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SFV Ltd edition PS4 consoles slated for Japan

Posted Jan 21 2016 at 14:29 (Thu)

Japan is getting a variety of four limited edition Street Fighter V PlayStation 4 consoles on February 18.

Available only through preorder at Sony's stores and their online shop, the console is offered in "SFV edition", "Ryu edition", "Chunli & Laura edition", and "Ryu & Necali edition".

The limited edition consoles are 500GB models. At 37480 yen each, they're only slightly higher than the retail price of a plain console (34980 yen). It doesn't come bundled with a copy of SFV, so fans will need to buy that seperately.

All four editions comes with a sleeve and theme by artist Yusuke Murata, best known for his manga series Eyeshield 21 and the remake edition of OnePunch man.

For more images, check Sony's online store.

(Via 4Gamer)

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