PS4 announced.. I miss when Sony was Japanese - Forums

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"PS4 announced.. I miss when Sony was Japanese" , posted Fri 22 Feb 01:21post reply

I watched the PS4 reveal last night (still having burning eyes because I pratically never slept), anyone enjoyed that?
I think Sony going gaijin with the architecture and the Gaikai thing was a wise choice market-wise. It will bring more easily western developers to their shores and has considerable advantages in a industry centered around those companies and high-end performances technology. But then come the games; absolutely without any interesting point, feature, character design, background world (well, maybe Watch_Dogs is an exception), even Capcom and Square failed miserabily in presenting a new generation of Japanese games. These are the things I point out:

Console: very heavy on the social gaming aspects, a double edge sword that can be used to improve your gaming experience (see Miiverse) or create an absolute realm of chaos dominated by poor content (see facebook). I have a suspect that online gaming will still be free of charge but other things (like gaming cloud, streaming and game trials) will be only for + users.

Controller: slight variation fo the dualshock layout: not bad, not amazing. D-pad seems better but I don't know how to expect from the tracking camera element. I hope it does not takes secretly photos of me like Kinect does because it's a very dumb (and unpolite) thing.

Games: were shown about 10 games, while most of them seems impressing from a technical standpoint, there's nothing that can make me buy a PS4.
Knack: typical childish Sony mascot game, awful character design included. I always think that most of those games would have been significantly better with a Japanese art direction.
Killzone Shadow Fall: at first glance seems amazing, but it's the same scripted fps we've seen billion fo times. Boring as hell.
Driveclub: competitive racing game with cool cars you'll never afford to buy; includes virtual penis' measuring rod.
Infamous Second Son: new protagonist (asian guy) and new different setting (futuristic). May end up liking this.
The Witness: new game from the uber-overrated creator of Braid. Is a Myst clone with a colorful graphics.
Deep Down: a porno spoof spiritual sequel to Dragon's Dogma. It was a render that showed 3 guys in a cave hunting a dragon. Same old boring fantasy setting seen dozen times, maybe someone here could enjoy the final build but who knows how the real game is shaped. Presented by Ono himself.
Agni's Philosophi: same exact demo, but on a PS4 hardware, no game related. Also announced a new FF to be presented during E3. Presented by Hashimoto.
Watch_Dogs: real time gameplay, seems ok.
Diablo III: only logo shown, lol.
Destiny: new Bungie fps, only online.

If this is the future of gaming, I prefer sticking with the past (for now).


2388th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):PS4 announced.. I miss when Sony was Ja" , posted Fri 22 Feb 02:27post reply

I watched the PS4 reveal last night (still having burning eyes because I pratically never slept), anyone enjoyed that?
I think Sony going gaijin with the architecture

I know you hate everything West of asia, but seriously, what are you actually trying to say with this line? Maybe you mean a different word from "architecture". I don't know.

and the Gaikai thing was a wise choice market-wise. It will bring more easily western developers to their shores and has considerable advantages in a industry centered around those companies and high-end performances technology.

I don't even know what point you're trying to make here. Sony's consoles have always been marketed with an angle of technological superiority, no matter the degree of truthfulness in their angle.

But then come the games; absolutely without any interesting point, feature, character design, background world (well, maybe Watch_Dogs is an exception), even Capcom and Square failed miserabily in presenting a new generation of Japanese games.

This I agree with; pretty pictures aside, I really don't know what new experiences they are bringing us. Sony's "japanese-ness" or lack thereof wasn't the problem; the Japanese game developers shown were.

Squenix's demo at least could claim it ran in real time on that hardware. I was really impressed by their demo of Agni's Philosophy at SIGGRAPH last year, because they did a real-time display of that while modifying parameters of it. Knowing that it represents their technology going into the PS4 generation (as opposed to it being a demo running on some nvidia quad-SLI dreambox that nobody can afford) is inspiring, and frankly I'm disappointed that that ISN'T what they showed here.

