Professor 3387th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Blog translations" , posted Thu 23 Feb 20:09:    
13 Blog update. Color contest results and another video showing some techniques in the game. Quick rundown-
1. In 13, the button priority is D>C>B>A. What that means is, if you renda cancel (rapid cancel) by doing A or B into a A+D for example, it'll act as an option select where an A will come out after the opponent gets hit or blocks on the first hit, and a throw will come out instead if it whiffs.
2. Damage Scaling. There's two types of damage scaling set on multi-hit moves in KOF13: "a multi-hit move in which the damage consistantly scales during its attacks" and "a multi-hit in which the damage doesn't scale after the first hit of its attacks". Most moves are of the first type. With the second type, if you do another attack of the same type right afterwards with no delay, the scaling will remain in the same state as when the previous attack had hit.
3. Screen Blackout. You can't input commands when the screen's blacked out, but if you hold on to a button, it'll come out as soon as the screen turns back normal. Stick input also works but for 1 input only. So this means that movements done on just one input, like a AB roll or Duolon's attack, are always guaranteed to come out.
[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 23 Feb 22:41] |
Sparkster 0th Post

New Customer
| "Re(1):SNK Stuff Thread 6 - Early Spring editi" , posted Sun 26 Feb 13:24    
Might as well link all of these here since they're not getting posted on SRK or many other fighting game websites:
NESTS Kyo Breakdown Applying Close Range Pressure in KOF On Team Selection and Order On Learning Characters
,_ __ _,,,_ i、`'iヽtr、 i-、 ,、‐'ī ̄  ̄`'ヽ、 .r‐-、,,、ト亥 ''v!ヾ/| !!ノ |'i .)ヽ, ,、 / . r‐亠彡ミ、 ミ|トミミ|ヾ))/ノ ノ ī.''彡}ノ!| / レロレロレロレロ iī /// ≡゙、`vi || | !以ī' <ヾ≡ ノノi │ レロレロレロ . !, //// (r、、i , ン、/ ヽヾ ≡三.c,,ノ|. | レロレロ ) | |/ 》 )/イī''''‐-i |iノ iiノ ヾ、ヾ= << | レロ .く ! | |` .|イ{ i!/ノノイ ミミ=---ミζ | レロレロレロ ,、! 彡r,ソ ト、ri ,, リノソ ト、ミ ミミ≡γ. | レロレロ . , ア .t‐' tテ}゙ '`===-、⊥,,.t三≡彡 | レロ //τ'' | 7 ヾr゚‐īī ̄ i!/īri.|、| . | レロレロ .|!ii|'ī |<.. ī ' ))!ノ、| | .. ヾi.! _ ''r, |、,_ ,, t-‐īヾ|i ∠ . `` ,、r-<ヽ, CO、'''''‐ァ /σ゙'λ!i | \ ... i! >, テ=|.ミ三彡'ī / / ヽiκ \ } ノゝ'`ī .|`'''''' ,、、-‐'''ī,、-'' yヘ,  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ . ヽ、 .!ī-、ミ-t'''iī,,、、-''ī_ //υi . \ ! . } { !i'īīi! / \ _,,,,、、、/`'''‐ ,.r‐' ヽ . /\ \ | ī'''''''‐‐‐‐‐‐''''r'| ヽ / \ ī Enjoy!
kofoguz 976th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(2):SNK Stuff Thread 6 - Early Spring editi" , posted Sun 26 Feb 17:09    
quote: Might as well link all of these here since they're not getting posted on SRK or many other fighting game websites:
NESTS Kyo Breakdown Applying Close Range Pressure in KOF On Team Selection and Order On Learning Characters
[AA] ,_ __ _,,,_ i、`'iヽtr、 i-、 ,、‐'ī ̄  ̄`'ヽ、 .r‐-、,,、ト亥 ''v!ヾ/| !!ノ |'i .)ヽ, ,、 / . r‐亠彡ミ、 ミ|トミミ|ヾ))/ノ ノ ī.''彡}ノ!| ӌ
-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --
Those are great guides thanks Sparkster and welcome to the café. Btw first link doesnt work.
Sparkster 1th Post

New Customer
| "Re(1):SNK Stuff Thread 6 - Early Spring editi" , posted Mon 27 Feb 12:51    
NESTS Kyo Breakdown (fixed link) Benimaru Counter Strategies
,. -─ '' "⌒'' ー- 、 __,,. -──- 、. ./ ,r' ī ‾‾ `'' ‐-r--、 r=ニフī ‾‾ ~`` ‐、 \ / ,r--‐''‐ 、.._,,二フ-、 ,. -‐゙ー-‐ ''、'ー--''-_、 \ / / , 'ī ,.イVヽ__ }ノī二 -‐ヽ._ \ { i >∴∴∴L ,'ー 'ー ''ī‾} ト、 !. 〈∴∴∴/ } / ,.イ ヽ、___ヽ、 ./\∴ / ‾レ' _, ‐' 、 " `,二ヽ! /∴ .| r''二 ‾ ` ‐- 、..__,. -‐─┴─' /∴∴| ゙─‐'--''─- 、..___ ,. /∴∴ \ /∵∴∵∴\ /∵∴∵∴∵∴\ /∵∴(・)∴∴.(・) | |∵∵∵/ ○\∵| |∵∵ /三 | 三| | |∵∵ | __|__ | | tanasinn \∵ | === .|/ \|___/
Loona 523th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(1):Question about SNK Minis" , posted Fri 2 Mar 19:39    
Well that's annoying...
I've been getting all of them on PS3, and I wonder if after that purchase they can be used in the PSP interchangeably. My pet annoyance is that when you get them, what you get is an install file or something which sticks around in the Games menu even after the game itself is moved to the Minis sub-folder - minor annoyance.
Speaking of Psycho Soldiers, when I played through that it was interesting to see that:
1. the game seems completely seamless, there's no intermission screen between levels, even after bosses, you just keep going forward through the whole thing - I don't know much about coding levels for games, but that must have taken some interesting memory management tricks back in the day
2. Thena gets this shield power-up which consists on 4 spheres spinning around her, which actually seem to spot enemy fire on contact, and are then consumed - I guess that's where the spheres around her from her original KoF94 DM come from - the latest KoF seems to have done away with that reference to the past, but it was a nice touch; also, another power up is a sword, which the special she got in 95 also references more indirectly, I guess.
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
sibarraz 364th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: sibarraz4life Wii: n/a
Silver Customer
| "Re(2):Question about SNK Minis" , posted Fri 2 Mar 21:33    
quote: Well, I had a problem with this games, today I went where a friend, and decided to spend 3 dollars to play psycho soldiers, problem was that the game never recognized the second player, this has happened to anyone else or is a problem from this kind of games? Minis sadly don't support multiplayer. The same thing happened to me with Guerilla Wars, which sucks cause that's the whole point of the Ikari series to me. Minis were designed with the limitations of PSP, but can be played on PS3 (Think iPhone Apps that can blow up and work on iPad), hence the 1 player limit.
Thanks Badoor, sucks to hear that
What I love about the game is the song, the crappy quality from the era make it more magic, but I honestly like the English Version almost as much as the Japanese version, even though the last is undobetdly with the better quality
sibarraz 365th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: sibarraz4life Wii: n/a
Silver Customer
| "Upcoming Tournaments from the USA. E-SPORTS!" , posted Sat 3 Mar 23:05    
Well, today seems to be a great day for the KOF community, since MLG confirmed that on 3 more weeks they will held a tournament of 3 fighting games, the previously announced Mortal Kombat, and the new additions Soul Calibur and King of Fighters XIII, confirming the rumours from some weeks ago when accidently MLG removed some content from a youtube user playing KOF. The event will had prizes of $16700
The bad (or good news) is that the event will be held at the same time than the NCR, which will had an impressive number for KOF of 171 entries, the pools are already up, and besides the famous kof players from USA and Mexico that almost always play there, we will see some famous SF and Marvel players, like Justin Wong, Combofiend, Juicebox (well, he said that he really loves KOF), diemenion,a mongst others, it seems like the evo announcement really boosted the community in the States, which is cool to see, since lots of people thought that I will be dead for the barebones netcode
I wonder if MLG will had lots of entries in 3 more weeks, and if asian players will take a look to some of that e-sports money
I will never thought that KOF will be in big tournaments in USA, yet in the SBO nobody considered it
Toxico 5592th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Tutorial Stream" , posted Sat 10 Mar 03:43    
Dune-nyan has made another KCE video update, this time the players where left unnamed, but there are a bunch of fights.
1 - Nico , 2 - Nico , 3 - Nico , 4 - Nico , 5 - Nico , 6 - Nico
Be warned that, since players apparently don't switch constantly, the character selection is pretty narrow. Uploading seems to be still going on judging by the description uploading seems to be still going on. As usual Dune uploads faster his elive casts (include youtube links for the videos), but the elive casts don't include -every- fight as opposed to the nico links, so that's that.
On a side not, SNK HK uploaded some more combos, they are only short videos, but it's a lot of vids.
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 24 as of 21/11/11 (Temporary mega upload link). // 104 personajes traducidos
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 23 as of 20/11/11
Professor 3404th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Ogosho not making it to Major League Gaming" , posted Tue 20 Mar 03:48:    
Ogosho won't be going to MLG. He was supposed to be invited by them together with a number of other players from Europe, but they told them at the last minute that they never sent any invites like that. He's complaining about it on Twitter and I'm sure the others will follow. Right now, he's streaming while boozing and complaining about this whole incident.
Also, RF didn't get an invite to begin with, so he's not going. Tokido isn't planning to go either. To put it another way, MLG won't have any Japanese players.
Twitter comments from Ogosho: "Regarding America, D44 was able to make contact with their guy in charge, but he was told that there wasn't anything like that to begin with." "A number of players from Europe also fell victim to this incident, and they can't do anything about it. They(MLG) probably didn't mean any harm and it's hard to figure out where this all started to begin with. I wasn't sure if I could go there so I'm not angry, but I'm appalled at this whole situation."
[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 20 Mar 04:25] |
GekigangerV 1744th Post

