular smartphone RPG.

That's true! Like you said, the games being free and having a younger audience range are probably what sets them up from fighting games. IMO they're actually as hard as fighting games; their level of entry is easy, but that's the same as saying it's easy to play fighting games offline. However because they're a lot more accessible as F2P and platform-wise, the overall pool of hardcore players are probably larger. I tend to forget this because the price of just doing two gachas is about one console game. Thanks.

[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 29 Jan 13:22]

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):SF5 Professor Mod(e)" , posted Mon 29 Jan 21:58post reply

From my perspective, Capcom's mistake is rather that they should be nurturing those wikis themselves, "artificially" if you will. There are several companies now offering such services in Japan. Hell, considering who's behind the two games you took as examples (Kadokawa and CyGames), I would not be surprised if they had the smarts and the funds to finance some of those well-maintained wikis in the first place.

I heard that one of FF on mobile (Record Keeper?) has a huge wiki available that is actually official. Like, written by SQEX, and with an official link within the app itself.

As you said, PVE, even complex ones updated weekly, have an easier time to get wiki'd than PVP, but Capcom should be doing much more work than they do. The CFN website is a tiny step in the right direction and the new option in the game to show plus or minus moves is great, but there's no excuse to not have at least a hitbox/hurtbox viewer right within the game.
A lot of the finer effects of some V-Trigger are also poorly explained even within the demonstration dedicated to them, and that's not even going into the global fuckery that MvCI is.

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"Re(10):SF5 Baines Mode" , posted Tue 30 Jan 01:07post reply

In between them both being members of the broken avatar club and their astute analysis on Capcom's unwise choices regarding the management of SFV/Fight Money, I am increasingly wondering if Baines and Loona aren't the same person!

Nah, I haven't even gotten round to buying SFV yet - heck, I'm yet to find the curiosity and willpower to go check its story mode on Youtube. The motivation and appeal just isn't quite there yet. Maybe if they get round to adding Makoto based on those recent poll results, although Mika+Nadeshiko look fun (on the other hand, I'm not really a grappler guy).
Capcom just seems to take SF's default position as The fighting game for granted, and I don't feel like helping that mindset with my money - I'm curious to see if DBZ's sales and online popularity will help light a fire under their seats that'll lead things in a more interesting direction though.

As for the guide/Discord/wiki, I figure part of the problem is the competitive nature of the game - if you find/confirm some information, two ways to benefit from it are to keep it to yourself and use it to help win tournament matches, and associated it to your Twitter account or Youtube channel to help cultivate a following - and after some relatively famous people managed to get jobs at Capcom doing that sort of thing, the motivation to be another near-anonymous contributor to a wiki dropped quite a bit.

Of course, and then there are extremes like EVE Online where knowledge asymmetry, misdirection, deception and outright betrayal are useful tools (why teach someone else to make money effectively when you can pretend to do that and scam them?) and pretty much encouraged by the devs (EVE drama and large-scale battles and betrayals make for cheap and effective ads), who do host a wiki, but more often than not player factions host their own resource hubs where they keep just enough information to keep grunt-level players just effective enough to be useful to those leading groups...

In PvE and team-based games like MOBAs it's less of an issue - the more other players succeed, the greater the odd that someone else can progress enough to make interesting new discoveries in the game, or that you'll be randomly assigned a teammate who knows what he's doing, bumping up your chances for a win.
I'm pretty curious to see if this is the direction the new Dissidia converges towards now that's going world-wide, as a team game where even people who're not playing that competitively might want characters from their favorite FF(s) to do well, be it in major competitions, or at least in not acquiring a reputation for being low tier.


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"Re(7):Re(10):SF5 Professor Mod(e)" , posted Tue 30 Jan 09:17post reply

As you said, PVE, even complex ones updated weekly, have an easier time to get wiki'd than PVP, but Capcom should be doing much more work than they do. The CFN website is a tiny step in the right direction and the new option in the game to show plus or minus moves is great, but there's no excuse to not have at least a hitbox/hurtbox viewer right within the game.
A lot of the finer effects of some V-Trigger are also poorly explained even within the demonstration dedicated to them, and that's not even going into the global fuckery that MvCI is.

Capcom could go a long way towards helping new players by actually showing the necessary button timings within the character trials. Showing the results of the CPU performing the action can be enough for experienced players, but beginners are still going to get confused because they don't know the window where the game will accept the inputs.

Of course Capcom might also want to actually update its trials with new patches, rather than slapping a "this info might be out of date" disclaimer on it after a year.

As for the hit box stuff, I agree. The Killer Instinct reboot has a pretty decent go of it in its replay viewer, but even that could be expanded into something a bit more interactive. Mind, Capcom doesn't even bother to show negative edge "presses" in its key display in training mode.

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Weekly Mission values restored?" , posted Tue 30 Jan 10:49post reply

I don't know if it is an accident or a permanent change, but there are a new set of four Weekly Missions available and they are back to their full values.

Weird things of note: They overlap the previous set of weekly missions, which won't expire for a few more days. They are also back to the old four week-long missions, instead of a mix of week-long and a set of rotating two-day challenges.

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"Re(1):Weekly Mission values restored?" , posted Wed 31 Jan 02:24post reply

I don't know if it is an accident or a permanent change, but there are a new set of four Weekly Missions available and they are back to their full values.

Weird things of note: They overlap the previous set of weekly missions, which won't expire for a few more days. They are also back to the old four week-long missions, instead of a mix of week-long and a set of rotating two-day challenges.

They went up Saturday here and I almost missed them because you have to scroll down to see them after the other missions.

I don't know if it means values are restored since it seems vaguely like a scheduling mistake. Like maybe these were meant to go up last year and someone entered the wrong year in the database. At least that's the only explanation I can think of for them using the old system and rewards. But I'll take those rewards anyway.

Also I don't think I lost any FM when Sakura's free trial was over?

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Weekly Mission values restored?" , posted Wed 31 Jan 09:48post reply

I don't know if it means values are restored since it seems vaguely like a scheduling mistake. Like maybe these were meant to go up last year and someone entered the wrong year in the database. At least that's the only explanation I can think of for them using the old system and rewards. But I'll take those rewards anyway.

Also I don't think I lost any FM when Sakura's free trial was over?

That was my guess, that the full value missions were a bug. The timing was just wrong, beyond everything else.

From some comments on the Steam forums, there are users that logged in to see the "new" missions already marked as "Completed" (meaning they couldn't get the FM from them), which further implies it is just a leftover from last year.

As for Sakura, I wouldn't be surprised, as I expected Capcom to mess it up in some fashion. I bought the season pass, so I couldn't track it on my own account.

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):SF5 Arcade Mode" , posted Wed 31 Jan 14:13post reply

While the Udon artwork you unlock in arcade is terrible (or at least I haven't unlocked a single one that didn't make me throw up in my mouth), some of the artwork by actual illustrators (mostly Capcom people, but also some interesting guests such as Hagiwara) is good. It's also a reminder that while Bengus' work in Story Mode is laughable, he's a talented illustrator when given appropriate time.

I guess it is worth mentioning that while many of the endings in Arcade Mode are just attempts to retell the original endings in a single screen, there are some actual new content endings as well.

The obvious example are the substitute and retconned characters. New endings also obviously had to be created for the SF1 characters other than Ryu. Somewhat surprising is that it looks like the SF5 mode consists of new endings, recapping neither the character stories nor the cinematic story. At the very least, the two SF5 endings I've seen (Juri, Chun-Li) are different, so I assume that holds for the rest of roster.

Some try to tell a story (SF1 Abigail and Zeku?), some are slice-of-life character portraits (SF5 Chun-Li, SF5 Juri), some are purely jokes (SF1 Balrog).

The ones that try to tell a more complex story suffer the most from the one screen limitation. Zeku's SF1 ending is a bit confusing at first without some surrounding context, while Abigail's SF1 ending seems to be a mess of "Hey, Final Fight!" images. The jokes can also suffer due to the one screen limit, as you end up glimpsing the punchlines before you even process the set-ups.

Boxer's SF1 ending does stick with Capcom's current line that he is not SF1 Mike. It is a purely joke ending that plays off of his "similarity" to Mike. (On a side note: His ending also implies that, like Ryu, he really should be facing Sagat for his SF1 boss fight.)

Birdie's SF1 ending was half a surprise, not for content, but because it clearly portrays SF1 white Birdie. I halfway expected Capcom to take the opportunity to retcon him to something closer to his SFA appearance (which would have matched using his SFA thin-Birdie costume as well.

2014th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):SF5 Akiman Mode" , posted Thu 1 Feb 23:45post reply

Not directly related but let's face it I am never gonna post in the SF5 topic if the matter at hand is SF5: the latest episode of Toco Toco lets us spend fifteen minutes together with Akiman.

Même Narumi est épatée !

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"Re(4):SF5 Akiman Mode" , posted Fri 2 Feb 23:34post reply

Not directly related but let's face it I am never gonna post in the SF5 topic if the matter at hand is SF5: the latest episode of Toco Toco lets us spend fifteen minutes together with Akiman.

He owns Overwatch Funkpops... i never really expected that consider how much people who like his work tend to dislike those figures...


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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Extra Mission difficulty increased? Yes" , posted Sat 3 Feb 09:52:post reply

New Weekly Missions are out on schedule and are back to being half value, further implying the previous mid-week full value mission set were an accident.

The new Golden Soldier mission is available, the Rapidly Advancing Golden Soldier who costs 500FM to fight and awards 10000xp. If you think the payout is abnormally high for the entry cost compared to the previous Shin Akuma fight, it seems Capcom felt similar. The in-game description implies that this week's Golden Soldier has been buffed in health and damage, and he's also been given super armor. Reading some forum posts, he can now charge his special and it becomes unblockable at full charge. He may also be lower body invincible when recovering from his special?

Also, as I half-expected/feared Capcom to do, people are saying that the difficulty has been increased for the third week of the Rashid costume mission.

EDIT: After playing the Rashid costume mission, Capcom has definitely increased the AI's difficulty. I'd guess that it is currently set to around Level 4. Level 5 Rashid acts visibly different, so it isn't that high. So, will Capcom go to 6 for the final week, or will they bump it all the way up to 8?

[this message was edited by Baines on Sat 3 Feb 10:38]

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"Re(1):Extra Mission difficulty increased? Yes" , posted Sat 3 Feb 12:26post reply

So, will Capcom go to 6 for the final week, or will they bump it all the way up to 8?

Phew! Given the scarcity of Fight Money, I just can't imagine anyone taking the risk. How much do you get for ranked matches, anyway?

Meanwhile, in line with the above complaints about the internet at large, I am shocked by how little there is out there! The once-mighty Shoryuken wiki is embarrassing, and Gamefaqs is empty. We've retreated to the days of having to learn from other players in real life with no internet... but not everyone around the world will have an arcade! Yes, only the Cafe can save us now.


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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Extra Mission difficulty increased? Yes" , posted Sat 3 Feb 12:48post reply

So, will Capcom go to 6 for the final week, or will they bump it all the way up to 8?
Phew! Given the scarcity of Fight Money, I just can't imagine anyone taking the risk. How much do you get for ranked matches, anyway?

Meanwhile, in line with the above complaints about the internet at large, I am shocked by how little there is out there! The once-mighty Shoryuken wiki is embarrassing, and Gamefaqs is empty. We've retreated to the days of having to learn from other players in real life with no internet... but not everyone around the world will have an arcade! Yes, only the Cafe can save us now.

I've sadly been relying on the Steam forums for the most up-to-date information, because you can at least expect a few people to lose an Extra Battle and post why they did.

Mind, complaint threads will quickly draw responses that dismiss the complainers, talking about how easy it is to beat the AI, how the Weeklies give you enough fight money to earn the costumes (with the hidden assumption that no one who loses is worth considering), claims that you now earn more Fight Money than before AE (with a side order of "git gud", and both a seeming lack of understanding and math skills,) and complaints that people are complaining. Though Steam still draws enough of a casual audience that the threads are about 50/50 splits of complaining about the game/Capcom and complaining about people who aren't as good as the complainer.

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(3):Extra Mission difficulty increased? Yes" , posted Sat 3 Feb 21:59post reply

The problem with getting a proper assessment of the difficulty of the missions is that they require an entirely different set of skills from the ones you'd normally use in this game: reading the patterns of the CPU like it was an SNK boss (we're not there yet fortunately, except with Shin Gouki/Shadow Nash).
I've seen players much better than me failing at the extra battles, because they tried to beat the computer like it was a good human player. There's no read to do: just find a weakness and exploit it. I failed last week's missions because I was trying to play semi-competently with Urien; when that didn't work, I tried to cheese but I found out too late that any time-out resulted in a loss (yes, fuck you too Capcom).
This week, I didn't try anything fancy, just charge any 2-hits fireball from the other side of the screen, and add the occasional jump-in HK->ground buttons when appropriate. Now my Sakura is level 20.

Another mindset to leave at the door is whether it's unfair or cheesy to use these repetitive strategies. It's a computer, it doesn't care about whether you're being fair to it or not.
Of course, whether it's fun or not is another question.

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"Re(4):Iggy Mission difficulty increased? Yes" , posted Sun 4 Feb 01:30post reply

Now my Sakura is level 20.

Oh-HOH! Don’t think you can bury the lede amidst all this (worthy) analysis! I just knew you would come around to my way of thinking.

A new era is upon us. And to think that all it took was a charming redesign and an expectedly excellent new voice actress to overcome years of Iggy’s futile resistance. “He had won the victory over himself. He truly loved Big Brother Maou Sakura.”


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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(5):Iggy Mission difficulty increased? Yes" , posted Sun 4 Feb 07:40post reply

A new era is upon us. And to think that all it took was a charming redesign and an expectedly excellent new voice actress to overcome years of Iggy’s futile resistance. “He had won the victory over himself. He truly loved Big Brother Maou Sakura.”

Or he loves that Sakura has an extremely easy to use multi-hit fireball, when facing a CPU opponent that is extremely vulnerable to multi-hit fireballs. And that opponent gave 10k xp per victory.

Sakura is good in those fights because of her fireball. Some suggest using Guile instead, as his V-Skill turns his Sonic Boom into a two-hit. Others swear by Claw/Balrog/Vega, as the Shadoloo soldier doesn't possess/use a decent anti-air, letting you fairly safely spam the DP+K-P attack for the entire match.

For the silver XP soldier, his ability to charge his special to become unblockable is something of a weakness, if you use a character that can jump in and safely land enough hits to break the armor and interrupt the special. Urien's jumping HP into crouching (two-hit) HP is an example, which of course improves if you turn that into a longer combo. Mind, it helps to have a back-up plan on the occasion that something goes south.

On a side note, I'm somewhat surprised by how much I like Sakura's default outfit. It really works for her, particularly within SF5. Her sailor suit just looks wrong. I'd thought the new outfit went well with Sakura being older, and the old school girl outfit was just kind of bland against the rest of roster, but then I felt something else... Sakura actually *looks* older in SF5. I don't know if her model is now taller when compared to the rest of the roster, or if it is proportions and general design, but SF5 Sakura doesn't look like a kid the way that Sakura previously did. (The same was true for SF5 Karin.) And that is why SF5 schoolgirl Sakura just doesn't look quite right.

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"Re(6):Iggy Mission difficulty increased? Yes" , posted Sun 4 Feb 10:35post reply

When it came time for me to deal with the Silver Shadaloo Soldier's shenanigans I went straight to Ken. Your wonky attacks and one point of armor mean nothing to Ken, all he cares about is getting in there and doing his thing. After beating the challenge with mindless dragon punching I felt like the biggest, cheapest idiot alive; it felt great.

5353th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(7):Iggy Mission difficulty increased? Yes" , posted Sun 4 Feb 12:44:post reply

Did the 5000FM mission for finding bats in the Forgotten Waterfall stage appear as an already completed mission for everyone? For myself it appeared new. I think it's because I didn't beat it last year. (If this is true, it means it's a 5000FM for players that started off from Season 3)

So Rashid mission. He certainly does seem a bit stronger than last week but I doubt many people will find him hard to beat. With Zangief, just aimlessly jumping in and doing screw piledrivers did the job.

The Golden soldier mission is a tad harder and might prove difficult for beginners unless they can find the strategy. It doesn't take skill to beat him but it's one of those things where experienced players will breeze through whereas a newbie can get slaughtered.

It's easy though; just keep blocking until he does a slide or fierce attack(psycho-crusher'ish move), then punish him. Again, I just used Zangief and simply threw him after every slide. Every now and then he stops moving to prepare for his unblockable attack-- it's extremely slow. So slow that if you feel unconfortable about attacking him, you can just jump over him to the other side. Just don't get nervous and you'll get the wins.

I've seen players much better than me failing at the extra battles, because they tried to beat the computer like it was a good human player. There's no read to do: just find a weakness and exploit it.

Fighting games were originally meant as a new type of game that focused on the boss battles that came at the end of side scrollers. In that sense, finding CPU weaknesses are things that we're used to doing from the old days, kind of like way we were used to finding patterns and safe spots on the screen. Some of the newer but stronger players seem to not know that.

but SF5 Sakura doesn't look like a kid the way that Sakura previously did. (The same was true for SF5 Karin.) And that is why SF5 schoolgirl Sakura just doesn't look quite right.

Sakura now does an excellent job at looking like a cosplayer of Sakura.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 4 Feb 13:12]

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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"Re(8):Iggy Mission difficulty increased? Yes" , posted Mon 5 Feb 01:40post reply

Fighting games were originally meant as a new type of game that focused on the boss battles that came at the end of side scrollers. In that sense, finding CPU weaknesses are things that we're used to doing from the old days, kind of like way we were used to finding patterns and safe spots on the screen. Some of the newer but stronger players seem to not know that.

The method you used to clear the Shadaloo soldier isn't that different from the empty jump into throw technique I used to beat Geese back in Fatal Fury 1. Want to learn about meaty attacks? Start throwing out attacks at Tung Fu Rue when he transforms. Need to understand the idea of jumping projectiles and retaliating during their recovery animation? Go two rounds against Michael Max. How in the world did new players ever learn how to play fighting games?

5353th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(9):Iggy Mission difficulty increased? Yes" , posted Mon 5 Feb 13:22post reply

Fighting games were originally meant as a new type of game that focused on the boss battles that came at the end of side scrollers. In that sense, finding CPU weaknesses are things that we're used to doing from the old days, kind of like way we were used to finding patterns and safe spots on the screen. Some of the newer but stronger players seem to not know that.
The method you used to clear the Shadaloo soldier isn't that different from the empty jump into throw technique I used to beat Geese back in Fatal Fury 1. Want to learn about meaty attacks? Start throwing out attacks at Tung Fu Rue when he transforms. Need to understand the idea of jumping projectiles and retaliating during their recovery animation? Go two rounds against Michael Max. How in the world did new players ever learn how to play fighting games?


1/ When round starts do a Kuuhadan and decimate Raiden in 4 seconds flat
2/ Throw Billy and watch him shiver until he gets his Cane back. Repeat.
3/ Emptyjump Throw Emptyjump Throw ... Oops Botched!

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):Extra Mission difficulty increased? Yes" , posted Sat 10 Feb 10:50post reply

EDIT: After playing the Rashid costume mission, Capcom has definitely increased the AI's difficulty. I'd guess that it is currently set to around Level 4. Level 5 Rashid acts visibly different, so it isn't that high. So, will Capcom go to 6 for the final week, or will they bump it all the way up to 8?

Haven't tried it myself yet, but from what others are saying, Capcom indeed raised the AI's difficulty again for the last week of the costume challenge.

Sadly, it seems fans on the Steam forum have gotten defensive of it all in direct proportion to Capcom increasing the difficulty. In the first couple of weeks, you could freely talk about the idea that Capcom would increase the difficulty, and while not everyone would agree with you, they at least accepted the idea. I described the third week response as a 50/50 mix of acceptance and dismissal (mostly people saying they found it easy, some "git gud" style responses). With the final week, the insults started flying almost immediately, with plenty of direct insults at people who complained about the difficulty increase. (Which led to counter insults.)

This week also adds an overpowered Dictator mission akin to Shin Akuma, awarding a title and then 10k xp on replays.

2013th Post

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"Dates for Monster Hunter costume battles" , posted Sun 11 Feb 05:22post reply


The start dates are staggered, but it is the same deal as the Viewtiful Joe costume, one piece a week and need four pieces.

Ken Starts 2/27
R. Mika Starts 3/8
Ibuki Starts 3/15

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Extra Mission difficulty increased? Yes" , posted Sun 11 Feb 13:37post reply

Haven't tried it myself yet, but from what others are saying, Capcom indeed raised the AI's difficulty again for the last week of the costume challenge.

Did the final costume mission. My guess is that the AI is around level 6 for the last week. It could be that I had a lucky match against an underperforming 7, or maybe it was a 5. Again, it is hard to be exact, because the differences kind of blur together, particularly with only a single round as a sample size.

I can only really say that it didn't feel like an 8. I made enough mistakes that a Level 8 should have won, even if it did fall into the (more rare for a Level 8, but still present) situation where it just let me push it back with fireballs rather than countering me the way a Level 8 normally does.

This all makes me a bit curious about how we can actually tell the differences. Level 4 certainly feels different from Level 1. Level 8 feels different from Level 6. But adjacent levels just kind of bleed together. Level 8 feels different from Level 6 when you play extended tests with full knowledge, but I could still see someone mistaking the two for a single round. It isn't that the AI really does different things; it mostly seems to have a set pool of actions and difficulty affects how often it is willing to perform them in certain situations.

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"Re(3):Extra Mission difficulty increased? Yes" , posted Sun 11 Feb 14:50post reply

Baines, your highly scientific approach to AI leads me to believe you would be an excellent addition to our Cafe brawls. "Young man, are you ready to join the marines Lagfest?!"


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"Re(3):Extra Mission difficulty increased? Yes" , posted Sun 11 Feb 14:50post reply

Baines, your highly scientific approach to AI leads me to believe you would be an excellent addition to our Cafe brawls. "Young man, are you ready to join the marines Lagfest?!"

5360th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(4):Extra Mission difficulty increased? Yes" , posted Sun 11 Feb 17:55:post reply

Rashid certainly was stronger than last week. Empty jumping and throwing (amazingly) worked again. It's easy enough as a strategy and the costume was obtainable on one try, however the CPU occasionally did combos right on the jump's land which it previously didn't last week.

I feel sorry for players that try and fight the CPU normally, especially casual Viewtiful Joe fans. Capcom should've at least set an overhead limit so that if players tried a certain number of times the game gives them the item.

I don't have issues about a fighting game that gives rewards to good players. However this challenge mode just feels like a really flawed system that rewards good players while punishing entry level players. Especially given that the weekly FM has been halved. Capcom should at least decrease the required FM.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 11 Feb 19:46]

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"Re(5):Extra Mission difficulty increased? Yes" , posted Sun 11 Feb 18:08post reply

This challenge just feels like a really evil system that awards good players and punishes the casuals, especially given that the weekly FM has been halved.

Yes, Extra Battle is the UFO Catcher crane gane of the SFV arcade.

The problem is that unlike an arcade, Capcom does not benefit from these FM-devouring challenges given that taking FM as such is not worth anything to them, other than indirectly in forcing people to buy things with real cash once they’ve run out of the very limited means to get FM. And since there’s no way to buy FM at even a slight discount (even airline miles let you do this!), I’m not sure if the latter doesn’t just drive casuals away instead?


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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(6):Extra Mission difficulty increased? Yes" , posted Mon 12 Feb 04:23post reply

The problem is that unlike an arcade, Capcom does not benefit from these FM-devouring challenges given that taking FM as such is not worth anything to them, other than indirectly in forcing people to buy things with real cash once they’ve run out of the very limited means to get FM. And since there’s no way to buy FM at even a slight discount (even airline miles let you do this!), I’m not sure if the latter doesn’t just drive casuals away instead?

I don't think Capcom has really thought through any of it, and is instead just trying to find band-aids for long term bad decisions.

And, honestly, it isn't like these big companies are necessarily particularly competent when it comes to money matters. Remember that Capcom is the company that, facing serious financial troubles, had to pay an expert to tell them common sense ideas like "Consider cancelling development on games that are obvious doomed money pits". And for years budgeted titles based on obviously unrealistic sales expectations. And makes all sorts of ludicrous and/or harmful decisions based on short term gains or just short-sighted logic. Which makes it little different from other such companies. How many studios has EA buried? How many developers and publishers chase bandwagons, certain that their one title will be the one that dethrones Call of Duty/GTA/whatever? How many developers sign bad contracts, then end up in trouble when the obvious happens?

So I think Capcom's logic is that stockpiles of Fight Money are bad, because it means that players don't have to spend as much real money. But Capcom's logic is so very short-sighted, overlooking so much stuff. Which has lead to actions that are just as short-sighted, which likely are causing long term damage to the game without even really helping in the short term. (I've said before that I believe Capcom could make SF5 more profitable by legitimately being *more* generous to consumers.)

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"Re(6):Extra Mission difficulty increased? Yes" , posted Mon 12 Feb 04:33:post reply

I don't know why but I tried the Dictator mission like 20 times. I guess I was just fascinated with how ridiculous his moves were because I sure wasn't desperate for the title or exp.

It's looking increasingly likely that the June outfit will just end up being a paid DLC for Valentine's Day like Ingrid. Unless they run the extra battle alongside the Monster Hunter ones, which is doubtful without some kind of announcement.

[this message was edited by Gojira on Mon 12 Feb 04:38]

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"Arcade-ish version" , posted Mon 12 Feb 08:59post reply

Has there ever been any more rumors about SF5 coming to arcades? I remember there were things that felt like a trial run of a release such as the STREET FIGHTER V LIMITED MASCHINE (sic) TOURNAMENT 2017 but when AE came out Ono downplayed the idea of it being anywhere but on consoles. Was that event for some other purpose, such as showing off Taito's X4 boards?

5360th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):Arcade-ish version" , posted Mon 12 Feb 14:14post reply

Has there ever been any more rumors about SF5 coming to arcades? I remember there were things that felt like a trial run of a release such as the STREET FIGHTER V LIMITED MASCHINE (sic) TOURNAMENT 2017 but when AE came out Ono downplayed the idea of it being anywhere but on consoles. Was that event for some other purpose, such as showing off Taito's X4 boards?

In a word, no.
Capcom is launching a "Capcom e-Sports Club" program at their Plaza Capcom arcades starting next week and it'll let visitors play SFV for free (reportedly on monitors, not on cabs). But that's about it.

Leaving aside whether Capcom ever had talks with Taito about possibly bringing SFV to the arcades, the showing on the TypeX4 board last year was more or less just a technical display. The board itself has been out since late 2016 though, mostly in use for Love Live music games.

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"Re(2):Blanka-ish version" , posted Tue 13 Feb 01:10post reply

The board itself has been out since late 2016 though, mostly in use for Love Live music games.

Taito knows where the real money is.

So Blanka's entire storyline is built around plushie licensing? Amazing!

2014th Post

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"Re(3):Blanka-ish version" , posted Tue 13 Feb 03:05post reply

The board itself has been out since late 2016 though, mostly in use for Love Live music games.

Taito knows where the real money is.

So Blanka's entire storyline is built around plushie licensing? Amazing!

Blanka looks pretty fun to play as, but I don't think he is someone I would stick with. It has only been a month or so since Sakura was added so I wonder what the release schedule for Season 3 will be like. Season 1 and 2 were spread out over 10 or so months. Will this season be about monthly? I would LOVE that. Or will we get a huge gap at some point.

It's a fairly strange thing that Blanka is more feral looking in his default costume despite being with his mother for what has to be at least 3/4 years since his SF2 ending and he doesn't even go by Jimmy even though Dan was referring to him as that in Alpha.

I know he is "ICONIC STREET FIGHTER 2™ CHARACTER" so you cannot change him tooooooo much, but I would have liked one of his costumes be him as "Jimmy" at home with his mom.

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"Re(4):Blanka-ish version" , posted Tue 13 Feb 05:47post reply

Wow, the hair look really bad in motion. I used to think Necalli would be enough to fend Blanka off (and he did, for 2 years), but I didn't expect Blanka's hair to try to imitate Necalli's ugliness to take revenge.
I didn't quite understand the purpose of a nostalgia costume on him, but I suppose it will make his hair stand out less...? I'm also bothered that he gets a meso-american costume that would have been very fitting on Necalli and make no sense on a Brazilian character. I'm back playing Civilization 6 so these things bother me greatly.

I remember someone, stating jokingly (?) that "updating Blanka will mean either changing all his charge attacks to quarter circles or giving him a command throw".
In retrospect, that was PREDICTABOWL... At least he also gets Gallon's beast cannon as a VT2.
Everyone will be playing with the story costume, and I will be one of them.

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"Re(5):Blanka-ish OST" , posted Fri 16 Feb 05:28:post reply

So my AE OST arrived today, and before I give it a listen I took a look at the booklet and found that - unsurprisingly - there were even more outsourced composers on the soundtrack for the DLC tracks than I originally thought, but until now the credits weren't really given afaik. It's an international bunch!