Streaming of gameplay for full-fledged PS4 titles would be cool, especially if they can make good use of the whole "you can play it before it has finished downloading!" angle. That will probably be a fairly big engineering challenge for more open-world games, but for more linear games it will be a nice thing, no matter what country the game comes from.

The fact that it will use a similar hardware base to the next XBOX, and purportedly uses linux as a base may have extremely interesting consequences for what it can be used for and where else games made for it can be found (steambox?).

Aside: Frankly, I hope that Valve's promise of user-generated storefronts will prove to be the thing that finally eliminates the ridiculous and fragmented digital delivery systems for PC doujin games from Japan (they are universally terrible systems) and makes them accessible around the world with ease.

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"Re(1):PS4 announced.. I miss when Sony was Ja" , posted Fri 22 Feb 02:28post reply

Well, I know I'll always have one foot in games of the past, but I've been feeling like I'm the only one who's excited about the PS4. No offense to anyone, certainly, since everyone ultimately makes their own decision over liking a console or not, but I was shocked at the amount of vitriol leveled at the PS4 launch announcement. With the exception of Watch Dogs (a game that I'm surprised I like, given that it doesn't have a lot of the hallmarks of games I typically enjoy) I'm not thrilled at any of the games that were announced, but they're just the launch titles. Good stuff will come out eventually.

On the bright side, I like that Sony has at least mentioned their desire to make development for the PS4 'affordable'. The question I guess will be 'affordable to who?', but any drop below the current ridiculous prices will be welcome. Here's hoping Sony handles any potential indie game influx better than Microsoft has, and that there's at least some amount of curation.

Sharing-- well, I'm not huge on the whole idea but I think it's become one of those things that you just have to have these days, like online multiplayer and an online store. I'm also wondering how many times I'll accidentally press the share button on the controller-- for the first year of owning the PS3 I hit the PS button about 100 times a day.

Speaking of the controller, I like the general redesign. While I feel like the basic form factor doesn't need fixing at the moment, I like the look of the analog sticks and the overall shape.

So... yeah. I'm excited, and this time it looks like I'll actually be able to afford the system at launch, unlike the PS3.

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"Re(2):PS4 announced.. I miss when Sony was Ja" , posted Fri 22 Feb 02:45post reply

PS4: the gaming system so out of this world it doesn't exist in corporeal form!

While I didn't find any of the announcements mind blowing, I did appreciate what was confirmed and what was debunked. The always online and anti-used games conspiracies will have to move over to the XBox now since those rumors were laid to rest. While the system seemed packed with connectivity -or whatever the current buzzword is- I'm glad that it was confirmed that you can still play games without having to deal with the rest of humanity. Still, I do like the option that you can look in on your friends as they play and tell them they suck. That's an idea that's both awful and awesome.

None of the announced titles grabbed me but launch titles are usually underwhelming. Even though I would have no problem going another round against dogmatic dragons I would like to know what the actual game is first. But at this point it's all academic since the PS4 is still months away from being on the shelves and even further away from being a system worth buying. If I do pick one up odds are it won't be until 2015 so it does feel like we're getting a bit ahead of ourselves.

3395th Post

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"Re(2):PS4 announced.. I miss when Sony was Ja" , posted Fri 22 Feb 02:55post reply

(I agree with most the things stated so far, but here goes anyway...)

I watched the stream from beginning to end. I think Sony is coming out swinging in a very good way. Although many of the features they announced are of little interest to me, I feel like they're making the right console at the right time. If it doesn't succeed, I can say it's the market's fault, not theirs.

Although it's easy to gripe about the focus on social media, the point is that if they have support from the companies I love (and they do), the games will most likely be good.

I was surprised to see some names on their list of developers...Imageepoch in particular. That's the sort of thing that got me excited. I hope the system is as appealing to developers as they make it sound.

