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SNKP launches subsidiary for B2B contracts

Posted Feb 23 2016 at 17:25 (Tue)

Want to outsource some graphic videos to the company behind KOFXIV? Well now, you can.

SNK Playmore has announced the launch of SNK Entertainment, a new wholly owned subsidiary which specializes in Business-to-business. The company will also handle the licensing of SNKPlaymore IPs.

The official site for SNK Entertainment is already up and running and it outlines the various services it has to offer, including:

- Professional graphic Video development that meets the demands of clients, handled by staff with expertize in the videogames and pachislot field.

- Promotional planning, including the creation of web sites, TV advertizement, and manufacturing of novelties such as T-shirts.

- Licensing business: SNKPlaymore has over 200 contents in its IP library that are recognized worldwide.

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