Character theme credits:
Alex - Keiki Kobayashi
Guile - Masahiro Aoki
Ibuki - Masahiro Aoki
Boxer - Ryuudai Abe
Urien - Jonne Valtonen
Gouki - Hideyuki Fukaswawa
Kolin - Junya Nakano
Ed - Daniel Lindholm (vocals: Cal Combs)
Abigail - Masahiro Aoki (vocals: Brandon Shelton)
Menat - Daniel Lindholm
Zeku - Daniel Lindholm
Sakura - Daniel Lindholm
Blanka - Keiki Kobayashi
Falke - Keiki Kobayashi

Yes it's that Junya Nakano, aka the Squenix composer who worked on FFX alongside Hamauzu and Uematsu (contributing the godlike Summoned Beast Battle), among other things. That surprised me.

[this message was edited by Gojira on Fri 16 Feb 06:11]

2020th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Brennus-ish OST" , posted Fri 16 Feb 23:26post reply

Yes it's that Junya Nakano, aka the Squenix composer who worked on FFX

Sure, we could play cute and talk about minor, obscure and inconsequential works from niche developers nobody has heard about. But we can also get serious and talk about the important stuff! Fun story: Junya Nakano worked on Tobal N°1, and the composer of Sega's own take on Astérix, Takayuki Nakamura, ended up composing the score for Tobal 2.

Même Narumi est épatée !

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(7):Extra Mission difficulty increased? Yes" , posted Sat 17 Feb 13:39post reply

It's looking increasingly likely that the June outfit will just end up being a paid DLC for Valentine's Day like Ingrid. Unless they run the extra battle alongside the Monster Hunter ones, which is doubtful without some kind of announcement.

It looks like they are indeed going to run it alongside the Monster Hunter ones, as the 4-part Chun-Li costume battle started this week, alongside the Upper Golden Soldier (1000FM to earn 5000FM).

The new soldier has different moves, losing the psycho crusher but gaining a slide kick (goes under projectiles) and a standing dive kick(?). He will slide under projectiles, but appears to be more than happy to just patiently block them (taking the chip damage and the occasional hit), particular if you can keep up the fire. He doesn't appear to have any armor, so single hit fireballs are as effective as multi-hit.

If you fight him toe-to-toe, you are at risk of eating a high damage combo. It is much safer to just find a character that has one or two easily abusable moves (due to holes in the AI.)

Personally, I recommend using Rashid and just spamming heavy Eagle Spikes. Jump away at the start of the match, and start Eagle Spiking. If he hits you, it will most likely be a single hit instead of a combo. If you get hit or blocked, then you'll have to decide whether to immediately retreat or block and wait a moment. Don't attempt a heavy Eagle Spike at point blank range, as he will hit you out of the start-up. (In other words, I don't mean completely mindlessly Eagle Spiking. But you really can win without using any other attack.)

I beat him three times with that approach. One was close just because I was careless and feeling things out. The other two, he only hit me a couple of times. Other people have sworn by using Guile (block and punish with either a combo or a direct flash kick), Urien (allegedly his jump-ins are still particularly effective), Abigail, or others.

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"June in the month of February" , posted Sun 18 Feb 09:04post reply


It looks like they are indeed going to run it alongside the Monster Hunter ones, as the 4-part Chun-Li costume battle started this week, alongside the Upper Golden Soldier (1000FM to earn 5000FM).

Thanks for the advice on using Rashid. A few quick kicks and a fireball or two and those matches flew by.

Two interesting things came out of this round of missions. First, I realized that Rashid is fun to play. I dislike playing randos online so experimenting with new characters was more of chore than it should have been. Now that SF5 is finally out of beta I'm definitely going to mess around with this guy more. Secondly, this revival of June made me realize that I viewed her design as something I respected for working well within the confines of what the PS1 could do instead of being a design I actually liked. Because of that I'm going to save my zenny and not even try for her costume. Thanks to these two decisions I'm suddenly rich with fight money!

2021th Post

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"Re(1):June in the month of February" , posted Sun 18 Feb 11:38post reply

I dig the reference, I am not against the outlandish slutiness of the costume, and I am sure Cap's data shows Chun-Li sells more outfits than anyone else combined. Hell, the only reason I initially got interested in the game was the Hong Kong police costume. That being said.

1. Surely a June outfit would have made more sense with Menat, non ?
2. How do you get an update for Chun-Li in mid-February and not make it something Spring Festival-related?

Même Narumi est épatée !

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):June in the month of February" , posted Sun 18 Feb 12:14post reply

Because of that I'm going to save my zenny and not even try for her costume. Thanks to these two decisions I'm suddenly rich with fight money!

I've come to a kind of weird alternate realization, that it is so difficult to obtain Fight Money now that I might as well spend it on these costume challenges.

Why spend 40k-100k on a single costume, a stage, or alternate colors when I can (at least try) to get a costume that may be no less ugly than the stuff already in the game for only 10k? (Okay, yes, I could use that Fight Money to buy new characters. But I honestly don't mind the idea of paying for a Season Pass.)

Micky Kusanagi
706th Post

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"Re(2):June in the month of February" , posted Sun 18 Feb 21:13:post reply

Okay this is just too much. I've just lost all my 3 tries for the fucking toy soldier thing. I tried 2 strategies that looked ultra-easy in video -fireball spamming with Ryu and mindless jump-in for elementary combos with Ryu-, the filthy toy defeated me on all the tries. Most of my jump-ins whiffed because of the toy's sheer crouching skills. He could crouch on reaction, something that DOESN'T happen in the Youtube videos. And yes I tried different jump-in timings. The soldier eats almost all the jump-ins on Youtube instead, no such ultra-fast reaction times. Unlike the first toy soldier challenge, there was no sign of mindless Rashid Eagle Spike spamming among the suggestions I saw, otherwise I would have tried that.

Now I just want capcom usa to go bankrupt and get the fuck off right now, unless they revert the game to its pre-AE fight money policy, fully, immediately and unconditionally, because before AE, stories+trials+demonstrations+easy and normal survivals were enough to unlock all the characters. I can't even celebrate the upcoming KOF14 DLC characters and SNK Heroines because of how angry capcom is making me, and you guys should know it's a powerful statement from a diehard SNK fan like me. And I'm purposely writing capcom without a capital letter.

Remember, having DLC characters isn't a flaw. Keeping them coming in large numbers on a regular basis isn't a flaw. The flaw is when you promise players they'll be able to unlock them for free, but you lock the virtual money behind tasks that contradict the promise in a way or another. Hard/hell survival, the fucking toy soldiers and the disgusting "boss version" extra battle are shameful examples of such an abysmal policy. And no, I didn't try the Shin Gouki and ghost Vega extra battles, I just tried Shin Gouki once in arcade mode on easy difficulty because I was going for the arcade title mission. Needless to say he destroyed me in a matter of seconds, because jumping through his Hadoken barrage and landing the jump-in+sweep combo wasn't so relaxing as the Youtube videos pictured.

Mark my words: I haven't done any costume challenge as both a protest and a means to save fight money, I'll keep skipping all the costumes and I won't even get Ken's Monster Hunter armor, though he's my favorite SF character.

And on top of that, an opponent has just ragequit on me after I defeated him when trying to hoard those damn 10 ranked victories. No hard feelings towards him, the only thing I care about is that victory wasn't added to the weekly mission count.

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Sun 18 Feb 22:33]

5363th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):June in the month of February" , posted Sun 18 Feb 23:37post reply

Reading Mickey's complaints, I got interested enough to try out the golden soldier before calling it a night and.. oho. This is quite another gag that Capcom pulled off.

So the Golden soldier this time lost his Armor move (which was actually working as a bonus to the player) and instead gained two new moves that makes the match more of a headache: a weak-angle dive kick and low profile attacks. The Dive kick I think leaves him positive, or at least with less than 5F of recovery given that Birdy's throws can't punish them. The low profile attacks--which Mickey was complaining of--whiffed all of my jump-ins even when they were quite deep. The soldier is also throw-happy now, so blocking until he slides is no longer an option.

He's beatable through normal means, but it's a lot easier and risk-free to just abuse the AI flaws. Trying to beat him with Birdy was quite a sore, whereas with Rashid it was a braindead pattern.

At this point, it's pretty obvious that Capcom wants to force players to earn fight money by having them play online in hopes that players will then find interest in their e-sports movement, which is where the SFV team is waging all their chips for the game now. Personally, I think it's going to backfire and make things worse for them.

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(4):June in the month of February" , posted Mon 19 Feb 00:18post reply

After my misfortune last month, I jump into the "take Rashid and just Heavy Eagle Spike the bastard until he's dead" bandwagon and I've never been happier. It was short so I could do more things that did not involve fighting the AI, and I got 12k FM to waste on god knows what.

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"Re(2):June in the month of February" , posted Mon 19 Feb 03:37post reply

Sorry to hear about Micky's misfortune. Places like Eventhubs are giving out ridiculously complicated advice on the challenges when the solution for the Shadaloo soldiers seems to be to pick Rashid and give them a boot to the head.

I've come to a kind of weird alternate realization, that it is so difficult to obtain Fight Money now that I might as well spend it on these costume challenges.

Why spend 40k-100k on a single costume, a stage, or alternate colors when I can (at least try) to get a costume that may be no less ugly than the stuff already in the game for only 10k? (Okay, yes, I could use that Fight Money to buy new characters. But I honestly don't mind the idea of paying for a Season Pass.)

Do you get experience for the costume challenges? If so, you could take an underpowered character into the fight and have them earn money by leveling up while you spend money on June's go-go boots. This whole thing is head-spinning. Honestly, there is no one right answer except that everyone must make certain they have enough money for Blanka's costume since that is a mandatory purchase.

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):June in the month of February" , posted Mon 19 Feb 06:05post reply

Do you get experience for the costume challenges? If so, you could take an underpowered character into the fight and have them earn money by leveling up while you spend money on June's go-go boots. This whole thing is head-spinning. Honestly, there is no one right answer except that everyone must make certain they have enough money for Blanka's costume since that is a mandatory purchase.

You do not get experience, at least not on the first completion. Getting that week's gem is the reward. I don't know if you get experience if you keep playing after you get the gem, but the cost wouldn't be worth it anyway.

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"Re(2):June in the month of February" , posted Mon 19 Feb 16:06post reply

You guys are too late with the protips, I already tried to beat the gold soldier with Laura and he either low profiled all my jump-ins with a duck or anti-aired me with his stupid shoryudivekick spam nonsense which can't even be punished on block. Goddammit Capcom, you want me to play serious footsies with a garbage AI? Even my pride has limits.

I've come to a kind of weird alternate realization, that it is so difficult to obtain Fight Money now that I might as well spend it on these costume challenges.

Why spend 40k-100k on a single costume, a stage, or alternate colors when I can (at least try) to get a costume that may be no less ugly than the stuff already in the game for only 10k? (Okay, yes, I could use that Fight Money to buy new characters. But I honestly don't mind the idea of paying for a Season Pass.)

I think you've pretty much delineated the thought process that Capcom wants from people to sell season passes. It's a bit underhanded but I have to give them credit, this combined with the fact they showed the contents of the entire pass will get them sold.

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(3):June in the month of February" , posted Thu 22 Feb 07:26post reply

It has often been said that Ono was our generation's Emile Zola, and indeed, with this update, SF5 continues to depict class struggle through an uncompromising and multi-layered portrait of these new Rougeon-Macquart.
After having depicted the cynical exploitation of the failing working class by the ultra rich, by contrasting Karin's Trumpian wealth flaunting to the health consequences of under-paid labour in Birdie's fast food diet, S3 started with the struggle of middle-class single woman Sakura through economic downfall, all while depicting the difficulty to have children in times of budget restrictions for social services.
Now the game follows-up with the heartbreaking story of an unemployed falling victim to predatory schemes, all while opposing the uncaring and selfish conservative middle class represented by Laura (bent on preserving her ever-shrinking privilege, symbolized by the rags of her Bonita tshirt), with the more left-wing Sakura, who manages to help the poor bugger through her own struggles.
I can't wait for the release of Cody to explore how the collusion of the political spheres with the economic elite maintains the systemic abuse of the impoverished workforce.

Also, I haven't paid attention to SF4, but since when is Blanka Nakoruru's long lost brother? All his quotes now are about Nature being everyone's nourishing mother, how it's nature's law that the strong eat the weak, and nature this nature that. He's a bit more of a non-tsudere-Rera, maybe.
Except when he stops to comment on Alex's unpleasant body odour, which, coming from Blanka, ouch.

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):June in the month of February" , posted Thu 22 Feb 07:41post reply

I think you've pretty much delineated the thought process that Capcom wants from people to sell season passes. It's a bit underhanded but I have to give them credit, this combined with the fact they showed the contents of the entire pass will get them sold.

The big problem is that it doesn't generate anything positive for them, only ill will. I was already buying the Season Passes because I didn't mind supporting the game. Capcom isn't getting more money out of me. If anything, they are gradually pushing me towards a point where I might spend less on Capcom titles.

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"Re(4):June in the month of February" , posted Thu 22 Feb 08:06post reply

contrasting Karin's Trumpian wealth flaunting to the health consequences of under-paid labour in Birdie's fast food diet, S3 started with the struggle of middle-class single woman Sakura through economic downfall, all while depicting the difficulty to have children in times of budget restrictions for social services.
I maintain my belief that the Cafe is THE most useful source of fighting game analysis on the internet, though perhaps not what the majority of net users realize they need. It is indeed telling that Karin and Rashid, the two richest members of the SFV cast, ended up being the entirely unexpected heroes of the terrible (wonderful) story mode.

And this only further adds to the gravitas of Sakura as the owner of the most emotionally sophisticated story in SFV. Who knew!


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"Re(4):June in the month of February" , posted Thu 22 Feb 08:58post reply

It has often been said that Ono was our generation's Emile Zola, and indeed, with this update, SF5 continues to depict class struggle through an uncompromising and multi-layered portrait of these new Rougeon-Macquart.

Don't forget Zeku, who thought he could die an honorable death in the service of Bushin but instead found himself spending his golden years looking for employment. Japan's idea of permanent employment is a thing of the past but who knew that shift had even affected the ninja trade. Small wonder Dan Hibiki's passive-aggressive seething at his pathetic lot in life is still present even when's he's acting as a salesman for the SF5 shop.

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"Re(5):June in the month of February" , posted Fri 23 Feb 04:24post reply

EX double post!

I finally managed to spend a bit of time with Blanka. Visually he has some nice touches but he's also clippy and choppy. There are, I suspect, two reasons for this.

1. It's Blanka. When he was sprite based his entire body changed shape depending on his attack or his movement. I think this is a character who simply doesn't translate well into a 3D world.

2. Once his Blanka-chan costume was approved the programmers realized that was the version everyone would play so why bother worrying about his default look?

Blanka has also become quite chatty. Did he join the Toastmaster's Club between street fights? He blathers on a lot about the jungle but it's not like he's knowledgeable about many other subjects. What's the poor guy going to talk about, where to buy jorts?

Blanka also brought along even more artwork to unlock in arcade mode. I knew that the new characters would have endings but it didn't occur to me that special art would be added as well.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(6):June in the month of February" , posted Fri 23 Feb 21:15post reply

2. Once his Blanka-chan costume was approved the programmers realized that was the version everyone would play so why bother worrying about his default look?
I really believe Blanka-chan was supposed to be his default costume, but then they bailed out at the last minute. It would have been for the better, since adding Blanka would anyway create backlash as he's one of the most polarizing characters of the series. Going all the way in troll territory would have been so much better...
For example, some animations have the plush move its face in very funny angles, while the non-plush versions just moves awkardly. The winning animation in particular makes normal Blanka looks like he's wearing an invisible cosmonaut outfit that prevents him from walking normally, while Blanka-chan is just Blanka-chan.

At least they had the costume buyable with FM instead of making it a premium costume, so there's that.

For the new illustrations: I believe this new artbook will have some of the illustrations added in the gallery of SF5? Not sure what the content will be, 256 pages feels like a lot and not so much at the same time. There's also a lot of interviews, including one of Funamizu who again changed companies apparently?

5368th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(7):June in the month of February" , posted Fri 23 Feb 23:48:post reply

So Funamizu apparently launched his own company in 2014 and it's a subsidiary to.. Colopl inc. This topic comes at such an interesting timing considering their lawsuit(s) from Nintendo is top gaming news right now.

And, this week's SFV update is up and there's a new experienced soldier now, who's very clearly...

WEAKER than last week.

Which makes one wonder what he experienced-- a traumatizing beatdown by Blanka-chan? Who knows.

The soldier gives 20000Exps per win. His moveset is very similar to last week except-

1/ His anti-air+divekick jump now has armor. Which sounds utterly broken but actually works in favor of the player now because it's got really bad recovery compared to last week

2/ He seems to forgotten how to throw

You can Rashid your way to victory again, or just block and wait until he slides or does his divekick for a punish. Very, Very easy.

Also, is anyone interested in another MMCafe lagfest this weekend?

If there's any Blankas here, I'd look forward to seeing him in action.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 24 Feb 00:00]

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(8):June in the month of February" , posted Sat 24 Feb 00:25post reply

If there's any Blankas here, I'd look forward to seeing him in action.

I have no idea what to do with the guy, but I had to get the story costume, so, there.
But I have no clue what to with him.

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"Re(9):June in the month of February" , posted Sat 24 Feb 04:16post reply

If there's any Blankas here, I'd look forward to seeing him in action.
I have no idea what to do with the guy, but I had to get the story costume, so, there.
But I have no clue what to with him.

I'm pretty certain jumping around like a loon and mindlessly doing is the correct way to play Blanka. Sure, you can play him intelligently but that doesn't seem in keeping with the spirit of the character.

If there's a lag-fest this weekend let me know since I would be available on Sunday!

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(10):June in the month of February" , posted Sat 24 Feb 04:49post reply

On topic of the extra-battles that give XP: the problem with these, compared to the battles that give FM directly, is that they offer diminishing returns the higher levels your characters are.
2 battles were enough to have my Blanka reach level 25, which made him my second highest character after less than a week of play. I suppose that past a certain point (before level 30?), even winning the battle will cost you more FM than you'd get.
So you're encouraged to play your lowest-level characters, especially when the AI has easily exploitable flaws (in the case of this week, it doesn't throw, so you just turtle and punish). And thus, FINALLY, I found the menu where to check each character's level! Press "X" on the main menu to open the useless graphs menu, then scroll twice to the right and go down a little.
That's where I discovered my Zangief and Dhalsim were inexplicably level 21, even though I have no recollection of ever playing them. What kind of burglar comes into people's house to specifically train these two?

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Re(10):June in the month of February" , posted Sat 24 Feb 11:06:post reply

On topic of the extra-battles that give XP: the problem with these, compared to the battles that give FM directly, is that they offer diminishing returns the higher levels your characters are.
2 battles were enough to have my Blanka reach level 25, which made him my second highest character after less than a week of play. I suppose that past a certain point (before level 30?), even winning the battle will cost you more FM than you'd get.

I used Rashid for all three attempts. He was level 14 at the start. First attempt gave him 7000FM (Level 21), second was 4000FM (Level 25), and third was 3000FM (Level 28). Diminishing returns kick in fairly fast.

The last point where you are guaranteed to gain a single level (and thus 1000FM) from 20000XP is a bit higher than you expected, it is actually (according to a chart I found) Level 38. It takes exactly 20000xp to advance from level 38 to level 39.

The last point where you are guaranteed to gain two levels (and thus actually make a profit) is level 29, though. (To go from Level 30 to Level 32 takes 20400xp.)

As for your mystery 21 levels, did you do most/all the single player XP things with those characters? I don't know where you end up if you complete all of it, but you gain those first levels really fast. Completing the Character Story, watching the three seasons of demonstrations, and beating Easy Survival will get you to level 14 (as I'd previously done with Rashid.) Completing your first season of character trials on top of that I think puts you to 16, and adding Normal Survival I thing gets you to around 19-20? Hard Survival should jump you past 21, but the other seasons of character trials might get you there?

Mind, that is why I consider the idea of paying Fight Money to earn XP specifically to earn Fight Money to be the equivalent of paying a cash fee to get a cash advance. Unlike other activities and missions, this exchange does not generate new Fight Money. Instead you are paying a FM fee to get faster access to the exact same Fight Money that you'd eventually have earned through regular play.

For an example, take my case with Rashid. I only beat Easy Survival with him, not his higher difficulties. At Level 14, I'd have earned enough xp from beating Normal to get him 4 to 5 levels, and thus earn 4-5000FM. However, now that I've gotten him to Level 28, beating Normal will only give him enough xp to advance a single level, thus only earning 1000FM.

[this message was edited by Baines on Sat 24 Feb 11:07]

5369th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(9):June in the month of February" , posted Sat 24 Feb 15:24:post reply

So MMCafe Lagfest this weekend, Sunday midnight JST.

That's around 10AM EST, 7AM Pacific, 3PM London, on Sunday if I have the hours correct.

As usual it'll run for about 1-2 hours; everyone is free to split whenever they want to.
Invitations will be sent to whoever's logged in at the time.
Chat is on Twitter so give me a DM if you're interested in being a part of the conversation!

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 24 Feb 15:25]

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"Re(10):June in the month of February" , posted Sun 25 Feb 00:51post reply

That's where I discovered my Zangief and Dhalsim were inexplicably level 21, even though I have no recollection of ever playing them. What kind of burglar comes into people's house to specifically train these two?
it was me

you, you said I need to know more about "muscle power" if we were going to be true "muscle buddies"
So MMCafe Lagfest this weekend, Sunday midnight JST.
I'll join if around!

2024th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):June in the month of February" , posted Sun 25 Feb 11:35post reply

How to tell if the Blanka player you are facing is actually Iggy.

Même Narumi est épatée !
5371th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Re(10):June in the month of February" , posted Sun 25 Feb 14:03:post reply

How to tell if the Blanka player you are facing is actually Iggy.

That heartwarming video actually helps in learning the basic combos of Blanka-tan

[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 25 Feb 17:34]

Micky Kusanagi
707th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):June in the month of February" , posted Sun 25 Feb 18:56:post reply

New update, likely my last one: I've been keeping the game in autofire farming mode for a week, for now that I have every character at level 19 it grants me 3000-4000 fm per day -12 hours- except yesterday when I didn't check the game at all and I discovered it disconnected 2 hours after booting it. Poor Gouki desperately throwing knees in training mode like a fool for 10 hours straight. I seriously regret not starting this farming method in early 2016. Does capcom wanna alienate THE MAJORITY of its customers so bad? I hope the increase of autofire farmers makes them rethink their unfair practice. I'm sick and tired of living in a world where unfairness doesn't get brutally punished and scam victims don't get refunded unconditionally. We're humans, not jungle beasts. And fuck these non-f2p games turning into a billionaire's pastime.

Next step: when I feel like trying the new character stories and trials, I'll resurrect the account I used during the beta and turn it into a smurf account for testing, because I'll never lose the hope that capcom reverts the fm earning model to its previous rules, and I don't wanna risk anything by wasting the first completion on my main account. This is against some worm who said he's happy with this disgusting current fm earning model because it reduces the number of smurf accounts.

Challenge results: Blanka on all my tries, freshly unlocked, to maximize my potential earnings. Won the first, lost the second, won the third. All because sometimes I got down-forward instead of forward and Blanka slided to his own death instead of doing the ball attack. Still unfair. These challenges need to be structured like this: infinite free tries, fm fee paid ONLY UPON VICTORY, victory limit to 3.

Heidern was revealed and I can only enjoy the reveal so much instead of jumping out of joy, just like with Oswald. At least SNK made the online enabled ports of Garou and Dai Ni Maku Gekka free for Japanese Plus subscribers!!

Last but actually most important, a word of praise to our very own Gojira. In the first days of this shit, I lurked the capcom unity sfv threads a bit, hoping to see as much backlash as possible (I actually found little backlash and much vomit-inducing trolling against those who RIGHTLY accuse capcom of scamming us), and he said, before sfvae launched, "I hope to hell that character levels get reset", despite being a really skilled player who can farm way more fm than me through ranked. This would be the most brilliant way to keep things fair, if only capcom listened to him.

Goodbye everybody, for now...

Ore no...kachi da!!

[this message was edited by Micky Kusanagi on Sun 25 Feb 18:58]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(5):Re(10):June in the month of February" , posted Sun 25 Feb 23:48post reply

Good that you're letting it go.
You don't seem to have a healthy relationship with this game, so uninstalling it and spending time doing something you actually like and that is not hurtful for you is probably for the best. Maybe take the occasion to think why you have let yourself become so upset with a videogame, and try to avoid these pitfalls the next time you see the signs you're starting it again.

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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"Re(6):Re(10):June in the month of February" , posted Mon 26 Feb 02:33post reply

Honestly Micky, you might be better off just stepping away from SF5 and any sort of fighting game for awhile. A game is, well, just a game and if it's infuriating instead of entertaining you should stop playing.

In less serious news, is Blanka's v-skill good for anything? I tried it a great deal in the MMCafe lagfest (thanks for the games everyone!) and all it did was put Blanka's head on the ground for convenient stomping. It feels as awful as Sakura's v-skill and that's really awful.

I've also realized I need to learn characters such as Zeku and Kolin in order to cheese Shadaloo goons broaden my knowledge of the game.

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(7):Re(10):June in the month of February" , posted Mon 26 Feb 05:35post reply

In less serious news, is Blanka's v-skill good for anything? I tried it a great deal in the MMCafe lagfest (thanks for the games everyone!) and all it did was put Blanka's head on the ground for convenient stomping. It feels as awful as Sakura's v-skill and that's really awful.

I think Blanka's V-Skill is meant to be his primary solution for dealing with fireballs, with the added benefit of functioning as a dodge for other attacks. You see a fireball coming, and you duck below it. From there, in order to not be too predictable, you get a number of options. You can attack, leap forward, just get up, or move back or forward.

At least that is the theory. I'm not a big Blanka player, so I don't really know how it works out in practice. Maybe someone will show that it is a really useful skill, but I can't help but feel that it tries to offer too many options at the cost of making sure none are too effective.

The punch seems good in theory, but it only works at point blank range. If you have the time to safely duck at point blank range, then you might have had the time to instead tag the opponent with a safer and/or better combo?

In theory you can use the movement options to either close in or get away, but they seem to leave you pretty open, and it feels like a serious opponent will recover in time to punish you? And simply standing right back up in place leaves you where you started.

Maybe it actually is a really useful ability. I don't know. And besides, there are a lot of V-Skills that aren't particularly useful, or are highly situational. (Heck, I don't know that I believe that Capcom actually intended for Juri to be able to store her charge.)

1865th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(6):Re(10):June in the month of February" , posted Mon 26 Feb 17:48post reply

Good that you're letting it go.
You don't seem to have a healthy relationship with this game, so uninstalling it and spending time doing something you actually like and that is not hurtful for you is probably for the best. Maybe take the occasion to think why you have let yourself become so upset with a videogame, and try to avoid these pitfalls the next time you see the signs you're starting it again.

You should listen to Iggy, he's a cool dude.

Street Fighter IV and especially V have caused nothing but heartache for me, aside from the occasional cool piece of promo art (offset by SFV dragging poor Bengus' reputation down). I won't even go into how much I hate the new Blanka design (unless someone asks nyehehehehe).

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, I've loved Street Fighter for most of my life. The new one makes me seriously unhappy. Like, on par with losing a dear friend. So I just ignore it. I don't play it. I avoid watching videos of it if possible. If someone brings it to work, I just let them have their fun, I don't want anything to do with it. And I'm happier just being able to ignore it and concentrate on things that I do like.

Plus no one can ever take the old games and art away from me, so it's not even like I live a life without Street Fighter. I just don't give any heed to part V, and I highly recommend you do the same.

Treat it as a fart. Just let it go. It'll stink at first. But you'll definitely feel relief soon enough.

5371th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(7):Re(10):June in the month of February" , posted Mon 26 Feb 19:10post reply

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, I've loved Street Fighter for most of my life. The new one makes me seriously unhappy. Like, on par with losing a dear friend. So I just ignore it. I don't play it. I avoid watching videos of it if possible. If someone brings it to work, I just let them have their fun, I don't want anything to do with it. And I'm happier just being able to ignore it and concentrate on things that I do like.

I've got quite a number of friends that share your same sentiments, some because of their dislike of SFV and some because of their dislike of the production team behind it. Despite people saying that e-sports and fighting games are rising in popularity, I simply don't see--friends around me who've been playing for decades have moved on to other games like Splatoon, OverWatch and MHW.

As for fight money in SFV, I'm wondering whether they're really worth much to begin with aside from unlocking stages and characters you don't really care about. Though of course this is coming from someone that rarely plays the game outside of the occasional lagfests.

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(7):Re(10):June in the month of February" , posted Mon 26 Feb 19:24post reply

Boooooh for using my fart against me! Booooooh!
You nearly don't deserve new Akiman art.

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(7):Re(10):June in the month of February" , posted Tue 27 Feb 08:08post reply

In less serious news, is Blanka's v-skill good for anything? I tried it a great deal in the MMCafe lagfest (thanks for the games everyone!) and all it did was put Blanka's head on the ground for convenient stomping. It feels as awful as Sakura's v-skill and that's really awful.

In light of various internet grumbling that SF5 Blanka is weak, Vesper and Mir (of VesperArcade) weigh in with their own early opinion that Blanka is actually fairly strong. Not necessarily top tier, but no where near as bad as others have claimed.

The argument comes down to Blanka's pretty large tool set, in addition to his solid V-Triggers. Their judgement is that, while everything has a weakness, everything he has (including his V-Skill) also serves a useful purpose. This particularly ties into their judgement that, due to how he can be punished, the trick to playing Blanka is to be unpredictable (which means Blanka needs a lot of different options.)


