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Street Fighter V sells 1.4 million

Posted May 9 2016 at 21:58 (Mon)

Capcom's Street Fighter V has been selling much better than anticipated by fans but still half a million units short of its initial sales goal, according to a silent update made in the company's web site.

The company updated its Platinum titles list, placing Street Fighter V at 1.4 million units. The figure goes par with the PS3/X360 re-release of the classic brawler Marvel vs Capcom 2.

Capcom initially targeted 2 million sales worldwide for its financial quarter ending March 2016.

Capcom's Initial Sales goal (IR sheet, Q4FY2015)

Financial Review as of May 9 2016

In the Digital Contents business, the latest title in the featured series, "Monster Hunter X (Cross)" (for the Nintendo 3DS system), was a major hit, with sales of more than 3 million units, surpassing the initially-planned 2.5 million units, which contributed significantly to both sales and profits. Additionally, "Resident Evil 0 (HD Remastered)" (for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC) steadily increased unit sales, while "Street Fighter V" (for PlayStation 4 and PC) remained a perennial favorite and maintained steady sales mainly overseas.

Thanks to Chazumaru for the news.

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