Dragon's Crown post-release cuddle - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Dragon's Crown post-release cuddle" , posted Mon 12 Aug 09:13post reply

Ages ago our forefathers talked about a game called Dragon's Crown. Somehow the impossible has become possible and people are now able to buy and play this game. Now that we no longer are discussing the idea of DC but are dealing with the reality of DC it's time to start a new thread. That, and the last thread was getting overly long.

A few random thoughts to get the thread going:

The longer the game goes on the crazier it gets. By crazy I don't mean "I have leveled up to the point that I am doing amazing combos or unleashing incredible spells." By crazy I mean "What the hell is going on?" The people who have stated that the screen can get chaotic are not kidding. In other multiplayer games I try to look after the rest of the team but in this one it's all I can do to keep track of myself.

At one point I was fighting a boss with a few other magic users and we all hit it with multi-hitting spells at the same time. The boss was buried under a ticking stream of damage numbers. It was funny but not exactly strategic.

I have yet to figure out the cooking mini game. Somehow I am a worse cook in the game than I am in real life.

I like that when you start a new character you get access to the accumulated money and resources, including the high level NPC's you have revived. It's going to be a breeze burning through the tutorial with the other five characters.

Sometimes I like to let the characters idle so I can enjoy all the character animation such as the ear twitches on the elf. All the dwarf seems to do, however, is stand there and pulsate.


3551th Post

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PSN: Lilly_Dopamine
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Dragon's Crown post-release cuddle" , posted Mon 12 Aug 10:36post reply

Do you know any "advanced" strategies for magic users? I tend to just use the up lightning and down air lightning attacks depending on the situation and recharge otherwise. Then unleash the big stuff on bosses. It's reasonably engaging, but it feels a little better doing dodge cancels and such with the Amazon's endless combos.

Also, with the Elf, is the idea to charge shot, shot shot (or however many), dodge cancel, charge shot, repeat? I can squeeze an air shot during the dodge cancel, but it doesn't seem to be that much more effective considering that I blow it about half the time. I can magic->combo->shot->wallbounce->combo, which is fancy, but doesn't seem to pay off that well for the effort.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

1055th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Dragon's Crown post-release cuddle" , posted Mon 12 Aug 12:44post reply

I started playing this weekend on PS3 and just reached the staff roll after 16 hours (Amazon Lv33). I was skeptical about the actual game and ready to condone all the issues I had seen mentioned online, but I actually had a blast!

Nothing really hampered my experience. Every time some design element or interface idea bothered me, it made sense after a while. Even the cursor dance did not annoy me at all. The only thing for which I could see Vita being much more effective is rune spells, but it wasn't too bad. I loved pretty much everything about the game. The references are amazing; I was not aware about many of them (D&D's bearowls, Holy Grail's Killer Rabbit, Disney movies) and I did not expect so many Western references in the game. I loved the nods to old brawlers such as the pirate scene which was most likely a take on Arabian Fight. I'll happily get the Vita version - if I can find it around here - to keep upgrading my character(s) away from the TV.

As an aside: I wish people talking about the SegaSammy and Index rumor would at least start considering that the intellectual property for Purikura is a much more interesting acquisition for Sega than the consumer division represented by Atlus.

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2966th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Dragon's Crown post-release cuddle" , posted Mon 12 Aug 12:55post reply

Quick question: is the cooking game supposed to be impossible to control, or is that just my old controller being a bitch? I try to move the cursor over meat and the damn thing drags itself over to the pots like it has a mind of its own, and when I finally get something into the pot I can't get my cursor to stay on the stir icon to save my life. I suspect it's because my analog sticks have gotten stuck and fail to center completely, but before I go and buy a new one I just want to confirm that it's only me having this problem.

3837th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Dragon's Crown post-release cuddle" , posted Mon 12 Aug 12:55post reply

I use the Ice Wand for Sorceress. It's fun to freeze opponents and the jump side charge shot is pretty good for bosses since it functions like a shotgun on hit.

For Elf, there's so many ways of fighting as long as you keep an eye on your arrow stock. For example, running through the enemy with the shot button does really good damage if you have the multiple shot skill. Dodging through the opponent and backstabbing with the dagger is also great.

Humm, I should play online a bit more, it's been a tad busy the past week.

3552th Post

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PSN: Lilly_Dopamine
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Dragon's Crown post-release cuddle" , posted Mon 12 Aug 13:31post reply

I can't wait to be bewildered by the eating minigame!

Nothing really hampered my experience.

Yes, the game is extraordinarily painless. It doesn't give me the same sense of exhilaration that I get from some of my absolute favorite games, but once I start playing, I don't want to stop. If I didn't have other things to do, I'd just plug away at the game all day. I haven't even unlocked online yet, because I keep starting over with new characters (all of them are at about 15 now). All of the characters are just so well realized and fun to pick apart.

I use the Ice Wand for Sorceress. It's fun to freeze opponents and the jump side charge shot is pretty good for bosses since it functions like a shotgun on hit.

For Elf, there's so many ways of fighting as long as you keep an eye on your arrow stock. For example, running through the enemy with the shot button does really good damage if you have the multiple shot skill. Dodging through the opponent and backstabbing with the dagger is also great.

I haven't used the jumping side spell with the Sorceress much because I like the up attack ones (with ice and lightning) best, but I'll have to play with that.

I was iffy about backstab with the Elf since you can't use your magic, then dash and backstab (boo!), but I'll give it another shot. Also, I didn't get the inventory slot increase thing until recently and the fire arrow skill was a necessity, so it was harder to justify having backstab take a slot.

The combos I was trying seemed ineffective, since they only hit one enemy at a time and didn't make the most of my arrows, but I sure love doing a combo into a wall bounce into the up charge arrow...just 'cause it looks cool.

I had to warn a friend "don't let the fancy-looking kicks fool you! If you aren't shooting arrows, you aren't doing much damage!"

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

3838th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(4):Dragon's Crown post-release cuddle" , posted Mon 12 Aug 13:45post reply

I haven't used the jumping side spell with the Sorceress much because I like the up attack ones (with ice and lightning) best, but I'll have to play with that.

I was iffy about backstab with the Elf since you can't use your magic, then dash and backstab (boo!), but I'll give it another shot. Also, I didn't get the inventory slot increase thing until recently and the fire arrow skill was a necessity, so it was harder to justify having backstab take a sl

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Ah to clarify, the controller control for Sorceresses' side attack is Up + button charge, so we're probably talking about the same thing. The backstab is strong but it also takes up a lot of skill points so I would'nt messesarily suggest it to everyone. But it's pretty good imo.

14th Post

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New Customer

"Re(1):Dragon's Crown post-release cuddle" , posted Mon 12 Aug 15:23post reply

Argh, it's gonna be a few more days until my copy arrives. Hopefully Beijing internet is good enough to party it up.

9616th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Dragon's Crown post-release cuddle" , posted Mon 12 Aug 19:21post reply

I couldn't play the game as much as I wanted because of unexplainable circumstances that kept me away from the controller, but the dwarf is everything I wanted him to be (that is, a hybrid of a flying squirrel and a B52, which I found out is what all heroic fantasy dwarfs should be).

I don't believe there is much strategy involved with that character (maybe in higher difficulties?), but boy is he fun. And he looks and sound fantastic.

1058th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):Dragon's Crown post-release cuddle" , posted Mon 12 Aug 20:27:post reply


I don't believe there is much strategy involved with that character (maybe in higher difficulties?), but boy is he fun. And he looks and sound fantastic.

From what I could tell in the move list of the manual, he is the only character that does not block with the Square button? Interesting that they gave him that specific mechanic, considering it would have almost made more sense for any other character:
The magic-type characters could be considered "too weak to block" (but I think it would been too much of a penalty).
The archer would have made sense as a character conceived for distance and backstabbing.
The knight would have fit with the idea "he is a tank anyway".
The Amazon would have made sense as a character based on consecutive hits and the proper use of R1/escape.

Actually, although I agree with the general sentiment that Amazon is the Easy mode of the game (it's not my fault her design is awesome and her trailer was the best one), simply removing her capacity to block and her "parry" ability would have maybe balanced her better.

Yesterday during my online playtime, Amazon and especially Archer were the most popular human characters, followed by Dwarf. CPU was more keen on the magic-type, which made for a good balance in the kind of party that followed me.

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[this message was edited by chazumaru on Mon 12 Aug 20:28]

9617th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Dragon's Crown post-release cuddle" , posted Mon 12 Aug 21:21post reply

From what I could tell in the move list of the manual, he is the only character that does not block with the Square button? Interesting that they gave him that specific mechanic, considering it would have almost made more sense for any other character:

I suppose the charge thing of keeping square pressed (where his muscles turn into stone, with added defense) are to be used as a kind of SF4's focus attack ??? Since he gets a skill that raises his defense during that animation...

1903th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):Dragon's Crown post-release cuddle" , posted Tue 13 Aug 09:38:post reply


From what I could tell in the move list of the manual, he is the only character that does not block with the Square button?

Only the Amazon and Fighter can block, actually. Other than Dwarf's defense charge, Elf does elemental magic with square (so she relies on dodges) and the magic users charge MP.

I think Amazon would be really one-note without the ability to guard (although plenty of people ignore her ability to do so anyway) Amazon's parry actually works well with her fighting style because it gives you temporary invincibility, which lets you attack recklessly in true berserker style. It's not her fault she's a badass!

Being fun to play should rightfully trump balance any day in a game like this. EDIT: See Guardian Heroes.

/ / /

[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Tue 13 Aug 09:47]

9618th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Dragon's Crown post-release cuddle" , posted Tue 13 Aug 22:35post reply

Being fun to play should rightfully trump balance any day in a game like this. EDIT: See Guardian Heroes.

I concur. It's not the most refined way of playing, but it feels fantastic to destroy bosses in a few seconds with a good MEGA SMASH => weapon switching => MEGA SMASH => bare fisted action that deals more damage than regular attacks thanks to Lethal Fist => grab the weapon on the ground and MEGA SMASH again.

I started doing it on mobs too, and it annihilates everything on my way. I barely throw anymore.
It would be better if I had a way to agro, since the AoE of the Mega Smash is good but not spectacular, but I suppose that would be too ridiculous.

I wanted to shift around characters every few levels, but I don't want to drop my Dwarf yet, he's too much fun. I'm starting to think I'll farm the 6 millions coins to buy all the character voices with him alone.

1060th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(6):Dragon's Crown post-release cuddle" , posted Tue 13 Aug 22:57:post reply

I did not mean balanced as in "more fair to other characters" a la Gouki. I meant balanced as in "(even) more fun to play because of a greater risk/reward factor" a la Bayonetta. Her parry concept touches that idea briefly.

Thanks for the precisions on who can block! I was intending to follow up with the dwarf but I am even more eager to play the archer now.

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[this message was edited by chazumaru on Tue 13 Aug 23:11]

1904th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(7):Dragon's Crown post-release cuddle" , posted Wed 14 Aug 05:55:post reply

I did not mean balanced as in "more fair to other characters" a la Gouki. I meant balanced as in "(even) more fun to play because of a greater risk/reward factor" a la Bayonetta. Her parry concept touches that idea briefly.

Thanks for the precisions on who can block! I was intending to follow up with the dwarf but I am even more eager to play the archer now.

