Loona 485th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Gold Customer
| "Re(3):SNK Stuff Thread 5 - Post release stuff" , posted Tue 13 Dec 22:26    
quote: Even though I've been using an arcade stick for 3ish years now and am pretty comfortable with it, I can't help but feel like a d-pad is more effective with KOF. I used a PS2 pad for years, all through out the NEOGEO arcade board's life span, and could do all the motions for supers and buffer special moves with great accuracy on PS2 dual shock and dreamcast pads, no problem.
On a stick, doing the same things in KOF13 feel so difficult compared to SF3/4/MvC3/BB
Can't tell if I just have some kind of mental catch 22 going on with KOF13 or there is just something strange going on with KOF13 engine's move buffer.
I've been using pad and I sometimes get the feeling my thumb may never catch up with the speed required for some of the trials (Kim's f,f+WP -> qcb+K or Athena's f+WK -> QCB+WK), not to mention many, if not most of them, seem designed to make you trip into the wrong commands - maybe it all boils down to shortcuts, but it would be nice to see those listed somewhere in the game. I gotta check DreamCancel.com's list and hope it handles everything... Then again, I do have a history of sucking at combos anyway. Yet at the same time pretty much by accident I've pulled off drive cancel combos I though impossible (ex: Andy and Raiden's df,f+P -> f,d,df+P) - I certainly wasn't able to replicate them intentionally, at least not yet. Oddly, I've done the most trials so far with Daimon, which is odd since I suck at grappler motions, but I guess having a static victim to practice on helps.
BTW, I'm almost done with the game's gallery, but I'm oddly missing an animation - I already have all of the regular story sequences and all individual team endings (finished the game with all full teams) there, but there's one I'm still missing, between the last of the team endings I got and one of the story sequences with Botan and gang, but I have not idea of what's needed to unlock that...
The game's doing a really nice job of feeding my SNK fanboyishness (those cameos, illustrations, pre-match dialogues, story sequences, etc...) while encouraging me to explore its system, between all that unlocking and trophy collecting, although for the latter I feel I may end up using a lot more EX supers and NeoMAXes I normally would in online matches, as the arcade mode's target actions tend to encourage different ways to spend my resources and are kinda distracting in their own way.
I noticed Duo Lon has an odd dialogue with Yuri, something about "his sister" - dunno if that's hinting at a future plot for later games (and there are already plenty of those, between the Kensou business and the "secret" sequence when you're done with all of the Story mode hinting at a team for a future game and a likely justification to keep Liz around) involving Ryo or an acknowledgement of the MI series, since IIRC Xiao Lon is apparently Duo's sister, as both of them are Ron's kids - this game references them a lot more than I expected, beteen the Lilly outfit in the Billy stage and the Mignon colors for Liz (holy defilement...).
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
Loona 486th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Gold Customer
| "Re(7):SNK Stuff Thread 5 - Post release stuff" , posted Thu 15 Dec 06:46    
quote: Been playing the damn demo all day long, and so far the smoothest match was with a friend from Canada. And I'm all the way in northern Europe.
All I can say is that the netcode is way better than with Dark Awake*, but I'm waiting for a demo from Rising Star to see if this is worth getting.
Rising Star Games still hasn't released the demo over here, how am I supposed to persuade some friends to get this with words alone if they usually don't play the genre and this free option eludes the country?... oh well
badoor posted this ni the random thread, but it's worth posting here too, since despite the SF title the core is a beatiful heartwarming piece of SNK history: http://www.1up.com/features/the-man-who-created-street-fighter Since he mentions future Dimps IP, I kinda fancy the idea of a SNK vs Dimps in the future, whichever form it may take (no idea which genres they're going for, but I've liked a lot of their work...), just because it feels right.
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
Loona 487th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Gold Customer
| "Re(1):New art-eater post on KOF XIII" , posted Tue 20 Dec 04:06    
quote: Hey dudettes and dudes, I just finished a post on why I love the art of King of Fighters XIII. Check it out and let me know your thoughts! Thanks!
I loved the Ash/Bugs edit! :D
Not quite an art issue, but early in the article Kim is characterized as straightforward and good-natured - however, between some of his intros in past games, especially SvC Chaos, and his KoF XI ending, I get the distinct feeling he's basically a wreck of a human being that just likes to beat up people, and uses the whole justice and reformation talk to justify that to himself. If there's ever another Capcom crossover with him, he and Cody should have a little chat, I bet they'd get along awesomely.
