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KOF14 devs acknowledge visual complaints

Posted Jan 31 2016 at 22:26 (Sun)

KOFXIV's developers at SNKPlaymore are well-aware of the complaints on graphics and are working hard on polishing them up, according to a new interview posted on Impress Gamewatch.

The following is a synopsis provided by MMCafe / The Madman's Cafe.

- The developers at SNKPlaymore are making sure that KOFXIV has the "feel" of KOF, so that when anyone touches it, the controls still feel like a KOF game even though the visuals are in 3D.

- KOFXIV's development team has staff returning from the 1990 as well as KOF 02, 03, and XIII. The ratio is about equal.

- Kyo's physique have gotten muscular over the years so they're making him slim again and giving him a more modern design

- Reconfirming what he said numerous times, Oda stated that XIV will feature a new storyline.

- There won't be minigames in KOFXIV, but SNKPlaymore has a ton of past artworks in their collection so they're planning to include a gallery mode in the game.

- KOF going 3D doesn't mean that all games in the future will also go 3D. However that's also to say that past SNK titles have the potential to return in 3D.

- (Talking about XIV's game system)
"Before going on to adding new systems, we went through a reevaluation of all the systems in KOF. For example, whether we really needed 4 different kinds of jumps, whether the Maxmode is good, which titles were most loved by the players, whether there were unneeded systems, and so on. After doing so, we decided to brush up on each of the system and make them new."

"For example, previous KOF games had different number of supers per character and only some had an EX version, so we made that universal. And since it's a console game, we threw in the Rush Combo system. We also wanted something fun that people can challenge during battles, so we added the Just Defence system that we're still tweaking."

- (Regarding new characters)
"I can't reveal the number, but there's quite a few of them when you include the new characters and SNK characters. Quite a number of them. (laughs)" **Note that Oda says SNK characters, not KOF

- (Regarding XIV's 3D graphics)
"We're getting a lot of negative feedback on the visuals, so we're still polishing up on that. I think everyone will be happy by the time the game is finished."

- (Will there be stories for each character?)
"We're planning on making a solid story mode."

- (Will story mode be in 2D or 3D?)
"Please look forward to the final product (laughs)"

- (Will there be official tournaments, events, etc?)
"We can't make a solid reply but we've thinking of it."

- (KOF is poplular in China. Are there plans to include Chinese character(s)?)
"The game will have Traditional Chinese/Simplified Chinese support. There will be a stage based on China and Character(s) too so please look forward."

Via Gunsmith and Yuki Yagami

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