I think we're all talking about generally the same kind of balance. In a perfectly balanced beat 'em up you'd want each character to feel distinctive, fun, and viable, so you won't have every 90% of players picking the same character and ignoring everyone else. You'd want characters to use the moves they've been given in a specific way that fits with the way you've planned the game systems, and eliminate the broken/faceroll strategies if possible.

But as well all know it's pretty fun to push the limits, find the loopholes, and beat the crap out of the game. Computers don't have feelings, after all.

I actually think Amazon's ability to block and parry gives here more nuance, which helps her compare to the super-dynamic Elf... who is my personal favorite.

As I think everyone has mentioned at this point Dragon's Crown does a really good job making every class fun to play... but I think the physical classes do have a certain edge over the magic users who follow almost a completely different play style.

/ / /

[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Wed 14 Aug 06:29]

3840th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(8):Dragon's Crown post-release cuddle" , posted Wed 14 Aug 10:38post reply

But as well all know it's pretty fun to push the limits, find the loopholes, and beat the crap out of the game. Computers don't have feelings, after all.

That reminded me of Red Dragon. He had a bug until version 1.01 patch where staying at the bottom left or right of the stage will render him harmless-- all he could do is his jump/stomp. A player can gain his target and keep dodging every few seconds in the corner, while the others can keep hitting him from behind for an easy win. It's been fixed of course.

As I think everyone has mentioned at this point Dragon's Crown does a really good job making every class fun to play... but I think the physical classes do have a certain edge over the magic users who follow almost a completely different play style.

I haven't played the Wizard yet but as far as the Sorceress goes, she shines as a support character. Being able to pop out about 72 food items per stage and also halve damages really makes a difference, regardless of online or offline.

Overall, each of the characters fell pretty unique for sure!

Here's a few tips for players.

1- NPCs are expendables, but....
NPC equipments can't be fixed and they also don't level up, so in other words they're expendable. However, Player NPCs that you collect online can have up to 9 bags, and you can switch them when their equipment breaks (hit triangle when you're chosing them at the tavern, and you can go into their parameters menu).

2- Don't worry too much about equipment
Even if it's a rank E equipment, it'll come in handy to throw into one of your bags. Don't worry too much.

3- Try to go for a continuous play
If you keep playing without returning to the town, you'll get continuation bonuses-- that's where the real fun begins.

4- Equipment appraisals done dirt cheap
Instead of doing appraisals at the tavern/result screen, do it at Morrigan's shop, remember which were good, and then exit to the title screen from the Tavern options, reload, return to Morrigan and appraise just the ones that were good.

5- Dodging is like parrying
The dodging isn't invincible for its full animation when done normally; you need to do it just when the opponent is about to attack. You'll turn white, indicating that it's an invincible dodge.

6- The shop inventory
The shop inventory randomly changes every time you return to town. Sometimes there's some really odd stuff being sold, so be sure to check.

1126th Post

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PSN: Lord-Hayato
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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(9):Dragon's Crown post-release cuddle" , posted Wed 14 Aug 17:45post reply

Well, after a week playing Dragon's Crown I can say that it fullfilled all my expectations and more, a more than worthy successor to King of Dragons. I'd rather it had a bit more linear, arcade-like structure, instead of that grinding, RPG-esque feeling revolving around lvl-up. Not that I can complain though: I admit it's addictive as hell and I love it, perhaps too much for my own safety, and that's the worst part of all: I don't fear the game, I fear myself!!!

Background poking is fun at first, but gets tedious very, very soon. Sometimes I decide to ignore it altogether, even some runes just to not get distracted from the main course of the game. It's perhaps the only thing in the game I'd really like to remove or see implemented on a completely different way.

I just finished my first run with Clarice, my lvl 35 Amazon and, after defeating the first dragon, the game switched to hard mode and boy, did I feel the difference!! Mobs become much more aggressive and insidious, so much that I had serious trouble on my first attempt on Pirate cove route A, one of the easiest levels on the first run... I think I'll spend some money on the stables and stick with the original run's stage order for the moment, lest I get my ass handed over to me on a frying pan (Amazon fried ass: +17% atk, +40% hlt, +10% scr )...

BTW, does parrying make so big a difference for Amazon players? I'm lvl 37 and haven't got even the basic skill yet. I focused on feint and attack skills such as whirwind, stomp? (jump, + square) and neck breaker (double jump, + square). Am I doing it right or should I beef up my parrying skills? I think I should get a good foundation for my character to get through this second run and beyond, although I don't want to think what awaits us on the third one...

3843th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(10):Dragon's Crown post-release cuddle" , posted Wed 14 Aug 18:38post reply

BTW, does parrying make so big a difference for Amazon players? I'm lvl 37 and haven't got even the basic skill yet. I focused on feint and attack skills such as whirwind, stomp? (jump, + square) and neck breaker (double jump, + square). Am I doing it right or should I beef up my parrying skills? I think I should get a good foundation for my character to get through this second run and beyond, although I don't want to think what awaits us on the third one...

I don't know if the skill names are the same in the English version, but Amazon's moves that are considered to be staple are Brandish, Berserk, and War Paint. Maxed out, they make her pretty crazy, especially against boss fights. Having at least one level of Overlap(Punisher in English?) and Parry can help a lot.

From there on, it's really a matter of how you like to play your character. I'm thinking of maxing out Adrenaline and Lunatic(Incite Rage in English?).

1060th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):Re(10):Dragon's Crown post-release cudd" , posted Wed 14 Aug 19:13post reply

There is no much need to raise Parry in my opinion. Buy it on level one to have it: there are some really obvious enemy attack timings you can always punish and you'll also activate it by accident at times, which is never a bad thing. But amazon gains a lot at abusing+cancelling the evasion move (R1) so you don't need to block or rely on Parry so much in general.

As Prof advised, focus on Berserk and Warpaint, support Warpaint with Overlap. I would say don't bother with Lunatic until you bought extra item stocks, since Warpaint already requires a slot and you'd rather keep an extra slot for potions on long runs. (I also play on the Japanese version so I am not sure of the translations.)

Speaking of item slots, Amazon players, do you carry one or two axes? Iggy told me yesterday he carried two hammers with the Dwarf to equip another one after pressing . I had never thought of that! Less important for the Amazon but still a good idea once your bag is large enough for that kind of luxury.

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1127th Post

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PSN: Lord-Hayato
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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(3):Re(10):Dragon's Crown post-release cudd" , posted Wed 14 Aug 19:37post reply

There is no much need to raise Parry in my opinion. Buy it on level one to have it: there are some really obvious enemy attack timings you can always punish and you'll also activate it by accident at times, which is never a bad thing. But amazon gains a lot at abusing+cancelling the evasion move (R1) so you don't need to block or rely on Parry so much in general.

As Prof advised, focus on Berserk and Warpaint, support Warpaint with Overlap. I would say don't bother with Lunatic until you bought extra item stocks, since Warpaint already requires a slot and you'd rather keep an extra slot for potions on long runs. (I also play on the Japanese version so I am not sure of the translations.)

Ok, I'm pretty high on Berserk already (was it 4 out of 7, perhaps? I don't recall its skill max), so I'll try that warpaint skill when I finish the 50 orc killing quest (the one that requires you to equip a ritual armor). I didn't buy any extra slots for my bags, since I managed to do it quite well without potions or spells on normal mode till the last dragon boss(I did about 12 missions or so in a row, until a trophy popped up and later on, my axe broke down), so I'll try to spend my SP on amazon-specific skills, such as those you mention.


Speaking of item slots, Amazon players, do you carry one or two axes? Iggy told me yesterday he carried two hammers with the Dwarf to equip another one after pressing . I had never thought of that! Less important for the Amazon but still a good idea once your bag is large enough for that kind of luxury.

I didn't know that 2 weapons could be equipped on the same bag!! That opens up a whole new world of endless quests for loot. Bye bye town, it's time to break loose into the wild!!

3844th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Re(10):Dragon's Crown post-release cudd" , posted Wed 14 Aug 20:33post reply

Speaking of item slots, Amazon players, do you carry one or two axes? Iggy told me yesterday he carried two hammers with the Dwarf to equip another one after pressing ○. I had never thought of that! Less important for the Amazon but still a good idea once your bag is large enough for that kind of luxury.

I carry two, one in case I lose my main axe, or for occasions where I want to do mass damage quickly to a boss using a super-reduced endurance (250) weapon.

1623th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):Re(10):Dragon's Crown post-release cudd" , posted Wed 14 Aug 22:51post reply

Stalwart Spirits/Painkiller is an incredible potion, it makes your character unable to get stunned or knocked down. It actually makes a lot of multi-hitting attacks do much less damage if it hits because I can still dodge out after the first hit if I mistimed my dodge. It also makes spellcasters spells unable to get interrupted

Amazon with War Paint M + Lunatic M + Berserk M + Adrenaline M + Brandish M together with painkiller potion is easy mode, you don't have to try to block or dodge anything and you will never get interrupted before going into brandish

3846th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(5):Re(10):Dragon's Crown post-release cudd" , posted Wed 14 Aug 23:12:post reply

Amazon with War Paint M + Lunatic M + Berserk M + Adrenaline M + Brandish M together with painkiller potion is easy mode, you don't have to try to block or dodge anything and you will never get interrupted before going into brandish

I'd love seeing that with Sorcerer's protection to see what crazyness that'll bring about.

And talk about the Sorceress, here's some snapshots of the upcoming figure, currently going for pre-orders.


..Actually, it should be past-tense. They "were" accepting preorders, but something's come up and they've stopped taking additional reservations for the time being. Wonder what happened.

[this message was edited by Professor on Wed 14 Aug 23:19]

4688th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):Dragon's Crown post-release cudd" , posted Thu 15 Aug 01:19post reply

If there's any problem with the NPC characters besides their love of walking into floor spikes it's that when they are dead they stay dead. Last night I was trying to figure out how to fight the last dragon with the Sorceress. It took me a few tries but I figured out some useful tactics. Using Blizzard to reflect the dragon's magic missles back into it's face was a particularly happy discovery. Trouble is, I used up most of my stock of useful NPC's. While there are some patterns to exploit most of the boss fights in DC boil down to who can swing the biggest stick. Since the Sorceress can't swing that stick too well by herself I'm going to need help. Most people are out farming for equipment but I'm going to be out looking for high ranking cannon fodder.

Quick question: is the cooking game supposed to be impossible to control, or is that just my old controller being a bitch?

The cooking game is clunky as anything for me as well. I don't know if I simply don't know what I'm doing or someone let their 12 year old kid program that section but I've played better eating games.

9620th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Re(10):Dragon's Crown post-release cudd" , posted Thu 15 Aug 04:18post reply

The cooking game is clunky as anything for me as well. I don't know if I simply don't know what I'm doing or someone let their 12 year old kid program that section but I've played better eating games.

I had vastly different experiences with the cooking depending on whether I was online or offline. For some reason, I had a game when I even thought I was disconnected during half of the cooking. Offline, the controls so far always responded correctly.

3846th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(8):Re(10):Dragon's Crown post-release cudd" , posted Thu 15 Aug 05:04post reply

The cooking part can feel really clunky when there's lag, kind of like the same latency when picking up an item. Offline or with little lag, it seems fine.

Ishmael-- The last dragon can be played with a human party too; you need to stay around the rune gate to gather people.

4689th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Re(10):Dragon's Crown post-release cudd" , posted Fri 16 Aug 03:06post reply

Does anyone know how the Elf's elemental magic works? Is it determined by what element she interacted with last or is it based on proximity or what?

