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Baines 329th Post
Bronze Customer
| "Re(7):Fighter Musings Re-Bout 4 Ultimate" , posted Mon 27 Aug 02:16    
quote: What I meant is: except when it's free, is it really cheaper to have a human being-or-close-enough sing a song for your trailer than an actual good song that catches potential customer's attention? Or do potential customers actually look forward to hearing that kind of thing, and that make them want to buy the game? Am I that out of touch with the genre?
By "good song", do you mean "license an existing song", or do you just mean "make a catchy new non-vocal song that might pull double duty as part of your game's background music, and thus is technically not really an added cost"?
If you mean "license an existing song," do you mean only for the trailer, or will it be in the game itself as well?
If by "license an existing song," do you mean "swipe an existing song and hope the music company doesn't catch you or demand money or Youtube/whatever pulls the audio from your video before your promotion period is over"?
All of the above have varying costs.
And in the end, it may not really matter if one option doesn't compare to the others, as marketing and creation are partly about perception. Even if people don't look forward to hearing that kind of thing, they may *expect* to hear it, and its absence might color their thinking. Or it could be that the creators themselves expect it. Or maybe they just really want to do it, because everyone else that they like does it.
Iggy 9376th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Style button and vogueing defence" , posted Thu 13 Sep 09:11:    
That Jojo game looks great! Exclamation mark!
The system looks surprisingly like a fighting game system! I'm suddenly tempted to believe it might end up more than just a fan item... There's chain combo and stand rush like in the Capcom game, Roman Cancels (called Puttsun Cancel to reference a famous quote of Jôtarô agains Dio), a style button that does different things according to the character's fighting style (Jôtarô calls his stand, Joseph uses Hamon) and the parry involve extreme vogueing (the command is guard at the last moment, like just defence, but it consumes guard gauge, prevents chip damage, and give extra frames to counter attack). Some characters also have an extra jauge for their own system, like Joseph whose power grows each time he lands a counter move. Each character has two supers, which is also good news. Oh, and the provocation lowers the opponent's special gauge, like in AoF ! Apparently, using the provocation immediately after having downed the opponent makes a special animation with close up, meaning it will be REQUIRED to play in-character most of the cast.
The only thing that resembles a CC2-like gimmick are the stage gimmicks. Not sure if that's interesting, but at least it's faithful to the original places in the manga.
I'm also quite relieved by the choice of characters announced. We have 3 characters from part 3 without counting Dio yet, and Mista who is cool but not very high on the list of "must appear in the crossover", even though they haven't shown anyone from parts 4 and 6 (and 1 and 8, but nobody cares about those). That probably means the cast might end up as big as we were promised, with maybe 4 characters for certain parts, maybe even more...? I just hope they'll maintain a healthy balance between heroes and enemies.
And really different characters on top of that : Giorno having Gold Experience evolving into Gold Experience Requiem should mean we won't have too many clones. I'm excited. That's two games to look forward to at the TGS, along with Gyakuten Layton... The situation is slowly improving!
[this message was edited by Iggy on Thu 13 Sep 18:54] |
Loona 632th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(9):Style button and vogueing defence" , posted Wed 3 Oct 20:38    
quote: Yeah, I read comments (haven't played the game yet to give my opinions) that the Story Mode in DOA5 is kinda lame. Pity; had Team Ninja dedicated themselves a little harder in this mode, the game could be taken more seriously by the fighting game community.
It's a mixed bag - if you care about things like canon tournament placements, they actually put thought into that, there are some fun and well made scenes there (Brad+Eliot and Bass+Tina come to mind), but the whole clone and ninja plots that the series tends to focus on drag it down, mostly due to delivery, more so than some other poorly-justified fights along the way
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - Such as how early game Rig is amnesiac but late in the story he's clearly allied with Donovan, being his kid and all, with no transition between these states, and how every early appearance of Kasumi actually seems to be a clone, even if it distances her as a ninja from her typically colorful outfit.
End of Spoiler
Nevertheless, is the gameplay fun enough to keep a player interested in it? Have you tried to play against other players online?
I'm enjoying it so far, though there are still subtleties I'm still getting to grips with - a game where everyone basically has "Geese counters" with simpler commands creates some interesting situations, though the game can be a bit fast to make full use of that if you're not fully used to the system. For the most part, online has worked out well for me, with only one match actually being unplayably slow - and that was from a Throwdown challenge I accepted, a single-round fight too, so I gues the guy that issued it was having problems often enough to try and experiment with a shorter match duration. I'm kinda annoyed that if you're in training mode and using the Command Training mode and accept a challenge, when you retun from the online fight you have to start over, which is annoying when move lists there tend to be in the 100 range - so far I've only completed Mila's, whose command training only requests 60+ moves (but commad training doesn't make you use every move a character has though). I was a bit puzzled on how to invite friends for a match, and apparently the only way is to create a lobby, after messing around with the online options a bit. It's a bit annoying that's I've found no way to add someone from your friends list directly to the in-game fighter list though, I think those need to be fought first outside of a lobby mode, from what I've seen of the menus so far.
