I'm not dead - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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1769th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"I'm not dead" , posted Thu 25 Feb 08:37post reply



423th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(1):I'm not dead" , posted Thu 25 Feb 08:47post reply


wow...are you drunk at least?

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

677th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):I'm not dead" , posted Thu 25 Feb 12:01post reply

wow...are you drunk at least?

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

1927th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):I'm not dead" , posted Thu 25 Feb 12:07post reply


wow...are you drunk at least?

tai-pan has absolutely the best idea

Zam! Hooray! This brings us to two rare sightings of venerable posters in the past week or so.



Iron D
3378th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):I'm not dead" , posted Fri 26 Feb 03:04post reply


Good to hear from you my brotha-from-anotha-motha.


3699th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):I'm not dead" , posted Fri 26 Feb 04:30post reply

At least you used the DC as a marker. If you had gone with the VMU and its constantly dying batteries I would know you were no longer with us.

1771th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):I'm not dead" , posted Fri 26 Feb 07:06post reply

At least you used the DC as a marker.

9.9.99 for life!

Wondering who all is still here. Noticed Pollyanna has a new av. Seen a few familiar faces here and there due to a quick pass. Nate still around? Worried that I might be dangerously close to stealing one of his game ideas. Speaking of games, has anyone here actually managed to do anything within the industry, indy or otherwise?

9073th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):I'm not dead" , posted Fri 26 Feb 08:21post reply

Speaking of games, has anyone here actually managed to do anything within the industry, indy or otherwise?

A lot of people don't want to work within the industry, because they know it might make the hobby of game playing much less enjoyable. Then, sometimes, you end up working there without even looking for it nor really wanting it.
Life is strange.

2868th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):I'm not dead" , posted Sat 27 Feb 06:50post reply

Speaking of games, has anyone here actually managed to do anything within the industry, indy or otherwise?

I've done some contract work in the past. Writing and game design. Nothing got published, though. My impression of the industry is that there is generally some idiot in charge that doesn't understand the creative process at all, makes unreasonable demands, undoes ideas that everyone else agrees on, and fires sensible people to replace them with less sensible people who have no idea what's going on. I think a lot of companies are run like that, though.

The thing that irritates me the most about the whole situation is that these companies wasted so much money on me and other employees, and neither of us have anything to show for our work. It didn't hinder my general love for games, though...

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

299th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(4):I'm not dead" , posted Sat 27 Feb 09:28post reply

Speaking of games, has anyone here actually managed to do anything within the industry, indy or otherwise?

I program what a lot of people call 'casual games'-- games for movie, toys, and tv shows, etc., even though I think of casual games as being things like Sonic 2 on the Genesis. Every once in a while though, I throw something into a game that references a favorite of mine (think sound effects). No one ever notices, not even my coworkers (most of whom either never play games or only play older PC games like Civilization).

I can't say it's made me play games any less as a result, although it has made me wonder a little bit more why I play games. It's also made me want to make actual fun, creative games one day.

EDIT: Took out the complaining parts that made me sound like a lunatic.

4868th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):I'm not dead" , posted Sat 27 Feb 10:32post reply


I've done some contract work in the past. Writing and game design. Nothing got published, though. My impression of the industry is that there is generally some idiot in charge that doesn't understand the creative process at all, makes unreasonable demands, undoes ideas that everyone else agrees on, and fires sensible people to replace them with less sensible people who have no idea what's going on.

That's called "investor", and it's a being who's only in job qualification is having money.

To everyone that was more or less interested on this comment, I recommend watching the 1997 film Wag the Dog. Don't make excuses nor stories, just watch it (ore re-watch it) with these previous points in mind. The ending is almost symbolic.

Update 21 as of 29/01/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 15 as of 21/01/10

1901th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(6):I'm not dead" , posted Sat 27 Feb 12:19post reply


That's called "investor", and it's a being who's only in job qualification is having money.

Something to think about on this topic:
EA's stock has fallen from nearly $60 a share a few years ago to about $16 a share now. People I know have lost their jobs at EA in the restructuring that has been going on the past while.

EA has been steadily rising in terms of game quality, though whether they've been rising in terms of user opinion I don't know. If they want to see that value go up, though, it's going to take more than just some high-value acquisitions (e.g. BioWare, Playfish, etc.) The slow rebuild of their reputation as a quality name rather than just the house of Madden 'XX, soul-crushing sweatshops, and the evil empire that eats good developers and then spits out cud that resembles the games those good developers used to make.