Ishmael-- The last dragon can be played with a human party too; you need to stay around the rune gate to gather people.

Thanks for the tip! I tried loitering for a few moments to see if anyone would join in but ended up getting bored and went and beat the fool dragon by myself. As long as he doesn't juggle me to death with tornadoes the dragon's not too frustrating.

3557th Post

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PSN: Lilly_Dopamine
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Crown post-release cud" , posted Fri 16 Aug 03:55post reply

Does anyone know how the Elf's elemental magic works? Is it determined by what element she interacted with last or is it based on proximity or what?

Proximity, I believe, though there's might be some things that activate it that I'm not aware of. Stand on fire (!!!) get fire.

I am undressed from 80’s style and recreated with modern sexy and beautiful style that amaze you and feel never been experienced world before.

1907th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Crown post-relea" , posted Fri 16 Aug 04:19:post reply

Does anyone know how the Elf's elemental magic works? Is it determined by what element she interacted with last or is it based on proximity or what?

Proximity, I believe, though there's might be some things that activate it that I'm not aware of. Stand on fire (!!!) get fire.

Definitely what you're standing in or next to. Carrying around a torch lets you drop it and fireball at will, and partying with magic-users gives you all kinds of opportunity to key off their spells, frozen bodies, or what have you.

/ / /

[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Fri 16 Aug 04:20]

3852th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Crown post-relea" , posted Fri 16 Aug 10:46:post reply

Does anyone know how the Elf's elemental magic works? Is it determined by what element she interacted with last or is it based on proximity or what?

Proximity. Also, raising its level makes it stronger/bigger for some of the attacks.
I've seen two Maxed out elves doing it around the water and causing total slowdown to the game

Correction: I didn't know there were three types of water attacks.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 17 Aug 22:45]

9623th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Crown post-relea" , posted Sun 18 Aug 06:04post reply

I finished the game in hard and at the same time got the million coins necessary to buy the new narration.
And that was my first disappointment with the game: instead of having the game narrated by the glorious and manly grunts of Heihachi the Dwarf, I ended up having Ishizuka Unsh๔ narrating my adventures.
And, I mean, I don't mind him, he's a fine man with a fine voice, but... that's not what I expected :2ch_irane:
I would have been especially pissed if I had bought the voice pack with real money.
I suppose then the only interesting voice pack would be Inoue Kikuko? Maybe Tanaka Atsuko (the Amazon) as well...
Meh, bummer. I'm much less motivated to finish the other characters in Inferno now.

As a general indication, it took me 25 hours to finish the game in hard and get the million coins with the Dwarf, playing non-optimally (I mean, enjoying my time and discovering the game at my pace).

5820th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Crown post-relea" , posted Sun 18 Aug 06:57post reply


And, I mean, I don't mind him, he's a fine man with a fine voice, but... that's not what I expected :2ch_irane:
I would have been especially pissed if I had bought the voice pack with real money.
I suppose then the only interesting voice pack would be Inoue Kikuko? Maybe Tanaka Atsuko (the Amazon) as well...
Meh, bummer. I'm much less motivated to finish the other characters in Inferno now.

I found that Imai Asami & Yasumoto Hiroki where surprisingly much better than what I would have thought of them as GMs (example), Inoue Kikuko is -of course- life.

In another notes, I curse the week long national semi-holiday that caused the game to ship to my city 2 weeks later than what it should (while it shipped to other cities in time). I curse as well everyone that appeared in my PSN friend list playing the game while I had to content myself with waiting. Curse my gamepad, which for whatever reason sometimes seems to lose control of the right analog stick and then starts raving wildly throughout the screen as it pleases (sure gave me a fright in the selection screen). I curse the selection screen as well, for not being able to let me paste text into it, being able to use more icons for my messages than the ones available in the limited ps3 "virtual keyboard". Oh, and I curse myself for not trying a ps2 adapter and several ps2 pads to multi-play the game (just remember it).

(As you noticed, I have my Golden Glove winner speech ready). Additionally, as a bonus I would also like to curse Iggy, because he would have felt left out otherwise.

That, and I'm loving the game (finally arrived today).

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

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3852th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(5):Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Crown post-relea" , posted Sun 18 Aug 09:47post reply

Curse my gamepad, which for whatever reason sometimes seems to lose control of the right analog stick and then starts raving wildly throughout the screen as it pleases

Congrats on getting the game-- broken analog stick was actually happening to Atlus' staff when they were demo'ing the game here. It's a good thing the game doesn't use the pad's gyro; it's even easier to break.

I'm wondering how Yasumoto sounds, given that he and Imai are both Blazblue voice actors. Not going to spoil it by clicking the link!

Iggy-- Hit me with a mail when you have time, thx.

2967th Post

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"Re(6):Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Crown post-relea" , posted Sun 18 Aug 11:52post reply

Curse my gamepad, which for whatever reason sometimes seems to lose control of the right analog stick and then starts raving wildly throughout the screen as it pleases

Congrats on getting the game-- broken analog stick was actually happening to Atlus' staff when they were demo'ing the game here. It's a good thing the game doesn't use the pad's gyro; it's even easier to break.

Yeah, this is what happened to me as well. My pad is an old six-axis and I had to get a new one just to play DC. The game tries too hard to auto-adjust your pointer to the nearest thing, so making it point where you want it to go becomes a real problem if the stick isn't working perfectly. The cooking game is double trouble because it apparently allows you to use BOTH sticks, which means if one is broken or stuck the cursor is going all over the place and trying to drag itself to the food item next to the one you really want. It really makes me wish that there had been a non-analog alternative available in the game.

3853th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(7):Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Crown post-relea" , posted Sun 18 Aug 20:45post reply

I've added some Dragon's Crown avatars to the BBS.
However I can't find the Fighter/Knight PSN avatar anywhere!

4692th Post

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"Re(8):Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Crown post-relea" , posted Sun 18 Aug 22:07post reply

Thanks for the info about the Elf! Too bad I haven't had much time to spend with the technical and interesting Elf now that I discovered that the Dwarf can fly around the screen and magically fart bombs onto his enemies. Not only do I not know why anyone would play a character other than the Dwarf I do not understand why anyone would play any other video game that does not feature the Dwarf.

9624th Post

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"Re(9):Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Crown post-relea" , posted Mon 19 Aug 07:04post reply

now that I discovered that the Dwarf can fly around the screen and magically fart bombs onto his enemies. Not only do I not know why anyone would play a character other than the Dwarf I do not understand why anyone would play any other video game that does not feature the Dwarf.

Yes! The Dwarf is the lovechild of a flying squirrel and a B52! Like all good fantasy dwarves!
It's a bit annoying in multiplayer, as you force the scrolling for everyone in the middle of the fray. But it's too glorious to pass, especially when running in town because teleportation is for losers, and Lenny gets bombed because he tries to follow your steps.
Also, some big bosses that stay on the right side of the screen (the Cyclops' hand and the kraken, mostly) will be hit by all the bombs, making it surprisingly useful. Plus, it gets rid of all those annoying ghosts.

1064th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(10): You've been capcom-ed" , posted Mon 19 Aug 19:41:post reply

Playing Dragon's Crown had raised my appetite for the Mystaria re-release even further, but I quickly tried the Euro demo on Xbox360 and found it underwhelming.

Well! Maybe everyone else was aware but someone on NeoGAF found out the Mystaria port in Japan released this week is different from (and vastly superior to) the Western release. What a cute prank on Western consumers! Never change, Japan!

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[this message was edited by chazumaru on Mon 19 Aug 19:43]

562th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10): You've been capcom-ed" , posted Tue 20 Aug 18:59post reply

Playing Dragon's Crown had raised my appetite for the Mystaria re-release even further, but I quickly tried the Euro demo on Xbox360 and found it underwhelming.

Well! Maybe everyone else was aware but someone on NeoGAF found out the Mystaria port in Japan released this week is different from (and vastly superior to) the Western release. What a cute prank on Western consumers! Never change, Japan!

Glad I've waited! Now this and Ketsui for my import PS3 blessing!
Can someone tell me differences in gameplay from D&D and Dragon's Crown (control responses, use of spells/items, collisions, animation and frames, etc.)? Does DC have the same 90s brawiler feeling as Capcom arcade games or it's more "consoley" like Guardian Heroes?

1068th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):Re(10): You've been capcom-ed" , posted Tue 20 Aug 19:16:post reply

Does DC have the same 90s brawiler feeling as Capcom arcade games or it's more "consoley" like Guardian Heroes?

It's kind of a mix between the two. The controls and battle system aspect is very similar to Capcom arcade games. Actually it references such games a lot. But the progression is closer to GH; for example, it includes an experience system and stats. However, it is also quite different from GH because DC is heavily based on loot dropped by the enemies, which means you need to manage your equipment. The levels are neither linear (like most brawlers) nor OutRunishly-tree-based (like Mystaria or GH) but yet another method, central hub with missions in independent levels, which encourages replaying the same levels several times and encourages playing online.

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[this message was edited by chazumaru on Tue 20 Aug 19:24]

4693th Post

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"Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Crown post-rele" , posted Tue 20 Aug 23:51post reply

A useful review.

will be hit by all the bombs, making it surprisingly useful. Plus, it gets rid of all those annoying ghosts.

Bombing those ghosts is handy, thanks for the tip! This finally justifies my Dwarfish urge to cannonball through the air and flex constantly. Now that I think about it the characters need taunts. How else can I express my joy in-game after killing the kraken boss by hitting it with a lizard unless I can taunt?

5822th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Crown pos" , posted Wed 21 Aug 05:32post reply

Now that I think about it the characters need taunts. How else can I express my joy in-game after killing the kraken boss by hitting it with a lizard unless I can taunt?

So far, my favorite moment with the game has been when you are playing multiplayer and then clear everything in a room, and rather than going to the next one, you stay there and everyone start doing exhibitions on whatever acrobatics they character are able to do, and take it to the extreme.

It happens more often than one would think of.

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5823th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Crown pos" , posted Thu 22 Aug 17:04post reply

Forceful reminder that ver 1.01 is out (or was it 1.02?) It removes some quirks from the touching feature and has some different shortcut options.

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3861th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Crown pos" , posted Thu 22 Aug 17:35post reply

Forceful reminder that ver 1.01 is out (or was it 1.02?) It removes some quirks from the touching feature and has some different shortcut options.

Note to players: If you haven't beaten Red Dragon solo yet for the trophy, it's probably better to do so prior to patching because the semi-safespot is gone. Not that you really need it if you're good enough, of course.

2970th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Crown pos" , posted Thu 22 Aug 18:00post reply

I finally finished my first run with the Amazon so I've moved on to the Wizard. I may be in over my head, though. This guy is so slow! Even his teleportation. If not for levitation he'd have almost no way to navigate crowds of angry skeletons when they close in. I mean I was expecting him to be difficult but I didn't think he would be such a Dhalsim.

Anybody have tips? Is it to my benefit to use three item slots to have three elements of staff at all times, or is one clearly better than the others? Also which spell should I level up?

Aside, I finally just discovered that you can roll barrels for a distance by sliding into them. I feel like I might have wasted my first 30 hours by not knowing about this.

5826th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Crown pos" , posted Fri 23 Aug 14:26:post reply


Anybody have tips? Is it to my benefit to use three item slots to have three elements of staff at all times, or is one clearly better than the others? Also which spell should I level up?

