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karasu99 655th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member
| "3DS Semi-Indifference" , posted Wed 15 Jun 23:13    
So I saw the following list of factors broken out on Magic Box (EDIT: actually, scroll to the bottom to see them) and it really got me thinking about the 3DS. I should explain that I've been a huge fan of handheld game devices since the original Gameboy-- well, really, for that matter as far back as some of the Tiger handhelds. I mean, I love handheld games so much I bought an NGage.
But for some reason I have been extremely cool regarding the 3DS, and I've been trying to put my finger on why that is with some success. Then comes this list, and things started to become a little clearer for me. The price was for sure a big reason why I didn't buy, as well as 'not interested in launch titles', but for me I think it's a little more complex-- after all, I'm like 99% sure I spent the same amount to the penny on the PSP when it first came out. The game selection is pretty light, for sure, but again that hasn't stopped me, since the DS released with, what, pretty much just the Super Mario 64 remake?
Then it occurred to me that I've only bought a few DS games in the past few years, compared to an embarrassing pile of them for PSP. Is it just me, or have the decent releases for the DS been somewhat lean compared to the ones on the PSP? I feel like Nintendo has opened the flood gates of games on the DS, with the result that anything good gets drowned in the torrent of shovelware thats being made, while Sony seems positively restrained.
I'd be less inclined to think that my opinion of the current generation is driving my opinion of the 'next generation', if not for the fact that I am SUPER excited about the Vita-- to the exclusion of the 3DS, which I could leave my house right now and buy if I wanted to.
So if anyone is still reading after the wall of text, here are those poll results, and my topic for discussion: Want 3DS? If so, why? If not, why not?
High price - 100% Satisfied with DS/DSi - 60.6% Worried about eye strain - 41.2% 3D motion sickness - 39.4% Not interested in the launch titles - 24.6% Wait for key software releases - 18.5% Satisfied with smart phone/tablet games - 11.1% Satisfied with PSP - 10.8% Short Battery life - 8.0% Too heavy to carry around - 7.1%
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karasu99 656th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(2):3DS Semi-Indifference" , posted Thu 16 Jun 02:41    
quote: I love the PSP. It's like the true successor to the PSOne. It's the only current gen system with a library of games that wouldn't have been out of place on the Super Nintendo.
I agree completely-- I absolutely love my PSP, and I play it almost every day. I'm actually on my second one having played the first one into the ground.
quote: For me, it's the titles no far - nothing really stands out to me, and the few games I have for both the DS and PSP are likely to keep me entertained on the go for quite some time still.
Also, both of them are region-free, which has allowed me to get SRW games (impossible to localize due to any non-Original-Generation games being licensing nightmares and/or money sinks) for both of them - while one is announced for the 3DS, iirc, it's not likely to be worth the effort.
Maybe there'll be pleasant surprises later on though - the PSP meant nothing to me until Dissidia came along packed with it.
I can only hope this is the case. I want to want the 3DS, but even the titles that are upcoming aren't especially interesting. I think my actual comment on seeing the 3DS's starting lineup was "that's it?"
Incidentally, I took a look and the game I bought in the last 12 months for the DS are exactly two: Ghost Trick and Dragon Quest IX. Both are excellent, but... 2 games in a year? There was a point when I was buying and finishing games constantly on the DS. I'm puzzled at this, really. Are there really that few games that appeal to me?
I guess to be fair to the DS, I've bought a ton of games for it over the years, so maybe I'm making a point that doesn't really exist.
Iggy 9273th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):3DS Semi-Indifference" , posted Thu 16 Jun 07:32    
quote: Worried about eye strain 3D motion sickness
This. When the whole selling point of the console is "I'll give you headache in 5 minutes", then there definitely is a problem. Also, I don't see the point of the 3D at all. Generally. I could somewhat understand the pointer of the wiimote, the vibration, Move, hell, I could even see what the six axis could have added if it hadn't totally sucked. But the 3d? What does it add, really?
Also, I'm waiting for the 3DSXL oh who am I kidding just cover me with Parthena jizz, Sakurai, you know I want it.
Pollyanna 3055th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):3DEh" , posted Thu 16 Jun 08:35    
The 3DS is now going to be "the system I don't want good games to come out on." I don't care about portability, because I work from home and while I'm glad it's a step up from the DS, it's still going to be the weakest system on the market. The Vita trumps it in pretty much every realm except 3D, which I don't care about at all.
I won't buy a system until it has a "must play" game on it, which (for me) the 3DS does not. I'm even further torn by the fact that it's region locked. Although I spent most of my "DS time" playing imports, I don't like being locked into one region. I don't mind shelling out a little extra now and then, but if I can buy something domestically, I'm not so much of an import snob that I'll pay $20-40 more just for...for...I don't know what.
