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PSN: ShikyohMukuro
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"The New Super Robot Wars Thread" , posted Sat 4 May 03:35post reply

I really had some trouble finding the last SRW thread I create so I decided to make a new one. In partly that I have played three of the four SRW titles for the PS4. I wanted to write a review on them briefly. However, I wanted to get confirmation on some topics since I have not played any SRW title aside form the OG titles on the GBA. I have played MX, Alpha, and others but could not experience the story behind the titles. Which goes to my first question.

For the SRW games in general not including the OG series, how do they normally go about with the stories? Do they use stories from the Anime and combine them together in the game? Do they create there own story and just utilize the characters and there backgrounds? Do they repeat stories or outcomes in plots?

Long Live I AM!


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"Re(1):The New Super Robot Wars Thread" , posted Tue 7 May 13:58post reply

I wish we had someone super-knowledgeable to answer a good question, but until someone retrieves Chaz from the damnable clutches of the Boulette forums or shows their true power, you’re stuck with me!

Fortunately for you (???), I possess such ample qualifications as having a pal who used to love this series around 2000, and having read the back of the box or an internet page or two one time!

My general sense is that the stories vary but with a few common organizations and timelines, and pretty consistent use of series like Gundam and Getter Robo. Maybe Mazinger? So this presumably gives you some common personality types even if the stories themselves are all different.

Professor or others?

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"Re(2):The New Super Robot Wars Thread" , posted Tue 7 May 15:10post reply

I'm not too keen with the SRW series but from what I understand, they're basically a parallel world to their original anime, meaning that it's an "if" world, and the storyline often times shows a different outcome from the anime-- like characters that die might get rescued and tragic endings may have an alternate route. It's a fanservice game, and that's what keeps the series' popularity.

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PSN: ShikyohMukuro
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"Re(3):SRW OG Moon Dwellers chippy review" , posted Sat 15 Jun 01:51post reply

I'm not too keen with the SRW series but from what I understand, they're basically a parallel world to their original anime, meaning that it's an "if" world, and the storyline often times shows a different outcome from the anime-- like characters that die might get rescued and tragic endings may have an alternate route. It's a fanservice game, and that's what keeps the series' popularity.

Thank you, I under stand now. I wanted to information before hand to give my review of the games.

I will start off with Super Robot Wars Original Generation Moon Dwellers for the PS4. I originally played the first two for GBA in English but completely forgot the storyline. The story continued on the PS2/PS3 but never saw an english release. I was mad. I did see the short lived OVA and anime. Still, Dont remember the story and glad I didn't because.....geez......its a lot.

The game has archives of the previous stories from each part, but all in text. That took over 4 hours total. My retina was destroyed. Very hard to follow but it was a struggle. Tried beginner setting to make sure I fit in fine at first since I have not played and SRW game for a while and know its difficulties and using robots that were cool for a couple of levels. Beef em up to make them stronger. All to see that go away when the story involves them doing something else with no return in sight. Money all gone!

I initially thought there was an option to change the difficulty during the campaign but that was only implement for SRW V. So game was a tad bit easy. I love the dual buddy system. Graphics and sound were great. Music was far better than others. I have listened to OST of other SRW games and seems to recycle the same songs into newer iterations as new tiles go by.

The story and reading the text however, was a drag! I couldn't continue to read the text and the story was always going in the direction of 100 homing missiles that I just did not want to read it or follow it anymore. But this is how SRW games are so that in itself is just a personal opinion. I rather would see CGI or movie cut scenes to at least engage me but we will probably see around 6 discs for this one game.

To conclude, it was a fun game and I enjoyed and was right up my alley as the first SRW game to tryout. So many robot to choose from on which is up your ally and what it does. It was very diverse in my book. Of course, have to beef up the main characters since they are steadily involved in something every so often.

My feeling was I was expecting much more from the next game, SRW V, that I was passing this game on without paying attention to detail. That will come in my next review of SRW V.

Long Live I AM!
Lord SNK
358th Post

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"Re(1):The New Super Robot Wars Thread" , posted Mon 17 Jun 18:52post reply


For the SRW games in general not including the OG series, how do they normally go about with the stories? Do they use stories from the Anime and combine them together in the game? Do they create there own story and just utilize the characters and there backgrounds? Do they repeat stories or outcomes in plots?

I played many games in the series, but I can't read japanese (only a little of katakana/hiragana), so my comprehension of the stories is not that great. Fortunately there are a lots of guides out there, some are full translations, other summaries, there is a guy on GameFAQs that translate almost every game (not each dialogue, but he describes what happens in each scenario map).
As Professor said, they sometimes use parallel worlds to explain the mix of robots/tecnologies/alien invaders/whatever (most prominent in the Z series), other times they change the backstory of some series to come up with an "integrated" story that explain how the world got to that state (I would say the best example is the classic timeline and the Alpha timeline which they later both recycled for the story of the OG timeline).

Coincidentally I completed my run of Moon Dwellers yesterday (I haven't played the other PS4 games, I'm trying to follow release order).
Last time I played an english SRW was OG1&2 during GBA years, I was unsure I would be able to adapt to the english translation as there were people saying that translation was terrible and I was so accustomed to the japanese game UI (for those GBA games I never remember how they translated each spell to what) that I thought I would find difficult to adapt to the changes. But instead I found the translation good enough (yes, there are lots of misspellings, some bad transliteration choice - like Kurogwane, Guilliam, etc, but nothing that can reduce game fruition) and I really enjoyed following for once the story without guides or whatever.
Story is full of usual anime tropes, but at least was more straight to the point compared to 2nd OG (the PS3 one) were they crammed too much things in one game!
Also for once I liked that we didn't get all missions with the same identical structure (initial enemies + sub boss unit, then enemy reinforcements + other bosses, it becomes too much repetitive after a while).
From technical point of view, I liked graphics (also if much was recycled from previous game), sound is ok (good but nothing spectacular - also JAM Project song lately feel all the same), they didn't make a title CGI movie like usual, probably they were short on money.

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PSN: ShikyohMukuro
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"Re(2):The New Super Robot Wars Thread" , posted Sat 22 Jun 06:00post reply


For the SRW games in general not including the OG series, how do they normally go about with the stories? Do they use stories from the Anime and combine them together in the game? Do they create there own story and just utilize the characters and there backgrounds? Do they repeat stories or outcomes in plots?

I played many games in the series, but I can't read japanese (only a little of katakana/hiragana), so my comprehension of the stories is not that great. Fortunately there are a lots of guides out there, some are full translations, other summaries, there is a guy on GameFAQs that translate almost every game (not each dialogue, but he describes what happens in each scenario map).
As Professor said, they sometimes use parallel worlds to explain the mix of robots/tecnologies/alien invaders/whatever (most prominent in the Z series), other times they change the backstory of some series to come up with an "integrated" story that explain how the world got to that state (I would say the best example is the classic timeline and the Alpha timeline which they later both recycled for the story of the OG timeline).

Coincidentally I completed my run of Moon Dwellers yesterday (I haven't played the other PS4 games, I'm trying to follow release order).
Last time I played an english SRW was OG1&2 during GBA years, I was unsure I would be able to adapt to the english translation as there were people saying that translation was terrible and I was so accustomed to the

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What difficulty did you play on and was it really that difficult or challlenging? What CGI movie did you reference?

That repetitive fighting scenario you mentioned I was definitely going to mention on my next review of SRW V. The battles in OGMD was pretty straight forward. I was expecting very difficult if not cheap failure scenarios. Overall is was not bad.

Long Live I AM!
Lord SNK
360th Post

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"Re(3):The New Super Robot Wars Thread" , posted Sat 22 Jun 18:02post reply


What difficulty did you play on and was it really that difficult or challlenging? What CGI movie did you reference?

That repetitive fighting scenario you mentioned I was definitely going to mention on my next review of SRW V. The battles in OGMD was pretty straight forward. I was expecting very difficult if not cheap failure scenarios. Overall is was not bad.

