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karasu 1530th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(2):Dave & Buster's" , posted Fri 24 Jul 06:07    
quote: In the small time I've spent at Dave & Buster's it struck me as a grown-up version of something like Chuck E. Cheese except without the Five Nights at Freddy's animatronic band or an adult sized ball pit. Without a ball pit what's the point? I do, however, like that they pump in their own air. Considering some of the scents that have been known to waft around arcades that's money well spent.
I'll share a potentially embarrassing story with the rest of the Cafe: Way back in 1999, I was taken to a Dave & Buster's for my bachelor party, since video games were then and are now the kind of thing that my friends thought I'd enjoy most . So it's interesting to hear that they still exist (years later now, I'm not even sure there is one anywhere near where I now live). My impression, maybe due to that, is that they are meant to provide a sort of older person's equivalent to Check E. Cheese, hence the lack of animatronics and ball pits. Thanks Chaz for the details and the link!
Incidentally, pinball still has quite the presence (at least in the circles I move in), just not from an arcade perspective-- the industry has moved more toward catering to collectors, with new machines being made in such tiny numbers and at such high prices that they would never work in arcades or bars or whatever. Or at least that's been my experience!
You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.
Loona 899th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(2):Castlevania: EROTIC VIOLENCE" , posted Thu 30 Jul 17:48    
Somebody who I don't think of as a games enthusiast pointed me to this on Facebook. Interesting!
I wonder if Sega or other companies ever considered studying TecToy's business tactics - the history might not be applicable in other countries, but in the very least studying their marketing tactics could bear some fruit.
Then again, when more recent import taxes and console prices make everything else seem about as expensive as a NeoGeo, I guess their work is made a bit easier. A friend of mine whose wife is Brazillian is a huge Nintendo fan, but they're living in Brazil now, so last Christmas when he returned to Portugal he bought as much Nintendo stuff as he could, since doing it there wasn't really a sound economic decision.
For what it's worth, during the Sega/Nintendo rivalry days in Portugal Sega seemed to do better - from what I read, the fact that Nintendo's stuff was distributed by a toy company that saw it as a small part of their wider business didn't really help - they seem to be in much better shape nowadays, now that Nintendo themselves took control of the distribution and marketing of their products.
neo0r0chiaku 69th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: IAMDC1 Wii: n/a
Occasional Customer
| "Re(3):Castlevania: EROTIC VIOLENCE" , posted Thu 30 Jul 21:37:    
quote: Konamivania, lords of pachinko. Oh man, Konami didn't even have the good form to go bankrupt before pulling a Telnet and letting its proud series be used by a third-rate studio. I guess they did make that Dracula Judgment "fighting" "game" at some point, come to think of it. More power to Igavania, I guess.
Karasu: I'd heard about the Master System's bizarre staying power in Brazil, and now it makes more sense why! Actually, Americans already sort of live in an alternate world where, if not winning, Sega at least pulled a highly respectable second to Nintendo rather than being a distant and unknown third to both Nintendo and NEC. I have never met a living human being who had a Mega Drive in Japan who did not work in a video game store.
Great Article! Interesting how I did not come across this during my stay in Brazil. I was down south where the economy is a bit more stable and expensive then the north. I would assume the sales were more higher and popular in northern Brazil. With Nintendo vs Sega theme in mind, check this video out for those who do not follow the somewhat popular Game Theorist channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUkmL8z6I2w
Long Live!
[this message was edited by neo0r0chiaku on Thu 30 Jul 21:39] |
karasu 1534th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(3):Castlevania: EROTIC VIOLENCE" , posted Fri 31 Jul 02:57    
quote: Karasu: I'd heard about the Master System's bizarre staying power in Brazil, and now it makes more sense why! Actually, Americans already sort of live in an alternate world where, if not winning, Sega at least pulled a highly respectable second to Nintendo rather than being a distant and unknown third to both Nintendo and NEC. I have never met a living human being who had a Mega Drive in Japan who did not work in a video game store.
I never would have guessed that, especially given how top-notch so many Japanese-made games for the Mega Drive are. But then I suppose there are just as many or more that were just crappy knock-offs of PC Engine games. Personally, I never really loved the Genesis, although I've known some quite crazy-seeming evangelists of it over the years. My real love of that generation was the pale, sickly American shadow of the PC Engine, the Turbographx 16, followed closely by the SNES.