PSN: gekijmo XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
| "Re(1):Ogosho not making it to Major League Ga" , posted Tue 20 Mar 06:15    
quote: Ogosho won't be going to MLG. He was supposed to be invited by them together with a number of other players from Europe, but they told them at the last minute that they never sent any invites like that. He's complaining about it on Twitter and I'm sure the others will follow. Right now, he's streaming while boozing and complaining about this whole incident.
Also, RF didn't get an invite to begin with, so he's not going. Tokido isn't planning to go either. To put it another way, MLG won't have any Japanese players.
Twitter comments from Ogosho: "Regarding America, D44 was able to make contact with their guy in charge, but he was told that there wasn't anything like that to begin with." "A number of players from Europe also fell victim to this incident, and they can't do anything about it. They(MLG) probably didn't mean any harm and it's hard to figure out where this all started to begin with. I wasn't sure if I could go there so I'm not angry, but I'm appalled at this whole situation."
That's really unfortunate especially considering that the prize pool is fairly obscene for each of the games.
Any archives to the boozing rant though?
sibarraz 378th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: sibarraz4life Wii: n/a
Silver Customer
| "Re(1):Ogosho not making it to Major League Ga" , posted Tue 20 Mar 06:38    
quote: Ogosho won't be going to MLG. He was supposed to be invited by them together with a number of other players from Europe, but they told them at the last minute that they never sent any invites like that. He's complaining about it on Twitter and I'm sure the others will follow. Right now, he's streaming while boozing and complaining about this whole incident.
Also, RF didn't get an invite to begin with, so he's not going. Tokido isn't planning to go either. To put it another way, MLG won't have any Japanese players.
Twitter comments from Ogosho: "Regarding America, D44 was able to make contact with their guy in charge, but he was told that there wasn't anything like that to begin with." "A number of players from Europe also fell victim to this incident, and they can't do anything about it. They(MLG) probably didn't mean any harm and it's hard to figure out where this all started to begin with. I wasn't sure if I could go there so I'm not angry, but I'm appalled at this whole situation."
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Isn't oogosho an elivepro player?
I thought that the point of those sponsors is at last help them with plane tickets, isn't like he would have returned with the bare hands, the tournament only has 15 players so far
Professor 3405th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(2):Ogosho not making it to Major League Ga" , posted Tue 20 Mar 13:56:    
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Isn't oogosho an elivepro player?
I thought that the point of those sponsors is at last help them with plane tickets, isn't like he would have returned with the bare hands, the tournament only ha
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There's a lot of things that could be said about eLive, but long story short, for this particular tournament, MLG was reportedly sending invites. This is where it gets interesting.
According to Dune and Ogosho, this was an invite by MLG and they were going to pick up the ticket fare. Put it another way, eLive was only acting as the middleman for this particular tournament since MLG was going to take care of everything. eLive's Kayane was another player that fell victiom to this incident, but apparently, the case was a bit different for her. In her case, it seems that eLive asked MLG that they pick up her tabs, apparently if MLG wanted her to be there. Details can be checked on her Twitter.
Lord knows what was really up behind MLG and eLive. But the bottom line is, it's the players that end up getting screwed. Ogosho was a tad bitter on booze and he was ranting on stream about how how downright irresponsible MLG is about the situation and how rushing to try and get a passport issued right before the day of the tournament (which isn't cheap here!) ended up totally useless. He's been Tweeting about it as well. He was looking forward to the trip, especially since he never went to America or any other English-speaking country.
[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 20 Mar 15:15] |
Sabin 0th Post

PSN: TS-Sabin XBL: TSSabin Wii: n/a
New Customer
| "Re(3):Ogosho not making it to Major League Ga" , posted Wed 21 Mar 02:28    
quote: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Isn't oogosho an elivepro player?
I thought that the point of those sponsors is at last help them with plane tickets, isn't like he would have returned with the bare hands, the tournament only ha
-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped -- There's a lot of things that could be said about eLive, but long story short, for this particular tournament, MLG was reportedly sending invites. This is where it gets interesting.
According to Dune and Ogosho, this was an invite by MLG and they were going to pick up the ticket fare. Put it another way, eLive was only acting as the middleman for this particular tournament since MLG was going to take care of everything. eLive's Kayane was another player that fell victiom to this incident, but apparently, the case was a bit different for her. In her case, it seems that eLive asked MLG that they pick up her tabs, apparently if MLG wanted her to be there. Details can be checked on her Twitter.
Lord knows what was really up behind MLG and eLive. But the bottom line is, it's the players that end up getting screwed. Ogosho was a tad bitter on booze and he was ranting on stream about how how downright irresponsible MLG is about the situation and how rushing to try and get a passport issued right before the day of the tournament (which isn't cheap here!) ended up totally us
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Hi Henry, I wanted to create a account yesterday, but I couldn't. I've always been a fan of mmcafe ever since the Gouki's Page of Whatever (im sure u remember that, lol) days. Anyway, since I'm a director for MLG I thought I can clear up things here since I've been reading internal emails.
1) the invite issue - MLG does not invite players for any reason, i was able to see the emails between MLG and elive guys, their manager asked for a invite only to get denied. This was before they knew I was a director of the event. Once I found out who was talkin to who at elive I talked to both parties, and informed them that MLG does not pay for players for any reason. Basically, it was a situation where elive was asking for some sort of assistance but neither party could come to a agreement.
This probably lead to the confusion between oogosho thinkin he was goin to get invited by MLG when there was never that intention. It sucks too, because theres a lot of money on the line and the KOF tourney is gonna be hella small...didn't get to see Latin America vs Asia like I truly wanted. Oh well, Xian is coming..
This was cleared up by D44Bas (AKA @ryo151) who messaged me directly, and since he speaks english, i was able to clear it up to avoid any confusion. he thought mlg was still paying for him (oogosho)
Bottom line, yes, it is the players that are getting screwed, as their sponsor isnt really in a position to help them at this time, MLG does not hep out, both parties found out I was at the center of this at a very late moment, etc. This sucks cause as you know, KOF still isnt huge in the US or anything and this was a huge opportunity
I just wanted to say however, that if people DO have questions - should be following me on twitter @nycfurby - my email is if overseas players need to reach me. Lots of overseas people (especially KOF) still do not know that I'm a director. Thanks, <3 MMCafe forever
Twitter - @nycfurby youtube - stream:
Sabin 1th Post