I play on Normal, starting stages are a walk in the park, later stages can be really hard (if you try to go for an all SR Points run, the game switch to hard with all enemies always having at least 3 bars of upgrades in any mech stats), but nothing impossible.
Previous games have (almost) always had an opening movie like this one from Dai-2-Ji SRW OG for PS3. Now that I'm rewatching it I think they could have recycled it, 95% of the cast is the same, few people would have noticed...

I have not played yet V, but really OG MD was funnier than recent Z games that were funny like a hammer stroke on the crotch.

493th Post

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PSN: ShikyohMukuro
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"Re(4):The New Super Robot Wars Thread" , posted Sun 23 Jun 14:35post reply


What difficulty did you play on and was it really that difficult or challlenging? What CGI movie did you reference?

That repetitive fighting scenario you mentioned I was definitely going to mention on my next review of SRW V. The battles in OGMD was pretty straight forward. I was expecting very difficult if not cheap failure scenarios. Overall is was not bad.

I play on Normal, starting stages are a walk in the park, later stages can be really hard (if you try to go for an all SR Points run, the game switch to hard with all enemies always having at least 3 bars of upgrades in any mech stats), but nothing impossible.
Previous games have (almost) always had an opening movie like this one from Dai-2-Ji SRW OG for PS3. Now that I'm rewatching it I think they could have recycled it, 95% of the cast is the same, few people would have noticed...

I have not played yet V, but really OG MD was funnier than recent Z games that were funny like a hammer stroke on the crotch.

I see got it. So what are the benefits of SR points? Is it really just in game achievements?

Long Live I AM!
Lord SNK
361th Post

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"Re(5):The New Super Robot Wars Thread" , posted Sun 23 Jun 17:30post reply


I see got it. So what are the benefits of SR points? Is it really just in game achievements?

More or less just achievements, you get also some money and/or pilot points, but they are there only mainly for a more challenging mission objective, as the standard objectives are almost always too easy.

Earlier games didn't have SR Points (they started IIRC with Alpha series) but were way more difficult! I didn't forget those nightmarish missions in SRW4 were you had to fight that fucking Dragosaurus underwater.

Lord SNK
369th Post

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"V and X to Switch and Steam!?" , posted Wed 24 Jul 00:11post reply


The news comes from the official Japanese account for the Super Robot Wars series, which notes that both Switch and Steam versions are on the way for each game, and that more details will be published in this week's Weekly Famitsu, which releases on Thursday 25th.

Source: NintendoLife
Source of the source: SRW Twitter

This is not too much surprising for the Switch versions, after the perceived good reception of T, but also a Steam version is without precedents!
I don't know much about japanese games presence on Steam or if they have region lock policies, but this could mean for a lot of people a more easy-to-buy english release (Asia versions were already translated in english).

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"Re(1):V and X to Switch and Steam!?" , posted Sat 27 Jul 13:20post reply

I don't play the series, but I'm so glad for you! Sounds like the add-on content (20 bonus scenarios) in other editions will be included in the main release on Switch and Steam. Switch version October 3, Steam version TBA.

Smart companies (so naturally, not Konami, as we saw with the arcade/Dracula collections) have gotten better about not doing the Steam region lock, but given all the licensing involved, I'd imagine that an official US release would be pretty unlikely, and I don't know if there is a specific Southeast Asia version of Steam...? Switch would probably be your safest bet, and so much the better if there is a Southeast Asia edition with English for you to buy!

Lord SNK
370th Post

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"Re(2):V and X to Switch and Steam!?" , posted Sat 27 Jul 17:27post reply

I don't play the series, but I'm so glad for you! Sounds like the add-on content (20 bonus scenarios) in other editions will be included in the main release on Switch and Steam. Switch version October 3, Steam version TBA.

Smart companies (so naturally, not Konami, as we saw with the arcade/Dracula collections) have gotten better about not doing the Steam region lock, but given all the licensing involved, I'd imagine that an official US release would be pretty unlikely, and I don't know if there is a specific Southeast Asia version of Steam...? Switch would probably be your safest bet, and so much the better if there is a Southeast Asia edition with English for you to buy!

I agree, an official US / International release is impossible for the classic series thanks to the licensing hell with all the animes involved.
But the OG games don't have this problem (and the first two OG games for GBA were released in US/EU back in the day), so after V&X probably they can continue with Moon Dwellers and previous OG chapters?

I only hope this can help the series survive and expand its fanbase, and not kill the physical releases. A digital only version could be problematic with foreign stores.
I had a (obviously) fake JP PSN account I registered for downloading and playing the digital only version of SRW Z3 Rengoku-hen that was given for free as 1st print bonus with Z3-2, I redemeed my digital code but didn't download the game as I would play that game some months later. When finally I could play the game I discovered my JP account was closed (and I didn't receive any communication at all), fortunately I didn't purchase anything with money, otherwise it would be a disaster!
Now I can't buy or play those DD only games from JP store, I can't create another account with same email, and even if I create a new account I need to pay again for the same games I had for free.

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PSN: ShikyohMukuro
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"V and X to Switch and Steam!? V-Review" , posted Sun 4 Aug 00:04:post reply

I don't play the series, but I'm so glad for you! Sounds like the add-on content (20 bonus scenarios) in other editions will be included in the main release on Switch and Steam. Switch version October 3, Steam version TBA.

Smart companies (so naturally, not Konami, as we saw with the arcade/Dracula collections) have gotten better about not doing the Steam region lock, but given all the licensing involved, I'd imagine that an official US release would be pretty unlikely, and I don't know if there is a specific Southeast Asia version of Steam...? Switch would probably be your safest bet, and so much the better if there is a Southeast Asia edition with English for you to buy!

I agree, an official US / International release is impossible for the classic series thanks to the licensing hell with all the animes involved.
But the OG games don't have this problem (and the first two OG games for GBA were released in US/EU back in the day), so after V&X probably they can continue with Moon Dwellers and previous OG chapters?

I only hope this can help the series survive and expand its fanbase, and not kill the physical releases. A digital only version could be problematic with foreign stores.
I had a (obviously) fake JP PSN account I registered for downloading and playing the digital only version of SRW Z3 Rengoku-hen that was given for free as 1st print bonus with Z3-2, I redemeed my digital co

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pretty cool its expanding. The money is there and this should have been done a while ago. Banpresto would have stayed as a solo company if that was the case. I miss that mask of mystery.

I will pull out a quick review of Super Robot V before I forget. I read reviews and saw some good praise about it. That made me anticipate in playing it as soon as i can. It also made me feel that OG Moon Dwellers was inferior. So, my quest in V in a nutshell.

So loading up the game and seeing the main screen, felt really weak. The GUI looks old and funky compared to the last. Not a good impression. Choose the guy, forget his name, as my character. Played the game for a bit, story seemed to be good. Mecha for my character felt pretty weak and cheesy as time went by.

I mean my strongest move is a bomb behind your back trick. Really though? The music during the cut-scenes felt off as well. OG Moon Dwellers transition different songs with ease. SRW V just stops, cut, and new track comes. Not exciting when reading 100,000 words intermission in between stages for 23 minutes and 45 seconds stuck in the screen moving eyes left and right.

Story was still getting good. Most reviews say that. I agree, at the time that is. Many cheap Failed mission happened. I played in beginner as well. I failed more mission now than in Moon Dwellers OG but that was because of cheap objectives. Then there was the stages where you think you won and finish but yet another sworm comes. Also, characters talking more jibberish after you select battle start.

These two things felt cheesy and a waste of time to me. However, based on what Lord SNK have stated about the missions and looking at pass SRW were character tend to talk more after you click on battle start, it seems this is now new. I dont like it.

In short, I liked the game and it was fun. At the time to say the least. Then I met my match with X. That is where the true story of how i feel about SRW as a whole will come in.

Positives about this game was getting to know more about Anime series I have not seen before. Also including characters or series who do not have an anime adaptation was nice to see.

Long Live I AM!

[this message was edited by neo0r0chiaku on Sun 4 Aug 00:06]

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"Re(1):V and X to Switch and Steam!? V-Review" , posted Sun 4 Aug 05:12:post reply

This is neat. I wanted to say again how much I enjoy getting exposed here to particular niches I would normally never encounter, whether it's American fighting games or Super Robot Taisen!


