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KOF collaborating with Japanese Soccer app

Posted Dec 30 2017 at 23:51 (Fri)

While SNK's collaboration with Granblue Fantasy might be their biggest break in early 2017, there's going to be another one coming right before it.

Amazing Inc's bishoujo soccer game app Venus Eleven Vivid will have a tie-in with KOF. According to App Style magazine, two characters from the KOF series, Mai Shiranui and Athena Asamiya will be making their way to the game. In addition two of the Venus Eleven Vivid's characters, Tsubasa Hayami and Roton, will also be cosplaying as Kyo and Kula.

The tie-in will run starting on January 16.

Click below for image. (From Twitter user: @B__18__)

Thanks to (The Man In Gauze (Yuki Yagami) for the news.

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