I also like the focus on accessibility. That's a big hurdle to casual gamers. You want to get people playing games as easily as possible. Getting to the point of playing on modern consoles can be a big deterrent.Details like this can be appreciated by series gamers as well. There was also a good balance of content presented in terms of what kind of games we can expect (simple ones alongside "hard core" ones). There was an understanding that next generation fancypants hyper-realism can get along with experiment stuff and games your mom might play.

Biggest little thing for me was the ability to suspend games. This is much needed. I can't count the times that I've been too busy to commit to a long session and passed on playing a game due to the lack of this feature. It's also a nice way to cut down start up time when you intend to pick up the same game later.

My greatest hope for the next generation is that Sony will return to #1, the Vita and WiiU will be the home for niche games that wouldn't be made otherwise and Xbox will be completely irrelevant. I like my 360 just fine and I have no particular beef with Microsoft, but I don't need another player in the game and their exclusives are the least appealing to me, especially with their lack of relevance in Japan.

Capcom's presentation was just "whatever," but I'll be excited if the game is multiplayer.


On the bright side, I like that Sony has at least mentioned their desire to make development for the PS4 'affordable'. The question I guess will be 'affordable to who?', but any drop below the current ridiculous prices will be welcome. Here's hoping Sony handles any potential indie game influx better than Microsoft has, and that there's at least some amount of curation.

Yes. I think this sort of thing is really important going forward.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

4575th Post

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"Re(3):PS4 announced.. I miss when Sony was Ja" , posted Fri 22 Feb 03:07post reply

I feel like they're making the right console at the right time. If it doesn't succeed, I can say it's the market's fault, not theirs.

I don't know about that. Vita should have been a slam dunk and their marketing team damn near put it on life support.

All the features sound promising, but the price is definitely going to be the deciding factor. They should try to shoot for $399 at the most, even if it means taking a hit.

9443th Post

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"Re(4):PS4 announced.. I miss when Sony was Ja" , posted Fri 22 Feb 04:43post reply

I find the title of the thread so ironic when the highlight of the show was SQEX spitting at everyone's face.
Oh wait, I'm still not sure if that was the highlight, or Blizzard was even better (and by better, of course, I mean "hilariously worse").
When it's debatable whether announcing Diablo 3 is even worse than not announcing anything, you know you have a serious contender.

Beside that, I was surprised by the focus on games (something MS hasn't done in... ever?) and on new IP (Halo Nintendo, are you there?). As for the rest... we'll see when we're there and when games are released. Watchdog still looks good, but the main thing I learned at that PS4 conference is that the game will also be released on PS3 and WiiU... not a strong selling point for the console, it it? The absence of backward compatibility is also extremely bad, including for PS3-only games released end of 2013.

Bah, I'm hardly hyped for hardware. I waited 18 months to get a 3DS, and while I was 100% sure to get a Wii U even before its release, I'll probably wait a few more months, maybe a year, before buying it. I just have far enough games available now to buy expensive new consoles without many/any game to play.

What matters is that the following day, Nintendo did a small "download title Direct with extra L5", and I learned I would be able to play again the Oracle of Ages and Seasons, one of my favourite Zelda games, next week. I was also reminded that Guild 02 would be released in March. I still haven't finished Crimson Shroud, but the Bokunatsu game and the Abiko game interest me enormously.
Ah, and I'm also very worried by Megaten 4. Oh well, I have so many other things to play, I can take it if it's disappointing.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
I just started playing my first MonHan with MH3G. My colleagues did a sad face when they knew, the kind of face you do when you learn someone left for a long trip and will never come back

End of Spoiler

tl;dr : the conference was good but not enough Jojo.

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"Re(2):PS4 announced.. I miss when Sony was Ja" , posted Fri 22 Feb 04:48post reply

Just to clarify with Spoon: "going gaijin" means PS4 is a western console, is more simple and oriented towards developers than PS2/3 that were claimed to be not so flexible with programming. The use of architecture is my bad because italians use a similar word to indicate basically the hardware structure. I write it while sleepy and didn't check the grammar.