[this message was edited by Maou on Sun 4 Aug 05:33]

Lord SNK
372th Post

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"Re(1):V and X to Switch and Steam!? V-Review" , posted Sun 4 Aug 21:23post reply

So, V is a bit of a drag like the latest Z games?

I haven't played it yet, and now I have added T also to the pile, but it was on sale last month and I could not say no to a sale.

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PSN: ShikyohMukuro
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"Re(2):V and X to Switch and Steam!? V-Review" , posted Mon 5 Aug 02:58post reply

So, V is a bit of a drag like the latest Z games?

I haven't played it yet, and now I have added T also to the pile, but it was on sale last month and I could not say no to a sale.

At a first impression not at all. Its small little details that were a nuance but it was a fun game. Have to also note that this is my first actual full on run of playing an SRW game that is not OG in full translation. I take that back, I played MX in full by the help of a gamefaq full walk through. It wasn't until playing SRW X that had me second guessing things. Which I will write later.

Long Live I AM!
Lord SNK
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"Re(3):V and X to Switch and Steam!? V-Review" , posted Tue 8 Oct 00:14post reply

An update about the Steam release, at last the game is region-locked to Japan and Southeast Asia.
I don't know if being on PC make it easy to circumvent region-locking, I don't use Steam or play on PC.

By the way, I started my V run (on PS4), it feels even a little bit easier than latest installments of this series, probably because it doesn't have any squad/twin system, making it more straightforward and "faster": in previous games there was at some point an inflation of enemy units and also to "balance" the bosses (1 single unit against your 10 o 15 unit squads) they had an obscene amount of HP.
This chapter feels like an easier reintroduction to the series for beginner / newcomers, it feels less overwhelming and lighter to play. But I'm still halfway to my first run (around stage 30) so there is still time to complicate things further.
One thing I noticed, about merely technical aspects, the attack animations we had in Z for different units positions (attacking from ground to air, and the opposite from air to ground) for which also the heads of the robots were oriented correctly now seems gone, but it seems that everything is some fully / special animated attack (no more static sprites with only the arms changing positions...).
It's not bad, but it seems that some unit suffered by having less different attacks but with more animations. That also ties with the tendency started in recent games of having attacks doing multiple things (combination sequence of different attacks that once were separated attacks).
Also about the "making it easier" thing, now you can use spirits always: after moving, before a counterattack, there aren't limitations (aside from SP points consumption).
One thing that I'm not liking is the shared TacP points, the same now are used for giving skills to pilots AND buying equipments, there aren't enough points were I am in the game compared to previous games. But fortunately all the other changes make it easier to break the game and the CPU without bothering too much in giving the usual skills combination to every pilot (and multi-action now is also given for free to everyone with the Extra Commands thing).

And I hate the original characters, I don't know if they can beats the levels of antipathy reached by SRW K characters, but we have some good candidates for now (for both protagonists and antagonists).

I wrote a wall of text, sorry.

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"Re(4):V and X to Switch and Steam!? V-Review" , posted Wed 9 Oct 12:52post reply

I wrote a wall of text, sorry.
This is encouraged and/or required behavior at the Cafe, well done!

I've never known much about the English-speaking fandom for this series, but by virtue of this cozy little thread, has MMC become the de facto source for Super Robot Taisen talk in English at this point?!

528th Post

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PSN: ShikyohMukuro
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"Re(4):V and X to Switch and Steam!? V-Review" , posted Fri 11 Oct 05:16post reply

An update about the Steam release, at last the game is region-locked to Japan and Southeast Asia.
I don't know if being on PC make it easy to circumvent region-locking, I don't use Steam or play on PC.

By the way, I started my V run (on PS4), it feels even a little bit easier than latest installments of this series, probably because it doesn't have any squad/twin system, making it more straightforward and "faster": in previous games there was at some point an inflation of enemy units and also to "balance" the bosses (1 single unit against your 10 o 15 unit squads) they had an obscene amount of HP.
This chapter feels like an easier reintroduction to the series for beginner / newcomers, it feels less overwhelming and lighter to play. But I'm still halfway to my first run (around stage 30) so there is still time to complicate things further.
One thing I noticed, about merely technical aspects, the attack animations we had in Z for different units positions (attacking from ground to air, and the opposite from air to ground) for which also the heads of the robots were oriented correctly now seems gone, but it seems that everything is some fully / special animated attack (no more static sprites with only the arms changing positions...).
It's not bad, but it seems that some unit suffered by having less different attacks but with more animations. That also ties with the tendency started in recent games of having attacks doing multiple things (combination sequence of different att

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Oh yes forgot about that. Would benefit more for newcomers. Even the Tacp(or boost?) thing was added ability during turns. I only used spirits during my turn to keep it somewhat difficult.

Long Live I AM!
Lord SNK
388th Post

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"Re(5):V and X to Switch and Steam!? V-Review" , posted Sat 12 Oct 02:54post reply

I wrote a wall of text, sorry. This is encouraged and/or required behavior at the Cafe, well done!

I've never known much about the English-speaking fandom for this series, but by virtue of this cozy little thread, has MMC become the de facto source for Super Robot Taisen talk in English at this point?!

It would be good!

Oh yes forgot about that. Would benefit more for newcomers. Even the Tacp(or boost?) thing was added ability during turns. I only used spirits during my turn to keep it somewhat difficult.

I didn't even notice that also boost could be used after moving an unit.
Or, probably for ships it does make sense as they have that other boost type to apply to close units, but for normal units I can't think of a single time I would need to use the boost dash, direct hit, that other for critical hit or multi action after I already moved the unit, unless it is saved for next turn (but then I would use that directly on that turn).
I'm using too spirits on my turn, but not for making it more difficult, but because I have years of habit (is this the correct english term??) of doing it the "classic" way.

529th Post

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PSN: ShikyohMukuro
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"Re(6):V and X to Switch and Steam!? V-Review" , posted Sat 12 Oct 07:07post reply

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -

End of Spoiler

End of Spoiler

I wrote a wall of text, sorry. This is encouraged and/or required behavior at the Cafe, well done!

I've never known much about the English-speaking fandom for this series, but by virtue of this cozy little thread, has MMC become the de facto source for Super Robot Taisen talk in English at this point?!

It would be good!

Oh yes forgot about that. Would benefit more for newcomers. Even the Tacp(or boost?) thing was added ability during turns. I only used spirits during my turn to keep it somewhat difficult.

I didn't even notice that also boost could be used after moving an unit.
Or, probably for ships it does make sense as they have that other boost type to apply to close units, but for normal units I can't think of a single time I would need to use the boost dash, direct hit, that other for critical hit or multi action after I already moved the unit, unless it is saved for next turn (but then I would use that directly on that turn).
I'm using too spirits on my turn, but not for making it more difficult, but because I have years of habit (is this the correct english term??) of doing it the "classic" way.

Yep, sounds about right. I also forgot to mention the new SP skills based system they have now. Its not about each pilot having there own or specific, now anyone can have anything and as many as they want.

Long Live I AM!
Lord SNK
390th Post

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"Re(7):V and X to Switch and Steam!? V-Review" , posted Sat 26 Oct 00:21post reply

SRW V 1st run completed!
Near the end the game was so generous with everything that on the last stage I had all deployed units so ridiculously overpowered.
And carry over bonus is 100% too! Previous games gave only 50% of funds and skill points on 2nd run, 75% on 3rd run and 100% on subsequent runs.
I think all these changes were made to make the game intentionally easier for newer players, I can't think of any other reasons.

By the way, the OG characters weren't so bad, story is a little clusterfuck, but after all it's an enjoyable game.
I'll start a 2nd run for the other ending and 100% map completion. After that SRW X awaits me!

530th Post

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PSN: ShikyohMukuro
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"Re(8):V and X to Switch and Steam!? V-Review" , posted Sat 26 Oct 10:06post reply

SRW V 1st run completed!
Near the end the game was so generous with everything that on the last stage I had all deployed units so ridiculously overpowered.
And carry over bonus is 100% too! Previous games gave only 50% of funds and skill points on 2nd run, 75% on 3rd run and 100% on subsequent runs.
I think all these changes were made to make the game intentionally easier for newer players, I can't think of any other reasons.