PSN: TS-Sabin XBL: TSSabin Wii: n/a
New Customer
| "Re(5):Ogosho not making it to Major League Ga" , posted Wed 21 Mar 03:12    
quote: Hello Sabin, welcome to the BBS! Thanks for being a fan of this old site, lol. Gouki's Page of Whatever brings back some fond memories!
Aaah that makes sense, thanks for clearing things up. Out of curiousity, so elive was originally contacting someone else at MLG who wasn't in charge? If that's the case, no wonder things went screwy.
It's unfortunate that the players can't make it, but if Xian and Skye are going (I hear Skye's actually the best player in Singapore), you should be getting some of the top competition from Asia!
Haha, GPOW is sick. I wonder what ever happened to that guy? I still know some people to this day from that site (most notably Viscant, haha.)
Yea, Xian is confirmed to go. I know he's really sick at 13!
Re: the Elive/MLG thing - Elive guys contacted Adam Apicella, the MLG SVP for operations. They hired me at MLG since it's easier to hire someone that knows the community rather than learn it themselves, heh. So it was someone very high at MLG - I just didn't know that they were talking to each other.
Sucks, because had I known earlier I would have had time to hype up KOF a bit more in the pregame articles..a lot of the hype is around MK9 (has about 70ish players) (with a shoutout to a few KOF players..) unfortunately I was given a article to edit with 30 minutes before going live; so i had no time to add other players that I knew were coming to the event.
Hopefully, if MLG puts in KOF for their next event, I can get the grassroots promotion started you know Professor, with KOF as a international game, the community is fractured over several different sites, even today..I was checking out some of the KOF sites and they had no idea about certain things. They announced it too close to Final Round, which just passed, giving players a small amount of time to prepare.
This is why I hired Fubarduck/The Answer, since he speaks Japanese, w Oscar speakin Spanish but JP players don't seem to be going :(
Sucks too, because a fighting game player in myself actually has control of production, and everyone knows FG players know what other FG players want to see mem
Twitter - @nycfurby youtube - stream:
sibarraz 379th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: sibarraz4life Wii: n/a
Silver Customer
| "Re(6):Ogosho not making it to Major League Ga" , posted Wed 21 Mar 03:35    
quote: Hello Sabin, welcome to the BBS! Thanks for being a fan of this old site, lol. Gouki's Page of Whatever brings back some fond memories!
Aaah that makes sense, thanks for clearing things up. Out of curiousity, so elive was originally contacting someone else at MLG who wasn't in charge? If that's the case, no wonder things went screwy.
It's unfortunate that the players can't make it, but if Xian and Skye are going (I hear Skye's actually the best player in Singapore), you should be getting some of the top competition from Asia! Haha, GPOW is sick. I wonder what ever happened to that guy? I still know some people to this day from that site (most notably Viscant, haha.)
Yea, Xian is confirmed to go. I know he's really sick at 13!
Re: the Elive/MLG thing - Elive guys contacted Adam Apicella, the MLG SVP for operations. They hired me at MLG since it's easier to hire someone that knows the community rather than learn it themselves, heh. So it was someone very high at MLG - I just didn't know that they were talking to each other.
Sucks, because had I known earlier I would have had time to hype up KOF a bit more in the pregame articles..a lot of the hype is around MK9 (has about 70ish players) (with a shoutout to a few KOF players..) unfortunately I was given a article to edit with 30 minutes before going live; so i had no time to add other players that I knew were coming to the event.
Hopefully, if MLG puts in KOF for their next event, I can get the grassr
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Thanks for the answer sabin, KOF XIII on MLG has the potential to be really interesting since if the cash pots are high, we could see players from all over the world that will settle who truly is the best on KOF
2 more questions
1) Which relation has d44 bas with all this is he just ''the guy who talks english'' from elivepro or he actually is playing xiii?
2) It's factible the idea of creating tournaments more centered on the FG than whole gaming in general? or at least trying waters in more hot places like california? at least I hope to see this suceed since this will give exposure to more games and not only capcom, but also I suppose that without the ''main event'' could be hard to keep these tournies with big pots running
Sabin 2th Post

PSN: TS-Sabin XBL: TSSabin Wii: n/a
New Customer
| "Re(7):Ogosho not making it to Major League Ga" , posted Wed 21 Mar 03:49    
quote: Hello Sabin, welcome to the BBS! Thanks for being a fan of this old site, lol. Gouki's Page of Whatever brings back some fond memories!
Aaah that makes sense, thanks for clearing things up. Out of curiousity, so elive was originally contacting someone else at MLG who wasn't in charge? If that's the case, no wonder things went screwy.
It's unfortunate that the players can't make it, but if Xian and Skye are going (I hear Skye's actually the best player in Singapore), you should be getting some of the top competition from Asia! Haha, GPOW is sick. I wonder what ever happened to that guy? I still know some people to this day from that site (most notably Viscant, haha.)
Yea, Xian is confirmed to go. I know he's really sick at 13!
Re: the Elive/MLG thing - Elive guys contacted Adam Apicella, the MLG SVP for operations. They hired me at MLG since it's easier to hire someone that knows the community rather than learn it themselves, heh. So it was someone very high at MLG - I just didn't know that they were talking to each other.
Sucks, because had I known earlier I would have had time to hype up KOF a bit more in the pregame articles..a lot of the hype is around MK9 (has about 70ish players) (with a shoutout to a few KOF players..) unfortunately I was given a article to edit with 30 minutes before going live; so i had no time to add other players that I knew were coming to the event.
Hopefully, if MLG puts in KOF for their next event, I can get the grassr
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1) D44's relation to oogosho is that he's a teammate of elive, and they both speak Japanese, with Bas speaking English as well. He's a former cvs2 player, he doesnt play kof13. He just hit me up because he knows me personally and it was better to contact me directly since I know the players
2) It's certainly possible to do something bigger than this, but I just got here, so I can't speak about that stuff yet...Hopefully it goes well!
Twitter - @nycfurby youtube - stream:
Professor 3406th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(6):Ogosho not making it to Major League Ga" , posted Wed 21 Mar 04:09    
Yeah, I wonder what GPOW's webmaster is doing nowadays? I can probably try and track him come to think, coincedently he's from Singapore likewise to Xian and Skye.
Wow, elive really contacted someone high up. Too bad nothing came out of it though. I don't think the Japanese players know the situation in detail. I'll have it relayed to them so that there's no bitterness.
It's great that they hired you, someone who's well acquainted with the FGC scene. Were you commissioned for this single event, or is it long-term? 30 mins before posting a writeup to go live is crazy though, sounds like everything was done at a very tight schedule for this event.
Yeah, the KOF scene is kind of split due to its international diversity. Hopefully if KOF13 gets picked up again with the the MLG, there'd be plenty of more time to get more promotions going on. It makes sense now why you hired Fubar and Answer, nice call there!
Loona 535th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(7):Ogosho not making it to Major League Ga" , posted Wed 21 Mar 20:05    
quote: Hopefully if KOF13 gets picked up again with the the MLG, there'd be plenty of more time to get more promotions going on.
I do wonder if there's a way for KoF fans to signal interest for KoF at MLG all the way from another continent - apparently you can buy access to HD streams from here (took me a while to find the link, MLG's site could be more user friendly about these thing, lots of info for competitors but not as much for viewers - then again, competitors pay more), but there are 4 other games in the event that don't interest them, and for all I know, trying to support KoF presence there with cash might just be interpreted as "SC2 is still doing well!".
Is there any way to make KoF's particular bleep in the MLG radar stronger? The tournament is between Friday and Saturday, so it might be tricky to be logged in the 1st day since I work, but maybe only being logged during KoF hours would help? I'm open to suggestion or tactics I may have overlooked.
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
the real kap 1th Post

New Customer
| "Re(1):KOF Android out now." , posted Fri 23 Mar 02:33:    
Hey everyone! :)
The latest SNKP blog update has a new Elizabeth vid and in the last paragraph, they talk about translating the blog in English. At least, it seems like they will consider it.
I dragged it through Google Translate and this was the result:
------- It should be noted that the reception from this before, in demand, and other things that "I want to translate to the language (other) Chinese / English Video" You've got people from overseas. Understand because it was a blog in Japanese, it was conscious that far I did not, said demand this is referred to as color contest, and he has me look fans overseas, I am very pleased. I do not know yet whether I can support, we will consider.
To enjoy the next time you then! -----
A couple of weeks ago I told an English speaking person at SNKP that XIII was becoming more and more popular in the West and that they could benefit from having an official English community. Let's hope they'll put some effort into it. :)
[this message was edited by the real kap on Fri 23 Mar 02:35] |
karasu99 880th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(2):KOF Android out now." , posted Fri 23 Mar 04:47    
quote: Hey everyone! :)
The latest SNKP blog update has a new Elizabeth vid and in the last paragraph, they talk about translating the blog in English. At least, it seems like they will consider it.
I dragged it through Google Translate and this was the result:
------- It should be noted that the reception from this before, in demand, and other things that "I want to translate to the language (other) Chinese / English Video" You've got people from overseas. Understand because it was a blog in Japanese, it was conscious that far I did not, said demand this is referred to as color contest, and he has me look fans overseas, I am very pleased. I do not know yet whether I can support, we will consider.
To enjoy the next time you then! -----
A couple of weeks ago I told an English speaking person at SNKP that XIII was becoming more and more popular in the West and that they could benefit from having an official English community. Let's hope they'll put some effort into it. :)
Hey 'the real kap'. Thanks for the info-- I think given all the attention XIII has gotten in the west it would be silly if SNKP didn't feed the English speaking community more. It's fertile ground, and it can only pay dividends.
In regard to XIII-i Android version, I can't imagine it's not a direct port, despite the presence of real buttons-- after all, not all Android devices have buttons. Maybe I'll download it when I'm back with my Android tester.
karasu99 881th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(2):KOF Android out now." , posted Fri 23 Mar 04:47    
quote: Hey everyone! :)
The latest SNKP blog update has a new Elizabeth vid and in the last paragraph, they talk about translating the blog in English. At least, it seems like they will consider it.
I dragged it through Google Translate and this was the result:
------- It should be noted that the reception from this before, in demand, and other things that "I want to translate to the language (other) Chinese / English Video" You've got people from overseas. Understand because it was a blog in Japanese, it was conscious that far I did not, said demand this is referred to as color contest, and he has me look fans overseas, I am very pleased. I do not know yet whether I can support, we will consider.
To enjoy the next time you then! -----
A couple of weeks ago I told an English speaking person at SNKP that XIII was becoming more and more popular in the West and that they could benefit from having an official English community. Let's hope they'll put some effort into it. :)
Hey 'the real kap'. Thanks for the info-- I think given all the attention XIII has gotten in the west it would be silly if SNKP didn't feed the English speaking community more. It's fertile ground, and it can only pay dividends.
In regard to XIII-i Android version, I can't imagine it's not a direct port, despite the presence of real buttons-- after all, not all Android devices have buttons. Maybe I'll download it when I'm back with my Android tester.
mbisonhatclub 471th Post