From the videos I'm seeing, it looks like a nice game, even if it isn't on TTT2's level. I still think the developers shouldn't have cut Leon off, though; Dead or Alive doesn't have enough characters to justify old characters being left off (sure, Virtua Fighter has even less characters, but that is justified by the seriousness and complexity in each one's gameplay)...
What I've read was that Leon was too similar to Bayman, and in terms of plot and cast diversity, Bayman was apparently the safer and classic choice. Ein gets requested a lot for a return, and there's an odd incident with Hayate late in the Story mode that may justify that later on, who knows.
Overall, liking with I see - I was hoping to focus on Mila (it's nice for once to see a fighting game character being depicted actually training in plausible ways and clothes for most of her appearances, instead of just having that frequently referenced), but with the titles needng to be unlocked to eventually unlock Alpha-152, I may need to mess around with more of the cast - and return to those Story mode challenges I was able to complete (I first tried not to advance untill I finished them, but after Leifang's of needing to use a special counter for kicks on a character initially desgned to be a boxer, I became more lax about it).
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
Ishmael 4462th Post

PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(10):Style button and vogueing defence" , posted Thu 4 Oct 02:30    
quote: Nevertheless, is the gameplay fun enough to keep a player interested in it? Have you tried to play against other players online?
I've only had the time to try out a few fights online. Of those, a couple had a good connection, a couple stuttered due to lag and one froze the game altogether. Yay!
quote: I'm enjoying it so far, though there are still subtleties I'm still getting to grips with - a game where everyone basically has "Geese counters" with simpler commands creates some interesting situations, though the game can be a bit fast to make full use of that if you're not fully used to the system.
I don't totally understand the power blow system and all that so I have yet to fully figure out how the game engine works. However, when I playing last night I began to wonder about how DoA actually works.
(Note: This is the first time I've thought about how to properly play DoA so someone please correct me if I'm missing anything.) Is any point in a match where you can be safe and in control? There are juggles but those aren't as insane as in something like Tekken. Instead, the best way to deal damage seems to involve keeping your opponent grounded. That, however, opens you up to having a hold counter your attack. Is there a way to attack that will still keep you safe? In most every other fighting game there are points where you can deal guaranteed damage through a combo, juggle or whatever. With DoA, however, I feel like I'm in constant danger through almost the entire match. Is there something I'm missing or is the bulk of the game built around constantly trying to make the correct read?
Loona 633th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(2):Re(10):Style button and vogueing defenc" , posted Thu 4 Oct 03:30    
I don't totally understand the power blow system and all that so I have yet to fully figure out how the game engine works.
Power blows are the simpler ones - when your life is under 50% your life bar flashes red and you get access to that move, but only once (once you land it your life bar no longer flashes). It's the move that changes the camera momentarily to let you quickly pick where you want to knock your victim into, sometimes for some major effects in the stage. When selecting the character, the command is visible, it's usually something like back + strong punch(P+K)
The one I'm yet to wrap my head around is the critical burst, which also has its command listed in the same cicumstances (though I think some character have more than one move with that property, which is marked in their movelist, section Unique Blows) - I think that one disables an opponent's ability to use holds from a stun state, in effect garanteeing a combo opportunity or a power blow (which is tricky to land on its own, being kinda slow to come out). Then again, I could be confusing that with the critical stun - I think one of those involves landing some previous moves to ensure it works.
In any case, the fact that the game doesn't act like a character loses the ability to use his limbs while hit at least makes the game less passive again an opponent who knows his combos inside out, the focus seems like it's supposed to gravitate towards well-placed individual moves and short combos of mixed heights, at least on the strikes end of things. Still, the game does have an earnable title of landing 100 10-hit combos, though I think those really require launching (possibly from a counter strike) and juggling.
One other thing the game does that not enough do in the genre is provide some info on what each character's good at, even if it's only in the character select screen when the cursor's on the character icon, yet the character model hasn't loaded yet. Knowing character so-and-so is supposed to be good at throws or fast can rely on more than cliches about size or sex, or reading about that online in advance, for once - it would be best to have it on screen in a more permanent way while selecting, but at least it's there.
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
Just a Person 1535th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(10):Style button and vogueing defence" , posted Fri 5 Oct 02:00    
Thanks for the feedback, guys!
quote: What I've read was that Leon was too similar to Bayman, and in terms of plot and cast diversity, Bayman was apparently the safer and classic choice. Ein gets requested a lot for a return, and there's an odd incident with Hayate late in the Story mode that may justify that later on, who knows
Yeah, I get that. Still, like I said, it's not like if Dead or Alive had so many characters that it would be impossible to program them all in time. And anyway, even though both of them fight the same style, their gameplay and strategies were quite different (and it's not like if Team Ninja couldn't try to differentiate them more in DoA5... I mean, they had a seven-year gap between DoA4 and 5, didn't they?)...
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
Loona 636th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(2):Re(10):Style button and vogueing defenc" , posted Fri 5 Oct 11:37    
I don't totally understand the power blow system and all that so I have yet to fully figure out how the game engine works.
