RE/Biohazard 6 Thread for cool people - Forums

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"RE/Biohazard 6 Thread for cool people" , posted Wed 10 Oct 04:50post reply

Since someone took issue with the stylishness of this topic, I thought I would wrap it up and take it elsewhere!

I was amazed at how many bullets there were on campus. Look in any desk or auditorium lecturn and -what do you know!- there were boxes full of bullets. Nuts, now I want to play RE6 just because I love how the craziest shit keeps happening in those games and the characters never seem to notice.

Well, to be fair, all sorts of crazy shit has been happening in the game-- that is of a zombie/infected person/monster variety, so reacting to the presence of bullets on a campus is maybe at the bottom of their list of things to react to.

And to reference Polly's comment to that effect: I stopped wondering at the presence of ammunition way back in the first game. Ditto for the typewriters, typewriter ribbons, medals, cranks, crests, storage boxes, and best of all the ever-present shotgun rack. Far be it for anyone in Raccoon City to keep their firearms in gun cabinets for safety!

I'm preparing for a second session of the demo tonight, and I may even buy the game this weekend. I'm surprised at how much it's grown on me, with its doofy sense of randomness, its feeling of reunion at having these characters from various games in the franchise all being together, albeit in different scenarios, and its slight amount of honest-to-goodness survival horror scares (in Leon's scenario at least). I'll have to see if the good times persist once I end up in the other scenarios.


1129th Post

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"Re(1):RE/Biohazard 6 Thread for cool people" , posted Wed 10 Oct 07:19post reply

Since someone took issue with the stylishness of this topic, I thought I would wrap it up and take it elsewhere!

I was amazed at how many bullets there were on campus. Look in any desk or auditorium lecturn and -what do you know!- there were boxes full of bullets. Nuts, now I want to play RE6 just because I love how the craziest shit keeps happening in those games and the characters never seem to notice.
Well, to be fair, all sorts of crazy shit has been happening in the game-- that is of a zombie/infected person/monster variety, so reacting to the presence of bullets on a campus is maybe at the bottom of their list of things to react to.

And to reference Polly's comment to that effect: I stopped wondering at the presence of ammunition way back in the first game. Ditto for the typewriters, typewriter ribbons, medals, cranks, crests, storage boxes, and best of all the ever-present shotgun rack. Far be it for anyone in Raccoon City to keep their firearms in gun cabinets for safety!

I'm preparing for a second session of the demo tonight, and I may even buy the game this weekend. I'm surprised at how much it's grown on me, with its doofy sense of randomness, its feeling of reunion at having these characters from various games in the franchise all being together, albeit in different scenarios, and its slight amount of honest-to-goodness survival horror scares (in Leon's scenario at least). I'll have to see if the good times persist once I end up in the o

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dont do it, buy dishonored instead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1130th Post

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PSN: Alpha-Class
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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):RE/Biohazard 6 Thread for cool people" , posted Wed 10 Oct 07:25post reply

Since someone took issue with the stylishness of this topic, I thought I would wrap it up and take it elsewhere!

I was amazed at how many bullets there were on campus. Look in any desk or auditorium lecturn and -what do you know!- there were boxes full of bullets. Nuts, now I want to play RE6 just because I love how the craziest shit keeps happening in those games and the characters never seem to notice.
Well, to be fair, all sorts of crazy shit has been happening in the game-- that is of a zombie/infected person/monster variety, so reacting to the presence of bullets on a campus is maybe at the bottom of their list of things to react to.

And to reference Polly's comment to that effect: I stopped wondering at the presence of ammunition way back in the first game. Ditto for the typewriters, typewriter ribbons, medals, cranks, crests, storage boxes, and best of all the ever-present shotgun rack. Far be it for anyone in Raccoon City to keep their firearms in gun cabinets for safety!

I'm preparing for a second session of the demo tonight, and I may even buy the game this weekend. I'm surprised at how much it's grown on me, with its doofy sense of randomness, its feeling of reunion at having these characters from various games in the franchise all being together, albeit in different scenarios, and its slight amount of honest-to-goodness survival horror scares (in Leon's scenario at least). I'll have to see if the good times persist once I end up in the o

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dont do it, buy dishonored instead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3311th Post

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"Re(1):RE/Biohazard 6 Thread for cool people" , posted Wed 10 Oct 10:33:post reply

dont do it, buy dishonored instead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't really think Dishonored is a replacement for Biohazard, even if it's almost definitely the better game.

Well, to be fair, all sorts of crazy shit has been happening in the game-- that is of a zombie/infected person/monster variety, so reacting to the presence of bullets on a campus is maybe at the bottom of their list of things to react to.

This reminds me of Harry's fantastic "What's a wheelchair doing in an elementary school?" comment from Silent Hill. REALLY THE LEAST OF YOUR CONCERNS.