PSN: hadoolket XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Gold Customer
| "online KOFXIII between me and prof" , posted Sun 25 Mar 10:52:    
Okay, about 10 minutes we should be testing if you're around, it looks like I'm available to try it
Don't expect pro play! And I figure we could play 5 matches to get an assessment of the connection because I doubt it'd be super smooth (and I can at least avoid too many more losses on my already bad record), then we can record our observations of the connection.
Wow, I can already feel the input delay :T
Okay, me on the east coast of USA (Virginia) vs Professor in Japan, I'm connected straight to my router and I assume he is too, so here is my short assessment:
It was pretty laggy, like at least 30 frames, maybe? Pretty hard to control or even convert for damage and I'm not good at autopiloting combos, I always have to look for visual cues or I'll just end up mashing. I think Professor has a bit more experience knowing the timing for combos but even he drops stuff or probably had a hard time blocking where he's supposed to. It was to be expected considering the distance, but it felt pretty much like playing KOF95 online on PSN, pretty much.
It WAS better than what I expected, like a full second of lag, but it's not good for KOF play.
Again, nope, I don't have SF x Tekken, sorry.
EDIT AGAIN: It seems like we're running through a slew of games...well, at least Blazblue CS (not extend) and KOF95.
Assessment of Blazblue: It was pretty good, far better than KOFXIII. Even if it has "5 frames of leniency", nobody cares about that. You can feel it in the mobility. It's still a little bit off, but again, it's from USA to Japan, so it's to be expected.
Assessment of KOF95 on PSN: It felt ...BETTER. Better than KOFXIII that is. WTF? Less hiccups, slightly less lag. Not as good as BBCS, but I mean, it's way easier to time things at least. WTF?
EDIT ONE MORE TIME: I seriously contemplated getting some deal on a used copy for SFxTekken and Grave said he'd see if he could find a deal for me with SF x Tekken maybe, but then again, Prof's last comment via PSN "skip it and wait for P4Arena" made me reconsider again.
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[this message was edited by mbisonhatclub on Sun 25 Mar 14:05] |
Professor 3415th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(1):online KOFXIII between me and prof" , posted Sun 25 Mar 14:07:    
Ok, here's my side of the assessment of the three games.
KOFXIII : This was the worst of the three games we tried. It felt like there was about 30 frames of input delay, and there were hiccups galore despite both of us being wired. Hitconfirming was completely out of the question and the matches pretty much revolved around playing a total guessing game. HD combos were unrealistic, normal drive cancels were even hard. Hell, basic BnBs were hard.
BlazblueCS : The best of the three games we tried. There was about 20 seconds of synching time per intro of each match, and it was all worth it. Input delay was there but not as bad as KOF13, maybe around 10 frames. No hiccups, moves were hitconfirmable with ease. The game's speed seemed slower than playing offline, but it was a small compensation. This netcode felt really good.
KOF95: Surprisingly better than KOFXIII. The input delay was probably around 20 frames, and only experienced about 2-3 hiccups during our 6 matches. In KOF13, the hiccups happened multiple times in a single match, so... yeah. Better netcode than 13.
We tried KOF13 one more time after the three games just to see if our connection might've improved during our testing-- it was still the same. Bottom line, 13's netcode is... egh.
Mbisonhatclub: Personally, I like SFXT and there's something lovable about the game, but after seeing BBCS's performance today, I'd pick P4Arena over it when the game comes out. FYI, SFXT netcode is rollback based with frameskipping. People are complaining that there's soundskipping, but it's definitely just a side effect of the frameskipping (startup frame of a move gets skipped and the sound also skips).
[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 25 Mar 14:22] |
mbisonhatclub 471th Post

PSN: hadoolket XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Gold Customer
| "NCR and MLG" , posted Sun 25 Mar 14:13    
Granted, NCR lost a lot of the top players to MLG, but it still had TC Beast and Combofiend who put on quite a show, and had the hypest match. And it actually managed to achieve 10000+ viewers on its stream, even dwarfing the concurrently streamed AE! It dropped down to just over 8000 in the latter segments of it, but that's still damn good, because Mahvel numbers were around between 10000 and 12000 viewers. Though, it did make me ask, where was everybody else from SoCal at? I saw the pools and not everybody who I knew played KOFXIII was on it. I guess exams or something?
Since MLG stopped streaming on, no viewer ratings could be seen, but obviously there weren't many in attendance at the seating area for KOFXIII :/ On the other hand, Bala got really emotional over winning, with Mr. KOF taking second place and Romance in 3rd.
join the m.bison hat club today i'm not just the president i'm also a client
mbisonhatclub 472th Post

PSN: hadoolket XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Gold Customer
| "Re(2):online KOFXIII between me and prof" , posted Sun 25 Mar 14:23    
quote: Mbisonhatclub: Personally, I like SFXT and there's something lovable about the game,
Honestly, the only draw-in as I've said before is still Poison, and being able to pit Zangief against a bear, like I've always dreamed. I definitely would have bought it had Karin had made it, I played the game at Gamestop several times and the gameplay mechanics just don't appeal to me in any sense. I'd really rather just wait for it to drop in price, but if Grave finds a deal on it, I'll give it strong thought and if I do end up caving in, I'll let you know and we can try it anyway and see how it feels.
Do you have AH3 by the way?
join the m.bison hat club today i'm not just the president i'm also a client
Professor 3416th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "13 Climax to be limited run, 200 units" , posted Mon 26 Mar 15:44    
quote: I changed my 360 for a PS3, so I guess that know I could play with people from here, I want to test 95 with someone
Btw: Combofiend and the beast did a good showing between them and Mr Kof people are really interested with the game, even guys like mike ross for example
Update your profile and I think people will add you. It should be interesting to see how the connection is.
Also, according to arcade news blog Aketan, Climax will be shipped at a limited run of 200 copies, w/PCB on April 26 and HDD-only in June. I beleive this is correct.
From what's been said at other places, the early release w/PCB will cost almost 400,000 yen and HDD around 250,000, so I really don't think it's going to sell, especially when most arcades have NesicaLive units equipped and they have no reason to take them out to install Climax. Personally, at this price and limited quantity, I don't think there's any chances that this game will hit SBO unless SNKP changes their mind to make it go Nesica as well.
the real kap 2th Post

New Customer
| "Re(1):13 Climax to be limited run, 200 units" , posted Mon 26 Mar 16:12    
Also, according to arcade news blog Aketan, Climax will be shipped at a limited run of 200 copies, w/PCB on April 26 and HDD-only in June. I beleive this is correct.
From what's been said at other places, the early release w/PCB will cost almost 400,000 yen and HDD around 250,000, so I really don't think it's going to sell, especially when most arcades have NesicaLive units equipped and they have no reason to take them out to install Climax. Personally, at this price and limited quantity, I don't think there's any chances that this game will hit SBO unless SNKP changes their mind to make it go Nesica as well.
Any info on 98UMFE and 02UM's popularity on Nesica? Just when you think SNKP is doing well, they do other things that baffle everyone, it's almost like a Sonic Cycle.
Professor 3418th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(2):13 Climax to be limited run, 200 units" , posted Mon 26 Mar 17:53:    
quote: Any info on 98UMFE and 02UM's popularity on Nesica? Just when you think SNKP is doing well, they do other things that baffle everyone, it's almost like a Sonic Cycle.
They're dead. Dead since day 1, really. Noone wants to pay the same price as playing newer titles (technically, they can half the price of older games but still, noone plays them). Person4Arena and Blazblue are probably the two games which are always being played on the NesicaLive.
Well.. to be honest, I don't know if its a "sudden" bad move. SNKP really didn't put any promotion efforts to sell console 13 in Japan, and it felt like they really didn't care about it to begin with. So it's not surprising to see them make another odd move.
Actually, I think they just want to do anything possible to get rid of their bad inventory of Typex2 boards and HDDs. Noone wants them, now that everything is Nesica.
[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 26 Mar 17:55] |
Professor 3425th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(3):13 Climax to be limited run, 200 units" , posted Tue 27 Mar 01:15:    
Kap: KOF13 sold over 20,000 units in Japan alone on its first week of release. That might look like a large number, but it's actually kind of low. Well, average.. for an SNKP game. As a comparison, BlazBlue CS Extend, which people were bashing because it really had no new content aside of the renewed storymode, sold over 30,000 units within its first week.
Just to make sure that there's no misunderstandings, the previous post isn't to say that SNKP with their 200 units of Climax is taking a step back from fighting games, it's about them wanting to get rid of their bad stock of hardware than anything. It'd make more sense to throw them out at a cheaper price, but I guess they have their reasons for selling them at pretty much the same price of a newly developed game.
My assumption regarding SNKP's future business is that they may be focusing towards shifting their cell games to smartphones. It's a more robust market than Japanese cell phones and they can make money internationally. It's not too surprising if KOF-i was a success enough to become a determining factor for the company. They've already seen the moderate success that free SNS games can do as well.
It seems like some people are thinking that SNKP is making good business in Pachislot, but they're as much of a small fish in the sector as they are in the gaming industry. Just that the market is robust enough to let them make money.
This kind of reminded me. The organizers of SBO/Tougeki are saying that this year might be their final tournament. If that turns out to become the reality, it would mean that vanilla 13 back two years ago would be the last game that SNKP featured at the tournament series. Yes, the game that was called by people as the 'KMR game'.
(KMR= K'MatureRaiden)
Also, I've placed the noteworthy tier charts into one page.
[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 27 Mar 23:16] |
Professor 3425th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(7):13 Climax to be limited run, 200 units" , posted Tue 27 Mar 22:36:    
SNK Dream Battle Additional images Another new cell phone game, this time running under GREE (major gaming SNS company).
quote: Considering all the dissapointment around SFxT and how more and more XIII is being seen as one of the more legitimate fighting games of the year, I hope SNKP manages to ride this and put some resources aside to reach out to the foreign fans, as they seem to have considered in the latest blog post - Atlus did a fine job, but with their own Persona fighting game just around the corner, they won't be able to count on that for long. Surely someone in there must be fluent enough in english to handle stuff like blog and video translation, in the very least.
Being fluent and knowing gaming lingo are two different things, so I'm wondering myself whether they can pull it off. SFXT is a really mixed bag but it seems to have taken away the online KOF13 players in Japan, leave aside the hardcore fans. The level of interest in KOF13 amongst the fighting game community in Japan and USA is very big, I'd say.
[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 27 Mar 23:16] |
mbisonhatclub 473th Post