Power blows are the simpler ones - when your life is under 50% your life bar flashes red and you get access to that move, but only once (once you land it your life bar no longer flashes). It's the move that changes the camera momentarily to let you quickly pick where you want to knock your victim into, sometimes for some major effects in the stage. When selecting the character, the command is visible, it's usually something like back + strong punch(P+K)
The one I'm yet to wrap my head around is the critical burst, which also has its command listed in the same cicumstances (though I think some character have more than one move with that property, which is marked in their movelist, section Unique Blows) - I think that one disables an opponent's ability to use holds from a stun state, in effect garanteeing a combo opportunity or a power blow (which is tricky to land on its own, being kinda slow to come out). Then again, I could be confusing that with the critical stun - I think one of those involves landing some previous moves to ensure it works.
In any case, the fact that the game doesn't act like a character loses the ability to use his limbs while hit at least makes the game less passive again an opponent who knows his combos inside out, the focus seems like it's supposed to gravitate towards well-placed individual moves and short combos of mixed heights, at least on the strikes end of things. Still, the game does have an earnable title of landing 100 10-hit combos, though I think those really require launching (possibly from a counter strike) and juggling.
One other thing the game does that not enough do in the genre is provide some info on what each character's good at, even if it's only in the character select screen when the cursor's on the character icon, yet the character model hasn't loaded yet. Knowing character so-and-so is supposed to be good at throws or fast can rely on more than cliches about size or sex, or reading about that online in advance, for once - it would be best to have it on screen in a more permanent way while selecting, but at least it's there.
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
Professor 3583th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(3):Style button and vogueing defence" , posted Tue 9 Oct 20:03    
quote: The playable build at TGS was only 10% complete so some of the stuff I say now might change
- Gameplay is mostly on a 2D plane - there's a button to press to dodge on the Y axis
I'm a bit late on this but yeah, Jojo was pretty good. Cyberconnect2's Matsuyama was saying that they've got no intention of making a fighting game, but it felt exactly the opposite. I didn't try out the autocombo but as far as playing manually went, it felt like playing a new Jojo fighter that slightly compliments the Capcom original.. at least when using Jotaro. He can switch to fighting with his stand and the movesets changes in that case IIRC. His time-stop is way easier to do than the Capcom Jojo. The characters taking various Jojo poses on a Just Defense is an interesting idea. ...I wonder how many people actually used Wamuu at the TGS demo.
quote: Yeah, I read comments (haven't played the game yet to give my opinions) that the Story Mode in DOA5 is kinda lame. Pity; had Team Ninja dedicated themselves a little harder in this mode, the game could be taken more seriously by the fighting game community.
DOA5's story mode has an incredible amount of story sequences so I definitely won't say Team Ninja went cheap on it. However, it does fall short on the last boss being a recycled model, and each character not having seperate endings. It's basically one huge linear storyline.
quote: The one I'm yet to wrap my head around is the critical burst, which also has its command listed in the same cicumstances (though I think some character have more than one move with that property, which is marked in their movelist, section Unique Blows)
Critical Stun happens with a lot of moves. It simply puts your opponent into a hitback state and you can combo them. They can't block, but they can do counters in this state.
If you hit your opponent a few times during Critical stun, the text (on the top of the screen) will turn red. While it's red, you can hit the opponent with a Critical Burst. That'll momentarily stun the opponent and then they'll crumple to their knees.
Power Blow is something totally separate from Critical Stun and Critical Blow. It's simply a super move/DM. Your life has to be around 40% or lower to execute it, and you can only do it once. You need to charge up to release it, so it's usually hard to hit. If you stun your opponent with a Critical Burst, it'll give you enough time to hit the opponent.
quote: In other news, Sega is the new SNK Playmore! Probably the Sega Ages ports. I'll play VF2 in RGG5 instead but good news for fans of TOKIO and BAHN.
SANMAN! What a game, BIG MAHLER means "big penis" in Japanese and I think they might've intentionally abbreviated it as "BM" because of that problem. Hopefully they'll also release Fighter's Megamix.
Professor 3627th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(1):Izayoi youtube video" , posted Sun 25 Nov 17:38    
quote: It's not much, but it's a CPU controlled Izayoi video. Unfortunately, the idiot who captured the video didn't understand the concept of exhibiting a character we've not seen before by exhibiting rather a character we've seen enough of before.
Also, totally hot lewd (picture I think came from Kurushii).
Mu-12 has a newer astral, different from the handjob astral she previously had
Furthermore unimportantly, did trials 5-8 of Joe Higashi's yesterday, already did 200 long ago, just slowly trodding along to do all of them because even though I don't like playing online, I will still train!
Interesting! I heard Tsubaki has her back turned with the Relius AH, didn't think it'd be like.. THAT. More like her old one or something.
In case anyone's wondering what my avatars are, they're the icons that you can set on your profile for playing the game in the arcades. You spend about 30 in-game points/money to get one randomly.