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kofoguz 1048th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(2):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Sun 19 May 00:21    
quote: Speaking of was and when, I saw many familiar names back there. Onsy was something, though.
Well I feel old, too. And I think when I first start to read/post in MMcafe I was like 18 and foolish and childish. Iggy was my favourite asshole, still is. (""Yay, emails" emails still stand in my inbox to my embrassement. LOL, it was too much TMI and foolish subjects)I remember I liked Onsy's way of being asshole. I remember I argued with him for something, but here who didnt? I also was like fake stalker to Polly in cafe, because I tend to agree/like/enlightened by his/her posts. But who here doesnt. Polly marry me.  
Joke aside, in neo-gaf forums some people shocked that MMcafe is still going on. I wonder if theyre the old spirits once been in Café?
red falcon 6151th Post

PSN: Rugalbgood XBL: RugalBGood Wii: Doesitmatter?
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Fri 24 May 10:05:    
He was just tired of all the weeabos. His words not mine!
Edit: Where is the Onsy vs Weeabos thread? That one was pretty entertaining as well.
Well, I think it's one thing to be "tired of it", but acting out really didn't make it any better. This is going back to conversations from LONG ago, and I honestly might not even be remembering them correctly, but I was always under the impression he really resented the lack of popularity of American comics on this forum. Now, I enjoy Marvel (not so much DC, although their Silver Age stuff is a hoot... where else could Wonderwoman get killed by a nuclear bomb launched by a giant racist caricature talking egg or could Superman generate a midget version of himself, end up becoming jealous of it, and repeatedly try to murder it?) but really, 90's Marvel was awful. The minute the X-men stepped through the Siege Perilous the comic got awful for about 10 years. Due to pressure from friends I've gone back and given Marvel a chance again, and honestly they're pretty solid again. I've even gone back and definitely found enjoyment in their 90s library, but... for ironic reasons, mostly.
[this message was edited by red falcon on Fri 24 May 10:09] |
Juke Joint Jezebel 3677th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Fri 24 May 10:17    
He was just tired of all the weeabos. His words not mine!
Edit: Where is the Onsy vs Weeabos thread? That one was pretty entertaining as well.
Well, I think it's one thing to be "tired of it", but acting out really didn't make it any better. This is going back to conversations from LONG ago, and I honestly might not even be remembering them correctly, but I was always under the impression he really resented the lack of popularity of American comics on this forum. Now, I enjoy Marvel (not so much DC, although their Silver Age stuff is a hoot... where else could Wonderwoman get killed by a nuclear bomb launched by a giant racist caricature talking egg or could Superman generate a midget version of himself, end up becoming jealous of it, and repeatedly try to murder it?) but really, 90's Marvel was awful. The minute the X-men stepped through the Siege Perilous the comic got awful for about 10 years. Due to pressure from friends I've gone back and given Marvel a chance again, and honestly they're pretty solid again. I've even gone back and definitely found enjoyment in their 90s library, but... for ironic reasons, mostly.
Hey Pollyanna, remember when I sniffed your hair at that convention? Me too.
Ishmael 4610th Post

PSN: Ishmael26b XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Mon 27 May 00:54    
He was just tired of all the weeabos. His words not mine!
Edit: Where is the Onsy vs Weeabos thread? That one was pretty entertaining as well.
Well, I think it's one thing to be "tired of it", but acting out really didn't make it any better. This is going back to conversations from LONG ago, and I honestly might not even be remembering them correctly, but I was always under the impression he really resented the lack of popularity of American comics on this forum. Now, I enjoy Marvel (not so much DC, although their Silver Age stuff is a hoot... where else could Wonderwoman get killed by a nuclear bomb launched by a giant racist caricature talking egg or could Superman generate a midget version of himself, end up becoming jealous of it, and repeatedly try to murder it?) but really, 90's Marvel was awful. The minute the X-men stepped through the Siege Perilous the comic got awful for about 10 years. Due to pressure from friends I've gone back and given Marvel a chance again, and honestly they're pretty solid again. I've even gone back and definitely found enjoyment in their 90s library, but... for ironic reasons, mostly.
While I appreciate the passion people feel for something they enjoy I never understood the urge to get argumentative and personal about these issues. Life is short enough as it is, why spend it yelling at people on the internet because they don't agree with your tastes in comics or video games? Honestly, if the worst problem you have during the day is that you come across someone who prefers SF to KoF or that they dislike Kratos or some other cartoon character you are doing pretty well.
karasu99 1133th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(4):The bring back ONSY thread" , posted Mon 27 May 04:39    
quote: Now that JJJ has performed the sacred incantation, ONSY's revival is nearly at hand. If we can just assemble all 108 of the elite Gensou Suikoden party Cafe membership, Onsy will surely reappear with Undead Fred and friends at his side and prosperity will reign forever. Unfortunatley, if the incantation fails or if Iggy gets 10,000 posts first, the board will probably explode and we will be sealed away with Shingo and Recap at Gamefaqs forever.
This sounds remarkably similar to the plot of King of MMCafe 2013. But I could be wrong!
While I appreciate the passion people feel for something they enjoy I never understood the urge to get argumentative and personal about these issues. Life is short enough as it is, why spend it yelling at people on the internet because they don't agree with your tastes in comics or video games?
As a relative newcomer, it's pretty hilarious to me to see how angry-seeming some of the Cafe denizens from ages ago tended to be. I'm so used to it being the mild sort of place that your post (and you, for that matter) really embodies, Ishmael. I was especially amused at how so many of the other Cafe'ers who are still around have changed quite a bit, but that you still have the very same avatar you had back then, and sound pretty much exactly the same.
maese 692th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(1):Mmmhh..." , posted Thu 30 May 14:10    
quote: It was a dark day when he thought everyone was being serious when they wouldn't stop making fun of Marvel and American games. Eh, I don't remember why I left in the first place, but looking back at these old threads makes me wonder why I acted like that, had to be the inmaturity that comes with being young and naive... In any case, I don't think I can offer anything of value to this board, I don't have the desire to get into internet arguing anymore and I don't have the time to play games (I have like 20 unopened games, and the one I'm playing right now is DMC 4). Thanks for remembering me though.
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