PSN: hadoolket XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Gold Customer
| "Re(6):13 Climax to be limited run, 200 units" , posted Wed 28 Mar 07:25    
quote: I mean, even though XIII wasn't a big seller in japan, I'm sure that SNKP is really happy with the money from the western market
Does anyone even have sales figures? And NOT from VGChartz?
Ever since Final Round, people have really taken to the return of, I guess for lack of better way to put it, "honest" fighting games with KOFXIII, that you can't just easily scrub it out if you're not that good, and people better than you will have a greater chance of winning. Plus it's just very exciting and intense to watch at high level play, and then there's MLG that really helped despite the low in-house attendance to the event. I've seen people say more good things about it than usual since then and have shown great interest in it. Which is why it's such a shame that the netcode suffers.
join the m.bison hat club today i'm not just the president i'm also a client
sibarraz 383th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: sibarraz4life Wii: n/a
Silver Customer
| "Re(7):13 Climax to be limited run, 200 units" , posted Wed 28 Mar 07:45    
quote: I mean, even though XIII wasn't a big seller in japan, I'm sure that SNKP is really happy with the money from the western marketDoes anyone even have sales figures? And NOT from VGChartz?
Ever since Final Round, people have really taken to the return of, I guess for lack of better way to put it, "honest" fighting games with KOFXIII, that you can't just easily scrub it out if you're not that good, and people better than you will have a greater chance of winning. Plus it's just very exciting and intense to watch at high level play, and then there's MLG that really helped despite the low in-house attendance to the event. I've seen people say more good things about it than usual since then and have shown great interest in it. Which is why it's such a shame that the netcode suffers.
You don't need numbers to tell when a game has been succesfull or not, lots of times just judging the way on how the companies handle their games you can see if the game flopped or not, at least nothing seems to tell that the game didn't sell, hell, I'm sure that Atlus will give a decent support to the game at least for some months
Loona 539th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(2):SNK Stuff Thread 6 - Early Spring editi" , posted Wed 28 Mar 19:08    
quote: What did you guys think of the MLG stream? Good or bad, want your opinions out there. Keep in mind I can't say certain things, lol. But I did my best to look out for SNK community because they always get shitted on in the US.
For the most part it was OK, but a few things that might be worth addressing off the top of my head:
- I liked that there was some response to the feedback about having commercials int he middle of sets between the same players, but the info about how to provide that feedback on screen would have been nice - I think the hosts were looking at Twitter (there was the stream chat too, but it seems too fast for to keep up with, probably even to the hosts), but at no point did I ever see a Twitter account address on screen to which people could send their comments. More info like that on screen once in a while would have been nice.
- There were at least a couple of instances where the hosts went on about a NOS (NOZ?)sponsored "moment of the match", but they just talked about it - we really could have used a replay system, especially when they were commenting about how BALA (I think) managed to use 3 variations of Billy Kane's anti-air special in a row to juggle his opponent, that moment was awesome, and I don't recall if it was The Answer of Juicebox who tried to explain how that involved some cancel trickery that was too fast to see, but I still would have liked to see that again, maybe in slo-mo. For a sponsored moment in the stream one would kind of expect a little extra efford beyond the talking that was already taking place. Not that it wouldn't be nice to have access to replays on screen more often as a standard, but clearly this kind of situation needs to be addressed first - if there are 2 people commenting, one can keep a closer eye on a recording system or something to facilitate this, and especially when there's a guest commenter, the guy that was there before him could be mostly assigned to this task while off-screen.
- Who in blazes completely confused Reynald with his sponsor when it was time to have his name on the screen during his matches? It was pretty weird just seeing "Arcade Shock" in there. Some early confusion early on about who's on which side might be acceptable, but this was just plain weird.
- All the interviews that played between matches were with players of other games - it's perfectly understandable to resort to such interview to generate more interest in the other games, but there were still plenty of dead moments between matches, interviews and comment, where the stream was just playing music and filming a crowd - might was well use some of that time interviewing some actual KoF players about either the matches ahead or the ones they just went through. Especially considering the stream had a total of 3 people hosting, 2 at a time, so a 3rd could have been handling interviews, maybe Fubarduck while Juicebox was co-commenting in his place.
- Speaking of using intermission time, stuff like stats on character usage throughout the tournament (which characters used, how often, in which positions, win/lose ratios, etc...) or by player could have been on screen for a while, especially in the 2nd day, since by that time there's already enough info gathered from the previous day to be somewhat statistically signigficant. Not to mention it would help the commenters to come up with observations, and highlight surprises in character choices (IIRC at least one of the finalists went with a character they'd barely used during the event - having the data somewhere on screen at some point to back that up could be useful). I'd be very surprised if at this point MLG didn't keep track of stats in SC about the usage of the 3 factions and how they've stacked up against each other, it shouldn't be a herculean effort to adapt some methods to the fighting game side of things.
I hope that helps, but probably the biggest help is to try and not clash with some other tournament and announce things well in advance, but you already know this. Good luck!
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
mbisonhatclub 477th Post

PSN: hadoolket XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Gold Customer
| "Re(3):SNK Stuff Thread 6 - Early Spring editi" , posted Wed 28 Mar 19:37:    
quote: What did you guys think of the MLG stream? Good or bad, want your opinions out there. Keep in mind I can't say certain things, lol. But I did my best to look out for SNK community because they always get shitted on in the US.
It sure does, by Capdrones, anyway. You know who you are.
Don't have too many comments, stream was generally okay aside from commercials which was dealt with, but there were sometimes the video just cuts off except showing only the MLG hud during matches, momentarily, like you had some video-feed-switching problems in the middle. Also, when people are talking about websites to go to, when I think fubarduck and Juicebox were mentioning and, those websites could have been displayed onscreen for people who wouldn't know how to spell orochinagi, for instance. Or people who think JuiceboxAbel's twitter is JuiceboxAble. I know it was kind of an impromptu thing for them to do that especially with Juicebox around (who's been doing such a fantastic job of promoting the game), but I guess next time they could give a heads up so when you need to display that on the video stream, you can pop it up while they're talking about it.
Also, those interviews, could they have been dealt with during the games they were talking about rather than in the middle of KOF? Not to mention how spaghetti-out-of-pockets awkward-penguin they were, it was just mildly cringeworthy watching those, especially when that one guy asks Kayane about her fanboys. They really could get people who actually know what's going on with KOF to interview people like Bala, too, because someone who probably doesn't even play KOF referring to Bala's gameplay as sloppy while interviewing him was pretty weird, even though he was just echoing TheAnswer's remarks during his commentary. Bala was probably taken aback by him thinking "who's this loser talking about me being sloppy lol"
EDIT: Nevermind, I found it.
join the m.bison hat club today i'm not just the president i'm also a client
[this message was edited by mbisonhatclub on Wed 28 Mar 19:42] |
sibarraz 385th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: sibarraz4life Wii: n/a
Silver Customer
| "Re(9):13 Climax to be limited run, 200 units" , posted Wed 28 Mar 20:12    
quote: My point is there is no medium with which to say anything to SNKPlaymore from here. Their website pretty much says to only send them emails about support-related issues as in getting assistance with a product of theirs you bought. Nothing to say "this is what I like and dislike about this and that" and I know that would just open flood gates of complaining, but at the same time there's hardly a thought of rationality that gets communicated to them, such as "People [at least in the west] don't like disc-locked content, so be careful about doing that again!"
It's really hard to justify that latter kind of thing for example when we have things like SF x Tekken now. It's nice that they block off customer feedback to do things their own way and possibly save the complaints from reaching them directly, but it's also almost to a fault that they do this like they don't want to deal with things like "fix the netcode dammit!" "Give us lobbies!"
They need to start acting like a company and stop acting like a miniIlluminati. But if they want to regress into phone games that I can't play and whatnot, hey, whatever, I'm sure you have people excited to play KOFXIV dating minigame on an iPhone to cover down for me not being able to deal with that.
There is still no point of that, I mean, I'm damn sure that the japanese community at least gave them enough criticism to get things done, same with atlus who at least adressed the complaints that gamers had with the game, if they could fix it or not, well, I doubt that they really could/want to do it
I will rather try to at least had something like atlus than a corporate tool like seth who tries to justify all the changes rather than adress the real problems to the company, there are tons of examples lately
mbisonhatclub 477th Post

