The bring back ONSY thread - Forums

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2463th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Fri 17 May 15:38:post reply

Life is so stupid without Onslaught. It was a dark day when he thought everyone was being serious when they wouldn't stop making fun of Marvel and American games. Come back, Onsy! Here is an offering to the gods to make this wish come true:

Onsy vs. Iggy (Was this a rematch?! I thought he won.)

Onsy vs. Tim

Onsy vs. signatures

Onsy learns Japanese


[this message was edited by Maou on Tue 21 May 16:36]


3450th Post

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PSN: Lilly_Dopamine
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Fri 17 May 18:07post reply


Onsy vs. signatures

Holy crap. Shingo's words here are CHILLING.

Hey man, thank you so much for the scans.This will surely keep me in a good mood until The King Of Fighters 2004.
And don't forget, The One will return.Later.

Until KOF 2004.

The One will return.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

1613th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Fri 17 May 19:01post reply

Damn! Asshole levels in here have dropped a lot over the years

3451th Post

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PSN: Lilly_Dopamine
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Fri 17 May 19:15post reply

Damn! Asshole levels in here have dropped a lot over the years

Yes, we're all herbivores now. We'd be eaten alive by assholes. Kindness and even-tempered people like Nobi are our new posterboys.

eaten alive by assholes

eaten alive by assholes

eaten alive by assholes

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

9508th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Fri 17 May 20:21post reply

I think the fight broke down around Kratos and how something something ugly.
That was silly. I feel old now.

3743th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Fri 17 May 23:35:post reply

Oh man, these old posts are pristine! It's like everyone was bopping each other's heads with mallets not knowing it'd cause permanent damage when we grew up. So how can we summon Onsy back?

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 17 May 23:50]

1011th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Fri 17 May 23:51post reply

I feel old now.

Speaking of flamboyant pairings... 直接ッ

78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 秩序は廻る ♪ 78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 未来を示す

1170th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Sat 18 May 02:50post reply

Damn! Asshole levels in here have dropped a lot over the years

Yes, we're all herbivores now. We'd be eaten alive by assholes. Kindness and even-tempered people like Nobi are our new posterboys.

eaten alive by assholes
eaten alive by assholes
eaten alive by assholes

"The meek shall inherit the Cafe"

I'm no herbivore!
I eat assholes alive!--no wait ...

1094th Post

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PSN: Lord-Hayato
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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Sat 18 May 03:20post reply

I think the fight broke down around Kratos and how something something ugly.
That was silly. I feel old now.

Well, I somehow feel your pain. At first, I was leisurely reading some fun stuff posted on these threads as if they were a couple years old. Everything was going ok... until I spotted a Nevada-tan allusion and realized how gravely mistaken I was!

Right now I feel as if I were a fossil... even worse, a beaten dinosaur whose crap has been kicked to oblivion by a black man in yellow pants looking for a Cadillac in a post-apocalyptic desert. And so should anyone who the reference...

1171th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Sat 18 May 05:03post reply

I think the fight broke down around Kratos and how something something ugly.
That was silly. I feel old now.

Well, I somehow feel your pain. At first, I was leisurely reading some fun stuff posted on these threads as if they were a couple years old. Everything was going ok... until I spotted a Nevada-tan allusion and realized how gravely mistaken I was!

Right now I feel as if I were a fossil... even worse, a beaten dinosaur whose crap has been kicked to oblivion by a black man in yellow pants looking for a Cadillac in a post-apocalyptic desert. And so should anyone who the reference...

I feel you brah!

1095th Post

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PSN: Lord-Hayato
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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Sat 18 May 09:02post reply

I think the fight broke down around Kratos and how something something ugly.
That was silly. I feel old now.

Well, I somehow feel your pain. At first, I was leisurely reading some fun stuff posted on these threads as if they were a couple years old. Everything was going ok... until I spotted a Nevada-tan allusion and realized how gravely mistaken I was!

Right now I feel as if I were a fossil... even worse, a beaten dinosaur whose crap has been kicked to oblivion by a black man in yellow pants looking for a Cadillac in a post-apocalyptic desert. And so should anyone who the reference...

I feel you brah!

Bad to the bone!