To return briefly to the subject of that I Am Error book, I've just reached its well written section on the first ドラゴンクエスト, which makes me want to chase down a copy to try and play sometime soon, especially seeing as how much work has apparently been done to break down and quantify its algorithms. Also-- Chaz, thanks for your recommendation of the Untold History of Japanese Game Developers. It looks great and I've ordered my copy.
You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.
Baines 440th Post
Gold Customer
| "Re(3):Ash" , posted Tue 4 Aug 21:14    
quote: I think that this is the main reason why the kickstarter fell short. They should stop announcing new games, kickstarting them and then change plan, announce partnerships with some distributors, then announcing other things (animes, mangas, every marketing things they can think of) before releasing all the other things they promised that people are (were?) still waiting for. There are rumors that Mighty no. 9 will be pushed back to 2016!
Red Ash was going to fall short anyway. Before the Fuze announcement, and before the rumors of Mighty No 9 being pushed to 2016. What the Fuze announcement did was cause more people to *cancel* their existing Kickstarter pledges to Red Ash.
Inafune has done some fairly major damage to his reputation in regards to Kickstarter. Unfortunately, that seems to be what Kickstarter is turning into, a way for famous former AAA developers and current studio heads to show that they have absolutely zero ability to manage themselves. We've seen everything from willful wild-eyed innocence (where people who should know better by now seemingly refuse to change) to outright willfully committed fraud.
Sadly, I'm not even horribly upset by how big money publishers are starting to move into Kickstarter, either to pick up existing projects or even to "judge interest" in their own projects. At least those publishers might be able to force some accountability from the developers, because community crowd-funding lacks that ability and too many developers won't/can't hold themselves accountable.
karasu 1547th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(2):Plenty of cool links" , posted Thu 13 Aug 01:18    
quote: Ishmael X Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Every now and then the Cafe tempts me toward Monster Hunter and I find myself having to talk myself down from the metaphorical ledge of "buying the latest game in the series because this time it will be different". Each and every time this has happened, I've found myself with a brand new game in hand, my wallet around $40 lighter, and a feeling of dread and shame that I can't manage to like this series no matter how hard I try, despite the feelings of the Cafe, major videogame news and reviewing sites, and something like 90% of the population of Japan to the contrary. I'm still not exactly sure what it is that inevitably turns me off about Monster Hunter, but it's worked like a charm for like a decade or so.
Chaz, thanks for the links, especially the extremely charming one for the X1. I've been reading the Untold History of Japanese Game Developers (thanks also for that suggestion) and I'm finding it inevitable that I'll end up falling down the rabbit hole of Japanese computer games of the 80's and 90's in emulation.
You have to carefully reproduce the world of "Castlevania" in the solemn atmosphere.
badoor 435th Post
PSN: BadoorSNK(forPSVITA:BadoorUSA) XBL: BadoorSNK(ForWiiU/Steam:BadoorSNK) Wii: 3DS:4253-3532-0341
Gold Customer
| "New Gyakuten Saiban/Ace Attorney" , posted Fri 4 Sep 03:37    
TGS Site
Also confirmed for localization
While more Ace Attorney is always a good thing, I'm feeling very disappointed seeing that Capcom are apparently not planing to localize Dai Gyakuten Saiban, even if it is a Shu Takumi game (which in my eye makes it a more legit sequel than any other entry past the 3rd game). I assume they're skipping it because it'll be hard to pretend burgers exist in pre-WW2 Japan. Or that apparently western fans only care about an Ace Attorney game if it stars Phoenix Wright.
But even just looking at the game itself, I'm still not feeling it. The fifth game at least had that "return to form" appeal to it, kinda like Rocky 6. It was fun seeing Dad Pheonix in a 3 piece suit, or Edgeworth sporting glasses because how hot is that amirite. This new game seems like it's churned out (and not because it was announced with Dai Gyakuten not even completing 2 months since release).
I don't know. I guess I should be glad that in between bigger franchises like Monster Hunter, Street Fighter, and Resident Evil, Capcom still sees reason to put out more Ace Attorneys. And as I said, that's a good thing
http://100daysofmegashock.wordpress.com/ http://badoorsnk.wordpress.com/
Gojira 3126th Post

PSN: Gojira_X XBL: Gojiraaa Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):New Gyakuten Saiban/Ace Attorney" , posted Fri 4 Sep 07:54    
quote: TGS Site
Also confirmed for localization
While more Ace Attorney is always a good thing, I'm feeling very disappointed seeing that Capcom are apparently not planing to localize Dai Gyakuten Saiban, even if it is a Shu Takumi game (which in my eye makes it a more legit sequel than any other entry past the 3rd game). I assume they're skipping it because it'll be hard to pretend burgers exist in pre-WW2 Japan. Or that apparently western fans only care about an Ace Attorney game if it stars Phoenix Wright.