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"Re(8):Re(10):June in the month of February" , posted Tue 27 Feb 09:17post reply

In my small amount of time with Blanka all I can say is that while he's not terrible, he definitely plays so differently that even the few people that really wanted him in the game are probably kind of put off by him.

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"Re(9):Re(10):June in the month of February" , posted Wed 28 Feb 00:19post reply


The argument comes down to Blanka's pretty large tool set, in addition to his solid V-Triggers.

In my small amount of time with Blanka all I can say is that while he's not terrible, he definitely plays so differently that even the few people that really wanted him in the game are probably kind of put off by him.

That sounds like a fair assessment; nothing Blanka has is outstanding but if all his moves are used correctly he should be strong... maybe. I also agree with the idea that he is deceptively different. This isn't like Ibuki where one look at her tells you that she's changed. Blanka looks like he's the same but everything needs to be used differently which makes changing your mental models a bit more tricky.

I really hope a new character comes out soon since thinking about Blanka this much feels unhealthy.

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"June in February/March, Monster Hunter as wel" , posted Thu 1 Mar 09:02post reply

The first week for Ibuki's Monster Hunter outfit is currently active.

There is also some other Monster Hunter title thing, for 1000FM. I think someone mentioned that it also gave you a theme song or something?

Anyway, I beat the Ibuki mission. 2500FM as normal, to get the first of four gems. There is one potentially significant difference, though. Even though it was only a single round, it very much looks like Capcom started the Ibuki challenge at a higher difficulty than they used for Rashid and Chun-Li. Ibuki will air throw you if you jump, she will jump after you throw a few fireballs, and she will use combos if she gets close to you. This still isn't a difficult fight; I took half a life bar in damage just feeling her out, but finished her safely afterward.

The big concern here is that if Capcom is starting the Monster Hunter challenges at a higher difficulty, then they will also very likely end at a higher difficulty. This could mean that people will be facing a level 7-8 CPU in the final week for these challenges?

The second concern is whether this change is only for Monster Hunter, or if it is an across-the-board change for all future costume missions. I can see Capcom going either way. If they figure too many people were able to too cheaply get the Viewtiful Joe outfit, and that June was starting the same way, then they might have decided to increase the difficulty for all future costume missions. Or it could be that Capcom decided that Monster Hunter is a bigger pull, and thus they could get away with raising the difficulty (and causing more people to burn FM), compared to Viewtiful Joe or Star Gladiator.

Of course a single sample isn't much to go on. It could potentially be that I just had bad luck, and Ibuki started as low as ever. I think the difference was too steep for that, but the difficulties do blur together a fair amount.

2028th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):June in February/March, Monster Hunter " , posted Thu 1 Mar 20:30post reply

Chun-Li turned 50 today.

Même Narumi est épatée !

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"Re(2):June in February/March, Monster Hunter" , posted Thu 1 Mar 23:13post reply

Kudos to the Professor for using the correct image of Blanka in the tier chart maker.

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Three costumes, still no Shadoloo soldiers?" , posted Sat 10 Mar 11:45:post reply

For your weekly Street Fighter V mission info:

R. Mika's Monster Hunter costume Extra Missions have started. That means this week has three active costume missions: Chun-Li's June (4th), Ibuki's Kirin (2nd), and R. Mika's Zinogre (1st).

This overlap will only get worse next week. While Chun-Li's set ends this week, next week is already scheduled to introduce two new four-mission sets: Ken's Rathalos armor and Nash's Captain Commando crossover costume.

I've yet to see any official mention of the return of the Shadoloo soldier extra missions, which was absent last week. At this pace of release, even if you succeed on the first try of every attempt, you will now be spending Fight Money faster than you can legitimately earn it if you want to get every Extra Mission costume. (7500 this week, 10,000 next week, and at least 10,000 again for the week after next. Meanwhile, we can earn around 5000 per week from missions, while online match proceeds are nearly negligible.)

On my AI judgements:
Chun-Li's 4th week feels in line with Rashid (Viewtiful Joe). She is certainly lower than Level 8. She might be level 6?

I'm still iffy on the Monster Hunter difficulties. Last week I guessed that Ibuki started at a higher difficulty level, but it is difficult to judge Ibuki, who is quite willing to air throw and jump fireballs even at low difficulties. I did not feel that Ibuki showed a similar difficulty increase this week, which could imply that the performance I experienced last week was random chance. But back again, R. Mika felt similarly stronger in her first week. Not dangerous per say, but more active than first-week Chun-Li or Rashid. Possibly complicating my judgements is that I've been using Ryu for all of these challenges, and I've arguably gotten slightly better at playing him against the CPU.

[this message was edited by Baines on Sat 10 Mar 11:47]

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"Pro Tour Trappings" , posted Tue 20 Mar 22:04post reply

The previous Pro Tour stages have been cute but also felt like someone was doing their best to pretty up recycled assets. The new Shadaloo stage, however, looks fun. Akuma is also looking surprisingly dapper. He still hasn't learned to comb his hair but it's a start.

5382th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):Pro Tour Trappings" , posted Tue 20 Mar 23:17post reply

The previous Pro Tour stages have been cute but also felt like someone was doing their best to pretty up recycled assets. The new Shadaloo stage, however, looks fun. Akuma is also looking surprisingly dapper. He still hasn't learned to comb his hair but it's a start.

Holy! That Sakura costume has one of the wrongest looking Hakama renders I've seen--they're not supposed to look like bell bottoms of all things. This is like going back to the years of Aoi in Virtua Fighter 3. Nice Shadoloo stage though, it has the atmophere of the Secret Files stuff, lol.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Pro Tour Trappings" , posted Wed 21 Mar 02:38post reply

The previous Pro Tour stages have been cute but also felt like someone was doing their best to pretty up recycled assets. The new Shadaloo stage, however, looks fun. Akuma is also looking surprisingly dapper. He still hasn't learned to comb his hair but it's a start.

Holy! That Sakura costume has one of the wrongest looking Hakama renders I've seen--they're not supposed to look like bell bottoms of all things. This is like going back to the years of Aoi in Virtua Fighter 3.

I had to look up images of that!

I think that they want it to say "HEY LOOK HAKAMA PANTS" but at the same time they are trying to make sure it doesn't completely obscure the poses of Sakura's stance, and the result is that they look like overly-stiff and inflated tubes rather than the wide draping of hakama.

I think certain poses are definitely more amenable to this than others. Geese standing totally straight makes life easier, for instance.

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"Re(2):Pro Tour Trappings" , posted Wed 21 Mar 07:25:post reply

Holy! That Sakura costume has one of the wrongest looking Hakama renders I've seen--they're not supposed to look like bell bottoms of all things.
Nono, you guys have it all wrong: she's actually cosplaying as our main man Edge from Justice Gakuen by wearing a construction worker's tobi zubon pants, of course!


[this message was edited by Maou on Wed 21 Mar 10:41]

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Four costumes, still no Shadoloo soldiers" , posted Sat 24 Mar 10:17post reply

If anyone still cares about Street Fighter V's weekly costume missions and Fight Money...

This is the second week with four active costume missions (Nash, Ken, R. Mika, Ibuki), and the Shadoloo soldier missions remain absent.

I still cannot figure out what the AI settings are for the costume battles. While they are close to regular AI behaviors, they just seem a bit off. But I really don't believe that Capcom bothered to make tweaked AI just for costume battles.

I also still cannot decide if the Monster Hunter battles have boosted AI difficulty compared to the regular crossover costume battles. This was Ibuki's final week, but Ibuki's AI is a bit weird anyway. (Ibuki's AI puts up a better than normal fight at low levels, but also leaves her abnormally vulnerable at high levels.)

I guess the real test will be next week. I've been using Ryu to cheese the AI with fireballs, and I flat out cannot beat a Level 8 R. Mika with Ryu. How easily I win or lose should give some idea whether she is running higher than the normal difficulty. Funny/sad thing is, while Mika's outfit will probably be the most difficult for me to get, it is also quite possibly the only one that I actually kind of want and would actually use. (MH-themed armor isn't exactly out of character for a pro-wrestler.)

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"Darkstalkers" , posted Wed 28 Mar 02:43post reply

Darkstalker costumes are coming to SF5. Crazy-eyed Donovan is great but Juri must not be able to breathe since that costume is pushing her back down to her SF4 bust size.

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"Re(1):Darkstalkers 3.5" , posted Mon 2 Apr 23:14post reply

Two post combo!

Inexplicably, there's a rebalance coming to SF5 this week. I went to bed last night expecting to wake up to a character announcement. Instead I woke up to a PDF file detailing LP hit box changes.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(2):Darkstalkers 3.5" , posted Mon 2 Apr 23:28post reply

Inexplicably, there's a rebalance coming to SF5 this week. I went to bed last night expecting to wake up to a character announcement. Instead I woke up to a PDF file detailing LP hit box changes.

I love that Capcom's infinite wisdom understands the need, at this point of the season, to nerf overwhelming top-tiers Juri, Nash and Ed. But hey, at least Claw got some useless stuff that does absolutely nothing to address his core problems!

Oh, well. At least Rashid and Abi got a buckload of nerfs, and Alex, Sakura, Blanka and Zeku (remember that guy?) received buffs. I have no clue about these characters so I don't know if that will be enough, but I'm curious to see where it goes.
I just hope Cammy doesn't end up being overwhelmingly strong. She's one of the most boring character of the series to watch in a tournament.

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):Darkstalkers 3.5" , posted Tue 3 Apr 04:44post reply

Inexplicably, there's a rebalance coming to SF5 this week. I went to bed last night expecting to wake up to a character announcement. Instead I woke up to a PDF file detailing LP hit box changes.
I love that Capcom's infinite wisdom understands the need, at this point of the season, to nerf overwhelming top-tiers Juri, Nash and Ed. But hey, at least Claw got some useless stuff that does absolutely nothing to address his core problems!

I knew the Juri nerf was coming when people started talking about Infiltration winning a tournament with her. Even though Infiltration did not even win the tournament with Juri, he won the tournament after switching to Menat.

I cannot decide if Capcom just lives in abject fear that a Juri player might win a match, or if they simply have zero understanding of how the character actually plays. (For example, RedGambit remains confused over Capcom's seeming obsession with the idea that super meter is desperately important for Juri.)

2017th Post

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"Re(2):Darkstalkers 3.5" , posted Tue 3 Apr 05:22post reply

Two post combo!

Inexplicably, there's a rebalance coming to SF5 this week. I went to bed last night expecting to wake up to a character announcement. Instead I woke up to a PDF file detailing LP hit box changes.

What are they doing to Zangief. I see they added the ability to cancel the Flying Headbutt, but halved the stun. It feels like an unnecessary change to a move whose traditional utility has been to generate stun. I honestly have not been able to use the Tundra Storm counter at all since they added it so I didn't know stun dropped when the animation was going on. Increased pushback on V-reversal block & hit? So will they now be out of light SPD range?

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Boredom awaits" , posted Tue 17 Apr 02:07post reply

So.... yeah... Falke.

.... like.... yeah...
... her theme is really good?

2366th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Boredom awaits" , posted Tue 17 Apr 02:24post reply

So.... yeah... Falke.

.... like.... yeah...
... her theme is really good?

I was going to make a joke about "Boredom awaits? Did you see the new Falke trailer?"

But that's actually precisely what you're talking about....

She kind of looks like a bad first draft of Guilty Gear's Venom. Slow animations and weak-looking hits... the vertical staff twirl is the worst.

I don't think Capcom wants me to play SFV. Please send Monster Hunter DLC soon.

/ / /

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"Re(1):Boredom awaits" , posted Tue 17 Apr 02:54:post reply

So.... yeah... Falke.

.... like.... yeah...
... her theme is really good?

Well it is a good theme...

She wields her staff like a rifle for the most part. It makes me wonder if it was supposed to be a gun at first and then Capcom decided they didn't want a character using a gun so they just toned it down, but as a staff it just looks awkwardly small and absurdly childish.

One thing I will note is that between her name and the croquet swing in her CA, there's a vague spiritual connection to Eagle...? It's so subtle I even question if it was intentional, though. If the small details of her story are anything to go by, I doubt she has any real connection.

[this message was edited by Gojira on Tue 17 Apr 03:18]

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"Re(2):Boredom awaits" , posted Tue 17 Apr 03:00post reply

So Shadaloo is now all charge characters and Neo-Shadaloo is being built around simplified inputs? What a weird designation.

As for Falke herself... well, in any fighting game once you get past the core, vital characters you either end up with fighters who are built around some odd visual or play mechanic or walking punching bags who are there to get clocked by the heroes in highlight videos. I don't know where Falke will fall in that spectrum but I'm certain she will do a fine job in keeping the select screen boxes symmetrical.

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"Re(3):Boredom awaits" , posted Tue 17 Apr 09:22post reply

I don't know where Falke will fall in that spectrum but I'm certain she will do a fine job in keeping the select screen boxes symmetrical.

Hahaha! It’s a thankless job that Honda, T.Hawk, and Deejay have been performing for years!
... ... was Deejay IN Street Fighter IV?! Now I’m not sure.

Falke would probably be fine, if dull, if only I didn’t think green lipstick is such a fashion crime unless one is literally a witch.


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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(4):Boredom awaits" , posted Tue 17 Apr 11:14post reply

I don't know where Falke will fall in that spectrum but I'm certain she will do a fine job in keeping the select screen boxes symmetrical.
Hahaha! It’s a thankless job that Honda, T.Hawk, and Deejay have been performing for years!
... ... was Deejay IN Street Fighter IV?! Now I’m not sure.

Falke would probably be fine, if dull, if only I didn’t think green lipstick is such a fashion crime unless one is literally a witch.

Deejay was in Super Street Fighter IV; I don't know if he was in vanilla SF4. I'd guess that he wasn't, simply because SF4 was a nostalgia-driven project and Capcom had to realize everyone forgets about Deejay within two minutes of being reminded he exists.

Falke's lipstick certainly doesn't work. I'm not even sure why. It seems like it should work in theory, but the end result just doesn't click the way I'm sure it was supposed to. Maybe that light green just doesn't work with blond hair? Or her outfit. Really, it only goes with her eye color. It needs something else.

Her animation doesn't look particularly impressive either. I've seen complaints elsewhere that her animations are stiff. I don't know that that is the issue, but her animations certainly seem to lack personality, and sometimes effort (on her part, though also effort on the animators' part).

Her super may showcase the issue the most. It is easy to see the intention of the design. She launches the opponent straight into the air with a staff swing. Then she uses her pole to vault into the air, channeling psycho power into a shot to boost her skyward. She catches up to the victim, and then hits them a couple of times mid-air.

But look at how it is animated. Maybe it is a camera position issue, but the launching swing appears to carry all the effort of a 60-year old in a back brace playing croquet, or someone play acting. It isn't that the animation is stiff, it is just that she doesn't appear to put any physical effort into the swing.

Then there is the pole vault. She plants the staff, does a vertical handstand, then flies straight up and starts spinning without any evidence of rotational force (or even vertical force for that matter.) It looks silly. Okay, she can't do a "real" pole vault because her staff has neither the length nor the flexibility for the task. She pretty much has to rely entirely on psycho power to launch herself. But nothing about the animation "sells" that psycho power launch, just as nothing sells the spin she magically acquires. Honestly, the more I think about it, the more wrong the idea of the vault becomes. Yes, it is showy, but realistically she should probably just jump after the victim, or even jump while firing straight down if she was a boost effect. The vault just seems a waste, considering she's getting no benefit from the physical effort she puts into it.

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"Re(3):Boredom awaits" , posted Wed 18 Apr 23:32post reply

So Shadaloo is now all charge characters and Neo-Shadaloo is being built around simplified inputs? What a weird designation.

I'm now expecting Sagat to revive the Buriki One control scheme when he drops.

2367th Post

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"Re(5):Boredom awaits" , posted Thu 19 Apr 01:10post reply

I don't know where Falke will fall in that spectrum but I'm certain she will do a fine job in keeping the select screen boxes symmetrical.
Hahaha! It’s a thankless job that Honda, T.Hawk, and Deejay have been performing for years!
... ... was Deejay IN Street Fighter IV?! Now I’m not sure.

Falke would probably be fine, if dull, if only I didn’t think green lipstick is such a fashion crime unless one is literally a witch.

Deejay was in Super Street Fighter IV; I don't know if he was in vanilla SF4. I'd guess that he wasn't, simply because SF4 was a nostalgia-driven project and Capcom had to realize everyone forgets about Deejay within two minutes of being reminded he exists.

Falke's lipstick certainly doesn't work. I'm not even sure why. It seems like it should work in theory, but the end result just doesn't click the way I'm sure it was supposed to. Maybe that light green just doesn't work with blond hair? Or her outfit. Really, it only goes with her eye color. It needs something else.

Her animation doesn't look particularly impressive either. I've seen complaints elsewhere that her animations are stiff. I don't know that that is the issue, but her animations certainly seem to lack personality, and sometimes effort (on her part, though also effort on the animators' part).

Her super may showcase the issue the most. It is easy to see the intention of the design.

If Capcom handled this character's morning and animation internally, I will eat my copy of SFV.

/ / /

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(6):Boredom awaits" , posted Wed 25 Apr 07:40post reply

Holy smokes is Falke boring. Her entire personality is that she says "Auf Wiedersehen" in katakana after her CA.
I was expecting some edge, some rough spot, anything, but no, all she has to say is how she wants to be left alone, and that all the strange Street Fighter people weird her out. She's like Kira Yoshikage if he didn't kill people or counted his yearly nail growth. How do you create someone intentionally so bland? It's... it's art, at this point. I can't remember a more empty character since... Dee Jay maybe? Is she even worse than Dee Jay in that aspect?

She also has the same issue as Ed, in that her costume and general appearance seem to paint her as evil, or dominatrix, or some kind of member of an insane military cult, when actually all she wants is live a normal life and be Ed's perfect incestuous housewife. I wonder whether at the design stage they were supposed to be set up as the new team of bad guys for SF6, but midway through they rewrote them as the renegade antiheroes, nice people now stuck with a fascist uniform.
Also, her scenario mode reminded me how Ed should not have grown into an Hugo Boss underwear model; the growth stage just before was much better to sell the idea.

And her gameplay is some kind of reactive jank. Antiairs for days, punishes, good normals... If she's good, she's going to make watching tournaments matches with her 20% more boring at least. Let's not talk about her animations. Oh no let's not talk about them.

I can't help but finding funny she arrives just when the cosplay costume is the Unknown Soldier from Forgotten Worlds. Seems a bit on the nose, maybe?
The next cosplay costume is fantastic, fortunately. I really need to start learning Vegamoto.
The next Zeku costume is also quite nice.
The patch also brought us something good to make up for Falke: Nishimura is still the best.

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(7):Boredom awaits" , posted Wed 25 Apr 11:21post reply

I can't figure out what Capcom is thinking with these Neo Shadoloo single button specials. Supposedly, it is meant to be an easy control scheme for people who don't play fighting games. But if you cannot handle even quarter circles, then why are you buying a fighting game that has only two characters (both released as DLC) that you can play? And even then, you still need to be able to perform a double quarter circle to use the super.

It also seems a bit weird to push an allegedly "casual-friendly" control scheme that seems so unfriendly using a gamepad. Yes, Falke's projectiles are extremely easy to use in isolation. But once you try to perform other attacks while prepping a projectile, you suddenly have to start performing finger gymnastics if you are using a gamepad.

Falke's animation is lazy and/or poor, in a fashion that gives off a Netherrealm vibe. Netherrealm has put out multiple DC fighting games, which includes Catwoman. And now... Falke's Battle Outfit is a non-infringing knock-off of Catwoman's jumpsuit and goggles costume? (An outfit that has no connection to her in-game story, no less. And even if you want to use the dominatrix idea, that doesn't explain the goggles.)

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(8):Boredom awaits" , posted Wed 25 Apr 19:04post reply

It also seems a bit weird to push an allegedly "casual-friendly" control scheme that seems so unfriendly using a gamepad.
I didn't even think of that...
The market for absolute fighting game beginners who also happen to own a stick must be huge!

Or are they actually targeting Tekken players...?

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"Re(9):Boredom awaits" , posted Wed 25 Apr 23:23post reply

I agree with Iggy, what a bore Falke turned out to be. Her animation is stiff instead of stoic and her attacks have little in the way of impact. Any fighting game character worth their salt should have an attack that is overwhelmingly powerful or stylishly fast or something that makes it feel as if they are a strong, practiced martial artist. If Falke has a cool looking move I have yet to find it.

I'm not certain what is going on with Neo-Shadaloo. They are far too sympathetic to be the next generation of bad guys. But if they are simply trying to get away from Shadaloo's nonsense why do they dress like a paramilitary group? Perhaps this will all be revealed in the future but at the moment I'm beginning to think that Neo-Shadaloo is a bit of Overwatch fanart that got out of hand.

Does someone at Capcom have a thing for tragic blondes? Falke feels like she's cut from the same cloth as Cammy and, more specifically, Kolin. Both characters are latching onto men in order to justify their existence but while Kolin's fate is leading to false salvation and doom (which is good for fighting game melodrama) Falke just dreams of being Suzy Homemaker. It makes one wonder why Falke fights or wears that crazy outfit. Her uniform doesn't really suggest a reluctant warrior. Come to think of it, it doesn't suggest sexy soldier either. Honestly, it suggests a naughty airline stewardess who threw on an overcoat as she dashed out of a hotel room before someone's wife got back. That sounds silly but it would be more interesting than what Falke is currently dragging around.

So far the only good thing I've seen about Falke is the D.D. reference on CFN.

I can't figure out what Capcom is thinking with these Neo Shadoloo single button specials. Supposedly, it is meant to be an easy control scheme for people who don't play fighting games. But if you cannot handle even quarter circles, then why are you buying a fighting game that has only two characters (both released as DLC) that you can play? And even then, you still need to be able to perform a double quarter circle to use the super.

I think that players and game companies overestimate how hard it is to play fighting games. There is one line of thinking that charge characters are difficult because of charge partitioning in combos and whatnot. I suppose that's true for high level tournament play but on a basic level the design is dirt simple; the character squats for a second and they can do a special move. The reason why characters like Honda and Blanka are truly great for beginner characters is because you're always moving the joystick and banging on the buttons. You're constantly interacting with the game which is much more fun. Ed and Falke aren't beginner friendly, instead they have an experimental design that feels limited and counter-intuitive to the rest of the game. Perhaps instead of paring down the inputs the Neo-Shadaloo characters should look to VF and DoA for designs for characters who have simple inputs but can still be complicated for those who want to put in the effort?

1873th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(10):Boredom awaits" , posted Thu 26 Apr 01:04post reply

I agree with Iggy, what a bore Falke turned out to be. Her animation is stiff instead of stoic and her attacks have little in the way of impact. Any fighting game character worth their salt should have an attack that is overwhelmingly powerful or stylishly fast or something that makes it feel as if they are a strong, practiced martial artist. If Falke has a cool looking move I have yet to find it.

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Quality animation


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"Re(2):Re(10):Boredom awaits" , posted Thu 26 Apr 04:24post reply

Ha ha ha Falke. Unlike Menat I think the opinions of the Cafe are in line with the majority on this one. She is just bizarrely lazy in her movements and posture. Her voice is mostly a deadpan kuudere and her "endearing trait" is she just says random German words for reasons unexplained.

I can see what they were going for with simple and direct motions, but if you're going to have movements like that then the personality of them has to make up for their simplicity, and in this case there is absolutely none. Her follow through is weak in most instances, especially her CA which has so little impact it may as well have been a slideshow. When hit she barely reels from a jab. Even her walk cycle, where the animators usually like to show off, just has her steadying her hat a bit.

She doesn't handle her weapon in a manner that suggests she has any real skill with it, even though she has supposedly named it and carries it around at all times. There's so much you can do with an item like that in martial arts. What I would have done to try and salvage it is instead of having a regular weapon just make her pick up a random similar-sized item in the stage before the match. That way at least it would have a more comical effect to see her lazily swinging around and shooting people with more familiar-looking items like a mop, a bat, a frozen fish, whatever. But I'm sure Capcom will just make that part of her DLC outfits. I can already predict a witch costume coming for Halloween complete with little broom.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"I am actually 7 cats in a bag" , posted Fri 27 Apr 01:40post reply


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"Re(1):I am actually 7 cats in a bag" , posted Fri 27 Apr 13:34post reply

"Your fighting was so weak I had time to vacuum!" I don't really understand what they're doing because their site is so vague, but I assume we have "Man-Machine Interface" to thank.

Amidst all the Falke derision, I'm seriously wondering what happens when the 30th anniversary collection comes out. When this many Street Fighters are available online in a convenient way for large numbers of people (sorry, Fightcade), will people still gravitate towards the new experience, for all its faults? Will I just play Zero 3 all day, wishing I were playing Zero 2, but happy regardless? We'll find out!

...eventually. The Japanese release is still undetermined, with a pitiful apology note online from the producer that essentially suggests they're rebuilding the collection from scratch based on Japanese copies after fans called Capcom out for suggesting they buy a collection of English-language releases in the series' land of origin.

2018th Post

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"Astaroth costume part 1 available now" , posted Fri 11 May 18:50post reply

The extra battle for the first part of the Vega/M. Bison Astaroth costume started yesterday.

I think the extra battle costumes are really the only thing keeping me from putting the game in a box in my closet. I have peaked skillwise as a Super Gold player and have to real desire to learn a new character. I might try out Cody for a little bit. I hope Zangief gets something interesting somewhere down the line.

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(1):Astaroth costume part 1 available now" , posted Sat 12 May 01:38post reply

Astaroth and Unknown Soldier are on my list of "characters I'd like to see in a Capcom only crossover fighting game", so I'm very happy, and sad that they are only costumes.

Michelle Heart and Gene next please!

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"Re(2):Astaroth costume part 1 available now" , posted Sat 12 May 21:11post reply

There's going to be a collection of tournaments for the SF Collection. Are there any A3 players left on planet Earth? I guess we will find out.

Astaroth and Unknown Soldier are on my list of "characters I'd like to see in a Capcom only crossover fighting game", so I'm very happy, and sad that they are only costumes.

Michelle Heart and Gene next please!

It would be great to see a full Astaroth in a game like that just to see how his dual faces would animate. I would also team him up with Bishamon so I could have a team of nothing but torso faces.

398th Post

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"Re(3):Astaroth costume part 1 available now" , posted Sat 12 May 21:57post reply

There's going to be a collection of tournaments for the SF Collection. Are there any A3 players left on planet Earth? I guess we will find out.

I will definetly be a part of this if it comes to our area.

Capcom did good with this collection. Especially online with some games. SNK should have thought of this or do the same with KOF. KOF collection with 94-2003, XI, and NeoWave. 98, 2002, and XI online!

Long Live I AM!

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Boxer Shorts Ryu" , posted Sun 3 Jun 00:14post reply

The next crossover costume is another Ghost 'n Goblins outfit, with the missions for Ryu's Arthur outfit starting on June 7.

You can use the alternate costume code to get the unarmored version version of Arthur, basically Ryu with a bushy beard and Arthur's heart boxers.


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"Re(1):Boxer Shorts Ryu" , posted Tue 5 Jun 23:07post reply

The next crossover costume is another Ghost 'n Goblins outfit, with the missions for Ryu's Arthur outfit starting on June 7.

You can use the alternate costume code to get the unarmored version version of Arthur, basically Ryu with a bushy beard and Arthur's heart boxers.


It's been weeks now without a new Chun-Li costume. I'm confused.

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"Fashion Week Sakura" , posted Thu 7 Jun 21:56post reply

Design concepts for Sakura, many of which were complete and utter garbage.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Fashion Week Sakura" , posted Thu 7 Jun 23:35post reply

Design concepts for Sakura, many of which were complete and utter garbage.

That motion capture suit actually looks cool. They should make that DLC.

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"Re(2):Fashion Week Air Man" , posted Thu 21 Jun 02:02post reply

Air Man and DMC costumes are coming soon. More of that cross-company synergy.

Oh, and there are going to be changes to survival mode that I'm certain will generate plenty of heated online posts. Since no one actually plays survival mode I'm not certain it's worth getting worked up over but that's just me.

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(3):Fashion Week Air Man" , posted Mon 25 Jun 01:16:post reply

When something bad happens to you or your loved ones, when you're disappointed by a decision from Capcom regarding SF5 or any other game, when you are forced to face Falke and just sigh at the mess, when you read about the incoming loot boxes, when you want to go out for a walk but it rains outside, remember one thing: someone at Capcom saw this, and in their boundless mercy, refused this abomination to be unleashed upon the world.

Whoever you are, wherever you are, unknown Capcom employee, I shall salute your "no" for the ages to come.

[this message was edited by Iggy on Mon 25 Jun 01:17]

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Fashion Week Air Man" , posted Mon 25 Jun 06:31post reply

When something bad happens to you or your loved ones, when you're disappointed by a decision from Capcom regarding SF5 or any other game, when you are forced to face Falke and just sigh at the mess, when you read about the incoming loot boxes, when you want to go out for a walk but it rains outside, remember one thing: someone at Capcom saw this, and in their boundless mercy, refused this abomination to be unleashed upon the world.

Whoever you are, wherever you are, unknown Capcom employee, I shall salute your "no" for the ages to come.

