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KOF14 World Tournament Details

Posted Dec 9 2017 at 20:11 (Fri)

SNK is taking its promotions for a world tournament one step beyond other publishers. The company will run the finals for its KOF XIV WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP in two locations, first in Japan for the top 16 to top 4, then in China from top 4 to the grand finals.

According to SNK's press release, the finals for the KOF XIV WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP will first take place in Tokyo Japan where the top 16 contenders around the globe will slug it out and determine who's the strongest four players. This event which SNK calls the “FOUR KINGS TOURNAMENT" will take place on Feb. 18.

Then the next month in Peking China, the four remaining contenders will duke it out to decide who's the grand champion. This "Grand Final" will take place at an undetermined date in Mid-March.

All trips and accomodations will be paid for by SNK.

At the current time, players that have won spots at preliminary tournaments are as follows:

Mexico: Sergio Lopez "Cypher"
Southeast Asia: Xiaohai
USA: AS|Reynald
Canada: Dakou

Japan will not have preliminaties and two players will be given invites for the tournament.

* When preliminaries get won by a player who already has a spot, the 2nd place winner will earn it.

News from: SNK

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