By the way, the OG characters weren't so bad, story is a little clusterfuck, but after all it's an enjoyable game.
I'll start a 2nd run for the other ending and 100% map completion. After that SRW X awaits me!

Nice, I enjoyed the story, at the time. But then SRW X came and that changed my mind. Did you have any other favorite mechas used and were good?

The OG character mecha used in the beginning half sucked pretty bad. But the new one you get was pretty bad ass finally.

Surprised you are going to to another run. I was going to do my review of SRW X but dont want to spoil it.

Long Live I AM!
Lord SNK
391th Post

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"Re(9):V and X to Switch and Steam!? V-Review" , posted Sat 26 Oct 17:17post reply


Nice, I enjoyed the story, at the time. But then SRW X came and that changed my mind. Did you have any other favorite mechas used and were good?

The OG character mecha used in the beginning half sucked pretty bad. But the new one you get was pretty bad ass finally.

Surprised you are going to to another run. I was going to do my review of SRW X but dont want to spoil it.

My top aces for my 1st run were Black Sarena (Nadesico series) and Shin Getter. The Black Sarena is always an amazing unit in every game it's included, this time probably it was even more broken than usual, it's funny when you can send him inside a group of enemies to wreck havoc before your main group of units can get there. Beautiful.
OG main mecha final upgrade I choose the power version, not bad, good animations, but not particularly interesting. The other OG mechs joined too much late to care.

Considering how much I pay for these games, I feel bad not seeing at least the other endings! Fortunately the second run should be quicker.

If you wait for me to play X then you will write that review next year.. do not wait for me!

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"Re(10):V and X to Switch and Steam!? V-Review" , posted Fri 22 Nov 00:15post reply


Nice, I enjoyed the story, at the time. But then SRW X came and that changed my mind. Did you have any other favorite mechas used and were good?

The OG character mecha used in the beginning half sucked pretty bad. But the new one you get was pretty bad ass finally.

Surprised you are going to to another run. I was going to do my review of SRW X but dont want to spoil it.

My top aces for my 1st run were Black Sarena (Nadesico series) and Shin Getter. The Black Sarena is always an amazing unit in every game it's included, this time probably it was even more broken than usual, it's funny when you can send him inside a group of enemies to wreck havoc before your main group of units can get there. Beautiful.
OG main mecha final upgrade I choose the power version, not bad, good animations, but not particularly interesting. The other OG mechs joined too much late to care.

Considering how much I pay for these games, I feel bad not seeing at least the other endings! Fortunately the second run should be quicker.

If you wait for me to play X then you will write that review next year.. do not wait for me!

Well, after seeing that people praised more X more than V. I expected to have a much more fun experience with X. OR maybe it it was the other way around. I do not remember. So as I witnessed the game booting it, the GUI was much more better than V. However, it was all a fantasy style themed of, not sure how to call it, fairies and elfs? That kind of turned me off completely.

That same old talking bird is seen yet again. Can someone tell me who the hell is that damnBird called Spero? And why is he in every SRW game??? Him and his gang of other colored feathers in others games also.

In short, the system itself is the same as SRW V. The protagonist is ok but his mecha is much better than the ones in V. I was excited to play as Gureen Lagaan. That was pretty cool. I finally got my hands on Gundam Wing characters for the first time. Although, they were pretty weak. Aside from that, characters were the same.

Now, this is where my biggest problem and disappointment came. The story was damn near the same, with the same outcome, and the same villains. That really sucked and regret having to spend hours reading it that bloodshot my eyes for not having to sleep on time staying up all night. uugghhh.

That is the problem I have with the story on SRW games, at least for now, and hence the questions i asked earlier in the thread. My other problem is, although they try to capture the animations from the anime, it uses the same graphic details since, maybe, 2012 or so of past SRW games? I say this because at this time, i kind of felt regret in talking down SRW OG moon dwellers like i did. The graphics and music are extremely better and up to par with current generation expectation. SRW V and X seems to have recycled this.

I mean, if we going to be reading 176,345,875,098,484 of text in SRW games of the same story, they need to start making some CGI or drawing movie clips with voice acting. Kind of tired of all the reading. If this happens in T, I am not even going to read the story for future SRW non OG games. Now all this wants me to play SRW OG Moon Dwellers again. There is some much to appreciate in that game that I too for granted.

So was the game fun or worth playing? Well, I guess. Cant really say. But I would recommended so you can see what I have witnessed. Thats all really. Now if this is how all SRW games are and its the norm, as some mentioned, maybe I am out of line, or just want some kind of change or evolution.

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Lord SNK
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"Re(2):Re(10):V and X to Switch and Steam!? V-" , posted Sun 24 Nov 19:35post reply

Thanks for your review, neo0r0chiaku!

Now I see why you asked those questions earlier.
Not being able to read japanese, I didn't followed too closely the story of previous games, but I think that some of the earlier games tried to do more courageous things with their story.
These games are a big fan-service with mash-up of multiple IP, so they have to work with what is available in the included series, sometimes they change/fix some story things so that they work in the expanded story of the game (like for example Shinji not being a pussy for all the story).
But I can say I saw a progressive worsening in the quality of the story, I think it started after Z2, they become more lazy / reliant on the "parallel world" trope. It could work, but sometimes it's used only as an excuse to jump from one map location to another, trying to cover the various series main events (like, what was the point of having - again - Gundam Seed Destiny or 00 in V? They were there only as filler for the roster, especially Seed).
In the OG series they have more freedom and so they try different things, also budget isn't absorbed by licensing, so they can dedicate more resources to graphics and animations. It would be perfect if they could include full animated scenes in the intermissions or full voice acting, but the budget would skyrockets.

If you liked MD, you could try to play OG1 and OG2 for GBA, they were released in english back then, and they are the start of the OG story, pretty good games. A remake was released for PS2, but it was never translated.

What I miss, more than story, is the "strategy" side, that has become more washed up in recent years, in earlier games you had to place your unit with care minding the terrain, now every units can fly and terrains rate become totally irrelevant.

Oh, I forgot the parrot, I don't know him, it has to be an original character from X. The only other animals character I remember are the Masoukishin's familiars: cats, platipi, wolves, etc. Shu Shirakawa has a canary named Chika. I don't remember other birds, sorry.

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"Re(3):Re(10):V and X to Switch and Steam!? V-" , posted Wed 27 Nov 22:47post reply

Thanks for your review, neo0r0chiaku!

Now I see why you asked those questions earlier.
Not being able to read japanese, I didn't followed too closely the story of previous games, but I think that some of the earlier games tried to do more courageous things with their story.
These games are a big fan-service with mash-up of multiple IP, so they have to work with what is available in the included series, sometimes they change/fix some story things so that they work in the expanded story of the game (like for example Shinji not being a pussy for all the story).
But I can say I saw a progressive worsening in the quality of the story, I think it started after Z2, they become more lazy / reliant on the "parallel world" trope. It could work, but sometimes it's used only as an excuse to jump from one map location to another, trying to cover the various series main events (like, what was the point of having - again - Gundam Seed Destiny or 00 in V? They were there only as filler for the roster, especially Seed).
In the OG series they have more freedom and so they try different things, also budget isn't absorbed by licensing, so they can dedicate more resources to graphics and animations. It would be perfect if they could include full animated scenes in the intermissions or full voice acting, but the budget would skyrockets.

If you liked MD, you could try to play OG1 and OG2 for GBA, they were released in english back then, and they are the start of the OG story, pretty good games

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Thanks for the information. For X, what grind my gears about the story issue is that the build up and climax during the campaign was nearly a direct copy of two scenes from V. Maybe three. So that's when I said "wait, this already happened, why we doing it again?"

That's what I hope not to see again.

I have only played a bit of Alpha and went through all of MX. I think MX evolved around G Gundam story line and the devil Gundam? I don't remember.

I did play OG for GBA and had a good time. Was bummed out they didn't give it to us in PS2.