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
Ishmael 4274th Post

PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):New art-eater post on KOF XIII" , posted Thu 22 Dec 12:34    
Thanks for the article Nobinobita! It's always a treat to hear your views on art and design.
I've always felt that it was a shame that KoF became SNK's flagship series. While other SNK fighters featured colorful, expressive character animation, the designs in KoF seemed like they were chosen more for hardware limitations than anything else. It didn't help matters when the consistent look of the game was undone by later additions to the cast that were built with different animation demands and design principles in mind. A fight between Oswald -who was all about exaggerated limbs and Kohta Hirano mannerisms- and Geese's KoF96 sprite -who was so stiff in his idle animation that you could iron shirts on the guy- shows a series that still had flashes of great stuff in it but had become very erratic in terms of design. Wiping the slate clean and redoing the characters in a new, fresh style is a welcome sight.
Of all the redesigns the work on Athena and Yuri were the ones that struck me as the most interesting. With her saucer eyes and big, puffy hair Athena looks like she wandered out straight out of 1986. Yuri, however, now has the rounded, mousey look found in K-On or other modern anime. I don't know if it was an intentional move but between the two of them twenty five years worth of differences in what makes for a cute anime girl is on display. It almost makes me wish that one of the female characters had been made over in the style of the freaky, angular, insect-like designs of Masami Obari just so the game could hit all the bases. No, wait, on second thought Obari's stuff probably doesn't need a revival.
nobinobita 1022th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(10):New art-eater post on KOF XIII" , posted Fri 23 Dec 07:28    
quote: It almost makes me wish that one of the female characters had been made over in the style of the freaky, angular, insect-like designs of Masami Obari just so the game could hit all the bases. No, wait, on second thought Obari's stuff probably doesn't need a revival. Gowcaizer definitely needs a revival, when I was kid I really liked the designs,out of the main heroes cast was superb. I wonder If Kabuki Clash, Gowcaizer and Galaxy Fight designs get to reboot ever. Their only chance seems to be NGBC2 if SNKP decides to go wild with it. How I would like to see Kinu in again..
I don't have any proof, but I'm pretty sure Masami Obari must have had a hand in the little known 90s Saturday Morning Cartoon, Skysurfers: Strike Force.
sibarraz 320th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: sibarraz4life Wii: n/a
Bronze Customer
| "Re(5):Merry Christmas! -- KOF XIII Tier Char" , posted Mon 26 Dec 11:41    
quote: Ok professor, I really respect you, but I don't get why betty and leona are so low in the womenly chest boobs, specially under athena
That was just a joke!
Actually, I hope people realize that you can make your own tier list with this. It's a tiermaker tool, just move the icons around!
I should write that down, actually.. egh lunch break is so busy on a monday
: P
You are really creating so many awesome apps, between this, the text generator and the southtown map, is always cool to see what kind of new tech we could find here
Toxico 5547th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "New Year oddness." , posted Thu 5 Jan 01:57    
Someone said in another thread that the year already had a weird start? Then how about a Zankuro Musouken (ss3) tournament?
(youtube) 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 (nico) 1 - Nico , 2 - Nico , 3 - Nico , 4 - Nico , 5 - Nico , 6 - Nico
Was that enough? Then how about a Samurai Spirits Sen tournament,
(youtube) 1 , 2 , 3 (nico) 1 - Nico , 2 - Nico , 3 - Nico
In actual KoF related issues, we have Dune practicing with the flaming DLC characters NESTS Kyo - Nico & Flaming Iori - Nico. Also, Atlus tutorial part 3 released
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 24 as of 21/11/11 (Temporary mega upload link). // 104 personajes traducidos
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 23 as of 20/11/11
mbisonhatclub 433th Post

PSN: hadoolket XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Gold Customer
| "Re(3):To EVO!" , posted Sat 7 Jan 15:59:    
quote: A little sad about Blazblue, but perhaps I'm not the only player who has become disenchanted with it. I don't really keep up with the pulse of BB opinions.
I like it at the casual level just to play with friends and I don't really put much effort into learning the later games, but the series in general has become a combo-ville snorefest* and Mori at the helm of design isn't really helping, and it's easy to tell how much Ishiwatari is becoming upset with his design philosophies.