So, yeah...I might be happier if the 3DS just didn't exist. When a really great game comes out for it, I'll be more inclined to curse than cheer.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
badoor 207th Post

PSN: BadoorSNK XBL: BadoorSNK Wii: n/a
Frequent Customer
| "Re(3):3DEh" , posted Thu 16 Jun 11:32    
I also am feeling the "meh" of the 3DS. The 3D is cool to me (Ridge Racer & SSF4 were pretty "neat" in 3D, and Starfox in 3D sounds promising) but Ceteris paribus I'd rather see from Vita's beautiful OLED than in 3D, especially with how the 3D-on setting tends to kill frame rate and battery life.
Though at first I thought one benefit of the 3DS would be that it will be the weakest mainstream system. Being the weaker system means that developers aren't expected a lot graphically, reducing the budget & team size, and that they can have a more focused concise vision for the game (Same argument can be said as to why The Last Story & Xenoblade, are on Wii instead of 360/PS3) as opposed to the more intensive PS3-like VITA. However, thankfully that argument just fell apart when I saw that Shinobido, which looks about Wii/3DS graphically, is coming to VITA, which is great.
sfried 682th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: n/a Wii: 8963437745913552
Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(5):Moar liek 3D-YES" , posted Thu 16 Jun 15:35:    
quote: The 3DS is now going to be "the system I don't want good games to come out on." I don't care about portability, because I work from home and while I'm glad it's a step up from the DS, it's still going to be the weakest system on the market. The Vita trumps it in pretty much every realm except 3D, which I don't care about at all.
I won't buy a system until it has a "must play" game on it, which (for me) the 3DS does not. I'm even further torn by the fact that it's region locked. Although I spent most of my "DS time" playing imports, I don't like being locked into one region. I don't mind shelling out a little extra now and then, but if I can buy something domestically, I'm not so much of an import snob that I'll pay $20-40 more just for...for...I don't know what.
I honestly dislike all this hatred towards 3DS after the Vita coverage. I am enjoying my 3DS more than I'd initially expect thanks to Link's Awakening and some neat StreetPass features. I'm one of those people already in line for Ocarina not for the fact its a remake, but for some of the stuff added to it that nobody seems to care about. And I find it surprising is an announcement of a Tekken 3D with promises of 60fps even on 3D mode.
No. I don't want the games to be ported to Vita. In fact, I'd be happier if that thing didn't exist.
[this message was edited by sfried on Thu 16 Jun 15:37] |
Oh my 32th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(1):3DS Semi-Indifference" , posted Fri 17 Jun 04:16    
The 3DS haters are just jealous.
There is a reason the DS have more sales than the PSP (having in mind it is a good choice for parents). The 3DS looks awesome, Super Mario, Zelda, star fox, and kid Icarus surprise me a lot not even because it looks good, its looks fun too.
That star fox is the one from the N64, but I like that tittle and I never had the opportunity to have it, just rent it. Kid Icarus looks like star fox gameplay, with the only difference that the spaceship is replaced by an angel with a fantasy setting but its looks sooooooooooooooooo GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODD. Super Mario looks fun too (I hope is not like the new super Mario bros. scam).
When its come to handheld games, I don’t care which looks better, I just care for the fun in short periods of time and I cant deny Nintendo knows about makings games fun.
I will get a 3DS when I get a jod and when its have a lots of goods games over $20 so I will wait about 2 years, HA!.
quote: Tiger handhelds. I mean, I love handheld games so much I bought an NGage
WOW you are really in to it. FOR GOD SAKE the N-GAGE!!!!! DAMN
quote: Then it occurred to me that I've only bought a few DS games in the past few years, compared to an embarrassing pile of them for PSP. Is it just me, or have the decent releases for the DS been somewhat lean compared to the ones on the PSP?
That’s depends on the type of games you like. The good thing about the DS is the touch screen and how it can be adapted in games (for me) while the PSP is more of the same (for me). I never thought to like statics games like Layton but it is good.
I always hated and judge FF crystals chronicles because for me it was pathetic. The art concept and character design are very childish but I changed my mind when I played the DS ver. That game is GOOD better than the Zeldas on DS, I even like the story, I almost cry, POOR SHERLOTTA.(I Like RPGs)
sfried 684th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: n/a Wii: 8963437745913552
Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(5):3DS Semi-Indifference" , posted Fri 17 Jun 06:11    
quote: Well I know it's not that popular of an opinion probably, but... for me it's the source material. I've never loved OoT to be begin with, so additions don't super excite me. But that's me, not the game, and I'm sure it will be awesome for everyone who loves the original.