Just to add something up to the nostalgia wagon, I must say that this thread will forever remain engraved in my memory: SCANLINES

94th Post

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PSN: pooplos-z
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Occasional Customer

"Re(5):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Sat 18 May 10:49post reply

Many of these words filled my head while I sat at a computer in high school and imagined Gods and Goddesses hurl literary lightning bolts at each other. I was far too intimidated to speak among you but I enjoyed witnessing the mayhem. Has it really been that long?!

red falcon
6145th Post

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PSN: Rugalbgood
XBL: RugalBGood
Wii: Doesitmatter?

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Sat 18 May 11:54post reply


Just to add something up to the nostalgia wagon, I must say that this thread will forever remain engraved in my memory: SCANLINES

Ha ha ha ha ha, oh MAN... I miss that stuff. Now I just yell at people at work.

1869th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Sat 18 May 15:25:post reply

Speaking of was and when, I saw many familiar names back there. Onsy was something, though.

It's kind of a calmer place these days... more sharing and agreeing, less debating and arguing.

Nothing really wrong with that. Then again, maybe I should consider making some highly controversial posts.




/ / /

[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Sat 18 May 15:26]

2459th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Sat 18 May 23:31post reply

Kindness and even-tempered
This cannot stand! I will sacrifice everything nice upon the altar of Zophar until our savior returns!

In one of our rare, ill-advised political threads, I remember Radish calling out an opinion as "ten pounds of s--- in a five-pound bag." I always wished I could use that one in real life.


1048th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Sun 19 May 00:21post reply

Speaking of was and when, I saw many familiar names back there. Onsy was something, though.

Well I feel old, too. And I think when I first start to read/post in MMcafe I was like 18 and foolish and childish. Iggy was my favourite asshole, still is. (""Yay, emails" emails still stand in my inbox to my embrassement. LOL, it was too much TMI and foolish subjects)I remember I liked Onsy's way of being asshole. I remember I argued with him for something, but here who didnt? I also was like fake stalker to Polly in cafe, because I tend to agree/like/enlightened by his/her posts. But who here doesnt. Polly marry me.

Joke aside, in neo-gaf forums some people shocked that MMcafe is still going on. I wonder if theyre the old spirits once been in Café?

2461th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Sun 19 May 00:29post reply

Recruit some of them over here! I know that I've wanted to talk to the insane Kawazu-worshipping genius who made The Best Thread for a long long time, and surely Iggy would, too. Nintendo Digital Shitkicker indeed.


1049th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Sun 19 May 00:55post reply

Recruit some of them over here! I know that I've wanted to talk to the insane Kawazu-worshipping genius who made The Best Thread for a long long time, and surely Iggy would, too. Nintendo Digital Shitkicker indeed.

I dont wanna be expelled from here but...but.. but I dont have an neogaf account. *MGS alert sound*

4570th Post

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PSN: Buttermonster
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Mon 20 May 03:43:post reply

Onsy back?

My name is Onsyslaught and this is my favorite cafe in the Citadel.


[this message was edited by jUAN on Mon 20 May 03:46]

551th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Mon 20 May 07:20post reply

Recruit some of them over here! I know that I've wanted to talk to the insane Kawazu-worshipping genius who made The Best Thread for a long long time, and surely Iggy would, too. Nintendo Digital Shitkicker indeed.

One of the best things that came from that forum, with the exception of E3 gifs threads.

Also Onslaught... I liked the guy, but he likes Zaeed :P

Krzyzewski Man
1178th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Mon 20 May 14:40post reply


Onsy vs. Iggy (Was this a rematch?! I thought he won.)



2462th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Mon 20 May 14:53post reply

Onsy back?

My name is Onsyslaught and this is my favorite cafe in the Citadel.




683th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(6):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Tue 21 May 16:17post reply

Many of these words filled my head while I sat at a computer in high school and imagined Gods and Goddesses hurl literary lightning bolts at each other. I was far too intimidated to speak among you but I enjoyed witnessing the mayhem.

I remember thinking exactly the same, back in the day! And here I am now, posting amongst the Gods and Goddesses of the Internet. Go figure.

9510th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Tue 21 May 19:26post reply

Seeing Juan and K.Man post bring a tear to my eye.

Please excuse me while I go strangle a couple of ostriches to regain my composure.

1098th Post

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PSN: Lord-Hayato
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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(7):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Tue 21 May 20:18post reply

Many of these words filled my head while I sat at a computer in high school and imagined Gods and Goddesses hurl literary lightning bolts at each other. I was far too intimidated to speak among you but I enjoyed witnessing the mayhem.