CS iterations have just made me appreciate CT more, and it's the one I'd rather play if I ever bother playing BB again.
Some people are annoyed because there's BBCSEX upcoming, but even with Arcsys' traditional drastic tweaks, it's still a relatively small update that only brings Relius to the table, and it's just Mori's attempt to keep BB relevant when he should concentrate on really advancing the story big time with BB3 and a highly significant amount of changes and additions to gameplay including more characters. And just giving people a bit more of the current story-arc plus a retelling of the first game's story with only one extra character while having people unlock the three previously DLC characters means nothing to the western competitive scene. Nobody goes to Evo to watch someone play story mode, and since most tourneys are sporting one on one matches rather than dramatic battles, nobody at a tournament is planning on using the 2-on-2 multiplayer mode--not even for SFxTekken.
*I know, KOFXIII is pretty combo-y too. The difference is that KOFXIII's combos are just harder to execute and actually are more meter-based, whereas BB's combos have way too much lenient timing, require hardly any meter management and are thus only there to be fancy while doing damage rather than be performed for tactical purposes. Since you can't air-reset your opponent in BB unless they VOLUNTARILY TECH, choosing to combo versus choosing not to combo is hardly a worthwhile question when it's obvious that the better option is to just combo as you're not really going to gain anything from not maintaining your combo.
join the m.bison hat club today i'm not just the president i'm also a client
[this message was edited by mbisonhatclub on Sat 7 Jan 16:05] |
Iggy 9313th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Help needed in Spanish,French,Chinese,K" , posted Sat 7 Jan 23:27    
quote: Has Weakness → Vulnérable
I would say "a des faiblesses" or something like that, no? I think that category applies for example to an extremely good rushdown character, but who absolutely sucks at defence (very good at getting the first touch, damaging combos, but bad anti air and reversal options, for example).
For the rest, like Chaz, I'm remote from the French-speaking French scene, but as long as you don't live in Quebec (where they loathe every word imported from English and create their own made-up hilarious words for every single tiny thing in the world), most English term would pass. For example, I have no idea how to say "zoning" in French except "zoning". He's good at zoning => Il est bon en zoning. Zoning character => Zoner ? Zoneur ?
Professor 3349th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(2):Help needed in Spanish,French,Chinese,K" , posted Sun 8 Jan 04:14:    
Although, just as in English I suppose, it would be a bit weird to classify a character as a "top tier vulnérable" or a "Top Tier with Weaknesses"... But I guess this part is more useful to separate B/C/D characters from each other.
I've made a sample chart to explain it. Does this make sense? http://www.mmcafe.com/tiermaker/sample/index.html#ya0-trowhyow2v5l2v5mko-bkf
- At the upper right, you have KOF94 Boss Rugal. He's top tier, got answers to all situations. - At the upper left, there's Mina from SamSho Zero. At least when the game just came out. Top Tier because of her powerful projectiles and keepaways, but one slash and she could lose. - At the lower right, there's Rock from MOTW. He's got moves for all sorts of situations, except none of them were strong, and neither were his normals, making him bottom tier. -At the lower left... oh lord.... you do not want to be there. All you can do is split.
[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 8 Jan 04:19] |
kofoguz 962th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(3):Help needed in Spanish,French,Chinese,K" , posted Sun 8 Jan 06:45    
quote: Although, just as in English I suppose, it would be a bit weird to classify a character as a "top tier vulnérable" or a "Top Tier with Weaknesses"... But I guess this part is more useful to separate B/C/D characters from each other.
I've made a sample chart to explain it. Does this make sense? http://www.mmcafe.com/tiermaker/sample/index.html#ya0-trowhyow2v5l2v5mko-bkf
- At the upper right, you have KOF94 Boss Rugal. He's top tier, got answers to all situations. - At the upper left, there's Mina from SamSho Zero. At least when the game just came out. Top Tier because of her powerful projectiles and keepaways, but one slash and she could lose. - At the lower right, there's Rock from MOTW. He's got moves for all sorts of situations, except none of them were strong, and neither were his normals, making him bottom tier. -At the lower left... oh lord.... you do not want to be there. All you can do is split.