That parrot was referenced in the previous OG games. I think part 3? I seen him somewhere else, not sure.

Been waiting on deals for switch lite to play T. I have barely touched my PS4 sadly.

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"Switch Lite Black Friday deal" , posted Thu 28 Nov 00:02post reply

If you'd like to save some money on a Switch, check out the Switch Deals subreddit. I've been using it (and other game deal subreddits) for about a year and the way the savings add up over time, it's basically like every 4th-5th game that I want I get for free or close to it.

Best current deal on a Lite I've seen is for $175 through Google Shopping / ANTonline. I've purchased the original Switch through them before (Black Friday last year, in fact) and can vouch legitimacy. Shipping was a bit slow - took about 2 weeks.

"Hai ... Shindekudasai?"

Anyone still playing Phantasy Star Online 2?
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"Re(1):Switch Lite Black Friday deal" , posted Thu 28 Nov 07:30post reply

If you'd like to save some money on a Switch, check out the Switch Deals subreddit. I've been using it (and other game deal subreddits) for about a year and the way the savings add up over time, it's basically like every 4th-5th game that I want I get for free or close to it.

Best current deal on a Lite I've seen is for $175 through Google Shopping / ANTonline. I've purchased the original Switch through them before (Black Friday last year, in fact) and can vouch legitimacy. Shipping was a bit slow - took about 2 weeks.

Thanks, I have seen some and was debating which deal I should get. I might do the one from Khols.

Long Live I AM!
Lord SNK
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"After SRWar gaming X" , posted Mon 3 Feb 22:39post reply


Now, this is where my biggest problem and disappointment came. The story was damn near the same, with the same outcome, and the same villains. That really sucked and regret having to spend hours reading it that bloodshot my eyes for not having to sleep on time staying up all night. uugghhh.

For X, what grind my gears about the story issue is that the build up and climax during the campaign was nearly a direct copy of two scenes from V. Maybe three. So that's when I said "wait, this already happened, why we doing it again?"

That's what I hope not to see again.

I saw SRW X ending yesterday, Iori route.
I agree with you, the problem with X is that they made a new game with a "new" story, with 75% the same roster of the previous game, so using the same events (eeeew please do not use Cross Ange ever again!) baked in the original story. But (probably as people say that the game was rushed) they made a story not so different from the previous game so to recycle the game structure and simply substitute here and there with the new characters.
I don't know, the game is good aside from the OG story, I liked very much Wataru, not much Nadia, but it was difficult to integrate in a reasonable way when the anime is not really about mecha.
If they would have planned these games as one the sequel of the other (and I haven't played T yet) they could have spread better the various stories without repeating events, I don't know if I'm explaining myself, but if you include Cross Ange in V and obviously that anime has only 2 or 3 main story events that you have to reproduce, when you include the same anime in X the main events are always those 3. And the same is valid for Mazinger.

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"Re(1):After SRWar gaming X" , posted Fri 7 Feb 06:00post reply


Now, this is where my biggest problem and disappointment came. The story was damn near the same, with the same outcome, and the same villains. That really sucked and regret having to spend hours reading it that bloodshot my eyes for not having to sleep on time staying up all night. uugghhh.

For X, what grind my gears about the story issue is that the build up and climax during the campaign was nearly a direct copy of two scenes from V. Maybe three. So that's when I said "wait, this already happened, why we doing it again?"

That's what I hope not to see again.

I saw SRW X ending yesterday, Iori route.
I agree with you, the problem with X is that they made a new game with a "new" story, with 75% the same roster of the previous game, so using the same events (eeeew please do not use Cross Ange ever again!) baked in the original story. But (probably as people say that the game was rushed) they made a story not so different from the previous game so to recycle the game structure and simply substitute here and there with the new characters.
I don't know, the game is good aside from the OG story, I liked very much Wataru, not much Nadia, but it was difficult to integrate in a reasonable way when the anime is not really about mecha.
If they would have planned these games as one the sequel of the other (and I haven't played T yet) they could have spread better the various stories without repeating events, I don't know if I'm explaining myself, but if you inclu

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I felt the same about Nadia. Although not worth playing, but how much they were involved with the story did peak my interest. I would like to see the anime myself. Wataru was pretty cool also. Although, I didnt watch the anime as well. I think the mechas I preferred the most in X was Cybuster and Gureen Lagaan. I wanted to get more involved with Lelouch but he didnt seem as effective as I wanted him to be.

I hope you enjoy T soon. I have observed that X.V. and T are more focused on millions of canon fodder from enemies then actual tactical strategy from what I witnessed in OG Moon Dwellers. I will go into that in later detail.

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Lord SNK
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"Re(2):After SRWar gaming X" , posted Fri 7 Feb 17:03post reply


I felt the same about Nadia. Although not worth playing, but how much they were involved with the story did peak my interest. I would like to see the anime myself. Wataru was pretty cool also. Although, I didnt watch the anime as well. I think the mechas I preferred the most in X was Cybuster and Gureen Lagaan. I wanted to get more involved with Lelouch but he didnt seem as effective as I wanted him to be.

I hope you enjoy T soon. I have observed that X.V. and T are more focused on millions of canon fodder from enemies then actual tactical strategy from what I witnessed in OG Moon Dwellers. I will go into that in later detail.

Most series included have only a bland representation of their story in the game, with many being post their anime story ending, or simply there only for their mecha and not for their story.
Nadia Secret of Blue Water was really a great anime back then, still good but for someone the filler episodes can be too much to bear.
Wataru instead was never released outside of japan, but Bandai announced a remake / sequel for this spring and has started putting the previous episodes subtitled on their youtube channel! But I don't know why they stopped at episode 10 of the first series and started the second, I hope they complete them.

Gurren Lagann and Code Geass got a better treatment in Z2.1 and Z2.2 for PSP, but sadly only in japanese. But still amazing games.

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"Re(3):After SRWar gaming X" , posted Sat 25 Apr 04:41:post reply

I must say now that I take back all the negative things I have said in my review about SRW OG the moon dwellers. I can now see the effort made compared to V, X, and T. Although some will say, that OG recycled assets both audio and visual, truth can be said about V, X, And T if I am not mistaken. The combat system in OG is more of a realistic strategic type then V, X, And T constant cannon fodder present at many levels. I think OG the moon dwellers was a turn off for most because they could not enjoy the story. Didn't even know it was based on SRW J actually. Odd.

If anything, I want to see another OG game come out soon. But in the meantime, since it has been, we wow almost 15 years playing OG on the GBA, I need learn about the story from the start. I ended up ordering the SRW anime collection. Can be cheesy but at least I can get a grasp of the story behind this massive campaign.

Funny I say this because I kind of hated playing OG even though it was a good game back in GBA, because, well we didn't get an original SRW game with anime characters translated in English. Maybe Banpresto, yes I will still call it Banpresto, released so many titles this past year for fans who never got to play. I hope that the next titles will be heavily worked on from a game system perspective and audio/visual.

Long Live I AM!

[this message was edited by neo0r0chiaku on Sat 25 Apr 04:44]

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"Re(4):After SRWar gaming X" , posted Sat 2 May 11:30post reply

I must say now that I take back all the negative things I have said in my review about SRW OG the moon dwellers. I can now see the effort made compared to V, X, and T. Although some will say, that OG recycled assets both audio and visual, truth can be said about V, X, And T if I am not mistaken. The combat system in OG is more of a realistic strategic type then V, X, And T constant cannon fodder present at many levels. I think OG the moon dwellers was a turn off for most because they could not enjoy the story. Didn't even know it was based on SRW J actually. Odd.

If anything, I want to see another OG game come out soon. But in the meantime, since it has been, we wow almost 15 years playing OG on the GBA, I need learn about the story from the start. I ended up ordering the SRW anime collection. Can be cheesy but at least I can get a grasp of the story behind this massive campaign.

Funny I say this because I kind of hated playing OG even though it was a good game back in GBA, because, well we didn't get an original SRW game with anime characters translated in English. Maybe Banpresto, yes I will still call it Banpresto, released so many titles this past year for fans who never got to play. I hope that the next titles will be heavily worked on from a game system perspective and audio/visual.