That animation is... something. It's ironic that original sprite can express her playful but sadistic nature so much more subtly but beautifully where as HD sprite looks like she is bored and pissed at the same time causing a juvenile grudge expression.

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"HD Morrigan" , posted Mon 25 Jun 13:49post reply


That animation is... something. It's ironic that original sprite can express her playful but sadistic nature so much more subtly but beautifully where as HD sprite looks like she is bored and pissed at the same time causing a juvenile grudge expression.

While the (lack of) animation doesn't help, it is the still images themselves.

As you say, HD Morrigan looks bored, or indifferent. Look at her first frame, and compare it to the original first frame. There is life, curve, and bounce in the original frame (even though Morrigan's original idle animation is to just stand stock still while moving her hands) that just doesn't get carried into the HD version.

Some of it is the art style itself. Some of it is probably a lack of concern for how the animation is meant to flow. That was one of the (many) problems with Udon's SF2HDR work, in that the artists appeared to create the HD frames in a vacuum, looking only at the one frame they were remaking rather than looking at the animations it was meant to be part of.

It also doesn't help that HD Morrigan's right leg has the build of Chun-Li while her left leg has the build of Cammy. This wasn't an issue in the original sprite. It was introduced in the HD version when the artist either (incorrectly) decided to slim down Morrigan's left leg, or just didn't pay enough attention to the original sprite.

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"Re(1):HD Morrigan" , posted Mon 25 Jun 15:10post reply


I swear, the 00's were such a dark time for classic games. Because these "HD consoles" didn't have any low resolution modes, you had companies scrambling to repackage their classics to be profitable in HD. The problem was at the time most new artists didn't know how to draw low-res sprites because they didn't think they had to. And yet if you're going to update anything, you need to be able to at least understand how to draw in the original style.

Thankfully we have filters now so at least nobody has to put effort into making graphics look like crap anymore.

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):HD Morrigan" , posted Mon 25 Jun 23:04post reply


Thankfully we have filters now so at least nobody has to put effort into making graphics look like crap anymore.

Filters can be about as bad, particularly when implemented as no-effort solutions by people who don't understand their various faults. At least developers started understanding that a chunk of their audience did not want the equivalent of Vaseline smeared across their screen, and started offering options to disable them.

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"Re(5):Fashion Week Air Man" , posted Mon 25 Jun 23:15post reply

To add to the misery, you know some joker would have decided they knew what was best and done a poor job trying to rebalance the game. The gameplay would have perfectly matched the HD paint.

That animation is... something. It's ironic that original sprite can express her playful but sadistic nature so much more subtly but beautifully where as HD sprite looks like she is bored and pissed at the same time causing a juvenile grudge expression.

That's true, the original sprites displayed a full range of emotions while this is just resting bitch face from start to finish. For people who claim to be such big fans of the games it's surprising to see how little they understand the intricacies that make them special.

2024th Post

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"Re(4):Fashion Week Air Man" , posted Tue 26 Jun 00:39post reply

When something bad happens to you or your loved ones, when you're disappointed by a decision from Capcom regarding SF5 or any other game, when you are forced to face Falke and just sigh at the mess, when you read about the incoming loot boxes, when you want to go out for a walk but it rains outside, remember one thing: someone at Capcom saw this, and in their boundless mercy, refused this abomination to be unleashed upon the world.

Whoever you are, wherever you are, unknown Capcom employee, I shall salute your "no" for the ages to come.

That sure is something. The art doesn't really resemble the original sprite, Bengus' art or UDON's short lived Darkstalkers comic from the mid-2000s. Going for it's own thing isn't bad per se, but as mentioned earlier the bored expression doesn't help. HD Remix had some tie in with previous art styles by blatantly copying Turbo Revival art.

I am curious if line art from the original Darkstalkers still exists at Capcom somewhere

Seeing this image of the original Shoryuken line art makes we wish they just used that HD Remix back in the day. I am sure most of it doesn't exist anymore which would make it hard, but I can dream.

Considering how long it took HD II Remix to be made with as few frames of animation those characters had, I cannot imagine how long it would take to do even the original 10 Darkstalkers characters in bigger sprites.

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(5):Fashion Week Air Man" , posted Tue 26 Jun 02:11:post reply

Considering how long it took HD II Remix to be made with as few frames of animation those characters had, I cannot imagine how long it would take to do even the original 10 Darkstalkers characters in bigger sprites.

From following the development posts at the time, SF2HDR's development looked like a comedy of errors, so the time spent there does not necessarily translate to another potentially better run project.

The project was not well planned. The scope and goals kept changing. The project started as just an art overhaul without and rebalancing allowed, but then rebalancing was allowed within strict limits, but then rebalancing was done that went beyond the previously stated limits. They didn't properly prepare for Microsoft's XBLA file size limit, and ended up having to hope that Microsoft would change the limit for them.

Udon had no experience dealing with animation work. As I said earlier, Udon seemed to draw each keyframe in complete isolation. There was little consistency within even individual characters, while different characters were initially being handled by artists of very visibly different skill levels. Even the better Udon artists working on the project appeared to have little understanding of human anatomy, which both looked bad and further exacerbated consistency issues. The art produced was presumably constantly having to be tweaked, simply because it wasn't being drawn right. And despite not being suited for the task at hand, they decided to try to retrofit SFA's designs into the SF2 sprite limits.

It was almost sad. Every time new art was posted, it was immediately (justifiably) torn apart by the public. Then the touch-ups would be posted, and they'd be torn apart. Then the SFA-style retrofits started getting posted, and we saw characters that were clearly morphing in size between images. (This was made worse as well in some cases where the artists didn't understand the sprites that they were redrawing, such as Sagat's leg changing length simply because the artist didn't understand the position of his foot during a kick.) And then it got really sad when the posted images suddenly received much higher quality heads, and people quickly noticed that Udon's artists had simply copied the heads from SF2 Revival's art. Which was done with little care (other than some image rotation) for whether the SF2R art even fit the position of the SF2 sprite. And it was downright laughable when the mock-up for the Vegas background was revealed, with images of all different sizes thrown together.

The project just kept dragging on.

And with all this, the predictable happened. When they sent the Udon-created keyframes to the overseas studio that was going to handle the bulk of the new art production (note that they'd never publicized this detail until this point), the overseas studio said that they couldn't do the work. The devs tried to spin it by saying that Udon's art was just too high quality and too full of detail for the overseas studio to handle, but it had always been obvious that the Udon art was simply too inconsistent to be usable as keyframes. So Udon now had to handle drawing all the art, causing more delays.

[this message was edited by Baines on Tue 26 Jun 02:13]

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"Re(6):Fashion Week Air Man" , posted Tue 26 Jun 02:49post reply

As many problems as the production for HDR had, I guarantee the only bullet point that Capcom execs looked at before rejecting Darkstalkers HDR was their interpretation that nobody cared about Darkstalkers.

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"Re(7):Fashion Week Air Man" , posted Tue 26 Jun 04:00post reply

I'm looking forward to the FFVII remake just so we will have a new remix to mock.

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(7):Fashion Week Air Man" , posted Tue 26 Jun 04:13post reply

As many problems as the production for HDR had, I guarantee the only bullet point that Capcom execs looked at before rejecting Darkstalkers HDR was their interpretation that nobody cared about Darkstalkers.

Hush you with your filthy facts.
This is a Capcom thread, we don't get many good news, so we need to make those count when they come our way.

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"Re(8):Fashion Week Air Man" , posted Tue 26 Jun 12:08post reply

From Baines' excellent tragic history of Udon to the comments below, this is a treasure trove. And we accomplished this without Nobi even posting yet!
For people who claim to be such big fans of the games it's surprising to see how little they understand the intricacies that make them special.

Thankfully we have filters now so at least nobody has to put effort into making graphics look like crap anymore.
D, did someone utter the cursed incantation to summon SCANLINES?
I'm looking forward to the FFVII remake just so we will have a new remix to mock.

It's about to get hotter than Kikkoken's summer linguistics class in here. The only thing I love hating more than FFVII is Udon's SFIIHD Remix!

5456th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(9):Fashion Week Air Man" , posted Tue 26 Jun 17:47:post reply

With a new patch now out for Cody, anyone perhaps interested in another lagfest this weekend?

[edit] Holy shrimp it's a 15GB update

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 26 Jun 17:48]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P - IGGY ARI !

"Re(10):Fashion Week Air Man" , posted Tue 26 Jun 19:18post reply

With a new patch now out for Cody, anyone perhaps interested in another lagfest this weekend?

Potentially, if I manage to stop playing Nioh for more than an hour or two.

Cody is fun! Relatively simple if you don't go into the VT2 shenanigans, so probably limited at my level, but fun. He also looks really good, and I like the follow-up animations to his moves: they're not as exaggerated as Zeku's, they remain really fast and snappy, while being full of character. I really like them. I also haven't seen any animation where either his knife or his pipe clips through the rest of the body, so kudos for that (yes, that's how low the expectations are after the last few characters).
It hurts that my favourite SF5 character since Kolin and Abi also has the absolute worst animation of the game: his standing LK. On top of that, it looks like a useful button so it will be used plenty.
How can the person who animated the rest of his moves so well also make a NRS-level leg puppeting mistake? At least instead of extending the leg, have him just bend his knee! What is this nonsense.
It's not enough to sour me on the character, but it's a good way to sum up SF5: 95% is gorgeous, 5% sticks out so badly that it sours the rest.

The next cross-over costume is Laura in DMC4's Gloria outfit. Somehow, DMC's sluttiest costume ended up being Laura's most modest one.

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"Re(10):Fashion Week Air Man" , posted Tue 26 Jun 23:10post reply

With a new patch now out for Cody, anyone perhaps interested in another lagfest this weekend?

It looks like I might be around in the AM in US time zones so if something is happening let me know.

As for the man of the hour I haven't had much of a chance to try Cody but he looks to be fun. His voice actor is making less "ha ha" noises so I already enjoy playing him more than in SF4. His animation also has quite a bit of personality. For example, a lot of his animation features him flicking his hands or rubbing his wrists. Even though they are gone I guess he can still feel the weight of those handcuffs. It's also a nice touch that he grimaces after doing his v-skill. Finally, a character that reacts when he burns his own life bar.

Two other minor things I noticed. 1. Shinkiro -or his clone- did the art on his SF1 ending. 2. Metro City is a surprisingly quaint town that has a population of 120,000. Either there's a translation error or Metro City is about the size of Topeka, Kansas.

5456th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Re(10):Fashion Week Air Man" , posted Wed 27 Jun 00:37post reply


Potentially, if I manage to stop playing Nioh for more than an hour or two.

It looks like I might be around in the AM in US time zones so if something is happening let me know.

I'm thinking Sunday midnight 1AM/25:00 JST, which would be
Sun 6PM Paris (France)
Sun 9AM Pacific (USA)
Sun Noon Eastern (USA)

As usual it's a carefree lagfest-- for any Cafer's interested, just hop in if you're up to it!

5458th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Re(10):Fashion Week Air Man" , posted Wed 27 Jun 07:16:post reply

I just checked out Cody and WOW, whoever did his motion animations really put in some love to it. Pretty much every single move he does has him doing a little something afterwards, which of course can be canceled and has no effect towards gameplay.

It hurts that my favourite SF5 character since Kolin and Abi also has the absolute worst animation of the game: his standing LK. On top of that, it looks like a useful button so it will be used plenty.
How can the person who animated the rest of his moves so well also make a NRS-level leg puppeting mistake?

Rest assured-- At first I thought of the same thing, but then I realized. Whoever did his motions purposely implemented that NRS kick in there as a shoutout to bad animations, and also as an anti-thesis.

That awkward St.LK puts Cody out of balance right afterwards for a split second.
Pure genious.

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 27 Jun 09:03]

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"SFV Loot Boxes" , posted Thu 28 Jun 12:25:post reply

For those that might actually care about the loot boxes that Capcom added to SFV...

Loot boxes are purchased in the "Fighting Chance" section of the Shop, using Fight Money or Fortune Tickets. The shop will not show you that you can use Fortune Tickets, nor will the game even show you how many Fortune Tickets you currently have, until you click on the purchase option.

One loot box costs 500FM or 1 Fortune Ticket. Or you can buy ten loot boxes at once for a discounted 4500FM. While you can use Fortune Tickets for the 10-pack, I don't think you get the discounted price? You cannot mix Fortune Tickets and Fight Money.

You get one free loot box, the price will be 0FM.

The current big prize is Cammy's Cannon Spike outfit, which will apparently be in the boxes until August 14. I'm guessing it will be replaced with a different outfit at that point?

The other rewards are new gallery images, EX colors, and consumables for Survival Mode. I do not know if any of the gallery images are new art. From what I've read, at least some are recycling art available in SF2 30th Anniversary. I got old Vega/Balrog art with my free loot box.

You can get the same reward multiple times. If you cannot be rewarded that item again, then you will apparently be credited with 1/20th its value. When you get enough such partial credits to equal a single Fortune Ticket, then they will be converted into one ticket.

There is a current Extra Mission against a weak Cannon Spike Cammy. It costs 250FM to enter and awards a single Fortune Ticket on first completion, and 250xp on further completions. (Basically, you can attempt to get a single ticket at half price.)

Survival Mode offers Fortune Tickets upon completion if you reach set score limits. You *cannot* grind Survival for Fortune Tickets, you can only receive 20 tickets here per month. Further, the 20 available tickets are not only divided evenly across the four difficulties, they each have their own minimum score requirement. So while you can earn your first Easy ticket upon clearing Easy with a score of 100,000, the second Easy ticket requires a higher score. To get all five Easy tickets, you apparently have to finish Easy with a score of over 500,000.

First thing of note is that you have to clear survival to get the tickets. You do not get the tickets just for meeting the score.

Second thing of note is that those point requirements I mentioned for Easy might look high. They are indeed high. You must use the "Double Down" supplements to get the higher score tickets. It is even worse than that, though. It is actually impossible to reach the score requirements for the fourth and fifth tickets unless you are lucky enough to be offered the higher multiplier Double Downs. Even if you Perfect every round and buy a x2 score multiplier every time, you will come up short of the 4th ticket's requirement. The 5th ticket is even worse. And there is another "gotcha" buried in this matter, in that the higher Double Downs will reduce your life, which in turn reduces the amount of score you can get. (The workaround is to use a new life restoring consumable after picking the life reducing Double Down. I don't know if this was intentional on Capcom's part, to make people value those loot box filler consumables more, or if no one at Capcom actually knew enough about how Survival mode works to even realize the latter scores were reliant on blind luck.)

EDIT: When I did the math, using the assumption that every loot box item has the exact same chance of being chosen, I came up with the 50/50 spot being 150 loot boxes. Basically, to have a 50% chance of getting the new Cammy outfit, you'd have to open 150 boxes. This, as I said, assumed all items have the same chance, which is not necessarily true. Of course, regardless of the individual odds, you could be so lucky as to get it on the first box or so unlucky that you never receive it no matter how many boxes you open.

[this message was edited by Baines on Thu 28 Jun 12:31]

479th Post

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"Re(1):SFV Loot Boxes" , posted Thu 28 Jun 12:43post reply

They are indeed high

Just like Capcom these days

"Hai ... Shindekudasai?"

Anyone still playing Phantasy Star Online 2?
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"Re(1):SFV Loot Boxes" , posted Fri 29 Jun 00:42post reply

It's strange, but survival mode isn't terrible anymore. I might finally be able to unlock some colors now!

That awkward St.LK puts Cody out of balance right afterwards for a split second.

Is that the [url=spritedatabase.net/file/200/Cody
]same LK as his A3 animation? I'll have to double-check the game later. Seeing as how tiny his feet and ankles used to be it's not surprising that Cody has a bit of trouble with kicks.

EDIT: When I did the math, using the assumption that every loot box item has the exact same chance of being chosen, I came up with the 50/50 spot being 150 loot boxes. Basically, to have a 50% chance of getting the new Cammy outfit, you'd have to open 150 boxes. This, as I said, assumed all items have the same chance, which is not necessarily true. Of course, regardless of the individual odds, you could be so lucky as to get it on the first box or so unlucky that you never receive it no matter how many boxes you open.

I have no idea what the percentages are on the loot boxes but judging by the number of people who have already gotten Cammy already I suspect it favors players. There's no real money on the line so there's less reason for Capcom to be jerkish about the odds. True, it could be a scheme to make people waste fight money so they will have to spend actual cash on characters and whatnot but that's a wildly roundabout method of generating income. If Capcom wants to print money they just need to put out a new summer swimwear set with Cody and Menat (her crystal ball can be replaced by a volleyball.)

The only thing I truly know about all this is that I want a re-release of Gun/Cannonspike. It's not a good game but I like it.

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):SFV Loot Boxes" , posted Fri 29 Jun 03:33post reply

There's no real money on the line so there's less reason for Capcom to be jerkish about the odds. True, it could be a scheme to make people waste fight money so they will have to spend actual cash on characters and whatnot but that's a wildly roundabout method of generating income.

That's the money on the line.

And it is certainly something Capcom has noticed and acted upon, as it defines the various FM changes that started with Anniversary Edition. Removing the Fight Money bonuses from Survival, cutting the Weekly Mission rewards in half, repacking some of the cut Weekly rewards behind higher skill gated challenges, introducing Extra Missions that require Fight Money entry fees for every attempt, not putting rewards (XP or FM) into the initially hyped and now forgotten Arcade mode, etc...

Heck, even Survival's new continue option requires Fight Money.

And while you can earn Fortune Tickets from Survival Mode, thus not having to spend FM to buy them, the amount you can earn is heavily restricted, guaranteeing that the majority will still have to spend FM to buy loot boxes to actually get the loot box items.

If Capcom wasn't already driven with the goal of bleeding out Fight Money, then many of these changes would never have needed be made, at least not in the forms they used. Particularly since some of Capcom's decisions compromise the game.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(3):SFV Loot Boxes" , posted Fri 29 Jun 04:12post reply

Particularly since some of Capcom's decisions compromise the game.

Which ones exactly?
I understand people are excited to get an ill-fitting Airman cosplay on Rashid, or a Cammy costume where her legs have been chopped down, then her feet got sewn back and then glued to non-functional roller blades to make up for the lost height (that has to be someone's fetish somewhere). Whether such cosmetic stuff is worth more than a full character is open to debate (especially if that full character ends up being Ed or Falke). But how does it impact the game, though?

5459th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):SFV Loot Boxes" , posted Fri 29 Jun 04:46:post reply

All these added optional contents will probably dry out fight money from even the most addicted hardcore players.

For lesser skilled or dedicated players, what essencially could end up with SFV is a situation where more and more players end up farming for fight money, which is the solution which our beloved Mickey took-- keep the controller on rapid and run the game idle. From thereon it could possibly end up being a lose-lose situation for Capcom no matter what path they take.

Is that the [url=spritedatabase.net/file/200/Cody
]same LK as his A3 animation? I'll have to double-check the game later. Seeing as how tiny his feet and ankles used to be it's not surprising that Cody has a bit of trouble with kicks.

I think so, except he doesn't put much weight towards his back so it looks more unnatural. You can check it from the tweet below.


[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 29 Jun 05:12]

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(4):SFV Loot Boxes" , posted Fri 29 Jun 08:28post reply

Which ones exactly?

While it dates back to the original release, the design of Survival mode itself is an example of compromising the game. SFV's Survival mode was terrible on so many levels, but at least some of that fault has to tie back to it being used as a "safe" place for Capcom to dump large sums of Fight Money. By "safe", I mean a place where 99.9% of the player base was never intended to have the patience or skill to reach it. Capcom had made promises about people being able to buy all those DLC characters with Fight Money, but they didn't actually want people to be able to do so.

Capcom ignored complaints about Survival mode up until they had to find a way to create enough cheap disposable content to fill their new loot boxes. Capcom didn't really address the inherent flaws of Survival mode, though it did band-aid a few matters.

Arcade mode could have been a showcase and cornerstone of the game. People had been begging for an arcade mode, and functionally Capcom arguably went beyond what was asked. Except... Capcom didn't want people earning FM or XP in single player. They'd just axed the FM bonuses from Survival, slashed Weekly FM rewards, and skill-gated some of the slashed Weekly rewards. So Arcade mode offered nothing to players beyond some gallery unlocks and a monthly title, and people quickly ignored it.

Capcom added in special challenge "Extra Missions". Being able to fight suped up or altered characters for a reward should be a nice optional feature, but Capcom engineered them to primarily be Fight Money sinks, so you have to pay Fight Money for every attempt. The Shadoloo missions, which either award FM directly or award substantial amounts of XP, are further limited to three attempts. Not even three successful completions, but three attempts total. So here you have different content that people aren't even allowed to touch more than a limited amount. (It probably also isn't a coincidence that the real FM/XP rewards are put behind otherwise unplayable characters that most players will have little experience fighting.)

Heck, we even have newer players complaining that they can't even generate enough Fight Money to tackle these new offers.

Even the new loot boxes function primarily as Fight Money sinks rather than rewards. If Capcom wasn't so focused on draining Fight Money out of wallets, they could at the very least be more generous with offering loot box tickets. Not restricting Survival so harshly, giving them as Arcade rewards, and even giving them as Extra missions. Instead, we still get nothing for arcade, Survival offers 20 a month under very restrictive conditions, and we had an Extra Mission that effectively let you get a single ticket for half price.

Capcom could make moves to make SFV both more entertaining and more rewarding to play, but everything ends up hobbled by its desires to restrict FM.

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"Re(4):SFV Loot Boxes" , posted Fri 29 Jun 09:08post reply

All these added optional contents will probably dry out fight money from even the most addicted hardcore players.

For lesser skilled or dedicated players, what essencially could end up with SFV is a situation where more and more players end up farming for fight money, which is the solution which our beloved Mickey took-- keep the controller on rapid and run the game idle. From thereon it could possibly end up being a lose-lose situation for Capcom no matter what path they take.

I feel sorry for the people who need to collect every item in games. Amassing every win pose in Overwatch or -heaven help them- every outfit in DoA must be an overwhelming experience. Thankfully the SF5 grab-bag offerings are rather junky so that should help curb all but the most ravenous appetites. As Baines noted there's little incentive to keep playing survival mode unless you really enjoy the mode. For example, while I vastly prefer playing by myself I'll probably end up going back to arcade mode once I've finished sponging up my allotment of free tickets.

I think so, except he doesn't put much weight towards his back so it looks more unnatural.

I checked A3 and the kick looks like a reverse angle version of his MK except faster and more awkward. The wonky animation is also more noticeable because Cody is no longer wearing that loose prison uniform. Those tight pants leave nothing to the imagination!

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"Re(5):SFV Loot Boxes" , posted Fri 29 Jun 11:00post reply

I got Cannon Spike Cammy after two sets of 10 draws so I didn't feel that cheated by it. The only other things worth getting from the mode seem to be the EX6 colors which you can get even for outfits you haven't unlocked yet. The ones I got weren't that great though so I can live without having them all, but trying for just a specific character (Laura in my case) is still going to require some luck. I'm not really sure if I should be outraged yet. At least it's nice to hear that survival gives more than just 5 chances, which is what I initially thought.

About the survival update, I think the random ordering was SORELY needed and am more than happy to see that in. Knowing who you were going to fight next in that fixed order only added intensely to the repetitiveness of the grind and made you not want to touch it again. The randomness makes it more of... well, not exactly a fun challenge, but a more interesting and sustainable gamble. Like at least there's always a chance you'll get a character that's not an asshole AI.

What I don't like is the extra item screen on the post-fight menu. That menu never did anything but add more time to an already time-intensive experience, and now there's more of it.

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(6):SFV Loot Boxes" , posted Fri 29 Jun 11:23post reply

About the survival update, I think the random ordering was SORELY needed and am more than happy to see that in. Knowing who you were going to fight next in that fixed order only added intensely to the repetitiveness of the grind and made you not want to touch it again.

The random order was indeed sorely needed. The fixed order barely made sense at the start when there were so (relatively few) characters to face, but it became even more of an issue as more and more DLC characters were added.

Though the simplest way to make Survival more playable would just to be to drastically cut the number of matches necessary.

Heck, if they absolutely aren't willing to cut the match count to a reasonable amount, then at the very least merge all the difficulties together. There was no player-friendly reason to split them (and their rewards) when the higher difficulties contain the lower difficulties in their entireties. It really should have just been one difficulty that paid out the appropriate rewards upon beating the 10/30/50/100th rounds.

But Capcom obviously isn't going to do any of that, presumably because actually attempting to improve the game isn't a priority. (Again, I'm 100% certain the only reason we've gotten what Survival improvements we did get was entirely because they decided to use Survival as the basis for their loot box filler.)

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(5):SFV Loot Boxes" , posted Fri 29 Jun 19:51post reply

I think Ishmael summed it up quite well: if you want to have everything in a Gaas game, well, good luck and open your wallet.

The system is made to give you free trinkets for playing. Dedicated players can still get the 600k necessary to buy a new season. It was never promised one would be able to get everything, including stages and costumes, and it was never going to be an easy task anyway.
Moreover, as a reward system, it has to work for all level of (financial) involvement. People like me who buy the season passes can still engage with the system, and that's the monthly costume system and big bad boss battle thing. It's the Gaas economy, and yeah, people are supposed to spend their virtual currency carefully; if one is saving their FM to buy Sagat, trying any of the other modes is a stupid idea.
And people who started at AE are obviously running on a tighter FM budget than the 2-years players who have had occasions to get a million of FM with minimal effort (at the very least, I got the trophy a bit before Sakura was released, and I am the embodiment of minimal effort). What was Capcom going to do, stop producing new content to let new players catch up? I still enjoy getting silly costumes on a regular basis, even for characters I don't play. It's even the only reason I kept turning on the game in the last few months, to be honest.
Painting the Survival and Arcade modes shortcoming as Capcom being an evil and greedy corporation finding new ways to bleed people out is actually overselling them. Occam's razor and MvCI say it's more likely those are the product of gross incompetence. If anything, I'm convinced the new survival mode was supposed to ship along with AE, but in typical SF5 fashion it was not finished on time and got delayed like the cinematic story mode, so it could be released as far away from the spotlight as possible.

It has become much more difficult to get the yearly 600k necessary for all the characters, I don't challenge that (though after the Falke debacle, one could say the 3rd year actually only costs 500k). But the issue is with the FM faucet, not the extra ways to spend it.

5460th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(6):SFV Loot Boxes" , posted Sat 30 Jun 03:28:post reply

For some reason I forgot that characters could be bought with FM in this game. Thank you for the reminder-- Sakura

I'm assuming that on average a player can make around 300FM per hour if playing seriously/not farming? It would be interesting to hear from someone who plays the game on a regular basis.

Also, reminder-- for anyone interested, the lagfest for this weekend will be Sunday midnight 1AM/25:00 JST
Sun 6PM Paris (France)
Sun 9AM Pacific (USA)
Sun Noon Eastern (USA)

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 30 Jun 04:28]

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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"Re(7):SFV Alex Boxes" , posted Tue 10 Jul 11:07post reply

Much like Tizoc/King of Dinosaurs, I've come to the conclusion that Sodom is actually the "bad" persona of Alex. They're the same character from their mix of strikes and grabs to their big standing heavy kick. This is why you never see Sodom's face, you never see Sodom and Alex in the same place at the same time, and why we will not see Sodom in SF5.

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(8):SFV Alex Boxes" , posted Tue 10 Jul 23:10post reply

Much like Tizoc/King of Dinosaurs, I've come to the conclusion that Sodom is actually the "bad" persona of Alex. They're the same character from their mix of strikes and grabs to their big standing heavy kick. This is why you never see Sodom's face, you never see Sodom and Alex in the same place at the same time, and why we will not see Sodom in SF5.

Was it at one time confirmed that Sodom had blond hair and blue eyes (like Alex), or was that just a fan theory to make him as not-Japanese as possible?

Mind, Capcom basically treats blond hair and blue eyes as their default choice for Caucasian...

Seriously, look at the SF5 roster. There are around 14 Caucasian characters, but only three (Abigail, Zangief, M. Bison) aren't blond. That's assuming that M.Bison is even Caucasian, and he now had white hair (which is close to blond), and his clone bodies appear to have a tendency towards blonde... Even two of the Japanese characters are blondes.

The only characters with red hair are Akuma, Blanka, and V-Trigger Necalli. Akuma is Japanese. Two of those aren't even human, while Capcom probably likes to think of Akuma as not entirely human. Necalli doesn't even have red hair in his natural state. Blanka technically has orange hair, and while that would realistically be included as "red", this is a game where red hair actually is red, so he might not even count as a red-head.

The only characters with brown hair are Sakura and Chun-Li? Chun-Li has herself almost become questionable, as her hair color depends on her costume, and her default costume now sports black hair. If you want clearly brown hair, you have to use her police uniform (medium/dark brown) or her dress (light brown.)

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"Re(9):SFV Alex Boxes" , posted Wed 11 Jul 22:50post reply

Strangely, I don't think about hair color too much in fighting games. I guess I'm used to old pixel art limitations where hair color was tied into the shading on their boots or something similar. I'm more concerned about the large number of characters who have milky white eyes. There's some fairly common genetic quirk in the SF world that causes the eyes of people to get replaced with hard boiled eggs.

