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PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(1):Fighting Game Thread Spring 2018" , posted Tue 23 Jan 21:47    
Didn't Dragon Ball FighterZ release today?
I only got to dabble in the beta a bit, and although I missed the access to some favorites or a feel for how the new cyborg lady is supposed to fight (in the absence of any manga or anime scenes to compare to - then again, I haven't watched Super, so Beerus and the others are mostly unknown to me), i liked how fluid it felt - very much MvCish (and those games always felt like they wanted to be DBZ when they grew up anyway), but the aggressive dashing, simple motions that don't require multiple buttons and universal projectile (deflection) mechanics, and ability to combo away even if you just mash the light and medium attack buttons help reach the feel of the anime quite a bit. Outside characters with more specific gimmicks like Ginyu and whatnot, perhaps some of the more important things to learn seem to be things like the angles of projectiles and beam supers as well as assist attacks, after which even a combo illiterate like myself can string together something pleasantly effective. I wish I could have tried Trunks during the beta, since that looks like a take on the character that'll probably sell me on the game, but I might wait a bit to buy it, since I still have other PS4 games to play through and I'm not really in for the online competition. I do wonder if the story mode is anything interesting, and how the hell the same character gets to have cyborg and majin forms story-wise...
Admittedly, Dissidia NT has more of a pull on me, even if it's clearly aiming for a competitive focus and that's not my jam - at least one of the devs had some fun with the Shantotto story scenes, and after the character's near absence from the main events from past games, I'm all for rewarding effort put into XI's representation, which tends to be pretty puny in these things.
Then there's the plans and clues for DLC characters - while one of the possibilities is Prishe, in the veteran slot shared with Yuna for a returning female character, if she's not it the doors remain open to introduce a proper XI antagonist to the cast, and I can keep hoping for lady Lilith, custodian of Vana'diel and the possibility of her throwing shade at XIV characters, which would reflect some dynamics from her original story. If not, Dissidia Opera Omnia is getting a global release soon as is up to 4 XI characters so far, one of them being Lilith' counterpart Lilisette, so that's at least one hopeful clue that someone's looking into of the better stories in the game instead of stopping at XI's earlier ones like FF crossovers have tended to do.
I still miss the lovely amount of customization the PSP Dissidias allowed - still, even if the equipment factor is gone, along with the ability to distribute points between attack, movement and passive skill, at least the fact that Vaan is currently the only character able to use more than 1 HP attack means that at least the control scheme could be expanded later down the line to enable more for the other characters too through a major version update. SE sure picked an interesting time for the console release, when so many people are talking about DBZ and the new Monster Hunter, and I'm curious to see if that pushes Dissidia into a niche that de-emphasizes competitive/eSports ambitions and bumps up single-player/story content to levels that at least resemble the prior games...
| "Re(4):EVO 2018 line up announced" , posted Wed 7 Feb 18:36    
quote: What would be the 9 fighting games you'd pick for an ideal tournament? Doesn't have to be recent.
3rd Strike, in team format (preferably teams of five, like in Co-op Cup).
Guilty Gear AC or AC+, in team format. (I pick this over Xrd because the two AC games represented the final dead-end evolution of the Guilty Gear XX line, where mechanical complexity had reached maximum levels, offensive capabilities were stupidly high, and the game was by far the least beginner friendly of any of the GG games). Tekken 7, in team format (the Master Cup tournament in Akiba alone proves the worthiness of this title and this format, and not having a 3D fighter feels wrong)
KOF 2k2UM, with Nameless banned because he's stupid and while the game is kinda fugly it's the wildest KOF game where matches aren't full of corner death and we need a KOF title
DBFZ because it's the new hotness
One Must Fall 2097 because that game is awesome (air re-hit is on, one tournament for the mode where you have all the upgrades, one tournament for where you can only use the pre-set characters + mechs)
Eternal Fighter Zero because it's my favourite doujin fighting game ever.
Hokuto no Ken in team format, a given team may not have more than one of Rei/Toki/Raoh.
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, going by whatever ruleset SQ wants.
VSav: I don't like watching competitive matches of this game at all! To me it just looks like nonstop dashes into universal chains!
Karnov's Revenge: It would mean giving up one of the others in spite of how much I love BALLOOOOOOON
CvS2: I played a TON of this game in arcades, but you know what? It isn't actually much fun to watch.
KOF XIII: I don't like watching competitive matches of this game that much.