You'd think that investors would understand the concepts of building brand value and customer loyalty, but I'm not certain how many people understand just how long that takes. One analyst said that John Riccitello has been ruining the business and that EA were fools not to listen to said analyst when he called for a massive restructuring with a total focus on direct-to-consumer. But I think that EA is simply too big to make that big of a change that quickly, especially when they still haven't gotten industry-leading expertise on how to run that kind of operation. Valve's biggest, greatest thing is Steam. They don't even need to make Half-Life games anymore. It was a bold step that they made with Steam, and for years there was considerable resistance to and distrust of it, but they stuck with it, and now are the industry leaders in the West in that regard.

Navigating this business is a challenging thing. One of my dreams is to be an independent developer (or part of one), but it's SCARY. I've done a year at EA, and I won't lie: it's no walk in the park. There are long, tough hours where the insides of you will beg for freedom while you try to fix code that was written by some guy 6 years ago who's no longer working at EA. But being a part of something that big has its plusses: you have stable income, you have lots of people around you to help you, you probably aren't worrying about business-ruining failure, etc.

In the end, the best thing is to be extremely rich: that way you can do whatever you want.

1772th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Still not dead" , posted Thu 13 May 01:06post reply

In a followup question, how many people here have artistic ability and are "available"?

851th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):Still not dead" , posted Thu 13 May 05:40post reply

In a followup question, how many people here have artistic ability and are "available"?

I think I have it a little bit. But I'm not available for two weeks and eventhough I were, I dont think my "artistic ability" would be efficient. But I wish it would be otherwise.

1997th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):Still not dead" , posted Thu 13 May 10:25post reply

In a followup question, how many people here have artistic ability and are "available"?

T-t-time to try the new permalink feature!!



982th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(4):I'm not dead" , posted Sun 16 May 04:17:post reply

Nate still around? Worried that I might be dangerously close to stealing one of his game ideas.

Alive and well! Feel free to plunder ideas, they're just things I come up with in my free time anyway.

I've been working and earning internet admirers of my chest hair. Oh, tumblr. If only I could translate this interest into real life.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

[this message was edited by Nate on Sun 16 May 04:18]

9134th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):I'm not dead" , posted Sun 16 May 04:47post reply

I've been working and earning internet admirers of my chest hair. Oh, tumblr. If only I could translate this interest into real life.

London has plenty of these (admirers of chest hair, not chest hair, unfortunately).

Me? Hahaha. NO.

368th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(1):Still not dead" , posted Sun 16 May 07:08post reply

In a followup question, how many people here have artistic ability and are "available"?

I'm into pixel art, and I can code too.
I'm available if motivated, but picky. :)

I've been wanting to make a beat 'em up with SD characters for a while now. Since too many people call fighting games "beat 'em ups", let's clear things up: I'm talking about a Double Dragon / Final Fight / Streets of Rage type of game.

To give an idea of the style I have in mind, I made this template character a while ago.

1774th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(6):I'm not dead" , posted Sun 16 May 11:37post reply

Nate: Don't you live in the South? Trying to remember which Cafer's live in Southern USA.

Stifu: If you have the art ready to go, I'm actually more than capable of helping with a beat em up due to some stuff I've been working on. You can reach me zamuel01 at hotmail dot com

It's frustrating that while I have become more and more disorganized recently, art has ALWAYS been the bottleneck and/or roadblock for any project I've worked on. Last year I was close but due to my truck dying I had to use my savings instead of being able to afford an artist. I was unemployed for all of 2009 so I couldn't recoup my losses. It was incredibly depressing to get that close and then for things to belly up.

369th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(7):I'm not dead" , posted Sun 16 May 17:56post reply

Unfortunately, the art is nowhere near ready (I don't even have a story or anything, just features I want to have). All I made was a template guy which stands, walks, runs, jumps and attacks.
I also considered going for vector graphics rather than pixels, so as to smoothly adapt to any resolution.

So yeah, this is just a project I wanted to work on with friends at the time, and didn't go anywhere. Everything needs to be done.
I'll contact you so we can chat a bit.

1795th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"I'm not depressed" , posted Thu 11 Nov 03:01post reply

Yesterday was my birthday and I'm oddly in a good mood. I say that since last year I was pretty depressed right before and after my birthday since I felt like I had accomplished nothing. Plus, most of this year has been a downer due to unemployment.

