Ultra Guilty King of Fighting Game Thread V - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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"Ultra Guilty King of Fighting Game Thread V" , posted Mon 3 Feb 21:44:post reply

New Thread!
Starting off with Guilty Gear Xrd.

Previous trailer

The game is loketesting for about a week starting today in Japan. I don't think overseas arcades can get it unless they can somehow connect to the Sega Aime networking system. Anyway here's my first impression.

No filming was allowed. I wonder how long that'll last during this test.

1. In this new beta build, the game is completely playable up to the end. All the Instant Kills are there as well as the cinematics, last boss, and ending. Basically, we're already seeing the final product. In fact, it could even be switched to other games on the Sega Aime cabinet (DOA5, Undernight Inbirth, etc).

2.The Aime IC card is already usable though I haven't checked yet if there's a login page for the beta testing. By default, 6 colors are usable. Unfortunately No Maetel color for Millia.

The movie and cut scenes still seem to still run in 30fps. I thought this was a mid-development thing but I guess not.

3. I swear that some of the graphics have not only been polished up, it's also been changed to keep consistancy. For example, Millia in her loss screen doesn't have as much of a cute/comical expression as before.

4. I didn't notice if this was implemented before, but the developers put effort in the win/loss screen's background too, like for example the crew on May's ship are looking unhappy when she's lost.

5. Each character has an introduction scene and a mid-boss battle in the 6th stage (there's 8-9 stages total). There's also a cutscene after the 3rd stage where the Genrouin(Senato) are talking to each other, but that's pretty much the same for characters.

6. The Instant kills are nice! Remember how Arcsys had different Afro graphics for each character with Dr.Baghead's Instant Kill? A lot of the Instant Kills in Xrd seem to have similar details. Here's the few that I played-

- Dr.Baghead: Opponent is on surgery table while an orchestra of Dr.Bagheads plays music in his background. He takes out a scalpel and starts working on the opponent and you can see fear in their faces. When the surgury is done you see the opponent with a complete facelift, looking like a Golgo13 or some character from The Rose of Versailles. On a side note, if you do it to Potemkin, his mask is off during the whole Instant Kill sequence and you can see his good ol' face. So yes, the rendering is already in the game.

- Millia: Completely domes the opponent with hair needles and shoots at them from all directions. You can see the opponent completely clueless to what to do because it's basically like a larger, nastier, Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon. Similarly to Dr.Baghead's instant kill, each character has a different expression on their face (Slayer looks calm, May looks like she'll cry, etc).

- Bedman: Scene turns into a movie theater, Bedman takes a seat and says "ok, let's see your darkest memories". The opponent is seen in the big screen (black and white), shouting out a line as a bunch of eyes appear in the sky and evidently kills him. The line is different for each character:
Zato: "If I didn't pick that child up back then... oh well."
Ky: "That can't be true! Why.."
Chip: "All I needed was one more vote!"

- Ino: hits the opponent and goes into a cinematic where she does her boss version super from the previous games (complete with the "X" icons).

On a side note, there seems to be huge differences on the ease of using the instant kills. Bedman takes a LONG time to prepare going into instant kill mode, whereas it's a lot shorter for other characters. Some of the characters definitely have invincibility on their instant-kill attack, not sure if it's universal.

7. Almost forgot! There's obviously no cloth damage in the game but there's something similar to it-- Ky's ponytail loosens off and he goes long-haired after fighting for a while. I think it happens when he gets hit by a strong move.

Spoilers below

- The story for Xrd focuses on two related incidents caused by the Genrouin(Senato). They're the guys wearing the metallic masks in the trailer.

1. Zato-1's ressurection. It seems that Zato-1's whole incident (not sure if that's about his death or ressurection) was an experiment related to--
2. The appearance of Ramletherl Valentine (the girl in the trailer) and the Senato's decision to "team up" with her so that the future of the world will go as they have planned.

2. Ino talks about killing Ramletherl a number of times before, but nothing's changed, and this time it might be diffrerent because "the Man" is involved. She later also talks about how "this Sol is another disappointment". Are we seeing another looping world like Blazblue or some story gimmick similar to that?

3. And obviously, the main last boss in the game is Ramletherl. She looks like a loli in the trailer but that's only because of the camera angle and her dress. In the actual game, she wears a white hot pants and she has a pretty womanly physique comparable to BBCP's Bullet. Carries a pair of huge floating swords on her back and also has a pair of black and white bats that look like Rachael's pets from Blazblue.

- Bedman is a bad boy. He's sort of like a sweeper/hitman who takes care of potential problems for the Genrouin(Senato). Ino talks about how she's "never met him in previous instances".

- Dr.Baghead finally gets a lead from a mail by Slayer that his tragic surgery incident may have been plotted by the Genrouin(Senato). That's his intro in a nutshell.

- Slayer is easedropping on the Genrouin(Senato), but his informant gets killed by Bedman who tells him that he was just pretending that he didn't notice him spying so that he'll leak information.

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 5 Feb 20:44]


2549th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Ultra Guilty King of Fighting Game Thre" , posted Tue 4 Feb 05:29post reply

Street Fighter 2 the legend

731th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):Ultra Guilty King of Fighting Game Thre" , posted Tue 4 Feb 14:33:post reply

Guilty Gear Xrd loketest

Never was a big fan of GG, but Professor's report piqued my curiosity and today I just went to have a look by myself at lunch time nonetheless. I can't comment much on the gameplay but, boy, those visuals sure are GORGEOUS. The animated cutscenes are particularly nice, it's a pity most players seemed too eager to skip them to begin with the actual match. Character roster seems too short, tough. Even a profane such as me sorely missed some familiar faces. The old ones, on the other hand, looked prettier and shinier for sure, but pretty much the same as always.

What surprised me most, however, was seeing a hefty number of female players around, and they were pretty capable players for what I could ascertain. I'd never imagined that GG would have any kind of following among female demographics, but Japan and her people never cease to amaze me, huh.

Street Fighter 2 the legend

That link made for an incredibly amusing (and insightful!) read to kill time at the office on this rainy, gray Tuesday morning. Thanks for posting! I wish I'd ever be able to witness a job interview such as Akiman's with Okamoto. I guess it's true that Osaka's ways are waaaaay different than Tokyo's, or the rest of the country for what's worth.

[this message was edited by Maese on Tue 4 Feb 14:35]

red falcon
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"Re(1):Ultra Guilty King of Fighting Game Thre" , posted Wed 5 Feb 02:45post reply

Could you hear any of the music, Prof? Was it new, or are they still using old tracks?

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"Re(3):Ultra Guilty King of Fighting Game Thre" , posted Wed 5 Feb 03:07post reply


What surprised me most, however, was seeing a hefty number of female players around, and they were pretty capable players for what I could ascertain. I'd never imagined that GG would have any kind of following among female demographics, but Japan and her people never cease to amaze me, huh.

I think Professor had actually mentioned at one point how huge the female fan base for Guilty Gear is. I found it shocking too, but honestly I suspect it's more that any fighting game has a female following that surprised me.

I'm super excited about getting to play this (some day), and I'm actually curious to see the final boss's actual appearance. Seems that actual footage or screen caps are hard to come by!


4813th Post

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"Re(3):Ultra Guilty King of Fighting Game Thre" , posted Wed 5 Feb 03:57post reply

Man, there was a lot of good reading in this thread. Thanks everyone!

Street Fighter 2 the legend

From the picture of Guile's handcuffs to the Akiman stories, that was a great read.

Chun-Li has big thighs, right? So back in the day, I asked Mr. Yasuda, "Why does she have such big thighs?" And he started shouting and went off and was like, "I can't believe you don't understand the appeal." And he started explaining the attraction.

Some designers ape trends and create characters that are momentarily in fashion but don't have that spark. Akiman, however, stares directly into the void without blinking.

Speaking of game designs that are willing to go there and do that...

What surprised me most, however, was seeing a hefty number of female players around, and they were pretty capable players for what I could ascertain. I'd never imagined that GG would have any kind of following among female demographics, but Japan and her people never cease to amaze me, huh.

I don't know if GG is intentionally courting that market or if female fans found something in there that they liked but it doesn't surprise me that it has a strong cross-gender appeal. Considering that one of the game covers featured Sol tied up in chains with Ky's head snuggled up in his crotch it's a game that's never been subtle about letting its true feelings be known. When Bridget gets released as DLC I'm certain he will sell like hot pants. Hot cakes. Whatever.

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"Re(4):Ultra Guilty King of Fighting Game Thre" , posted Wed 5 Feb 04:36post reply

I don't know if GG is intentionally courting that market or if female fans found something in there that they liked but it doesn't surprise me that it has a strong cross-gender appeal. Considering that one of the game covers featured Sol tied up in chains with Ky's head snuggled up in his crotch it's a game that's never been subtle about letting its true feelings be known. When Bridget gets released as DLC I'm certain he will sell like hot pants. Hot cakes. Whatever.

Daisuke Ishiwatari: bringing LGBT paradise to gamers since 1998.

Olivier Hague
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"Re(1):Ultra Guilty King of Fighting Game Thre" , posted Wed 5 Feb 04:55:post reply


Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Ino talks about killing Ramletherl a number of times before, but nothing's changed, and this time it might be diffrerent because "the Man" is involved. She later also talks about how "this Sol is another disappointment". Are we seeing another looping world like Blazblue or some story gimmick similar to that?

End of Spoiler

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
I believe that's been revealed to be the case shortly after I-no's introduction, actually. If I remember well, in the original (?) timeline, the Obligatory Background War kept going and ended up opposing Sol (still in the Order) and Dizzy (leader of the Gears). I-no apparently changed all that by going back in time and saving Ky's life during the war.
But then, based on what you're saying, her tinkering with history might not be limited to that either...

End of Spoiler

[this message was edited by Olivier Hague on Wed 5 Feb 04:56]

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"Re(2):Ultra Guilty King of Fighting Game Thre" , posted Thu 6 Feb 02:44post reply

Street Fighter 2 the legend

Finally had a chance to finish reading this. Lots of excellent info there! I hadn't quite realized that they got the guy who did the notorious box art for the SNES games to do the spot illustrations in the article until I got to the end and they showed his work in progress images. Back in those days I know we all hated on his stuff pretty badly but in retrospect it's clear he's actually a really talented guy, and it's just that his style is not in any way similar to Akiman's or any of the other Capcom artists at the time.


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"Re(1):Ultra Guilty King of Fighting Game Thre" , posted Thu 6 Feb 03:13post reply

Guilty Gear loctest

Yo Cafers, nice to see you again (have to arrange my life recently, new degree, new work, new studies...).I keep reading the board but don't have much time to post, but it's always a pleasant read with you love and knowledge (I'm serious, it's great).

So about GG Xrd I have a bunch of questions for the Prof (or anyone who played the recent build).
The cutscenes are 30 fps but the game runs solid 60 fps, right? I mean the actual fight is 60 frames but doesn't cut to 30 during the special moves animations?
What about the music? Any glimpse of the tracks?
Is this game linked to the pachislot in some way? Is it a new episode or a reboot (didn't read the spoilers)?
The general feel of the game is like playing GG or something else? Does 3D graphics any damage to the core gameplay and the comboing system (frames, collisions, etc.)?

1248th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Ultra Guilty King of Fighting Game Thre" , posted Thu 6 Feb 08:50post reply


So about GG Xrd I have a bunch of questions for the Prof (or anyone who played the recent build).
The cutscenes are 30 fps but the game runs solid 60 fps, right? I mean the actual fight is 60 frames but doesn't cut to 30 during the special moves animations?

I think the game runs at 60fps (definitely for inputs), but it looks like the character animations themselves are running at a lower (perhaps variable) frame rate probably closer to 24fps or 12fps, like most 2d games. I actually really like that. It gives the game a more 2d look, but more importantly, it doesn't leave the tweening up to the computer for a slick but artificial sense of smoothness. It looks like every single frame was still positioned by hand like traditional animation. There's human warmth in those movements.


3991th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Ultra Guilty King of Fighting Game Thre" , posted Thu 6 Feb 11:26:post reply

Guilty Gear loctest

Yo Cafers, nice to see you again (have to arrange my life recently, new degree, new work, new studies...).I keep reading the board but don't have much time to post, but it's always a pleasant read with you love and knowledge (I'm serious, it's great).

So about GG Xrd I have a bunch of questions for the Prof (or anyone who played the recent build).
The cutscenes are 30 fps but the game runs solid 60 fps, right? I mean the actual fight is 60 frames but doesn't cut to 30 during the special moves animations?
What about the music? Any glimpse of the tracks?
Is this game linked to the pachislot in some way? Is it a new episode or a reboot (didn't read the spoilers)?
The general feel of the game is like playing GG or something else? Does 3D graphics any damage to the core gameplay and the comboing system (frames, collisions, etc.)?

The game runs on solid 60fps for sure. It's only the zoom-in sequences and cutscenes that feel choppy. As Nobi said, it might actually even be lower than 30fps. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if it was like 15fps. While I'd normally agree that lower framerates can bring a nostalgic feel, when you actually play this game, it stands out in a pretty bad way-- it's simply not seamless and brings down the gameplay experience.

I think the game adopts some of the world view from the Pachislot, though I can't be sure because I haven't tried the latter. It's a continuation of the series and not a reboot.

The general feel of Guilty Gear Xrd is sort of like playing with Guilty Gear characters using the game engine of the first Blazblue release (Calamity Trigger). That's to say, the game features state-of-the-art 2D graphics for its time, but it plays pretty slow and it feels relatively bare-bone. I'm pretty sure that we'll be seeing a sequel to this somewhere next year. That said, the 3D elements in the graphics has no side effects to gameplay and it feels like a normal 2D fighting game.

I unfortunately couldn't hear the tracks! I don't recall if they were remakes or new.

[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 6 Feb 11:41]

1153th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Oh no! What will happen to Killer Instinct!" , posted Thu 6 Feb 21:54post reply

Amazon buys Double helix, either because they are huge fans of Front Mission Evolved after playing one the many discs that were collecting dust in their warehouses, or because Double Helix is located pretty much next door to Amazon Games in Irvine, CA.

What does this mean for Strider? Obviously the game is already gold so no worry (besides worrying that it's not a good game).

What does this mean for Killer Instinct, and more specifically the already announced "Second season" of characters? Well, it seems at least Microsoft gave up on hiring Double Helix for that job. They promise that they are looking for a "new development partner" to brush up the hitboxes of <my guesses> future Evil Spinal and Gruntilda. I am not confident it will be a DLC, though. Killer Instinct was running on HEX, Double Helix's own engine. Maybe they develop a sequel/re-reboot from scratch.

It would be hilarious if that new partner was Rare.

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"Re(1):Oh no! What will happen to Killer Insti" , posted Fri 7 Feb 01:18post reply

I have no idea what Amazon plans to do with Double Helix but I guess we will see what the future brings. But what I find most surprising about this news is the realization that KI is one of the most popular launch games of the new gen. True, it's competing against Knack, Ryse and other bargain bin slop but it's still something.

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"Lo-Fi" , posted Fri 7 Feb 03:28post reply

This had me laughing quite a bit. Seems to be something of a response to Nidhogg. Oh, and it's very very slightly NSFW.


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"Re(1):Lo-Fi" , posted Fri 7 Feb 05:05post reply


This had me laughing quite a bit. Seems to be something of a response to Nidhogg. Oh, and it's very very slightly NSFW.

It's funny and cool at same time. I have a soft spot for Atari Porn :P

Speaking about Double Helix and Strider in particular I was wondering about the boxed version of the game...is it on disc or a dlc code? And the disc includes the PSX Strider games or the code?