PSN: hadoolket XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Gold Customer
| "Re(10):13 Climax to be limited run, 200 units" , posted Thu 29 Mar 07:41    
quote: There is still no point of that, I mean, I'm damn sure that the japanese community at least gave them enough criticism to get things done, same with atlus who at least adressed the complaints that gamers had with the game--
>Japanese >outright say anything You can't fool me with that, the most vocal they ever get is on 2ch, but they're outwardly polite, inwardly passive aggressive. That's why you have brave manly men in America who will be vocal and loud with their words when Japanese fail to do so. Pardon me for being prejudice about them at this point, but it annoys me deeply with their overly polite attitudes that come to a fault. And Americans are just intrinsically more capable of speaking up about things without fear of not looking polite. And when I'm trying to be a progressive here, there are people who are downright counterproductive and it irks me that these people are totally in the way and are not stomped out, yet.
join the m.bison hat club today i'm not just the president i'm also a client
sibarraz 386th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: sibarraz4life Wii: n/a
Silver Customer
| "Re(2):Re(10):13 Climax to be limited run, 200" , posted Thu 29 Mar 11:24    
quote: There is still no point of that, I mean, I'm damn sure that the japanese community at least gave them enough criticism to get things done, same with atlus who at least adressed the complaints that gamers had with the game-->Japanese >outright say anything You can't fool me with that, the most vocal they ever get is on 2ch, but they're outwardly polite, inwardly passive aggressive. That's why you have brave manly men in America who will be vocal and loud with their words when Japanese fail to do so. Pardon me for being prejudice about them at this point, but it annoys me deeply with their overly polite attitudes that come to a fault. And Americans are just intrinsically more capable of speaking up about things without fear of not looking polite. And when I'm trying to be a progressive here, there are people who are downright counterproductive and it irks me that these people are totally in the way and are not stomped out, yet.
And even though they are brave enough to give their opinion, capcom still pretty much ignored all the complaints from SXT, and they had history from before to know that all the DLC will cause a big trouble
Sabin 4th Post