Ok, for Turkish I can offer this. Top Tier --> En güçlü Low Tier --> En zayıf All Purpose ---> Kullanışlı Has Weakness ---> Dezavantajlı
Professor 3349th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(7):Help needed in Spanish,French,Chinese,K" , posted Mon 9 Jan 21:55    
Gotcha guys, thanks! It's been updated with French, Turkish, and Japanese. Also, All-purpose has been changed to Versatile, and Has Weakness to Has Faults. I'm not sure if that's good though, so I'd like to hear opinions on that.
Spanish, I wondering which is best. For "All purpose", I'll probably go with Versátil.
Top Tier - Alto Nivel/ Alto Rango/ Alta Categoria Low Tier - Bajo Nivel/ Bajo Rango/ Baja Categoria All Purpose - Polivalente/ Versátil/ Mayor Versatilidad Has Weakness - Tiene puntos débiles/ Con puntos débiles/ Tiene Debilidades
Phoenix: Thanks! Unfortunately, I... can't see the text Is there any way you can send that as a graphic? The bigger the font the better/smoother it can be on the chart.
kofoguz 964th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(1):Ash Crimson is Doppio from Jojo!" , posted Thu 12 Jan 02:14:    
quote: Oğuz just pointed out something really awesome in the comments section of my blog:
Ash Crimson and Saiki are based off of Doppio and Diavolo from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.
Ash Crimson/Doppio are the sweet, sunny natured freckle faced boyish servants of Saiki/Diavolo, secretive murderous super villains who have the power to control time. As it turns out, Ash/Doppio share the same soul as Saiki/Diavolo.
Doppio and Diavolo's stand is King CRIMSON.
Neat huh?
Wow, thanks.I would like to post this in cafe but afraid seeming like to be a show off. Well, Your art blog is awesome, so its only natural to causing these. Thanks so much! Cant wait for your second blog update about KOF XIII and analyzing more great games.
I also have theory about, Narciso Anasui (post sex change operation) that concept of his personality and passion towards the main girl is projection of Araki himself. In short sacrificing himself and his desires for the affection of a girl to stay modest and sinless/pure closet-case. We've talk about this with Iggy, before. Not sure whether on cafe or not.
quote: So in 2010, we had SSF4 with Juri whose appearance is rather heavily inspired by Jolyne from jojo part 6, and the whole Ash Crimson business which was thematically related to jojo part 5.
Hopefully if they continue this backward trend, we'll hit jojo part 2 by 2013!.... .... ADK please come back :(
If they made a sequel, keep Neo Dio and and add a move that send his hand and turn into a rapidsquirrel puppy, it would be perfect. Wait, to make it even more perfect, the final stage takes place in a space ship ala IgnizGeegus style, and the final blow causes Neo-dio to fall from a "window" and turn him into a "ultimately stop thinking being". Ah, there's too much to revive in Snk's hand.I think if KOFXII was world heroes it wouldnt considered failure (except online netcode). Think about it twenty and more characters, in HD sprites with a good fight engine. KOF XII main problemwas that it fell really short to concept of KOF, otherwise its a very core good game. I hope recent desicion of SNKP's take on socialgames fuels games division's projects.
[this message was edited by kofoguz on Thu 12 Jan 05:13] |
Loona 496th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Gold Customer
| "Mr Karate!" , posted Fri 13 Jan 03:17:    
Mr Karate became available on the PSN store yesterday, and he's looking fun - also generally feels a bit faster than regular Takuma, but maybe that's just me being excited about the character concept being playable again.
I'm loving how utterly intense he seems to be in every aspect... pressure in combat, the impact of his move, his dialogue. Maybe that's just me, but his portrait in the pre-match conversations makes his gaze stand out so much that it seems the eyes are not Takuma's, but the mask's - which in turn would mean he's actually fighting blindfolded, making the whole thing even more badass - which is kinda plausible, since MI2 Ryo has 2 or 3 alternate outfits where he fights blindfolded, and XIII has at least a couple of nods to that game (Lilly's outfit in the Billy stage and Liz's Mignon palette).
Well, this seals my choice on the character whose trials I'll eventually force myself to complete after doing everything else in the game.