Yet, for some on reason I've been in a good mood this entire week. I think I fixed a memory leak with my computer this morning so that'll help me resolve at least a few of the computer problems I've had for the past few months. A game project I'm working on is slowly progressing yet it's actually progressing instead of stagnating or hitting crash and burn status like other things in the past.

278th Post

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PSN: no
XBL: no
Wii: no

Copper Customer

"Re(1):I'm not depressed" , posted Thu 11 Nov 04:11post reply

Yesterday was my birthday and I'm oddly in a good mood. I say that since last year I was pretty depressed right before and after my birthday since I felt like I had accomplished nothing. Plus, most of this year has been a downer due to unemployment.

Yet, for some on reason I've been in a good mood this entire week. I think I fixed a memory leak with my computer this morning so that'll help me resolve at least a few of the computer problems I've had for the past few months. A game project I'm working on is slowly progressing yet it's actually progressing instead of stagnating or hitting crash and burn status like other things in the past.

No, yesterday was my birthday. But good luck with your game project!


Oh my
8th Post

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New Customer

"Re(2):I'm not depressed" , posted Sat 7 May 07:06post reply

I say that since last year I was pretty depressed right before and after my birthday since I felt like I had accomplished nothing. Plus, most of this year has been a downer due to unemployment.

WOW i am a human being, is been a long time i saw a person being open talking about emotions. Looks like this is a stage of life no one cant escape. This was the kind of thread i wanted to see about the gaming industries.

I feel so bad for my hateful sarcastic tone in my gaming industries post. OMG i got so isolated and lost in the cold and strict world of science, this stupid society, academic goals and succes that I felt ashame to sound stupid to say that i have this type of dream.

I forgot the emo state as an artist. I cant stop coming here to not forget that dreaming is not wrong or to not feel bad of my imaginative childhood.

No one can feel bad if it havent accomplished something. At least you are doing something about it. It could be worst.

I love science as a source of knowledge and truth but is so real its makes me paranoic. Specially bacterias, virus and parasites, the world you cannot see but feel. Even if college prepare you and give you logical reason to not get like that it affect my behavior. My mind work so graphical that in the moment they show me the microbes interaction i just felt them messing up my system when i see something filthy. It can get worst if i fall in a emo crisis.

hehe, you all remind me the things i should have in consideration in the world of ideas.

Too bad this post is too old to see if you still need artistic help to see if i could be helpful.


1805th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"I'm not in a cardboard box" , posted Sun 8 May 17:45post reply

Well, I have the most intriguing of timing as far as checking things.

Too bad this post is too old to see if you still need artistic help to see if i could be helpful.

What kind of helpful? I probably do need to email the Professor with a sort of "request permission to advertise" concerning something with the project.

Oh my
10th Post

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New Customer

"Re(1):I'm not in a cardboard box" , posted Sat 14 May 02:20:post reply

In a followup question, how many people here have artistic ability and are "available"?

What kind of helpful?

Sorry not computer related things, nothing complicated. The type of help you can get for free from little kids in school.

You said artistic ability in general, i can draw according to what you want, and still be nothing complicated if you dont have any idea. No photoshop, not fancy illustration, maybe paper and pencil stuff. Things i can give sending it by e-mail.

All depend in the project you have in mind, i can give general concepts, you know things you can collect to give form to the final product.


[this message was edited by Oh my on Sat 14 May 02:51]

1808th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):I'm not in a cardboard box" , posted Mon 16 May 00:53post reply

Sorry not computer related things, nothing complicated. The type of help you can get for free from little kids in school.

You said artistic ability in general, i can draw according to what you want, and still be nothing complicated if you dont have any idea. No photoshop, not fancy illustration, maybe paper and pencil stuff. Things i can give sending it by e-mail.

All depend in the project you have in mind, i can give general concepts, you know things you can collect to give form to the final product.

I'll need to get your email and to see some examples of your work.

oh my
12th Post

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New Customer

"Re(3):I'm not in a cardboard box" , posted Thu 19 May 04:30post reply

I'll need to get your email and to see some examples of your work.

Erm, really, are you serious?To make things easier to see if I can be helpful, what is the style you visualize your project?i never work in this type of things and I am not used to give things I already did to prove my skill. But if you want to see an aprox of my work, I used to draw on the drawing board using the lady yunaleska name.