I remember thinking exactly the same, back in the day! And here I am now, posting amongst the Gods and Goddesses of the Internet. Go figure.

You truly are the Heracles of our times, ascending to Olympus due to your heroic, literary feats. Welcome to the Dodekatheon!!

686th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(8):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Wed 22 May 10:26post reply


You truly are the Heracles of our times, ascending to Olympus due to your heroic, literary feats. Welcome to the Dodekatheon!!

Oh my, you're making me blush.

Given your proficiency in queimadas and other liquours, I suppose that would make you our resident Ganymede? Ambrosia is not going to pour itself into the kraters, you know.

Krzyzewski Man
1179th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Wed 22 May 11:46post reply

Seeing Juan and K.Man post bring a tear to my eye.

Please excuse me while I go strangle a couple of ostriches to regain my composure.

Them shits had it comin'.


1100th Post

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PSN: Lord-Hayato
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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(9):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Wed 22 May 17:23post reply


You truly are the Heracles of our times, ascending to Olympus due to your heroic, literary feats. Welcome to the Dodekatheon!!

Oh my, you're making me blush.

Given your proficiency in queimadas and other liquours, I suppose that would make you our resident Ganymede? Ambrosia is not going to pour itself into the kraters, you know.

Mmmm, let's see...

- Raised in the countryside ----- OK.
- Being good at pouring and mixing liquors ----- OK.
- Young and handsome beyond belief ----- Checksum error.
- Getting my ass plundered twice a day by the father of the gods ----- not yet [CRC failed].

"System Initialization Error"

I guess I'll keep trying, though. The last requirement sounded pretty rad!!

3457th Post

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PSN: Lilly_Dopamine
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Wed 22 May 19:35post reply


You truly are the Heracles of our times, ascending to Olympus due to your heroic, literary feats. Welcome to the Dodekatheon!!

If it wasn't for that one outstanding year in review from Chaz,this would be my favorite post ever.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

1108th Post

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PSN: Lord-Hayato
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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(9):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Thu 23 May 01:05:post reply


You truly are the Heracles of our times, ascending to Olympus due to your heroic, literary feats. Welcome to the Dodekatheon!!

If it wasn't for that one outstanding year in review from Chaz,this would be my favorite post ever.

Hark, Hera!! Thou might save thine flattering rant, for thine husband has dejected you and mine are the hips he now yearns for...

[this message was edited by HAYATO on Thu 23 May 17:05]

690th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(9):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Thu 23 May 14:39post reply


If it wasn't for that one outstanding year in review from Chaz,this would be my favorite post ever.

Now I'm curious... Would you mind sharing a link/quote for those who have been living underground for the last 10 months (such as yours truly)?

Hagen de Merak
1077th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Fri 24 May 07:05:post reply

Life is so stupid without Onslaught. It was a dark day when he thought everyone was being serious when they wouldn't stop making fun of Marvel and American games. Come back, Onsy! Here is an offering to the gods to make this wish come true:

Onsy vs. Iggy (Was this a rematch?! I thought he won.)

Onsy vs. Tim

Onsy vs. signatures

Onsy learns Japanese

He was just tired of all the weeabos. His words not mine!

Edit: Where is the Onsy vs Weeabos thread? That one was pretty entertaining as well.

Edit 2: Whatever happened to Hazan, that boy still at football camp?

[this message was edited by Hagen de Merak on Fri 24 May 10:27]

red falcon
6151th Post

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PSN: Rugalbgood
XBL: RugalBGood
Wii: Doesitmatter?

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Fri 24 May 10:05:post reply


He was just tired of all the weeabos. His words not mine!

Edit: Where is the Onsy vs Weeabos thread? That one was pretty entertaining as well.

Well, I think it's one thing to be "tired of it", but acting out really didn't make it any better. This is going back to conversations from LONG ago, and I honestly might not even be remembering them correctly, but I was always under the impression he really resented the lack of popularity of American comics on this forum. Now, I enjoy Marvel (not so much DC, although their Silver Age stuff is a hoot... where else could Wonderwoman get killed by a nuclear bomb launched by a giant racist caricature talking egg or could Superman generate a midget version of himself, end up becoming jealous of it, and repeatedly try to murder it?) but really, 90's Marvel was awful. The minute the X-men stepped through the Siege Perilous the comic got awful for about 10 years. Due to pressure from friends I've gone back and given Marvel a chance again, and honestly they're pretty solid again. I've even gone back and definitely found enjoyment in their 90s library, but... for ironic reasons, mostly.