Also, new blog post http://game.snkplaymore.co.jp/official/kof-xiii/blog/archives/2012/01/post_53.html Can't understand anything outside the mention of making it to EVO, and there are match videos with some fun outfits (Saiki as Remy, they went there; other notables are Tekken Lili Athena, Dio Brando Kyo, NeoGeo Hakase Kyo, Rei Kula and more).
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
[this message was edited by Loona on Fri 13 Jan 03:48] |
chazumaru 853th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(1):Humm.. on translation." , posted Fri 13 Jan 22:27:    
Hmm "specialized" makes more sense as opposed to the word at the other side of the spectrum ("versatile") and to get some top tiers to use it...
By the way, "versatile" also exists in French and has the same meaning, so feel free to change if you want a more cohesive design, although I do think polyvalent is a better word to express your idea.
I am not sure of the best French word for "specialized" (spécialiste?), but it made me think about this whole chart and I have a question: why isn't the horizontal axis rather focussing on "simple" Vs. "complex" characters?
From my personal experience, this is rather how people separate characters when discussing fighting games. Whether they are top or low tiers, characters are often differentiated between those who are very easy to grasp and those that require a lot of practice to be played effectively and used to their full potential.
Ex. When I was talking about UMVC3 with Iggy recently, he was telling me how high level players where convinced Rocket Raccoon had a lot of potential to be high on a tier list, but needed a lot of practice and experience of his strange movelist to be played correctly, how nobody was sure about Felicia's tier ranking because she was so complex to use, how Ryu became a good character by adding simple layers of new tricks to his existing movelist, how just mashing buttons together was almost good enough to play some DMC characters etc.
It seems to me that simple Vs. complex is a constant comparison in fighting games. Example.
I think a more specialized character requires more thought and careful use of the movelist, which is part of what makes it a more complex character (even if the tools available are themselves rather basic, the peculiar strategies to use these tools properly make the character more difficult to master). Whereas, my impression is that so-called "cheap" characters are those that combine being top tier and very simple to use efficiently.
[this message was edited by chazumaru on Fri 13 Jan 22:33] |
Toxico 5555th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Humm.. on translation." , posted Fri 13 Jan 22:59    
I do agree with chaz in his previous point, not to dig up an old question from this thread :
quote: Spanish, I wondering which is best. For "All purpose", I'll probably go with Versátil.
Top Tier - Alto Nivel/ Alto Rango/ Alta Categoria Low Tier - Bajo Nivel/ Bajo Rango/ Baja Categoria
To be honest, all of the 3 definitions are simply weird sounding. I even did the test of actually asking some of the guys that I hang around with and one of them could relate the terms when asked "what does XXX means in fighting games", where as all of them could answer "qué es (what's a) top tier", the english term is pretty much widely accepted as of now.
Now, for the sake of actually doing a translation and not just shafting "top tier" in there, it might even be better to use a more neanderthal level definition such as "personaje fuerte" (strong char) and "personaje débil" (weak char).
All Purpose - Polivalente/ Versátil/ Mayor Versatilidad Has Weakness - Tiene puntos débiles/ Con puntos débiles/ Tiene Debilidades
This one might change since the actual eng terms are still subjected to possible changes, raito?
On a side note, 悪党の最後は、こんなものか?.... As in, do villains always end as some sort of comical tranvesti trio?
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 24 as of 21/11/11 (Temporary mega upload link). // 104 personajes traducidos
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 23 as of 20/11/11
Spoon 2273th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Humm.. on translation." , posted Sat 14 Jan 12:41    
Quite honestly I wish that your Bust Chart and Gay Chart were the ones used as the example, because people get that instantly.
Another problem is that the icons are quite large, so it's hard to group people similarly without giving a misleading impression of how they stand. With some HTML5 magic it'd be cool if we could simply put down an area, and then open that area by mouseover and reveal the character group inside it. But that's way too much work for what's meant to be a simple tool.
Vanilla MvC3 actually provides some really good examples of this. Wolverine is a rushdown character who is all close range, but he's undoubtedly strong. Wesker and Dante are dramatically more versatile, with a slew of tools for movement, keep-away, rushdown.... Sentinel provides powerful assists, great DHCs, has powerful command grab, can run away and zone, but he's not top tier. Amaterasu has more tools than most other characters combined and is strong, but lacks the outright idiocy of some of the top characters.