Don't get me wrong, I like how PS4 is shaping, I'm just not hyped about the games or the gaming premise as a whole. I think Polly -as usual- sums up my hopes for the generation, except I don't like Microsoft that much after the 360.

2389th Post

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"Re(3):PS4 announced.. I miss when Sony was Ja" , posted Fri 22 Feb 06:34post reply

The use of architecture is my bad because italians use a similar word to indicate basically the hardware structure.

Ok, so that word means the same thing to both of us. Just checking.

"going gaijin" means PS4 is a western console,

is more simple and oriented towards developers than PS2/3 that were claimed to be not so flexible with programming.

These two statements are totally divorced. That's not "going gaijin", that's called not making a custom and proprietary chipset/cpu/whatever for your machine, and that's something that Western developers have a long history of having done. Like, I don't know, Commodore 64. Nintendo's GameCube had a PowerPC cpu and an ATI gpu, and that was a pretty darn Japanese console. Even the N64 used key parts not made by them or by another Japanese company. PS3's Cell had a huge amount of work done on it by IBM, with one of its chief architects a man from the Netherlands. That's pretty darn gaijin!

Preferring Japanese stuff is fine, but don't let that preference get in the way of your understanding of facts and history.

3396th Post

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"Re(4):PS4 announced.. I miss when Sony was Ja" , posted Fri 22 Feb 06:58post reply

Vita should have been a slam dunk and their marketing team damn near put it on life support.

Are you talking about America, or Japan? I can't see the Vita being a "slam dunk" anywhere. Even the 3DS was an underselling slow-starter. Some Vita software has done well in Japan, but without Monster Hunter, it's unlikely to ever have even a fraction of the market share the PSP had.

Analysts were mocking the Vita before it even came out, saying that dedicated portable gaming platforms were a thing of the past. Even I don't take my Vita with me when I go iPod is fine.

Although the odds are against them, I would agree that they've done poorly with marketing, though. In America, it almost feels like they've given up already. I don't know what would make it sell over here, but I hope PS4 connectivity will help a little.

Just to be clear, I would consider myself a Vita enthusiast. I love the system, but I fear for it.

The absence of backward compatibility is also extremely bad, including for PS3-only games released end of 2013.

This is worrisome, because it cuts their selection of games down considerably. I mean, maybe they'll have a huge number of PS3 games available to get digitally, but the fact that your old purchases don't transfer is sad. Actually, I'm a little confused on this point. They say the architecture is too different on the PS4 to emulate PS3 games, but I thought we could download them? Maybe I misunderstood?

Anyway, it's a shame, since some people who passed on a PS3 might want to get a PS4 and it would be nice for them to step into the PS3s robust library.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

1070th Post

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"Re(5):PS4 announced.. I miss when Sony was Ja" , posted Fri 22 Feb 08:15post reply


Just to be clear, I would consider myself a Vita enthusiast. I love the system, but I fear for it.

I fear for the Vita too, despite being a real fan. I take it on most trips since I'd rather have a system with a proper control set for most 'serious' games. I also play it around my office when I'm take a work break since it doesn't require the whole setup of the TV. I'm probably not indicative of the norm though.
This is worrisome, because it cuts their selection of games down considerably. I mean, maybe they'll have a huge number of PS3 games available to get digitally, but the fact that your old purchases don't transfer is sad. Actually, I'm a little confused on this point. They say the architecture is too different on the PS4 to emulate PS3 games, but I thought we could download them? Maybe I misunderstood?

Agreed, and I'll also mention that I had hoped for PS3 support since my PS3 is getting a little elderly. I'd love to just get one new system, not two. It's not like emulation of a previous generation has ever been a huge priority though, for any new system.

4576th Post

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"Re(5):PS4 announced.. I miss when Sony was Ja" , posted Fri 22 Feb 08:29post reply

Are you talking about America, or Japan?

