Japan unification: Nobuniggy's Ambition - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Japan unification: Nobuniggy's Ambition" , posted Fri 28 Apr 05:42post reply

So, one thing led to another, and turns out I may end up around Tokyo in the early days of August.
I have lost track of where in the world ya'll gentle patrons are, but if you happen to be around the area at that time, know that I'll be in dire need of people to complain to about how I miss my cats and also why is it so hot and also why in Hakan not in SF6 and also why are cheese so bad around here and also do you know you can have a demonic racing car in your party in the gacha of Romancing Saga here let me show you.

If any of these topics strike your fancy, make yourself known, as well as a way of contacting you so that I can reveal my plan for world domination while you tell me about good places to be at around the city. I believe it's a fair trade.


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"Re(1):Japan unification: Nobuniggy's Ambition" , posted Fri 28 Apr 10:23:post reply

I have already pledged Maou's Army in support of Lord Iggy's arrival in Tokyo, for I shall be back then by that time as well. Will you join our call and conquer the land with us under Nobunaga's Tenka Fubu 天下布武 ("all the realm under military might") motto, especially in celebration of the Mega CD strategy masterpiece of the same name's reapparance on the Mega Drive Mini 2?! (MD thread update coming soon.) Let's help Iggy catch them all!


[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 28 Apr 10:30]

Red Falcon
6440th Post

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"Re(1):Japan unification: Nobuniggy's Ambition" , posted Fri 28 Apr 21:52post reply

why are cheese so bad around here…

There is a good cheese shop in the basement of Isetan in Shinjuku.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(2):Japan unification: Nobuniggy's Ambition" , posted Fri 28 Apr 23:10post reply


There is a good cheese shop in the basement of Isetan in Shinjuku.

See, this is exactly what I'm talking about.
Any chance you'd be around town early-mid August?

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"Re(1):Japan unification: Nobuniggy's Ambition" , posted Fri 28 Apr 23:54post reply

So, one thing led to another, and turns out I may end up around Tokyo in the early days of August.
I have lost track of where in the world ya'll gentle patrons are, but if you happen to be around the area at that time, know that I'll be in dire need of people to complain to about how I miss my cats and also why is it so hot and also why in Hakan not in SF6 and also why are cheese so bad around here and also do you know you can have a demonic racing car in your party in the gacha of Romancing Saga here let me show you.

If any of these topics strike your fancy, make yourself known, as well as a way of contacting you so that I can reveal my plan for world domination while you tell me about good places to be at around the city. I believe it's a fair trade.

Enjoy! I just returned back to the US after spending 2 weeks in Japan. I already miss it so much. What am I even doing in this God forgotten country...

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"
Red Falcon
6441th Post

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PSN: beatolover
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STM: bugrom1067
CFN: rugalbgood
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Japan unification: Nobuniggy's Ambition" , posted Sat 29 Apr 09:59post reply


There is a good cheese shop in the basement of Isetan in Shinjuku.
See, this is exactly what I'm talking about.
Any chance you'd be around town early-mid August?

Yeah. I live here (in a permanent way) so I’ll open up some time for you!

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Japan unification: Nobuniggy's Ambition" , posted Sun 7 May 04:36post reply


There is a good cheese shop in the basement of Isetan in Shinjuku.
See, this is exactly what I'm talking about.
Any chance you'd be around town early-mid August?

Yeah. I live here (in a permanent way) so I’ll open up some time for you!

I am devastated by the thought that I will not get to meet Maou and Red Falcon in the same place as Iggy in real life! Can they be brought over to Canada, land of fine Chinese dining and winter sports?

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Japan unification: Nobuniggy's Ambition" , posted Sun 7 May 04:36post reply


There is a good cheese shop in the basement of Isetan in Shinjuku.
See, this is exactly what I'm talking about.
Any chance you'd be around town early-mid August?

Yeah. I live here (in a permanent way) so I’ll open up some time for you!

I am devastated by the thought that I will not get to meet Maou and Red Falcon in the same place as Iggy in real life! Can they be brought over to Canada, land of fine Chinese dining and winter sports?

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Japan unification: Madman Is Missing" , posted Sun 7 May 05:05post reply

I am devastated by the thought that I will not get to meet Maou and Red Falcon in the same place as Iggy in real life! Can they be brought over to Canada, land of fine Chinese dining and winter sports?

Never fear, Spoon-kun, you simply need to host the winter Madman Olympic Games and our team will travel to represent! Or: the yen is the weakest it’s been in my lifetime, meaning that not only US dollars but apparently the mysteriously different Canadian dollar will get you far, so there’s still time to buy an admittedly expensive Ukraine-invasion-and-post-pandemic-demand-spiked air ticket but then to stay and eat in Japan for like zero dollars! With your help, I just know we can solve the most important case the Cafe has ever faced…

1942th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):Japan unification: Nobuniggy's Ambition" , posted Tue 9 May 21:19post reply

I have already pledged Maou's Army in support of Lord Iggy's arrival in Tokyo, for I shall be back then by that time as well. Will you join our call and conquer the land with us under Nobunaga's Tenka Fubu 天下布武 ("all the realm under military might") motto, especially in celebration of the Mega CD strategy masterpiece of the same name's reapparance on the Mega Drive Mini 2?! (MD thread update coming soon.) Let's help Iggy catch them all!