Toxico 5565th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Color unlocking now available for 360" , posted Wed 25 Jan 00:33:    
quote: If they also decide to release this on the PS3 before fixing its bug.. people will be bashing SNKP for a long time.
Yes, I also think that unless the DLC magically solves the problem of colors being re-locked here and there, they are gonna be bashed and hard.
BTW, N°17 uploaded a console tournament over at nico, right now there are many parts and I don't know if he is gonna upload them to youtube or something. The tournament list is here : http://www.nicovideo.jp/mylist/30135011
In case you don't have a nico account and not zit about reading, a "How to use my list" would be simple, just open the mylist link, copy the link that you want to see and paste it on the Redirector. If you want to see the whole tournament you have to start from the bottom and go up.
As far as I know there it still not a youtube version of the tournament, though °17 has a youtube channel so I suppose that he himself is gonna step up to the plate; even if he doesn't a console tournament is kinda tempting, so a lot of channels that upload footage are probably gonna roach the footage until there is no exclusivity left example
edit : ->> Flaming Combo . ( Source - Nico )
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 24 as of 21/11/11 (Temporary mega upload link). // 104 personajes traducidos
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 23 as of 20/11/11
[this message was edited by Toxico on Wed 25 Jan 03:36] |
Loona 506th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(7):KOFXIII patch finally here" , posted Thu 2 Feb 13:48    
The european PSN now has 3 KoF XII themes for the PSN for sale - oddly they seem to have been made available in reverse order, with the one named number 3 being the first, and apparently number 1 finally becoming available today - 3 had an Ash pic, 2 had Kula and 1 had Mai - I'm no fan of either character, but I was curious, so I got the Mai one - after installing it, the background showed Kyo and Iori, and later Terry (holding a drink with the pic of that yellow dog head from the Fatal Fury menus). Since the pic in the PSN Store don't seem to completely match what you do get, I wonder whatelse I'll still see in mine, and what pics do the others have... One nice detail was that the PS3 menu icons mostly got a big NeoGeo feel to them, with NeoGeo controllers and G-Mantle faces all over the place, but nicely implemented.
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
Professor 3366th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "KOFXIII Xbox360 patch & Blog update details" , posted Thu 2 Feb 22:00:    
quote: Since the pic in the PSN Store don't seem to completely match what you do get, I wonder whatelse I'll still see in mine, and what pics do the others have... One nice detail was that the PS3 menu icons mostly got a big NeoGeo feel to them, with NeoGeo controllers and G-Mantle faces all over the place, but nicely implemented.
Loona: Theme 2 has the new illustrations, like the series heros relaxing and the pop-style series females art. ---
SNKP has made its weekly blog update with three new tidbits of information. http://game.snkplaymore.co.jp/official/kof-xiii/blog/
1- The version 1.02 patch is available starting today for the Xbox360. The PS3's was already released earlier this week.
2- The color contest deadline has been extended to next week. They're welcoming entries from overseas, and that's the main reason of the deadline extention. They're also thinking of giving out more prizes. They already around 300 entries.
3- A new video has been uploaded, covering some techniques in KOF13. details below.
- When you cancel into HD mode from a normal, you'll automatically dash if it's done as a buffer or during hitstop. But if you do it after the hitstop, a normal B or C attack will come out depending on which button you pressed early when doing B+C. If you pressed it perfectly together, a C will always come out. Same rule applies when doing it in the air.
- Alternate blocking is covered by the video (switch between standing and crouching while you're in block, and you can extend the blocking time).
- Your hurtbox/guardbox during a block is larger than your neutral pose. You can whiff the opponent's attack at times by crouching without blocking, wheras if you block it'll hit.
- If you finish off an HD combo by doing an HD cancel, there's a penalty time where the drive meter doesn't build up. If it naturally depletes at the end, the penalty time doesn't apply.
- The hurtbox during hitback motion is the same for all characters. Other damage motions (like in the air) are different by characters, so it doesn't mean that there's no character-dependent combos in the game.
- Some Neomax gain anywhere juggle property when Maxcanceled. This also means that you can whiff the super and kara Maxcancel it to give the Neomax an anywhere juggle property.
- The early frames in crumple motion is susceptible to throws.