1154th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):Lo-Fi" , posted Fri 7 Feb 06:57post reply

Only the Japanese PS3 version comes on disc.
It comes with codes that allow the download of the PS1 compilation Strider Hiryu 1&2.

i  n   t  h  e   f  a  s  t   l  a  n  e   ♪

3019th Post

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"Re(2):Oh no! What will happen to Killer Insti" , posted Fri 7 Feb 21:20post reply

Man, the KI. I initally had very little interest in KI after seeing what it had turned into, but hearing how smoothly it played and how surprisingly balanced it was I had some passing interest in trying it at the end of season 1, when the game could be called properly finished. So, this news has been pretty frustrating.

To try and make sense of it, I pieced together the events of the past few months to come up with what I think happened (this is all just a guess, so nobody quote me on this):

November/ December 2013: Microsoft issues an ultimatum to DH that if they don't meet a certain quota or milestone that Microsoft will take over development of the game themselves because it has been consistently going behind schedule and over-budget.

December 2013/ January 2014: DH fails to meet that quota or deadline, putting quality of the game over speed of development. Somehow the Spinal patch gets released, albeit with bugs and issues. Under this pressure they may not have had time to test it. Microsoft makes good on their promise, cuts ties and tells DH to pack up their stuff and send their unfinished work and assets for season 1 to MS. DH, now without the direct support of Microsoft, has to put themselves up for sale or they lose a ton of money and have to fire half their staff. Luckily they probably already had a list of potential buyers. Amazon Games agrees to buy them out for X dollars with some unknown agreement that leaves DH staff with jobs intact and a reasonable source of funding.

February 2014: Info becomes public, players panic. Here we are.

Ishmael's observation also has me thinking that maybe Microsoft was always looking to have more control over KI, because that's really been the only runaway success of their big Xbone launch, eclipsing even their great white Call of Duty hope and its innovative next-generation dog soldier warrior class. If the development of KI was proceeding too slowly for them, with their system's popularity on the line against DH's not-great reputation it makes sense that they would want to take the reins. So it's possible that they bullied DH out of the picture so they could more closely control things.

1157th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):Oh no! What will happen to Killer Insti" , posted Sat 8 Feb 01:46:post reply

I'd argue the main success story of Xbox One launch is Dead Rising 3, not Killer Instinct. Capcom must regret not making the same deal with Lost Planet 3. I seriously doubt Killer Instinct is the main motivation for consumers to buy the console; it benefits more from the console than the other way around. It certainly does not have the kind of impact that would justify the House of Cards scenario you implied above.

I really doubt it was Microsoft who kicked DH out. Mircosoft certainly must have been made aware of the discussions between DH and Amazon for a while, so they probably asked DH to get the patch ready before they leave. The announcement coincides with many milestones achieved by DH (delivery of the Spinal patch + Gold release for Strider).

Once again, Double Helix is located in the same town as Amazon Games. This probably was the result of common interests at Double Helix (to ensure their future in a tough economic climate) and Amazon Games (they need studios and they have no need to relocate anyone if they buy this one).

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[this message was edited by chazumaru on Sat 8 Feb 01:51]

3020th Post

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"Re(4):Oh no! What will happen to Killer Insti" , posted Sat 8 Feb 02:53post reply

The thing is: why does being bought by Amazon Games preclude their agreement with Microsoft to continue making KI content? Something about that part of it just doesn't make any sense to me. No matter who initiated the separation, it only makes sense to try and maintain a developer connection. As such I can't help but feel like there had to be some kind of a falling out somewhere.

Regardless, Microsoft taking over for it does not sound like a recipe for success. Sure there are shades of what happened with the Halo franchise there and that more or less worked out, but it's one thing to change studios for a franchise in between games and it's another thing to do it for one that's still being developed in active circulation.

1157th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(5):Oh no! What will happen to Killer Insti" , posted Sat 8 Feb 09:21post reply

The thing is: why does being bought by Amazon Games preclude their agreement with Microsoft to continue making KI content?

Well I would assume that Amazon prefers Double Helix to work on contents for Amazon as soon as possible, rather than work for another company.

i  n   t  h  e   f  a  s  t   l  a  n  e   ♪

3021th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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"Re(6):Oh no! What will happen to Killer Insti" , posted Sat 8 Feb 11:52post reply

Well I would assume that Amazon prefers Double Helix to work on contents for Amazon as soon as possible, rather than work for another company.

Well yeah, but what I mean is don't see why Amazon can't be the ones to develop KI for Microsoft and thus leave KI with the same team intact. But I suppose that's not how these things work.

I'm just going to hope that the guys at DH that were so passionate about KI during this past year will end up at the new MS team somehow and allow the game to continue as it is.

3992th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"MMCafe Fighting Game session" , posted Sun 9 Feb 19:28:post reply

By a raise of hands, how many people here would be interested in trying a casual online meetup/session? Possibly around this Fri night-Sat, or the week after.

I'm thinking either Persona 4 Arena or Blazblue CP depending on which game everyone has. SF4 is an option as well but the Arksys games have much better netcode. This will be on the PS3/PSN. Just write down which games you have, and whether you prefer text or voice chat.

[edit] There's usually no need to even say this, but since it's been a topic of discussion as of recent-- this session will be limited to users with a legitimate PS3 console and game software for obvious reasons.

[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 10 Feb 00:28]

1318th Post

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"Re(1):MMCafe Fighting Game session" , posted Mon 10 Feb 01:05post reply

By a raise of hands, how many people here would be interested in trying a casual online meetup/session? Possibly around this Fri night-Sat, or the week after.

I'm thinking either Persona 4 Arena or Blazblue CP depending on which game everyone has. SF4 is an option as well but the Arksys games have much better netcode. This will be on the PS3/PSN. Just write down which games you have, and whether you prefer text or voice chat.

[edit] There's usually no need to even say this, but since it's been a topic of discussion as of recent-- this session will be limited to users with a legitimate PS3 console and game software for obvious reasons.

BlazBlue CP or P4A would both work well for me! Voice chat works as well!


red falcon
6189th Post

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PSN: Rugalbgood
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):MMCafe Fighting Game session" , posted Mon 10 Feb 01:14:post reply

I can do BB or SF. And I have voice chat.

Speaking of which, Karasu, we still need to play!

[this message was edited by red falcon on Mon 10 Feb 11:36]

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"Re(2):MMCafe Fighting Game session" , posted Mon 10 Feb 20:44:post reply

While I neither have P4A nor BB:CP on PS3 (I do have P4A on Xbox though), I have been playing a lot of KOF XIII on Steam so if any of you want to play me, just friend me (BadoorSNK on steam). Though the one transatlantic match I tried to play proved to be quite laggy But other matches against players from Africa and Europe worked out well.

I'd choose some games I own on PS3 but I don't have as much control on who will be using that console at anytime as I have with my PC. So hope you all understand.


[this message was edited by badoor on Mon 10 Feb 21:29]

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"Re(3):MMCafe Fighting Game session" , posted Tue 11 Feb 00:43post reply

Mitsuhiro Ichiki, who you may remember as that KOF player/voice actor who was the butt of that vile practical joke last year, will voice a character named Jet in Yatagarasu: Attack on Cataclysm.

Here is the news as well as an interview.


1319th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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"Re(2):MMCafe Fighting Game session" , posted Tue 11 Feb 02:47post reply

Speaking of which, Karasu, we still need to play!

Argh, you're right, we do! I've had alarmingly little time to play lately, but hopefully we'll catch up this weekend!


3992th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):MMCafe Fighting Game session" , posted Wed 12 Feb 00:39post reply

Well so far we've got a mixed bag of BBCP, P4A, SF4. We can have sessions for the various games on various weeks, that's not a problem at all!

3023th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):MMCafe Fighting Game session" , posted Wed 12 Feb 01:46:post reply

I'm more of a Calibur/Tekken player but I have been (poorly) playing P4A recently, so I'd be down to get sandbagged. I do have a headset, but I'm not sure if it works since I rarely use it.

Just FYI, those other games like BB and SF4 I only own on 360.

[this message was edited by Gojira on Thu 13 Feb 01:29]

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Silver Customer

"Re(1):MMCafe Fighting Game session" , posted Wed 12 Feb 03:52:post reply

By a raise of hands, how many people here would be interested in trying a casual online meetup/session? Possibly around this Fri night-Sat, or the week after.

I'm thinking either Persona 4 Arena or Blazblue CP depending on which game everyone has. SF4 is an option as well but the Arksys games have much better netcode. This will be on the PS3/PSN. Just write down which games you have, and whether you prefer text or voice chat.

[edit] There's usually no need to even say this, but since it's been a topic of discussion as of recent-- this session will be limited to users with a legitimate PS3 console and game software for obvious reasons.

No love for Neo Geo Station?

I'm in Europe and will be up for any (but just one, as I will need to purchase it with the last few virtual yen I have) NG Station fighting game.

I'm ready for some Samu Supi.

Waw!? And now what's going on!? Toh Shin Den is about to present to you a super hot virtual battle like one that you've never seen before at a rate of 90000 polygons per second!

[this message was edited by TheRedKnight on Wed 12 Feb 05:06]

red falcon
6189th Post

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PSN: Rugalbgood
XBL: RugalBGood
Wii: Doesitmatter?

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):MMCafe Fighting Game session" , posted Wed 12 Feb 11:54post reply

Speaking of which, Karasu, we still need to play!

Argh, you're right, we do! I've had alarmingly little time to play lately, but hopefully we'll catch up this weekend!

Karasu, you up for some tomorrow, perhaps? I'm probably getting SNOWED IN WHOAAAOA so let's give it a try.

377th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(4):MMCafe Fighting Game session" , posted Wed 12 Feb 17:39post reply

Updated my profile with my PSN id.

Waw!? And now what's going on!? Toh Shin Den is about to present to you a super hot virtual battle like one that you've never seen before at a rate of 90000 polygons per second!

4817th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
XBL: n/a
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):MMCafe Fighting Game session" , posted Wed 12 Feb 23:34post reply

I'm no good at P4A and I'm several iterations behind in BB but let me know if SF4, Tekken or some other game comes into the rotation since I always have time for a few rounds. Or to be more accurate I will have time until EDF 2025 comes out in the US.

1321th Post

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PSN: robotchris
XBL: robotchris
Wii: n/a

Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):MMCafe Fighting Game session" , posted Thu 13 Feb 00:46post reply


Karasu, you up for some tomorrow, perhaps? I'm probably getting SNOWED IN WHOAAAOA so let's give it a try.

Actually yeah, I'll have about an hour around 2pm PST if you'll be around to play a few! Hope you're not too SNOWED UNDER BY THE SNOWPOCALYPSE!!!


red falcon
6190th Post

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PSN: Rugalbgood
XBL: RugalBGood
Wii: Doesitmatter?

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):MMCafe Fighting Game session" , posted Thu 13 Feb 00:57post reply

I'm no good at P4A and I'm several iterations behind in BB but let me know if SF4, Tekken or some other game comes into the rotation since I always have time for a few rounds. Or to be more accurate I will have time until EDF 2025 comes out in the US.

I can do SF4 too. In fact, I'd very much like to.

3993th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(7):MMCafe Fighting Game session" , posted Thu 13 Feb 01:42post reply

So far SF4 seems to be the game that most everyone has, so maybe we'll go with that for this first session. I'll need to re-DL my PSNPlus version, hah hah.

1322th Post

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PSN: robotchris
XBL: robotchris
Wii: n/a

Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(8):MMCafe Fighting Game session" , posted Thu 13 Feb 02:06post reply

So far SF4 seems to be the game that most everyone has, so maybe we'll go with that for this first session. I'll need to re-DL my PSNPlus version, hah hah.

SF4 works for me!

By the way, Professor, I'm not sure I can make it this weekend since Friday is Valentine's Day and I'll be out of town all weekend. I completely blanked on the date when I agreed for this particular weekend. But everyone else carry on! Next week works for me though, if anyone's still up for it!

Hey red falcon-- send me an invite if you're online this afternoon and want a match! I'll be around, at least for a little bit.


4818th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
XBL: n/a
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):MMCafe Fighting Game session" , posted Fri 14 Feb 04:04post reply

By the way, Professor, I'm not sure I can make it this weekend since Friday is Valentine's Day and I'll be out of town all weekend. I completely blanked on the date when I agreed for this particular weekend. But everyone else carry on! Next week works for me though, if anyone's still up for it!

Valentine's weekend does make things problematic but hopefully I can sneak in a few games. Domestic bliss is all well and good but it's important to remember what is best in life.

3996th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"MMCafe Fighting Game session #1" , posted Fri 14 Feb 10:57:post reply

OK, the first session will be for SF4AE!
The starting hour will be as follows for each time zone-

Feb 14 (Fri) 7PM PST (LA, Portland, etc)
Feb 14 (Fri) 10PM EST (NY, etc)
Feb 14 (Fri) Midnight Chile
Feb 15 (Sat) 4AM Paris
Feb 15 (Sat) 7AM GST (UAE, UK, etc)
Feb 15 (Sat) noon JST (Japan)

Write a quick hollar below if you're interested in joining!

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 14 Feb 15:59]

2555th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Little Mac" , posted Fri 14 Feb 11:08post reply


Little Mac actually seems to have a super meter. I don't know how interesting Giga Mac will be, though.

2597th Post

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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Wii: n/a

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):MMCafe Fighting Game session #1" , posted Fri 14 Feb 11:30:post reply

OK, the first session will be for SF4AE!
The time will be as follows for each country-

April 14 (Fri) 7PM PST (LA, Portland, etc)
April 14 (Fri) 10PM EST (NY, etc)
April 14 (Fri) Midnight Chile
April 15 (Sat) 4AM Paris
April 15 (Sat) 7AM GST (UAE, UK, etc)
April 15 (Sat) noon JST (Japan)

Write a quick hollar below if you're interested in joining.

Terrible Third Strike announcer sez: Yeah! I've been waiting for this! Hope to be able to join you all, though not positive. Prof, I'm thinking you mean February as opposed to April, ya?


[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 14 Feb 11:30]

3996th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):MMCafe Fighting Game session #1" , posted Fri 14 Feb 15:58:post reply

OK, the first session will be for SF4AE!
The time will be as follows for each country-

April 14 (Fri) 7PM PST (LA, Portland, etc)
April 14 (Fri) 10PM EST (NY, etc)
April 14 (Fri) Midnight Chile
April 15 (Sat) 4AM Paris
April 15 (Sat) 7AM GST (UAE, UK, etc)
April 15 (Sat) noon JST (Japan)

Write a quick hollar below if you're interested in joining.
Terrible Third Strike announcer sez: Yeah! I've been waiting for this! Hope to be able to join you all, though not positive. Prof, I'm thinking you mean February as opposed to April, ya?

Oops February-- thanks, fixed it! It'll be pretty casual so just hop on if you're up to it!

Little Mac fits perfectly in Smash Bros! I wish a Cing character would eventually make their way in... I'm assuming that Nintendo who owns the rights to the characters.

On a completely different note, with the JAEPO amusement expo happening, I was checking up on some Nesica titles and realized that Dimps wiped out all their web site pages for "The Rumble Fish" series. I can only assume that whatever future plans they had for the franchise back when they ported RumbleFish2 has been canned.

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 14 Feb 18:22]

1159th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):MMCafe Fighting Game session #1" , posted Fri 14 Feb 22:14post reply

Fifteen minutes of GGXrd. Hurry up before it disappears.