Virtua Fighter anything: I don't understand VF well enough to appreciate matches of it.
Soul Calibur anything: you know what, go ahead and substitute Tekken for this
Samurai Shodown anything: you know what, go ahead and substitute KOF for this
Suiko Enbu: Hokuto no Ken is already there for wall splat combos, same with GGAC
Touki Denshou: Hokuto no Ken is already there
MvC2: .................................. I'm so sorry, I don't have a good excuse for leaving this one out. This game is kinda fugly, but damn do I love watching competitive matches of it!
| "Re(2):EVO 2018 line up announced" , posted Wed 7 Feb 20:39    
Evo Japan had the best games. However, no tournament is complete without competitive Catherine. As much as I hate the single player part, competitive Catherine is the truest and meanest form of battle between two humans.
quote: Cross Tag being there blows my mind, especially knowing that it's effectively the game taking the place of a MvC game. All the other games were the ones that were expected, BBXT is just wtfbbq
I guess Cross Tag takes the place of normal Blazblue instead, no? The list has 8 games, there is no way in hell the 9th won't be a Mahvel game. It would be amazing if they end up adding 3 or 2 instead of Infinite, though. The real kicker? Injustice 2's competitive life lasted longer than MvCI. That's wild (and also dumb).
Does Evo have any contact at Capcom? If there's a second batch of DLC character incoming, the game will probably be added. If there's none, then... then... that means they're preparing to recycle the whole lot, including unreleased DLC characters, into a good Capcom vs Capcom game! Believe!
PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(2):EVO 2018 line up announced" , posted Fri 9 Feb 02:03    
quote: Cross Tag being there blows my mind, especially knowing that it's effectively the game taking the place of a MvC game. All the other games were the ones that were expected, BBXT is just wtfbbq
The way I see it, DBFZ is the MvCI overthrower - Cross Tag battle, as a crossover of 2D anime fighter characters, fills that niche while apparently GG's graphical flair helped elevate it beyond that kind of public image.
As for my 9:
* KoF XIV, when the update and new characters get released
* DoA5LR - because it's a solid if underrated game with a reputation problem that need not be reflected in its competitions; also, it's the closest to an unnoficial Sega Vs SNK we've got
* Tekken 7 - the closest to a Capcom vs SNK, uninhibited by either Capcom's bone-headed decisions from recent years, or SNK's limited resources. Also, Tekken's kinda fun and has a healthy competitive scene of its own.
* Sm4sh - I am unashamedly in favor of crossovers, what can I say
* Dragon Ball FighterZ - I'd be curious to see how closely matches in the top 8 or finals would match series events and if they'd trigger those dramatic finishes, would be fun times (also, it's about time fighting games took a page from Super robot Wars and implemented dynamic kills properly)
* Dissidia NT/arcade - assuming there's even a way to coordinate a local multiplayer match so 6 players can duke it out at one
* SFxT simultaneous matches between teams of 2 players - I don't care if it's competitively broken, there aren't enough FGs with cooperative mechanics, and I don't think tag-team systems do that justice, everybody on screen at once doing their best to coordinate their attacks and offense can be a fun experience and watch (shame the matches end if only 1 teammate goes down though, but then again, I'd be interesting to see what kind of defensive tactics would emerge in a real competition)
* Fighters Megamix - these things need more Sega, and VF alone seems to lack the flair audiences grew used to
* Skullgirls - if a western game is to make it in, I'd take this one over MK
PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(6):EVO 2018 line up announced" , posted Mon 12 Feb 19:55    
Not sure how much Dissidia qualifies for this thread, but it's weird how it fall into the same single-player pitfall as Skullgirls, where a game ostensibly designed around competition between humans features one or more bosses that invalidate mechanics and therefore almost entire characters that are generally viable in the rest of the game.
In Dissidia NT's case, that's the battles against the avatars (which can be summoned during regular battles, but can't be used when fighting only other avatars) and the final boss, where the whole thing degenerates into 3rd-person shmup mechanics and dodging - which wouldn't be a problem if only about a 3rd of the cast was designed around ranged combat. Oh, and when you first come across those battles, the game recommends using the Vanguard/tank characters, but generally players have found the Marksmen/shooter characters more effective (and one of the story battles, Leviathan's, doesn't grant you access to any), and the AI-controlled ones tend to get better grades when one beats those fights.