But even just looking at the game itself, I'm still not feeling it. The fifth game at least had that "return to form" appeal to it, kinda like Rocky 6. It was fun seeing Dad Pheonix in a 3 piece suit, or Edgeworth sporting glasses because how hot is that amirite. This new game seems like it's churned out (and not because it was announced with Dai Gyakuten not even completing 2 months since release).
I don't know. I guess I should be glad that in between bigger franchises like Monster Hunter, Street Fighter, and Resident Evil, Capcom still sees reason to put out more Ace Attorneys. And as I said, that's a good thing
As much as I like Takumi, I have gained some faith in Yamazaki since playing the fan translation of Gyakuten Kenji 2. So right now I'm kind of in the boat that any Ace Attorney we can get is probably good.
Also I'm actually not sure if this means Capcom is skipping Daigyakuten for localization or not. I haven't seen them outright deny the possibility, so maybe it's just taking them a while to figure out how they want to approach it and they want something to distract the fans' attention in the meantime. That's kind of how it went with Dual Destinies and Layton vs. AA.
badoor 437th Post
PSN: BadoorSNK(forPSVITA:BadoorUSA) XBL: BadoorSNK(ForWiiU/Steam:BadoorSNK) Wii: 3DS:4253-3532-0341
Gold Customer
| "Re(2):New Gyakuten Saiban/Ace Attorney" , posted Fri 4 Sep 13:51:    
quote: As much as I like Takumi, I have gained some faith in Yamazaki since playing the fan translation of Gyakuten Kenji 2. So right now I'm kind of in the boat that any Ace Attorney
I heard very good things about Kenji 2. And I really need to play the fan-translation. But I mean that shows you that Capcom can be selective in their localization choices, preferring more "marketable/western-friendly" games, and skipping otherwise (see also EX Troopers being skipped over because who would want that when we have the amazing Lost Planet 3, right?)
quote: Also I'm actually not sure if this means Capcom is skipping Daigyakuten for localization or not. I haven't seen them outright deny the possibility, so maybe it's just taking them a while to figure out how they want to approach it and they want something to distract the fans' attention in the meantime. That's kind of how it went with Dual Destinies and Layton vs. AA.
Yes, Layton vs Phoenix Wright did come out in the west after Ace Attorney 5 despite being released in Japan in 2012. However, that was a Nintendo/Level-5 published game. And Capcom doesn't have much control in dictating that game's western release (I mean, it was out in Europe months before it got released in North America, that is totally a Nintendo Of America way of managing niche titles).
There is hope though. Etrian Odyssey Untold 2 was localized after Etrian Mystery Dungeoun, despite being in reverse order from their Japanese release. I imagine localizing Untold 2 was a more tasking process since the Untold remake sub-series adds in a lot more story than your average Etrian game. So in a sense maybe the same is the case with Dai Gyakuten since that's more period related and it would be a harder task to have to start all over establishing everything in another language. I mean with Ace Attorney 6 you already have so much established, like character names and whatnot.
quote: What worries me the most about this announcement is whether it will have an impact on Dai GS2. On one hand, we need it. On the other, it's difficult to have alternating storylines within a franchise like that. On the other other hand, there isn't room on the market for 2 Gyakuten games per year. Of all the franchises, I didn't expect GS to be the one following the L5 business model... It feels like they decided to milk it dry like they did with Bio Hazard. On the fourth hand, what's up with GS6 going to Ghibli Tibet. I guess it the answer they found to how making the game easy to localize without impacting the original version?
I'm very confused. And running out of hands.
It is very weird that GS is now a series that has multiple in-house teams working on seperate entries simultaneously. And they're both full original entries. It makes me wonder if Capcom has dedicated all this to GS then why not make another linked "trilogy" with linked cases across all games.