PSN: TS-Sabin XBL: TSSabin Wii: n/a
New Customer
| "Re(3):SNK Stuff Thread 6 - Early Spring editi" , posted Fri 30 Mar 15:53    
quote: What did you guys think of the MLG stream? Good or bad, want your opinions out there. Keep in mind I can't say certain things, lol. But I did my best to look out for SNK community because they always get shitted on in the US.
For the most part it was OK, but a few things that might be worth addressing off the top of my head:
- I liked that there was some response to the feedback about having commercials int he middle of sets between the same players, but the info about how to provide that feedback on screen would have been nice - I think the hosts were looking at Twitter (there was the stream chat too, but it seems too fast for to keep up with, probably even to the hosts), but at no point did I ever see a Twitter account address on screen to which people could send their comments. More info like that on screen once in a while would have been nice.
I was monitoring my twitter for feedback all the time and I told the hosts to mention my twitter every couple of hours, which they did. in the future I will have them make a graphic, so that it's crystal clear who they should ping for feedback. I'm surprised you said this considering I mentioned my twitter so many times on the broadcast.
Re: instant replay - the system was not in place yet at the time, so thats why it didnt happen. theyre working on it.
Also, re: player names - there is a dedicated guy that does graphics for us on the fly. While it's a professional operation, these kind of mistakes happen. Sometimes I zone out cause I'm doing 15 different things at once. Mistakes like this would happen since these guys dont know the scene. I fixed it the next time I saw they were using the same graphic for Reynald though, cause I know that was his sponsor, not him.
In order for me to run a interview, I have to run it through some of the producers, get someone wiredup, find the player, find cameraman, and then interview's not something you can do in just 5 minutes considering you have to do graphics. I think people underestimate the time that it takes to set these things up. Which is understandable, considering that ppl dont understand its a actual production and not just a one computer stream like we are used to.
For example, there was a 30 minute break in Mortal Kombat (stream monsters were blowing us up.) During that time, the monitor was set to the wrong resolution, which caused some players to drop combos. I noticed this early on, went outside during my lunch break (that what was the 30 mninutes were for) to fix this. Grabbed top players to test it too. but because people didn't see this on stream, most people were very critical, even though it made the tourney much more legitimate.
Also, during the dead time, we are fixing up issues, setting up shots, or trying to get things set up. Of course, I'll try to get them to have less dead air, but its not that easy. It's a situation where once things are moving, it's really hard to adjust on the fly or deviate from the system once it's started.
Re: commentators - I could only hire 4 people. Some players dont know about the other games. it's really hard to speak in their ear over my mic on the fly - cause it looks kind of awkward. Hopefully I can make it better in the future.
Yes, i do want stats. I know there was a twitter just specifically FOR updating match scores. For this to happen, I'd have to hire Glenn (aka @gyt, He's really the best at what he does when it comes to collecting stats for fighting games.
cant avoid the clashing right now, but what we can do is promote other tourneys on the air.
Thanks for the feedback!
Twitter - @nycfurby youtube - stream:
Loona 544th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(4):SNK Stuff Thread 6 - Early Spring editi" , posted Fri 30 Mar 21:34:    
quote: I'm surprised you said this considering I mentioned my twitter so many times on the broadcast.
I pretty much only watched the KoF stuff on friday and saturday, even if I paid for the HQ stream (seemed like the only way to vote for it sticking around with my wallet), so I may have missed more frequent mentions of that later on. As mentioned, it's the sort of thing that could have been on screen during intermssions - I ended up using moments like that to do stuff around the house,checking the stream chat briefly and finally getting round to start reading Homestuck, might have risked finally getting a Twitter account and using it if the address to the event's was more visible during those deader times.
Also, re: player names - there is a dedicated guy that does graphics for us on the fly. While it's a professional operation, these kind of mistakes happen.
Still, a considerable list of competitors was out about a week before the event, it could have been used to clarify some distictions between sponsors and user names and maybe prepare some name graphics in advance.
quote: In order for me to run a interview, I have to run it through some of the producers, get someone wiredup, find the player, find cameraman, and then interview's not something you can do in just 5 minutes considering you have to do graphics.
The business is understandable, but I figure since some of the specialized hosts for other games were there running interviews for their games while KoF was on, when they're not busy preparing for those perhaps they can be delegated toward some smaller tasks on an off-game to help things run a bit more smoothly?
Also, if there's a schedule for matches, the players can be encouraged to be nearby a certain about before or after their matches to be interviewed, so they can be near a spot with camera guys for interviews to help avoid dead moments and keep something on screen, even if some other people are taking their breaks.
Yes, i do want stats. I know there was a twitter just specifically FOR updating match scores. For this to happen, I'd have to hire Glenn (aka @gyt, He's really the best at what he does when it comes to collecting stats for fighting games.
I checked briefly that site's stats section, but it only seem to go into things like percentage of 1st hits in matches, surviving point characters, victories on first combos landed and so on - perfectly legitimate, but at least the examples I saw lacked info on things like which characters where used how often (and which team placements, when applicable). Maybe I just need to check more of his site to find stuff like that, but those seem a bit sterile in a genre when characters as such a big part of everything that happens. Which reminds me of a small detail, how people here pointed out that other tournaments had more people using pads than sticks, and in KoF practically only Justius/Skye used a pad - that's another player-centric stat that could be interesting to track.
One quick example on stats to keep up with can be found in the Player Data section of KoF itself, although I'm not sure it keeps as much track of local versus matches as it does of the online ones (I'm kinda using those to help me settle on a main team, lots of info there).
Sure, it's not expected that everything would be perfect on the first attempt, I've done a some organizing in smaller events an in the first times there's always a lot of things one didn't expect, but which provide valuable lessons for future occasions - I'm just trying to do my part to try and help things run more smoothly next time while making sure there's always at least something interesting or useful on the screen at any given time, I don't want to have to start no another webcomic to kill time next time I'm following a MLG event.
Edit: New blog post - seems to be mostly about getting your firends to play/understnd fighting games, with the video showing some general tactics and counter concepts.
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
[this message was edited by Loona on Fri 30 Mar 21:59] |
Professor 3434th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Interview with Singapore's Skye/Justius" , posted Tue 3 Apr 03:11:    
[edit] reposting the whole thing on BBS as well. For permalink/full page, refer to
Man, I remember how there were so many KOF sites run by fans in Singapore in the old days. Anyhoos, enthusiasts that watched the KOFXIII tournament at Major League Gaming should remember the epic matches between Mr.KOF and "Justius" (Click here for video), an unfamiliar name to the English KOF scene. Better known by his alias Skye, little were people aware that he was actually the top KOF player in Singapore.
The following is an interview with Skye, conducted with the help of his fellow friend and hardcore Singapore player Orphen. Also included in this interview is Skye's version of KOFXIII's tier chart, complete with some brief overviews.
-- Your name is known amongst some of the hardcore players in the KOF community, but this is the first time that you were actually seen by the west. Can you give us an introduction of yourself?
Hi everyone! My name is Justius. Everyone else knows me as Skye and I am the usual punk you would find in an arcade playing against AIs by himself. =)
--- You amazed everyone (including the commentators TheAnswer and Juicebox-- they were shouting unbelievably) with your skill level of KOF. How long have you been playing the KOF series?
Since '96. Back then you'd see me mashing buttons and turning lots of 360� on joysticks, if you know what I mean. '98 was the year I started learning and playing seriously. I'd say 15 years.
--- What are your favourite top 3 KOF series?
KOF 2002UM, KOF XIII Console Edition and lastly KOF98UM.
--- How did you get into KOF? Were you playing another fighting game series before it?
No. I play KOF and only KOF. I love it. None of the other games could take this love for KOF away.
--- How popular is KOF in Singapore? Has things changed at all since the release of KOF13?
The scene in Singapore for KOF is fading. It is really saddening to see that more players are moving to Street Fighter, and none is trying to pick up KOF. Unfortunately, the scene remained largely the same since the arcade version of KOFXIII had a few unbalance characters and abused, many has dropped it without return. I hope they will see and feel the difference when KOFXIII Climax is released, if it ever will be in Singapore arcades.
--- It's rare to see someone playing with a pad rather than a stick. (for example, in Japan, Urasia is probably about the only top player that uses a pad). Can you tell us why?
Ah haha! Actually, I simply didn't have money for a joystick and was forced to use pads on consoles, since '98. Very much a blessing in disguise? I had more time and experience with pads rather than sticks, that being the case. Please, don't read it the wrong way.
I'd seen many players use pads while in the tournament, albeit older PS2 pads with an adapter, and they weren't bad with execution. Not many players use pads? Really?
(Note from Skye's friend Orphen: He can use both stick and pad as well. His response when I asked which hardware is he better off:- "Ah haha. If it's an arcade machine, stick. If I have to choose between pad and a stick on my lap, pad.")
--- Please show us your version of the tier chart for KOF XIII.
Click to here for tier list
--- Can you give us some short explanations on why you think the top 5 characters on your tier chart are strong, and why the bottom 5 characters are weak? (Refer to your chart)
Benimaru, Yuri, and Ex Iori obviously are top tier characters. They have command grabs, anti airs, a lot of set ups and mind games. I placed Benimaru and Yuri before Ex Iori is because they can bait uppercuts, and with that damaging hyper drive combo, successful baiting of an uppercut almost means a free win when you have full drive bar and 2 stocks or more. Plus, it's very safe to bait uppercut, especially Yuri.
Next up is Vice. I don't know why many people don't seem to use Vice much but I find her really troublesome when she has stock. A grappler with an EX non grappling move which can link into combos from almost anything? I'd say that's pretty cheap. Just one jump CD, standing A, or crouching D can kill you. And her combos are very easy to perform.
Lastly Mr Karate. He is about the only character that has a command grab that teleports to your face. Almost the same attributes as the top 3 SS tier characters. Except that baiting uppercuts isn't that safe, and his command grab cannot link into any combos.
About the weakest 5 characters, obviously I put them as the weakest because I don't use them much. Mai simply just doesn't have damaging combos without using stock or outside of activating hyper drive, and even with hyper drive without at at least 3 stocks it's pointless. Without a command grab and proper anti air, you'll need a lot of openings, which you cannot even make heavy punish most of the time.
Robert has many situations where moves are not safe on block or whiff, although many depend on proper zoning. His ex command grab has too many hits which pretty much scales any follow ups badly.
I placed Kula and Leona at the same tier because both of them don't have painful combos outside of corner. Good combos need at least need one drive cancel, which actually doesn't add much to the damage. Same for Athena but she is a tier higher because she has a command grab that can be linked into combos. These 3 may sound almost like Mai's situation, but at least their combos are much better than Mai.
--- Are you sponsored at the current moment? Are you interested in any sponsors?
No, not at the moment. Of course I'm interested! You know, getting sponsored for playing a game in Singapore is almost impossible. Companies here would probably ask you to grow up. Getting sponsored for a sport would be different, but many don't see video games as a sport. After playing so many years, it has definitely become a sport for me. (Interested sponsors can mail here for contact information)
--- Is there anyone particular around the world that you want to play against?
Yes, I would love to play against anyone who plays KOF. If you want names, I missed my chances to play against Romance and Bala in the Columbus trip. And those from Japan and China who couldn't make it to the Winter Championship, sorry I'm not particularly good at remembering names. Aw heck. People! Just start trying KOF again! You'd love it! And you'd love trashing me up!
--- You were marked as DQ (disqualified) for your first match at MLG. What happened?
Even I am mystified by this one. I was there all the time. I didn't hear my name for sure. I've asked and the only reason they gave me, was I didn't appear when my name was called. The tournament had already progressed much, and to decide to continue in the loser's bracket was the best idea at hand. You wouldn't want to cause trouble for MLG for finally picking up KOF would you? Love the game and appreciate these people for hosting tournaments!
--- During your tie-breaker match at MLG, you switched from EX Kyo to K'. What was the reason behind your switch?
Ex Kyo requires a lot of precision in distance and timing in my opinion. I simply couldn't do as well when I am nervous. K' is a character for better control in tight situations. It was a hard decision to make though.
--- Can you tell us what you've thought of MLG and the players in America?
They were really welcoming. The officials had apologized to us Singaporean players for the DQ incident. I believed they were only trying to do their jobs, as told by the company. Not much interaction with the rest. I admit I am a really quiet and shy guy. Some guys drove us to his house for casuals after the tournament, even though we just met. You wouldn't find that happening with strangers in Singapore. Good hospitality. =)
--- What differences did you see between KOF13 played in Singapore and America?
Very much different! The play style, the match ups, the set ups, characters used. I've never seen so much in all these years in Singapore, compared to just a few days overseas. Well, partly because of the shortage of players here.
--- Are you planning on going to EVO or any other future American/overseas events?
I hope to! Not that I am that wealthy enough to be flying by myself for tournaments where whether or not you win, you lose money. Why would I want to go for a no win situation? Some situations simply discourage us from even stepping foot onto a plane.
--- Last but not least, do you want to make any shoutouts (greetings) to the online KOF Community or people you've met during this trip?
Yes! To all of you out there!
Thanks for all your support for KOF and making the tournaments a dream come true!
Thanks so much to Sony for providing the prize pot for KOF! (Sources unofficial, from word of mouth)
I haven't been online much but I believe you guys contributed a lot to KOF. (PS: I heard some guy tried to compile frame data for every character in KOF by watching sprites frame by frame. That certainly takes lots of love for the game.)
And thanks so much for the interview! I was quite surprised though! Wow, scoring an interview? Am I dreaming! Such hype makes me even more nervous haha! No I'm not lying. I really felt that I couldn't handle all that hype. If this isn't a digital text interview I would have been very silent.
Lastly, kudos to Xian and Kevin (Cameraman) for providing all fighting game players in Singapore an excellent training ground. Without them, my skills for KOF would have rusted, and eventually forgotten. Come visit us if you're in Singapore!
People! Be kind to your challengers outside of the game! I know sometimes I am also pretty screwed up but at least change for the better good. For all of KOF community!
[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 3 Apr 15:32] |
Professor 3436th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Blog update" , posted Thu 5 Apr 19:51:    
This week's blog update is pretty much just a how-to-use-Ash guide.
Quick translations-
-The basic strategy for Ash is shooting projectiles and AAing with his flash kick. Use that as his fundamental while setting his kiss flame and using his cr.B so that the opponent can't get in.
-Ash can AA his opponent in most situations if they jump after seeing his projectile, so the likelyhood is that they'll jump on read, so doing feints, such as whiffing a cr.A and doing an AA, is important.
-His B flash kick has fast startup out fast but invinvibility is short so it can trade hits, while his D flash kick has long invincibility but has a slow startup so it might not hit on time. The B version should be done early, while the D button version should be done so that it hits around its roots. Also use j.B for air-to-air.
-Projectiles and AAing can get shut down if the opponent has stock, so it's most effective to use him on point. If you want to use him as second or anchor, be sure they're using characters that his projectiles are effective.
-However, if Ash is used as second or Anchor, he can fight in a different style be using his San Culotte, so he's not limited to just being a point character. It takes some training, but it can be used as an AA that punishes most jump-ins.
-If you can't combo his flash kick from a back +B or +D, it's due to one of the following reasons- 1. you're not charging fast enough 2. you're trying to cancel the back +B or D 3. you're too far away when doing the flash kick
Solutions: 1. You're probably charging after hit confirm. Start charging before his back +B or D animation begins. Also, doing the flash kick and holding down on its button during his back +B or +D animation motion will let you execute the flash kick at the earliest timing. This input method to get the earliest timing also works when doing combos for other characters.
2. Link the flash kick using the "earliest timing " method stated above.
3. Train and figure out the distance where it can hit. Also remember that you don't have to do it if you think you're too far.
[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 5 Apr 20:22] |
Professor 3438th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Weird Rumor Stuffs. About old Stuffs." , posted Fri 6 Apr 06:46:    
It's rare to hear claims about old SNK stuff nowadays. They're too old to even confirm, so take this with a grain of salt.
A guy who claims himself to be an ex-SNK staff has appeared on 2ch. Their legitimacy can't be proven so it's up to readers to decide, but some of the things he says are pretty interesting.
- With AOF1, they were originally thinking of running a campaign where players can write down all the special command moves, send it to SNK and win a prize from lottery. But one of the developers came up with the proposal of adding in a really flashy move that's completely hidden, and that's how the Ryuko Ranbu move came about. There was a lot of dispute, one of the reasons being the debug deadline, but looking back, it was a good turning point.
- Fatal Fury 1's aerial special bug was left in there because SNK's president thought it felt like Dragon Ball.
- King of Monsters was actually an idea that was brought in by a manga artist.
- The Quiz games on the Neogeo, as well as other misc genres like Mahjong, were focused towards the adult consumers since a lot of them were moving into the fighing games. The quiz games are hard because they've been tuned to bring in fast income.
- Back in those days, the company was like they hit a gold mine. They were having parties in hotels together with their affiliates. They were giving out stuff like cars for their bingo prizes. On the other hand, the workplace was hell. The designers and pixel artists probably hated it.
- On the other hand, a lot of the people also thought that it was 'just a gold mine', and they knew there'd soon come a time when they came to a split road where they can become big like a Nintendo, or couldn't. They had to keep releasing games quickly with good quality, but everyone also knew that their company didn't have the stamina. So while everyone was having a good time, they were also sort of planning out their future.
- The character design concepts from back in those days were "they look like they could exist in real life, but they might not, but they actually might! that's the kind of hero that everyone loves!".
- Terry's outfit is based on a costume worn during a live concert by Skid Row.
- There were talks with Converse about a collaboration since Terry wears them, but it didn't become a reality due to issues with their anime sponsor.
- There were no debates about cloth ripping because, after all, they're in the arcade business. (note: Remember that those were the good ol' days when strip mahjong were in all the arcades)
- Fatal Fury 2 was when SNK implemented canceling. It was a rippoff of SF2, but they didn't have the knowledge of balancing out the game, so they gave up and made the hitback motions invincible so that they won't combo.
- He doesn't remember why they started to take out bonus stages, but there was an atmosphere like 'it's not needed', somewhere after Capcom released Super Turbo.
- If he remembers correctly, the vast system change from KOF95 > 96 was so people won't get bored. Back then, they were like that. But that's also why things started to slowly go into weird directions.
- By the time a game was developed to the point where they were doing balancing, their minds were already filled with the next game project.
- The Neogeo pocket didn't sell, but it didn't contribute to the company's downfall as often said.
- He wasn't involved in Last Blade but remembers it to be a project that was really worked on. He remembers the developers throwing kind words at each other, disputing whether they should throw in ambient sound effects for the BGM.
- One of the mistakes back then was the castings for a certain summer anime. They were put into a pressured situation where they couldn't say no.
- Samurai Shodown RPG was actually a facelift of a defunct project that they bought off from elsewhere.
-Jeff Bogard was a candidate as the guest character for Fatal Fury Special. Others included Ryo, Hanzo, Fuma. (note: and as we all know Ryo ended up in the game)
- He doesn't know much about the plans the teams had for storylines after MOTW, but they were running out of ideas.
- Their president was the kind of guy who was constantly thinking what the value of a 100 yen means to a kid. (note 100yen = the price of 1 credit). He was also the kind of guy who thought that 'thinking of a red painted banana as an apple is more fun than the real thing'.
- Art of Fighting was supposed to end at 2. Gaiden/3 was an extention like how Dragonball was extended to the Z' series.
[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 6 Apr 08:30] |
Toxico 5607th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Weird Rumor Stuffs. About old Stuffs." , posted Sat 7 Apr 12:43    
777 spotted playing motw at a-cho. Unfortunately he gets his ass handed down to him, even though garou is actually one of his "strong" games. 
Do any of you remember the shimai / sisters team?? It's a player team from Japan that are known for playing SNK games, one of their strange "features" it's that they play mostly & mainly console port version of the games rather than the arcade versions --- unlike pretty much every other team over there. The team had a slight and entertaining rivalry with the KCE for about a year ago and they had various "KCE vs Sisters" event, but that suddenly stopped at one point (in fact, they promised an event "the next month" and that next month never came). Well, to make long story short, I always thought that it was weird that they weren't partying over XIII CS version, but they have finally been spotted playing the game : Part 1 - Nico , Part 2 - Nico. More parts are probably going to come at irregular intervals (it was like that for their 2002UM batch of matches, but those also had kick ass custom soundtrack edited in).
Did you knew that you can learn the differences between SFIV and KoF XIII from the Idol Master girls? I certainly didn't - Nico
Btw, which was the FF1 aerial bug? I had never heard of it
Erm. The name is completely self explaining, it's a bug that allows you to perform special moves during jumps -- it can be seen here
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 23 as of 20/11/11
sibarraz 391th Post