[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 3 Feb 03:14] |
Professor 3367th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "KOFXIII netcode in comparison to NGSt KOF96" , posted Sun 5 Feb 09:10:    

KOFXIII's netcode in comparison to NeoGeo Station's KOF96
I've tested out the two netcodes with Gunsmith of Orochinagi.com and these are my impressions. He told me that things were a bit different on his side, although I'm not sure if he'll be doing a writeup on it.
1. The input delay and jittering/small hiccups were essentially the same in both games. Neither games implement rollback or frameskip. I thought KOF96 would have less input delay, but that didn't turn out to be the case.
2. However, there's a huge difference in how the two games treat the small hiccups. This dramatically changes the gameplay between the two games. In KOF96, the game completely halts during a network hiccup, including the music and everything. So it's very obvious when there's a hiccup and when it starts moving again. Aesthetically, it's pretty annoying.
3. With KOFXIII, only the characters stop when there's a network hiccup, while the music and background keeps on moving. This is aesthetically more pleasing, but it ends up with worse gameplay issues because it's harder to tell when the game has momentarily stopped. The reason of course is, when you press a button during the hiccup, it won't get registered. This can be a real problem if you're getting split-second hiccups rather than long ones that are easier to notice. That's probably the reason why some people say that their inputs are getting ignored by the game at times.
4. I don't think we'll ever see SNKP changing the netcode's hiccup handling to 96's style, because for the laymen user, it'll probably look like things have worsened.
5. To assure KOFXIII players, I've never encountered these kinds of small hiccups except when playing against overseas users from rural areas or ISPs with a bad reputation.
6. As most people know, in post-patch KOF XIII, the synching only seems to take place in the order select screen. The synching between rounds is no longer there... except unless you have a very bad connection. If you do, there's still going to be synching between the rounds, even if both of the players have the game installed.
7. For anyone wondering, our matches in both games were red bars and the input delay was about 30 frames/ 0.5 secs. We kept getting like a dozen split-second hiccups per every minute. So it was an excellent test case for a bad connection.
[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 5 Feb 09:48] |
Evil_Yagami 33th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(1):KOFXIII netcode in comparison to NGSt K" , posted Sun 5 Feb 22:24    
Thanks Professor for the matches, I really enjoyed playing KOF XIII with you, btw how was the connection with you? about me there was a little bit delay, but for me it was playable, better from nothing, I use ADSL 4 MB line, the bing is 47 MS, and the distance between my location to Japan is 9009.49 KM, I live in Jordan (Middle East), I guess it's not bad, good job SNK !
Professor 3368th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(2):KOFXIII netcode in comparison to NGSt K" , posted Mon 6 Feb 04:33:    
quote: Thanks Professor for the matches, I really enjoyed playing KOF XIII with you, btw how was the connection with you? about me there was a little bit delay, but for me it was playable, better from nothing, I use ADSL 4 MB line, the bing is 47 MS, and the distance between my location to Japan is 9009.49 KM, I live in Jordan (Middle East), I guess it's not bad, good job SNK !
If it was 9000KM, then it's pretty good! Ahh.. well, the connection itself was pretty laggy, like 0.6-0.7 seconds of input delay, so it's nothing you can really play competitively. But for the distance, it's pretty acceptable, and amazingly, there were no serious hiccups. Fyi, my ping to local speed test servers are around 16ms.
I think I played with someone from the West coast as well, it was.. quite amazing actually, felt like a match with asia. It was a lot more laggier pre-patch.
[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 6 Feb 04:35] |
Loona 509th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(4):CLIMAX" , posted Mon 6 Feb 19:45:    
quote: If it's anymore than what's available on console, I'll lightly vomit. We just got console KOFXIII and don't need an AE style update. I'd rather have them hold off new content for KOFXIV which should be a large and/or different enough sequel. If they add something more (I hope) isnt it possible to add those to console port as DLC?
Dependng on th extent of it, I wouldn't mind. The site's illustration focuses on the home version exclusive characters, so I'm not expecting more than that, but the odd extra tweak would be nice, like extra alternate skins for some characters (ex: Garou outfit for Terry) or fixes for some glitch so obscure it hasn't been noticed/exploited yet. Then again, there's that Adel artwork...
Edit: it slgihtly bothers me that the Mr Karate in the site's illustration lacks a beard, which the game version has - then again, his ending illustration had lots of tengu masks with all kinds of facial hair and expressions, basically meaning "it doesn't matter". Heh, preferences...