I'm actually disappointed in the lack of terrible dialogue in Bio 6. Well, not the RIGHT kind of bad dialogue. I want gems like "A can of fizz. It's sure to yellow and mellow those things." Instead I get lots of "this looks bad" and "shoot it!". Ironically, in situations where I was not sure if I needed to shoot something "shoot it!" was never yelled.

It's worth mentioning that the game has a tremendous amount of content. If you play Leon's scenario first, you'll probably feel like you finished an entire game. Two scenarios would've been about normal, but three (+) is quite a bit of material. The number of COMPLETELY INSANE monsters is also quite high, though the reoccurring, mutating adversaries that take too many shots to kill gave me unhappy Bio 2 flashbacks.

A quick heads-up in case you do get the game... I've found myself saying "this is the worst thing ever" numerous times while playing the game...several of these moments occurring while climbing ropes. For the record, in case you're as dense as I am about the rope climbing prompts, you don't just go "L, R, L, R" you go "L hold, R hold, release L, L hold, release R...etc." This may seem unnecessary to mention, but I wish someone had told me.

The game really cycles between "screw this, I've had enough" and "why did I quit? I should play some more!" for me. I think it's because the incredible BS makes you want to tear your hair out when you're playing, but seems silly in retrospect once you've already worked through it.

Holy crap, those multiplayer modes sound like they might be fun! Also, Bio 2 Leon! Whee! Assuming the multiplayer stuff actually works as intended, the game might take a significant step up on the radness scale. I know it's not what everyone is looking for, but the new system seems like it might take well to Vs play!

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Thu 11 Oct 15:59]

1013th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):RE/Biohazard 6 Thread for cool people" , posted Fri 19 Oct 02:10post reply

dont do it, buy dishonored instead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oroch, I took your advice, sorta. I rented Dishonored and started playing through it. It's... okay. I can't stand FPS games, but I think what typically turns me off about them is the shooting part. In Dishonored my aim doesn't seem to have to be that great to have some effect. Plus I don't actually really have to shoot anybody to start with, or so it seems.

It's funny, I was mentioning to an offline friend that I was disliking how it's all pseudo-Victorian, but that the characters have American accents, but then it occurred to me that I would dislike it as much or even more if the characters all had shitty Oliver Twist accents, so... there you go. I think my ultimate verdict is... it's pretty okay.

As for RE6, haven't bought it yet. I decided I'd wait a little while.

3322th Post

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"Re(3):RE/Biohazard 6 Thread for cool people" , posted Fri 19 Oct 07:08post reply


It's funny, I was mentioning to an offline friend that I was disliking how it's all pseudo-Victorian, but that the characters have American accents, but then it occurred to me that I would dislike it as much or even more if the characters all had shitty Oliver Twist accents, so... there you go. I think my ultimate verdict is... it's pretty okay.

Awww. Dubbed in England would've been the best scenario.

That reminds me, the dubbing in the Witcher 2 drives me mad. Some people have British accents, some people have American accents and some people have some sort of European accent, but there's seemingly no logic to it. Worse than that, some characters use modern-sounding language while others are decidedly old-timey. It's not like any given performance is bad, just that they don't work together. It doesn't create a believable world quite like Dragon Age.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

1014th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):RE/Biohazard 6 Thread for cool people" , posted Fri 19 Oct 12:17post reply

Awww. Dubbed in England would've been the best scenario.

I know, right?

Dishonored is an interesting thing for me to play to help realize that first person stuff isn't all just meathead dudebros mowing down insurgents, but I'm still not sure I love it or even like it. I know the first person viewpoint is a matter of style in building the game, but... I would have actually enjoyed the game a lot more if it was third person. Ah well.

3327th Post

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PSN: Lilly_Dopamine
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):RE/Biohazard 6 Thread for cool people" , posted Sun 21 Oct 08:17:post reply

(I was going to remark that the game was on sale at Amazon, but not anymore. Best Buy is having a "Buy 2 get 1" sale starting Sunday, though!)

I realize I'm pretty much talking to myself here, but I thought I'd say something in defense of Chris' much-hated scenario. People often liken it to Gears of War, I guess because it's full of muscle-heads, and the writing is...I would say BELOW Gears of War-level, but what it really reminded me of was The Thing. It has the most fantastic grotesque mutating monster animations I've ever seen in a game. There are waves and waves of face-popping, skin stretching, head-twisting, goopy, writhing abominations to fight.

For someone like me, who could watch the special-effects intensive parts of The Thing any number of times (usually with cheering involved), Chris' scenario was an absolute joy (as long as people weren't talking).

Although I'm personally fond of the game, despite its shortcomings, I'm reluctant to recommend it outright. However, for mutating monster fans, I can definitely say "You've got to see this."


Normally, I'm cool with games not coming with instruction manuals because they give you in-game tutorials, but this game doesn't come with a manual OR a tutorial...and the online manual doesn't even tell you everything. This was an insightful read.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Sun 21 Oct 14:08]