[this message was edited by red falcon on Fri 24 May 10:09]

Juke Joint Jezebel
3677th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Fri 24 May 10:17post reply


He was just tired of all the weeabos. His words not mine!

Edit: Where is the Onsy vs Weeabos thread? That one was pretty entertaining as well.

Well, I think it's one thing to be "tired of it", but acting out really didn't make it any better. This is going back to conversations from LONG ago, and I honestly might not even be remembering them correctly, but I was always under the impression he really resented the lack of popularity of American comics on this forum. Now, I enjoy Marvel (not so much DC, although their Silver Age stuff is a hoot... where else could Wonderwoman get killed by a nuclear bomb launched by a giant racist caricature talking egg or could Superman generate a midget version of himself, end up becoming jealous of it, and repeatedly try to murder it?) but really, 90's Marvel was awful. The minute the X-men stepped through the Siege Perilous the comic got awful for about 10 years. Due to pressure from friends I've gone back and given Marvel a chance again, and honestly they're pretty solid again. I've even gone back and definitely found enjoyment in their 90s library, but... for ironic reasons, mostly.

Hey Pollyanna, remember when I sniffed your hair at that convention? Me too.


red falcon
6152th Post

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PSN: Rugalbgood
XBL: RugalBGood
Wii: Doesitmatter?

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Fri 24 May 10:34post reply


Edit 2: Whatever happened to Hazan, that boy still at football camp?

That one will ALWAYS be a mystery. He want to football camp... and never returned.

Maybe the football camp he went to turned out to be like Sleepaway Camp or something.

2469th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):The bring back MESSATSU thread" , posted Fri 24 May 11:20post reply


Edit 2: Whatever happened to Hazan, that boy still at football camp?
Tsk tsk Rugal, you forgot the biggest event of 2008! No, I don't mean the Beijing Olympics or the American election, I mean Hazzan's return from football camp!


9524th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):The bring back MESSATSU thread" , posted Fri 24 May 21:53post reply


Edit 2: Whatever happened to Hazan, that boy still at football camp?

The good news is that he's now a professional player and earns shittons of money.
The bad news is that his pimple problem got worse.

1055th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):The bring back MESSATSU thread" , posted Sat 25 May 02:55post reply


Edit 2: Whatever happened to Hazan, that boy still at football camp? Tsk tsk Rugal, you forgot the biggest event of 2008! No, I don't mean the Beijing Olympics or the American election, I mean Hazzan's return from football camp!

I liked this thread, there's so many old names returned.

2440th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):The bring back MESSATSU thread" , posted Sat 25 May 05:38post reply


Edit 2: Whatever happened to Hazan, that boy still at football camp?
The good news is that he's now a professional player and earns shittons of money.
The bad news is that his pimple problem got worse.

I don't even know if Iggy is making this up.

2441th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Sat 25 May 05:41post reply


Hey Pollyanna, remember when I sniffed your hair at that convention? Me too.


Whoa, JJJ!
This cafe is getting full!
We should take bets on who shows up next!

1109th Post

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PSN: Lord-Hayato
XBL: n/a
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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(5):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Sat 25 May 07:03post reply


Hey Pollyanna, remember when I sniffed your hair at that convention? Me too.


Whoa, JJJ!
This cafe is getting full!
We should take bets on who shows up next!

Yeah, someone should make a chart of illustrious missing members, just so residents can keep track of them and place their bets!!

Aw man, the Cafe feels more and more like a family reunion these days. The gang was so close back then...

2470th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Sat 25 May 14:45post reply



Now that JJJ has performed the sacred incantation, ONSY's revival is nearly at hand. If we can just assemble all 108 of the elite Gensou Suikoden party Cafe membership, Onsy will surely reappear with Undead Fred and friends at his side and prosperity will reign forever. Unfortunatley, if the incantation fails or if Iggy gets 10,000 posts first, the board will probably explode and we will be sealed away with Shingo and Recap at Gamefaqs forever.


3756th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(5):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Sun 26 May 12:39:post reply

Whoaa so many people returning! For some reason I suddenly recalled all the pig art that used to be spammed here, oh the weird fond memories of having to delete them.