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
[this message was edited by Loona on Mon 6 Feb 20:01] |
Toxico 5577th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Dune vs RF, tomorrow on stream" , posted Fri 10 Feb 01:34    
17° uploaded 60 minutes from his post tournament session from the Kyoto tournament . The tournament pretty much had everything from players new to the game, girls that actually looked good and played to old soldiers from A-cho arcade, the video is here
I had not realized that Circle Cannon, one of the combo makers that I follow over at nico actually had a youtube channel, as with most japanese combo makers he specialize on short combo vids that focus in functionality rather than moronic set ups that aren't going to happen in a fight. He also has this project where he does hard to do trials in practice mode, thus we get to see how much damage they do and how they effect power bars and stun meter and whatnot.
I don't know if you are aware of it, but Mad KoF, a top ranked korean player has been uploaded some of matches and he is pretty good, I dare say that he is pretty much the highest level of play you can find for the console version over at youtube. Most of the time he doesn't play known people (that I know of), but some other he gets to have run ins with known players, so that's that. Some times he even plays random select and even when he doesn't he usually changes his team every match, so that's that yet again, har har har.
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Professor 3373th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(10):CLIMAX" , posted Sat 11 Feb 15:58:    
(The following writeup is an edited re-post from the BBS.)
-KOFXIIICLIMAX thus far seems to be basically just a port of the console version. No new characters or real changes. We'll be hearing more about the game from seasoned players later on, but it seems highly plausible that they won't have anything to report, except "it's great because there's no netplay lag!"
-The title screen is now black, as opposed to the white one from the original arcade and console version.
-The character select screen is the same as the console version with all the characters unlocked. There's a slight change in the way that EX characters are picked. In the console version, you pressed the start button to switch between the normal version and EX version of a character. In CLIMAX, the character changes to the EX version when you're "holding on" to the start button. Meaning, you need to hold on to start and press a button to select them.
-The 5 custom slots are gone in color select. It looks pretty much the same as the original arcade version.
-Practice mode is still available.
-The backgrounds are the same as the console version. Meaning that the new stages like Esaka and Karate are there, but the older stages like Japan are missing a bunch of sumo wrestlers, and the USA stage's huge blimp doesn't have a TV screen on it.
-Right now, the game isn't running on a NesicaxLive enabled cabinet. Meaning it's probably running on a normal TypeX2 PCB. It shouldn't be taken as a sign that the game will be released on PCB though, since this is only a location test phase. Still, it was kind of surprising that there were no signs that the game might use Nesica network features, like player points or custom colors. Then again, we might be speaking too soon, who knows.
-Photos of the handout sheet are here and here.
-Video by Sugarboy here.
[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 11 Feb 17:16] |
mbisonhatclub 449th Post

PSN: hadoolket XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Gold Customer
| "Re(5):Re(10):CLIMAX" , posted Wed 15 Feb 01:00    
quote: eSports controversy, in my KoF? It's more likely than you think! well, at least to the modest extent that some KoF videos are being taken down in Major League Gaming's name, but they're denying involvement, so that apparently it's a case of Youtube overreacting. Either way, interesting times, when you're used to KoF being under the radar.
I think people really twist the idea of copyrights way too much, and since I actually understand it fairly well, let me clear things up on how things should take place.
MLG can own the rights to display KOF all they want, but copyright law never entitles an external company to the exclusive rights to distribute, perform, display, reproduce, or make derivative works thereof. MLG is not authorized to make a call on copyright infringement over other peoples' streams (and this is why people are panicking); they are only authorized copyright over their own streams/videos. The only one, by copyright law, who has the actual ability to injunction somebody over videos is--take a wild guess!
Therefore, if videos get taken down, it really is a mistake of Youtube's paranoia, but ultimately, it's not MLG's say, unless they lie and claim a video belongs to them.
In light of such, KOFXIII having higher pots may well entice higher level people to play to the bestest of their ability just to get a taste of that green, which would lead to some really high quality (but expensive to watch) matches, but it would also give SNKP some moneys, and SNKP in turn may think "Oh crap, people love KOF, even if it's just for the higher pot, we should make a new one!" In a business sense, it could be one of the smarter things SNKP does, and that would be a win-win situation if it keeps them from relying too much upon their Pachinko and mobile dating game nonsense.
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