Little Mac fills me with joy. I wonder if a guy who worked on Steve (Tekken) helps with the character from Bandai Namco's side.

The Tony Taka-era Shining Force fighting game just announced by Sega fills me with sorrow.

i  n   t  h  e   f  a  s  t   l  a  n  e   ♪

4819th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
XBL: n/a
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):MMCafe Fighting Game session #1" , posted Sat 15 Feb 09:47post reply

The Tony Taka-era Shining Force fighting game just announced by Sega fills me with sorrow.

With this announcement Sega now has a pair of 2D fighters in the works. Sega is such an irrational company that it's impossible to predict their actions but even with that I'm still surprised by this turn of events.

736th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):MMCafe Fighting Game session #1" , posted Sun 16 Feb 00:04post reply


Little Mac fits perfectly in Smash Bros! I wish a Cing character would eventually make their way in... I'm assuming that Nintendo who owns the rights to the characters.

Woah, Kyle Hyde throwing punches on a Smash Bros game would be a sight to behold! I don't see it happening anytime soon, tough.

red falcon
6192th Post

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PSN: Rugalbgood
XBL: RugalBGood
Wii: Doesitmatter?

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):MMCafe Fighting Game session #1" , posted Sun 16 Feb 12:13post reply

Argh, I missed this. I thought it was tonight at 10:00.

3729th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):MMCafe Fighting Game session #1" , posted Sun 16 Feb 21:14post reply

Wow it's been ages since I did post here, glad to see that everyone seems to still be here. and Glad to see the Professor still running things.

Here a guilty gear vid of the boss in good quality, with a cameo of Sin...


Fortes fortuna juvat...

4820th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):MMCafe Fighting Game session #1" , posted Mon 17 Feb 01:48post reply

Wow it's been ages since I did post here, glad to see that everyone seems to still be here. and Glad to see the Professor still running things.

Here a guilty gear vid of the boss in good quality, with a cameo of Sin...


Thanks for the link! I'm guessing there are conditions for beating the boss to get the true ending since I can't imagine they are going to end the game with a village getting blown up. But the most surprising thing here is that Sin is still in continuity. Out of all the characters in the series who wanted that guy to come back?

71th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(6):MMCafe Fighting Game session #1" , posted Mon 17 Feb 02:27post reply


Thanks for the link! I'm guessing there are conditions for beating the boss to get the true ending since I can't imagine they are going to end the game with a village getting blown up. But the most surprising thing here is that Sin is still in continuity. Out of all the characters in the series who wanted that guy to come back?

I think Blazblue Continuum Shift had a bad ending for the arcade release also and you could get the real ending till story mode in the home release. Maybe that's what they're doing here, anyway this seems like a pretty downer ending.

I don't know how popular Sin is as a character, but since this game is set after GG2, it makes sense for him to be there. Also looks like he'll probably be playable at some point.

4821th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
XBL: n/a
Wii: n/a

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):MMCafe Fighting Game session #1" , posted Mon 17 Feb 04:31post reply

I don't know how popular Sin is as a character, but since this game is set after GG2, it makes sense for him to be there. Also looks like he'll probably be playable at some point.

If Sin keeps showing up but Leopaldon does not then something, somewhere has gone horribly wrong.

4822th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
XBL: n/a
Wii: n/a

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):MMCafe Fighting Game session #1" , posted Wed 19 Feb 01:06post reply

Double post because I'm as redundant as Sega!

Figuring that the third time's a charm, Sega has announced yet another 2D fighter. This time it's a follow-up to Koihime Musou. This franchise has enough of a following to get a sequel?

72th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(8):MMCafe Fighting Game session #1" , posted Wed 19 Feb 01:36post reply


If Sin keeps showing up but Leopaldon does not then something, somewhere has gone horribly wrong.

This is the truth.

3613th Post

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PSN: Lilly_Dopamine
XBL: n/a
Wii: n/a

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):MMCafe Fighting Game session #1" , posted Wed 19 Feb 22:17post reply

A little late to the party (thanks for posting videos), but Valentine has got some seriously sexy polygon legs. And those hips! Also, mouth cape. She looks pretty much like a normal character, so I'm sure she'll be unlocked eventually. Even if she and Bedman are the only two new characters, they might become my new favorites.

I think new characters are very important here, so I'm actually extremely supportive of Sin being included, even though I'm not personally a fan. The game looks fantastic, but the character selection is pretty weak and I can see myself gravitating back to the old GGXX+whatever with friends. Even though almost all of my favorites are missing, I hope that they add new characters as much as they bring back old ones. I think I would even trade in old characters I know I love for new characters that might or might not be favorites. I'm sad that the move lists of returning characters have changed so little as well.

Well, whatever. Pumped either way, though like many fighters, it might not be until the second edition that I get really excited.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

3997th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(10):MMCafe Fighting Game session #1" , posted Thu 20 Feb 05:04:post reply

> red falcon
We'll do sessions some other time too, no problem!

Man, GGXrd is coming out tomorrow, can't wait-- it's been a relatively busy week thus far. I didn't realize it until recently, but it seems that Ramleathal Valentine's name was derived from "Ram leather" (as in the jacket). I'm assuming she'll become usable after a while, which I'm looking forward to.

[edit] Huh, so the GGXrd anime artstyle was based on Ishiwatari? That's interesting...

[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 20 Feb 07:34]

red falcon
6193th Post

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PSN: Rugalbgood
XBL: RugalBGood
Wii: Doesitmatter?

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):MMCafe Fighting Game session #1" , posted Thu 20 Feb 07:59post reply

> red falcon
We'll do sessions some other time too, no problem!

Excellent! If you ever feel like chatting again and goofing around in a game, hit me up, okay?

3998th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Re(10):MMCafe Fighting Game session #1" , posted Thu 20 Feb 14:03:post reply

> red falcon
We'll do sessions some other time too, no problem!

Excellent! If you ever feel like chatting again and goofing around in a game, hit me up, okay?

Sounds good, will do!

And so, GGXrd is playable now. The game is slow but fun, definitely a good game for entry-level Guilty Gear players or someone who hasn't played the series in over a decade like myself.

As far as customizations go, it seems like Arcsys hasn't worked on much. There's very little options available-- player title, icon, plate, and that's about it. I'm assuming they'll add things like alt costumes later.

But one cool thing, you can hear a character voice when you log into the player's guild. They have about a whoppiong 30 or so voice messages per character including Ramleathal, and they say things like "Had lunch yet? Wild rabbits taste best when they're well-roasted" (Sol).

And as you can see, there's an icon for Ramleathal too.


[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 20 Feb 19:30]

2557th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Paging kofoguz" , posted Fri 21 Feb 05:10:post reply

Car vandalism is clearly a big problem in Turkey.

[this message was edited by Spoon on Fri 21 Feb 07:26]

3730th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Paging kofoguz" , posted Sat 22 Feb 05:31post reply

sol arcade run in 1 round, with cut scenes and all...


If someone can translate what the senate is telling...

PS: at the end sin is speaking in french. his "sa marche" mean "it works".

Fortes fortuna juvat...

1091th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Paging kofoguz" , posted Sat 22 Feb 09:03post reply

Car vandalism is clearly a big problem in Turkey.

Well, seeing "Paging Oğuz" in the cafe at my birthday was definitely nice. Good timing spoon :)And I think the ad reached to the to capcom's main page or capcommunity's. Turkish gamers are joking whether they had the license or not.

This all is fun but personally im in a phase that games are barely interests me. Even a new 2D KOF with bigger sprites can move anything in me. That was sudden and may be in the future that interest comes back.

1164th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"It was a trap, but not in that sense." , posted Sat 22 Feb 20:06post reply

I realize only now watching the Sol playthrough above that I owe Polly an apology for claiming the presence of Bridget was as sure of a thing as the sun rising every morning (especially after the Bridget redesign was leaked by the Pachinko concept artworks). I would have lost a lot of money on a bet...

drugs in the 90s fashion industry = best drugs ever

4000th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):Paging kofoguz" , posted Sat 22 Feb 20:29post reply

Car vandalism is clearly a big problem in Turkey.

That's a spiffy ad! I like the way how the background keeps looping like a game.

The Channel posted by Naruto has some additional videos for Xrd, very nice.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMGLK0slfXE Ky
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQQaThLYALQ Ino
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-n8hqHAir0 Zato

Here's a quick writeup of the dialogues at the Tearoom scene

"It looks like they took the bait right as planned"
"Yes. Things are going so smoothly that it's almost scary"
"We, the Genrouin, the ruler of mankind. Nobody in the would would imagine that we're connected with Ramleathal."
"Whatever happens, we need to make sure that Sol Badguy doesn't realize it. We're counting on you, Ramleathal Valentine."

3731th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Paging kofoguz" , posted Sat 22 Feb 21:55post reply

Car vandalism is clearly a big problem in Turkey.

That's a spiffy ad! I like the way how the background keeps looping like a game.

The Channel posted by Naruto has some additional videos for Xrd, very nice.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMGLK0slfXE Ky
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQQaThLYALQ Ino
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-n8hqHAir0 Zato

Here's a quick writeup of the dialogues at the Tearoom scene

"It looks like they took the bait right as planned"
"Yes. Things are going so smoothly that it's almost scary"
"We, the Genrouin, the ruler of mankind. Nobody in the would would imagine that we're connected with Ramleathal."
"Whatever happens, we need to make sure that Sol Badguy doesn't realize it. We're counting on you, Ramleathal Valentine."

thanks professor!

Fortes fortuna juvat...

4002th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Paging kofoguz" , posted Sun 23 Feb 02:10:post reply

For anyone interested in how GGXrd has been developed, check out Arc System Works' recruitment page. The images can be clicked to enlarged.


So as suspected, the animations are apparently done frame by frame rather than tweened. I wonder if they use any in-house dev tools for the graphics or just work with 3DSMax and Softimage?

[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 23 Feb 02:16]

1325th Post

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PSN: robotchris
XBL: robotchris
Wii: n/a

Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Paging kofoguz" , posted Sun 23 Feb 03:07post reply

For anyone interested in how GGXrd has been developed, check out Arc System Works' recruitment page. The images can be clicked to enlarged.


So as suspected, the animations are apparently done frame by frame rather than tweened. I wonder if they use any in-house dev tools for the graphics or just work with 3DSMax and Softimage?

Wow, pretty amazing stuff, thanks Professor! I couldn't say about in house tools, but it's really fascinating to see some of those examples!


3615th Post

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PSN: Lilly_Dopamine
XBL: n/a
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):It was a trap, but not in that sense." , posted Sun 23 Feb 19:45:post reply

I realize only now watching the Sol playthrough above that I owe Polly an apology for claiming the presence of Bridget was as sure of a thing as the sun rising every morning (especially after the Bridget redesign was leaked by the Pachinko concept artworks). I would have lost a lot of money on a bet...

Well, you convinced me pretty well, so you probably would have also inspired me to lose money in that same bet. In fact, you convinced me so well that I catch myself thinking "oh, they'll add him in a few months."

Whatever. Valentine has tipped me into the land of "don't care" on character additions. I expected like...two more, but fewer is probably better for me anyway, since I tend to use a bajillion characters poorly rather than 1 or 2 well.

EDIT: There are a lot of videos circulating. Did we ever get an answer on Bedman's anal penetration?

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Sun 23 Feb 19:46]

4002th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):It was a trap, but not in that sense." , posted Mon 24 Feb 21:37post reply

No Bedman penetration, but something almost as interesting-- the Player's guild for Guilty Gear Xrd is actually viewable without an account. That means the stats like nationwide character usage and win rates can be checked by anyone, pending they can read the Jp character names. Here are the links.

Top page

Nationwide character usage

Nationwide Win rates by characters

1328th Post

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PSN: robotchris
XBL: robotchris
Wii: n/a

Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):It was a trap, but not in that sense." , posted Tue 25 Feb 01:39post reply

Whatever. Valentine has tipped me into the land of "don't care" on character additions. I expected like...two more, but fewer is probably better for me anyway, since I tend to use a bajillion characters poorly rather than 1 or 2 well.

Oh, I agree! Valentine's design is much better than just about any ArcSys final boss since... oh wait, I-No was a final boss never mind-- I was going to say Justice, but... well yeah. Very excited to see the official Valentine art still!

No Bedman penetration, but something almost as interesting-- the Player's guild for Guilty Gear Xrd is actually viewable without an account. That means the stats like nationwide character usage and win rates can be checked by anyone, pending they can read the Jp character names. Here are the links.

Top page

Nationwide character usage

Nationwide Win rates by characters

Professor, that's fantastic news, and some pretty interesting info to be seen. One question (and maybe it's answered if I dig around more), but is this data for every single machine in aggregate? It would be cool to see it broken out regionally. Just like way back with Aquapazza, I feel like this info could be presented in a somewhat more clever and attar chive way, but I still can't decide exactly what way that should be. I'll think on it and maybe some kind of web-based app might result? I'm not even sure if anyone but me cares the slightest about this stuff!


1260th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Paging kofoguz" , posted Tue 25 Feb 03:55post reply

For anyone interested in how GGXrd has been developed, check out Arc System Works' recruitment page. The images can be clicked to enlarged.


So as suspected, the animations are apparently done frame by frame rather than tweened. I wonder if they use any in-house dev tools for the graphics or just work with 3DSMax and Softimage?

Wow so happy to see that! I would love to see an artbook or video or some kind of behind the scenes look at their process.

I just used Googled translate and it seems to say that for their 3d animation job, it's OK if you're a 2d animator. Is that correct?

Here's the text:
作品 なんらかの形のアニメーションを必ず含めてください(2D、3Dは問いません)

I would respect them soooo much if they were looking actively looking for 2d animators for their 3d game. That just makes a lot of sense!


3024th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
XBL: Gojiraaa
Wii: n/a

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Paging kofoguz" , posted Tue 25 Feb 04:34post reply

For anyone interested in how GGXrd has been developed, check out Arc System Works' recruitment page. The images can be clicked to enlarged.


So as suspected, the animations are apparently done frame by frame rather than tweened. I wonder if they use any in-house dev tools for the graphics or just work with 3DSMax and Softimage?

Yeah, it was pretty clear that was what they were doing. Question: does the game ever show a 3D perspective for longer than a single freeze-frame? I ask because with this process it seems like it would be really awkward to view the game from different angles, since each frame is tuned to one perspective.

Incidentally, does that wireframed Kokonoe model in the bottom-right mean they're adapting this process to Blazblue as well? Or did they already do this? I haven't looked at the latest one yet.

737th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(5):Paging kofoguz" , posted Tue 25 Feb 10:24post reply


I just used Googled translate and it seems to say that for their 3d animation job, it's OK if you're a 2d animator. Is that correct?

Here's the text:
作品 なんらかの形のアニメーションを必ず含めてください(2D、3Dは問いません)

I would respect them soooo much if they were looking actively looking for 2d animators for their 3d game. That just makes a lot of sense!

As far as I can tell, they just encourage applicants to send them any animation works they may have on their portfolios, be it 2D or 3D stuff. Which makes a lot of sense, if you ask me, because talent is talent regardless of the media of your choice. Chances are that if you are a gifted pixel artist you'd also do great with 3D tools.

4004th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(5):Paging kofoguz" , posted Tue 25 Feb 19:44:post reply

One question (and maybe it's answered if I dig around more), but is this data for every single machine in aggregate? It would be cool to see it broken out regionally. Just like way back with Aquapazza, I feel like this info could be presented in a somewhat more clever and attar chive way, but I still can't decide exactly what way that should be. I'll think on it and maybe some kind of web-based app might result? I'm not even sure if anyone but me cares the slightest about this stuff!