Have you played Majora's Mask? Most people consider that game (including myself) to be the better, if not the best of the 3D Zeldas.
But I understand your sentiment with OoT. In fact, I found it quite easy and beat it 100% in 5 days straight, so maybe some people might be underwhelmed.
(Here's hoping for MM 3D with real-time 3-Day cycle or whatnot.)
quote: OK, jokes aside, OoT is an awesome piece of gaming art either in 3D, 4D or whatever. I might end up getting a 3DS just to play it again for the 8th time. And yes, I'm dead serious about this.
I actually consider Ocarina second only to Majora's Mask. Everything that game did was leagues ahead of what other Zelda titles have done in the past. It was a complete mixup of the formula coupled by a real-time system that affected your progress, and made the side-quests an integral part of the game as opposed to just added fluff.
Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks tried to apply a "central dungeon" of sorts, but it wasn't quite that great.
My hope is that Skyward Sword mixes its aerial HUB with Metroidvania-style dungeons that all have non-linear approaches. I've heard the E3 demo was definitely not guided and there were multiple approaches to getting to the end. In fact, I hope they really overhaul the dungeon formula that LttP started and make more off-shoots that are as experimental as Majora's Mask.
karasu99 662th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(6):3DS Semi-Indifference" , posted Sat 18 Jun 00:42    
quote: Have you played Majora's Mask? Most people consider that game (including myself) to be the better, if not the best of the 3D Zeldas.
But I understand your sentiment with OoT. In fact, I found it quite easy and beat it 100% in 5 days straight, so maybe some people might be underwhelmed.
I completely forgot to respond to your post! I blame demon liquor.
My failings aside, yes, I have played Majora's Mask and I really REALLY enjoyed it.
And also yeah, you're right on target about OoT. It was the lack of difficulty that turned me off pretty much. I should explain that I only played it years after its release on the Gamecube, long enough for most of its innovation to have percolated through dozens of other games that I did play. So its impact and importance was pretty much blunted on me. Plus I was more of the LttP generation, and at the time the polys really turned me off.
I don't know, I think this whole thread was just a complex scheme to get myself excited over the 3DS. Maybe I'll try one out after all-- Donkey Kong aside.
sfried 689th Post

PSN: n/a XBL: n/a Wii: 8963437745913552
Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(10):From indifference to joy... (OoT3D)" , posted Fri 24 Jun 10:52:    
quote: The 3D is completely unnecessary. The only thing 3D can do is make things more visually appealing.
Anyone developing for the DS already knows its hardware limitations and should be looking at the 3DS first and foremost as a DS with upped specs so they can push whatever their crappy product is a little further. Especially if the 3D is an afterthought (and it always will be). The thing seems to have the capabilities of a Wii in a handheld (currently restricted by the size of the carts).
If anything, I want to see a KOF on it, even if it'll never happen.
As for the 3DS itself, I only own SFIV and Samurai Warriors. I don't see myself buying anything else this year. I seriously play with the camera more since it makes an interesting conversational piece.
I honestly believe the 3D could be put to good use. I'm playing Ocarina of Time 3D (and I strongly suggest you get it if you have a 3DS and don't have this game already) and 3D mode gives you something of a larger field of scope likely because of how the images from one and and the other cover slightly more left and more right perspectively. Along with the added perks of 3d (being able to judge distance, etc.), it's like a widescreen effect without the widescreen, and I don't think any game of the system gave the 3D justice until this title, because the depth is really deep, and you really feel like you're viewing something off the distance.
I also believe they demonstrated a few stages of that new Mario 3D game behind closed doors at E3 which had a level that was a homage to classic Zelda, completely played from a top-down viewing persepctive, and since it would be hard to judge if you're airborne or not I could see how the extra dimension comes into play.
Funny you mention KoF, because speaking of which, the 3DS would be the perfect opportunity to re-introduce Fatal Fury/Garou Densetsu, given the the dynamic plane switching mechanic. Typicially they would depict characters as being on the background by shrinking the sprites a little and then elevating them off the plane. Now we can have sprites that occupy the same regional space constantly but still be able to distinguish if they're in the background or foreground.
It seems you belittle the DS given the lineup it has aquired over time. It too had a craptacular launch followed with a revision and some really good and interesting games (Kirby Canvas Curse, The World Ends With You). Given how most developers right now are more constrained by ideas, I do feel within time the 3D will be put to very substantial use.
[this message was edited by sfried on Fri 24 Jun 10:56] |