Also, we did get Kenji 2, a sequel to a sub-series on GS. I suppose it's in Takumi's hand whether he want a sequel to Dai GS or not.
http://100daysofmegashock.wordpress.com/ http://badoorsnk.wordpress.com/
[this message was edited by badoor on Fri 4 Sep 14:08] |
Maou 2888th Post

PSN: zonepharaoh XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Happy 30th, (Super) Mario!" , posted Mon 14 Sep 01:05    
All kinds of anniversary events for Mario this year, Mario Maker included, but September 13th is Super Mario's true birthday! There was a joyous musical event of Mario music, complete with Miyamoto Shigeru, Tezuka "Ten Ten" Takashi, and Kondou Kouji. Better picture in the Japanese article.
Super Mario Brothers isn't my all-time favorite game or even my favorite Mario game (3), but it's without a doubt the most personally important game. Everyone talked about Mario in school, but at the start, only my father's colleague had a Famicom, so we went over to play. What's a World? How long is the game? What comes next? Such excitement...I was hooked on video games.
Here's to the modern-day toymakers and the sense of wonder and fun that they shared!
Maou 2898th Post

PSN: zonepharaoh XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Lunar Eternal Blue on Japan PSN" , posted Fri 18 Sep 04:37:    
quote: Probably this was discussed here before, but if possible can you explain what are the differences between the various versions, why Mega CD is better than the others?
UH OH, you have unleashed my inner crazy (like, Iggy-talks-about-SaGa levels of crazy), and there is no turning back now.
Short answer: MCD Lunar 1 and SS/PS Lunar 1 are such vastly different games that small differences between them do not matter. SS/PS Lunar 1 has been modernized in many good ways to reflect the progress that MCD Lunar 2 made on the original. People have their preferences, but they essentially have twice as many experiences to enjoy now. By contrast, SS/PS Lunar 2 hews very closely to MCD Lunar 2, improving some things but degrading others, and it's vastly more noticeable as a result. Playing this on PSN is approximately like playing the severely compromised GBA or iOS versions of Final Fantasy VI. It's objectively worse, but still better than most of the competition and great on its own merits.
Long crazy answer: SS/PS Lunar 2 is made in the same mold as SS/PS Lunar 1, simplifying the series' famously elaborate and beautiful dungeon mazes in favor of shorter designs that are also architecturally inferior. Here is the same scene from Zophar's Castle: MCD. SS/PS. MCD (not even in remake).
The animation is the most vexing aspect. Whereas SS/PS Lunar 1's new animation is gorgeous and perfectly on-model with Kubooka's designs, Gonzo somehow dropped the ball to the point that SS/PS Lunar 2's animations, while naturaly more fluid than MCD, are off-model and uglier than both SS/PS Lunar 1 and MCD Lunar 2! Compare an identical scene from MCD and SS/PS. Or look at the smooth lines on the MCD and compare with the weird, blocky faces on SS/PS.
The soundtrack is among the best in the industry, but the PS version's midi instrumentation is vastly inferior to the SS and MCD versions--listen to the difference in violins: MCD. PS.
There are a few other missing bits and a few additions, some bizarrely unfortunate redesigns of the magnificent final boss, enemy spells inexplicably no longer have names like SS/PS Lunar 1 and MCD Lunar 2, and there's fewer animations for some weird reason. In other words, whereas SS/PS Lunar 1 is a bold and majestic remake of the original, SS/PS Lunar 2 is a by-the-books remake with noticeably lower production values and few changes for the better.
...and yet it's still better than the vast majority of RPG's and retains the moving story, divine soundtrack, and fun strategic battles of the original. Play MCD if you have it, but otherwise, a PSN release that retains 90% of the quality of the original is still more than worth your time.
[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 18 Sep 05:21] |
Iggy 10009th Post

Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master
| "Re(3):Any joy for Transformers Devastation?" , posted Thu 8 Oct 04:57    
quote: I think I haven't played a HOMM since.. HOMM3? Have you been keeping up with the series at all, and if you have, how has the direction of the series been for you?
The problem with HOMM is that the formula was perfected by HOMM2, and it's not an easy formula to change. 4 tried and failed miserably, and 6 tried to simplify it and failed as well because it's a game that's too simple to be simplified further without losing its appeal.