Unfortunately no, it doesn't display by region-- it's a complete aggregate of all the machines running in Japan. Because of that, some wierd things are happening. For example, the top character on the national winrate is Zato-1, but it's mainly because there's one guy at an arcade in Tokyo (which coincedently happens to be Maou's favorite location) who's been getting a huge winning streak. From what I understand, he's singlehandedly raising the character's win rate in the country right now.

Nobi: As far as the 3D animation staffs go, they're indeed recruiting from both the 3D and 2D field. I'm assuming it's because they understand that artists with talent and experience in animation can do a good job regardless of dimensions.

Gojira: The game often shows freezeframes in multiple directions (or even rotating, which happens when the round is over). I'm assuming that there's some instances where the animation's angle is forced to be fixed, but so far I haven't seen anything where it's too obvious.

Also, the Blazblue sprites are all done from 3D prerenders! As you can see with this Azrael sample, they use a relatively simple 3D model and improvise on the details when they're drawing the sprite.

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 25 Feb 19:48]

1165th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(6):Paging 3D models" , posted Tue 25 Feb 20:58post reply

Incidentally, does that wireframed Kokonoe model in the bottom-right mean they're adapting this process to Blazblue as well? Or did they already do this? I haven't looked at the latest one yet.

BlazBlue, KOF12 and KOF13 all applied the same technique for their development.
I am also pretty sure it was already the case for GGX!

drugs in the 90s fashion industry = best drugs ever

1262th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(7):Paging 3D models" , posted Wed 26 Feb 02:12post reply

Incidentally, does that wireframed Kokonoe model in the bottom-right mean they're adapting this process to Blazblue as well? Or did they already do this? I haven't looked at the latest one yet.

BlazBlue, KOF12 and KOF13 all applied the same technique for their development.
I am also pretty sure it was already the case for GGX!

Art of Fighting 3 also used this technique I think. It may have been the first time SNK used the cg-->pixel art style, cos this game had very smooth, but very soft looking movements, very reminiscent of cg tweened animation (like Killer Instinct).

Seriously, this game had the softest looking attacks ever


But for this game I bet they created the motions in 3d first (rather than designing the motion with drawings)


2562th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Paging 3D models" , posted Wed 26 Feb 04:04post reply

I remember when I saw AOF3 for the first time, I wondered if it was rotoscoped because the animations were just so fluid!

A number of animation houses are willing to hire animators that are not 3D experts but have a strong 2D background; when Disney was recruiting in Vancouver not so long ago, having 3D animation experience was just in the "nice to have" list of requirements, but 2D animation was a must.

3026th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Paging 3D models" , posted Wed 26 Feb 10:55post reply

Incidentally, does that wireframed Kokonoe model in the bottom-right mean they're adapting this process to Blazblue as well? Or did they already do this? I haven't looked at the latest one yet.

BlazBlue, KOF12 and KOF13 all applied the same technique for their development.
I am also pretty sure it was already the case for GGX!

Well, that's not quite the same process I was referring to, but I figured it was something like that. Heck, the hard evidence that the original GG was at one point pre-rendered in 3D makes it seem like maybe they could have been drawing over 3D models from the very beginning.

1174th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(8):Paging 3D models" , posted Wed 26 Feb 18:52post reply


Art of Fighting 3 also used this technique I think. It may have been the first time SNK used the cg-->pixel art style, cos this game had very smooth, but very soft looking movements, very reminiscent of cg tweened animation (like Killer Instinct).

Seriously, this game had the softest looking attacks ever


But for this game I bet they created the motions in 3d first (rather than designing the motion with drawings)

As far as I know, it was indeed rotoscope: I wouldn't bet my life on my sources' credibility, but I read about it in many places back in the day...

A quick search on the topic brought these results:

- Hardcore Gaming 101 AoF article speaks of rotoscope

- Another site supporting the same point of view (click on "Video Games" tag). Oddly enough, they put Elena's SFIII animations as another example of rotoscope animation in videogames, but I don't know whether they are right or just made it up. Could any educated cafer confirm or deny both claims?

2564th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Paging 3D models" , posted Thu 27 Feb 04:01post reply

It should be noted that often when the word "rotoscope" is used, it's often used with the connotation of "footage of real-life subjects e.g. people/animals", and that's the usage I meant when I said it. However, it can be footage of ANYTHING, so if they were rotoscoping over footage of 3D models, well, that'd still be correct. Now, the process of motion capture -> 3D models -> render to images/video -> rotoscope is not an impossible process, as commercial motion capture was available by 1994/1995, which is probably around when AoF3 was in development (AoF3 was released in 1996).

But I don't actually know what they did, so this is just speculation.

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"Re(9):Paging 3D models" , posted Thu 27 Feb 04:01post reply

When I saw the screenshots of AoF3 I obviously thought the game looked amazing, but I remember being disappointed seeing the game in motion. The motion looked smooth but the hits suffered because of it.

Thinking of Elena's animation my mind goes straight to her bending over win pose. It definitely looks rotoscoped to me.


Not to detract from the skillful animation but seeing it here, her head looks pasted on.


I've never seen that feature on Last Window, thanks for sharing it!

Lord SNK
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"Here comes a new challenger..." , posted Thu 27 Feb 04:56post reply

It should be noted that often when the word "rotoscope" is used, it's often used with the connotation of "footage of real-life subjects e.g. people/animals", and that's the usage I meant when I said it. However, it can be footage of ANYTHING, so if they were rotoscoping over footage of 3D models, well, that'd still be correct. Now, the process of motion capture -> 3D models -> render to images/video -> rotoscope is not an impossible process, as commercial motion capture was available by 1994/1995, which is probably around when AoF3 was in development (AoF3 was released in 1996).

But I don't actually know what they did, so this is just speculation.

Hi to all cafe members, I come out of my long lurking as I can provide some information about this argument.

I have saved on my disk a copy of the old official USA site of SNK, from 1997 if I remember correctly.
They wrote exactly this about AoF3:


The first neo Geo title ever to incorporate, "MOTION CAPTURE" technology. This cutting edge advancement gives character animations human like qualities and movements that blaze up the screen. Download AVIs now and feel the motion capture!!!

There were some videos linked below, I don't think I have them...
They then list the features of the game and close the page like this:

ART OF FIGHTING 3 / PATH OF THE WARRIOR, this 298 MEG monster has no boundries in it's path. Premiere "motion capture technology"; countless new options and features; and the patented ART OF FIGHTING style of gameplay.

0th Post

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"Re(1):Here comes a new challenger..." , posted Thu 27 Feb 06:59post reply

It seems I'm not the only one who decided to make his first post here today.
I'm not fluent in English so I won't post much here. However, I found a few things that you might find interesting.

I was digging into some old French magazines and found an article which confirms what Lord SNK just said:
(taken from Consoles + issue 53 - April 1996)

I also found this picture a few months ago:
(taken from CD Consoles issue 11 - november 1995)
It shows what will probably become Ryo. Looking at his knees, I would say he's in 3D.

Lord SNK
1th Post

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"Re(2):Here comes a new challenger..." , posted Thu 27 Feb 07:43post reply

Well, it seems also that the Wayback Machine has a working copy of that AOF page (and a lot more).

Here it's the link:


1177th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):Here comes a new challenger..." , posted Fri 28 Feb 00:03post reply

It seems I'm not the only one who decided to make his first post here today.
I'm not fluent in English so I won't post much here. However, I found a few things that you might find interesting.

I was digging into some old French magazines and found an article which confirms what Lord SNK just said:
(taken from Consoles + issue 53 - April 1996)

I also found this picture a few months ago:
(taken from CD Consoles issue 11 - november 1995)
It shows what will probably become Ryo. Looking at his knees, I would say he's in 3D.

Indeed, the pic clearly shows a 3D model! So they went the way Spoon previously guessed, after all: they used motion capture to create 3D models and then rotoscoped the resulting movements to create the sprites...

Well, I think that puts any doubt to rest. Thanks for the info boys, and welcome to the Cafe!

9730th Post

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"The answer to the most important question is" , posted Fri 28 Feb 01:16post reply

His fingers go through the mattress.
I think.

red falcon
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):MMCafe Fighting Game session #1" , posted Fri 28 Feb 06:35post reply

Anyone up for one of these FG meetups tomorrow?

3616th Post

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"Re(1):The answer to the most important questi" , posted Fri 28 Feb 09:48post reply

His fingers go through the mattress.
I think.

That's kind of a letdown, but there were so many other amazing things. I think I like Slayer's kanchou the best. The plastic surgery on top of Zato's mask is great as well as Bedman's commentary.

I'm getting happy memories from Darkstalkers when I would have to see how every move looked against every character. I never thought the day would come where 2D vs 3D would be mostly irrelevant.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

4004th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Re(10):MMCafe Fighting Game session #1" , posted Sat 1 Mar 04:08post reply

Nice! The video is (as expected) down now, but I got a glimpse of it just on time.
May's instant kill is pretty well animated!

As for AOF3, I remember how they had two actors (one male, one female) in the usual motion capture gear to take the shots. It sort of explains why there's so much shared motions between each of the characters. The game was a commercial failure and disasterous to play with human opponents, but I still liked it.

Anyone up for one of these FG meetups tomorrow?

Probably can't make it for tomorrow, but perhaps a few matches if I do!

1263th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Here comes a new challenger..." , posted Sat 1 Mar 05:01post reply

Well, it seems also that the Wayback Machine has a working copy of that AOF page (and a lot more).

Here it's the link:


Nice sleuthing! Welcome to the Cafe!


4830th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Here comes a new challenger..." , posted Sat 1 Mar 09:26post reply

Well, it seems also that the Wayback Machine has a working copy of that AOF page (and a lot more).

Here it's the link:


Nice sleuthing! Welcome to the Cafe!

Agreed on both counts! Nice to see so many new faces in this thread.

As for AOF3, I remember how they had two actors (one male, one female) in the usual motion capture gear to take the shots. It sort of explains why there's so much shared motions between each of the characters. The game was a commercial failure and disasterous to play with human opponents, but I still liked it.

It's interesting to hear they went with both a male and female motion actors instead of having a male actor play the female roles and then having to try to hide the weird movement issues that can sometimes create. Too bad all that work ended up creating AOF3 but I still appreciate the effort.

2568th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Here comes a new challenger..." , posted Sat 1 Mar 10:43post reply

Welcome, newcomers!

AOF3 was a disaster to play with other people

Looks like it could be a ton of fun to me!

Just a Person
1570th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"HYPER Ultra Street Fighter IV!!" , posted Tue 4 Mar 00:47post reply

Remember how Capcom announced there would be a fifth new character for USFIV, and people would spend months and months speculating who she would be and why Capcom was taking so long to reveal her?

Well, apparently most SF players forgot about that, with today's reveal that Ultra Street Fighter IV will have a special mode allowing to play past versions of each character, a la Hyper SFII and Hyper SF Alpha.

The beginning of the trailer is embarrassing, but the idea is quite cool. For people worried about the game becoming unbalanced with players being able to choose SFIV Sagat or SSFIV:AE Fei-Long, it seems that this will be an alternate game mode available only for offline matches, and possibly banned from game tournaments.

Nice way to make people stop complaining about the (quite poor) adaptations from the SFxT stages into USFIV and the absurdly long time Capcom is taking to reveal the fifth newcomer.

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

3028th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):HYPER Ultra Street Fighter IV!!" , posted Tue 4 Mar 06:28post reply

Speaking of disappointing new character reveals, Tecmo-Koei is setting the bar pretty low for Capcom.

I suspect that somebody at Team Ninja was crunching the numbers and found that a lot of people were only buying Kasumi DLC, so they set out on a plan to double the amount of Kasumi DLC in the game.

Just a Person
1571th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):HYPER Ultra Street Fighter IV!!" , posted Tue 4 Mar 09:56post reply

Speaking of disappointing new character reveals, Tecmo-Koei is setting the bar pretty low for Capcom.

I suspect that somebody at Team Ninja was crunching the numbers and found that a lot of people were only buying Kasumi DLC, so they set out on a plan to double the amount of Kasumi DLC in the game.

Kasumi-Alpha, Alpha-152, the Kasumi clone that appeared in most of DOA5's Story Mode, and now Phase-4... damn, soon Team Ninja will be able to make a spin-off fighting game featuring just all of Kasumi's clones (and maybe the real Kasumi as final boss or something like that).

But her cloak looks cool. Of course, most DOA players will wait for the clothes DLC to replace it with tiny bikinis, but still...

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

2571th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):HYPER Ultra Street Fighter IV!!" , posted Tue 4 Mar 10:19post reply

When the cloak is sold separately as a DLC costume for the other Kasumis is when we will know we have reached the nadir.

4834th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):HYPER Ultra Street Fighter IV!!" , posted Tue 4 Mar 23:32post reply

Well, apparently most SF players forgot about that, with today's reveal that Ultra Street Fighter IV will have a special mode allowing to play past versions of each character, a la Hyper SFII and Hyper SF Alpha.

I've always found having the ability to select old versions of characters in a compilation game to be a nice idea in theory but dumb in practice. For me it proves that the characters exist in a very specific world of the game engine and feel strange when they are taken out of that context. Thankfully Capcom seems to recognize how goofy the whole thing is and is making certain it's simply a fun option.

Speaking of disappointing new character reveals, Tecmo-Koei is setting the bar pretty low for Capcom.

Will DoA5 beat out KoF99 and it's infinite versions of Kyo? Will Tecmo-Koei not stop until every person in the world has a busty ninja girl of their own? That's a noble goal to be sure but all we're getting right now is Kasumi in a cloak. Couldn't they have at least given her different colored hair or something to separate her from vanilla Kasumi?

58th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(2):HYPER Ultra Street Fighter IV!!" , posted Wed 5 Mar 01:42post reply

What Capcom needs to do is put in SFII and SFIII characters (in their 2D sprite form) into Hyper Super Street Fighter IV, playing with the same controls and hitboxes as they had in their games.

Just a Person
1572th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):HYPER Ultra Street Fighter IV!!" , posted Wed 5 Mar 02:10post reply

What Capcom needs to do is put in SFII and SFIII characters (in their 2D sprite form) into Hyper Super Street Fighter IV, playing with the same controls and hitboxes as they had in their games.

Funny that you said that, I was thinking for some weeks how awesome it would be if the fifth new USFIV character turned out to be Morrigan with her old DarkStalkers sprite. It's quite surprising that they gave her a new 3D model in MvC3, actually.

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

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"Re(4):HYPER Ultra Street Fighter IV!!" , posted Wed 5 Mar 02:18post reply

It's quite surprising that they gave her a new 3D model in MvC3, actually.

Heh, and I look forward to continuing to see that same un-updated 3D model into at least the PS6 era.


4010th Post

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"Theatrical Blazblue" , posted Sat 8 Mar 04:30post reply


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"Re(1):Theatrical Blazblue" , posted Sat 8 Mar 05:40post reply


This is amazing, terrible and amazingly terrible. The people I feel sorry for here are the actors. It must be tough to dream of a life in the theater only to put on an ill fitting anime costume and wave a cardboard sword in the air. What a way to make a living. At least they won't have to worry about anyone seeing them since I can't imagine these will be sold out shows.

I like that there's an extra fee for people who want to attend the show in homemade costumes.

3029th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Theatrical Blazblue" , posted Sat 8 Mar 07:41post reply


Sorry for being too lazy to translate for myself, but what's up with the seemingly unrelated row of beverages in the first image?