Both, actually.

Even the 3DS was an underselling slow-starter.

The DS was still going strong at the time of its release, and the 3D gimmick was a big turn-off for many people. One person I observed tried it for a few seconds then admitted she'd rather stick to her original DS.

Analysts were mocking the Vita before it even came out, saying that dedicated portable gaming platforms were a thing of the past.

That still shouldn't have hampered its chances of success, though. 3DS got the same flak when it was announced, and it managed to hold on.

I would agree that they've done poorly with marketing, though. In America, it almost feels like they've given up already. I don't know what would make it sell over here, but I hope PS4 connectivity will help a little.

First and foremost, games. Vita library is drier than the Sahara. Sony seriously needs to start cracking the whip and get some AAA titles out the door.

Second, major emphasis on the Remote Play feature. The ad campaigns really need to stick it to WiiU similar to how Sega did to Nintendo back in the 16-bit era. Even if it's a crass approach, it leaves an impression on consumers and can ultimately turn the tide.

Just to be clear, I would consider myself a Vita enthusiast. I love the system, but I fear for it.

So do I. The hardware is enticing, but Sony's incompetence is keeping me from sealing the deal.

3397th Post

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"Re(6):PS4 announced.. I miss when Sony was Ja" , posted Fri 22 Feb 10:16post reply


First and foremost, games. Vita library is drier than the Sahara. Sony seriously needs to start cracking the whip and get some AAA titles out the door.

I realize I'm not the typical consumer (or the Vita would be doing better), but I've bought like, 10 games for the system and have several more preordered. (Narrowly) More than I've bought for 3DS, which had a head start. A fair number of those are imports, to be fair, but they seem to have my demographic down pretty well.

A question to everyone...

A lot of people say that they want more games for the system, but what do you think would move units? What would you like the see on the system? Do you think the 3DS has enough games in comparison?

I don't mean this argumentatively. I'd like to know what would make people say "that's it, I have to have a Vita" or what made them decide they had to have a 3DS.

(I had to have both, but...)

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

2405th Post

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"Welcome to the next level" , posted Fri 22 Feb 11:07post reply

A lot of people say that they want more games for the system, but what do you think would move units?
A sixth Soul Calibur! That's as good as Soul Calibur I! That's a different way of saying: even just one refined launch game that is more than a tech demo. We were just noting in another thread that no system launch has had a truly unstoppable game since the American Dreamcast. It seems so very simple to me: the true enthusiasts will buy a new system at start, but think of your advantage if you have real live "normal people" buying your Super Famicom so they can play Super Mario World. It is not a difficult proposition, but the consumer base and the confidence it gives other developers to have launch titles would do wonders.
going gaijin Western
Italian usage may be different, but this works a lot better in English, unless you are a not-particularly-polite Japanese person typing in English--and even then, this is better.


4577th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):PS4 announced.. I miss when Sony was Ja" , posted Fri 22 Feb 14:30post reply


what do you think would move units? What would you like the see on the system? Do you think the 3DS has enough games in comparison?

I'd like to see more original titles. Some with traditional controls, and others that take advantage of the Vita's dual touchscreens. There was one demo that caught my attention which attempted this (forgot the name unfortunately), and there was definitely potential to be had.

I'd like to know what would make people say "that's it, I have to have a Vita" or what made them decide they had to have a 3DS.

(I had to have both, but...)

What would sell me would either have to be a strikingly original title that is unique to Vita and can't be replicated on 3DS or anywhere else, or a sweeping RPG adventure along the lines of Bravely Default or such.

Gah, why does Squenix have to be so terrible...

540th Post

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"Re(4):PS4 announced.. I miss when Sony was Ja" , posted Fri 22 Feb 19:09post reply


Preferring Japanese stuff is fine, but don't let that preference get in the way of your understanding of facts and history.