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Hair color" , posted Thu 12 Jul 02:59post reply

Strangely, I don't think about hair color too much in fighting games. I guess I'm used to old pixel art limitations where hair color was tied into the shading on their boots or something similar. I'm more concerned about the large number of characters who have milky white eyes. There's some fairly common genetic quirk in the SF world that causes the eyes of people to get replaced with hard boiled eggs.

In some ways it didn't stand out as much in the old days. You had smaller rosters, which tried to draw from around the world. Hair color was also affected by palette limitations.

While people at the time did notice that both white Americans in SF2 were blond, that was only 1/4 of the roster, and it gave needed color to the character select screen. It was brown hair that dominated the character select screen, with three characters: Ryu, Chun-Li, Zangief. Black, orange, and bald shared a three-way tie for third with a single character each.

None of the bosses were blond. Sagat was the second bald character, Boxer was the second with black hair, Claw was the fourth with brown hair. Dictator wore a cap that all but obscured his hair color, but the few pixels available made it appear that he brought the brown hair total to five.

Then Super Street Fighter came along, and some weird stuff arguably happens. While three of the four new characters have brown hair, the only new Caucasian character is blond. Claw still has brown hair at this point, though. Chun-Li's hair is darker, but is still brown. But... SSF2 seems to eschew black, and the characters that previous had black hair (Honda and Boxer) now have brown hair instead, similar to Chun-Li's now darker brown. Of course some of these characters had black hair in other art, the complete dominance of brown was presumably driven by palette restrictions.

And, over time, characters would continue to change. Claw would become blond, Ryu (who started with red hair in SF1 before SF2 changed it to brown) would gain black hair, SF1's Birdie would return seemingly as a different race, ...

And now we've reached the point where nearly half of Street Fighter V's roster is blond.

I will have to amend an earlier post though... I said I only noticed two SF5 characters with brown hair. Ibuki's hair is also brown, it is just so dark that it can look black.

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"Re(1):Hair color" , posted Thu 12 Jul 08:03post reply

Dictator wore a cap that all but obscured his hair color, but the few pixels available made it appear that he brought the brown hair total to five.

I eagerly look forward to blond Vega one day, though given his Thailand stage, I assumed he was from there even if not officially stated...but depending on whether Karin's hair is explained as natural or requiring some serious salon work, it may not be a limiting factor.


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"Re(2):Hair color" , posted Thu 12 Jul 17:21post reply

While people at the time did notice that both white Americans in SF2 were blond

Both? Who are you talking about?

~The artist formerly known as TheRedKnight~

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"Re(3):Hair color" , posted Fri 13 Jul 01:25post reply

While people at the time did notice that both white Americans in SF2 were blond

Both? Who are you talking about?

Ken and Guile.

Boxer is American, but not white. He was an unplayable boss character at the time as well.

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"Re(4):Hair color" , posted Fri 13 Jul 03:04post reply

While people at the time did notice that both white Americans in SF2 were blond

Kinda. Ken’s a quarter-American (did they mean white American?) on his mother’s side and represents the US in SFII since he was living there then, but depending on the game, he’s identified as being from the US or Japan. Dyes his hair blond. Somewhat peculiar that the dumb Masters name persists given that it’s his maternal grandfather that’s American, but not unusual in Japan for people marrying into a famous family conglomerate (as the Masters are said to be) to take that name, male or female.

Though given how willfully, delightfully stupid Street Fighter’s backstory has always been, I doubt they even thought about that.


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"Re(5):Hair color" , posted Fri 13 Jul 03:50post reply

Kinda. Ken’s a quarter-American (did they mean white American?) on his mother’s side and represents the US in SFII since he was living there then, but depending on the game, he’s identified as being from the US or Japan. Dyes his hair blond. Somewhat peculiar that the dumb Masters name persists given that it’s his maternal grandfather that’s American, but not unusual in Japan for people marrying into a famous family conglomerate (as the Masters are said to be) to take that name, male or female.

Though given how willfully, delightfully stupid Street Fighter’s backstory has always been, I doubt they even thought about that.

Thinking about it, when was that backstory even created?

Ken and Ryu were in SF1, but there wasn't really a story there. Ken's original SF2 story/ending was Eliza coming after him, and their marriage. Instruction manuals for the home ports mentioned Ken and Ryu training together.

At some time, it started being attributed that SF2 Ken was based on Joe Lewis, an American fighter who had trained in Japan before returning home to America. This was certainly aided by pictures such as Lewis sporting blond hair, wearing red pants with a black belt.

Reading about the making of Street Fighter: The Movie, I saw it mentioned that Capcom at the time apparently didn't have any solid ideas of what the characters or story were for their game series. Instead, the filmmakers were just shown all sorts of undecided concepts for where Capcom might eventually decide to go.

Even the name "Masters" came later. Was it ever even used in any of the SF2 games? Allegedly, the name itself was created during the toy deal with Hasbro, in order to avoid possible conflict with Mattel's Ken (of their Barbie line.)

I can't really think of any place that actually tracks the evolutions of the stories of characters...

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"Re(6):Hair color" , posted Fri 13 Jul 04:26:post reply

Even the name "Masters" came later. Was it ever even used in any of the SF2 games? Allegedly, the name itself was created during the toy deal with Hasbro, in order to avoid possible conflict with Mattel's Ken (of their Barbie line.)

That's probably part of it, but I remember a lot of full names were constructed around that time for SF characters. Although the only ones that really stuck were Ken's and Guile's. It's still debatable whether "Cammy White" is canon, and the rest are just too blah to acknowledge with any seriousness (Ryu Hoshi?☆)

As for where it was used, beside SF: The Movie: The Game: The Tragedy of Carlos Blanka I think the earliest it showed up in a canon SF was Ken's yacht in 2nd Impact. Which itself shouldn't actually be total confirmation since it could just be the name of the yacht, but I kind of doubt that's what Capcom was thinking.

[this message was edited by Gojira on Fri 13 Jul 04:32]

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"Blondes have more fight" , posted Fri 13 Jul 04:53post reply

The reason for all the blondes in SF5 is in celebration of season 3's tacky golden color scheme. Look for all that to change when season 4 adopts a Serengeti green scheme in honor of Blanka getting over-buffed and Elena returning to wreck yet another game by having both her v-trigger and critical art be Healing.

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"Re(1):Blondes have more fight" , posted Fri 13 Jul 07:22post reply

Thinking about it, when was that backstory even created?
Joe Lewis, an American fighter who had trained in Japan before returning home to America.

It's true that a lot of it was created half-assedly on the fly, in the finest of Capcom story traditions, but the Ken as at least part-Japanese bit was there from SFI, where his name, like Ryu's, was written in kanji. The internet tells me that the SF animated movie was the first use of "Masters."

The Joe Lewis thing is interesting, since I think they flipped that scenario in SFII: a part-Japanese guy brought up in Japan, but who was training in the US. Having him represent the US was probably a neat enough way to escape the "two Japanese guys" repetition they'd created for themselves with SFI.
SF: The Movie: The Game: The Tragedy of Carlos Blanka
I can't believe I forgot the REAL source of SF canon!
Elena returning to wreck yet another game by having both her v-trigger and critical art be Healing.

Hahaha, ultimately, SFV will still offer more to look forward to.

5462th Post

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"Re(2):Blondes have more fight" , posted Fri 13 Jul 10:34:post reply

A lot of character settings for Street Fighter were added or changed around the time when the animated film and TV series (Street Fighter2 V) came out. Ken having the Masters surname and being a millionaire was one of them.

When SF2 for the Super Famicom came out, the manual depecited Ken as a Japanese guy who flew to America for futher training but ended up putting that aside for his newfounded romance. Since the Animated film didn't come out until the summer of 1994, that setting was still canon at the time of Super Turbo's release.

I still remember vividly of how the characters back in those days weren't depicted to be so overwhelmingly strong. For example, Gamest's mook for Super Turbo explained how Ken came up with his super during a karate tournament when he was having troubles beating an opponent and thought up of doing two Shoryukens in a row to blow down the opponent's counter. I think the text was provided by Capcom but it's been so long.

Ken's backstory says he has a bad relation to his parents(or at least his father), which was still canon in the later releases when he was named Masters. His original story sort of make more sense about him dying his hair though, since it was common in the 1980s and 90s for Japanese boys to do that in retaliation to their parents or society, and they'd call themselves 'Yankees'.

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 13 Jul 10:56]

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"Re(3):Blondes have more fight" , posted Fri 13 Jul 11:57post reply

When SF2 for the Super Famicom came out, the manual depecited Ken as a Japanese guy who flew to America for futher training but ended up putting that aside for his newfounded romance. Since the Animated film didn't come out until the summer of 1994, that setting was still canon at the time of Super Turbo's release.

I still remember vividly of how the characters back in those days weren't depicted to be so overwhelmingly strong. For example, Gamest's mook for Super Turbo explained how Ken came up with his super during a karate tournament when he was having troubles beating an opponent and thought up of doing two Shoryukens in a row to blow down the opponent's counter. I think the text was provided by Capcom but it's been so long.

This gets into one or two other issues. First, some sources weren't necessarily repeating Capcom's words. Second, the Japanese and American sides of Capcom each had their own, sometimes conflicting, opinions. (The status of Poison being a prime example.)

The Super Nintendo manuals do not tie Ken to any country or nationality, beyond the Turbo manual listing each fighter's world map nationality. The SF2 manual in particular appears to shy away from assigning characters to countries by name, only specifically saying that Blanka is from the jungles of Brazil. Zangief might love his country, but you wouldn't know what that country was from the manual. Guile might be an ex-member of an elite special forces team, but the only country connection you'll get from the manual was that he and Charlie were captured in Thailand. The Turbo manual adds that Zangief left the Russian Wrestling Federation, Balrog makes a living in Las Vegas, Vega is nicknamed "Spanish Ninja", while M. Bison gets "unknown" even for his map nationality.

Super's manual says that Cammy is now in British Intelligence, but her past is unknown. Thunder Hawk moved to Mexico after Shadowlaw took his homeland. Deejay trained in Jamaica. (Meanwhile, "Las Vegas" is dropped from Balrog's description.) But none of these really confirm any nationalities, they all just say that someone at some time was in a location.

Mind, the American SF2 manual also says that Ken trained under Sheng Long. (Note that while it says he was one of only two disciples, the American manual only implies that Ryu was the other disciple.)

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"Re(4):Blondes have more fight" , posted Fri 13 Jul 12:47post reply

This gets into one or two other issues. First, some sources weren't necessarily repeating Capcom's words. Second, the Japanese and American sides of Capcom each had their own, sometimes conflicting, opinions. (The status of Poison being a prime example.)
True, though you can discount Capcom USA's ridiculous fantasies from that era, though eventually they did succeed in convincing people to make Satsui No Hadou Ni Mezameta/"Evil" Ryu. Anyway, the SFC SFII manual is pretty clear about most non-bosses' nationalities: here, Ken's representing the US, but he's just there for martial arts training.


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"SF Tarot Collection" , posted Sat 14 Jul 07:33post reply

The SF Collection is finally coming out in Japan. This version features a bizarre illustration by Bengus, a nifty feature where you can switch out the cover for your favorite title in the collection and, for no discernible reason, tarot cards!

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"Re(1):SF Tarot Collection" , posted Sat 14 Jul 13:35post reply

The SF Collection is finally coming out in Japan. This version features a bizarre illustration by Bengus, a nifty feature where you can switch out the cover for your favorite title in the collection and, for no discernible reason, tarot cards!

Ah, and I see they've found a solution of sorts to their impossible self-inflicted problem by including both Japanese and international versions of all games, but allowing online play for only the international ones so that everyone's working from the same build.

Lord SNK
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"Re(1):SF Tarot Collection" , posted Sat 14 Jul 17:04post reply

for no discernible reason, tarot cards!

Those are Rose's tarot cards

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"Re(2):SF Tarot Collection" , posted Sat 14 Jul 23:56post reply

for no discernible reason, tarot cards!

Those are Rose's tarot cards

Some interesting choices. I kind of like the C. Viper "Temperance." Maybe a couple of weird choices thematically though.

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"Re(3):Blondes have more fight" , posted Sun 15 Jul 03:23post reply

A lot of character settings for Street Fighter were added or changed around the time when the animated film and TV series (Street Fighter2 V) came out. Ken having the Masters surname and being a millionaire was one of them.

That makes me wonder: was Honda's name always "Edmond"? I always found it weird that he has a non-Japanese first nome even though he's supposed to be 100% Japanese...

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

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"Re(4):Blondes have more fight" , posted Sun 15 Jul 03:50post reply

That makes me wonder: was Honda's name always "Edmond"? I always found it weird that he has a non-Japanese first nome even though he's supposed to be 100% Japanese...

Yes, oddly enough. From the very beginning. I don't recall his being part-Japanese ever coming up in any part of any in-game story, though.


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"Re(4):Blondes have more fight" , posted Sun 15 Jul 07:22post reply

Those are Rose's tarot cards

Good point. It's certainly a more interesting bonus than a cheap t-shirt.

Some interesting choices. I kind of like the C. Viper "Temperance." Maybe a couple of weird choices thematically though.

I suspect that picture of Empress Cammy lounging on her throne is going to get a lot of use when discussing tier lists.

That makes me wonder: was Honda's name always "Edmond"? I always found it weird that he has a non-Japanese first nome even though he's supposed to be 100% Japanese...

I read somewhere that Edmond is the ring name he chose for his sumo career. Why on earth he went with "Edmond Honda" is unknown but since the big guy doesn't play a part in any of the major SF plots he will probably never get much in the way of backstory.

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"Re(5):Blondes have more fight" , posted Sun 15 Jul 13:01:post reply

I suspect that picture of Empress Cammy lounging on her throne is going to get a lot of use when discussing tier lists.
Hahaha. Once it was clear on the initial release that she was so in control that she had no use for pants, it was probably a foregone conclusion that Cammy would always be top-tier in every version of SFV.
I read somewhere that Edmond is the ring name he chose for his sumo career. Why on earth he went with "Edmond Honda" is unknown but since the big guy doesn't play a part in any of the major SF plots he will probably never get much in the way of backstory.

I'd thought of that, too, and it makes sense (though not the choice of names). Given that he's been the most cruelly neglected of all the original World Warriors since he lacks an insane patron saint like Blanka had in Ono, it makes his absence from story mode all the more glaring, since he would have been a perfect member alongside Rashid and Karin in the "team of obscure and/or ridiculous characters defeat Shadowloo once and for all" scenario.


[this message was edited by Maou on Sun 15 Jul 13:02]

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"Re(6):Blondes have more fight" , posted Sun 15 Jul 16:42post reply

Cammy having her legs covered is weirdly weird!

On the other hand, Rolento being the Hanged Man is the most perfect match possible.

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"Re(7):Blondes have more fight" , posted Mon 16 Jul 13:27post reply

Cammy having her legs covered is weirdly weird!

On the other hand, Rolento being the Hanged Man is the most perfect match possible.

I'm surprised that Capcom actually put in J in there despite that he's not even released for SFV!

So for anyone that just want the tarots, they're actually available separately, as is the Bengus artwork.

1877th Post

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"Re(8):Blondes have more Tarot" , posted Wed 18 Jul 20:43:post reply

Cammy having her legs covered is weirdly weird!

On the other hand, Rolento being the Hanged Man is the most perfect match possible.

I'm surprised that Capcom actually put in J in there despite that he's not even released for SFV!

So for anyone that just want the tarots, they're actually available separately, as is the Bengus artwork.

I recently had my fortune read by a charming Costa Rican man who learned tarot from his grandmother who learned it from a witch that gave his grandma winning lotto numbers that turned his family's fortune around, so I'm now of course a world class expert on this subject and yeah, these choices make sense visually sort of. But if you look at the actual meaning of the cards they're all totally off.

Ryu should definitely be "The Fool" because it essentially represents the protagonist on the beginning of a long journey. Alex could work too since he was originally meant to be the new protagonist of the "New Generation" of Street Fighter. I dunno why they gave it to that Libertarian Burner guy.

Rolento is visually a great match for the hanged man, but personality wise he's very far off. The hanged man represents self sacrifice and enlightenment (he's got a halo around his head). Oro or Dhalsim, even Blanka would be a better fit.

The Empress represents fertility, nurturing, starting a family. These aren't things I'd associate with Cammy. There's only one clear choice here in the Street Fighter Pantheon.

The world is associated with the end of a journey. The end of the cycle that restarts with The Fool. Clearly this should have been Akuma vs Ryu as The Fool.

I get that they need to just go with the word association rather than the actual layered, often subversive meaning of the cards. But I feel they could have done better.

An interesting thing about the dude that read my fortune is that he insists there is nothing mystical about the cards. He says it's just like a Rorschach Test. The cards provide an evocative framework to draw out your innermost thoughts. The cards aren't predicting the future or reading your fortune, they're just helping you process your own thoughts and feelings. He's a very logical dude. But I also get the feeling that deep down he does believe in the mysticism of it. I mean, he was like "don't expect it to help you pick winning lotto numbers" and then later was like "by the way they helped my grandmother get winning lotto numbers" haha.


[this message was edited by nobinobita on Wed 18 Jul 20:57]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(9):Blondes have more Tarot" , posted Wed 18 Jul 22:26post reply

An interesting thing about the dude that read my fortune is that he insists there is nothing mystical about the cards. He says it's just like a Rorschach Test. The cards provide an evocative framework to draw out your innermost thoughts. The cards aren't predicting the future or reading your fortune, they're just helping you process your own thoughts and feelings.
I can confirm. The symbolism and language of Tarot is just a tool to connect things you know subconsciously and allow you to express them. In that sense, it's different from astrology, where basic elements have a meaning outside of any context, and the reader has to connect all these elements to understand how they work together or against each other. A Tarot card doesn't have any meaning. It symbolizes many things, but "Emperor and upside-down Devil" don't mean anything by itself.
Tarot cards are like reads in Turkish coffee, or scapulomancy. Which is why the cards need to be as vague and cryptic as possible, but also overflowing with symbols to allow your subconscious to react to something.
The learning of the "official" symbolism (all the complex elements of the Fool, or of the unnamed XIII, or of the Tower) is basically to provide you with basic elements to work out with, but the more the reader gets familiar with the way their subconscious reacts to the cards, the more they start getting a personal life of their own.

I don't fault Capcom for their cards, as the art is lovely. But yeah, most [famous franchise characters as tarot cards] end up hollow because they are too directly illustrative and don't understand that they need to provide more than an artwork.

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"Re(9):Blondes have more Tarot" , posted Wed 18 Jul 22:44:post reply


I get that they need to just go with the word association rather than the actual layered, often subversive meaning of the cards. But I feel they could have done better.

Considering the target market for SFV promo tarot cards, word association is more fitting than actual meaning. If you made Ryu the Fool, people would complain. Heck, you'd probably even get some people claiming that Capcom was slyly insulting Ryu players. Or spouting convoluted connections between that and some people considering Ryu to be bottom tier in SFV.

And that's assuming that the people in charge of developing the SFV tarot even knew the real meanings in the first place. I'd guess they probably just knew the names, and worked with knowledge of similar (incorrect) licensed art sets.

This reminds me of TV shows... When you'd see a TV show that involved the main character getting a tarot reading, it felt like they'd always get a Death card, and the tarot reader would explain "Oh, it doesn't mean 'death'. It means 'change'." Which always made me think the writer had just learned that one detail, perhaps from watching whatever other TV series had recently aired something involving a tarot deck.


An interesting thing about the dude that read my fortune is that he insists there is nothing mystical about the cards. He says it's just like a Rorschach Test. The cards provide an evocative framework to draw out your innermost thoughts. The cards aren't predicting the future or reading your fortune, they're just helping you process your own thoughts and feelings.

That is fairly true. The individual card meanings are already safely vague, and then you blur the lines even further by combining several of those safely vague meanings into a structure. And you "officially" can't look for clarification by doing a second reading, because tarot experts figured out ages ago that this stuff was random chance and declared that you couldn't do multiple readings on the same subject within a certain time period without some form of interference rendering some or all the readings meaningless.

So a tarot reading is going to give you a lot of vague statements. A tarot reader is going to steer the interpretation, but most will probably steer according to what they feel a customer wants to hear, or is willing to hear, from a tarot reading.

Honestly, even if you believe the mystical aspect, a tarot reader would know that a lot still comes down to interpretation. Even if it was purely magic that caused you to draw an inverted Five of Swords, the meaning of that draw is a very vague "resolving conflict"(*), with a fluid tense, a vague action, and a lack of firm context. It is going to be up to you do decide on all of those factors.

(*) This being one general interpretation of such a draw. Even the general interpretation will change depending on which school you follow. As for further details within any one school, you'll quickly notice that the need to cover every possible base tends to result in a mess of outright conflicting ideas. Back to that inverted Five of Swords, the general meaning is more peaceful one. But when you look into "detailed" meanings, you'll find it also covers violent resolutions, failure to resolve situations, escalation (which is pretty much the opposite of resolving), risk taking, consequences, etc. Ultimately, it can mean pretty much whatever you desire it to mean, as long as the idea of "resolving" is at least somehow related.

[this message was edited by Baines on Wed 18 Jul 22:47]

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"Re(10):Blondes have more Tarot" , posted Thu 19 Jul 03:05post reply

Thanks to this thread I've been thinking about Honda lately. That's odd because I rarely, if ever, think of Honda. Now I find myself wanting him to make it into the next season just so they can do something new with the guy. Maybe turn him into a slow wall of a character like dictator and save the headbutts for something weird like v-reversals? Give him rekkas and make him a fusion of Kyo and Goro? It's a hypothetical exercise that's probably not worth spending to much time on.

Thanks to this thread I've also learned a lot about tarot cards. My only real interactions with the cards have been though the occasional manga and some of the lesser titles from Vertigo comics so this thread has been instructional.

The Empress represents fertility, nurturing, starting a family. These aren't things I'd associate with Cammy. There's only one clear choice here in the Street Fighter Pantheon.

The correct answer here is Hakan. The correct answer is always Hakan.

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"Re(2):Re(10):Blondes have more Tarot" , posted Thu 19 Jul 07:34:post reply


Thanks to this thread I've also learned a lot about tarot cards. My only real interactions with the cards have been though the occasional manga and some of the lesser titles from Vertigo comics so this thread has been instructional.

I enjoyed reading all this tarot talk just now. In my experience, people that are into it are often pretty interesting people. Symbolism rules.

It was actually a videogame that got me interested in the first place: Ogre Battle. To create your leader character, a wizard standing on a stone platform in the middle of a mystical void whips giant cards in and out of view, asking you a series of questions that determine your character's stats, moral alignment, and abilities.

I thought this was incredibly cool. They have a question for all 22 major arcana, so there's a lot to see. And, as others have been talking about in the thread, it follows the theme of self-discovery and exploring your inner thoughts as well as the magic of prognostication/predicting the coming of a great hero (you). It does feel rather mystical, what with the wizard thing and having your main character materialize out of the whole process as a reflection of your answers. Perhaps the game actually taught me something about teenage self. I learned I would be thinking of my beautiful lover while staring at the full moon the night before a battle and, more surprisingly, that I would be able to summon lightning bolts to strike down my enemies if I stood in the back row during combat.

Edit: But back to Street Fighter, I mentioned weird choices, and like nobi I was thought Ryu as The Fool would be pretty obvious. Like you said, they probably wanted to avoid giving the impression that you'd be a Fool (with a capital F) to try and win a tournament with Ryu. You'd be better off selling your soul to The Devil (Akuma).

/ / /

[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Thu 19 Jul 07:58]

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"Re(9):Blondes have more Tarot" , posted Thu 19 Jul 08:40post reply

The hanged man represents self sacrifice

ahem rolento blows himself up with grenades in Final Fight to prevent you from reaching the top after realizing he cannot defeat you by fighting

does that not represent both self-sacrifice AND enlightenment?

/mostly-sarcastic :p

1877th Post

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"Re(10):Blondes have more Tarot" , posted Thu 19 Jul 14:54post reply

The hanged man represents self sacrifice

ahem rolento blows himself up with grenades in Final Fight to prevent you from reaching the top after realizing he cannot defeat you by fighting

does that not represent both self-sacrifice AND enlightenment?

/mostly-sarcastic :p


Dang those are some good points!

I hereby retract my previous statements and relinquish my status as tarot expert. I see the real fool is ME!!!


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"Menat-maker or Iggy Anakaris fact-check plz" , posted Tue 18 Sep 01:30post reply

Is Menat's Khaibit costume actually Khaibit, or just Midnight Bliss Anakaris? Or was Midnight Bliss Anakaris, Khaibit?

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"Re(1):Menat-maker or Iggy Anakaris fact-check" , posted Tue 18 Sep 07:28post reply

Is Menat's Khaibit costume actually Khaibit, or just Midnight Bliss Anakaris? Or was Midnight Bliss Anakaris, Khaibit?

If I buy this pack can I finally have a new Darkstalkers game?

Blissed Anakaris was a lot more abstract and, from what I remember, Khaibit only appeared during Anakaris' lvl.3 super. That's a deep cut but not that surprising. What is surprising is that Menat ended up double dipping. Wouldn't the big proportions and big hair of R.Mika be more appropriate for Felicia? But since Menat probably sells costumes like crazy I'm not surprised at the choice. It makes sense to give the costume to a popular character instead of say... Falke.

Speaking of which, the Halloween costumes were announced. Let's rank the costumes!

Falke: The reaper costume looks cute but it's going to be a bore in-game thanks to Falke's inherent awkwardness. Poor Falke is always going to be the girl at the dance with two left feet.

Guile: It seems that Guile is going as the character art from SvC:Chaos. That's a bold choice but it's better than making a tired reference to The Walking Dead or some other played out fad.

Kolin: The "sexy ___" is always a classic Halloween costume and it seems that Kolin is going as... sexy ice witch? Is that a thing?

Abigail: He has a little Cyclops in a baby carrier on his chest! That's so cute!

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"Old Street Fighter Story Telling Game" , posted Tue 18 Sep 20:41post reply

Who knew something like this existed!

Street Fighter The Story Telling Game Handbook

Long Live I AM!
Just a Person
2012th Post

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"Re(1):Old Street Fighter Story Telling Game" , posted Wed 19 Sep 02:10post reply

Who knew something like this existed!

Street Fighter The Story Telling Game Handbook

I did, actually. I used to read a RPG magazine (with articles, reviews and stuff) many years ago, and the Storyteller system was quite popular in my country. And Street Fighter was MASSIVE in Brazil in the 1990s, so the same publisher responsible for the magazine published this book here - except they divided its content in three fascicles (that looked like magazines instead of a book, so as to make them less expensive for the average reader).

It was very interesting, with special techniques for different fighting styles (though they only had the styles used by the SSFII characters, not including the Shadaloo Big Four), and while street fighters had unique rules, they could be integrated with any other Storyteller setting (Vampire: The Masquerade, Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Mage: The Ascension, and so on) - although such mixture wasn't encouraged due to street fighters being MUCH more powerful than vampires, werewolves and so on, presenting a problem to balance them out.

The biggest problem is that the backstory for the SSFII characters was based on what little was known about them in USA back then, so Sagat is considered as a Shadaloo agent, for example, while Blanka's and Chun-Li's fighting styles are considered as Capoeira and Wu Shu (if I'm not mistaken, Blanka is currently considered as a street fighter with no specific fighting style, and Chun-Li's is closer to tai chi quan). Nevertheless, I didn't regret buying and reading it, at all.

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.
Lord SNK
318th Post

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"Re(1):Old Street Fighter Story Telling Game" , posted Wed 19 Sep 03:41post reply

Who knew something like this existed!

Street Fighter The Story Telling Game Handbook

Wow, that artwork is even uglier than that ugly international cover for vanilla Street Fighter 2

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"Re(2):Old Street Fighter Story Telling Game" , posted Wed 19 Sep 04:10post reply

I did, actually. I used to read a RPG magazine (with articles, reviews and stuff) many years ago, and the Storyteller system was quite popular in my country. And Street Fighter was MASSIVE in Brazil in the 1990s, so the same publisher responsible for the magazine published this book here - except they divided its content in three fascicles (that looked like magazines instead of a book, so as to make them less expensive for the average reader).

Were you only able to play as the SF cast or were there enough guidelines so you could build your own character?

I don't play pen and paper RPG's so I don't remember any details from the book when I looked at once in a store. I do, however, vividly remember that cover illustration of Cammy dispassionately stomping on Blanka's groin.


31th Post

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"Re(3):Old Street Fighter Story Telling Game" , posted Wed 19 Sep 05:15post reply

Mick McGinty did most of the Western SFII illustrations, but that RPG cover art was made by Kevin Murphy. Now that I think about it, the artstyle of this Street Fighter I cover seems familiar.
There were so many awful unofficial illustrations in magazines back in the day that these cover art didn't look that bad in comparison (it didn't look good either).

Just a Person
2014th Post

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"Re(3):Old Street Fighter Story Telling Game" , posted Wed 19 Sep 06:05:post reply

Were you only able to play as the SF cast or were there enough guidelines so you could build your own character?

I don't play pen and paper RPG's so I don't remember any details from the book when I looked at once in a store. I do, however, vividly remember that cover illustration of Cammy dispassionately stomping on Blanka's groin.

Yes, there were guidelines to build your own character. In fact, you are meant to build your own character; the SF cast is presented as NPCs (very overpowered NPCs, if I remember correctly).

As for the illustration, the Brazilian edition not only divided the book in three fascicles, but the covers and internal illustrations for all of the fascicles were all official SF art from Capcom (the national publisher had Capcom's license for SF material back then). I don't know if the original U.S. book had this art or if it was replaced in Brazil, but the fascicles looked quite nice despite their soft covers.