1183th Post

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"Re(2):Theatrical Blazblue" , posted Sat 8 Mar 09:31:post reply


Sorry for being too lazy to translate for myself, but what's up with the seemingly unrelated row of beverages in the first image?

The show producers, aware that no one will stand half of the play without felling the inmediate urge of killing themselves, will invite attendants to a cup of the character-themed, generically colored poison of their choice the moment they can't stand the show anymore. I'd go for Taokaka's "Bleach and Pineapple Juice on the Rocks" (third one from the right).

[this message was edited by HAYATO on Sat 8 Mar 09:37]

926th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):Theatrical Blazblue" , posted Tue 11 Mar 18:07post reply


I had no idea Blazblue was considered worth doing something like that...?

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

4838th Post

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"Re(2):Theatrical Blazblue" , posted Fri 14 Mar 21:32post reply

Valentine has been announced for the next Xrd update. I figured she was coming at some point but I didn't realize it would be this soon.

Hilde is joining the cast of SC: Lost Swords. I still don't believe this game has a leg to stand on but at least they're trying.

4016th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Masked Cammy" , posted Mon 17 Mar 11:48:post reply

The last/5th character in Ultra SF4 is masked Cammy (Decapre). Not surprising at all, but Capcom clearly went budget on this game as expected.

En Trailer

Jp Trailer

[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 17 Mar 12:22]

Just a Person
1574th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Masked Cammy" , posted Mon 17 Mar 12:42:post reply

The last/5th character in Ultra SF4 is masked Cammy (Decapre). Not surprising at all, but Capcom clearly went budget on this game as expected.

En Trailer

Jp Trailer

...Oh well, at least Poison and Rolento are being added to this game. Would have preferred Gouken's daughter or Jessica (Haggar's daughter) over her, not interested in one single Doll at all (now, if ALL Dolls were in it, that would be a different story), she looks like a really bad result of Cammy and Psylocke being fused, but at least Poison and Rolento are also being added to this game.

Plus, Chun-Li is already in it. Can't hate any game with Chun-Li in it (except for the SF Movie game).

EDIT: Oh, and there's the Edition Select feature. That sounds cool as well (though not as cool as in Hyper SFII, where depending on the version selected of a certain character, he or she wouldn't just play differently, but also get a different portrait, a different voice, sometimes even different winning poses).

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

[this message was edited by Just a Person on Mon 17 Mar 13:10]

1th Post

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"Re(2):Masked Cammy" , posted Mon 17 Mar 13:31post reply


I know that you are trying to be positive, but I still sense sadness in your post.

So sad.

Is amazing that sadness was the thing that made me write again and not joy.

When even Sean or Eagle would have been amazing you know something is wrong not only in the world, but with you.

1968th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):Masked Cammy" , posted Mon 17 Mar 13:54post reply


When even Sean or Eagle would have been amazing you know something is wrong not only in the world, but with you.

Truly a depressing revelation.

Seeing all the identical normals and specials makes me think they put more effort into the trailer than the character...

Better than not having a fifth character at all I guess.

/ / /

2573th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Masked Cammy" , posted Mon 17 Mar 14:44post reply

For a brief moment I hoped that masked cammy was going to play like Doctrine Dark.

5896th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Masked Cammy" , posted Mon 17 Mar 14:51post reply


Better than not having a fifth character at all I guess.

Nah, It would have been better just having the first 4.

It's wonderful how they outdid the initial "Roxy" predictions, hahahahahahaha.

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1639th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Masked Cammy" , posted Mon 17 Mar 17:21post reply

The last/5th character in Ultra SF4 is masked Cammy (Decapre). Not surprising at all, but Capcom clearly went budget on this game as expected.

En Trailer

Jp Trailer

...I wouldn't be so disappointed if they at least put in some work to give her a different character model or different normal moves

3031th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Masked Cammy" , posted Mon 17 Mar 17:36:post reply


...I wouldn't be so disappointed if they at least put in some work to give her a different character model or different normal moves


They're probably going to fudge around with her frame data to make her play "differently" but that's literally just splitting hairs at this point. I guess at least the ultras are different, but you can barely even call the super different since it has the same trajectory and everything, it just has a different (and pretty lame-looking) ending.

Can't wait to hear the explanation for this...

Posted that before I saw Combofiend's walkthrough of her moves on IGN, and it looks like she has a few more differences at least, and might even be fun. Just can't ever be considered "new" by anyone.

[this message was edited by Gojira on Mon 17 Mar 18:01]

9735th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Masked Cammy" , posted Mon 17 Mar 19:41post reply

...I wouldn't be so disappointed if they at least put in some work to give her a different character model or different normal moves

I wonder what her alternate costume will be, since Cammy already has the Vega cosplay costume. Will they work more on her ALT then on her main?

I like how everyone knew she was coming, yet are still disappointed. That's class A marketing, Capcom.

1173th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Cammy avec une moustache" , posted Mon 17 Mar 20:22:post reply

I remember the time when we were making fun of Noob Saibot and other Mortal Kombat ninja clones.

I only played three games from the Nineties. Space invaders. Bubble Bobble. And Resident Evil.

[this message was edited by chazumaru on Mon 17 Mar 20:23]

Just a Person
1574th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(5):Masked Cammy" , posted Mon 17 Mar 20:24post reply


Better than not having a fifth character at all I guess.

Nah, It would have been better just having the first 4.

It's wonderful how they outdid the initial "Roxy" predictions, hahahahahahaha.

Decapre's reveal probably wouldn't be so disappointing if she were revealed from the beginning, alongside Poison, Hugo, Rolento and Elena. Back then, Ultra was news, so any character announced wouldn't disappoint people so much.

Instead, they took over half an year to finally announce the identity of the fifth newcomer. Stupid decision unless said character was someone that the players wanted or that is more well-known.

Even then, though, Capcom COULD get a less negative reception if they announced Decapre BEFORE the Edition Select feature. If Edition Select were the big announcement for Final Round 17, people who got angry at Decapre would most likely forget her and be caught up on the hype for the possibility of playing as past versions of each character.

...Oh well, what's done is done. I hope at least her prologue and ending (assuming she'll get one of each - her trailer seems to indicate so) will show the fate of the other Dolls (except Juli and Juni, already shown in Cammy's and T.Hawk's stories).

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

4839th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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"Re(6):Masked Cammy" , posted Mon 17 Mar 21:45post reply

Yeah, it looks like they went the Kyo'99 route and gave us a clone. It probably doesn't help that Cammy is not a particularly popular character at the moment so having Order Cammy pop up made the whole thing an even more difficult pill to swallow.

But how is Decapre going to play? The revelation that she's a charge character is interesting. Does that mean that her teleporting antics aren't going to be nearly as random as they initially look like they could be? Will the necessity for constantly storing a charge cause her to play in a style of controlled chaos as opposed to the autopilot that Cammy can go into? I guess we will see.

Random thoughts:

When R.Mika had a cameo in the trailer I had a moment of horror/delight at the thought that her trainer was going to be the fifth character.

I appreciate the small touch that Decapre has Cammy's scar on her mask and hints of her facial injuries underneath.

It's been several hours since she's been announced but the internet has yet to be flooded with Cammy/Decapre yuri artwork. Fandom has disappointed me.

9736th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Masked Cammy" , posted Mon 17 Mar 22:08post reply

But how is Decapre going to play? The revelation that she's a charge character is interesting. Does that mean that her teleporting antics aren't going to be nearly as random as they initially look like they could be?

I was thinking that such fast teleports might mess up with a lot of charge characters, but since a lot of them end up being quite aggressive/moving forward all the time, the character that will end up most screwed in the matchup might end up being DeeJay, aka one of the least popular characters and the character that got the least tweaks in the updates. That's called "making a point".

With the R.Mika joke, I wonder if Decapre's alternate costume will be a R.Mika cosplay, to rub up even more salt in the wound. Unfortunately, she would still compare unfavorably with Kuma's own impersonation...

Just a Person
1575th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(8):Masked Cammy" , posted Mon 17 Mar 22:27post reply

Still about Decapre, and looking at the select screen, shouldn't her icon and Oni's icon switch places? Had the new character been Gouken's daughter, it would make sense to have her next to Ryu's icon; since she isn't, it would make more sense to have her near the other newcomers and Oni next to Ryu and Evil Ryu.

Speaking of which, while I'm still disappointed about Decapre, I consider her a more valid inclusion to the cast than Evil Ryu and Oni.

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

4020th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Masked Cammy" , posted Mon 17 Mar 22:33:post reply

It's been several hours since she's been announced but the internet has yet to be flooded with Cammy/Decapre yuri artwork. Fandom has disappointed me.

Here you go, some fighting game fan's mockery over today's announcement had this been a KOF game.

Gameplay-wise the character looks interesting, though that doesn't really offset the budget-ness of the game.

On a totally different note, here's some screenshots of GGXrd's Ramleather

[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 20 Mar 10:30]

1173th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Cammy con une bigote" , posted Mon 17 Mar 23:05post reply

With the R.Mika joke, I wonder if Decapre's alternate costume will be a R.Mika cosplay, to rub up even more salt in the wound. Unfortunately, she would still compare unfavorably with Kuma's own impersonation...

Hmm it's true that, since the point of the character is to use assets as much as possible, they might use assets from alternate costumes found in Tekken Vs SF. I thought they might use claz's textures but maybe they can somehow conjure up something using the textures from a Tekken character's alt costume.

I only played three games from the Nineties. Space invaders. Bubble Bobble. And Resident Evil.

9737th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Masked Cammy" , posted Mon 17 Mar 23:17post reply

I really wouldn't mind if they also ported some of the costumes of SFxT into USF4. 労働者Ryû and Janitor Rolento were awesome.
Still about Decapre, and looking at the select screen, shouldn't her icon and Oni's icon switch places?

To be honest, the select screen is an absolute mess. It makes no sense for the cursors to start on Juri and Hakan anymore, and you can only find the characters you're looking for if you remember at what point of the game's life they have been added.

4841th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Masked Cammy" , posted Tue 18 Mar 00:43post reply

Huh, Valentine Leatherskin is looking really nice. I'm looking forward to seeing how she handles as a playable character.

Here you go, some fighting game fan's mockery over today's announcement had this been a KOF game.


I was thinking that such fast teleports might mess up with a lot of charge characters, but since a lot of them end up being quite aggressive/moving forward all the time, the character that will end up most screwed in the matchup might end up being DeeJay, aka one of the least popular characters and the character that got the least tweaks in the updates. That's called "making a point".

I suspect another character that's going to have trouble is Dhalsim. One misplaced long range poke and Decapre is going to come flying in. Then again, Dhalsim is a human punching bag in SF4 so this is not a new situation for the guy.

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Masked Cammy" , posted Tue 18 Mar 01:54post reply

It's been several hours since she's been announced but the internet has yet to be flooded with Cammy/Decapre yuri artwork. Fandom has disappointed me.

Here you go, some fighting game fan's mockery over today's announcement had this been a KOF game.

Gameplay-wise the character looks interesting, though that doesn't really offset the budget-ness of the game.

I had long since jettisoned my expectations for someone better, so I'm not especially broken up about Decapre. The funny thing is that if they were going to pick a Doll and dodge some of the cloning criticism you'd think they would have picked one of them who DOESN'T look like exactly Cammy with a mask. Poor old Capcom! Someone at their offices has to be looking at all the negative reactions and hanging their head. Or maybe getting bad press is actually better than no press at all!

It's so crazy-- you'd expect this kind of 'budget-ness' as the Prof puts it from some no-name or low risk property at Capcom, but SF (and SFIV in particular) has to be one of their biggest properties after the game's big recent success. Would it have killed them to spend more than a dollar on making it? Alternate theory: they recognize that regardless of what they did or what characters they chose this game would pour in gigantic mounds of dragon treasure, so why spend more than a dime on it?


Lord SNK
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"Re(4):Masked Cammy" , posted Tue 18 Mar 04:19post reply

It's been several hours since she's been announced but the internet has yet to be flooded with Cammy/Decapre yuri artwork. Fandom has disappointed me.

Here you go, some fighting game fan's mockery over today's announcement had this been a KOF game.

This is hilarious, but not so different from reality with all the various "Kusanagi" added since '99

3619th Post

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"Re(5):Masked Cammy" , posted Tue 18 Mar 04:37post reply

Cammy is my least favorite SF character-maybe my least favorite fighting game character, so having another one of her is literally the worst option possible for me.

It's so crazy-- you'd expect this kind of 'budget-ness' as the Prof puts it from some no-name or low risk property at Capcom, but SF (and SFIV in particular) has to be one of their biggest properties after the game's big recent success. Would it have killed them to spend more than a dollar on making it?

Capcom wouldn't make SF2CE (which added no new characters) until they had enough confirmed preorders to fund development. Gyakuten Saiban, which was a hugely popular full-price budget game recycled sprites that had very little animation to begin with. How many times was Morrigan's sprite reused? Ryu's SFZ sprite? Then we have numerous half-assed "new versions" of games as well as on-disk DLC fiascoes. Capcom has a long history of penny-pinching.

The only thing that makes this super sad is that they've talked so much about this new character like we're supposed to be excited. Well...people were excited. All we thought we were getting was ONE new character and it was enough to get hopes up. The fact that they couldn't even manage that after recycling all of the other characters AND stages is pretty sad. I guess they just don't have anyone in the 3D modeling department available? I don't know.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

1854th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):Masked Cammy" , posted Tue 18 Mar 04:52post reply


This is hilarious, but not so different from reality with all the various "Kusanagi" added since '99

Pretty much. It's much like the DLC characters of KOF XIII, same normals with different specials (or every other head swap in the game). He specials set her apart enough to be worth it.

I am not too disappointed since this as it has been rumored for several months now. The only problem is that it is a fairly poor use of build up for the casual follower. I am sure they didn't show her off earlier simply because she wasn't made yet and their priority was working of the SFxT add-ons.

It probably would have been better if they didn't even hint at a 5th character and just threw her out there.

I am surprised CammyFan hasn't updated yet.

2574th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Masked Cammy" , posted Tue 18 Mar 05:05post reply

Prof, you know we love you, but dammit you have to use your own site's URL linking feature properly!

The charge air cannon drills and teleport dashes are quite the SFA3 reference, but it still being a modified Cammy still sucks.

nonsensical character select screen

Once a game's cast gets big enough, aside from starting P1 and P2 at the "main" character spots and having related characters diametrically opposed, what ways are there to arrange them sensibly? Sure we could put Dee Jay beside Guile, but that doesn't say much about where that pair should go in the first place. I think any beginner to a game with a huge roster is going to be overwhelmed with new stuff and choice no matter what the sorting scheme is, but I do wonder what a good arrangement would be without straight up lumping them into broad, named categories in the first place.

Cammy is my least favorite SF character-maybe my least favorite fighting game character, so having another one of her is literally the worst option possible for me.

That's an impressive amount of disdain, why so?

1174th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(7): Cammy with a purple bikini" , posted Tue 18 Mar 05:57post reply

what ways are there to arrange them sensibly?

I was actually thinking about that for the 39 seconds I did not spend thinking about heading back home to continue Dark Souls II today. Since Street Fighter is a game which has characters from many places around the World, maybe one way to arrange the roster would be to place them on a map / globe according to where they originally come from. Obviously the map would not be entirely balanced (not many people on the African continent) but better than nothing.

And although it would not help a complete newcomer figure out the characters, at least they could choose a character based on their affinity to a specific country.