PSN: DefensorVirtuoso XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Silver Customer
| "Re(3):Weird Rumor Stuffs. About old Stuffs." , posted Sun 8 Apr 22:48:    
quote: Sibarraz: That map you posted elsewhere is just the monthly count of the guy's blog access.
In Fatal Fury 2, you couldn't do combos. You could cancel moves, but they wouldn't combo because the opponent was invincible during hitstun.
Karasu: Yeah, Hwa is so SNES Hwa! He's amazing.
I forgot to translate this awesome quote by the SNK president that was written in the above post.
"Would you pay for the stew made by your mother? You wouldn't, right? But would you rather eat stew from a fancy restaurant on your death bed?"
Well, thanks Professor, I read this map in a chilean blog as a counter of ps3 players, it was odd to see no mexicans, so now I get it
I always has wondered which SNK games were considered a sucess, or at least not a flop from the neo geo games since SNK released a ton of them and some are more obscure if we compare them to the 4 mega hits of SNK, FF, KOF, SS and MS
[this message was edited by sibarraz on Sun 8 Apr 22:50] |
Professor 3456th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Blog Update" , posted Thu 12 Apr 20:00:    
Weekly Blog update.
This week's Q&A update is about a guy saying that he has trouble against King when using Goro. SNKP posts a 5 min video guide about it. Here's a rough lowdown.
- King's D Tornato Kick can be punished with a standing B even if it hits at the tip. Easy meterless 200 damage combo from there with throw. You can also do his QCB +B dodge roll on reaction and punish from there with a throw.
- If you're eating a Tornado Kick after a slide, that means you're getting hit by the slide to begin with. Chances are they're punishing you on jump attacks that don't hit low, or when you're whiffing attacks with a high hitbox. Jump instead with D. In poking range, do vertical jumps and see how they react. It's a low-risk manuver even if they're not sliding, and if they're sliding, you can fully punish them and pretty much win the round.
- Against Projectiles in general, you need to make actions on a read. Your opponent will basically make 3 kinds of actions when they're in a safe distance. Your objective, very obviously, is to get through the projectiles and get close to your opponent.
1. Shoot a weak projectile and watch for the opponent to react--- The projectile character will try and punish you as you go through their projectile. Solution: Try and close your distance within limits where their anti-air or punishing move can't hit you. Also, it's hard for them to react if you dodge their projectile at the last moment, so you can try doing that and see if they whiff their punishment.
2. Shoot a weak projectile and close into the opponent--- For the projectile character, this is an effective solution against #1, and it can also be their source of starting an offense. Solution: Block or vertical jump depending on the situation. They'll be closing their distance to you, so it's a good thing for you.
3. Shoot a fierce projectile and hit the opponent trying to close in/make an action--- For the projectile character, this is a method to hit the opponent on their jump's startup for example. If you get hit in the air, you'll get knocked down and find yourself at a disadvantage. Solution: Try and not get hit in the air. If you see a fierce projectile, roll early and close your distance to them. It's especially not a problem for Goro since he can EX QCB+K and punish with a throw. He can also punish by doing his ground stomp at the right timing.
As for Air Venom Strikes, if they're doing it from a safe distance, it's the same as a normal venom strike so you can use the same method as against ground venoms and close into the opponent. If they're doing it from a back jump, you can run and punish them with a combo if the situation allows. You can also punish air venoms with his ground stomp.
[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 18 Apr 04:00] |