Some more info on SRW as a whole that I have missed and/or misunderstood if this was explained to me before. My initial thought for the SRW Original generations series back in the 2000s was that it used the OG characters with new story lines. That is false on the story line part. So this is how it works.
Super Robot Wars Original Generations (1/2) and Gaiden retells the events of the Classic SRW, SRW @lpha, and SRW Advance.
2nd Super Robot wars Original Generations retells the the events of SRW R, SRW D, SRW MX.
3rd Super Robot Wars Original Generations, aka Moon Dwellers, retells the events of SRW J.

By retelling, it either uses the characters and there background, and/or retells the story entirely, and/or ties in the story into the game while utilizing the OG characters in place of the Anime ones from there original games.

With that said, I assume the next SRW OG will probably cover SRW W, K, and L. Maybe after that it would be SRW UX and BX. Hopefully, we will soon have one that covers the famous Z series.

Now I realize how all this is working and can now show much more appreciation to not only the Original Generations series, but the other titles featuring the anime series. It is great that I can finally witness that story from the older SRW titles that we were not able to play outside of Japan or not knowing Japanese. All the more better to not having to play them again when it has already been retold in OG.

Also to note the SRW Compact/Impact series has not be retold yet also. Wonder how they will tie in that series.

Long Live I AM!
Lord SNK
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"Re(5):After SRWar gaming X" , posted Sat 2 May 16:51post reply


So this is how it works.
Super Robot Wars Original Generations (1/2) and Gaiden retells the events of the Classic SRW, SRW @lpha, and SRW Advance.
2nd Super Robot wars Original Generations retells the the events of SRW R, SRW D, SRW MX.
3rd Super Robot Wars Original Generations, aka Moon Dwellers, retells the events of SRW J.

By retelling, it either uses the characters and there background, and/or retells the story entirely, and/or ties in the story into the game while utilizing the OG characters in place of the Anime ones from there original games.

With that said, I assume the next SRW OG will probably cover SRW W, K, and L. Maybe after that it would be SRW UX and BX. Hopefully, we will soon have one that covers the famous Z series

Also to note the SRW Compact/Impact series has not be retold yet also. Wonder how they will tie in that series.

Alpha3 story is still not covered, it should be in the next OG game. Z probably will be after that.
For what I know Compact/Impact was sprinkled here and there in OG1/2/Gaiden. Kyousuke and Excellen were Compact2/Impact prostagonists, Alfimi was there too. The Shuras from OG Gaiden (Folka and the other guys) were from Compact3. I don't know who/what is included in Compact1. Someday I should play those game too.


The combat system in OG is more of a realistic strategic type then V, X, And T constant cannon fodder present at many levels.

Yeah, OG:MD kept the difficulty level of recent Z games and the previous OG game, VXT were designed to be easy probably hoping to get more players interested in this series.
I liked when earlier games required to make a little more strategic thinking in deploying and using your units, taking advantage of terrain type and a lot of other things. There were more missions with different victory conditions than "kill everything".
Now everything can fly, everything can tank/dodge everything, the only way difficulty is increased is with more enemies, more enemy reinforcements, or boss with more HP.

Lord SNK
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"Threading on the Tiger's Tail" , posted Fri 26 Jun 00:16post reply

I almost forgot to post here, I played (and finished) T, another copy/paste game in this trilogy.
Story is a little bit more different from V/X. I liked the original characters more than previous 2 games.
Series list, I liked the reintroduction of GaoGaiGar, not much the inclusion of Cowboy Bebop (it feels even more useless than Nadia in X), Rayearth was totally wasted in this game. But probably we can say the same for many series in this game, so much wasted potential. Even SRW W on Nintendo DS released 13 years ago was more impressive for what it did with story/units/attack animations only for GaoGaiGar, let's not speak of the entire game.
For graphics/audio no new notable things to report. Gameplay and difficulty unchanged.

Overall I should say I liked it a bit more than X as a game, but V's story was the best in this trilogy.
But compared to earlier games (Alpha series, Z series, some of the portable games) these new games felt too much bland.

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"Tier list" , posted Thu 27 Aug 12:52post reply

Great Hera, somewhere else besides the Cafe is talking about Super Robot Taisen in English?! I may not have played this venerable series, but I’m sure interested to hear our resident experts’ take on this USGamer tier list!

Lord SNK
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"Re(1):Tier list" , posted Thu 27 Aug 18:57post reply

Great Hera, somewhere else besides the Cafe is talking about Super Robot Taisen in English?! I may not have played this venerable series, but I’m sure interested to hear our resident experts’ take on this USGamer tier list!

Thanks for posting this article.
It's difficult to rank every games in a series so long with so many entries, but some games are universally recognized as good (Z, Alpha/gaiden) or bad (OE, A Portable) so I mostly agree with the author placements, I would only move around some games.
I think lots of people would agree that MX and W should be way more higher, MX for being a standalone and funny entry with a good selection of series, W for being a little masterpiece on Nintendo DS with an amazing story and roster selection, it hasn't an english translation but has probably the most english friendly mecha anime fan favorites series list.
For me Alpha 3 too should be a little bit higher, but is a personal preference, I liked it a lot for the general crazyness and brokenness.
R should be placed next to A and D, all the GBA games were great.
I didn't play Impact, but I know is a remake of Compact 2, I don't know why is placed there.
Missing from the list is 4th/4S SRW (SNES/PS) but probably should be placed together with 3rd SRW (SNES).

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"Re(2):Tier list" , posted Fri 28 Aug 13:16post reply

Great Hera, somewhere else besides the Cafe is talking about Super Robot Taisen in English?! I may not have played this venerable series, but I’m sure interested to hear our resident experts’ take on this USGamer tier list!

Thanks for posting this article.
It's difficult to rank every games in a series so long with so many entries, but some games are universally recognized as good (Z, Alpha/gaiden) or bad (OE, A Portable) so I mostly agree with the author placements, I would only move around some games.
I think lots of people would agree that MX and W should be way more higher, MX for being a standalone and funny entry with a good selection of series, W for being a little masterpiece on Nintendo DS with an amazing story and roster selection, it hasn't an english translation but has probably the most english friendly mecha anime fan favorites series list.
For me Alpha 3 too should be a little bit higher, but is a personal preference, I liked it a lot for the general crazyness and brokenness.
R should be placed next to A and D, all the GBA games were great.
I didn't play Impact, but I know is a remake of Compact 2, I don't know why is placed there.
Missing from the list is 4th/4S SRW (SNES/PS) but probably should be placed together with 3rd SRW (SNES).

I wish I can align with this ranking as I was not able to play every single Game or games I didplayed, I only went not so far until my Japanese skills couldn't take me further into the game.

I think they bashed OGMD a little harsh.T and X, as he stated, was exactly like V but stollrankes high. While T and X was insanely easy.

Glad to see the OG ps2 ports is high. I really missed out on 2nd OG and sucks there is no translation.

I agree MX should be higher. It was a bit cooler and different then the rest. I still have memories. Aplha and F are probably the best but I never got far to enjoy it.

I think Impact, till this day, is probably the best in my books and still a great looking game. Gives it a comic book feel with the fonts of the text. I really wanted to play that game and something about screams Authenticity.

OG on gba were still my favorites. It was challenging.

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"30th anniversary broadcast" , posted Fri 9 Jul 05:40post reply

I know that MMC is the top destination for the small but dedicated group of English-speaking Super Robot Taisen megafans, so here’s something you’ll like: a special 30th anniversary net show on July 11 8pm-1:40 am Japan, 7am-noon-thirty EDT, “The Mega Appreciation Festival of Steel.” Part 1 has a retrospective and new release info on SRT DD and SRT 30 plus musical performance, part 2 has special guests. Links to Youtube, Nico, etc. at the bottom!

Lord SNK
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"Re:30th anniversary broadcast + worldwide rel" , posted Mon 12 Jul 00:55:post reply

I know that MMC is the top destination for the small but dedicated group of English-speaking Super Robot Taisen megafans, so here’s something you’ll like: a special 30th anniversary net show on July 11 8pm-1:40 am Japan, 7am-noon-thirty EDT, “The Mega Appreciation Festival of Steel.” Part 1 has a retrospective and new release info on SRT DD and SRT 30 plus musical performance, part 2 has special guests. Links to Youtube, Nico, etc. at the bottom!