(As always lemme know if you plan on stopping by Thailand while you're in this part of the world too!)

Red Falcon
6443th Post

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PSN: beatolover
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Off topic question for Iggy!" , posted Mon 29 May 12:59post reply

Totally random, but… have you ever heard of/seen bleu, le enfant de tierre?

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P Requiem

"Re(1):Off topic question for Iggy!" , posted Tue 30 May 18:50post reply

So, timing has been decided, and I'll be around Tokyo/Yokohama on the week of the 8th of August, and probably around Kansai the following week but I still need to decide where before getting a hotel and it will be Obon so it's probably going to be dicey.
Tell me/contact me to say whether you'll be around, and/or I'll contact you if I know how to! I even re-installed Line of my phone so that should tell you how serious I am about it.

My objectives for this trip are
1- meet people I haven't met in forever
2- buy some clothes. I look like a hobo, which I fine since I live in England, but it would be nice for a change.
3- buy the latest HxH volume because I haven't and I've been too lazy to get it from Amazon.
That's it!

Totally random, but… have you ever heard of/seen bleu, le enfant de tierre?

Wooooooooooof, that's a name from the past. I remember it was a sort of Peter Pan-like thing, about a blue boy that was trying to save his parents or something? I don't remember much, it was quite disjointed, and later on it turned out the main author was being a kind of diva with his thing which might explain the weird storytelling.
I have never seen it rebroadcast after the first time, so I guess it really wasn't successful enough, or maybe the rights were messy? I don't know, I don't think I watched it more than a few episodes 30 years ago.
How come you know about that thing?

Red Falcon
6448th Post

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PSN: beatolover
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CFN: rugalbgood
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"Re(2):Off topic question for Iggy!" , posted Tue 13 Jun 10:43post reply


Wooooooooooof, that's a name from the past. I remember it was a sort of Peter Pan-like thing, about a blue boy that was trying to save his parents or something? I don't remember much, it was quite disjointed, and later on it turned out the main author was being a kind of diva with his thing which might explain the weird storytelling.
I have never seen it rebroadcast after the first time, so I guess it really wasn't successful enough, or maybe the rights were messy? I don't know, I don't think I watched it more than a few episodes 30 years ago.
How come you know about that thing?

Obscure animation maniac, and it’s one where I have only ever seen a single episode… however, I find a lot of the design work wonderful and legitimately want to see more.

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Star Platinum Carpet- S.P.W. Board Master

"Re(3):Off topic question for Iggy!" , posted Wed 14 Jun 23:55post reply


Obscure animation maniac, and it’s one where I have only ever seen a single episode… however, I find a lot of the design work wonderful and legitimately want to see more.

I've had a quick look and I don't think the series has ever been broadcast again, nor did it get a DVD release... It really seems like it's been forgotten (I had forgotten about it as well!)

I guess it's just the series not being popular to begin with? Or this really weird Rock Transformer thing that was added to it against the author's will may be making the rights even more complicated...
The style is very close to Jean Giraud's most famous works. Not surprising since Druillet was one of the founders of Métal Hurlant along with him... I feel this style looks better on paper than in traditional animation. Maybe some highly stylized 3D animation would work well if they were to ever animate some of his work? Hopefuly without the Rock Lords this time.

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"incident report" , posted Sun 13 Aug 02:41post reply


Subject: Iggyfication of Tokyo
Date: 12-13 August, Reiwa era 5
Incident Level: Critical
Status: Mission Complete

Incident Summary: Nobuniggy has 天下布武ed Tokyo, unifying all under Nobunaga-esque military might, or at least going to Mikado and putting up a good fight in SF Zero 3 even if the Moero Justice Gakuen machine isn't currently out. A chance sighting of a tragically named American food spot pulled us across the street in Shinjuku, mystically leading us to the former site of MMCafe Tokyo Shop Main Branch, aka Krispy Kreme, now disguised as a dim sum place. We bowed and payed respects to our lost HQ and offered thoughts to the Professor, still absent but always on our minds. The next day, Maese provided a tour of MMCafe Gardens and Tokyo Annex Shop, aka Kichijouji's Inokashira Park and an old favorite Okinawan restaurant.

Rugal: sorry we couldn't make the timing work!
Nobi: weren't you supposed to teleport to Japan from Thailand for this? Come anytime!
Spoon: I was the only one in our group who hadn't met you in person, let's fix that!

CASE CLOSED (till next time (space cowboy))

Red Falcon
6462th Post

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PSN: beatolover
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STM: bugrom1067
CFN: rugalbgood
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):incident report" , posted Sun 13 Aug 23:50post reply

Sorry I couldn’t make it, hopefully we’ll get another chance before Iggy leaves!