Guess I'll have to keep levelling up characters and hopefully their AIs along the way while trying to unlock XI items. Still, it's nice that you don't have to beat and unlock all story scenes and fights to get to the final boss.
| "Re(7):EVO 2018 line up announced" , posted Wed 14 Feb 10:06    
quote: Not sure how much Dissidia qualifies for this thread, but it's weird how it fall into the same single-player pitfall as Skullgirls, where a game ostensibly designed around competition between humans features one or more bosses that invalidate mechanics and therefore almost entire characters that are generally viable in the rest of the game.
That's a common pitfall of fighting game boss design in general. Most fighting game makers are already pretty lazy when it comes to AI and challenge design, and a rule-breaking boss is an easy way to up the challenge.
But I personally put most of the blame onto Capcom's Vs games. Rule breaking bosses existed before. Bosses had extra damage or defense, horribly overpowered moves or supers, gained meter faster, and might even be immune to certain attacks or effects. But with its Vs series, Capcom popularized the inherently rule-breaking spectacle giant boss. After that, the idea seemed to spread like wildfire, with similar designs that didn't even hold the pretense of being a remotely "fair" fight, with a complete lack of concern for what it meant for the different character designs that were supposed to face it.
Oh, you are playing a grappler? Sorry, but this screen-sized boss is immune to all throws, and we didn't feel like spending any effort making a special alternative for throw attempts. We can't even be bothered to make sure the moves that should work actually work as intended against our boss...
| "Re(8):EVO 2018 line up announced" , posted Thu 15 Feb 03:28    
quote: Not sure how much Dissidia qualifies for this thread, but it's weird how it fall into the same single-player pitfall as Skullgirls, where a game ostensibly designed around competition between humans features one or more bosses that invalidate mechanics and therefore almost entire characters that are generally viable in the rest of the game.
That's a common pitfall of fighting game boss design in general. Most fighting game makers are already pretty lazy when it comes to AI and challenge design, and a rule-breaking boss is an easy way to up the challenge.
But I personally put most of the blame onto Capcom's Vs games. Rule breaking bosses existed before. Bosses had extra damage or defense, horribly overpowered moves or supers, gained meter faster, and might even be immune to certain attacks or effects. But with its Vs series, Capcom popularized the inherently rule-breaking spectacle giant boss. After that, the idea seemed to spread like wildfire, with similar designs that didn't even hold the pretense of being a remotely "fair" fight, with a complete lack of concern for what it meant for the different character designs that were supposed to face it.
Oh, you are playing a grappler? Sorry, but this screen-sized boss is immune to all throws, and we didn't feel like spending any effort making a special alternative for throw attempts. We can't even be bothered to make sure the moves that should work actually work as intended against our boss...
At the time it was okay for Zangief because his spinning lariat could hit the boss many many times! So he had unique strengths as a CHARACTER against the boss, as opposed to having unique strengths as a GRAPPLER against the boss, and that made it seem OK.
Apocalypse in XvSF was also cool as hell and I thought it was the most awesome thing I had ever seen in a fighting game or a Marvel game. That helped.
| "Re(2):Picking fights on the Internet" , posted Thu 22 Feb 11:59    
quote: This video could simply have extolled the success of VF since no one would have disagreed with the factoids on display. But, no, the video had to make it into a pissing contest for whatever reason. I did like that the video ended with the narrator going on about the greatness of VF while playing footage from DoA, the franchise that pretty much swallowed VF whole.
The video feels a bit desperate in its attempt to present a series that Sega has apparently abandoned, which many modern gamers may never have seen, as the most important video game series ever released.
The creator starts with saying that VF was the first "good" 3D fighting game, and thus was the first to set any precedents on graphics or technical aspects. (I'll give it technical precedents, but graphics were going to eventually happen even if VF never existed.) From their, the video creator's credit to VF only increases.
Virtua Fighter is given credit for creating the entire genre of 3D fighting games, even though that was going to eventually happen with or without VF.
Virtua Fighter is given credit for the design and eventual success of the Sony Playstation. While that holds truth, it is stated in a way that implies credit for Sony's success and even the face of modern console gaming owes itself to Virtua Fighter. (Sony not redesigning its console plans would completely change the course of console history. To the point that we honestly cannot say whether the result would be better or worse. Even if PC advancements dragged consoles along, we couldn't even name who the major players in the console world would be. Would Nintendo remain supreme? Would Sega have survived? What would the Saturn be? Would Microsoft have entered the market? Would Sony have remained? But that isn't really a Virtua Fighter specific achievement, anything that changed Sony's course would have that kind of ripple effect.)
