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maese 701th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(1):Fujishima Kousuke-sensei" , posted Tue 9 Jul 14:51:    
quote: Kind of late, but Fujishima Kousuke-sensei's birthday was recent. Definitely one of my favorite artists of all time. If only I had even half of his drawing skills.
As for what he has done lately, I know that his "Sakura Taisen" characters are in "Project X Zone". Outside of that, I'm sure there's someone that knows. I have a few friends that are playing the game right now.
Woah, so there actually ARE another fans of Fujishima sensei hidden on the catacombs! I am glad to see that. Either as a mangaka or a mere chara designer, Fujishima is probably my favourite artist of all time. Even considered making a twitter account only to follow his. I actually had the chance to briefly meet him at an AMG anniversary event, an the guy was surprisingly nice and witty. Exactly the kind of dude one would enjoy having some beers with.
The man still goes strong with "Ah! My Goddess" every month, altough the current arc is taking a bit too long for my taste and, on top of that, the turn things are taking makes me think the ending of the whole series is at sight. Then again, after 25+ years without failing one single issue every month, I don't think anybody could complain if the man wants a break.
Other than that, he still does work for the Tales series from time to time, even tough it seems that lately Inomata Mutsumi has taken the lead role for desinging stuff. Also, it seems he has done some new illustrations for the new(er) Sakura Taisen mobile game, a dull and boring card battler on the same line of Puzzle&Dragons and the like.
And let's not forget Paradise Residence, his frustrated attempt of drawing a semi-regular high school comedy on "Good! Afternoon", an spinoff magazine of the original Afternoon. The magazine itself proved somewhat popular, but the series got promptly canned and recycled into a one-volume light novel to promote Kodansha's newly created lanove line. Dunno if such strategy has been actually successful, tough.
Beyond finishing AMG and following with his sporadical illustration/chara designer stuff, I wonder what other projects Fujishima sensei could have. I do remember hearing him saying something along the lines of drawing some short stories, or even trying his luck with the jidaimono/chanbara genre. But, then again, that was a long time ago. Maybe his main priority now is just going staying home and being a family man!
[this message was edited by maese on Tue 9 Jul 14:53] |