Otherwise the obvious solution is the good old alphabetical order. Good thing this is not a series with different names depending on the region! ... Hmm.

I only played three games from the Nineties. Space invaders. Bubble Bobble. And Resident Evil.

3620th Post

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PSN: Lilly_Dopamine
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Masked Cammy" , posted Tue 18 Mar 07:25post reply

The KOF comparison isn't really fair in context, as we're not seeing a KOF game with only recycled material. If there was a new KOF/update with only old sprites, recycled sprites from other SNK games and backgrounds from other SNK games, with another Kyo being the only "new" character, it would be the same. The closest is Neowave, I guess?

That's an impressive amount of disdain, why so?

There's no an exciting story here, just that I don't like anything about Cammy (design, theme song, voice, move set) and she's annoying to fight against, especially in any kind of lag environment. So it's not that I aggressively hate anything about her, so much as I just somewhat dislike everything in a way that doesn't apply to any other fighting game character. I'd be happy if she just went away, so I can't be anything but irritated when she's multiplying.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

2613th Post

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"Re(8):Masked Cammy" , posted Tue 18 Mar 12:08post reply

I'd be happy if she just went away, so I can't be anything but irritated when she's multiplying.

Hahaha. The most fun thing about the whole Decapre thing is imagining whether there was this one guy in charge who truly, honestly thought that this would be exciting to people, and so much so that this feeble "unveiling" would actually be worth keeping people waiting. I just have this image of everyone in the staff knowing that this sucks, but the guy in charge being honestly, wide-eyed convinced that it was so cool that it would actually be worth holding off announcing. How could this person be!? The fact that R.Mika and Haggar have been sort of teased in past promo videos for various games indicates that someone, somewhere on staff knew what would get people excited, even if some lunatic was in charge.

I think "final boss version" Vega from SFZero 3 would have been more exciting, and he looks the same...though I am saddest over the lost chance to have it be the return of Skullomania.


Just a Person
1576th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(8):Masked Cammy" , posted Tue 18 Mar 22:55post reply

The KOF comparison isn't really fair in context, as we're not seeing a KOF game with only recycled material. If there was a new KOF/update with only old sprites, recycled sprites from other SNK games and backgrounds from other SNK games, with another Kyo being the only "new" character, it would be the same. The closest is Neowave, I guess?

Well, in SF's defense, Ultra is a mere upgrade of SFIV. KOF XIII recycled a lot of material from XII; sure, it also added a lot of new material, but XIII is supposed to be a sequel, not an upgrade (even if that's what it turned out to be in the end - it's still a great game, though).

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

4842th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Masked Cammy" , posted Wed 19 Mar 00:42post reply

The KOF comparison isn't really fair in context, as we're not seeing a KOF game with only recycled material. If there was a new KOF/update with only old sprites, recycled sprites from other SNK games and backgrounds from other SNK games, with another Kyo being the only "new" character, it would be the same. The closest is Neowave, I guess?

I don't think anyone is trying to make a 1:1 comparison between USF4 and incremental updates in other game franchises. For me at least I was merely pointing out that Decapre is coming from a lineage that includes Mr. Karate, early versions of Robo-Ky, and half the cast of Namco's fighting games. Capcom took the path of least resistance with Decapre but fighting game fans should be used to seeing this sort of budget stretching by now.

I wonder, were people expecting a new character built from scratch? USF4 is essentially just KoF98UM. It's a fun remix for fans but it's also a six year old game that is on the previous generation of consoles. How much did people realistically expect? Still, as Karasu noted, you think they could have at least slapped a new head on Cammy. It would have made it look like it was an attempt at a new character instead of simply being Cammy with half her face scraped off. All the A3 dolls were Cammy head swaps so it would have been keeping with tradition.

Once a game's cast gets big enough, aside from starting P1 and P2 at the "main" character spots and having related characters diametrically opposed, what ways are there to arrange them sensibly? Sure we could put Dee Jay beside Guile, but that doesn't say much about where that pair should go in the first place. I think any beginner to a game with a huge roster is going to be overwhelmed with new stuff and choice no matter what the sorting scheme is, but I do wonder what a good arrangement would be without straight up lumping them into broad, named categories in the first place.

I agree that the select screen is a mess but I also agree that there is no obvious, easy remedy either. At least none of the characters are currently hidden off-screen since that is easily the worst idea for character placement I've ever seen.

I am surprised CammyFan hasn't updated yet.

Good grief, that page is still around? I hope it is somehow running on a GeoCities account.

Just a Person
1577th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(8): Cammy with a purple bikini" , posted Wed 19 Mar 02:00post reply

I was actually thinking about that for the 39 seconds I did not spend thinking about heading back home to continue Dark Souls II today. Since Street Fighter is a game which has characters from many places around the World, maybe one way to arrange the roster would be to place them on a map / globe according to where they originally come from. Obviously the map would not be entirely balanced (not many people on the African continent) but better than nothing.

And although it would not help a complete newcomer figure out the characters, at least they could choose a character based on their affinity to a specific country.

The big problem with this idea is that Japan and USA (maybe China as well) would be overcrowded in the select screen, while some countries would only have one or two characters and, unless I'm forgetting someone, Elena would be the sole representative of the entire African continent.

...Thinking about it, there should be more African characters in fighting games. In fact, there should be more African characters from DIFFERENT countries; sometimes it seems that Africa is treated as if it was a single country with a single culture, instead of a huge continent full of countries, each one with its own culture, geographic characteristics, and - in the case of fighting games - each one with its own fighting style.

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

401th Post

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"Re(6):Masked Cammy" , posted Wed 19 Mar 04:08post reply

The only thing that makes this super sad is that they've talked so much about this new character like we're supposed to be excited. Well...people were excited. All we thought we were getting was ONE new character and it was enough to get hopes up. The fact that they couldn't even manage that after recycling all of the other characters AND stages is pretty sad. I guess they just don't have anyone in the 3D modeling department available? I don't know.

Capcom hyped a new character for, what, half a year? Teased the identity with clues throughout that period. Pushed the idea that the character was somewhat important. The reveal trailer even makes jokes about the fan guesses of Retsu and R. Mika.

And then it was revealed to be an alternate outfit of Cammy with new specials. Sometimes it feels like Capcom actively hates its fan base, actively trolling them and actively trying to drive them away in anger. (The prime example being Capcom's treatment of Mega Man over the years. Capcom didn't just neglect Mega Man, but did things that seemed to have no purpose other than to outrage fans.)

Worse, if Capcom was going to be stuck recycling assets, why didn't they recycle Tekken characters from SFxT. Capcom would have to avoid making a straight up clone, but it could have taken the movesets of a couple of characters and meshed them together, added in a few new specials, and sent the chosen base model to a graphics artist for a makeover. While the result wouldn't be a truly new character, it would be "new" to Street Fighter, and certainly newer than Masked Cammy.

red falcon
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Masked Cammy" , posted Wed 19 Mar 06:39post reply

Locally we've taken to calling this kind of thing a "Gobbledygooking", in reference to the infamous reveal of the Gobbledy Gooker back in the day in the WWF. A lot of parallels, tease people for months about something to build up expectations, and then ultimately reveal something really stupid or disappointing. Happens all the time! I'm not disappointed though, I fully expected a doll since day 1. I have to admit, however, that I at least expected a head swap ala Juni or Juni...

1346th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(8):Masked Cammy" , posted Wed 19 Mar 07:02post reply

Locally we've taken to calling this kind of thing a "Gobbledygooking", in reference to the infamous reveal of the Gobbledy Gooker back in the day in the WWF. A lot of parallels, tease people for months about something to build up expectations, and then ultimately reveal something really stupid or disappointing. Happens all the time! I'm not disappointed though, I fully expected a doll since day 1. I have to admit, however, that I at least expected a head swap ala Juni or Juni...

I think that's what makes it feel pretty cheap to me. Since the character has a somewhat changed move set it's not as though it's literally just Cammy with a mask and maybe psycho power effects, I would have at least expected that the character render would be a little bit more varied. Or how about this: if it's a different person from Cammy, why the braids, although that's more of a question for the designer of the Dolls in the first place. Here it's just a poor choice of which Doll was chosen.

Man, I'm often a defender of Capcom (when maybe I shouldn't be) since they get so much crap for almost any decision they make, but this is particularly insane. For example, I didn't roll my eyes about the Evil Ryu reveal since they hadn't teased his character so outlandishly for months.

Any sane/normal company might read this as a sign that people really really want R. Mika and Retsu for the inevitable upgrade to Ultra in a year or two, but I doubt it will sink in with Capcom.


4018th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Dengeki Fighting Climax" , posted Wed 19 Mar 17:09:post reply

Putting aside the Decapre conversation a little bit, Dengeki Fighting Climax came out just yesterday and I tried it out at lunch break together with BBCP's update (Bullet finally feels like a grappler!). Here's a quick summary.

1. People are calling it Dengeki FUCK
When you're coming up with a name for a new game, you really need to consider how people will abbreviate it. Such wasn't the case with this poor game. Dengeki Fighting Climax is pronounced in Japanese accent as Dengeki Faitingu Kuraimakkusu. Because of that, people here are abbreviating it under the horrible name of "Dengeki Fakku" (Dengeki FUCK). When you keep in mind that "Dengeki" means "electric shock", the name gives a totally new meaning.

2. Nice HD sprites, but choppy & only 8 characters
First of all, this game has awesome sprites. It's developed by the Melty Blood/Undernight In-birth developers and the high-quality HD pixel art shows it. However, time constraints were obviously tight and while the pixels look great, their animations are lacky and they move in the smoothness that reminds you of an old PS1 port. Another clue to the tight development is that there's only 8 characters in the game (9, if you include Akira who's the last boss). They compensated for this by adding in a lot of assist characters sort of how Examu did with Aquapazza. Unfortunately even the assist characters lack in animation... and that's a comparison to Aquapazza. Btw on a completely irrelevant note, Akira looks like Emiya from Fate Zero in a martial artist cosplay.

3. The dialogue portraits animate incredibly smooth
While the animation during gameplay is shaggy, it's quite the opposite for the dialogue scenes. The character faces uses Motion Portrait technology and it does quite the magic-- just imagine the various characters like Shana or Heiwajima moving ever so subtley in their original art style. In fact, they move a lot more naturally than games like ToHeart2 that sort of just slapped Motion Portrait technology on to their PS3 port.

4. Etc.
All in all, if you can get past the lack of animation, Dengeki FUCK seems like a potentially fun game. It feels a bit like a traditional ground-to-ground fighter since there's no air-dash, but the game has a "Burst" to escape out of combos. The game is relatively beginner friendly but with enough elements to keep advanced players also interested. For example you can just do combos by mashing the A button just like Persona 4 Arena, but you can cancel into an assist or take various other super cancel routes if you're a more savvy player. Most of the joystick motions are universal for every character, and moves like a guard attack can be done by just pressing two buttons, no life or meter penalty. The game is generous enough to include two guard attacks for each character, some of which advances forward. If you're doing combos manually, you can use the guard attacks as a part of it.

Here's a few match videos from Dengeki.com

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 19 Mar 19:02]

1855th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):Dengeki Fighting Climax" , posted Thu 20 Mar 02:59post reply

Dengeki FUCK Impressions

Thanks for the impressions. Although I don't know any of the playable characters, I wait on baited breath for the announcement of Akira becoming playable in a future update or at least the console port.

4020th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(7):Masked Cammy" , posted Thu 20 Mar 10:33post reply

Prof, you know we love you, but dammit you have to use your own site's URL linking feature properly!

Holy cripes, I wonder how I missed that!
It's as easy as just pasting an address, highlighting it and hitting the "URL" button. I must be... tired!

4843th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Dengeki Fighting Climax" , posted Fri 21 Mar 04:19post reply

Thanks for the Dengeki impressions! It sounds like Sega is viewing this as a very low risk/low reward title. While I'm certain Dengeki will find enough of an audience in Japanese arcades to make it a worthwhile project I can't imagine the game is going to go much further than that either. The Sega that put out Dengeki is much different from the Sega in Chazumaru's post that approved Shenmue.

5899th Post

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"Re(3):Dengeki Fighting Climax" , posted Fri 21 Mar 07:54post reply

Speaking off, Fakku over acho. That sounds lewd.

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4022th Post

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"Japanese artist launching BL fighting game" , posted Mon 24 Mar 13:45:post reply

Here's something that's guaranteed to get a huge budget from the hardcore audiences if it ever runs as a kickstarter.

Gyukon, a Japanese artist who works at a game company by day and freelances by night, has declared the launch of a BL (Boy's Love) fighting game project. It's still in early planning but you can check the announcement poster here, and also get a glimpse of what to expect from his art style at the URLs below.

Given that this is project is by an BL enthousiest and there's already talks about age restriction, we can probably expect more than the usual "man-to-man action" in this fighting game.


It seems likely that the game's development will take the doujin route rather than crowdfunding considering this is a project in Japan, but the project is already getting over a hundred comments and a number of people that are interested in contributing their talents, ranging from game developers to voice actors.

[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 24 Mar 14:34]

1177th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):Japanese artist launching BL fighting g" , posted Mon 24 Mar 22:01post reply

W... Which links are safe for work?

In retrospect, I find amazing that we had a furry fighting game many years before a BL fighting game.

Although one could say there was already a Gundam W fighting game.

I only played three games from the Nineties. Space invaders. Bubble Bobble. And Resident Evil.

4024th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Japanese artist launching BL fighting g" , posted Tue 25 Mar 09:13post reply

W... Which links are safe for work?

The links should all be safe EXCEPT for the last one (https://twitter.com/gyukon_xxx/media). Unless you want to see what might happen to the characters if they lose in the fighting game..

2577th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Japanese artist launching BL fighting g" , posted Tue 25 Mar 10:54post reply

W... Which links are safe for work?

In retrospect, I find amazing that we had a furry fighting game many years before a BL fighting game.

Hey now, that's FAR too recent!
I'm thinking of Brutal: Paws of Fury when I think about an old anthro fighting game.


Although one could say there was already a Gundam W fighting game.

4846th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Japanese artist launching BL fighting g" , posted Tue 25 Mar 21:37post reply

I'm honestly surprised it took this long for a BL fighter to come out. Whether it is the GG guys squinting at each other while showing off their perfectly toned abs or whatever Iori's deal is, there has always been an undercurrent of this theme in almost all fighting games. It reminds me of an article I read about how a lot of old kung-fu movies eventually turn into displays of homoerotic sadomasochism. I don't know if mainstream fighting game developers are intentionally courting that demographic or not but it seems that the sight of two muscled men grabbing each other can be read in several different ways.

The crazy thing is this proposed game will probably have a better game engine than the fujoshi fighter Basara X.

Hey now, that's FAR too recent!
I'm thinking of Brutal: Paws of Fury when I think about an old anthro fighting game.

Does Bloody Roar count as a furry fighting game? Does Bloody Roar count as a fighting game?

2615th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Japanese artist launching BL fighting g" , posted Wed 26 Mar 01:54post reply

I find amazing that we had a furry fighting game many years before a BL fighting game.
Or: remember in like 2003 when Professor had the English-speaking internet's scoop on the charmingly pornographic hidden images in Bloody Roar 3 (or was it 4)?


