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KOF14 New Character Sylvie tied to Nests saga

Posted Mar 18 2016 at 18:46 (Fri)

[Update] More details & images are now available at Sony's PS pages.

One of the long-time traditions with the KOF series has been its emphasis on sci-fi storylines. And with KOF14, the game will seemingly have shoutouts to previous chapters in the series.

If the oddball parody of Kyary Pamyu Pamyu with electric shocks zapped your KOF senses, you'll probably be interested to hear that the character--Sylvie, has ties to the Nests chapter according to her brief profile posted by news site

Previous potential leaks have also hinted that there might be shoutouts to the antagonists from the Ash saga as well. also has some high-res screenshots, so check them out if you're interested.


A remaining survivor from the Nests cartel who can control electromagnetic power at will.

NESTS treated Sylvie as completely useless member since she couldn't bring out her potential back when the cartel was around, but she later woke up to her power after the organization had demolished and started making use of it in the underground fighting scene.

From there, she was scouted by the tournament organizer of the KOF tournament.

Thanks to MickyKusanagi for the PS page news.

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