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SNK Playmore changes name to SNK

Posted Nov 1 2017 at 20:26 (Tue)

SNK Playmore today announced they will be officially changing their corporate name to SNK effective December 1, 2016.

The movement follows the company's decisions from April to change their corporate logo and slogan from SNK Playmore to their original SNK.

Together with the announcement the URL for the official site has been changed; the previous SNKPlaymore address will redirect to the new domain.

About our new company name and message

This change of corporation name to “SNK and slogan to “The Future Is Now marks a return to SNK’s glorious gaming history. Through the huge success of many of its game franchises in the past, SNK is still a brand supported by countless fans from around the world to this day. The new corporation name chosen for this turning point, signifies both a return to the origins of SNK, and revival of our pioneer spirit to always offer long-time fans of SNK, as well as newcomers, entertainment of an even higher quality moving forward.

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