Remember, if you're having technical issues coming back on the BBS, give me a hollar.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 26 May 13:21]

4610th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Mon 27 May 00:54post reply


He was just tired of all the weeabos. His words not mine!

Edit: Where is the Onsy vs Weeabos thread? That one was pretty entertaining as well.

Well, I think it's one thing to be "tired of it", but acting out really didn't make it any better. This is going back to conversations from LONG ago, and I honestly might not even be remembering them correctly, but I was always under the impression he really resented the lack of popularity of American comics on this forum. Now, I enjoy Marvel (not so much DC, although their Silver Age stuff is a hoot... where else could Wonderwoman get killed by a nuclear bomb launched by a giant racist caricature talking egg or could Superman generate a midget version of himself, end up becoming jealous of it, and repeatedly try to murder it?) but really, 90's Marvel was awful. The minute the X-men stepped through the Siege Perilous the comic got awful for about 10 years. Due to pressure from friends I've gone back and given Marvel a chance again, and honestly they're pretty solid again. I've even gone back and definitely found enjoyment in their 90s library, but... for ironic reasons, mostly.

While I appreciate the passion people feel for something they enjoy I never understood the urge to get argumentative and personal about these issues. Life is short enough as it is, why spend it yelling at people on the internet because they don't agree with your tastes in comics or video games? Honestly, if the worst problem you have during the day is that you come across someone who prefers SF to KoF or that they dislike Kratos or some other cartoon character you are doing pretty well.

1133th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Mon 27 May 04:39post reply

Now that JJJ has performed the sacred incantation, ONSY's revival is nearly at hand. If we can just assemble all 108 of the elite Gensou Suikoden party Cafe membership, Onsy will surely reappear with Undead Fred and friends at his side and prosperity will reign forever. Unfortunatley, if the incantation fails or if Iggy gets 10,000 posts first, the board will probably explode and we will be sealed away with Shingo and Recap at Gamefaqs forever.

This sounds remarkably similar to the plot of King of MMCafe 2013. But I could be wrong!

While I appreciate the passion people feel for something they enjoy I never understood the urge to get argumentative and personal about these issues. Life is short enough as it is, why spend it yelling at people on the internet because they don't agree with your tastes in comics or video games?

As a relative newcomer, it's pretty hilarious to me to see how angry-seeming some of the Cafe denizens from ages ago tended to be. I'm so used to it being the mild sort of place that your post (and you, for that matter) really embodies, Ishmael. I was especially amused at how so many of the other Cafe'ers who are still around have changed quite a bit, but that you still have the very same avatar you had back then, and sound pretty much exactly the same.

1057th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(5):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Mon 27 May 06:22post reply


As a relative newcomer, it's pretty hilarious to me to see how angry-seeming some of the Cafe denizens from ages ago tended to be. I'm so used to it being the mild sort of place that your post (and you, for that matter) really embodies, Ishmael. I was especially amused at how so many of the other Cafe'ers who are still around have changed quite a bit, but that you still have the very same avatar you had back then, and sound pretty much exactly the same.

Well something's never change. Though my perspective of Ishamel as a Turkish Guy (because of the name İsmail) is changed.

4612th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Wed 29 May 00:55post reply

Well something's never change. Though my perspective of Ishamel as a Turkish Guy (because of the name İsmail) is changed.

We're all Turkish in our hearts.

5780th Post

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PSN: Toxic-Baron
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Wed 29 May 04:56post reply

We're all Turkish in our hearts.

We are also all oiled up.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

1058th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(8):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Wed 29 May 18:25post reply

We're all Turkish in our hearts.

We are also all oiled up.

Well that remind me my Yoğurt obsessed posts. *in Hakan's voice* "I looooove my Yoğurts!"

1111th Post

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PSN: Lord-Hayato
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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(8):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Wed 29 May 18:32post reply

We're all Turkish in our hearts.

We are also all oiled up.


1th Post

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New Customer

"Mmmhh..." , posted Thu 30 May 12:02:post reply

It was a dark day when he thought everyone was being serious when they wouldn't stop making fun of Marvel and American games.

Eh, I don't remember why I left in the first place, but looking back at these old threads makes me wonder why I acted like that, had to be the inmaturity that comes with being young and naive...
In any case, I don't think I can offer anything of value to this board, I don't have the desire to get into internet arguing anymore and I don't have the time to play games (I have like 20 unopened games, and the one I'm playing right now is DMC 4).
Thanks for remembering me though.