For what I have heard from people, it's better to have rods due to their additional effects rather than their Damage. Lighting can cause Stun & Ice rods can freeze. Fire rods can only cause that burn status, which isn't really as noticeable as the other 2.

For the spell, I have only seen people focusing on the "end game spells", Slow is pretty much a must, wood golems can be fun, but they die quickly (there is potentially more wood in dungeons than skeletons, though, so I like it better than the sorceress one), other popular spells are like, the one that has the falling meteor or the one that causes a tempest throughout the whole screen.

It's funny how he was the character that bored me the most design wise, but lately I have been itching to try him out. I already created a wizzzard called Agiese that is meant to bring glorious dialogs into HD.

edit : can't use anything besides the ice rods, it seems that the thunder rods are simply meant for you to eternally jump and bring out that lighting (that bores me to hell).

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[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 23 Aug 17:30]

19th Post

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"Re(6):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Crown pos" , posted Fri 23 Aug 19:23post reply

Would any of you have a good clear picture of the dwarf rolling? And the D&D Capcom dwarf rolling too? Want to set up an infographic comparing the two.

Argh, this anticipation! Which hero to use...
... who are the least used characters?

9632th Post

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"Re(7):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Crown pos" , posted Fri 23 Aug 20:51post reply

Argh, this anticipation! Which hero to use...
... who are the least used characters?

From my little time online, I have the feeling the character repartition would be something like this:
Elf=Amazon > Dwarf>Sorceress >>>> Wizard >>> knight.

But I haven't played online as much as I wanted, so I'm probably wrong.

5826th Post

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"Re(8):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Crown pos" , posted Sat 24 Aug 00:54post reply

Argh, this anticipation! Which hero to use...
... who are the least used characters?

From my little time online, I have the feeling the character repartition would be something like this:
Elf=Amazon > Dwarf>Sorceress >>>> Wizard >>> knight.

My experience is similar, though in my area is pretty easy to see everyone used, the exception being that it has been "the most common" to see 3 amazons in a party or 3 elfs. Sometimes & a little odder I have seen 3 sorceress or 3 dwarfs as well.

I feel that the question is not "who I use who hasn't been used" but "how do I use a character / skills in a way other people don't", right now most people go for pretty obvious bread & butter builds, and some of the odds skills are never picked (for example, I have never seen a knight who can take damage for others).

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3863th Post

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"Re(9):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Crown pos" , posted Sat 24 Aug 02:12post reply

I feel that the question is not "who I use who hasn't been used" but "how do I use a character / skills in a way other people don't", right now most people go for pretty obvious bread & butter builds, and some of the odds skills are never picked (for example, I have never seen a knight who can take damage for others).

I haven't seen a knife elf aside of myself... wonder why? it's not that weak of a build.
Keep in mind that you can get up to 3 skill reset items per character in the chaos dungeon-- more if you make new ones as well.

4698th Post

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"Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Crown po" , posted Sat 24 Aug 03:25post reply

I feel that the question is not "who I use who hasn't been used" but "how do I use a character / skills in a way other people don't", right now most people go for pretty obvious bread & butter builds, and some of the odds skills are never picked (for example, I have never seen a knight who can take damage for others).

That's true, all the Fighters I've seen want to hop around in the air and windmill their sword. I'm tempted to make a Fighter who is designed to be the ultimate support character but that may make for a boring game. Oh well, if I want to do nothing other than run in go nuts I can always play the Dwarf.

For the spell, I have only seen people focusing on the "end game spells", Slow is pretty much a must, wood golems can be fun, but they die quickly (there is potentially more wood in dungeons than skeletons, though, so I like it better than the sorceress one), other popular spells are like, the one that has the falling meteor or the one that causes a tempest throughout the whole screen.

Why do you recommend Slow? I'm currently trying to put together a Wizard but I have yet to give Slow a second glance. So far I've been playing him with one staff -the elemental weaknesses in the game seem so slight that it doesn't feel worth the cost in item slots to bring multiple staffs- and a bunch of giant damage spells. That's not exactly subtle but since not every character can do a large amount of damage over a wide area I figured I might as well have a Wizard who played to his strengths as a character.

5828th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Cr" , posted Sat 24 Aug 04:42:post reply

Why do you recommend Slow? I'm currently trying to put together a Wizard but I have yet to give Slow a second glance. So far I've been playing him with one staff -the elemental weaknesses in the game seem so slight that it doesn't feel worth the cost in item slots to bring multiple staffs- and a bunch of giant damage spells. That's not exactly subtle but since not every character can do a large amount of damage over a wide area I figured I might as well have a Wizard who played to his strengths as a character.

I have been recommended "on your own", basic good combos for slow, like slow + blaze + staff magic. But slow really shines when there are many players on the field. Basically, slow can't be protected against, so when a big boss shows up and is way more than what you can handle, slowing him down and let the party go crazy can really be appreciated (this is specially so if you are in the new game+ dungeon), in some cases bosses with invincible moves are slowed down to a extreme that they don't have time to use them before croaking.

I also have been told than rather than taking advantage of the elemental weakness of a boss / big enemy, is better to evade his elemental resistance. Of course if you can take advantage of his weakness, that's the top; but going out of your way to do so can be a little bit of a pain.

Finally, I have seen most magician walking around with 5 spells and no pots, meaning that they don't equip their whole set of defensive gear (gloves, belts, glasses & pendants).

I haven't seen a knife elf aside of myself... wonder why? it's not that weak of a build.

Pre-american release I kept hearing that everyone was going to go for dagger, in fact I heard that many of the guys that got the digital jp version before release where using dagger elfs, but now that I have the game I have seen like 3 daggers elf at most.... Perhaps they maxed out their characters too quickly and changed it?

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[this message was edited by Toxico on Sat 24 Aug 04:47]

3864th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Cr" , posted Sat 24 Aug 14:02post reply

I'm starting up on Wizard but so far he seems pretty similar to growing a sorceress. Concentrate and MP-up are of course first priority, Slow should work as the all-time support tool for both Solo and PT/online play-- the thing slows down not only the opponent's walk but also their attacks so it makes the battle a lot easier, especially against bosses.

When you're thinking of what magic to raise, keep in mind that some of them don't shine until the later stages-- Extinction for instance.

Finally, I have seen most magician walking around with 5 spells and no pots, meaning that they don't equip their whole set of defensive gear (gloves, belts, glasses & pendants).

That's possible if you extend the item slots. Keep in mind though, it's the one skill that can't be reset.

1076th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Cr" , posted Sat 24 Aug 20:23post reply

Keep in mind that you can get up to 3 skill reset items per character in the chaos dungeon-- more if you make new ones as well.

Oh? How do you make new ones?
By the way, is there a benefit outside of bonus increase for completing a certain number of Chaos Dungeon levels in a row? Or is it exactly the same logic as the "russian roulette" progression in the main game once you've unlocked all levels?

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3866th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(5):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Cr" , posted Sat 24 Aug 22:11:post reply

Keep in mind that you can get up to 3 skill reset items per character in the chaos dungeon-- more if you make new ones as well.

Oh? How do you make new ones?
By the way, is there a benefit outside of bonus increase for completing a certain number of Chaos Dungeon levels in a row? Or is it exactly the same logic as the "russian roulette" progression in the main game once you've unlocked all levels?

Ah sorry, I was a bit unspecific there. I meant to say that you can just make new characters if you want additional skill reset items-- it's pretty easy to beat through normal mode if you've cleared through Inferno.

Aside from continuation bonus, there isn't any benefit going through multiple levels of Chaos Dungeon without returning to town. But of course you'll want to keep going if you happen to be with a good party-- it gets too hard for NPCs after the default 9 levels.

Note : For anyone who's thinking of challenging the Chaos Dungeon, beware that it consists of 3 stages per level, sort of like how the old NES Super Mario Bros was 4 stages per level. If you quit in the middle, you'll be back at the beginning of that level again.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 24 Aug 22:19]

3867th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(7):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Crown pos" , posted Sun 25 Aug 17:06:post reply

Would any of you have a good clear picture of the dwarf rolling? And the D&D Capcom dwarf rolling too? Want to set up an infographic comparing the two.

Argh, this anticipation! Which hero to use...
... who are the least used characters?

HokutoAandy-- I'll try and get some screenshots this week but I'm not sure how well their qualties will turn out. Keep fingers crossed!

Also, it might be interesting for you and Nobi to do another wrapup of the various references in the game. The Jp Wiki has some stuff already, but there's probably hoardes more that have been missed. I'll post them up as well as a few of my own findings this week.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 25 Aug 17:07]

578th Post

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"Re(8):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Crown pos" , posted Mon 26 Aug 02:35post reply

The only major flaw I find with this game is there is no pause feature (that I can tell) for single player, so if you need to use the restroom suddenly in the middle of a level, your only break is after defeating all the enemies on the screen, but that won't help if you're on a magic carpet ride or a boat ride being attacked by one of a kraken.

But I love the game otherwise and I've been playing it steadily since I bought it, and have an offensively named sorceress called B.REST, just because only I would find that charming.

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"Re(8):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Crown pos" , posted Mon 26 Aug 04:28post reply


Also, it might be interesting for you and Nobi to do another wrapup of the various references in the game. The Jp Wiki has some stuff already, but there's probably hoardes more that have been missed. I'll post them up as well as a few of my own findings this week.

I keep meaning to mention how I've been impressed to see such a nice Magic Sword reference in the Magician's Tower stage. I thought I'd just point it out since it's a more direct reference than the Tower of Babel.

I had some trouble finding a screencap of the 'between stage' segment of the game, where you climb higher into the tower, but anyone who's played the game will recognize it as a pretty much straight homage.


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"Re(9):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Crown pos" , posted Mon 26 Aug 06:21post reply

PSA: When you have a Wizard in your party please don't run around and bash every single crate and barrel you see. The little wooden golem is the only friend the Wizard has.

Thanks to the advice on this board I tried out Slow and it does seem quite useful right off the bat. This is particularly good since I don't think I'm taking the Wizard much past the first dragon. I'm beginning to realize this is a game where if you want to maximize your character you have to think about what you invest your points in from the very start. If I ever do decide to roll up to lvl.99 I'm probably going to use a fresh character.

A minor note, but thanks to the recent US patch items are now flying out of the background. This is especially noticeable on those multi-click background sections which now spit out so many items I'm constantly knee-deep in trinkets. Thanks to that I'm getting extended bonuses all the time nowadays.

2533th Post

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"Re(9):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Crown pos" , posted Mon 26 Aug 06:44post reply

your only break is after defeating all the enemies on the screen, but that won't help if you're on a magic carpet ride

It's kind of like, "ONLY THE STRONG ARE ALLOWED TO PAUSE." You must earn your rest, etc. In that sense, it feels true to its arcade roots, I suppose, however inconvenient I find it for still-framing the gorgeous Sorceress animation. Hope to be online and playing with folks mid-month.

At a friend's house, we managed to free all the girl hostages but were too sleepy to remember to tickle them. Doki Doki Majo Shinpan has taught us nothing.


1197th Post

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"Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Crown po" , posted Mon 26 Aug 07:36post reply

your only break is after defeating all the enemies on the screen, but that won't help if you're on a magic carpet ride
It's kind of like, "ONLY THE STRONG ARE ALLOWED TO PAUSE." You must earn your rest, etc. In that sense, it feels true to its arcade roots, I suppose, however inconvenient I find it for still-framing the gorgeous Sorceress animation. Hope to be online and playing with folks mid-month.

