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KOFXIV Championship Afterparty announced

Posted Jan 20 2017 at 02:58 (Fri)

If you're looking forward to the KOFXIV World Championship Four Kings Tournament in Japan next month--a historical moment for SNK as their first time hosting a worldwide event of this scale, you won't want to miss this afterparty event either.

Following the Championship, America's largest arcade parts reseller and Japan's largest arcade parts manufacturer, Arcadeshock and Sanwa will be hosting a post-tournament event in Tokyo the next day, Feb 19.

EVO 2013 KOFXIII champion Reynald Tacsuan will be attending the event, which will be open to public and feature both casuals and a 2-on-2 tournament.

Given that it's happening just the day after the tournament, it's likely that we'll probably see other top players from across the globe participating in this event as well. 

The event will be coordinated by the FGC organization Tokyo Button Mashers.

-World Tournament afterparty event-

Date/Time: February 19, 11AM - 7PM
Location: Studio Sky (3 min walk from JR Otsuka Station | Map)
Entrance Fee: 3,000 JPY
Signup Page: Click Here for Tournament Signup page
Stream URL:
Event URL: (JA)
Venue URL: (JA)

KOFXIV Sanwa Pushbutton
Souvenior for first 100 visitors
1st place prize (total 2 units)
FS Transporter 2
Arcade stick back, 1st & 2nd place prize (total 4 units)
Sanwa Original Stick
Random drawing, all visitors eligible (1 unit)

Reynald Tacsuan
KOFXIII EVO Champion 2013

I'm not planning on sight seeing for this time-- Only there for one thing. It'll be an interesting tournament, that's for sure.

I'm also looking forward to playing with Japanese players at the next-day event, to learn more about the game and other people's mindsets outside of the US.

Vinh Trieu
CEO, Arcadeshock | COO,

We would like to thank Button Mashers, SNK and Sanwa Denshi for coordinating this tournament for the community.

This is Reynald's first tournament outside the USA and is looking forward to competing and meeting new gamers in Japan.

Thank you very much, we hope to see you at the event.

Reynald Tacsuan Photo by Redbull

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