2579th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Japanese artist launching BL fighting g" , posted Wed 26 Mar 02:20post reply

I'm honestly surprised it took this long for a BL fighter to come out. Whether it is the GG guys squinting at each other while showing off their perfectly toned abs or whatever Iori's deal is, there has always been an undercurrent of this theme in almost all fighting games. It reminds me of an article I read about how a lot of old kung-fu movies eventually turn into displays of homoerotic sadomasochism. I don't know if mainstream fighting game developers are intentionally courting that demographic or not but it seems that the sight of two muscled men grabbing each other can be read in several different ways.

HnK is the gayest and manliest thing ever, and even though the internet guarantees that there is some kind of fujoshi community for it out there somewhere, it's one I have never really encountered the works of in person.

A thing I always thought was funny about GGX series was the torso that was shared among a lot of the guys (see: Anji, Johnny, Sol), and that male nipples don't exist. I guess they'd be visually noisy in animation anyway.


The crazy thing is this proposed game will probably have a better game engine than the fujoshi fighter Basara X.

Basara X had a lot of interesting ideas, but was really poorly executed. Still, experience has taught me never to underestimate how poorly implemented a fighting game can be.

175th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(4):Japanese artist launching BL fighting g" , posted Wed 26 Mar 03:12:post reply

I'm honestly surprised it took this long for a BL fighter to come out. Whether it is the GG guys squinting at each other while showing off their perfectly toned abs or whatever Iori's deal is, there has always been an undercurrent of this theme in almost all fighting games. It reminds me of an article I read about how a lot of old kung-fu movies eventually turn into displays of homoerotic sadomasochism. I don't know if mainstream fighting game developers are intentionally courting that demographic or not but it seems that the sight of two muscled men grabbing each other can be read in several different ways.

Well, with that said? If you put it in this way, practically every major Japanese-made FG can be described as a "BL game".

And of course, these devs have to know that this demographic exists. After all, even if these specific sects of fans may or may not even buy the games, they certainly can be relied on to buy the merchandise! This is how the likes of BASARA continues to be a reliable source of revenue for Capcom, even though the games themselves don't sell millions.

In that light, the main difference that will separate this game from its peers is that it'll do more to pretty much wear this type of thing on its sleeve, instead of leaving it to the fangirls' imaginations~!

And that's what I think will be most interesting, especially if they're willing to go beyond even Metal Gear-levels of blatant homoeroticism.

Basara X had a lot of interesting ideas, but was really poorly executed. Still, experience has taught me never to underestimate how poorly implemented a fighting game can be.

SBX's problems were multifaceted. Among them being that because there was such a large fujoshi presence at the loke tests, few "real" players ever got a chance to try the game out during the time when it would've been appreciated to get such input.

[this message was edited by TreIII on Wed 26 Mar 03:18]

1179th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Iron Galaxy will take care of KI season 2" , posted Fri 28 Mar 01:38post reply

The guys of Divekick and that disappointing 3S online version will take care of Killer Instinct "season 2", following the purchase of Double Helix by Amazon. Fulgore arrives on April 9. I have not turned my Xbox One on in a loooooooooong time.

I only played three games from the Nineties. Space invaders. Bubble Bobble. And Resident Evil.

175th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(5):Japanese artist launching BL fighting g" , posted Sat 29 Mar 01:47post reply

The BL Fighting Game now has its own Tumblr:


I'll trust those with legit JP-fu to do a legit translation.

4850th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Japanese artist launching BL fighting g" , posted Sat 29 Mar 08:00post reply

I wonder how Iron Galaxy Studios will handle KI since this is a much bigger project than anything they have done before. I don't know, but what I do know is that judging from the positive response to Fulgore the one thing that fighting game fans like is robots with ponytails. Will Fulgore be able to do lightning loops in the corner?

The BL Fighting Game now has its own Tumblr:


I'll trust those with legit JP-fu to do a legit translation.

A slightly morbid part of me is disappointed that this game hasn't been spotted by the game media in the West. Seeing as how skittish certain quarters get when even a whiff of sexuality shows up in a game I would be curious to see how they reacted to a unique offering such as this.

Just a Person
1578th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(7):Japanese artist launching BL fighting g" , posted Sat 29 Mar 12:49post reply

I wonder how Iron Galaxy Studios will handle KI since this is a much bigger project than anything they have done before.

Good question. It's hard to know. I remember many people having the worst expectations for Killer Instinct when it was announced that Double Helix would develop it, since their previous games weren't exactly well received. But it turned out to be a great game, so who knows? Maybe Iron Galaxy will manage to make Season 2 just as great.

As long as it brings Combo, Tusk and Kim Wu to the game, I don't think I'll have anything to complain about.

I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.

1277th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(7):Japanese artist launching BL fighting g" , posted Sun 30 Mar 05:27post reply

A slightly morbid part of me is disappointed that this game hasn't been spotted by the game media in the West. Seeing as how skittish certain quarters get when even a whiff of sexuality shows up in a game I would be curious to see how they reacted to a unique offering such as this.

I'm actually really curious about this as well, cos this challenges the North American notion that only women are objectified in games.


4032th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Blazblue Prototype" , posted Tue 1 Apr 01:13:post reply

Now here's something interesting-- this is what Blazblue looked like during its initial concept phase. Noel looks no different from now compared to the other characters!

[edit] holy cripes.

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 2 Apr 12:55]

927th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):Blazblue Prototype" , posted Tue 1 Apr 18:04post reply

Now here's something interesting-- this is what Blazblue looked like during its initial concept phase. Noel looks no different from now compared to the other characters!


Your link didn't work, fixed that.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

1858th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Daigo getting a sequel to his Manga" , posted Thu 3 Apr 11:13post reply

Link Here

Some Daigo art for y'all as well



4855th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Daigo getting a sequel to his Manga" , posted Fri 4 Apr 00:14post reply

I wonder if Udon is ever going to translate Daigo's manga? I've certainly seen stranger things get translated.

Link Here

Some Daigo art for y'all as well



That Daigo dakimakura art is looking good!

1860th Post

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PSN: gekijmo
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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Virtua Fighter card game and DOA5U deal" , posted Sat 5 Apr 13:51post reply

I wonder if Udon is ever going to translate Daigo's manga? I've certainly seen stranger things get translated.

Wow, that is definetly something up UDON's alley. I am also holding out for them to translate that original Strider Manga as well.


HOT of the heels of SNK Playmore announcing the pachislot game Fatal Fury Premimum we get this bit of news.

A few highlights I can pick out with my dwindling Japanese. F2P with in app purchases. You can pre register now (Japan only from the looks of it), but the game will not launch until later in April. You get an Akira card for pre-registering. They want to condense the feel of a fighting game into a card game.

I noticed on PSN that it appears that there is a deal on DOA5U where you can get the costumes and characters for just $20. I think I will finally cave and get this.

4860th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Virtua Fighter card game and DOA5U deal" , posted Wed 9 Apr 10:13post reply

Johnny Gat -our hero and friend to children everywhere- has been added to Divekick. I felt that Divekick wore out its welcome long before it was released but this is unexpected and amusing.

I noticed on PSN that it appears that there is a deal on DOA5U where you can get the costumes and characters for just $20. I think I will finally cave and get this.

I would be tempted to grab this if it wasn't for the news that there will be even more characters added after Marie Rose. Should I get this complete set or wait for the even more complete set down the road? Trickling out updates to a game one character at a time causes me more confusion than excitement.

4868th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Rise of the Imperfects 2" , posted Tue 22 Apr 22:08post reply

Bandai/Namco has announced Rise of the Incarnates, a F2P PC fighter. The game looks to have sort of a Gundam feel to it, or perhaps a Psychic Force feel to it if you are in a less generous mood. The shot in the trailer of Dr. Wiley riding atop a rolling wad of zombies is something else.

1210th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Rise of the Imperfects 2" , posted Wed 23 Apr 01:40post reply

My oh my, is this what I think it is? Are we witnessing the birth of a new golden era for furiously Japanese games (here EXVS) awkwardly rebranded by Japanese developers who think they know what kind of designs and atmospheres those weird foreigners would be ready to accept?

Each generation needs their own Totally Rad and Devil Kings!


2589th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Rise of the Imperfects 2" , posted Wed 23 Apr 05:44post reply

My oh my, is this what I think it is? Are we witnessing the birth of a new golden era for furiously Japanese games (here EXVS) awkwardly rebranded by Japanese developers who think they know what kind of designs and atmospheres those weird foreigners would be ready to accept?

Each generation needs their own Totally Rad and Devil Kings!

Totally Rad never felt quite that weird to me because I played it and saw it during the same era as konami's licensed game Monster In My Pocket and Skate or Die 2. I feel like all of them represented some kind of USA that I imagined was out there somewhere, but I wasn't sure where in the USA it actually existed. Maybe California. Considering that new episodes of Mr. Rogers' Neighbourhood were still airing at this time, I really had no idea what "America" was like.

I still think that MARK DANCED CRAZY will stand out for me as one of the more hilarious moments of game localization.

2590th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Rise of the Imperfects 2" , posted Wed 23 Apr 06:19post reply

The game looks to have sort of a Gundam feel to it, or perhaps a Psychic Force feel to it if you are in a less generous mood.

Gameplay video shows that it is most definitely Gundam.

1981th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):Rise of the Imperfects 2" , posted Wed 23 Apr 16:13post reply

Bandai/Namco has announced Rise of the Incarnates, a F2P PC fighter. The game looks to have sort of a Gundam feel to it, or perhaps a Psychic Force feel to it if you are in a less generous mood. The shot in the trailer of Dr. Wiley riding atop a rolling wad of zombies is something else.

Hey now, I actually enjoyed Psychic Force 2012. It's one of those awkward/weird but still pretty interesting games I have a soft spot for. I'm sad I don't own a Dreamcast copy.

To be honest I think Psychic Force is "not bad".

As for Rise of the Incarnates... well I played an extremely early version. I'm not sure where the depth might lie, but I'm also not super familiar with Gundam VS. I think someone would have to explain the nuances to me.

Captain Football Mutant is a pretty "rad" character though. And the scientist reminded me of Dr. Wily as well.

/ / /

9746th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Rise of the Imperfects 2" , posted Wed 23 Apr 20:17post reply

Introducing your favorite character: Jean-Pierre Eiffel.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
(Yes, I put it in the wrong thread on purpose)

End of Spoiler

3643th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Rise of the Imperfects 2" , posted Wed 23 Apr 20:38post reply

Introducing your favorite character: Jean-Pierre Eiffel.

The thing that's screwed up about this is that all of the original names will be spoken, contradictory to the subtitles. It reminds me of when the Happy Birthday song (which is supposedly copyrighted...?) shows up in an anime and they change it to a different song on the dub, but keep it on the sub track. IT'S STILL THERE.

Now if they bleeped out the names or had awkward English voiceovers inserted (in the middle of sentences) for them, that would be totally awesome.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

4869th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Rise of the Imperfects 2" , posted Wed 23 Apr 21:29post reply

Gameplay video shows that it is most definitely Gundam.

I was willing to give Incarnates the benefit of the doubt and hope that it was going for the same style as something like Gunslinger Stratos but after seeing that gameplay, yeah, it's EXVS with rubble and skateboards slapped on top. Have people figured out which mechs the characters in Incarnates have received their "inspiration" from?

In other news, the new USF4 endings are starting to show up. The quality -in both ending and filming- varies but it is now certain that Poison has the true canon ending of SF4.

Elena being adorable

1213th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Rise of the Imperfects 2" , posted Wed 23 Apr 22:12:post reply


Elena being adorable


... Wait, considering the position of his arm and the angle, is that supposed to be a selfie? Does this guy even know how to use a cellphone? Somehow, I can't imagine him playing Candy Crush, complaining about providers and wondering about the merits of 4G.


[this message was edited by chazumaru on Wed 23 Apr 22:17]

1215th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Rise of the drug-tests in Shinagawa" , posted Thu 24 Apr 05:18:post reply

Building on the momentum of the hilarious Polnareff renaming and the perplexing Gundam rebranding, Namco unveils a new interpretation of Soulcalibur.

What is Sakurai putting in those water coolers when he visits the place?
Are the producers crawling inside their Lamborghinis every time they leave the office?

Heaven is George & Jonathan.

[this message was edited by chazumaru on Thu 24 Apr 05:22]

3645th Post

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PSN: Lilly_Dopamine
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Rise of the drug-tests in Shinagawa" , posted Thu 24 Apr 05:56post reply

Building on the momentum of the hilarious Polnareff renaming and the perplexing Gundam rebranding, Namco unveils a new interpretation of Soulcalibur.

I...whoa. Totally speechless. How am I supposed to react to that? I mean...seriously? When they put that together, what could they possibly have had in mind? I just...wow. Am I supposed to laugh? Maybe? Thus the flashing text? Or...I...am I missing the joke? That trailer made me feel stupid. Like I'm not in on something.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

4333th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Rise of the drug-tests in Shinagawa" , posted Thu 24 Apr 08:13:post reply

Building on the momentum of the hilarious Polnareff renaming and the perplexing Gundam rebranding, Namco unveils a new interpretation of Soulcalibur.

I...whoa. Totally speechless. How am I supposed to react to that? I mean...seriously? When they put that together, what could they possibly have had in mind? I just...wow. Am I supposed to laugh? Maybe? Thus the flashing text? Or...I...am I missing the joke? That trailer made me feel stupid. Like I'm not in on something.

yeah... was the intention to... show something? if so, they did not succeed at that.

[edit] apparently it's "unofficial." I wonder if they're just covering their behinds.

see here

[this message was edited by exodus on Thu 24 Apr 08:18]

1371th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(7):Rise of the drug-tests in Shinagawa" , posted Thu 24 Apr 08:19post reply


I...whoa. Totally speechless. How am I supposed to react to that? I mean...seriously? When they put that together, what could they possibly have had in mind? I just...wow. Am I supposed to laugh? Maybe? Thus the flashing text? Or...I...am I missing the joke? That trailer made me feel stupid. Like I'm not in on something.

Hahaha, I had quite a laugh at this, but then it occurred to me that maybe this is for the best, given the overall trend in the series. Eesh.


1215th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(7):Rise of the drug-tests in Shinagawa" , posted Thu 24 Apr 09:32post reply

[edit] apparently it's "unofficial." I wonder if they're just covering their behinds.

see here

So apparently the game itself is confirmed (for mobiles) but it is specifically the contents of the videos that Namco disavows? What a weird story. Who would put up such strange trailers? They feel less like traditional "fakes" and more like strange video experiments in the vein of Youtube Poops.

Too bad Namco did not rannounce the Rise of Incarnates' designs were also fake. Here is a new gameplay trailer.

Heaven is George & Jonathan.

2592th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Rise of the drug-tests in Shinagawa" , posted Thu 24 Apr 09:42post reply

Which game name/cover did you all like more, DEAD DANCE, or TUFF E NUFF?

calibur-shaped objects

I have no idea what this trailer is trying to convey to me except that there are totally optional/skippable dialogues, and the fact that no actual gameplay is shown between the dialogues.

The moment where the one dialogue that shows on the top "You are Unbreakable!" with the character dialogue at the bottom saying "What?!" really says it all.

3646th Post

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PSN: Lilly_Dopamine
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Rise of the drug-tests in Shinagawa" , posted Thu 24 Apr 10:14post reply


yeah... was the intention to... show something? if so, they did not succeed at that.

[edit] apparently it's "unofficial." I wonder if they're just covering their behinds.

see here

I like that the article described the video as "confounding."

This is further confounding, though. I mean...those "fake trailer" people got me good, I guess. I really believed for a second that someone at Namco was super awful at making trailers! Mission accomplished? Or maybe someone really is super awful at making trailers! This is a high stakes game.

Too bad Namco did not rannounce the Rise of Incarnates' designs were also fake.