And then finally the video create pretty much credits 3D game art design in general to Virtua Fighter. Without VF, not even PC game Quake would have looked the way it did.
PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: n/a
| "Re(1):Picking fights on the Internet" , posted Thu 22 Feb 22:37    
quote: This board is not really high on 3D fighting games, but I have a thing for petty Internet drama on topics I don't care about, so this reigniting of the VF vs Tekken rivalry in 2017 is too much of a bait to ignore. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1S6jPVBNJO8
Thanks for sharing this - if not for the points in the video itself (I saw his other coparison video in my YT suggestions before and ignored it), but for the fact that it led me to discover that the same guy made VF lore videos, currently covering Akira, the Bryants and Pai - he even has footage of Beast Sarah from one of the pachislot games, and I thought that footage had disappeared from the net entirely (at least if searching for it in English).
While at it, here's another video criticizing Netherrealms animation, this time focusing on Darkseid - it gets more interesting when he uses DBFZ's take on Beerus as a point of comparison, since he his stance also involves his hands behind his back. half a century of comics material to draw from compared to a few years of animation might be a slightly uneven point of comparison, but i think the points stand, and the mentions of Yamazaki and Oro are more than welcome.
| "Re(5):Picking Ivy on the Internet" , posted Sat 24 Feb 03:00:    
quote: As for Ivy, so that's as fully-clothed as she gets, huh. The armor breaks so far have been really dynamic, so I can only imagine what will happen when she gets hit with an armor break. Maybe she'll go bald?
I'd love to entertain the notion that she's already armor broken in the trailer and that her default outfit is one of the cool military ones like she had as an alternate in II.
She at least retains her metal gauntlet on her left arm, one of the better parts of her classic outfit, so maybe that's what breaks...
I am crushed by work obligations as of late, but I will take a brief cafe break to sip some coffee and pontificate on Ivy's latest design iteration.
Well, that's definitely Ivy. I actually much prefer her prior default outfit from Soul Calibur V, but his one is pretty much what I expect from the character in terms of overall look. It's essentially a remake of her SC1 costume that shows more skin and adopts the SC5 skele-face pauldron, which I'd like a lot more if it talked to her like Vampire Hunter D's hand (let's face it, making Soul Calibur a little goofier would hardly be a crime).
However, I am disappointed at how unnatural the boobs look. It's not the size that's the problem (boobs come in all sizes after all), but the lack of movement just doesn't look right. Unlike the combination of a balconette-style bra and snug coat in her SCV default, there's just no conceivable support at all with this flimsy design. Yet while there is no fabric holding Ivy's breasts in place, they seem instead to be restrained by some vague sense of decorum. Or maybe engine/budget issues? IDK.
I'm totally fine with their eschewing cartoony, out-of-control videogame boob physics of the once-they-start-moving-it-will-be-at-least-two-full-minutes-before-they-return-to-rest variety, or the alternate two-sentient-gelatious-aliens-trying-desperately-to-escape-from-their-bonds style. But yes, I am claiming that the lack of bounce here violates my personal sense of aesthetics. I admire a statuesque figure, but they needn't look like they're literally sculpted out of plastic.
I really don't see the team going the Team Ninja route, but I fully expect them to go hard with additional costumes. Or maybe they'll go the create-a-character route again? Well, I suspect that one way or another I'll have to take matters into my own hands.
I've heard a few different opinions on the face, but she looks good IMO. Nice expression during the "critical super ultimate edge technique" or whatever they call it these days.
/ / /
[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Sat 24 Feb 03:48] |
| "Re(3):Sadly, it was not Necrid" , posted Sat 17 Mar 00:49:    
quote: Generic RPG Man is Ready To Battle Blah, but it's nonetheless amazing how many years I've gotten out of the phrase, "Ah, but at least it's not Necrid."
Am I the only person that played The Witcher 3? You guys are missing out.
I tried to play Witcher 1 and didn't like the playing of it much, I played through Witcher 2 and enjoyed it, I started Witcher 3 but at the time I was playing the various Souls games and the shock of a random NPC having as many dialogue lines as an entire Souls game was too great for me.
In theory I would like Witcher 3, but the game is so long that I'm not sure I have the time to properly engage with it.
