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New KOF14 trailer shows Antonov, story, demo

Posted Jul 18 2017 at 08:46 (Mon)

SNK made a surprise update today and released two new trailers, one featuring the mid-boss Antonov and the other featuring the game's story mode.

The story mode trailer also confirms the free playable demo coming this Tuesday July 19, and will feature seven playable characters (Kyo, Iori, Mai, Shun'ei, Nelson, Sylvie, King of Dinosaurs). The demo will allow players to try out the game's tutorial, VS mode, and training mode. The demo download also comes with a free PS4 theme.

Note that the story mode trailer features a little bit of a spoiler.

Thanks to Micky Kusanagi for the news.

In a related topic, KOF14 has already gone gold and the game's lead developers attended EVO 2016 this weekend for a stage presentation. They also took the opportunity to listen to their fans and to mingle with them, which hasn't happened in quite a number of years during their period as SNKPlaymore.

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