I think it's an odd choice that there's no real pause, but... I also love that the (hopefully) tough decision to remove what is ubiquitous in games PERIOD was removed. It's the most minor of tough decisions, but STILL.

At a friend's house, we managed to free all the girl hostages but were too sleepy to remember to tickle them. Doki Doki Majo Shinpan has taught us nothing.

For shame. You have won the battle, but you've lost the war. On a similar note, while I was busy chuckling over some of the gratuitous cutscene cheesecake, the comment the mermaid makes ("she says she lost her bra while fleeing from the enemy", or something along those lines) when you poke her the second time game me an honest laugh. Can anyone with the Japan version confirm that it's just as funny? It would be almost as great if it was the invention of the localizers!


3869th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Cr" , posted Mon 26 Aug 12:38:post reply

If I ever do decide to roll up to lvl.99 I'm probably going to use a fresh character.

Don't worry-- you can reset your skills after you beat the game in normal mode as well as hard mode, no need to start from scratch. Just beat the Chaos dungeon for 3 stages.

while I was busy chuckling over some of the gratuitous cutscene cheesecake, the comment the mermaid makes when you poke her the second time game me an honest laugh. Can anyone with the Japan version confirm that it's just as funny? It would be almost as great if it was the invention of the localizers!

Yeah it's a direct translation of the Jp ver! Touching Mikey (the mouse) also says something along the line of "he can clean up by using magic on broomsticks". I'm hoping it's the same for the English version alongside his name.

Btw as a reminder to players, keep in mind that you need to set your party slots open if you want people to join your match-- if you were playing solo for quests and you forgot to change it back, for example.

[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 26 Aug 17:38]

2972th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Cr" , posted Mon 26 Aug 14:59post reply


Yeah it's a direct translation of the Jp ver! Touching Mikey (the mouse) also says something along the line of "he can clean up by using magic on broomsticks". I'm hoping it's the same for the English version alongside his name.

In the English version his name is Rickey. I guess starting with the same letter was too close for comfort. I'd call it unnecessary if I didn't know how overly-sensitive Disney is about their IPs.

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"Re(8):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Crown pos" , posted Mon 26 Aug 19:06:post reply

Would any of you have a good clear picture of the dwarf rolling? And the D&D Capcom dwarf rolling too? Want to set up an infographic comparing the two.

Argh, this anticipation! Which hero to use...
... who are the least used characters?

HokutoAandy-- I'll try and get some screenshots this week but I'm not sure how well their qualties will turn out. Keep fingers crossed!

Also, it might be interesting for you and Nobi to do another wrapup of the various references in the game. The Jp Wiki has some stuff already, but there's probably hoardes more that have been missed. I'll post them up as well as a few of my own findings this week.

We're on it! Among other things.
Ah man, every movement in Dragon's Crown is stirring.

Are these the wikis you're talkinga bout?


[this message was edited by HokutoAndy on Mon 26 Aug 19:15]

3869th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(9):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Crown pos" , posted Mon 26 Aug 23:02post reply

We're on it! Among other things.
Ah man, every movement in Dragon's Crown is stirring.

Are these the wikis you're talkinga bout?


I've got the screenshots, send me a mail from here.
Bingo, the first URL is what I was talking about. I've translated and added some stuff below.

Ricky(Mikey in JP version) > Mickey Mouse from Disney's Fantasia
Rolan the barbarian > Conan the barbarian
The Hermit > Tim the enchanter from Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Gazer > D&D's Beholder
Killer Rabbit > The Killer Rabbit/Vorpal Bunny from Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Arc Demon > NES version Wizardry's Greater Demon
Reportedly, Kamitani was in charge of D&D Mystara's Red Dragon while he was at Capcom, which explains some of the character's similarities

The royal orb > Sovereign's Orb
The badge worn on the Knight's armor (user character) > Blue Line shield from NES's Tower of Druaga

Rune Magic > Steve Jackson's Sorcery! gamebook series
Wallace's undeground labyrinth > The name Wallace seems to be a shoutout to Walt Disney. The labyrinth is a shoutout to Werdna's labyrinth in Wizardry 1 (hence the explanation that it was created overnight with magic.)
The goddess statue > Needless to say
Forgotten Sanctuary > The Tower of Babel, most notably Pieter Bruegel's artwork depiction
Blocking magic with a shield in the magician's tower > shoutout to the same trick in NES's Tower of Druaga

Btw, does anyone know the source of the Wizard's dash attack? It looks like a Power Wave, but I can't figure out what Fantasy-title shoutout it could be.

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"Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Crown po" , posted Tue 27 Aug 01:45post reply


I've made some infographics for the Dwarf and Elf already:
Dwarf with norse blacksmith hammers
Elf in 15th century hunter's garb and some familiar moves
A short history of elvish design

Yeah, lots and lots to cover with the monsters. I'll give that wiki a thorough look through.


1077th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Cr" , posted Tue 27 Aug 03:16post reply

PSA: When you have a Wizard in your party please don't run around and bash every single crate and barrel you see. The little wooden golem is the only friend the Wizard has.

And the contents of the crate will drop anyway when the wooden creature is slain. So it's also a good way to take advantage of the otherwise rather dull GWS spell.

It took me a bit of time to find it so here is the specific page for the references. I am surprised nobody sees the Arabian Fight connection I saw.

78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 秩序は廻る ♪ 78… 78… 絵札はさすらい ♪ 78… 78… 未来を示す

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"Bones' Wild Ride" , posted Tue 27 Aug 10:10post reply

Is there a point to leveling up the Sorceress' animate skeleton? I thought that leveling it up to 3 would have the same effect as the previous (allowing one more concurrent skeleton soldier) but it turned out I was wrong, and now I'm not seeing any benefit, especially since the the higher level monsters just cream the skeletons in a matter of seconds.

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"Re(1):Bones' Wild Ride" , posted Tue 27 Aug 10:50post reply

Is there a point to leveling up the Sorceress' animate skeleton? I thought that leveling it up to 3 would have the same effect as the previous (allowing one more concurrent skeleton soldier) but it turned out I was wrong, and now I'm not seeing any benefit, especially since the the higher level monsters just cream the skeletons in a matter of seconds.

Anime Skeleton is one of the few passive magics that she can use. Maxing out will let you conjure up to 4 and their level will be at 100% of your Sorceress. They help dissipate enemies so they can be good for solo quests. The Protection magic also works on them.

5829th Post

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"Re(2):Bones' Wild Ride" , posted Tue 27 Aug 17:03:post reply

Anime Skeleton is one of the few passive magics that she can use. Maxing out will let you conjure up to 4 and their level will be at 100% of your Sorceress. They help dissipate enemies so they can be good for solo quests. The Protection magic also works on them.

This. Also Remember that the skeletons are dependant on your actions. Their AI can't handle hard to evade attacks (like when a zombie fatso bursts) so you have to manually lure them away from them by shagging your body to the other corner. The skeletons are quick when attacking, so they can make a quick work of soft targets and they are suprisingly good if you dedicate yourself to either frost or stun a target (the down + circle attacks usually have the biggest "effect" rate, so abuse that). Of course you can charge that MP again before the enemy needs to be frozen / stun again and the skeletons are wailing.

When I'm on a over leveled party, the skeletons are way more useful than I am , whereas the only thing I can do is provide food, frost / stun enemies and cast curse on big guys and protection or blizzards by that time of the month.

Also, offensive runes will buff up the skeletons, that can be really good on some maps (potence and durability comes to mind).....

As a last point, with my friends we usually enter in a meaningful discussion where we argue that the skeletons have virtually the same movelist that the ones in Golden Axe (super high jump attack, quick combo strikes, "frontal shield defence"). They only lacked that "behave" shield strike on the head.

Oh, and as a bonus I'll said that even though I didn't try to, I have already almost memorized most of the rune names. It's obviously Brandon's fault.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

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Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

[this message was edited by Toxico on Tue 27 Aug 17:06]

9636th Post

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"Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):Dragon's Crown po" , posted Tue 27 Aug 19:52post reply

I think I saw a pile of bones complaining that they were doing fine until they received an arrow in the knee.

581th Post

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"Re(3):Bones' Wild Ride" , posted Tue 27 Aug 19:57post reply

Okay. Though I didn't really notice any change from level 2 to level 3 on anime skeleton since it still allows me to animate only two at a time, but I guess it'll come with the next level up.

Usually I'm very offensive, which is probably really ridiculous for a sorceress to be, like I'm chasing enemies down and mashing square button at time, jumping around them like I'm constantly crossing them up, doing antiair and down+square attacks as I land, using evade button mid air to constantly jump around them more while attacking them or on the ground to avoid their counterattacks, though I do mind the durability of weapons still. But constantly hitting them with magic shot while using magic inbetween is pretty cyclic since I emphasized the skill for magic shot->MP conversion. Stuff like protect and blizzard tend to be saved for boss fights.

Also began a new character just recently that's an elf, appropriately named El-O-Elf, and damn is she mobile.

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"Re(4):Bones' Wild Ride" , posted Thu 29 Aug 04:47post reply

After seeing a dagger wielding Elf backstab her way through hordes of enemies I'm a lot more interested in adding that method of attack into the Elf I'm slowly putting together. But if I'm going to make an adorable little murderer what skills should I invest in? Backstab and Daggers are a good place to start but how much do I need to add to each skill? Should I build up other skills to compliment the backstabbing, such as Evade or whatever that poison skill is called?

5833th Post

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"Re(5):Bones' Wild Ride" , posted Thu 29 Aug 06:38post reply

After seeing a dagger wielding Elf backstab her way through hordes of enemies I'm a lot more interested in adding that method of attack into the Elf I'm slowly putting together. But if I'm going to make an adorable little murderer what skills should I invest in? Backstab and Daggers are a good place to start but how much do I need to add to each skill? Should I build up other skills to compliment the backstabbing, such as Evade or whatever that poison skill is called?

Fire (Salamander Oil) is much more useful than poison, which is usually just an alternative to when fire doesn't work that well.

The question about "build" needs to be answered in like, how serious you want to go with the game? If you want to go to 99 and beyond in the post game dungeon, you have to make some preparations and such, but fortunately that very same process of preparation lets you net resetting items, so you don't have to be afraid of ruining your character or something.

Regardless of, for skills is usually adviced some levels of manteinance (Daggers are "items" and manteinance helps you conserve items), some people don't max out holdout dagger, but pretty much everyone either maxes out or comes close to max out back stab. To save points, people usually don't max out deep pockes and the evades as well.

About skills that you probably won't have space to add, you need to be careful. Probably you won't be able to spare more than a point or two on either boots & elemental lores, and while dagger builds don't miss out on arrow and bow skills, you probably won't max them out either (probably you'll be able to go to 10 and the rest some levels behind their max).

.... Well, here is a skill calculator if you want to play around.

........ Speaking of, has anyone checked if you can dodge Medusa's stone eye merely by facing the opposite way than her eyes? I think I saw someone doing that the other day

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

3874th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(6):Bones' Wild Ride" , posted Thu 29 Aug 09:32post reply

After seeing a dagger wielding Elf backstab her way through hordes of enemies I'm a lot more interested in adding that method of attack into the Elf I'm slowly putting together. But if I'm going to make an adorable little murderer what skills should I invest in?