All that said, I think Geralt fits into SC quite decently, even though it seems like they haven't done much to retouch his assets so that they works well inside the lighting schemes of SC (in the trailer, anyway!). The fine details of his armor, for instance, come across as FLAT TEXTURES. I also think it'd be hilarious if they got the Ni-oh main character in the game, so that you could have a fade from Mitsurugi to Nioh dude to Geralt.
[this message was edited by Spoon on Sat 17 Mar 00:51] |
PSN: zonepharaoh XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: zonepharaoh
| "Re(1):Sirlin's Fantasy Strike" , posted Fri 23 Mar 13:20    
quote: Was wondering, what are the overall Cafe thoughts for Fantasy Strike? Seems like a neat concept, but...I dunno, is it too reductionist? Kinda like how Divekick boils everything down to just two moves and distancing. Would that take away from the depth?
I'm trying to think, was this the one where there aren't really any inputs? Like Divekick, it probably suffers more than anything from amateur character design/art. I realize that high-level players are happy to play on The Grid and see only hitboxes, but given how repetitive the scenery in fighting games is, you at least want it to look good. I suppose hyper-simplified inputs transport you into the world of top pros who never miss an input, either, but I suspect most people enjoy the challenge of execution, in fact. Even MMCafe's one true fighting game, Justice Gakuen, would probably be even MORE fun if it had something besides quarter and half-circle inputs.
| "Re(2):Sirlin's Fantasy Strike" , posted Sat 24 Mar 03:47    
quote: I'm trying to think, was this the one where there aren't really any inputs? Like Divekick, it probably suffers more than anything from amateur character design/art.
Rising Thunder felt kind of shallow to me. Rising Thunder, headed by the Cannon brothers and Seth Killian, also tried removing special inputs and simply assigned each special to its own button (with an associated cool down timer.) But while the game was officially designed with the idea of removing the execution wall, from what I recall they went ahead and built a combo system based on long combos with timing intensive links anyway? (Rising Thunder was cancelled a few years back when the developing studio was bought by Riot Games.)
Fantasy Strike, headed by David Sirlin, is a bit more... Well, it is honestly a bit harder to judge. With Fantasy Strike, Sirlin does a lot more than just remove direction inputs from specials. The life bar is changed into marked segments (with tougher characters having more segments) and the idea of chip damage is changed as well. You automatically reverse regular throws if you are standing in your idle state, which requires the rather risky commitment of not touching any controls at all. I like the way that the charge character, Geiger, handles his charging. There are other nice bits, like invincible moves flash white. The game also has an intentionally wide 8-frame input buffer. Your super meter also fills automatically.
However, Fantasy Strike does feel limited due to a few decisions.
First, there just aren't many moves. There is one attack button, and you can perform six basic attacks (three on the ground and three in the air, the three being Neutral+Attack, Forward+Attack, and Back+Attack.) There are two special buttons, and you can perform four specials (two on the ground and two in the air). There is one super button, and you can perform two supers (ground and air). In theory, this probably *should* be enough moves, if they are all useful. But it still feels limited, like you should be able to do more, even if you don't really need to be able to do more.
Second, and this is the really controversial bit, is that the game does away with "up" and "down" direction inputs. For jumping, you get a jump button, though you can remap that to the up direction. The controversial bit is what this does to the whole high/mid/low attack/block game, in that it completely removes it. There are no low attacks and there is no low block. This means there are no height mix-ups. (This makes throwing more important, which is also why it is important that attempting to reverse a throw means giving up your block and your attack.) This is also part of why there are so few moves, as you can't have Down+Attack or Up+Attack moves when you don't have down or up.
Fantasy Strike certainly is not Divekick. I just can't decide how I really feel about it. I wish it was more successful, just because I like several of its ideas. At the same time, I cannot help but feel limited when I do play it. It probably doesn't help that it is a roster of unknowns.
PSN: n/a XBL: IAMDC1 Wii: n/a STM: dc202styles CFN: n/a
| "Rival Schools vs SNK Schools" , posted Thu 3 May 23:49    
quote: bunch of fanart. It's of variable quality, though I highly recommend the Gedo High School joyride on page 83, and I like the turnout. It's also clearly better than the Udon comic.
It is said that a fighters honor to its rival is, "I and only I, will only be allowed to defeat my foe first and foremost, no one shall interfere or challenge my rival until thou is defeated by my fists."