Nope, I do know hardware components are from the west even in Japanese consoles. That being said, during the conference it was clear that PS4 is developed around western people, technology and market concepts (the same that bring 360 dominant at some point). The "going gaijin" thing was just provocative, doesn't reflect my thoughts towards the people working on PS4 or the console itself. I like it and seems very promising. I don't like the games presented for now, but that's apply to WiiU too.

About Vita, owning both it and 3DS I think Vita lacks EXCLUSIVES. The tech is good, the console is comfortable, the oled is great and the software library is also very good. But about 80% of the games are also on other systems, there are few new IPs (although very good ones), the mandatory memory cards are expensive and the remote play is not that great (it works perfectly when you are about 2m in range of the PS3, then collapse).
For the record I have 4 games for Vita and 7 on 3DS, even if 3DS has many remakes as well it has more original titles coming (Megaten 4, Soul Hackers, Castlevania, Gyakuten Saiban 5, even Project X Zone and Code Of Princess for EU) while nearly every announcement of a potentially good game for Vita is a port. It seems like it's marketable more like a "PS3's appendix" than an actual system capable of moving on its own.

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"Re(5):PS4 announced.. I miss when Sony was Ja" , posted Fri 22 Feb 22:00post reply


Preferring Japanese stuff is fine, but don't let that preference get in the way of your understanding of facts and history.

Nope, I do know hardware components are from the west even in Japanese consoles. That being said, during the conference it was clear that PS4 is developed around western people, technology and market concepts (the same that bring 360 dominant at some point). The "going gaijin" thing was just provocative, doesn't reflect my thoughts towards the people working on PS4 or the console itself. I like it and seems very promising. I don't like the games presented for now, but that's apply to WiiU too.

-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --

Still dont understand the western technology bent here.

Dont forget the silcon semiconductor industry was invented by the Americans. Short of ARM, i cant think of a non US company that has any massive success making cpu/gpu/and the like. (dont try to even try to start with NVIDIA/AMD)

so basically any console(computer) ever made was chock full of western technology.

or do you mean to say you prefer sony to offer complicated programming methods just for shits and giggles?(why program in assembly when you can achieve the same/better results with something easier to understand)

3400th Post

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"Re(5):PS4 announced.. I miss when Sony was Ja" , posted Fri 22 Feb 22:18:post reply

A sixth Soul Calibur! That's as good as Soul Calibur I! That's a different way of saying: even just one refined launch game that is more than a tech demo.

Oh Gravity Daze, why can't the world love you as much as I do? Why can't they see how beautiful and perfect you are?

To be fair, it wasn't actually a launch title, but it was my "holy shit, I have to have this system" game.

You know, now that I think about it, though, SC was a really excellent launch title. That game just gave you so much to sink your teeth into. I haven't had a launch title since it that I could play for like...100 hours. Smash Bros Melee was a good one, but that, like Gravity Daze, wasn't technically a launch.

About Vita, owning both it and 3DS I think Vita lacks EXCLUSIVES.

This is a frustration for me as well and it doesn't improve the image of the system. I was irritated to see that God Eater 2 and Toukiden were PSP games as well. They end up as "HD touchup" versions instead of something that really utilizes the hardware. I don't know if people care for this sort of thing or not, so I'll be interested to see how well these titles sell. I don't think that this sort of thing can move systems, as Vita owners will buy the Vita versions, but most people will be fine with their PSP. I buy tons of stuff and even I can't be excited about releases like this.

The system also has a strangely large number of fighting games, which I think might be misguided as well.

I think companies want to show some degree of support for the system or sink their teeth into it a little, but are afraid to commit to a big project. I don't blame them, as success in the current market is really narrow. If it isn't a sequel to something, it seems to be getting harder and harder to sell things.

There's an up and a down, though. I think a good example is Bravely Default, which sold about 300,000. The game was well-received and Square seems very happy with the sales, but those are pretty small numbers in the big picture. Compared to say, the DQ7 remake, Bravely Default hardly moved anything. This makes it seem like "even if it's a title with broad appeal, if it's not a sequel in a well-established series, it's niche."