If it happened to be an Elf that creamated a Grim Reaper, that was me. Checking how a fellow Cafe member was doing, lol.

Backstab is useful but starting from it isn't something recommended because it takes quite a lot of skill points to invest. Salamander Oil and a few levels of multishot should be first priority. From there, you'll want to think about what you want to be good at first-- normal enemies or bosses. You can eventually become good at both.

Toxico: It works. When I use a magic character, I cast while looking back.

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"Re(7):Bones' Wild Ride" , posted Fri 30 Aug 03:26post reply

Here I never would have guessed that the Salamander Oil is more useful than the poison. You learn something new everyday.

Backstab is useful but starting from it isn't something recommended because it takes quite a lot of skill points to invest. Salamander Oil and a few levels of multishot should be first priority. From there, you'll want to think about what you want to be good at first-- normal enemies or bosses. You can eventually become good at both.

Heh, I thought that was you. The backstabbing you were doing was really entertaining and looked a lot more entertaining than doing nothing but sniping and having to constantly scrounge for arrows. The skill looked situational but everything the Elf does feels situational.

The question about "build" needs to be answered in like, how serious you want to go with the game? If you want to go to 99 and beyond in the post game dungeon, you have to make some preparations and such, but fortunately that very same process of preparation lets you net resetting items, so you don't have to be afraid of ruining your character or something.

I'm certain my Elf is going to be a hot mess by the time I'm done with my build. Then again, I'm probably not going to take her up to lvl.99. She's fun but she has so many actions mapped to the square button that I'm probably going to be tired of her before I max her out.

.... Well, here is a skill calculator if you want to play around.

Cool, thanks!

2975th Post

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"Re(8):Bones' Wild Ride" , posted Fri 30 Aug 07:59post reply

I'm pretty sure I'm starting to see some people littering the servers with hacked bones. I saw one with its quotes in Japanese and when I took it to the cathedral it was lv99 even though my level was nowhere near that. The resurrection cost was 1,000,000 coins so of course I buried it and thought that would be it.

The problem is that it seems that once you pick up one, even if you dispose of it through burial or whatever, you'll just keep finding them offline so be careful.

582th Post

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"Re(9):Bones' Wild Ride" , posted Fri 30 Aug 08:44post reply

I'm pretty sure I'm starting to see some people littering the servers with hacked bones. I saw one with its quotes in Japanese and when I took it to the cathedral it was lv99 even though my level was nowhere near that. The resurrection cost was 1,000,000 coins so of course I buried it and thought that would be it.
If you play online, if you're playing with people of higher levels, they'll give you the benefit of picking up bones that are about their level; at least, this has been my experience.

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"Re(10):Bones' Wild Ride" , posted Fri 30 Aug 09:33post reply

I'm pretty sure I'm starting to see some people littering the servers with hacked bones. I saw one with its quotes in Japanese and when I took it to the cathedral it was lv99 even though my level was nowhere near that. The resurrection cost was 1,000,000 coins so of course I buried it and thought that would be it.If you play online, if you're playing with people of higher levels, they'll give you the benefit of picking up bones that are about their level; at least, this has been my experience.

Yes, you'll just find bones of people you've played with.

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(8):Bones' Wild Ride" , posted Fri 30 Aug 10:01post reply

I'm pretty sure I'm starting to see some people littering the servers with hacked bones. I saw one with its quotes in Japanese and when I took it to the cathedral it was lv99 even though my level was nowhere near that. The resurrection cost was 1,000,000 coins so of course I buried it and thought that would be it.

The problem is that it seems that once you pick up one, even if you dispose of it through burial or whatever, you'll just keep finding them offline so be careful.

A bone that costs 1,000,000 coins to ressurect is a cheat. Finding Lv99 bones isn't though-- they usually cost somewhere around 2000 or 3000 coins. They can be pretty handy if you're just starting the game.

Here I never would have guessed that the Salamander Oil is more useful than the poison. You learn something new everyday.

Heh, I thought that was you. The backstabbing you were doing was really entertaining and looked a lot more entertaining than doing nothing but sniping and having to constantly scrounge for arrows. The skill looked situational but everything the Elf does feels situational.

Poison is useful as well though, especially in the later stages because it can cause status damage and chip away your enemy's HP (as does the Salamander oil). It becomes more of the question of whether you have enough slots to equip it.

Knife backstabbing is pretty fun but of course you get the higher risk of being attacked than shooting arrows from far. If you're thinking of getting it with your elf, you'll want to max out the Maintenance skill as well.

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"Re(10):Bones' Wild Ride" , posted Fri 30 Aug 11:16:post reply

If you play online, if you're playing with people of higher levels, they'll give you the benefit of picking up bones that are about their level; at least, this has been my experience.

I know about that, but I would have remembered if anyone I played with was level 99. These were just bones I picked up and, as Professor notes, the resurrection cost is nowhere near what it should be. It was a sorceress named TESSA in all caps.

Searching a little I've seen other players mention this exact character, and although I didn't check this myself, they say that she has all skills maxed so it's very likely a hacked savegame.

[this message was edited by Gojira on Fri 30 Aug 11:21]

3889th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Ver 1.02 patch out" , posted Tue 3 Sep 17:58:post reply

Dragon's Crown received an update to version 1.02 today, mostly bug fixes and some aethetic changes. Not sure if the English version is got it today; the previous patch came a week or two later.

Amongst the main changes, there's now a huge indicator at the bottom of the screen that makes it easier to figure out where players are. As much as it's convenient, it's also pretty ugly and doesn't do justice to the game's artistic beauty. Hopefully they'll make it look better in a future update.

The wizard has finally been buffed up-- up until now, he was considered too weak for party play. Charging up while his MP is maxed out will power up his magic capabilities.

Amazon's parry now raises a berserk level. Her necksplitter can also be canceled. However, people are reporting that her damage has been halved so she no longer seems to be the central firepower that she previously was.

Other classes seem to have gotten balance changes as well, but they're not documented. Elf's kicks have reportedly been buffed.

The announcement says there's some control improvements, but I'm not sure on the details yet.

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 3 Sep 18:02]

1133th Post

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PSN: Lord-Hayato
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"Re(1):Ver 1.02 patch out" , posted Tue 3 Sep 19:58post reply

Dragon's Crown received an update to version 1.02 today, mostly bug fixes and some aethetic changes. Not sure if the English version is got it today; the previous patch came a week or two later.

It's nice to see a nich้ game like DC getting constant updates in order to improve upon its little flaws. It shouldn't be surprising at all, given Kamitani's attention to detail but still...

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"DC+Tapas Blanco=Food Porn" , posted Wed 18 Sep 17:38post reply

Yay, shameless double post!!

It seems Spanish food restaurant Tapas Blanco started a DC promotional campaing until 13th October, comprised of main courses, cocktails and even matching DC coasters and tablecloths. If only they included Queimada as an optional beverage, that would've been the perfect medieval fantasy dinner!!

43th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(1):DC+Tapas Blanco=Food Porn" , posted Wed 18 Sep 21:35post reply

Yay, shameless double post!!

It seems Spanish food restaurant Tapas Blanco started a DC promotional campaing until 13th October, comprised of main courses, cocktails and even matching DC coasters and tablecloths. If only they included Queimada as an optional beverage, that would've been the perfect medieval fantasy dinner!!

Looks great! I hope they have all the cocktails of GrimGrimoire's character's namesakes too.

705th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(1):DC+Tapas Blanco=Food Porn" , posted Thu 19 Sep 22:48post reply

Yay, shameless double post!!

It seems Spanish food restaurant Tapas Blanco started a DC promotional campaing until 13th October, comprised of main courses, cocktails and even matching DC coasters and tablecloths. If only they included Queimada as an optional beverage, that would've been the perfect medieval fantasy dinner!!

Woah, that looks kind of cool! Even though I have the strongest prejudices against Spanish restaurants in Japan (and Spanish reastaurants overseas in general, for what's worth), sharing a table with our lovely, juicy amazon is worth the risk!

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"Crossplay!" , posted Wed 9 Oct 21:01post reply

Crossplay is coming!

ギンザ ♪

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"Halloween Crossplay" , posted Tue 15 Oct 13:01post reply

Crossplay is coming!

Chaz, this news is...gorgeous! You know, I was just getting in the Halloween spirit with a Dracula medley playing as usual, and it occurs to me that it would be fun to get a Cafe group together in Dragon's Crown to plumb the depths of various dark and scary places. First I need to unlock online play on this new PS3 rather than playing on a friend's. Watch this space.


9697th Post

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"Last update" , posted Fri 20 Dec 21:50post reply

So, the final update adds two main features to the game:
* starting a character with a save data having already finished the game allows to skip the whole beginning and start directly with the search for the 9 talismans.
* Finishing the labyrinth unlock a new labyrinth... and the "Ultimate" difficulty level, with a level cap of... 255.

Just in time for some eremitic Christmas time with my Dwarf!

1163th Post

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PSN: Lord-Hayato
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"Re(1):Last update" , posted Fri 20 Dec 23:42post reply

So, the final update adds two main features to the game:
* starting a character with a save data having already finished the game allows to skip the whole beginning and start directly with the search for the 9 talismans.
* Finishing the labyrinth unlock a new labyrinth... and the "Ultimate" difficulty level, with a level cap of... 255.

Just in time for some eremitic Christmas time with my Dwarf!

Dear diary... this Christmas Santa brought me a delightful present: non-stop DC grinding!!

Oh my, now that I remember... I haven't even finished my third run with my beloved Clarice (Amazon)! Time to spend some more time with her between my Demon's Souls marathons...

5876th Post

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"Re(1):Last update" , posted Sat 21 Dec 05:27post reply

Just in time for some eremitic Christmas time with my Dwarf!

In other words, any kind of grievance due to the obvious complete omission of any type of effort to add dual audio can be mended by rubbing our bodies with Iggy's little fellow.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

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Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

3964th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):Last update" , posted Sat 21 Dec 10:50post reply

So, the final update adds two main features to the game:
* starting a character with a save data having already finished the game allows to skip the whole beginning and start directly with the search for the 9 talismans.
* Finishing the labyrinth unlock a new labyrinth... and the "Ultimate" difficulty level, with a level cap of... 255.

Just in time for some eremitic Christmas time with my Dwarf!

Holy moly, the game reportedly has a whole ton of new stuff in there! I'll definitely turn on my PS3 during this three-day weekend.

Elf has an infinite-arrow accessory with damage reduction penalty? Oh, too good.

5877th Post

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"Re(2):Last update" , posted Sun 29 Dec 20:52post reply

Holy moly, the game reportedly has a whole ton of new stuff in there! I'll definitely turn on my PS3 during this three-day weekend.

So, I hope I'm not the only one with a new reinvigorated interest in the game, right? Currently for me this changed from being "the game that you play with the guests" from "the only stuff in your console".

Rather than being pumped up with the new content, I'm more interested in finishing the stuff that was care to touch before the new adds (like that 99 floors post game dungeon). At first I was playing by myself and each level took a lot of work; but lately I got smarter and I have been sneaking into asian rooms with people that play a lot in one go. Right now I chained like 30 floors with a team that I had a good synergy with; and I don't want to think on how long I have played (been two days of sleeping like 4 hours each. Scratch that, I still haven't begun the sleeping of the second day).