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

[this message was edited by Just a Person on Wed 19 Sep 06:28]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Old Street Fighter Story Telling Game" , posted Wed 19 Sep 06:33post reply


I kept wondering if this was some exotic word commonly used in Latin America, because hearing it makes me think about fascitis and other muscle/nerve groups, when in fact the etymology is the opposite! Those anatomical features are named after these, not the other way around!

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"Re(4):Old Street Fighter Story Telling Game" , posted Wed 19 Sep 07:20post reply

This was the one published by White Wolf, wasn't it? I remember seeing that cover at some used bookstores and being very confused.

Mick McGinty did most of the Western SFII illustrations, but that RPG cover art was made by Kevin Murphy. Now that I think about it, the artstyle of this Street Fighter I cover seems familiar.


Amazing, I didn't know Benedict Cumberbatch had a time machine

Just a Person
2014th Post

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"Re(5):Old Street Fighter Story Telling Game" , posted Wed 19 Sep 09:12post reply

I kept wondering if this was some exotic word commonly used in Latin America, because hearing it makes me think about fascitis and other muscle/nerve groups, when in fact the etymology is the opposite! Those anatomical features are named after these, not the other way around!

Yeah, in Portuguese we mostly associate "fascículos" with the literary meaning. I guess I should have referred to them as "issues", perhaps.


This was the one published by White Wolf, wasn't it? I remember seeing that cover at some used bookstores and being very confused.

Yes, it is. Which is funny, as White Wolf tried to present the SF world as a dark place full of corruption, violence and crime
(I mean, SF does have Shadaloo, but its world isn't really pictured in the videogames as a horrible place to live), like they did in their World of Darkness line... and yet, it still stood out from their other titles and never really blended in with them.

I wonder if either Capcom or White Wolf would be interested in reviving this RPG title nowadays. Probably not.

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Old Street Fighter Story Telling Game" , posted Wed 19 Sep 14:10post reply

I kept wondering if this was some exotic word commonly used in Latin America, because hearing it makes me think about fascitis and other muscle/nerve groups, when in fact the etymology is the opposite! Those anatomical features are named after these, not the other way around!

Yeah, in Portuguese we mostly associate "fascículos" with the literary meaning. I guess I should have referred to them as "issues", perhaps.

Please don't! This word is delicious and I want more like it!

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"Re(4):Old Street Fighter Story Telling Game" , posted Wed 19 Sep 22:08post reply


Yes, there were guidelines to build your own character. In fact, you are meant to build your own character; the SF cast is presented as NPCs (very overpowered NPCs, if I remember correctly).

This means my completely original character Terrance Beauregard will finally have a home!

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"Dojo mode dash: Moriarty Edition" , posted Fri 21 Sep 05:31:post reply

As noted by Abi-gaiiiil Ish-maaaaael and friends,
SF5 is getting a dojo mode and a dojo.

And will there be a Cafe dojo?
My body is ready to recruit for LAGFEST DOJO, MORIARTY'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE DOJO, or similar. I defer to Professor, however, not least because I haven't gotten to play for about two months and have no idea what 50% of the current modes and challenges and money drains are. But I'm game for a rumble(fish)!


[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 21 Sep 05:38]

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"Re(1):Dojo mode dash: Moriarty Edition" , posted Fri 21 Sep 23:20post reply

As noted by Abi-gaiiiil Ish-maaaaael and friends,
SF5 is getting a dojo mode and a dojo.

And will there be a Cafe dojo? My body is ready to recruit for LAGFEST DOJO, MORIARTY'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE DOJO, or similar. I defer to Professor, however, not least because I haven't gotten to play for about two months and have no idea what 50% of the current modes and challenges and money drains are. But I'm game for a rumble(fish)!

Can we create a Café themed dojo? Will we be able to serve light snacks and tea in a room that smells like feet and chalk powder?

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"Re(2):Dojo mode dash: Moriarty Edition" , posted Sat 22 Sep 03:26post reply

I'm all for it! What I need now is for some upstanding MMCitizen to explain in simple language if I can just set the thing up, declare Professor our master, and then invite people. I'm glad to see some overdue creative options appearing in SFV, but the Shoryuken.com summary article of the Capcom article is already like ten paragraphs long.

5498th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Dojo mode dash: Moriarty Edition" , posted Sat 22 Sep 10:17post reply

I'm all for it! What I need now is for some upstanding MMCitizen to explain in simple language if I can just set the thing up, declare Professor our master, and then invite people. I'm glad to see some overdue creative options appearing in SFV, but the Shoryuken.com summary article of the Capcom article is already like ten paragraphs long.

Oh what is this new Dojo mode? (and for a second there I misread it as a DODO mode) It certainly does sound interesting, lol. So we need to tie our account to the shadoloo site and then unlock the items through various achievements apparently? hummm...

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(4):Dojo mode dash: Moriarty Edition" , posted Sat 22 Sep 13:19post reply

Oh what is this new Dojo mode? (and for a second there I misread it as a DODO mode) It certainly does sound interesting, lol. So we need to tie our account to the shadoloo site and then unlock the items through various achievements apparently? hummm...

To be honest, Capcom has done a fairly poor job of explaining exactly what a dojo both is and isn't. Heck, at one point it says you get the free stage just by linking your account, while at another point it says you also have to join a dojo (group) to get the free stage.

There appear to be two separate components to this update. There is a player's personal customizable dojo stage and there is the dojo social group/clan system.

Capcom describes the dojo (group) as a community hub where people of similar interests can meet, it functionally sounds limited to a group Friend's List. The only mentioned communication directly mentioned within the system is being able to write a comment for your profile. Instead, Capcom-Unity page mentions that you can link your Twitter account to make communication "easier".

You can only be in one dojo (group) at a time, but can freely leave. There is a five minute wait period if you cancel an application.

You can create a dojo (group). The creator will be the grandmaster (leader), but can pass that responsible to another member. The grandmaster sets up the basic info and restrictions of the dojo (group) such as name, max member count, etc. It sounds like the grandmaster can pick which members have the ability to approve the applications of new members, though I guess that text could isntead mean that only the grandmaster can approve new members?

Dojo (groups) can compete in rankings, where each member playing the game contributes to rankings. For a change, this includes people playing Survival and Arcade. If you are a loner, you can still contribute to your guild. This determines where your Dojo (group) ranks on the leaderboard. Each month, all members of one of the top three dojo (groups) will get a related trophy which they can place in their personal dojo stages. No idea if this will change on a monthly basis, but the trophy shown in the Capcom-Unity article is that fist trophy.

The dojo stage is your personal customizable stage. Other than being in a top ranked dojo to get the special trophies, there seems to be no other connection between the dojo stage and the dojo group? You can collect items which you can place in your dojo stage.

The article says you can get dojo items in "numerous ways", but that many will have certain unlock conditions. This text implies that there will be items that are unlocked outside of listed mehtods of Fighting Chance and Monthly rankings. However, the text within the item selection images only lists the Monthly rankings and Fighting Chance, implying that they are the only way to obtain items.

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"Re(5):Dojo mode dash: Moriarty Edition" , posted Sat 22 Sep 13:39post reply

Baines, I knew we could count on you to give a good explanation of SFV mode developments! "...but, you're still hungry." Ah, I mean, but, I still don't get it. So I'd nominate you to be the MMC dojo creator and invite our convenient lagfest list, except you've remained cleverly anonymous thus far! If that changes, let's make Madman's Lagfest Challenge: the Dojo happen!


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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(6):Dojo mode dash: Moriarty Edition" , posted Sun 23 Sep 04:13post reply

Baines, I knew we could count on you to give a good explanation of SFV mode developments! "...but, you're still hungry." Ah, I mean, but, I still don't get it. So I'd nominate you to be the MMC dojo creator and invite our convenient lagfest list, except you've remained cleverly anonymous thus far! If that changes, let's make Madman's Lagfest Challenge: the Dojo happen!

Okay, simple version... :)

The Dojo group is a group, clan, friends list, whatever you want to call it. Similar to what you'd find in other games, though it seems to be without any form of in-game chat functionality. For the Cafe, it might would help with organizing Lagfests.

The Dojo stage is a free stage, which you can customize with items you mostly get from new Dojo-specific Fighting Chance loot boxes.

None of this becomes available until the 25th. As for me making the dojo, I haven't made it to a single Lagfest yet. That would kind of make me a poor choice. :p

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"Re(7):Dojo mode dash: Moriarty Edition" , posted Sun 23 Sep 06:42post reply

EXCELLENT! You have answered all my questions. Okay, I'll make Clan LAGFEST with Prof as king when we can, but I'm still drafting you and Spoon into our existing army just as soon as I figure out your CFNs. Even if you miss our group sessions, you will still be allowed/expected to practice at the dojo alone and possibly in the dark, using the punching bag, cutting bamboo dummies in half, and helping clean the floors, like any good dojo. Or please win us loot because I sure can't!

5504th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(8):Dojo mode dash: Moriarty Edition" , posted Sun 23 Sep 12:42post reply

EXCELLENT! You have answered all my questions. Okay, I'll make Clan LAGFEST with Prof as king when we can, but I'm still drafting you and Spoon into our existing army just as soon as I figure out your CFNs. Even if you miss our group sessions, you will still be allowed/expected to practice at the dojo alone and possibly in the dark, using the punching bag, cutting bamboo dummies in half, and helping clean the floors, like any good dojo. Or please win us loot because I sure can't!

As usual, let's take it easy and chomp on whatever's at hand.
And as always, everyone is welcome to join the lagfests when they happen!
It's a lot of randomness, and if you have Twitter, weird conversations and photos.

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"Re(9):Dojo mode dash: Moriarty Edition" , posted Mon 24 Sep 08:17post reply

SF5 is coming to arcades with an eight button behemoth of a cabinet. The 2019 release date will give Japanese players the time to grow an extra finger or two to work all those buttons.

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"Re(10):Dojo mode dash: Loke test Edition" , posted Tue 25 Sep 07:37post reply

an eight button behemoth
time to grow an extra finger or two

It's that time of year: WHAT'S GOING ON IN THIS TOWN!?

Did they finally decide that the post-Zero 3 trend of irritating two-button grabs etc. should be countered with a designated grab and V-trigger button? I don't know, but I do know that it seems a tad lame that Taito is the one leading the announcement (and presumably, the work) on Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition: Actually Arcade Edition, but at least it will have all the downloadable characters and USB controller support available!

Prof and Maese: I see the location tests are at Taito Station and Kichijouji, your prime haunts. I'd love to hear impressions if you go!


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Red Carpet Regular Member

"SFV: Arcade Edition Arcade Edition" , posted Tue 25 Sep 23:24post reply


Did they finally decide that the post-Zero 3 trend of irritating two-button grabs etc. should be countered with a designated grab and V-trigger button?

Maybe they are just trying to match the home version button options, and thus included PPP and KKK buttons. That would make particular sense when the arcade version includes a USB port presumably for personal controllers. That might even be a home system compatible stick itself in the picture/video.

Of course the critical question being asked in some circles, with differing desires, is which home version is this Arcade Arcade Edition based on. Is it the PC edition, the PS4 edition, or some new not-one-or-the-other offshoot. This actually could kind of matter, as from what I've read, the PS4 edition still has a few more frames of input delay than the PC version, even in local matches. (At least some PC players have complained about the disadvantage they get when playing in official tournaments, as they say that they are used to more responsive controls than the PS4-based tournaments present.)

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(8):Dojo mode dash: Moriarty Edition" , posted Wed 26 Sep 10:13post reply

EXCELLENT! You have answered all my questions. Okay, I'll make Clan LAGFEST with Prof as king when we can, but I'm still drafting you and Spoon into our existing army just as soon as I figure out your CFNs. Even if you miss our group sessions, you will still be allowed/expected to practice at the dojo alone and possibly in the dark, using the punching bag, cutting bamboo dummies in half, and helping clean the floors, like any good dojo. Or please win us loot because I sure can't!

Dojo system seems to be live. Thanks to Capcom not caring about update file sizes, the update is an 18GB download on PC, I don't know about PS4.

You can access the Dojo stuff through the CFN website, including creating, searching for, and presumably joining a dojo. I had to log in again to the CFN site, and click on a new agreement.

For whoever might want to deal with it, the web page to create a dojo:

Once you register a Dojo name, that name can apparently not be used again. You do have to join a dojo to get the free Dojo stage.

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"Re(9):Dojo mode launched: Moriarty Edition" , posted Wed 26 Sep 14:19:post reply

Good news! Our glorious dojo, MMCafe_LAGFEST, is live! (Moriarty's Bizarre Adventure would not fit.)

Bad news! 18 gigs?! If it ever downloads, I assume you can all join online via the Shadowloo site (or can you do it in-game?) to make arranging our lagfests easier, and I can pass it on to Professor as our master.

For the dojo emblem, I thought about using 天 in hazzan's honor and was amused that the kanji for "ass" was also available, but naturally, I went with the obvious MMC mascot instead.


[this message was edited by Maou on Wed 26 Sep 15:22]

5506th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(10):Dojo mode launched: Moriarty Edition" , posted Wed 26 Sep 15:14:post reply

Good news! Our glorious dojo, MMCafe_LAGFEST, is live! (Moriarty's Bizarre Adventure would not fit.)

That's Awesome! @Home!


Bad news! 18 gigs?!


[edit] NOBODY BLINK! it's 18Gigs on PS4 too

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 26 Sep 15:39]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(10):Dojo mode launched: Moriarty Edition" , posted Wed 26 Sep 19:36post reply

1) I approve of the Zero2 choice.
2) Registering on a website? This already looks like too much work for me.

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"Re(2):Re(10):Dojo mode launched: Moriarty Edi" , posted Wed 26 Sep 20:22:post reply

I guess those are 18 gigs of Dan's sister, who is now the very talkative kanban musume of the shop for whatever reason.

I messed around with the dojo a bit just to see what you could do with it, but I'll probably just join the LAGFEST dojo. I'm curious which dojo I'll end up seeing if I do, presumably Maou's, but then what happens to all the stage items I now own?
EDIT: Well that answers that. I can't even join another dojo unless I disband the one I made. Farewell, Kaiju_Training!

+ It has a nice traditional-sounding stage theme, arranged similar to Suzaku Castle or Kanzuki Estate
+ Having to gacha for stage items sounds awful at first but it's much cheaper than the other Fighting Chance stuff
- Customization of the stage is limited to 2-5 stage items where some items take up 2 or 3 spaces
- You can't customize the colors, textures or lighting, nor edit the items themselves.
- No transitions, nothing falls over or breaks apart. Not even the "featured" pile of E-tanks which totally looks like it should.

Overall a really limited idea of customization but it's a free stage so I can't really complain.

[this message was edited by Gojira on Wed 26 Sep 20:29]

5506th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Re(10):Dojo mode launched: Moriarty Edi" , posted Wed 26 Sep 22:15post reply

Finished the 18Gig DL, and let's see... aah so you need to login via web even if you're not the Dojo owner! So basically, everything is done through the web except for fighting on the stage, I'm assuming. That's a bit inconvenient, but I wonder what happens then if you select the dojo while with a non-dojo member at the game's lobby.

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"Re(10):Dojo mode launched: Moriarty Edition" , posted Thu 27 Sep 00:41post reply

Why oh why does SF5 have to reinstall pretty much the entire game every time it updates? I don't know if it's the coding, the engine or what but those updates are big bags of hot air. Hopefully I can actually see my dojo later today.

Good news! Our glorious dojo, MMCafe_LAGFEST, is live! (Moriarty's Bizarre Adventure would not fit.)

At least I can join the MMCafe dojo in the interim. Thanks for setting up the dojo Maou, my request has been sent!

Was this dojo background just a long con to get me to sign up for their CRI stat thingamabob? Beats me, but I'll happily add my junk stats to the pile if they give me free stages.

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CFN: zonepharaoh
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"Re(2):Re(10):Dojo mode launched: Moriarty Edi" , posted Thu 27 Sep 01:03post reply

Was this dojo background SFV just a long con

But that's okay! I guess this is really just a clan label with a free stage and good music? It seems like it doesn't really provide any in-game meeting structure or communication within Battle Lounge or anywhere. And I still can't figure out how to make Professor our master. Baiiiiiiiines!

On the positive side, our dojo now has a statue and a tree.


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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Re(10):Dojo mode launched: Moriarty Edi" , posted Thu 27 Sep 01:27:post reply

Why oh why does SF5 have to reinstall pretty much the entire game every time it updates? I don't know if it's the coding, the engine or what but those updates are big bags of hot air. Hopefully I can actually see my dojo later today.

Unreal Engine infamously didn't support delta/diff patching, where you could create a patch that contains (almost) only the parts of a file that changed while leaving out the parts that stayed the same. With Unreal Engine, changing even a single byte of a file means having to redownload the entire file.

Some have claimed that UE eventually added delta patching, and point to the "compress patch" option in the documentation. Honestly, the docs only say that the compress patch option compresses the patch, it doesn't actually say it creates a delta patch.

But that isn't the real issue at hand. Other games use UE, but do not not need the patch sizes that SFV routinely needs. There are ways to work around the limits of UE's patching, to code your game and implement file structures in ways that minimize what gets touched in an update. (Conversely, there are things you can do that you might even think are good ideas that will balloon the size of your patch files.) The real issue is that Capcom apparently did not care enough to take such steps.

Some have even blamed it on Capcom's attempts to discourage modding. Capcom has made file structure and code changes that appear to exist only to disrupt or discourage modding, and some of these decisions do apparently make any changes or updates touch multiple files. (Some have even claimed that the patches during the beta were much more reasonable.)

Regardless, at least on PC Street Fighter V currently keeps almost all its game-related data in 69 PAK files that occupy 26GB of disk space. Every single PAK file was touched by the Dojo update. The reason the update was 18GB instead of 26GB is that there is at least some compression being performed on the patches.

[this message was edited by Baines on Thu 27 Sep 01:29]

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):Re(10):Dojo mode launched: Moriarty Edi" , posted Thu 27 Sep 02:00post reply

Was this dojo background SFV just a long con Yes.

But that's okay! I guess this is really just a clan label with a free stage and good music? It seems like it doesn't really provide any in-game meeting structure or communication within Battle Lounge or anywhere. And I still can't figure out how to make Professor our master. Baiiiiiiiines!

On the positive side, our dojo now has a statue and a tree.

Your dojo stage has a statue and a tree. Everyone can make their own version dojo stage (using their own dojo items). You can actually make a dojo stage even if you aren't in a dojo, you just can't use it in-game until you join a dojo. (Which is kind of silly. With all the restrictions they put on the the whole dojo stage thing, you'd think it would at least have stuff like communal item pools.)

I haven't run a dojo, so I don't know how you change the grandmaster, but you as the grandmaster are supposed to be able to appoint someone else to the position. A lot of the dojo management is done through the web interface.

And yeah, there isn't much on the social features.

You can use the web interface to quickly check the profile of every member, which will also put a red dot on the icon for anyone who is currently in-game. Basically, you can treat it as a quick search for the status of every member. If you click on the "Member List" link, then you can even see what kind of match the online players are currently playing.

If you've linked your Twitter account through your CFN profile, then the others in your dojo are supposed to be able to see your Twitter link on your profile.

I'm guessing that the Grandmaster can create notices? The web interface does have a "Notice" balloon. You also get to write a short text blurb for your profile, and the dojo master's profile is displayed on the dojo's main page.

It's not like it is a great clan/guild system. But it is better than nothing at all.

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PSN: Gojira_X
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"Re(3):Re(10):Dojo mode launched: Moriarty Edi" , posted Thu 27 Sep 06:21post reply

Was this dojo background SFV just a long con Yes.

But that's okay! I guess this is really just a clan label with a free stage and good music? It seems like it doesn't really provide any in-game meeting structure or communication within Battle Lounge or anywhere. And I still can't figure out how to make Professor our master. Baiiiiiiiines!

On the positive side, our dojo now has a statue and a tree.

From what I saw when I was messing around, I think it's an option under settings->management. If it's not there, you can definitely leave the dojo, which automatically forces you to appoint another member as the dojo master as long as there's another member. Then you should be able to re-join the dojo as a member after a short amount of time.

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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CFN: Ishmael26b
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):Dojo mode launched: Moriarty Edi" , posted Thu 27 Sep 21:41post reply

Was this dojo background SFV just a long con Yes.

But that's okay! I guess this is really just a clan label with a free stage and good music? It seems like it doesn't really provide any in-game meeting structure or communication within Battle Lounge or anywhere. And I still can't figure out how to make Professor our master. Baiiiiiiiines!

On the positive side, our dojo now has a statue and a tree.

From what I saw when I was messing around, I think it's an option under settings->management. If it's not there, you can definitely leave the dojo, which automatically forces you to appoint another member as the dojo master as long as there's another member. Then you should be able to re-join the dojo as a member after a short amount of time.

Seeing as how the Professor has to serve drinks in the café I'm not sure he needs to be responsible for sweeping out the dojo as well. Why not let Maou continue to run the place?

As for my personal dojo, I've found the decoration aspect to be the most convoluted system I've ever seen. I'm not certain I actually like the background clutter but for now I have big tanuki and maneki-neko statues set up. They loom over the scenery like temple guardians and thanks to the changing camera during critical arts I occasionally get a screen full of cat noggin or raccoon dog scrotum. For now it's a keeper.

5511th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(5):Re(10):Dojo mode launched: Moriarty Edi" , posted Fri 28 Sep 00:11post reply

Seeing as how the Professor has to serve drinks in the café I'm not sure he needs to be responsible for sweeping out the dojo as well. Why not let Maou continue to run the place?

I'm totally up for that as well. It'd be more interesting to see the true randomness that Maou can bring to the dojo!

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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"Re(6):Re(10):Dojo mode launched: Moriarty Edi" , posted Fri 28 Sep 01:54post reply

Okay, I will manage it on our true master's behalf! I am pretty good at sweeping and promise to run a cleaning rag around the floor like a proper dojo.

As Baines explained, it's too bad we can't share our items! I can't believe I spent 500FM for the collective good but in vain! But...
screen full of cat noggin or raccoon dog scrotum
...fortunately, it's very clear how we should be decorating things on our own.


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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Re(10):Dojo mode launched: Moriarty Edi" , posted Tue 23 Oct 02:57post reply

Huawei FANG and a combat Vocaloid are coming to SF5.

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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"Re(8):Dojo LAGFEST weekend" , posted Thu 25 Oct 00:26:post reply

Huawei FANG and a combat Vocaloid are coming to SF5.
Amazingly, it took robot costumes for Juri to ditch that last-minute undershirt as originally intended. Also:

MMCafe LAGFEST this weekend

Date: Saturday, October 27
Time: 8:30am EST / 1:30pm London / 9:30pm JST
Acceptable stages: Kasugano Residence, Kanzuki Beach, Waterfall, Dojo, ROCK AND ROLL Metro City

Come join Iggy, Professor, and me in SFV's least profitable dojo to celebrate the reduced input lag by playing in the laggiest tri-continent setup possible! I'll invite you once you're online, and we'll have the usual inane conversation via twitter the MMC private message system. Fists will fly at this location!


[this message was edited by Maou on Thu 25 Oct 01:27]

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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"Re(9):Dojo LAGFEST weekend" , posted Thu 25 Oct 02:48post reply

I'm 70% certain I can make it to this festival but I will let you know if something changes. Otherwise, I'll see you fine folks online!

A shame we aren't doing a SC6 battle. With that we could compete in fighting with the regular characters and in crimes against fashion with the costume editor.

5528th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(10):Dojo LAGFEST weekend" , posted Thu 25 Oct 03:18post reply

I'm 70% certain I can make it to this festival but I will let you know if something changes. Otherwise, I'll see you fine folks online!

A shame we aren't doing a SC6 battle. With that we could compete in fighting with the regular characters and in crimes against fashion with the costume editor.

I will hold a SC6 battle soon enough for PS4 if there's enough interest. Unfortunately that game isn't crossplatform compatible, so for now we picked on SFV again.

SC6 with its input lag will be the true lagfest

443th Post

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PSN: ShikyohMukuro
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"Re(2):Re(10):Dojo LAGFEST weekend" , posted Fri 26 Oct 21:46post reply

I'm 70% certain I can make it to this festival but I will let you know if something changes. Otherwise, I'll see you fine folks online!

A shame we aren't doing a SC6 battle. With that we could compete in fighting with the regular characters and in crimes against fashion with the costume editor.

I will hold a SC6 battle soon enough for PS4 if there's enough interest. Unfortunately that game isn't crossplatform compatible, so for now we picked on SFV again.

SC6 with its input lag will be the true lagfest

Yea I will join the SC6 lag fest for sure. I do not have SF V yet but I will have a friend join in with you guys.

Long Live I AM!

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(1):SFV Thread Pt 7: Season 3" , posted Sat 27 Oct 19:00post reply

An interesting interview on the beginning of SF2 to convince sheep loyal customers to buy the design book later next month.
It's in Japanese, but it will probably be translated in a week or two?

I still don't care about Honda, but Honda's stage remains one of the best of the series. I'd love it to be added to SF5 if it didn't mean we'll get the character along...

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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"Viewtiful lagfest" , posted Sun 28 Oct 07:31post reply

This is cool. I like the idea of the pixel artists getting Akiman sketches and move names, but having so much leeway in how they animated, giving us such treasures as Honda's super flying headbutt.

Also, thanks again to everyone for transcending time, history, and lag for our tri-continental Lagfest, including Ishmael and Gekiganger who weren't in the MMC chat! While it was hilarious that this was the first time it was too laggy for me to even spectate sometimes, I am impressed but not surprised that the Cafe is the pinnacle of viewtiful stylishness (even where it unintentionally reminds us of a better and even more stylish Capcom era) and simultaneously capable of the burliest matches I've seen. In some forms, Madman Ga Taosenai lives on, and I was bowled over by Ishmael's massively excellent decor.

5530th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):Viewtiful lagfest" , posted Sun 28 Oct 10:27:post reply

Good games last night! It was oddly laggy but also a ton of fun. And no it DID NOT LOOK LIKE A STREET FIGHTER with Airman taking on Viewtiful Joe and Dante looking so evil and Donovan having really squealy voice... I don't recall Falke having any good costumes, but then again noone seems to even remember of her. I never realized that Costumes can really make the game x100 more fun.

So taking on the same vibe, perhaps we'll have a Soul Calibur 6 PS4 lagfest on for next weekend where we can show off costumes we've made or found.

Thanks for the SFII sprite artist article-- so the person who did Psylocke's sprite work in Xmen was a lady! I did not know that. (Note: from older Capcom interviews it's been disclosed that Psylocke was done by the same staff as Honda) Oh wait it says there at the bottom too

[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 28 Oct 10:39]

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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"Re(2):Viewtiful lagfest" , posted Sun 28 Oct 22:26post reply

Good games! We will have to do it again after we have picked up some more ridiculous outfits. What's particularly odd is that, for me, it was one of the least laggy tournaments we have had. There was occasional slowdown at the start of a match but after that everything ran fine for both playing and spectating. Perhaps differences in hardware and configurations caused the variance? Judging from the pictures I wasn't watching the same game as others since in select areas naughty little Sakura wasn't wearing leggings.

I still don't care about Honda, but Honda's stage remains one of the best of the series. I'd love it to be added to SF5 if it didn't mean we'll get the character along...

There is a lot of Honda in that article. Does this meant that the next time Capcom trots Ono out for a public appearance he will be wearing an inflatable sumo suit?

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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"Re(3):Viewtiful lagfest" , posted Mon 29 Oct 00:06post reply

Judging from the pictures I wasn't watching the same game as others since in select areas naughty little Sakura wasn't wearing leggings.
Your tanuki seemed enthused! While sometimes I think the game would lag less if I had a newer PC, it is a good platform for addressing yellow leggings and other areas of style, giving city voters what they really need, or helping give unloved characters the attention they deserve. It looks like the most important mod in the history of SFV is still in production.
Does this meant that the next time Capcom trots Ono out for a public appearance he will be wearing an inflatable sumo suit?

Better still: upcoming Honda costume for Falke! (Who?) This will ensure someone remembers to select her occasionally.

446th Post

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PSN: ShikyohMukuro
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"No Makoto no party or maybe?" , posted Sat 17 Nov 02:03post reply

I noticed Makoto is not in SFV. Is it becuase she doesnt tie into the story or not enough fans/feedback for her to be in the game? She was in SF 4. So is she a character that people dont use or is she to strong or cheap to use?

I have been playing street Fighter 3rd strike on the 30th AC, and I find her far more fascinating then before. I would like to learn as her more but she is Very difficult to play as against other veterans.

Long Live I AM!

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(1):No Makoto no party or maybe?" , posted Sat 17 Nov 04:19post reply

I noticed Makoto is not in SFV. Is it becuase she doesnt tie into the story or not enough fans/feedback for her to be in the game? She was in SF 4. So is she a character that people dont use or is she to strong or cheap to use?

I have been playing street Fighter 3rd strike on the 30th AC, and I find her far more fascinating then before. I would like to learn as her more but she is Very difficult to play as against other veterans.

Makoto is the most popular character among those not yet in SF5. I'm pretty sure she's either part of this season pass or the next one, they just needed to pad out popular characters, and she couldn't be in the same pass as Sakura so she probably skipped to seasons 4 or 5.