The silver lining behind this, in relation to the Vita, are the recent sales of Monster Monpiece (a moe card battle game) and Demon's Gaze (a dungeon crawler). Both of these sold fairly little, but were selling out all the same. Cave has somehow managed to be successful selling games on Japanese 360s. If companies set their budgets and sales expectations realistically, "core" gamers might still be able to keep them in business.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Fri 22 Feb 22:42]

9444th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):PS4 announced.. I miss when Sony was Ja" , posted Sat 23 Feb 02:24post reply

A lot of people say that they want more games for the system, but what do you think would move units? What would you like the see on the system? Do you think the 3DS has enough games in comparison?

The 3DS has too many games already. The trifecta of DQ7/Fire Emblem/MonHan3G is already too much to bear with my limited play time, and I'm still not done earning all the achievements in Kid Icarus. Plus various other stuff, virtual console, downloadable things like Guild 02... And I'm only counting stuff that has been already released. Add Megaten 4 or MonHan4 and I'll get really worried. I'm so relieved I'm done with Bravely Default.

On one hand, I would really like the Vita to fail just so that I can focus on one console already. It's how overwhelmed I feel by the 3DS.
On the other, it has Gravity Daze, and regardless of the quality of the title, I just HAVE to buy it, by sheer loyalty to Toyama. The problem is that loyalty alone is not enough to warrant buying the system...
There is literally not a single other game I want on Vita. However, it is also the best system to play PSP games, and it might motivate me to play again the Tactics Ogre remake, or Oreshika. And I want to play Donganronpa!
So I will buy a Vita at some point in the future, I just don't know if the trigger point will be another price drop, or Oreshika2, or my 3DS dying with all its games and no way to retrieve them...

Another thing in favour of the 3DS (and the Wii and the WiiU for that matter) is that it's super easy to buy games from Europe with a Japanese system. European debit card=> store, done. There is only one thing Nintendo did right with its store, but it's the most amazing and useful thing in the world for me.
I'm saving a lot of money by bypassing the importers, and time and space as well. Of course, I'm going to cry when I'll break my console, but...
Having to import a prepaid PSN card with my Vita (or with my copy of Jojo for PS3 because I'll buy all the DLC) and wait a week for the package with the physical game to arrive at my place used to be "it's normal, I can deal with it", but the 3DS has severely bent my resilience to that.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):PS4 announced.. I miss when Sony was Ja" , posted Sat 23 Feb 03:13:post reply

You know, now that I think about it, though, SC was a really excellent launch title.
Well yeah! It is not just me being crazy for I and II this time---it is literally impossible to fathom just how many people went nuts and bought a Dreamcast for SC I in America. That was a Super Mario World-level launch right there. But don't worry, I do have a demented desire to buy a Vita soley for Gravity Daze, in the same way I almost bought a N64 for Mario 64 while waiting for Final Fantasy VII, an XBox for Jet Set Radio Future, a PSP for Lumines and that other puzzle game, and a PC Engine Duo of all things for Dracula X.

So what I'm saying is: an HD PS4 version of God Hand, with graphics that are simultaneously better and yet terrifyingly worse, is what I want for launch.


[this message was edited by Maou on Sat 23 Feb 03:15]

2390th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):PS4 announced.. I miss when Sony was Ja" , posted Sat 23 Feb 04:31post reply

HD PS4 Godhand: featuring photorealistic lighting on flat terrain/buildings with single low-res textures.

Featuring enemies dressed like they came from... the 1990's.

And featuring absurdly gorgeous motion captured animation that goes right down to their finger tips.

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"Re(6):PS4 announced.. I miss when Sony was Ja" , posted Sat 23 Feb 05:34post reply

or do you mean to say you prefer sony to offer complicated programming methods just for shits and giggles?(why program in assembly when you can achieve the same/better results with something easier to understand)

Depends on what you mean by better. There's no way higher level code can produce BETTER more efficient code unless the person just sucks at assembly (which is typically the case), even if the compiler/linker is highly efficient. Higher levels of code is used for more platform and device independence, ease of development in general, and readability.