Bottom line is that I haven't been this sleep deprived due to a "non fighting game" ever since I had a NES (my only "game time" was waking in the middle of the night and pump up games without anyone else noticing. Whistling the cartridiges without sound was a challenge), I still spend hours in a single stage checking out the backgrounds if I can and I'm actually posting this as to wait for another room to sneak into.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

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3972th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Last update" , posted Sun 29 Dec 23:05post reply

Bottom line is that I haven't been this sleep deprived due to a "non fighting game" ever since I had a NES (my only "game time" was waking in the middle of the night and pump up games without anyone else noticing. Whistling the cartridiges without sound was a challenge), I still spend hours in a single stage checking out the backgrounds if I can and I'm actually posting this as to wait for another room to sneak into.

Wow that's quite something. I can't had time to play any games at all this year-end period (or even write anything much on internet for that matter), but I'm hoping to touch it once things start to slow down next year. How much have you lv'ed up?

5878th Post

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"Re(4):Last update" , posted Mon 30 Dec 01:01post reply

Wow that's quite something. I can't had time to play any games at all this year-end period (or even write anything much on internet for that matter), but I'm hoping to touch it once things start to slow down next year. How much have you lv'ed up?

I'm something like 135. Leveling past 100 takes a zillion years per level; the staff naturally realized that players that are really into the game chain stages a whole afternoon without any break.

Also, the status gains per level are minuscule as well + there is no gear that goes past lvl 99. Some people hold the theory that the level is taken into account in the damage formula, and that would be the only "noticeable" effect from grinding, otherwise the levels are "just there".

Speaking of, continues in the new difficulty are expensive as hell--- That, coupled with the fact that after certain amount of score you don't get extra lives anymore; we have that thus it always come to this point where the sky rocket stats of the AI start one-shotting you and when you ask yourself "Just how many times I have been killed, the next one... When will it be? Where will it come from?" Then one needs to use the proper kiai-s to keep one's spirt in top shape. .

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"Re(5):Last update" , posted Mon 30 Dec 05:41post reply

And do you keep earning skill points or does it stop before level 100?

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"jPSN most downloaded game." , posted Mon 30 Dec 08:31:post reply

Quite the nice news. Article here

And do you keep earning skill points or does it stop before level 100?

No skill points. They were kept capped at 99. Oh, and the amnesia elixirs & demon lord seals can be farmed infinitely, I heard.

There are also new grunts (dark puple palette swaps that are huge 1/3 screen in size).

Oh, and about the improved netcode, bad connections which where frustrating before are now a whole lot better... though some "medium quality" connections feel worse now because the game tries to re-sync everything time after time. In fact, thanks to that; sometimes when a situation changes too quickly (you getting one shoted); the game tries to coordinate everything internally, which translates at you not being able to move for a long while (meaning your next life is almost sure to be one shoted as well, as you spawn where you died).

In a related note, the most frustrating Dio Brando moment that I had was that I had a double KO with a boss (I still had many lives remeaning); and the next part was a camping scene and I couldn't move for the entire thing.

Oh, in the new tower, even though the enemy levels are capped at 255, their stats increase the further you are in. This was also "so" in the Labyrinth of Chaos, as the bosses cap around the floor 70, but keep getting stronger regardless of as the game goes on.

edit : Currently, like half of my psn friendlist is all thanks to Dragon's Crown. Yeah, those all, 9 people.

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[this message was edited by Toxico on Mon 30 Dec 12:17]

5880th Post

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"BROKEN GAIM" , posted Thu 2 Jan 10:35post reply

So, 1.05 was the last update, right? That would be a little bit saddening since this new version introduced many wonderful new features.

At first I thought that it was a coincidence, not easily reproduced, but I played with this guy who kept resetting the fight as to regain his lost lives back.

Oh, and there are also other issues, like a good chunk of the new items have the wrong description on anything but the japanese version.

-- Oh, and people are wondering how long the new dungeon is. Floor wise, I'm on the early 100s and it's still not as though as the basic dungeons; meaning that I still need to progress till it becomes "has hard as the regular dungeons" and then keep going until the tower is harder.

Oh, and I'm guessing that there is no "ultimate prayer" after clearing the game, right? Or maybe the Ultimate Ancient dragon has wonderful drops that justify the royal annoyance that fighting him means.

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3977th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):BROKEN GAIM" , posted Fri 3 Jan 09:43post reply

So, 1.05 was the last update, right? That would be a little bit saddening since this new version introduced many wonderful new features.

Interesting! So the Killer Rabbit has a new move and Ice Wall glitches it? That's a move that everyone does against the bunny, I wonder how the devs could've missed it.

4794th Post

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"Re(2):BROKEN GAIM" , posted Fri 3 Jan 23:37post reply

Thanks to this thread bump I'm once again back to messing around with DC. I don't see myself going down the rabbit hole to lvl.255 (since someone would Ice Wall me in) but Vanillaware's commitment to making a game that people can obsess over is commendable. I'm also impressed that there are still people playing at all levels. Last night I was fiddling around with my Amazon who still hasn't picked up her first nine talismans and I still had a steady stream of people popping in and out of my game. DC is the gift that keeps on giving.

5882th Post

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"Re(2):BROKEN DWARF" , posted Tue 7 Jan 17:15:post reply

edit :


A glitch has been discovered for Dwarf in 1.05 patch: By merely having two Colossal Chaos Hammers (gotten from LoC, earliest is floor 14 for L99 version) in your bag, once you are under the effects of Pumped Up, you will take 1 damage from ALL attacks except for the Killer Rabbit's death bite.

You don't need to equip the hammers (henceforth Glitch Hammers), merely having them in your bag will activate the bug. The bug will remain in effect even if all your other equipment breaks. It will even work even if you have no other equipment. ONce two Glitch Hammers are there + Pumped Up = Dwarf super tank.

Yeah, the last update.

Interesting! So the Killer Rabbit has a new move and Ice Wall glitches it? That's a move that everyone does against the bunny, I wonder how the devs could've missed it.

It has to be a combo of ice wall and gravity. Apparently adding that flame enhancing spell makes it easier; and yeah, those are all usual "vs rabbit" spells.

More stuff :

Ground Arrow, the new item that creates Ice arrows seems to have an unusual effect.

Score lock, no one knowns what causes it, but sometimes the score will get locked into increasing automatically and won't stop. A guy let the machine there for a while and then got like 40 lvls in on go by doing nothing.

.... Oh, and; of course I have been having problems with the new extreme zoom in camera. Which "the screen" was individual to some point (aka, focused on a interpretation of your perspective instead of a reality which you can't get away from); there have been a bunch of times where I have this perfect safe spot from a strong enemy spell or something; and someone else shakes the screen, pushing me towards the magic, killing me in the process. The new Golem fight is quite troublesome due to that.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

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Last update : Chapter 25 as of 31/08/12

[this message was edited by Toxico on Wed 8 Jan 16:58]

9711th Post

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"Oboro DLC" , posted Thu 9 Jan 21:44post reply

Slight hijacking: another character has been released in Oboro Muramasa Vita.

It looks so cute and interesting! I really need to force myself to remember how bored I was with the Wii Muramasa to not get tempted.
I think I understand how Vanillaware seem to work: They announce stuff when they start working on them, and once the design stage is done, they put it in limbo until the current main project is over, like Dragon's Crown's development didn't really start before Grand Knight History was done, or these 4 DLC before Dragon's Drown was done. I suppose.

2535th Post

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"Re(1):Oboro DLC" , posted Fri 10 Jan 04:10post reply

Dragon's Drown

This should be the name of the Deep Down sequel.

4295th Post

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"Re(1):Oboro DLC" , posted Fri 10 Jan 09:27post reply


I think I understand how Vanillaware seem to work: They announce stuff when they start working on them, and once the design stage is done, they put it in limbo until the current main project is over, like Dragon's Crown's development didn't really start before Grand Knight History was done, or these 4 DLC before Dragon's Drown was done. I suppose.

Vanillaware's staff is about 12 people, maybe. they all work in one room, so it is basically impossible for them to work on more than one thing at a time.

55th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):Oboro DLC" , posted Sun 26 Jan 19:58post reply

Slight hijacking: another character has been released in Oboro Muramasa Vita.

It looks so cute and interesting! I really need to force myself to remember how bored I was with the Wii Muramasa to not get tempted.
I think I understand how Vanillaware seem to work: They announce stuff when they start working on them, and once the design stage is done, they put it in limbo until the current main project is over, like Dragon's Crown's development didn't really start before Grand Knight History was done, or these 4 DLC before Dragon's Drown was done. I suppose.


is the ghost his wife?

4574th Post

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"Re(1):Dragon's Crown post-release cuddle" , posted Mon 27 Jan 06:24post reply

All the dwarf seems to do, however, is stand there and pulsate.

-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --

2588th Post

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"Now hiring: Dwarf" , posted Mon 27 Jan 14:00:post reply

All the dwarf seems to do, however, is stand there and pulsate.
Heheheh, "punch mythology in the ass." Speaking of which, next quest where Juan carries my sad underleveled Sorceress ass with his mighty Amazon, I also need one of you people to sign up to be our Dwarf so we can really clean up. Send all cover letters and CV's c/o zonepharaoh.


[this message was edited by Maou on Mon 27 Jan 14:01]

red falcon
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"Re(1):Now hiring: Dwarf" , posted Tue 28 Jan 02:04post reply

All the dwarf seems to do, however, is stand there and pulsate. Heheheh, "punch mythology in the ass." Speaking of which, next quest where Juan carries my sad underleveled Sorceress ass with his mighty Amazon, I also need one of you people to sign up to be our Dwarf so we can really clean up. Send all cover letters and CV's c/o zonepharaoh.

I'll do the dwarf thing.

2590th Post

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"Re(2):Now hiring: Toxico" , posted Sat 1 Feb 02:20:post reply

I'll do the dwarf thing.

We will be looking for you! After Karasu had to go last night we had three Amazons and one Sorceress. Time to burly it up.

Oh hey Toxi-chan, are you still on floor 309 of 夢幻の天廊? In spirit, I wish I could back you up at LVL46...


[this message was edited by Maou on Sat 1 Feb 02:21]

5884th Post

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"Re(3):Now hiring: Toxico" , posted Sat 1 Feb 10:42post reply

Oh hey Toxi-chan, are you still on floor 309 of 夢幻の天廊? In spirit, I wish I could back you up at LVL46...

I thought about joining your fray quite a few times, but the only time I saw less than 4 people in your party was when my sleepyness was capped.

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red falcon
6185th Post

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PSN: Rugalbgood
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Now hiring: Toxico" , posted Mon 3 Feb 09:03post reply

I'll do the dwarf thing.
We will be looking for you! After Karasu had to go last night we had three Amazons and one Sorceress. Time to burly it up.

Oh hey Toxi-chan, are you still on floor 309 of 夢幻の天廊? In spirit, I wish I could back you up at LVL46...

Lemme know when you're going to play. Tell Juan to tell me or something, as my PS3 is almost always on when I'm home, but I'm often playing something on another system.

2591th Post

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"Re(4):Now hiring: Rugal" , posted Mon 3 Feb 11:18post reply

Lemme know when you're going to play. Tell Juan to tell me or something, as my PS3 is almost always on when I'm home, but I'm often playing something on another system.

I will do that! I usually just use grab Juan via the twitter account I set up for the sole purpose of cabling Cafe members (it's the same as my PSN, which you have). If we had Juan's Amazon and my Sorceress playing with both you and Toxico on Dwarf I would have a most manly/womanly heart attack from all that man/woman.