All in all, 3, 5 and 7 are good games (7 is a bit rushed and I would advise to wait for a couple more patches, or even the first expansion) but they are also very similar. The level-up system is different each time, the towns and creature roster changes every so often, and I would even go as far as saying that the each successive game is slightly better than the previous one. Slightly. But at heart, they are the same, and when the newness of 7 will have waned, I will look at them as the same game with different system requirements (and 7's are surprisingly beefy, unfortunately). HOMM is not like Civilization, were each new episode replace the previous one (except if you want simpler, less strategic games), or like Street Fighter where the last revision of 2, 3, Zero, 4 and 5 can all be played at a tournament because they are so different. Rather, it's like HOMM3 was Zero 2, HOMM5 was Zero2', and 7 was Zero2'+alpha. You may play exclusively one and refuse the others if you're dead serious about what you're doing, but if you just want to have fun for an hour or two, you just grab the one that's closest. It's a strange series. I like it, but it's strange.
nobinobita 1475th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(1):Any joy for Transformers Devastation?" , posted Thu 8 Oct 18:06:    
quote: I rarely pick up games on release nowadays, but was sitting around with nothing to do and a few bucks in my pocket. Loving the graphics and the fact that they brought back as much of the original cast as they could (even though some have aged much better than others). Gameplay is tight, nothing really surprising for Platinum, but I think the transformation mechanic is implemented better than previous games like War For Cybertron (which I still enjoyed). Camera sure is terrible, but I got the PC version so hopefully someone will mod it eventually.
Just got it last night. It's really good! Really captures the charm of the G1 characters and regardless of whether you are a nostalgic fan or not, the visuals are awesome! The cel shading is super sharp and conveys that awesome 80s reflective metal surface aesthetic really well. It looks just like the movie. I think I would have fainted if I saw this game as a kid.
The gameplay is nice too, as you'd expect of a Platinum title. The controls are super responsive and satisfying. Vehicle mode feels a lot like boosting around in Vanquish.
My favorite thing about the game is the animation, which in tandem with the responsive controls just FEELS GOOD. The characters are heavy and massive, but still agile. And they have that great ultra masculine posture that's a hallmark of good transformers art and statuesque boxy mecha in general.
This is a really specific, but important detail to me.
For example. Compare this Transformers art: Cover from a comic Promo image from the recent live action films with their budgets in the hundreds of millions and gross in the billions
To this: Masami Obari Transformers art (he is the master of this kind of posing) Revoltech Megatron Action Figure
The comic cover and the movie, their posture is so hunched and square and dorky looking. They look like they are constipated. Not heroic at all.
The Revoltech and the Obari art, they look like they are carved out of pure machismo. Their feet are planted firmly, hips thrust out, shoulders wide to conquer the world. Super heroic.
^The whole game feels like this. That's the best thing I can say about it.
Some reviewers have complained that it's too straightforward and uses "out of date gating mechacnics" ie you have to beat enemies in order to advance through the stage. But I contend that most other highly lauded action games, though they might have huge worlds to explore and tons of content, their action tends to be rather limp and bloodless. So I'd rather play 5 minutes of Transformers Devestation than 30 hours of <insert AAA title>.
[this message was edited by nobinobita on Thu 8 Oct 18:25] |
Spoon 3088th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Any joy for Transformers Devastation?" , posted Fri 9 Oct 00:43    
It's worth noting that the dive and shoot style of combat was effectively demonstrated by Optimus Prime back in 1986
I like to imagine that the battle inside Unicron, in which two entire armies giant robots could wage a battle inside an even more giant robot, with the survivors fleeing out of the giant robot's eyeball, must've been something Platinum could really identify with.
I don't remember the story around them, but I remember being really scared by the 3-faced robot in the movie that would rotate to present a different head to you. Today, that would seem like the most Bayonetta-esque robot design.
I agree with Nobi, the way in which they've captured the metal sheen style of the hand drawn cartoons is truly fantastic. I also love how the explosions feel really right: it's one thing that some of them seem to be straight up shaped like the star in the Platinum logo, but the two-colored explosions, the color choice and intensity of the bright area... I'm sure there are iconic explosions in the way that Macross has the iconic "circle-to-crescent" explosion, but I haven't got the time to dig up examples right now.
From people that actually like Bayonetta and such, I've heard that the level design in Devastation is still not good, and that they would've preferred even a perfectly linear set of arenas to some of the levels in the game. I haven't played it myself yet, though.
Loona 927th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(3):Project X Zone 2 14-minute preview" , posted Fri 9 Oct 07:27    
quote: Once more, with feeling! (And the right URL.) Note that Ingrid is now officially a SFZ3↑↑ character. Capcom Fighting Jam has never existed, nothing to see here, move along please.