Speaking of which, I'd like to know what dopes were responsible for giving excuses like "RAM" when programming MvC3.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):PS4 announced.. I miss when Sony was Ja" , posted Sat 23 Feb 06:09post reply

or do you mean to say you prefer sony to offer complicated programming methods just for shits and giggles?(why program in assembly when you can achieve the same/better results with something easier to understand)
Depends on what you mean by better. There's no way higher level code can produce BETTER more efficient code unless the person just sucks at assembly (which is typically the case), even if the compiler/linker is highly efficient. Higher levels of code is used for more platform and device independence, ease of development in general, and readability.

Speaking of which, I'd like to know what dopes were responsible for giving excuses like "RAM" when programming MvC3.

Well, I don't think that writing code for a project of the scale of modern games in assembly is tractable. Hell, it hasn't been tractable for years, and even relatively close to the metal languages like the shader languages are more C than assembly.

Actually, writing assembly for GPU might be entertaining, though I'm not sure it's for me. Two people I know work at nvidia writing device drivers and low-level stuff, but they are kind of scary good at what they do.

Burning Ranger
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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(7):PS4 announced.. I miss when Sony was Ja" , posted Sun 24 Feb 23:48post reply


So what I'm saying is: an HD PS4 version of God Hand, with graphics that are simultaneously better and yet terrifyingly worse, is what I want for launch.


But anyway...I read up on the PS4 and to be honest, nothing impressed me. Ab-so-lute-ly nothing.

It could be that I'm getting onery in my old age, but I think that right now, the PS4 is the most unnecessary console right now. I guess it was only natural for Sony to make the announcement. After all, the PS3 was announced 5 years into the life of the PS2. Still, we're six years into the lifecycle of the PS3. The PS2 had a life of over 12 years (despite the PS3 being out).

And for what? Some slightly boosted graphical capabilities? "Social" gaming aspects? A touch pad? At least Nintendo did something useful and up the resolution on the Wii U, but even the touch pad wasn't enough to make me buy a console (not to mention the lack of GC backwards compatibility).

I've often said it before: I don't think I'm going to buy any more "new" consoles and stick to what I know won't let me down. Or at least, I certainly won't be a first adopter (unless the machine says "Sega" on it).

So much to do so little time...

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):PS4 announced.. I miss when Sony was Ja" , posted Mon 25 Feb 10:37post reply


It could be that I'm getting onery in my old age, but I think that right now, the PS4 is the most unnecessary console right now. I guess it was only natural for Sony to make the announcement. After all, the PS3 was announced 5 years into the life of the PS2. Still, we're six years into the lifecycle of the PS3. The PS2 had a life of over 12 years (despite the PS3 being out).

And for what? Some slightly boosted graphical capabilities? "Social" gaming aspects? A touch pad? At least Nintendo did something useful and up the resolution on the Wii U, but even the touch pad wasn't enough to make me buy a console (not to mention the lack of GC backwards compatibility).

I'm not expecting this to change your opinion on the system, but the resolution will be higher on the PS4. An easy way to look at it is that PS3 versions of the same game will be like running a PC version on medium settings, whereas the PS4 one will be like running it on max settings. (well, that's not exactly accurate, but...)

Most of what makes the system "necessary" is about the market...changing their image and getting out there better and faster than Microsoft. I think timing (and price point) was a big factor in the 360's success.

There was an interesting article a while back written by the Xbox project founder, criticizing the current handling of the system. Here. He seems to be thinking along the same lines as Sony.

I was initially opposed to new systems myself, because it will put more financial pressure on developers. However, since the idea seems to be "not just blockbusters, but 99 cent games and everything in between" I'm a little less concerned. Well...assuming their "developer friendly" claims are true.

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