Karasu's Fighter is now ready for the big leagues, too!


5889th Post

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"ver 1.06" , posted Wed 5 Feb 20:32:post reply

Downloading it right now; modified the Elf's elemental lore skill (it was nerfed to hell in 1.05) and some other stuff with online mode.

I'm guessing that typos are fixed and that Dual Audio is still not existant. I have 10 mins to test this before the guys that play tekken arrive (vs gaming at 8 30 am, yes indeed).

edit : Camera is still not as good as 1.04

edit Gambler's typos are till in

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[this message was edited by Toxico on Wed 5 Feb 21:22]

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"The answer to everybody's wishes" , posted Thu 6 Mar 12:41post reply



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"Re(1):The answer to everybody's wishes" , posted Thu 6 Mar 13:13post reply


Dwarf?? Presumably, round 2.


1272th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Almost one million" , posted Fri 25 Jul 21:57:post reply

It has so far sold more than 940,000 units.
This might be more than Lightning Returns did worldwide!

夏色の 誘惑 が大人になる頃、 益々 憂は エキサイティング クオリティ

[this message was edited by chazumaru on Fri 25 Jul 21:58]

2650th Post

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"Re(1):Almost one million" , posted Sat 26 Jul 02:02post reply

It has so far sold more than 940,000 units.
This might be more than Lightning Returns did worldwide!

Is this the most successful (sales-wise) Vanillaware game ever? I assume those numbers are combined physical and digital sales, but I wonder what the split is between the two.

1274th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Almost one million" , posted Sat 26 Jul 05:24:post reply

Let me rephrase your question, I am sure what you meant is: "has Dragon's Crown managed to sell more than all other VW games combined"?
To which the answer is a cautious "probably".

夏色の 誘惑 が大人になる頃、 益々 憂は エキサイティング クオリティ

[this message was edited by chazumaru on Sat 26 Jul 05:25]

2652th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Almost one million" , posted Sat 26 Jul 06:22post reply

Let me rephrase your question, I am sure what you meant is: "has Dragon's Crown managed to sell more than all other VW games combined"?
To which the answer is a cautious "probably".

It took a moment for me to remember that I don't recall any Vanillaware game selling substantially more than 100k units in any given territory.

1332th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Almost one million" , posted Sat 26 Jul 16:29post reply

Let me rephrase your question, I am sure what you meant is: "has Dragon's Crown managed to sell more than all other VW games combined"?
To which the answer is a cautious "probably".

It took a moment for me to remember that I don't recall any Vanillaware game selling substantially more than 100k units in any given territory.

That's awesome news!

I wonder how much of that went to Atlus and how much went to Vanillaware.

I hope George Kamitani's days of living off of 200 yen/day are long behind him.


2670th Post

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"Re(5):Almost one million" , posted Sun 27 Jul 23:25post reply


I hope George Kamitani's days of living off of 200 yen/day are long behind him.

Yeah! To celebrate, let's get another Cafe guild running in September (or earlier) once I am back to where I have my PS3. Level 90 Sorceress is still dead weight when accompanying Toxico, Prof, and Juan, but someone might find her useful company (hello Karasu ).

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
PS: Fuck you, Kotaku
May Vanillaware's fantastic revival last years beyond your site

End of Spoiler


1882th Post

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"PS3 and PSV version US PS+ Games" , posted Tue 12 Aug 11:53post reply

The PS3 and PSV versions of Dragon's Crown are up on PS+ for the month of August. You have to activate each one separately as it is not a cross buy title. I am happy to have it one my harddrive now so I can put the disc away in my closet to free up shelf space.

I am glad much more people will get a chance to play it, but I guess that the climb to one million units will be much slower now.

5924th Post

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"Re(1):PS3 and PSV version US PS+ Games" , posted Thu 14 Aug 11:24post reply

I am glad much more people will get a chance to play it, but I guess that the climb to one million units will be much slower now.

I thought that it was an August only thing? And I thought that DLs factored in the total amount of games circulating that VanillaWare mentioned?

Speaking of, Kadokawa Shoten launched a manga adaptation for this some time ago; this manga is a new actual telling of the game events rather than those 4' that have been on Famitsu. I guess I'm the last one to heard of this?

I haven't checked the backgroud of the guy drawing this, but I hope that at least he is aware that VanillaWare's radical and free artistic represetantion needs to be portrayed at it's finest

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1345th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):PS3 and PSV version US PS+ Games" , posted Thu 14 Aug 17:57post reply

I am glad much more people will get a chance to play it, but I guess that the climb to one million units will be much slower now.

I thought that it was an August only thing? And I thought that DLs factored in the total amount of games circulating that VanillaWare mentioned?

Speaking of, Kadokawa Shoten launched a manga adaptation for this some time ago; this manga is a new actual telling of the game events rather than those 4' that have been on Famitsu. I guess I'm the last one to heard of this?

I haven't checked the backgroud of the guy drawing this, but I hope that at least he is aware that VanillaWare's radical and free artistic represetantion needs to be portrayed at it's finest

The artist goes by 'Zunta' and 'Yuztan'

Here's the artist's twitter:

Here's his website full of previews of the DC comic and a lot of other stuff that's EXTREMLEY NSFW:

I know this is unrealistic, but I was hoping the Dragon's Crown comic would be less porny and more about the spirit of adventure. Ah well.

Also, as is often the case with H Doujin artists, his Ecchi work is drawn much better than his professional work (probably cos of tighter deadlines)


4942th Post

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"Re(3):PS3 and PSV version US PS+ Games" , posted Thu 14 Aug 22:51post reply

Speaking of, Kadokawa Shoten launched a manga adaptation for this some time ago; this manga is a new actual telling of the game events rather than those 4' that have been on Famitsu. I guess I'm the last one to heard of this?

Interesting! I always thought that the DC characters had enough personality to support some sort of multimedia spin-off. Like Nobi, I was hoping the manga would have a bit more going for it than just being a fetish catalog but at least it's a start.

3058th Post

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"Re(1):PS3 and PSV version US PS+ Games" , posted Sat 16 Aug 12:41post reply

The PS3 and PSV versions of Dragon's Crown are up on PS+ for the month of August. You have to activate each one separately as it is not a cross buy title. I am happy to have it one my harddrive now so I can put the disc away in my closet to free up shelf space.

I am glad much more people will get a chance to play it, but I guess that the climb to one million units will be much slower now.

Thanks for telling me about this because apparently Sony doesn't want to promote this deal in their PS+ section of the PS3 store. If I hadn't heard about it here I wouldn't even have known this was happening.

2677th Post

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PSN: zonepharaoh
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"Re(2):PS3 and PSV version US PS+ Games" , posted Sun 17 Aug 04:26post reply

The PS3 and PSV versions of Dragon's Crown are up on PS+ for the month of August.

Tales of lamentation: I glimpsed "PSV" out of the corner of my eye and for one fleeting instant wanted to read it as "Phantasy Star IV," or better still (?), "Phantasy Star V." Then I returned to the reality which we inhabit, where this acronym will mean nothing to many people beyond Vita, and wept. My one consolation was that we are still talking about wonderful wonderful Dragon's Crown.


1291th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):PS3 and PSV version US PS+ Games" , posted Sun 17 Aug 06:19post reply

Here's his website full of previews of the DC comic and a lot of other stuff that's EXTREMLEY NSFW:

Oh my, he is definitely gonna enjoy drawing the Kraken chapter...

M๊me Narumi est ้pat้e !

2678th Post

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"Re(4):PS3 and PSV version US PS+ Games" , posted Sun 17 Aug 07:41post reply

Here's his website full of previews of the DC comic and a lot of other stuff that's EXTREMLEY NSFW:
Oh my, he is definitely gonna enjoy drawing the Kraken chapter...

Yeah, though I suppose it's the extreme but logical extension of the erotic-but-still-strangely-charming Oboro Muramasa piece.

True experiences: months later, I'm still terrible at firing cannons at the Kraken tentacles even if I don't think he's very hard at all in his lair.


5925th Post

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"Re(5):PS3 and PSV version US PS+ Games" , posted Mon 1 Sep 13:35post reply

A little bit of a preview, Dragon's Crown Manga raw. Naturally since Mega is the bane and curse of all mankind and monkeykind, I can't get the file.

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82th Post

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"Re(6):PS3 and PSV version US PS+ Games" , posted Wed 24 Sep 12:01post reply

A little bit of a preview, Dragon's Crown Manga raw. Naturally since Mega is the bane and curse of all mankind and monkeykind, I can't get the file.

I hope Zunta can put as much knowledge of anatomy, contorted facial expressions, and conveying emotion into depicting the dwarf body slammin' orcs and evil wizards as he does his doujin work.

1330th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):PS3 and PSV version US PS+ Games" , posted Wed 24 Sep 17:03post reply

A little bit of a preview, Dragon's Crown Manga raw. Naturally since Mega is the bane and curse of all mankind and monkeykind, I can't get the file.

Maybe try again in Chrome's or Firefox's "anonymous mode"? Mega frowns upon AdBlock, as far as my terrible cousin could shamefully remember when he condemnably tried to access those awful Jennifer Lawrence pictures.

By the way, a French publisher with a studio in Scotland and ties to freelance Japanese artists (mainly former Squaresoft guys) is pushing for a new game (currently) called "Zodiac" with a distinct and acknowledged visual inspiration from Vanillaware. As a friend put it, the Flash-like animations make it distinctly European, which kinda swears with the Japanese inspiration.

M๊me Narumi est ้pat้e !

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):PS3 and PSV version US PS+ Games" , posted Mon 29 Sep 05:55post reply

By the way, a French publisher with a studio in Scotland and ties to freelance Japanese artists (mainly former Squaresoft guys) is pushing for a new game (currently) called "Zodiac" with a distinct and acknowledged visual inspiration from Vanillaware. As a friend put it, the Flash-like animations make it distinctly European, which kinda swears with the Japanese inspiration.

On one hand I wish the programmers had taken inspiration more from Vanillaware's desire to have a distinctive voice in their games rather than copying broad elements of their art style. But on the other hand if you're going to copy an art style you could do much worse. On the third hand(?) they probably could have saved themselves the effort and simply hired George Kamitani and co. since I can't imagine that a niche studio costs that much for freelance work.

84th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(8):PS3 and PSV version US PS+ Games" , posted Mon 29 Sep 10:40post reply

By the way, a French publisher with a studio in Scotland and ties to freelance Japanese artists (mainly former Squaresoft guys) is pushing for a new game (currently) called "Zodiac" with a distinct and acknowledged visual inspiration from Vanillaware. As a friend put it, the Flash-like animations make it distinctly European, which kinda swears with the Japanese inspiration.

On one hand I wish the programmers had taken inspiration more from Vanillaware's desire to have a distinctive voice in their games rather than copying broad elements of their art style. But on the other hand if you're going to copy an art style you could do much worse. On the third hand(?) they probably could have saved themselves the effort and simply hired George Kamitani and co. since I can't imagine that a niche studio costs that much for freelance work.

The drivers of that project probably have an art background themselves and want to do the atwork for it. I'm all for open acknowledged inspirations. It's only annoying when people hide or deny it.

In other news Rob Liefeld said in an interview that he designed X-Men's cable by "Putting Bruce Willis's head on Briareos [Appleseed]'s body"