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PSN: SeizyaStarlight XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "'KoF 2018 Special' - Round 1" , posted Fri 6 Jul 16:40    
*Insert images of the title hunters, and then, insert scene of Mai, Yuri and "Rayearth" Fuu enjoying shopping and holding the trophy at Harajuku. Mai and Yuri show you the money. Fuu shows you the trophy.*
"The King of Fighters 2018"!
Okay! It's that time of the year! It's time for another "King of Fighters" tournament!
The rules.
1. Make sure you vote for the team you want to move on. A team that doesn't carry an extra vote point must have 1 more vote at the end against the team with an extra vote point to force a tie. Each round lasts for a week. You can abstain if you can't decide on a match up. Contestants, you can vote for your team.
2. Contestants, in the event of a tie, the case of a tie breaker, Justice Kyo or I depending on who's fighting will be the judge as he or I will look at convincing statements on why one's team should win the round. No trash talking, as this is a family fun event. (I know that Kero-chan used profanity, but at least he didn't blatantly say it in front of the kid, right? So, no trash talking.).
Got any questions? Don't hesitate to type it to me. Good luck.
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