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KOF getting balance update on April 5

Posted Mar 30 2017 at 13:29 (Thu)

Download content won't be the only update coming early next month for KOFXIV.

According to SNK's official Twitter account, April 5 will also bring a major patch to KOFXIV which will upgrade the game from the current version 1.12 to version 2.00.

The update will feature the following:

- 2 New stages (Transcontinental Railroad, City Circuit)
- Overall character balance tweaks
- Training mode will have recording/playback option for reversals (*1)
- Additional BGMs
- Misc.

For those who haven't been keeping up, the 4 announced DLC characters will also become available for purchase starting on the same date.

While SNK hasn't revealed what the miscellaneous parts of the update will be, it seems that most of them are minor bug fixes and improvements. In particular, Lead game designer Hidetoshi Ishizawa (Neo G) has confirmed that Free match lobby searching will be fixed.

SNK is currently prepping up the character balance changelog, which is expected to be "a substantial volume", according to Ishizawa.

Given that Leona was massively complained as an overpowering character in the previous versions, it seems likely that she may be the first amongst the roster to be a balance tweak candidate.

(*1 Description is based on Japanese announcement which differs from English.)

News from: SNKTwitter

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