Those designs distracted me from asking too many questions about their intent with the project. My only response to the trailer was "wow, those are some characters."

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

4042th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(8):Rise of the drug-tests in Shinagawa" , posted Thu 24 Apr 23:29post reply

Talk about Rise (but with a different produnciation), Rise is announced for the next Persona fighting game.


1373th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(9):Rise of the drug-tests in Shinagawa" , posted Fri 25 Apr 05:25post reply

Talk about Rise (but with a different produnciation), Rise is announced for the next Persona fighting game.


You scooped me Professor! I was just about to say something about her. She looks pretty fun!

So far nobody's mentioned that Undernight In-Birth is getting a console release, complete with a new character. If I recall, Nobi was really excited about this game because of how nice it looks, but it ended up being a little disappointing to play. Unless I'm confusing it with something else!


3043th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Rise of the drug-tests in Shinagawa" , posted Fri 25 Apr 09:01post reply

Building on the momentum of the hilarious Polnareff renaming and the perplexing Gundam rebranding, Namco unveils a new interpretation of Soulcalibur.

I...whoa. Totally speechless. How am I supposed to react to that? I mean...seriously? When they put that together, what could they possibly have had in mind? I just...wow. Am I supposed to laugh? Maybe? Thus the flashing text? Or...I...am I missing the joke? That trailer made me feel stupid. Like I'm not in on something.

My only hope is that this is the "fake trailer" that people have been referring to today. But if it is fake it's pretty damn elaborate, even if it is complete nonsense.

Whatever. I'm hollow now. My desire to see a new SC game has been removed. It now sits in the lowest, most secure drawer of my consciousness to escape the constant abuse that Namco clearly wishes upon it.

1283th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(10):Rise of the drug-tests in Shinagawa" , posted Fri 25 Apr 10:38post reply

Talk about Rise (but with a different produnciation), Rise is announced for the next Persona fighting game.


You scooped me Professor! I was just about to say something about her. She looks pretty fun!

So far nobody's mentioned that Undernight In-Birth is getting a console release, complete with a new character. If I recall, Nobi was really excited about this game because of how nice it looks, but it ended up being a little disappointing to play. Unless I'm confusing it with something else!

Woohoo! I've been waiting for this!
I first stumbled across Under Night In-Birth last year when the professor was showing me around Tokyo. I'd never heard of it, so seeing such a beautiful looking HD 2d fighter out of nowhere was really a pleasant surprise! I really enjoyed the game. The animation is really good (better than Blazblue even) and the controls have a really satisfying punchiness to them. I don't usually like chain combos, but the way they work in this game FEELS so good!

I've only played the game that one time, but I had a very positive experience. I played as Merkava (always gotta pick the Monster guy first!) and had tons of fun.


His name is a reference to heavenly chariots of fire from the old testament and he looks like a combination of the chiropterans from Blood the Last Vampire combined with Eva Unit 1. How could i not love this game?


2596th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Rise of the drug-tests in Shinag" , posted Fri 25 Apr 11:28post reply

Nobi, I know before you've gushed about the sense of snappiness that UNiB has, but I'm wondering if you could elaborate on that. How does it compare to Melty Blood and Guilty Gear? I often think about the animation of the attack itself / hit reaction animation / hit stop or other timing adjustment / hit visual FX / etc. but what specific details make something work or not work when you look at it?

I can't quantify just what it is about Arcana Heart games that doesn't feel right to me (something about its speed...), for instance.

4870th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Rise of the drug-tests in Shinagawa" , posted Sat 26 Apr 08:13post reply

Does Undernight In-Birth have a following? Are people fans of the game engine or the characters or anything it presents? While the video I've seen make it look a bit more solid than other games of its ilk I don't really know how to judge the popularity of second tier fighters nowadays. I also don't know what the hell the title means.

Speaking of nonsensical titles...

Which game name/cover did you all like more, DEAD DANCE, or TUFF E NUFF?

I'm tough enough for your dead dance, you punk! I have to give this one to Tuff E Nuff. Both covers are awful but Tuff E Nuff's cover is uniquely awful. There are so many covers with a montage of characters staring into space that they all become a blur. Tuff E Nuff, for better or worse, is a cover I will never forget.

Calibur Calibur Calibur

This may be my favorite game joke I've seen in some time. Too often jokes are loud and repeated so much that they become worse than what they are trying to parody. The Divekick phenomenon, in other words. Unbreakable Soul is the perfect response to the US release of SC: Lost Swords.

4872th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Nidhogg" , posted Thu 1 May 22:05post reply

Nidhogg and several other indie titles have been announced for the PS4. With the support for this title showing no signs of slowing down I expect Nidhogg will headline Evo 2015... or have more entries than Virtua Fighter at the very least.

1288th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Re(10):Rise of the drug-tests in Shinag" , posted Fri 2 May 13:59post reply

Nobi, I know before you've gushed about the sense of snappiness that UNiB has, but I'm wondering if you could elaborate on that. How does it compare to Melty Blood and Guilty Gear? I often think about the animation of the attack itself / hit reaction animation / hit stop or other timing adjustment / hit visual FX / etc. but what specific details make something work or not work when you look at it?

I can't quantify just what it is about Arcana Heart games that doesn't feel right to me (something about its speed...), for instance.

Spoon, I jsut want you to know that I'm not ignoring your question. It's been haunting me in my dreams all week. I keep thinking I can just sit down and give you a quick answer, but every time I try it turns into a spiralling multipage essay.

I'll get back to you soon! (just gotta hit some personal work deadlines first).

In the meantime, can you elaborate on what you don't like about Arcana Hearts? It animates just fine from the videos I've seen, and I don't remember it feeling bad the brief time I've played it.


2599th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):Rise of the drug-tests in Shinag" , posted Sat 3 May 02:56post reply

It's one thing that I've always felt the game moved slowly (I'd like to think it's out of necessity due to the huge variety of movement and mixups/rushdown possible, but MvC3 and GG always make me think twice about that), but when you hit people in the game, it seems like it's not just a hitstop that occurs. It seems like a slowdown in addition to it, or maybe it's just a trick in how the velocities of the sprites are going. I'm normally a fan of big hit stops and time dilations to emphasize impact and intensity (as well as the practical use of giving me more time to decide/execute), but in AH the dilation together with the motion of the sprites seems to have a mush-ifying effect on the whole experience for me. And this is even taking into account the fact that I love its HnK-like mechanics that do result in interesting movement with unusual/extreme velocities. I think its version of HnK's banishing strike (charge E normal in AH) having a vertical version is one of the most awesome things ever. But something about the game feels weird to me.

And this is also coming from the view of a person that normally likes the (The) Rumble Fish games, which definitely has some of the most weirdly sluggish movement outside of combos of any decent fighting game.

Other counterpoints/contradictions to what I said:
GG combos frequently feature big huge hitstops. No better example than Sol's Sidewinder loops in all versions of GG after Guilty Gear Slash. It's awesome.

In Blazblue, hit stops were reduced in the most recent version because it made the combos longwinded. But the hitstops in Blazblue didn't feel weird, it's just that in long combos it made them feel too long/annoying.

I hesitate to include any SF example, because SF is so foundational to my sense of fighting games that I have a hard time saying how anything in it feels wrong. For instance, SF2WW is one of the games with the most exaggerated hitstops and time dilations of all, but it feels WONDERFUL. It isn't (normally) a game about double digit+ hit combos, so each hit that does get landed can be played up a bit more, but it's great.

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"Re(4):Re(10):Rise of the drug-tests in Shinag" , posted Sat 3 May 03:05:post reply

I can't quantify just what it is about Arcana Heart games that doesn't feel right to me (something about its speed...), for instance.

In the meantime, can you elaborate on what you don't like about Arcana Hearts? It animates just fine from the videos I've seen, and I don't remember it feeling bad the brief time I've played it.

I would be interested in hearing what you had to say about Arcana Hearts as well. Although I didn't particularly care for AR1 -the only game in the series I have tried- I'm not certain I could articulate why. Perhaps it's because AR is trying to be this highly mobile air game like the Marvel games with the combo action of something like Melty Blood. Trouble is, AR doesn't have the screen filling density of a team game like Marvel and the attacks from the characters didn't portray a sense of weight and impact like you find even in Melty Blood or other competent second tier fighters. Without having assists or a singular, powerful presence to help hold interest in the match the characters just ended up buzzing around those massive stages like they were skirt wearing mosquitos. If I was going to summarize it, AR simply felt empty.

That, or maybe it's that I found all the cast of AR to be stupid as all hell and ran into Pollyanna's problem of a game where I couldn't get past the character select screen. Whatever it is, at least AR gave me something to think about while I wait for my flight to take off.

EDIT: Ack, you posted while I was typing!

[this message was edited by Ishmael on Sat 3 May 03:08]

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"Re(5):Re(10):Rise of the drug-tests in Shinag" , posted Sat 3 May 03:48:post reply

It's one thing that I've always felt the game moved slowly (I'd like to think it's out of necessity due to the huge variety of movement and mixups/rushdown possible, but MvC3 and GG always make me think twice about that), but when you hit people in the game, it seems like it's not just a hitstop that occurs. It seems like a slowdown in addition to it, or maybe it's just a trick in how the velocities of the sprites are going. I'm normally a fan of big hit stops and time dilations to emphasize impact and intensity (as well as the practical use of giving me more time to decide/execute), but in AH the dilation together with the motion of the sprites seems to have a mush-ifying effect on the whole experience for me. And this is even taking into account the fact that I love its HnK-like mechanics that do result in interesting movement with unusual/extreme velocities. I think its version of HnK's banishing strike (charge E normal in AH) having a vertical version is one of the most awesome things ever. But something about the game feels weird to me.

And this is also coming from the view of a person that normally likes the (The) Rumble Fish games, which definitely has some of the most weirdly sluggish movement outside of combos of any decent fighting game.

Other counterpoints/contradictions to what I said:
GG combos frequently feature big huge hitstops. No better example than Sol's Sidewinder loops in all versions of GG after Guilty Gear Slash. It's awesome.

In Blazblue, hi

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HITSTOP! That was the term I was looking for! (as you can tell I'm not a very competitive fighting gamer)

It's the way Under Night In-Birth handles hitstops that really sets it apart from other games superficially similar to it.

Most anime-ish fighters tend to have big hitstops that freeze both players. They also tend to freeze at the moment of impact where the attacker is at full extension. They also tend to do this thing where sometimes the attacker's frame rate slows down if the opponent is blocking as if the motion were being performed by clockwork and there's something gumming up the gears.

UNIB has fewer and quicker hitstops. And the game doesn't freeze on the moment of impact, instead the character completes the motion and there's a few frames of settling animation before the next action.

This makes a huge difference to me because it makes you feel like you're punching THROUGH your opponent, which is what you're supposed to do in real life striking. When you want to give someone a good punch to the face, you're actually supposed to aim at the space BEHIND their head, imagining your first traveling THROUGH their skull.

I really like how this feels. Each attack in UNIB feels like I'm slugging a baseball while other recent fighters tend to feel like I'm punching an inflatable doll (no resistance so my limb can comfortably stay at full extension, no recoil or settling)

Aside from the hitstuns, UNIB also just has really good animation in general. Good poses. There's a good sense of tension and release with the way they design their motions. You can generally freeze the game at any point and get a good sense of where the character's weight is. A lot of other fighting games pay less attention to weight and gravity and feel more like the characters are simply snapping from pose to pose.

The characters in UNIB also tend to really step into their attacks, with alot of their power coming from the way they twist their core into each action so there's a constant sense of forward momentum. It's like they're constantly throwing power punches whereas most motions in other similar games feel like pokes and jabs. The game feels like you constantly have a low level alpha2 custom combo activated. It feels aggressive.

So yeah, i guess what I really like about UNIB is that it has the speed and flashiness of an Arc System Works game with much fewer (and shorter) hit stuns and slightly better poses(in terms of weight, timing and spacing) to its animation.

I can't really comment on the complexity of the gameplay, but i just like how it "feels" more than most other games. Feeling is the most important part of a game's controls for me.


[this message was edited by nobinobita on Sat 3 May 03:51]

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"Re(6):Re(10):Rise of the drug-tests in Shinag" , posted Thu 8 May 04:50post reply

So yeah, i guess what I really like about UNIB is that it has the speed and flashiness of an Arc System Works game with much fewer (and shorter) hit stuns and slightly better poses(in terms of weight, timing and spacing) to its animation.

I can't really comment on the complexity of the gameplay, but i just like how it "feels" more than most other games. Feeling is the most important part of a game's controls for me.

Oh, well. Way too late to the party (?) but since people where asking about it, might as well add to it.

"Does this game has a following", well; since it's only in Japan right now we can only look at it from that perspective, but right now there are severals micro communities of players that are focusing on playing this game a lot and are trying to make the most out of the game mechanics; thus there are basically arcades where this game "it's hitting it on strongly", dragging a decent amount of players and characters to the fry. Some players have gotten ridiculously good, which is a good sign that points out that the game is being taken seriously.

Some of the arcades where this one is hitting it off, are also arcades where Melty Blood has been successful, so probably the "similar scent" attracted people (which is funny, because French Bread really went out of their ways to make this play differently), I also suspect that the game having the handicap of being on Sega's rindedge board may be hampering a little it's success, the more Arc system works games you see having the spot light on a arcade; the less chance of seeing this one shinning as brightly there.

It hasn't been that long from the update release (like a year or something?), so the game'd population hasn't dimmed to it's lowest yet (unlike other "old" fighters, like TTT2 or KoF XIII). As for "what the update changed", the first version was basically a succession of big combos; not only combos where frequent and damaging; but they also generated resources to perform even longer combos later. The latest version toned down that a lot, and while there are still a bunch of 30%~40% damage combos, they don't produce the same resources that they did before, thus getting a hold of the game flow is a little bit more important now.

Balance has been a complaint, but rather than being about the overpowered characters, it was more about players complaining about the "can't do anything tier" in a game with such a low cast number.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

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Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

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"Re(7):Rise of the drug-tests in Shinagawa" , posted Fri 9 May 01:11post reply

Building on the momentum of the hilarious Polnareff renaming and the perplexing Gundam rebranding, Namco unveils a new interpretation of Soulcalibur.

I...whoa. Totally speechless. How am I supposed to react to that? I mean...seriously? When they put that together, what could they possibly have had in mind? I just...wow. Am I supposed to laugh? Maybe? Thus the flashing text? Or...I...am I missing the joke? That trailer made me feel stupid. Like I'm not in on something.

My only hope is that this is the "fake trailer" that people have been referring to today. But if it is fake it's pretty damn elaborate, even if it is complete nonsense.

Thankfully, it seems it was a fake trailer. The real one doesn't look quite as retarded.

Not that this gets me that excited though. It's still very much looking like your standard F2P mobile lummox, but at least it makes a smidgeon of sense.

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"Re(8):Rise of the drug-tests in Shinagawa" , posted Sat 10 May 18:18post reply

The palm top Taiga and Shiba Miyuki to be playable characters in dengeki bunko Fighting Climax source. Surprised they haven't discarded support for the game.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

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"Re(9):Rise of the drug-tests in Shinagawa" , posted Sat 10 May 20:57:post reply

The palm top Taiga and Shiba Miyuki to be playable characters in dengeki bunko Fighting Climax source. Surprised they haven't discarded support for the game.

The game is actually doing pretty good. It's Dengeki characters so people dig it.

I still think the game is awfully, awfully choppy!

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 10 May 20:58]

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