Here is the trailer for SRW30!

Series list include lots of new entries and some old entries that were missing since ages (0079! Victory! L-Gaim). There isn't an overpowered ship this time (last 3 games had Yamato, Nadia and Captain Harlock).
Also SSSS.Gridman and GaoGaiGar Vs. Betterman were totally unexpected..
I'm very happy for Victory inclusion!

Also during the stream (at least at the start, I could not follow it much) they showed they received a Guinness World Record for most IP licenses used in a role playing videogame series, 274!

Meanwhile they announced some other crossover for the mobile game, DD, with a Super Sentai series, probably the latest one, I don't know, I don't know much about current tokusatsu shows.

For the first time ever a main game will have a worldwide release!
The Steam version of the game will be available everywhere (but not in Venezuela).

The only games to have a global release were OG1 e OG2 for GBA, they had only original characters, so the game was free from the usual licensing hell, but the experiment wasn't repeated for the sequels (OGs/OGG/2nd OG/MD).

That's a great thing, after the inclusion of english language for the SEA versions of the last 4 games, now a global release is a big surprise. The next big step would be to have also the PS4 digital AND physical versions released everywhere! Let's hope!

[this message was edited by Lord SNK on Wed 14 Jul 19:05]

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"Re(1):Re:30th anniversary broadcast + worldwi" , posted Tue 20 Jul 00:35post reply

I know that MMC is the top destination for the small but dedicated group of English-speaking Super Robot Taisen megafans, so here’s something you’ll like: a special 30th anniversary net show on July 11 8pm-1:40 am Japan, 7am-noon-thirty EDT, “The Mega Appreciation Festival of Steel.” Part 1 has a retrospective and new release info on SRT DD and SRT 30 plus musical performance, part 2 has special guests. Links to Youtube, Nico, etc. at the bottom!

Here is the trailer for SRW30!

Series list include lots of new entries and some old entries that were missing since ages (0079! Victory! L-Gaim). There isn't an overpowered ship this time (last 3 games had Yamato, Nadia and Captain Harlock).
Also SSSS.Gridman and GaoGaiGar Vs. Betterman were totally unexpected..
I'm very happy for Victory inclusion!

Also during the stream (at least at the start, I could not follow it much) they showed they received a Guinness World Record for most IP licenses used in a role playing videogame series, 274!

Meanwhile they announced some other crossover for the mobile game, DD, with a Super Sentai series, probably the latest one, I don't know, I don't know much about current tokusatsu shows.

For the first time ever a main game will have a worldwide release!
The Steam version of the g

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Great to hear that they can finally release this bad boy all over the world for anyone to buy easily. Glad things are looking up.

But for most veterans, concern is what new does it have to offer in regards to challenge. In any case, will be difficult to bring in new series never before seen.

Who knows, they doing good stuff here.

Long Live I AM!

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"Re(1):Re:30th anniversary broadcast + worldwi" , posted Tue 20 Jul 14:06post reply

It didn't hit me until I watched the trailer on Steam and heard the legendary - BROKEN MAGNUM!

This is it. It's finally happening. A SRW title that isn't an Original Generation game is releasing in the USA?!

I'm gonna have to snatch this up.

"We don't rise to the level of our expectations. We fall to the level of our training." - Archilochus
Lord SNK
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"SRW 30" , posted Sun 29 Aug 18:38post reply

Translated interview with Terada (SRW producer) about SRW 30 and more.

He says the next OG game (if and when it will be released) will be the last of that story.

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"Re(1):SRW 30" , posted Sun 29 Aug 23:15post reply

Translated interview with Terada (SRW producer) about SRW 30 and more.

He says the next OG game (if and when it will be released) will be the last of that story.

Damn no way really? Then surely I would assume this would be a multiple episode final.

We still have to cover SRW L, W, BX, Z, X, T, and V right?

Long Live I AM!
Lord SNK
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"Re(2):SRW 30" , posted Mon 30 Aug 01:09post reply

Translated interview with Terada (SRW producer) about SRW 30 and more.

He says the next OG game (if and when it will be released) will be the last of that story.

Damn no way really? Then surely I would assume this would be a multiple episode final.

We still have to cover SRW L, W, BX, Z, X, T, and V right?

I doubt V/T/X (too recent), Z (too much story to include in one single game), or L would be featured at all in the next game. Alpha 3 is 99% sure to be included, W would be amazing, but who knows.
I think that he said that as at this moment there are so many characters that they have to drag along that making a new OG games starting from a clean slate would not be a bad thing. A sort of reboot.

It's also interesting what he said about remasters / remakes and why there aren't much (or any, the last remakes were the PS1 SRW2/3/EX that originally were for SNES).

What he said about SRW games for kids or for old people, that is bizarre too.


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"Re(3):SRW 30" , posted Mon 30 Aug 07:58post reply

What he said about SRW games for kids or for old people, that is bizarre too.

I don't know if it's that bizarre. Some of the characters in Super Robot Wars are cultural icons that have existed for nearly 50 years now. If you grew up with Mazinger on the first go round, you could be knocking on the door of 60 years old.

The Super Robot Wars franchise has a generational appeal, and being an RPG means there's not the high skill barrier that typically keeps casual fans away from say, licensed fighting games like Maxiboost or Hokuto no Ken.

"We don't rise to the level of our expectations. We fall to the level of our training." - Archilochus

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"Re(4):SRW 30" , posted Mon 30 Aug 09:36:post reply

That’s exactly it! The most important giant robot series are basically from the late 1950s-early 1980s (Tetsujin-28, Giant Robo, Mazinger, Getter Robo, Macross, Gundam), with a few stray shows of significance in the 1990s (Eva, Escaflowne, Giant Robo OAV), and then whatever less important sequels or spin-offs they’ve made since to grab the attention of kids now. A typical contemporary audience of the above would have been born from 1950–1965 for the former or in the 1980s for the latter. Of course, giant robots are for anyone at any age! Still, it explains the comment.


[this message was edited by Maou on Mon 30 Aug 13:04]

Lord SNK
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"SRW 30" , posted Thu 23 Sep 01:09post reply

New preview video

Lord SNK
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"SRW 30 DLC 1" , posted Sun 17 Oct 16:53post reply

DLC 1 Video

In this game new units and new series will be added through DLCs. But adding also a debuting series (Sakura Taisen) as DLC seems like a bit scummy move.
Well, I will be happy with the base game.

Lord SNK
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"SRW 30" , posted Wed 27 Oct 03:04post reply

(Third post in a row by me)

PV3 Video
DLC 2 Video

PV3 lots of cool animations, also probably at the end they show a bit spoilerish new attack from Gaogaigar Vs Betterman? I don't remember it in GGG or GGG Final.
DLC2 will add Gundam IBO and Ultraman.

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"Re(1):SRW 30" , posted Wed 27 Oct 04:28post reply

(Third post in a row by me)

PV3 Video
DLC 2 Video

PV3 lots of cool animations, also probably at the end they show a bit spoilerish new attack from Gaogaigar Vs Betterman? I don't remember it in GGG or GGG Final.
DLC2 will add Gundam IBO and Ultraman.

Its cool. Nice to see a new touch up with MS Gundam and Ultraman. Always would have loved if they had SRW versions of the Rockman series. Would fit in nicely. Would like to see some more new series in the mix.

Let's see how this bad boy turns out. Got to finish all study related material once I get my hands in the game.

Long Live I AM!
Lord SNK
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"Re(2):SRW 30" , posted Mon 28 Feb 02:40post reply

I got the game, finished my first run and got the standard ending. As usual there is another (true) ending.

I have mixed feelings about this game, they did lots of small improvements but they "padded" the game with so much side missions that it has become almost a chore (let's say only that I got the 1st ending after almost 120 hours, that's really a lot, skipping lots of animations).
Still a good game, but could have been better.