PXZ2 looks great! And yes, CFJ is being forgotten here (but since Capcom isn't the company developing this game, I wouldn't be surprised if the PXZ2 developers honestly have no idea that CFJ exists).
The devs put so many references in these games it's pretty much impossible that they forgot CFJ - the thing is, PXZ is heavy on story, CFJ is a crossover game with none, so whatever story's Ingrid's getting is getting based on that version SFA3, where she did have one. I'm curious to see if they'll toss in nods to D.D. and Rook, oblique as those might be.
I'm particularly happy to see Axel and Mr.X from Bare Knuckle/Streets of Rage in it. Can we have Blaze as well, please?
Amen to that, although maybe in a following game. I already feel so pampered by what this one's covering I don't feel the right to ask for more until a sequel is announced.
Mosquiton 2074th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Like a Toxico 5" , posted Fri 9 Oct 09:39    
quote: As a Shenmue fan myself, I've always seen a very direct lineage between it and Ryu Ga Gotoku, but I sometimes feel as though I'm one of the only ones who feels this way.
Well, whether or not you're one of the only ones who feels that way, you're right. So take solace in that.
As a huge Shenmue partisan, I always regretted not playing any Ryuu Ga Gotoku games.
...ahem. I mean, "Oh, well you should as they are quite enjoyable."
I'm really happy that 5 got localized. For a while I was worried that it would share the same fate as its spirit-twin, Front Mission 5, and be a great game that was tragically never released outside Japan despite being (maybe/probably) the best game in the series.
/ / /
Toxico 5973th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):Like a Toxico 5" , posted Fri 9 Oct 17:44    
quote: death of a salesmaou I looled, and in Arthur Miller's voice. I, I feel such relief after coming out of the gaming closet. On the other hand, soon I may be able to skip the who Ryuu Ga Gotoku issue and play Shenmue 3!
Heh, in fact I'm sort of inclined to think it won't be that much of a Shenmue and will be more of a Yakuza, so you won't be able to properly complain unless you investigate it beforehand!
Speaking of "introductions to the saga", 1 & 2 have an HD remakes on ps3 and WiiU, and 1 is being completely remade for ps4 as "Kiwami" (which is looking great) (ps4 which you are only like 10 years away from buying, of course!).
Well, and even if with that you can't be arsed to try it (because you won't), at least go to youtube and watch the finishers or heat actions. Like nobi, I have an eternal problem of 3D games sense of violence as it is just too soft compared to how it's supposed to be in real life (both concept wise and how things are animated)...... But that's where the Yakuza games shine, they are the first 3d games where I felt "that's about right, if you beat someone up like that, they won't act smug 3 days later and will evade eye contact for the next 5 or 10 years".
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12
Mosquiton 2079th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(9):Like a Toxico 5" , posted Mon 12 Oct 05:12:    
quote: Maou, just know there is still time to turn your life around. A long time ago, I made this video to try and coerce people into playing Yakuza 4. Please watch it before deciding to throw your (gaming) life away. Ahahah this is amazing, worthy enough to temporarily revive the previous random thread. "What mysteries await me within?" This is a surprisingly literate criminal. The other English dialogue is extra hilarious in that it's a mix of profanity that's somehow landed in a bunch of squeaky-clean 1950's American TV dialogue. Maybe Sega should hire the people who did Wish Room/Hotel Dusk.
What a lamebrained move, what in the world!
Hah. But yeah. I actually have to say one more thing in praise of the series here, and I think I've said this before, but holy shit do I love this series' quick time events!
You are not hitting buttons because you are told. None of the actions are required.* You are initiating an action which, like other attacks, is dependent on distance and timing, and the resulting acts of brutal violence are born from your intent.
So delivering a donkey-kick to the balls followed by the bicycle kick to the head was exactly what I had in mind, not something that the game designers had choreographed ahead of time to happen at that particular moment. I could have just as easily smashed the guy's face with a bar stool... but where's the poetry in that?
Truly, RgG/Yakuza series is the last great series Sega has left (that they actually produce internally). Long may it run.
* - Well, none of the actions are required outside of the bossiest boss fights, where depicting the maximum amount of heat has been judged to require some cinematic scripting.
/ / /
[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Mon 12 Oct 06:14] |