In a certain dimension, students from various high schools not only compete in academics and sports, some compete to show who has the best fighting skills in the area. Students have certain rivals that they constantly do battle with for various reasons. Some fight for different causes, intentions, and motives. However, an unknown entity has wreak havoc in the area. Various messengers have approached certain fighters informing them that they are originally from another dimension. This unknown entity's plan is to either mentally control or force these fighters to be in their army of elite fighters. Each fighter, and its rival, will join together in a temporary pact to battle there way through fighters of other schools who have been overcome by the mind control of the entity. The goal is to completely defeat this unknown entity and its army. Welcome to Rival Schools vs SNK Schools.
Rival School characters: Batsu Ichimonji - Lead Character Akira Kazama Shoma Sawamura Edge Kyosuke Kagami Hinata Wakaba Roy Bromwell Hyo Imawano Hayato Nekketsu Daigo Kazama Tiffany Lords Natsu Ayuhara Roberto Miura Gan Isurugi Boman Delgado
SNK Schools: Shingo Yabuki - Lead Character Kaede Hokutomaru Hotaru Futaba Akari Ichijou Cham Cham Kazuki Kazama HInako Shijou Hibiki Takane Mina Majikina Yuki Shizumaru Hisame Rimururu Rock Howard May Lee
Rival Teams: Batsu and Shingo Kaede and Hyo Hayato and Hokutomaru Hinata and Akari Tiffany and Cham Cham Daigo and Kazuki Gan and Hinako Akira and Hibiki Shoma and Mina Edge and Yuki Kyosuke and Shizumaru Natsu and Hotaru Roy and Rimururu Boman and Rock Roberto and May Lee
This is a dedication for Rival Schools 20th anniversary as a fan made idea of a new fighting game. Yes, its fake :) If you like what you see I can add the names of the rival teams and the story behind them.
Long Live I AM!
PSN: Mike_ADV XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: tamakimike CFN: n/a
| "Re(6):Taki, Mary" , posted Fri 4 May 03:20:    
quote: By first game, do you mean Soul Edge or Soul Calibur?
But even if it's the second, isn't Zasalamel confirmed for SCVI? Does that mean he's going to be retroactively included in the events that took place before his debut in SCIII?
Yeah, you also have Nightmare using Siegfried's body and Siegfried himself with a short hair version of his SCIII costume. Kilik has his full Dvapara-Yuga in his chest that was destroyed at the end of the first SoulCalibur and should prevent him from becoming crazy but he turns into Necalli when activating his Soul Charge. So maybe they'll do the MK9 approach and retell the first 3 Calibur games with a new edgy norse guy?
But yeah, Taki having the runes used in the SoulBlade intro in her body was a nice touch.
I'm just concerned about the health of the development team since I have bad memories about what Daishi and the late Project Soul passed during V
quote: My youngest brother may like Mary, but he can't like the new voice actress at all. He still prefers Ikoma Harumi-han. Do you know what he thinks he hears instead of "Vertical Arrow! Snatch!" now? "Birds Colorado! Smack!" Also, for some reason, he prefers "Blue Mary's Blues" instead of "Kiss Me". The latter feels too serious for him to be Mary's song.
Well, just tell him to mod his game as he pleases. And honestly, I never really understand half of what Terry and Mary says in the previous games. Like is her intro "Hey, big boy" or "Here we go"? At least Terry always made pretty clear when he was asking about my well being during his MOTW iteration.
[this message was edited by KensouADV on Fri 4 May 03:52] |
PSN: zonepharaoh XBL: n/a Wii: n/a STM: n/a CFN: zonepharaoh
| "Re(3):The Binding of Shovel Strangers" , posted Sat 12 May 04:47    
quote: Art from our goddess
I adore Kinu, though I also blame her art for making me buy/considering buying some pretty weak-ass games. Actually buying Code of Princess was bad enough, but then she almost convinced me to get that dungeon-crawling card game...and I don't like card games (which are not Triple Triad). quote: In SFV, he displays a made-up kanji for "Shin" as "god-like man," original from an unrelated comic I don't remember. Pretty lame. I think the made-up kanji came from CvS2? And then it appeared in everyone's favourite CFJ as well if I'm not mistaken.
Indeed, CvS2 was the first use of it in Street Fighter, even though it's tacky enough to feel like a SFV move. But the fake kanji itself was drawn from a comic, can't recall which, and can't very well search for it without spending more than three seconds, which is more than Gouki deserves! It's regrettable that the venerable CFJ will never be associated with the "creation of a new kanji," which would have been an even more hysterical legacy.