[this message was edited by ONSY on Thu 30 May 12:07]

692th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):Mmmhh..." , posted Thu 30 May 14:10post reply

It was a dark day when he thought everyone was being serious when they wouldn't stop making fun of Marvel and American games.

Eh, I don't remember why I left in the first place, but looking back at these old threads makes me wonder why I acted like that, had to be the inmaturity that comes with being young and naive...
In any case, I don't think I can offer anything of value to this board, I don't have the desire to get into internet arguing anymore and I don't have the time to play games (I have like 20 unopened games, and the one I'm playing right now is DMC 4).
Thanks for remembering me though.

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      キタ━━━ /              \━━━━ !!!!
           /                \
       + /                     \
        /                        \+


1870th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"It's a small internet after all..." , posted Thu 30 May 16:42post reply

I am naturally a cynical and wary person, but I truly believe in my heart that Onsy came back to us in the form of a totally kawaii kitten sitting in front of a fried egg.

What an amazing place. Cheers, my friend.

/ / /

2477th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):It's a small internet after all..." , posted Thu 30 May 17:07:post reply


Ha, I knew all those virgins I sacrificed were for a good cause! Or maybe it worked more like the prayer scene from Final Fantasy IV.

Good to see you! Don't worry, some of us haven't bought a console for a generation, so you will fit in just fine. Besides, even back then, you once uttered that your days as a 'net warrior were done, and things were still plenty fun.


[this message was edited by Maou on Thu 30 May 17:16]

3756th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):Mmmhh..." , posted Thu 30 May 17:36post reply

That reminded me that I've still got unopened games since 2004.

It's good to have you back Onslaught! It's definitely great to see you alive and kicking... though you look quite furry than I last remembered.

9533th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Mmmhh..." , posted Thu 30 May 20:04post reply

キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━(∀゚ )━(゚  )━(  )━(  ゚)━( ゚∀)━(゚∀゚)━━━!!!!
It's so good to hear from you! And you picked a cat that looks just as nefarious as I remember you!
I hope you're doing fine, and that everything is alrighty and all. And even if you don't feel like posting around here, just know there's a place on that wide internet wasteland where you're welcome anytime. Celebration, Venezuelan rum and good cheese!

I also apologize to Maou for not believing his witchcraft skills.

4613th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
XBL: n/a
Wii: n/a

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Mmmhh..." , posted Fri 31 May 00:42post reply

What do you know, the prodigal son returns if just to let us know he's doing well. Come over here and give us a hug!

1114th Post

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PSN: Lord-Hayato
XBL: n/a
Wii: n/a

Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):Mmmhh..." , posted Fri 31 May 03:10:post reply

What do you know, the prodigal son returns if just to let us know he's doing well. Come over here and give us a hug!

Hey, I want to hug Onsy too!! In this mythical Cafe of extraordinary gentlemen, this is how we greet each other.

Edit: Misterious hug not forbidden anymore...

[this message was edited by HAYATO on Sun 2 Jun 16:52]

1059th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(5):Mmmhh..." , posted Fri 31 May 09:24post reply

What do you know, the prodigal son returns if just to let us know he's doing well. Come over here and give us a hug!

Hey, I want to hug Onsy too!! In this mythical Cafe of extraordinary gentlemen, this is how we greet each other.

It iss 403 Forbidden for me. Wow Onsy is back. Who shall we summon next?

3465th Post

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PSN: Lilly_Dopamine
XBL: n/a
Wii: n/a

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Mmmhh..." , posted Sun 2 Jun 06:31post reply

Congratulations to Onsy for reaching the level of success where you can buy tons of games, but don't have time to play them. I mean that sincerely.

Also, not playing games is certainly not a disqualifier for this place. Sometimes I feel out of place for buying so many games that no one else touches.


Hey, I want to hug Onsy too!! In this mythical Cafe of extraordinary gentlemen, this is how we greet each other.

The fact that this is FORBIDDEN makes it extra wonderful.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

2448th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Mmmhh..." , posted Sun 2 Jun 23:26post reply

Congratulations to Onsy for reaching the level of success where you can buy tons of games, but don't have time to play them. I mean that sincerely.

If you do most of your gaming on PC and just buy games on digital sales, you will easily have more games than you can ever play without spending tons of cash!

I've basically been relegated to this since I haven't been able to be in any place long enough to have a television or a console.