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"Re(3):SRW 30" , posted Thu 17 Mar 01:31post reply

I got the game, finished my first run and got the standard ending. As usual there is another (true) ending.

I have mixed feelings about this game, they did lots of small improvements but they "padded" the game with so much side missions that it has become almost a chore (let's say only that I got the 1st ending after almost 120 hours, that's really a lot, skipping lots of animations).
Still a good game, but could have been better.

I tried to speed run the game as much as I can. The stories were similar to previous games and to much canon fodder. But like i mentioned before, if the games were like this always then maybe it's just a personal complaint.

For the story, I want more original content or more interaction from series not seen before and previous games. Not sure how many times I have to fight with the evil goons of Mazinger Z because it's driving me nuts now.

Game system is cool. The new series are pretty cool also.

Long Live I AM!
Lord SNK
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"Re(4):SRW 30" , posted Thu 17 Mar 04:23:post reply


I tried to speed run the game as much as I can. The stories were similar to previous games and to much canon fodder. But like i mentioned before, if the games were like this always then maybe it's just a personal complaint.

For the story, I want more original content or more interaction from series not seen before and previous games. Not sure how many times I have to fight with the evil goons of Mazinger Z because it's driving me nuts now.

Game system is cool. The new series are pretty cool also.

If someone doesn't care for the story, skipping optional missions you don't miss much as there aren't exclusives units/boss you don't see on the mandatory missions (or at least I don't remember any that can be seen only in an optional missions). The problem is that if you want to follow the story, skipping those missions make you jumps lots of details making the story lacking some events that otherwise are just mentioned in a 2 lines dialogue. I know as I'm doing a second run for the true ending and skipping optional missions, and for example J-Decker boss is thrown at you just before the final battle with a dialogue "we discovered that the real enemy is XXX, YYY was controlled by them". Or some secondary cast characters join you with some strange excuse ("we were passing by and decided to join your cause").

The worse thing is that with 100+ missions, not only we had to fight again all the evil goons from Mazinger Z, but there were a couple of missions that looked like completely copy pasted from the previous game (same map, same enemies, same events).

My major problem with this game is the balance was thrown out of the window, by chapter 7 or 8 you can fully upgrade lots of units, and by the end of the game you can easily one-turn every mission.
It doesn't help at all that enemies level scale with you, when you can easily level up to level 200 and by then have on each of your pilot 400/500 SP points, starts with 2 Exc points, casts Mokona support to raise it by 1 point, that reaching 3 points triggers the ship bonus that multiply that by 2 (so 6 Exc starting points), and then cast Bless/Cheer on all units with a couple of consumable bonus parts, cast those again when Mitsuba (ship captain) reach 150 morale thanks to another ship bonus, and if it isn't still enough there is also a character command support that can cast Bless (and later in the game also Cheer) on all your units once per turn. Let's only say that I finished my first run with 75 million credits (usually in the latest games something between 10/15 million was the range).

I feel like this 2nd run has worsened my opinion of the game. Let's hope that the other ending it's really better.

[this message was edited by Lord SNK on Thu 17 Mar 04:27]

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"Re(5):SRW 30" , posted Sun 26 Nov 16:53post reply

While I don't play Super Robot Taisen, a friend in high school always did, plus the Cafe is the only place on the English internet with a consistent small thread about it, so I follow with interest and like all the anime commentary opportunities that come along with it.

In game about cross-overs, I'm impressed by the creativity of having pilot cross-overs, with Eva's Asuka piloting the all-important heritage of Eva and everyone else, Shin Getter Robo! Woah!

The next logical step is for her to pilot Giant Robo, since that's one of the earliest pathos-filled giant robot shows that isn't a Macross or Gundam-styled political/space/war drama, and since the Giant Robo OVA is such a wild collection of characters from original creator Yoyoyama Mitsuteru's many differnet manga over the years. It's so good I'm almost derailing my own thread revival just to praise the Giant Robo OVA for managing to combine the original Giant Robo with detectives and Suikoden/Water Margin, but for now I'll say that Daisaku is way cooler than Shinji but that Shinji can still pilot Giant Robo for good measure. That is all!

Lord SNK
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"Re(6):SRW 30" , posted Sun 26 Nov 19:07post reply

While I don't play Super Robot Taisen, a friend in high school always did, plus the Cafe is the only place on the English internet with a consistent small thread about it, so I follow with interest and like all the anime commentary opportunities that come along with it.

In game about cross-overs, I'm impressed by the creativity of having pilot cross-overs, with Eva's Asuka piloting the all-important heritage of Eva and everyone else, Shin Getter Robo! Woah!

The next logical step is for her to pilot Giant Robo, since that's one of the earliest pathos-filled giant robot shows that isn't a Macross or Gundam-styled political/space/war drama, and since the Giant Robo OVA is such a wild collection of characters from original creator Yoyoyama Mitsuteru's many differnet manga over the years. It's so good I'm almost derailing my own thread revival just to praise the Giant Robo OVA for managing to combine the original Giant Robo with detectives and Suikoden/Water Margin, but for now I'll say that Daisaku is way cooler than Shinji but that Shinji can still pilot Giant Robo for good measure. That is all!

I don't like digital only games, and that game being a mobile game is even worse as it's not available globally. In order to play it one should sideload it or use some not so secure third party store, too much hassle.

They did lots of cool events in that game (DD) and the other one (X-Omega), also if some of them looks like were added just because they could (try to syphon more money from microtransactions). I remember also other pilot swaps as Amuro (MS Gundam) piloting Mazinger Z and Lelouch (Code Geass) getting a customized Wing Zero Gundam.

The Giant Robo OVA series is a masterpiece. Sadly Giant Robo last appearance was in SRW Alpha released in 2000, thanks to the author passing away and who holds now the rights doesn't make it easy to feature anything from that series again in a SRW game.

Almost 2 years passed since SRW30 release, we still don't know when or if a new full game will be released.

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"Re(7):SRW 30" , posted Mon 27 Nov 20:11post reply

Almost 2 years passed since SRW30 release, we still don't know when or if a new full game will be released.

I am legitimately interested in the economics of SRW and the platforms it comes out on lately, given the huge number of rightsholders they need to pay for each game! On one hand, given the otaku nature of the series, I would think mobile was too "casual" a platform to get a serious audience and money, though I guess you can go the bouncing ass-tastic Nikke approach and still make big microtransaction money? Still, it seems like the natural fit for a downloadable Switch game. Is there just not the appetite for giant robots compared with the late 90s/early 2000s glory days I recall of SRW? I don't get it!

The Giant Robo OAV is such a magnificent achievement as to render the original works irrelevant despite being a tribute/montage. I'm kind of excited I have two left, after getting delayed by a year+ after taking a detour to watch the (quite bad, though occasionally funny) Ginrei OAVs in the same order fans had to at the time while waiting for the real thing.

Lord SNK
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"Re(8):SRW 30" , posted Tue 28 Nov 04:18post reply

Almost 2 years passed since SRW30 release, we still don't know when or if a new full game will be released.
I am legitimately interested in the economics of SRW and the platforms it comes out on lately, given the huge number of rightsholders they need to pay for each game! On one hand, given the otaku nature of the series, I would think mobile was too "casual" a platform to get a serious audience and money, though I guess you can go the bouncing ass-tastic Nikke approach and still make big microtransaction money? Still, it seems like the natural fit for a downloadable Switch game. Is there just not the appetite for giant robots compared with the late 90s/early 2000s glory days I recall of SRW? I don't get it!

The Giant Robo OAV is such a magnificent achievement as to render the original works irrelevant despite being a tribute/montage. I'm kind of excited I have two left, after getting delayed by a year+ after taking a detour to watch the (quite bad, though occasionally funny) Ginrei OAVs in the same order fans had to at the time while waiting for the real thing.

I don't know much about the economis, usually sales numbers when are good are in the range of 200k / 500k, and SRW30 should have been one of the best selling games in the series in a while. Still I don't know how much they are profitable, but consider that beside the "normal" series there is also the OG series featuring only original mechas and characters, so for those games no licensing is involved.
I found this page from the SRW wiki about Sales Data, but it's not updated since 2015.