However, an issue against adding Makoto in SF5 is that her main game-plan is already in the game. Regardless of what one might think of Laura's design or personality, she's almost identical to 3rd Strike Makoto and much better than SF4's Makoto.
I'd be very curious to see what they will do to make Makoto at the same time different from Laura yet true to herself (Yeay, another self-buff V-trigger).
Also, if people rage against Laura now, I can't wait to see the reactions when there will be two of these infuriating characters in the game (infuriating when you're on the receiving end of their nonsense).

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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"Re(2):No Makoto no party or maybe?" , posted Sat 17 Nov 05:02post reply

Since Iggy mentioned the possibility of Makoto's return it's probably time to think about wild speculations for the next season of SF5. Will Makoto be back to stomp people to death with her giant Fred Flintstone feet? Will Dan handing over the shop to his suddenly canon sister mean he's returning to the ring? Will we get stuck with another lame Neo-Shadaloo character? I haven't heard any reputable leak rumors so I'm a bit in the dark this season.

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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"Re(3):No Makoto no party or maybe?" , posted Sun 18 Nov 08:48post reply

Will Dan handing over the shop to his suddenly canon sister mean he's returning to the ring?

To fight this horrible prospect I am leaking all of season 4 right now:


Just a Person
2027th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):No Makoto no party or maybe?" , posted Sun 18 Nov 22:58post reply

However, an issue against adding Makoto in SF5 is that her main game-plan is already in the game. Regardless of what one might think of Laura's design or personality, she's almost identical to 3rd Strike Makoto and much better than SF4's Makoto.

But isn't Laura more of a grappler than Makoto ever was? As long as Makoto's gameplan is focused on straight punches and kicks (which I always thought were her most memorable attacks), this should be enough to make them different from each other, no?

Maybe I'm this person right in front of you... nah probably not though.

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(3):No Makoto no party or maybe?" , posted Mon 19 Nov 03:41post reply

But isn't Laura more of a grappler than Makoto ever was? As long as Makoto's gameplan is focused on straight punches and kicks (which I always thought were her most memorable attacks), this should be enough to make them different from each other, no?

I think Laura could have gone the Abel route of being a faster Zangief, but Alex being added pushed ber back to be an even more oppressive, fast grappler with a lot of stun. The overlap with Makoto, to me, is the oppressive rushdown gameplay where a chance opening leads to stun leads to 80% of your bar gone. Makoto's throw deals very little damage, but the amount of stuns it gives is what makes her truly scary.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):No Makoto no party or maybe?" , posted Mon 19 Nov 13:57post reply

But isn't Laura more of a grappler than Makoto ever was? As long as Makoto's gameplan is focused on straight punches and kicks (which I always thought were her most memorable attacks), this should be enough to make them different from each other, no?

I think Laura could have gone the Abel route of being a faster Zangief, but Alex being added pushed ber back to be an even more oppressive, fast grappler with a lot of stun. The overlap with Makoto, to me, is the oppressive rushdown gameplay where a chance opening leads to stun leads to 80% of your bar gone. Makoto's throw deals very little damage, but the amount of stuns it gives is what makes her truly scary.

One way to think about Makoto in 3S is that Makoto is the faster, better version of Q.
They both have a command grab that doesn't do a lot of damage or stun in of itself, but allows you to do a combo, so the potential of this grab is a function of your technical skill at executing the combo of your choice. They both have a rush punch, though Q's is totally safe on block. But Makoto is the one with the lightning-speed forward dash, the one with the WAY BIGGER combo damage, and the one which can literally take you from 100 to zero in a single sequence off a grab.

Makoto's command grab is one of those funny moves in that it's a really not flashy move, and at a lower level of play seems kind of crap when compared to all her big stereotypically (but wonderfully so!) karate strikes. At a slightly higher level of play, it becomes an iconic move because of the danger it poses, but it's still kind of a weird iconic move because visually it's one of her least impressive moves. However, the overwhelming threat of what ensues from this move and the fact that you can't use throw escape on it means she is strongly incentivized to go for it and the opponent must always play in a way that is mindful of it. Unlike Iori in KOF, who happens to have every tool IN ADDITION to a command grab he can combo from and would be tremendously strong and entirely functional even if he didn't have the command grab, Makoto's effectiveness would be tremendously reduced if she were to lose it. Yun has a command grab that does literally zero damage and zero stun, and it is tremendously threatening in 3S, but Yun could still succeed without it because of the overwhelming power of Genei Jin and dive kick. What lets Makoto do more than just the damage of random EX axe kicks and EX chops where her opponent commits to blocking is her command grab. Like many other grapplers, she shares the qualities of beefy strikes that have somewhat slow startup, struggling when put on the defensive, and slow walk speed.

Makoto is a pretty cool grappler, but her identity of a strike-heavy grappler isn't as immediately obvious as Alex or Laura. Makoto, especially 3S Makoto, is probably one of the strongest grapplers in any SF game, though! Alex, in spite of being pushed as the face of SF3, has never been better than mediocre in any game he's been in.

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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CFN: Ishmael26b
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):No Makoto no party or maybe?" , posted Tue 20 Nov 00:17post reply

I remember a Makoto/Akuma 3S match I watched where the audience laughed in realization when Makoto landed her command grab; the fight in which she had been losing the entire time suddenly had the potential to be over.

But what defines a grappler? For me, it's a character who has a throw that is so damaging that the threat of it dictates the match. Zangief is an obvious example of this archetype. After that the lines get blurry. A speedy little character like Cammy gets a stupid amount of mileage out of her throw game but is she a grappler? Does Makoto's command grab make her a grappler since it only deals potential damage that has to be dished out through striking? Makoto is odd in SF in that most characters hit confirm through normals but she confirms via a throw. I would be a bit hesitant to define a character by their best way of opening people up, otherwise Chun-Li would be known entirely for her crouch MK. I agree that Laura and Makoto have the same general game plan in that they both wait for an opportune moment and then its party time but SF5 is so aggressive that another rush down character isn't going to affect the meta.

In the end I don't know where I'm going with any of this but I do hope Makoto comes back just so I can punch Necali in the groin. I'm easy to please.

Makoto is a pretty cool grappler, but her identity of a strike-heavy grappler isn't as immediately obvious as Alex or Laura. Makoto, especially 3S Makoto, is probably one of the strongest grapplers in any SF game, though! Alex, in spite of being pushed as the face of SF3, has never been better than mediocre in any game he's been in.

I suspect that Alex is so well rounded that he has to be poor at everything to keep him from being overwhelming. If all his tools worked properly he would be another Iori and nobody wants that.

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(5):No Makoto no party or maybe?" , posted Tue 20 Nov 00:56:post reply

Alex, in spite of being pushed as the face of SF3, has never been better than mediocre in any game he's been in.

He was pretty good in the 2nd revision of TvC!
And they changed his animations so that he powerbombed the giant robots by grabbing them by the tibia, which was his greatest moment.
SF5 made me realize Alex has no role to fulfill without giant robots to powerbomb.

Also, Christmas is here.
It's like Cody mugged the girls to steal their clothes and wear all of them on top of each other.

[this message was edited by Iggy on Tue 20 Nov 01:48]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):No Makoto no party or maybe?" , posted Tue 20 Nov 04:58post reply

Alex, in spite of being pushed as the face of SF3, has never been better than mediocre in any game he's been in.
He was pretty good in the 2nd revision of TvC!
And they changed his animations so that he powerbombed the giant robots by grabbing them by the tibia, which was his greatest moment.
SF5 made me realize Alex has no role to fulfill without giant robots to powerbomb.

Also, Christmas is here.
It's like Cody mugged the girls to steal their clothes and wear all of them on top of each other.

I more remember Alex for stun gun headbutting giant robots by needing to hold on to their head while he slammed his head into it. That was delightful!

damage from throw defining a grappler and hit confirming

You're right that it can seem odd to think of a character for whom the throw itself not being the source of damage being a grappler when grapplers are defined by threatening throws, but if you think about the entire guaranteed true combo sequence that ensues from the throw being the damage of the throw, then Makoto makes Hugo look like a character with weak throws.

An alternative way to think about it is that some of the KOF grapplers that have chain throws are still certainly grapplers, even though it isn't necessarily the initial throw that causes all the damage. In many ways, the mobile striker-grappler that is prevalent in KOF games is what Alex and Makoto and Laura take after, rather than the tank-like Zangief model of grappler.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(7):No Makoto no party or maybe?" , posted Tue 20 Nov 06:05post reply

Now I think of it, the Laura/Makoto link in my head was more because of the stun combos. The throws function quite differently between the two. For Makoto, it's the beginning of a combo that will deal a lot of damage, a lot of stun, and more frequently a lot of both. But it's a set sequence, in a way: as long as the player doesn't fail, the result will always be the same. Landing a throw was often her end-game, since it could often directly end a round.
It creates the issue that at high level, Makoto has a more damaging command throw than Hugo and Alex have (probably even more damaging than Alex's super if you optimise it well). If I recall correctly it was also quite fast, and grabbed... at elbow length? By "issue", I mean "an issue for Alex and Hugo's very existence (and everyone that's on the receiving end)", not for her.
Laura's throw is more of an all-around tool. Hers is fast, can grab at a reasonable distance, and she even has an EX version that makes it really like a KOF dash throw with armor. But that's not her main damage source: she's a high pressure character, and since her overhead is not that threatening, the throw is there to break guards. It's the end of a sequence, and immediately the beginning of another one, since she stands up close enough to start another set of pressure.

Hmmm... I guess there's enough elements to make them stand out apart from each other in the same game? Maybe?

We need to hear Maou's thoughts on Sakura's stripperiffic outfit.
I expect a stern condemnation. Or someone will get a stern condemnation from me.

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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CFN: zonepharaoh
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):No white underwear no party or maybe?" , posted Tue 20 Nov 07:03post reply

I don't enjoy SFIII but I sure enjoy reading about it here! Since SFV has done remarkably well in not making everyone ugly like in SFIV, Makoto might have a chance of actually looking cute again like in SFIII.
It's like Cody mugged the girls to steal their clothes and wear all of them on top of each other.
Actually, the way Cody's bodacious alternate costumes were going, I was disappointed to see he hadn't borrowed a thong from Urien for Christmas or opted for only a mistletoe leaf.
Sakura's stripperiffic outfit

... ...

Oh, okay, I'll complain: black lipstick doesn't suit her, and Capcom USA's ongoing criminal prioritization of black spats will require the work of the modders who fixed Chun-Li.


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"Re(9):No white underwear no party or maybe?" , posted Tue 20 Nov 07:58post reply

Oh, okay, I'll complain: black lipstick doesn't suit her, and Capcom USA's ongoing criminal prioritization of black spats will require the work of the modders who fixed Chun-Li.

The usually bright Sakura seems to have a different take on the holidays with this dark outfit. Perhaps she’s trying to match her new outlook on life.

Are they saying what turned her into Dark Sakura was not staying in the sun for too long, but instead having a soul-crushing job with no future prospect and terrible work conditions?
Sakura is really a millenial now.

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"Re(10):No white underwear no party or maybe?" , posted Tue 20 Nov 09:18post reply

New costumes, new critiques:

Cody is overdressed. Too many of these alternative costumes are overdone and Cody is a perfect example. Is he wearing a vest that has securing belts?

Blanka must be a pain to design outfits for since a green wild man is not a character that lends himself to fashion. As it is it looks like a reindeer is Blanka's fursona.

Whoever designs the alts for Falke did a great job. Little else about the character works but her alternate costumes are fun. Then again, it shouldn't be surprising Falke looks good when modeling outfits since she has all the movement and personality of a department store mannequin.

Sakura could have gone as an adorable Christmas elf or worn the Santa costume she already had but noooooo she has to be Edgy the Edgelord for the holidays. She must be insufferable this time of year. Hopefully there are some secondary colors that can salvage the look.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):No Makoto no party or maybe?" , posted Tue 20 Nov 16:35post reply

Laura vs. Makoto

There is one thing which Laura does which Makoto simply has no equivalent of, and it's having a projectile. Not only that, Laura's projectile is a very carefully made one for serving the purposes of sustaining pressure or forcing deadly mixups: when I first saw it, I thought she had a mini-Aegis Reflector!

That's definitely an aspect of her which really hasn't been present in any of the grapplers in SF games prior to SFV, and which I wouldn't be surprised if it was partly the result of Woshige's work. The reason being that Woshige's main character in the Guilty Gear games was Millia, a rushdown character whose defining traits other than blink-and-you'll-miss-it high/low mixups was her giant green projectile that she'd lay on top of a knocked down opponent: it made her ensuing attack almost immune to any reversal attempt, and it'd allow even the lightest of lows or overheads to be converted into a combo from which she could lay the green disc again.

The strength of projectile-backed mixups and the big huge combo damage that is available all the time rather than just in highly exceptional circumstances both feel very much like anime fighting games, not like most Street Fighter games.

So I do think that depending on how the projectile aspect of Laura's game is emphasized, she stands to be substantially differentiated from Makoto. Indeed, Laura isn't even the only strike-heavy grappler with moves that give her sudden horizontal movement in SFV: Mika is in the game! And Mika's ability to convert a big variety of strikes into combo damage and knockdowns is truly abnormal for a grappler in an SF game. If you look at Clark or Daimon, for instance, both mainly have close C as their "convert a strike into a combo" tool, which is a pretty normal thing for KOF... but it also means that they aren't usually converting their distant pokes into combos and knockdowns. Makoto in SF4 had some really strong hit confirming power with standing MP, but Mika's ability to hit confirm convert seemingly every normal button she has aside from like d.HK into something is truly outstanding.

I think that there is a lot of possibility for different grappler designs in 2D fighting games, but I also think that making grapplers "work" in a 2D fighting game really cuts to the core of some of how the universal mechanics of the game work because grapplers necessarily have to be uniquely advantageous against a number of key fundamental defensive mechanics. King in Tekken is uniquely odd as a grappler in the 2D mindset, because his grapples are usually escapable! However, in the space of SFV and Street Fighter in general, they need to be mindful of making sure that all the grapplers aren't monotonously threatening in the same way with hit confirmable strike vs. grapple mixup once they close the distance.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P - IGGY ARI !

"Re(9):No Makoto no party or maybe?" , posted Tue 20 Nov 22:24post reply

King in Tekken is uniquely odd as a grappler in the 2D mindset, because his grapples are usually escapable!
This reminds me that SFxT had dozens of interesting movesets that shouldn't remain confined to that game. For some reason, only Jack-X was salvaged into Abigail, but King had some very clever stuff that could have been recycled to re-invent Mika (though the new Mika we got is still a vast improvement over the Zero3 version). Steve had some very nice stuff as well, that could have been used in Ed but haven't (maybe they could give some of his set to Dudley?). Christie was much more interesting than Elena...
The most interesting thing from SFxT was possibly Jin's zoning projectile. Ideally, if they add Akira from Justice Gakuen, updating her close skull-shape palm-strike to Jin's could be an interesting choice...

I think next time they discount the game to the price of two pains au chocolat, I'll buy it again to fool around with the roster.

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"Re(10):No Makoto no party or maybe?" , posted Tue 20 Nov 23:58post reply

This reminds me that SFxT had dozens of interesting movesets that shouldn't remain confined to that game.

It's a shame there was never a SFxT2. Much like how the sequels to SFA and SF3 solidified the ideas in the games that worked, SFxT would have benefitted from a solid refurbishing. If the sequel had kept what worked (the interesting characters) and changed what didn't (everything else) it could have become something really fun.

Lord SNK
324th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):No Makoto no party or maybe?" , posted Wed 21 Nov 04:19post reply

One thing I miss generally in SF games is some character with counter/reversal moves like Geese, Blue Mary, etc.
I don't know if they "fixed" this in SFV, I haven't played much of that game.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):No Makoto no party or maybe?" , posted Wed 21 Nov 06:43post reply

One thing I miss generally in SF games is some character with counter/reversal moves like Geese, Blue Mary, etc.
I don't know if they "fixed" this in SFV, I haven't played much of that game.

They added some!
Some of them are quite terrible!

Karin has a V-Trigger where she gains a counter move, and nobody uses it because it means giving up one of her great strengths in the form of damage conversion and pressure from her other VT!

Ryu got one for one of his V-Triggers, which causes any attack he catches to lock the opponent into a crumple state in front of him no matter what they were doing on the screen at the time of the attack. But nobody uses Ryu, so nobody cares!

Mika has full body armor during her mic taunt, and she can break the taunt at any time to throw the mic near her for damage and a combo start!

Kolin has counters which are actually kinda decent because they always do a hard knockdown, and the EX version does quite a lot of damage!

Counters that can catch attacks of any height might actually be better than non-EX dragon punches in this game because I don't think their recovery puts them into Crush Counter state!

I think given the existence of crush counters, Haohmaru would be a great guest character! He hits you with one HP slash for a crush counter, then he does another HP slash for the combo which results in you getting dizzied, then he does another HP slash and you die! It'd be just like Samsho!


Spoiler (Highlight to view) -

End of Spoiler

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):No Makoto no party or maybe?" , posted Wed 21 Nov 20:47post reply

Kolin has counters which are actually kinda decent because they always do a hard knockdown, and the EX version does quite a lot of damage!

Indeed, Kolin is the first SF character with actual SNK-esque counters.
She has 3 heights of counters like Geese. Her EX version counters everything. In terms of damage, start-up and positioning, they are everything you'd ever want a counter to be.
Finally, her V-skill is an interesting move: an attack that moves her forward and designed to trade. if this attack overlaps with an opponent's, then she goes through it, deals a follow-up attack, and gain a lot of gauge. It's quite difficult to use (it was much better in S2, to the point you could just use it as bait randomly, and now it's been a bit overcorrected) but a very interesting concept.

Oh, and unrelated but still in the SNK-esque inspirations, she almost has Rimururu's mid-air-ice-platform-double-jump.

Kolin is such a great character. Why am so BAD with her.

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"Re(5):Re(10):No Makoto no party or maybe?" , posted Thu 22 Nov 00:32post reply

Not only is Kolin a good counter character but with the bob cut she received with her RE costume you can pretend she's Blue Mary if you squint hard enough.

Lord SNK
325th Post

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"Re(6):Re(10):No Makoto no party or maybe?" , posted Thu 22 Nov 04:17post reply

Very interesting, I should give this game some more chance, but the lack of a "complete" edition of the game in sight, doesn't help me in deciding to spend money on this game.

Not only is Kolin a good counter character but with the bob cut she received with her RE costume you can pretend she's Blue Mary if you squint hard enough.

I'll try but it's a desperate attempt!

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"Re(7):Re(10):No Makoto no party or maybe?" , posted Fri 23 Nov 15:13post reply

the lack of a "complete" edition of the game in sight, doesn't help me in deciding to spend money on this game.
It’s a fair point! Lord SNK is a good reminder of how half-assed launches hurt sales with the non-converted who weren’t “just happy to play the newest Street Fighter.” And somehow, even if Arcade Edition corrected most of the wrongs of vanilla, SFV somehow still feels much more like an ongoing, iterative process than other fighting games also featuring “seasons.” Probably it’s that so many features are still only just appearing now.

On the other hand, it currently costs about 24 dollars on Steam, so that’s a pretty low barrier to entry. Think of the fun you’ll have lagging with us!

Next episode: will we break 400 posts again before season four announcements lead us to a new thread?! Stay tuned.


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"Re(8):Re(10):No Makoto no party or maybe?" , posted Sat 24 Nov 08:15post reply

While anything that is new is automatically bad and suspect I must admit that there are some advantages to this current à la carte mode for fighting games. With this system, no matter when I jump in during the lifespan of the game I can be on the base level. If I'm only mildly interested I can still have a fun time with the game without feeling the need to buy every character on the market. For example, I still haven't gotten around to buying EX Iori in KoF 13. This piecemeal approach makes it hard to go back and play a specific time period of the game but a workable compromise if it avoids the ArcSys issue of having to re-buy the entire game every year.

On the other hand, it currently costs about 24 dollars on Steam, so that’s a pretty low barrier to entry. Think of the fun you’ll have lagging with us!

The entire point of SF5 is to dress the characters up in funny costumes and duke it out in the lagfest parties. It's also the reason SC6 exists. Hopefully some more people get in on the fashioncalibur parade because I've been working on a few more "guest" characters.

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"How to Make Capcom Fighting Characters" , posted Fri 30 Nov 02:46post reply

This looks like it has the potential to be really good.

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"Re(1):How to Make Capcom Fighting Characters" , posted Fri 30 Nov 03:15post reply

This book appears to have been created specifically for Nobi. I'm interested, too. Wisely, their preview showed the process leading to Sakura's magnificent SFV redesign rather than the process that somehow led to someone thinking Necalli (who?) was a good idea.


288 pages
Design materials for all SFV characters
50,000 words of interviews, from Final Fight to SFIV developers
Newly released development materials
Capcom's "Vaguely Suspicious Artistic Anatomical Drawing" internal bible from the 1990s, previously mentioned on CFN (PROFESSOR AND NOBI ALERT)

By the way, I think that long-form interview with SFII's artists and designers that we talked about before is now in English too on CFN.

5540th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):How to Make Capcom Fighting Characters" , posted Fri 30 Nov 03:44:post reply

This book appears to have been created specifically for Nobi. I'm interested, too. Wisely, their preview showed the process leading to Sakura's magnificent SFV redesign rather than the process that somehow led to someone thinking Necalli (who?) was a good idea.

Actually it might be Nobi's worst nightmare

I was pondering whether to pick it up but had a feeling it might be an SFV-heavy art book, and those descriptions certainly make it seem so. If say there's 80 or so pages of SF sprite related material, will that make 200+ pages of potential SFV paperweight worth justifying the purchase? Is there never seen sprite art / roughs in there to begin with? Very curious to find out from tomorrow's reports!

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 30 Nov 06:15]

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"Re(3):How to Make Capcom Fighting Characters" , posted Fri 30 Nov 05:05post reply

This book appears to have been created specifically for Nobi. I'm interested, too. Wisely, their preview showed the process leading to Sakura's magnificent SFV redesign rather than the process that somehow led to someone thinking Necalli (who?) was a good idea.

Actually it might be Nobi's worst nightmare

I was pondering whether to pick it up but had a feeling it might be an SFV-heavy art book, and those descriptions certainly make it seem so. If say there's 80 or so pages of previous SF sprite material, will that make 200+ pages of potential SFV paperweight worth justifying the purchase? Is there never seen sprite art / roughs in there to begin with? Very curious to find out from tomorrow's reports!

Actually the design process for SF4 and 5 probably does deserve a fair amount of discussion. If you judge the time between SF2 and CvS2 (1991 to 2001) and SF4 to SF5 (2008 to present) the 3D modeling process has been in use for as long as the sprites were for Street Fighter. At this point there are people who are nostalgic for the good old days of SF4 and for whom the sprite based games are simply before their time.

5541th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(4):How to Make Capcom Fighting Characters" , posted Fri 30 Nov 22:32:post reply

If you judge the time between SF2 and CvS2 (1991 to 2001) and SF4 to SF5 (2008 to present) the 3D modeling process has been in use for as long as the sprites were for Street Fighter. At this point there are people who are nostalgic for the good old days of SF4 and for whom the sprite based games are simply before their time.

That's quite true! It does feel like less time however, given that the modern era is all about updates and not about releasing new titles.

So while there hasn't been that many reports yet, one of the core staff who worked on the book hass posted a bit about it and he says that basically the book is made of 3 parts- 1/How the SFV devs worked hard to continue the lore known as SFII, 2/How SFII became such a legend in the first place, and 3/An analysis of "how to create characters" from interviews with the SFV team, Ikeno, and Akiman. This last part in particular sounds very interesting indeed!

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 1 Dec 02:30]

5542th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(5):How to Make Capcom Fighting Characters" , posted Wed 5 Dec 04:04:post reply

For anyone who's interested in the new Street Fighter making book by Capcom, here's a good sample overview!


Abigail's concept art is pretty interesting

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 5 Dec 04:08]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(6):How to Make Capcom Fighting Characters" , posted Wed 5 Dec 09:03:post reply

I was very disappointed by the book at first, because it was advertised as a book about how Capcom creates fighting game characters, and how they translate 2D art into 3D, but it ended up being "how they created SF5 characters" and "look how pretty the 3D models of SF5 are".

But one I got over the initial disappointment, it's a very solid book about SF5. Many artworks are already on the internet, some are not (blonde Rashid?!), and a lot of interesting anecdotes.
- The first concepts
They tried photorealism (there's a hideous render of a Ryu that would look ready to join Mortal Kombat), some sort of 3d movement, and then moved to what we have now and the gouache-esthetic.
- How they picked the first 16 characters:
Ryu and Chunli are going to be there, because those don't change.
Then, 3 criteria:
1) since the game is popular worldwide, we need characters from around the world, and not too many from the same nationality.
This lead to Rashid, Necalli, or Birdie. The British candidate was the last to be decided in the original document, and was a battle between Dudley and Birdie (Birdie won because they wanted a comical character). Originally, Juri and Decapre were in the base game, but USF4's marketing disaster happened, and Cammy replaced Decapre, which meant 2 British characters and zero Russians, so Gief replaced Juri.
I suppose Claw's presence is due to this, since it was obvious he was picked at the early stages of the project, before the game system settled, and they've been scratching their head trying to find something to do with him ever since.
They wanted a Brazilian character, but not Blanka because they know Brazilian people are not keen on him (they had decided early on that Blanka would be in season 3 though, to make up for it). They created Laura instead of using Sean, because:
2) no clones
No to Sean, no to Decapre, let's stuff Dan in the shop menu, and de-clone Ken as much as possible.
3) close-combat first and foremost; decrease the importance of projectiles.
Hence projectiles like Nash and Laura's that are used to get closer, or Sim and FANG's projectiles going up instead of forward. Poor Juri is a victim of that, since her SF4 version had so many projectiles and they took them all away, and replaced them with that low shock-wave that allow to pressure and run forward. Unfortunately, she was pushed back into the season that added Guile and Urien.

These rules were stricter for the first 16, and then allowed for exceptions to add later Guile, Blanka, Gouki and all the Japanese and American characters later (or Falke and her weapon who was designed as an exception to all the rules). Cody was also decided early because he would fit well with the V-system, having either a knife or a pipe. When they talk about Blanka being on the roadmap, they do add that they decided against Honda because that would be too many Japanese characters, but then acknowledge he's very popular (is he?). The title of the section is "Why Honda doesn't show up"... I want to believe they took him off the list of candidates unless the game gets support until 2025. Rufus, Abel and Viper are also listed as characters that either didn't fit with the game's philosophy or design choices. I'm really curious to see if that will hold in the future seasons... Abel, Viper and Oro's appearances in the story mode were not teases, but actually the opposite: "there's very few SF3 and 4 characters in the game, so let's put more of them in the scenario".
I also want to believe they don't talk about Fuerte because they forgot about the character's existence, not because he can still show up later.

They had decided to add a ninja that would change between two modes like Gen. They first thought of Guy, but didn't think he would work well with a second mode, so went to Zeku. The "young/old" idea was decided pretty easily, but they hit a roadblock trying to find what would make each form special and enticing. They even had the idea that when Zeku becomes young, "surprise! He was actually Sodom all along!". The idea of making him the first Strider came quite late, but then the character felt complete so they went with it. I'm amazed that they state officially that the kanjis in Zeku's moves are a direct reference to CANNON DANCER. I thought there was bad blood between Capcom and Nishii? Good to know that's not the case.

Sakura's new designs has two pages of boring stuff on how "yep, that's Sakura".

Each character's original creator has a little blurb... but when it's Akiman, the blurb is actually taken from the SFxT's artbook! I guess he ran out of interesting stuff to tell about Ryu and Chun-li's origins.

To show their commitment to de-cloning Ken as much as possible, the designers started by drawing Ken naked. Surprise: his name is not the only thing he shares with Barbie's husband. They explored the idea of making an evil (hypnotized/satsui possessed) Ken the default version, to make him stand out even more from Ryu, but decided against it.

Nash was supposed to have elastic limbs, like Necro and Twelve. But that would have made him a weirdo, and that really didn't mix well the "tragic dark hero" angle they were taking, so they reworked his moves to be an antithesis to Guile.

They had a lot of fun redesigning Birdie. Examples include another white punk to go back to SF1, a hobo-zombie infused with psycho-power, some outrageous queer design with leather/spikes/leopard patterns on top of a mini-short that's almost bursting open, and then a super weird Decapre cosplay. There's a reference I don't quite get: his CA, where he rope-jumps with his chain, is "a revenge over the cancellation of a certain fighting game". Is it related to CFAS? Or something even more obscure?

I'm ashamed it took me until 2018 to learn that Dhalsim's yoga nonsense is actually a reference to... Zeppeli's zoom punch and his own hamon nonsense. WHAT.
His redesign ideas are all horrifying, from Indian nouveau-riche, weird ascetic with a literal bird nest on his head, to actual yoga practitioner with the clothes modern people wear when doing yoga. They thought about giving him a super that made him grow two extra pair of arms... It's a miracle we ended up with that fantastic redesign.
Surprisingly, they show that his 3d model's skull is modelled under his turban. I don't think he has any version where he's bare-headed yet, though?

Mika's color palette is inspired by Lisa from Last Bronx (WTF), and her mask and general fun attitude from Yatterman 2. She is popular among the staff, and one of the first characters to have been chosen for the game (because they felt that it was unfair she never appeared in any important spinoff after her game). They also love female pro wrestling, which explains all the characters they created for the CFN portal.

Zangief was decided very early to retain his original design, so the designs are more gag/alternate ideas that went nowhere (there's a weird Rasputin wrestler idea with his chest hair styled into a skull, and a "Mykonos vacations" version with green beard, disco glasses and the chest hair styled into a star). The main discussion was about the musculature, and they decided against SFZero, and aimed for something between 2 and 4.

There's a series of costumes for Dictator that are very literally Napoleon. Apparently, back in SF2, the artist wanted to have him do weird arcane circular moves with his arms when standing, but that wasn't possible with the memory they had. So he kept his idea and used it... when he drew Magneto's idle animation a few years later. SF5's arm animation is basically what his first idea for SF2 was.

Necalli's original concept was to be a new Gouki, but instead of being "the mysteries of Asia", he would be "the mysteries of pre-Columbian America". They admit themselves they had a lot of trouble to settle for the design, and honestly, there's not a single of the varied drafts that looks any better than the mess we ended up with.

Some concept arts for Rashid are weird (one is basically Ryu with floaty clothes, and one is some random blonde guy because Blonde Fighter 5 was already a thing). They also had a lot of trouble to design him, because even after they had decided to go with the light caricature of an Arabian character, they decided he would be the main character of the story, so they had to have him a light-hearted, modern hero, so they decided his main colour would be white. But then, they had to adjust the contrast with Ryu's white (one symbolising tradition, the other youth).

They had to age Karin up a bit, but they didn't want to change her design too much since she hadn't appeared in a long time. However, her hairstyle is so distinctive that they could venture quite far from her original clothes while still keeping her recognizable. In the end, they settled with a sort of business suit the super-fashionable and young head of a multi-billion company would wear. Apparently, she has a cherry blossom-jet fighter because why would she not have her own private pink jet fighter.

Laura's initial idea was quickly decided once Sean was set aside. Brazilian jujutsu meshed very well with Street Fighter's core concept. They wanted to give her electric power as a reference to Blanka, but they couldn't have an actual professional martial artist generate electricity from her body, so they worked on her haircut to have it generated by... some kind of static energy as she quickly passes her hand through her hair? It makes sense in the SF universe (I also love her hand animation before launching her projectile, so I won't criticize too much). They spent FAR TOO MUCH TIME discussing how much ass she was going to show, because... Apparently, Brazilian women's butt get larger when they exercise, so they had her cut off the back of her training pants so her butt cheeks would have more space when she does an effort. #CitationNeeded #OnlyInJapan #CarelessRacism #Idon'tThinkThatPartWillBeOfficiallyTranslated.

As the last of the base characters of the game, FANG's treacherous nature was supposed to show even in his betrayal of the core concepts: cheating long-range moves, and keeping his nationality hidden. He's a body type that never appeared in SF as well as a direct homage to old kung-fu movies, and the realisation of the poison-type archetype that could have been the last character of Third Strike (it was either Remy or a poison-type guy)(it's not the only character like that: G existed since SF4, or at least they were working on a "fighting president concept" since SF4.). They also recycled design ideas from "a rejected character from a certain other fighting game". They decided to have Chiba as his voice actor from the beginning, and decided his weird murderous-clown persona around Chiba's voice.

OK, it's late now, I'll do the DLC characters another day!

[this message was edited by Iggy on Wed 5 Dec 09:39]

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(6):How to Make Capcom Fighting Characters" , posted Wed 5 Dec 09:26post reply

Abigail's concept art is pretty interesting

The early concepts are much closer to his Final Fight build.

Someone has been posting assorted page scans online. From them, I'm of mixed opinion of the book. It is a pretty good collection of SFV concept art, with some images that I don't believe have even been posted on CFN. But it still comes down to a lot of SFV related art. CFN has already displayed a lot of SFV concept art, and it feels like CFN included more text about that art as well.

On a separate note: With Juri's outfit "censorship" so front and center thanks to her story mode art, I'd never really noticed that Laura befell the same fate. I mean, I noticed the black clothing under her green pants, but hadn't really thought about it. You can tell it was thought about during character design though, as the book includes four different concepts specifically for how her pants would be cut to show her bare cheeks. (Five, if you count the Ibuki pants version.)

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"Re(7):How to Make Capcom Fighting Characters" , posted Wed 5 Dec 10:01post reply

Thank you to everyone for the thoughts on the book! Three quick things:

1. I don't care if it's Abagail or Zangief, someone needs a feather boa.

2. It's stunning that Capcom thought Decapre was going places.

3. It has become obvious that I haven't spent enough time thinking about Laura's ass. This is a failing on my part.

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(8):How to Make Capcom Fighting Characters" , posted Wed 5 Dec 12:33:post reply

2. It's stunning that Capcom thought Decapre was going places.

From what I recall, they made Cammy-with-a-mask in SF4 because they didn't have the budget to make a new character from scratch.

Decapre did end up with a fan base, and there are people that want her back in SFV. Mind, every character has some fan base, so that isn't necessarily saying that much on its own.

1. I don't care if it's Abagail or Zangief, someone needs a feather boa.

Not what you wanted, but R. Mika has a feather boa in her Battle Outfit 1. Chun-Li has a feather boa (CPT) and I guess a fur boa (Covert Operations).

While it isn't a feather boa, there is Ken's Holiday outfit...

[this message was edited by Baines on Wed 5 Dec 12:44]

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"Re(8):How to Make Capcom Fighting Characters" , posted Wed 5 Dec 14:25post reply

Nice report, Iggy!
I haven't spent enough time thinking about Laura's ass. This is a failing on my part.
I'm trying my best to help, just hold on!

Actually, I'm surprised the spandex issue didn't strike me any of the many times when Gojira's Laura has mopped the floor with me. I'm certain that one of the first concrete results of Iggy's reporting will be to spur the largely English-speaking modding crowd to action. Laura's official new season 4 theme music is now "Honky Tonk Badonkadonk."

Speaking of season 4! This book's discussion of poor Fang has reminded me that the only rebalance that would make me happier than seeing boring Cammy nerfed straight to bottom (haha) tier to grant Ryu and Chun-Li their rightful throne would be to see Cammy unseated by Fang as top-tier.

To bring these two themes together: I will now grace you my ingenious vision for the only just balance for season 4. BEHOLD!
It's stunning that Capcom thought Decapre was going places.
Who? One day, I look forward to a gaiden called Street Fighter ZeroS, in which Alex, Remy, Decapre, Necalli, El Fuerte, and other people I literally can't remember get together for a rumble no one plays and fight against boss Seth.


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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(9):How to Make Capcom Fighting Characters" , posted Wed 5 Dec 19:56post reply

From what I recall, they made Cammy-with-a-mask in SF4 because they didn't have the budget to make a new character from scratch.
That, but also remember USF4 shouldn't have happened. It was only SFxT's galactic failure that forced them to recoup the costs by bringing back Elena, Poison, Rolento and Hugo into SF4. Adding another character on top was a good idea not make it look like the abject failure the whole thing was, but it needed to be cheap to make because they were likely working with the remains of SFxT's cancelled support budget. Picking Decapre as an advertisement of sorts for "the first SF5 character!" was, on paper, a rather smart idea.
But Ono butchered the reveal by drumming up "we will add a NEW, GROUNDBREAKING, NEVER SEEN BEFORE CHARACTER" for weeks before revealing "JK it's Cammy with a mask". No character was ever going to survive that.

I find it more interesting that had the initial plan gone through, Cammy might very well not have been a part of to SF5 for at least the first 3 years.
I want to live in that alternate, radical universe.

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(9):How to Make Capcom Fighting Characters" , posted Wed 5 Dec 23:36post reply

I'm certain that one of the first concrete results of Iggy's reporting will be to spur the largely English-speaking modding crowd to action. Laura's official new season 4 theme music is now "Honky Tonk Badonkadonk."

Someone already released a mod to remove Laura's black spandex back in 2016.

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"Re(10):How to Make Capcom Fighting Characters" , posted Thu 6 Dec 00:35post reply

Upon reflection, I don't know what reaction Ono and the others thought they were going to get with Decapre. Players were already getting frustrated with Cammy's shtick in SF4 at the time so to trumpet a brand new character and then have it be MORE CAMMY seems like a poor reading of the room. While having Decapre instead of Cammy feels a bit like adding Shingo before Kyo I do wonder what SF5 Decapre would have been like. Did Kolin or Ed inherit the play style she was going to have? How would the SF5 meta have developed without Cammy there to grind the rest of the cast into the dirt? Would Decapre have sold as many costumes as Cammy's toned, bare legs? We may never know.

I'm certain the book is more focused on character design than anything else but did it mention anything about the differences between developing SF5 for consoles as opposed to going through the arcades first? Seeing as how SF5 was a salmonella laced turkey at launch it seems like something Capcom is still trying to figure out.

Looking back on it, I'm glad that Laura's outfit was toned down. As it was, a big chunk of the female characters for the proposed initial cast were going to be running around with their cheeks hanging out. It would feel like the game was catering to someone's particular fetish, which is not the way to make a fighting game. (The correct way to make a fighting game is to have a wide mixture of fetishes.)

While it isn't a feather boa, there is Ken's Holiday outfit...

I take comfort in the idea that Ken has so many ridiculous and terrible costumes.

2029th Post

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"Re(6):How to Make Capcom Fighting Characters" , posted Thu 6 Dec 01:01post reply

Thank you so much for the translations Iggy. Even to this day it is amazing to learn new things about SF2. It is so weird to hear that Magneto's idle pose was a left over idea from Dictator. The pose fits Magneto so perfectly.

For anyone who's interested in the new Street Fighter making book by Capcom, here's a good sample overview!


Abigail's concept art is pretty interesting

After being reminded of "Ryu Final" and how monstrous Hugo was in that, I can see where they got the inspiration to make Abigail so Hulk-like in SF5. I still would a preferred a more "realistic" size though. That feather boa design would have been interesting to see in-game.

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Re(10):How to Make Capcom Fighting Char" , posted Thu 6 Dec 02:15:post reply

Upon reflection, I don't know what reaction Ono and the others thought they were going to get with Decapre. Players were already getting frustrated with Cammy's shtick in SF4 at the time so to trumpet a brand new character and then have it be MORE CAMMY seems like a poor reading of the room.

Well, the running balance patch joke with SFV is that Cammy always gets buffed, even while poorer performing characters stay the same or outright get nerfed. People mockingly joke about what future buffs Cammy will receive, and question who on the dev team is such a fan to ensure such preferential treatment.

Looking back on it, I'm glad that Laura's outfit was toned down. As it was, a big chunk of the female characters for the proposed initial cast were going to be running around with their cheeks hanging out. It would feel like the game was catering to someone's particular fetish, which is not the way to make a fighting game. (The correct way to make a fighting game is to have a wide mixture of fetishes.)

I prefer the in-game version of Laura's outfit.

The more risqué design looks okay in concept art. It even looks okay in select screenshots of a modded game model. But seeing it outside those circumstances, you are faced with it just being a silly design. Yes, Street Fighter has some wonky outfits. Cammy has for years done high level government work, and apparently just walked around the street, in a leotard. (Cammy, who believes pants aren't necessary even when wearing what appears to be a dress uniform jacket with shirt and tie? Zangief and R. Mika at least have the excuse of being pro wrestling personalities, and wearing their outfits outside of the ring is promotion for their professions.)

But how many regular people in even the Street Fighter universe would wake up one day and decide that their signature look will be full length pants with a butt window? Yes, a few people might. But again we are leaving out pro-wrestlers like Zangief and Mika. Ibuki only had thigh windows, not a butt window. Cammy is devoutly no-pants. (Cammy only wears pants for the Jill cosplay. Heck, even skirts are relegated to her holiday and cosplay outfits.) Would Laura Matsuda would be such a person? Beyond her personality, would a serious martial artist who practices a style that has at least two throws that involve her landing on her butt, for no visible reason go out of her way to find an outfit that specifically removes all butt protection?

The final version of Laura's outfit is honestly almost as silly as the concept, but at least it is slightly more likely to be seen in reality.

[this message was edited by Baines on Thu 6 Dec 02:18]

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(6):How to Make Capcom Fighting Characters" , posted Thu 6 Dec 05:08post reply

For anyone who's interested in the new Street Fighter making book by Capcom, here's a good sample overview!


If you just want to look at the character artwork pages, someone has been posting scans of those pages online. They only care about the art and not the text; the resolution is okay for the regular print text, but some of the handwritten text can get illegible and the smaller handwritten notes completely illegible.

I'm kind of curious how much of the art is actually on CFN at the moment, but I don't really feel like trying to find out.

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"Re(2):Re(10):How to Make Capcom Fighting Char" , posted Thu 6 Dec 07:13post reply

But how many regular people in even the Street Fighter universe would wake up one day and decide that their signature look will be full length pants with a butt window?
M, me?? No? Okay, fine.

In the end, any changes to Laura were pretty well balanced out by her alternate costumes, I suppose. Most of all, thank god she wasn't Sean.
(The correct way to make a fighting game is to have a wide mixture of fetishes.)
Hahahaha. To this end, please look forward to new season 4 character: Makoto's hands.

Baines, I'm pretty sure that the difficulty of finding already-posted stuff on CFN is exactly what they're banking on for this book! As for Cammy, surely she must be the company president's favorite, there is no other explanation. Even Ono didn't get his favorite character back in until season 3. I do look forward to Street Fighter VI: Fang's Quest, though.


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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):Re(10):How to Make Capcom Fighting Char" , posted Thu 6 Dec 09:12:post reply

Baines, I'm pretty sure that the difficulty of finding already-posted stuff on CFN is exactly what they're banking on for this book!

I did break down and do a little comparison. There appears to be stuff exclusive to both CFN and to the book.

CFN has an article about alternate concepts for Christmas outfits. Including the actual final version concepts, it shows 14 variations for Cammy, 12 variations for Kolin, 6 variations for Alex, and 7 variations for Menat. The book includes all the Cammy and Kolin variations, but only includes the final concepts for Alex and Menat.

The reverse was true when I looked for Abigail concept art, with the book having several more pieces than CFN. I'm guessing this varies a lot by character, though. There just isn't much Abigail stuff on CFN.

CFN appears to have more explanatory text as well, as it gives context and explanation for its various images that the book sometimes lacks.

Something else I just noticed... There is barely any concept art for Falke and Cody. The book has five drawings for Cody. Falke is treated even worse. While at first it looks like she also gets five drawings, the two Neo-Shadaloo group shots just repeat two of her solo artworks. They had so little Falke art that they ended up padding half a page with thumbnails of her story mode.

Making matters worse is that CFN actually had two more Cody concepts that the book didn't even include. Though I can understand why they might would want to skip Cody's "Brutal Prisoner" concept (Cody in a blood-spattered prison outfit, with a bag over his head and a noose hanging around his neck), "Fake Police"(Cody wearing a police uniform over his prison outfit) would have been safe to include.

Falke doesn't even have a CFN presence? That makes me realize something else... The last concept art posting at CFN was in August. I wonder if that is because of plans for the book, or does the book's own poor showing for Falke and Cody imply a lack of art to even show? Maybe Capcom changed how it did its concepts?

[this message was edited by Baines on Thu 6 Dec 09:17]

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"Re(4):Re(10):How to Make Capcom Fighting Char" , posted Thu 6 Dec 13:40post reply

Wow, I was not expecting Iggy to do such a comprehensive review of the book. Thanks a lot, this is quite interesting.

About the "canceled game," as much as we hate to think about this I wonder if it was a new Darkstalkers. The move does seem like something Victor or Sasquatch would do.

I don't know if there was a need to change Laura's ass but I guess it was too much for them. Honestly I feel like it would have made the design more interesting if they'd left it and made her top half more conservative. Unlike Mika, most of her moves have her facing front anyway so you're always seeing her bust and rarely the backside. Even if she had some kind of ludicrous emphasis on her ass it would only show up briefly and give it more impact.

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"Re(5):Re(10):How to Make Capcom Fighting Char" , posted Sat 8 Dec 23:52post reply

About the "canceled game," as much as we hate to think about this I wonder if it was a new Darkstalkers. The move does seem like something Victor or Sasquatch would do.

I'm picturing the exact same animation except with Anakaris grabbing someone with his wrappings and it works far too well.

Most of all, thank god she wasn't Sean.

If Laura keeps Sean on the bench she can wear whatever she pleases.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P - THE FOOL

"Re(5):Re(10):How to Make Capcom Fighting Char" , posted Sun 9 Dec 08:32post reply

About the "canceled game," as much as we hate to think about this I wonder if it was a new Darkstalkers. The move does seem like something Victor or Sasquatch would do.

Someone said the move could have belonged to a cancelled Justice Gakuen 3, and that's now my favourite (and also most hated, since we couldn't even see the thing) hypothesis.
Skip-ropping for JUSTICE is just something that fits too nicely in that world. I want it.

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"How to Make Capcom Fighting Char Aznable" , posted Tue 11 Dec 09:04post reply

AB1-Gail and another potential wardrobe malfunction for Ryu are coming to SF5. There are also several costume bundles coming online but I would hold off on those until this weekend just in case there's a sale during Capcom Cup.

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"Re:How to Make Abigail" , posted Wed 12 Dec 13:08post reply


Why are you not the head of Capcom PR??

I don't have much to add before the much-needed new thread that will come when Capcom surely (or else) offers exciting new season 4 news at Capcom Cup indicating that SFV is now all about Fang and Abigail and Sakura, Cammy is now banished, and maybe Ryu and Chun-Li are allowed not to suck in what is essentially "their" series.

But in the meantime, in celebration of AB1-Gail, I belatedly give you 15 glorious seconds of Abigail's hearty grin and endearing Abi-GAIIIIIIIIIIIIL yell on loop, which you must imagine in your ears every time I type it this way. Like the video text says, "Starting today, you too are Abigail. Let's Abigail!"

5542th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):Re:How to Make Abigail" , posted Wed 12 Dec 23:03post reply

Thanks for the extensive writeup on the SFV book Iggy! I might pick it up after Comiket period.

So with Capcom cup soon coming, the in-game ads were implemented today. I haven't launched my PS4 since I last received a Line message from a particular someone but I am very looking forward to it, given Capcom's apparently took time positioning them with flavorful tactics like just around Ryu's nipples.

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"Re(1):Re:How to Make Abigail" , posted Wed 12 Dec 23:36post reply

I don't have much to add before the much-needed new thread that will come when Capcom surely (or else) offers exciting new season 4 news at Capcom Cup indicating that SFV is now all about Fang and Abigail and Sakura, Cammy is now banished, and maybe Ryu and Chun-Li are allowed not to suck in what is essentially "their" series.

In the meantime we can spin out the remainder of this thread by laughing at Capcom's tone-deaf in-game ad blitz. It took some time but SF5 finally managed to look as tacky as the customization options in VF and Tekken.

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"Re(2):Re:How to Make Abigail LAGFEST" , posted Thu 13 Dec 01:37:post reply

It's possible that Toriyama has been the m(a)o(u)st prolific designer of dark lords that the world has ever seen.

Professor's new avatar is inspirational! Should we run MMC AmaTour: Ryu's Nipples Edition this weekend in parallel with Capcom Cup? I can host if people are interested.

Other update observations:
-I can't believe I had to re-download the game again.
-The update broke all the mods again and it will probably take a while to fix the fan fixes. How will we do without Angry Birds Fang?
-There are somehow two new music tracks for the odious Grid stage. I would never choose the Grid of my own free will, so I have no idea how you select which song. The new tracks still kind of suck, but I guess they're better than the purposefully (???) awful original.
-You can get fortune tickets from Extra Battle for cheap, though I still don't really understand what to buy in Menat's shop besides dumb things for the Cafe dojo.
-The season pass discounts are pretty good (at least in the modern fighting game economy) when you consider that any given season pass is always already 3 dollars cheaper than it appears because you get at least 54,000 FM with it (8000 FM for each story and 1000 FM for each demonstration, times 6 characters). I got one just to avoid the visual annoyance of so many grayed out character icons...oh, and to play around with Abi-GAIIIIIIL, of course, whose woes around his seemingly stolen car speak to the human condition as powerfully as Sakura's search for her life's direction.
-Retroactively, I like Gouki a little bit more for A) getting physically (!) eaten by Necalli and B) making him explode subsequently. If only this eliminated Necalli from the game.
-Vesper Arcade laughs his @$$ while looking at the terrible ads, so you don't have to! Amazing that they didn't think to advertise, like, Capcom Cup, in their own game.


[this message was edited by Maou on Thu 13 Dec 04:21]

5545th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Re:How to Make Abigail LAGFEST" , posted Thu 13 Dec 07:34post reply

It's possible that Toriyama has been the m(a)o(u)st prolific designer of dark lords that the world has ever seen.

Professor's new avatar is inspirational! Should we run MMC AmaTour: Ryu's Nipples Edition this weekend in parallel with Capcom Cup? I can host if people are interested.

I think I can do 9:30AM JST Sun unless something comes up, which is a possiblity given things can become unpredictable near years-end.

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"Re(4):Re:How to Make Abigail LAGFEST" , posted Fri 14 Dec 00:21post reply

I think I can do 9:30AM JST Sun unless something comes up, which is a possiblity given things can become unpredictable near years-end.

It's a weird weekend for me so that time isn't going to work out. Trying to juggle real-life obligations with video game matches isn't easy!

-You can get fortune tickets from Extra Battle for cheap, though I still don't really understand what to buy in Menat's shop besides dumb things for the Cafe dojo.

Don't forget about the extra costumes you can try to win via lottery. The SF2 Dictator costume is great since it features a number of subtle costume differences and changes it so that he screams in all caps at the SF2 characters. That, or you could try to win the rollerblade Nash costume if you want the dumbest non-ad outfit in the game.

-Retroactively, I like Gouki a little bit more for A) getting physically (!) eaten by Necalli and B) making him explode subsequently. If only this eliminated Necalli from the game.

I'm glad that Capcom quickly came to their senses and realized that Necali is boring as dirt and is only good for being defeated by other characters. So far he's been punched into atoms by Ryu in the story mode and burped to death by Akuma. I'm looking forward to S4 just to see how the new characters eradicate Necali.

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PSN: Gojira_X
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"Re(4):Re:How to Make Abigail LAGFEST" , posted Fri 14 Dec 06:23post reply

It's possible that Toriyama has been the m(a)o(u)st prolific designer of dark lords that the world has ever seen.

Professor's new avatar is inspirational! Should we run MMC AmaTour: Ryu's Nipples Edition this weekend in parallel with Capcom Cup? I can host if people are interested.

I think I can do 9:30AM JST Sun unless something comes up, which is a possiblity given things can become unpredictable near years-end.

Aw, you mean I don't have to get up at 7AM?

But unfortunately I'm going to be on a plane out of town and my PS4 is going to be packed up the rest of the day, so I can't make it to this one.

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"Re(5):Re:How to Make Abigail LAGFEST" , posted Fri 14 Dec 07:22:post reply

Street Fighting calisthenics first thing after you get up are good for your health, just like rajio taisou routines! But sounds like this weekend will be tough timing-wise, so let's try another week, and in the meantime chuckle at Ad Fighter V while awaiting news of Sodom and Hakan in season 4 and offering expert commentary on Capcom Cup. Will there be a Fang in the top 4??????


[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 14 Dec 07:41]

2031th Post

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"Post-Capcom Cup content leaked early" , posted Mon 17 Dec 09:54:post reply

Spoilers I suppose

Pics floating around on twitter of new character

Update is available if you start up your SFV on PS4, not sure about PC.

Anyone else watching the Capcom Cup? Sad to see Angry Bird go as I really liked seeing a Zeku in top 8. ItaZan made a good comeback against Justin Wong just now.

Also, some stuff for the new demonstrations

Chun-li has a follow up kick to her V-Skill
Dictator's reflect v-skill does a parry against physical attacks now
FANG can glide in the air with 3P

[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Mon 17 Dec 10:08]

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"Re(1):Post-Capcom Cup content leaked early" , posted Mon 17 Dec 10:40post reply

Thanks for the news! I've downloaded

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -

End of Spoiler

so I'm ready when the new version officially drops.

The Zeku matches I've seen in Capcom Cup have been really impressive. This tournament also reminds me once again that I should really learn Kolin.

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"Re(2):Post-Capcom Cup content leaked early" , posted Mon 17 Dec 11:18post reply

As long as I never have to see Cammy in the finals again, I'm happy! It's refreshing to have seen some serious Zeku and Kolin work. This Itabashi (Abigail) vs. Fujimura (Ibuki) match is a pretty fun exercise in contrasting character sizes. I like that anyone casually watching SFV for the first time will see Abigail as a giant Halloween cyclops.

As for the leaked (?) character, uhhh is this an even more over-the-top progression from the nutty SFIV chest-volcano version of hadou-of-murderous-intent-Ryu? I recall reading that in the 1990s, jokey nicknames for "the cast as described/pronounced" by some top US players included "Evil, Evil Rye-you."


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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):Post-Capcom Cup content leaked early" , posted Mon 17 Dec 12:53post reply

While the new character is already available for purchase in the in-game shop, a fourth season of characters was not announced.

So if you are a Season Pass buyer, I don't know what to say. There is always the chance Kage is part of a coming Season 4 pass, and you'd be wasting your FM to buy him. Or he might be separate from the Season 4 pass. Or there might not even be a Season 4 at all.

A lot of balance changes are being reported, but it is hard to tell what the total effect will be. Except for Abigail, it sounds like he might have been hit pretty hard. It sounds like Cammy overall might have been nerfed.

But others sound more like a real mix of buffs and nerfs. I'm not sure anyone got straight out buffed without taking at least some nerfs in trade?

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"Re(4):Post-Capcom Cup content leaked early" , posted Mon 17 Dec 13:53post reply

It sounds like Cammy overall might have been nerfed.
It's a Christmas miracle! Down to Dan-tier you go!
Except for Abigail, it sounds like he might have been hit pretty hard.
Poor Abi. Still, he had a nice time in the sun in the Capcom Cup! I laughed out loud at all the time overs Gachikun was able to force with Abigail's crazy reach.

As for Evil, Evil Rye-you: uh, uh...is this like with Ultra SFIV where they announce a new game/update with only weak-ass clone characters like Oni and Decapre? I hope not. But more importantly, another beautiful 43 page PDF of patch notes, now with pretty headers! "I don't care what the critics say, violence is a beauuuuuuuuutiful thing!"

I'm not good enough to know the implications of most of these things, but all I care about is that Sakura can do a lot more stuff a lot more quickly and with fewer frames. That, and Cammy ate a bunch of frames. Also, Fang got a Shungokusatsu and is now top-tier. No?


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"Re(4):Post-Capcom Cup content leaked early" , posted Mon 17 Dec 22:43post reply

While the new character is already available for purchase in the in-game shop, a fourth season of characters was not announced.

So if you are a Season Pass buyer, I don't know what to say. There is always the chance Kage is part of a coming Season 4 pass, and you'd be wasting your FM to buy him. Or he might be separate from the Season 4 pass. Or there might not even be a Season 4 at all.

This is the problem I have with Underbite Ryu; is he part of Season 4 or not? I'm not going to spend FM or real money on the character if he is going to be included in a more affordable bundle later on. The events around Capcom Cup should have been a torrent of self-adulation for Capcom but between the goofy in-game ads and no explanation for what is happening after Season 3 the whole thing has become a bit of a mess. Did the entire PR budget get blown on musical acts?

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"Kage = Oni Ryu = Dan Hibiki?" , posted Tue 18 Dec 10:09:post reply

Kage is officially the Oni equivalent for Ryu. He has teleports, air fireballs, a Shun Goku Satsu, two powerful V-Triggers, etc. He's certainly not a joke character.

But Kage is somewhat interesting in that he isn't a straight beefed up version of Ryu. Where would Capcom have gotten the idea of making a more evil Evil Ryu that has a short range normal fireball?

Someone noticed some other similarities, and made a YouTube video comparing Kage to Dan.

[this message was edited by Baines on Tue 18 Dec 10:11]

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PSN: Gojira_X
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"Re(1):Kage = Oni Ryu = Dan Hibiki?" , posted Tue 18 Dec 12:18post reply

They did tease some kind of "Evil" Ryu in the AE opening trailer that debuted last year, so I'm not that surprised that this character appeared, but if it's not part of any season pass that's very strange. In their haste to announce and release a character in the same day, they forgot that the only reason last year worked was because they actually provided some real information on what was coming.

But now they're not even stating whether or not they're going to have a season 4 or if they're just releasing the last character they already teased, throwing a ton of balance changes in and letting it rip. I recall some time ago when SFV was first starting out and they went through their DLC plan, they mentioned they had only planned as far as 4 seasons. I wonder if that figure was meant to have a "give or take" in front of it?

6289th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Kage = Oni Ryu = Dan Hibiki?" , posted Tue 18 Dec 15:15post reply

I'm very disappointed in the Kage reveal. Yet another clone character with no real substance, and no major reveals for the rest of the season. Capcom just loves to piss off players when they started redeeming themselves after SFVAE.

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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CFN: zonepharaoh
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"THREAD OVER: CONTINUE?" , posted Wed 19 Dec 03:32:post reply


Join the non-exploding new thread here


[this message was edited by Maou on Thu 20 Dec 13:14]