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Professor 3551th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "New Blazblue Game announced" , posted Sun 5 Aug 18:57:    
[Updated] Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_O9VIUmmiQ Official site: http://blazblue.jp/ Moves List: http://blazblue.jp/images/lt/bbcp_pdf.zip
While Tougeki is withering with issues, Arc Systemworks has been running its own festival called Bluefes 2012 at another location that's way closer to the heart of the City. With Air conditioning.
And it probably was way worth it to go there instead. Big surprise--- they've announced a new release of Blazblue and it's going to be quite different from the rehash we've been experiencing. Here's a quick list of what's been said from visitors at the event. Note that some if it might be misinformation, but the announcement is genuine. A few Twitter users, Jinja3 and Sakkyo in particular has been reporting a lot. We'll probably be seeing images and footages in the days to come.
Complimentary paper holder for game announcement
Updated details are posted at the bottom, colored for convenience.
- Location testing will begin tomorrow at Akihabara Hey and run until next Sunday, August 12. (wth? Starting on a normal Monday? Sunday is when Comiket ends and people from all abroad will be coming, so that makes sense though) - The new release will be titled Blazblue Chrono Phantasma. - There's reportedly a lot that's been changed in the game. The neutral poses have been redrawn for all the characters. - Costumes for some of the characters are different. (Actually, it seems like Noel is the only one with a costume change since Tsubaki is only a palette swap) - Of course they also have new moves. - Noel no longer wears her cap and fights with a different outfit. - Tsubaki is the version that's fallen to the dark side. - Hazama has a new DD. - The stage backgrounds are new - The BGMs seems to be different as well - Three new characters will be added in: Amane, Bullet, Azrael. Amane fights with something like a cloth, Barret looks a bit like Makoto, Azrael is muscular. [updates] - Azrael is a mid-aged muscular man who's sort of a meathead, fighting is everything to him. Drive name is "The Terror". - Amane is a man that looks as beautiful as a goddess, fights with a plumage. Drive name is "Spiral". - Bullet is a close-combat cool female mercenary with cleavage. At a glance her motions looks a bit like Makoto's. Drive name is "Lockon". - Voices: Bullet= Toa Yukinari (Berserk anime series' Casca), Azrael= Hiroki Yasumoto (Bleach's Chad), Amane=Akira Ishida (Namco Tales series' Rid Hershel) - Jin can do his DD in the air - Bang has a new DD where he uses his nail - Ragna has a new move that looks a bit like Gravedigger (probably means Testament's from the GG series.) - Hazama has a new move where he turns into Terumi and steps on his opponent
... what, no Celica Mercury? I'm disappointed.
[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 6 Aug 12:23] | | Replies: |
Professor 3551th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(6):New Blazblue Game announced" , posted Mon 6 Aug 12:09:    
Blazblue official site has been updated and the game's moves list is available in a Zip file. Official site: http://blazblue.jp/ Moves List: http://blazblue.jp/images/lt/bbcp_pdf.zip
First two things that came to my mind with the new character designs- "What's Zenia from Arcana Heart 2 doing in this thing", and "Damn that's a really pink Gackt Vocaloid".
quote: This news certainly beats the heck out of BB:Continuum Shift Extend but I was never certain what the point of CSE was anyway. What's the reaction been like to this news in Japan? Are people excited or have BB players shifted over to Persona 4 and not looked back? Was everybody hoping for a new Guilty Gear game instead?
I haven't checked around much but the reactions seem to be different depending on where you search. Overall on Twitter, the responses have been good and everyone seems to be looking forward. 2ch on the other hand (it's becoming a sorry hangout of old tired men nowadays) is more mixed. Twitter is probably a better reflection of the general public's opinion.
There's certainly voices of concern that it might eat into P4A's popularity, but I wouldn't really consider it an issue at this point. This new BB is coming out during winter in arcades, so it'll probably be spring at earliest when it hits consoles.
What came to me as something interesting is that-- although I've been suspecting as such, there's a huge gap of opinion between arcade players and more general fans. The arcade players care crap about the storyline and wish for the game to come out cheaper on console, while the fan crouds are really looking forward to it.
Personally, I think storyline is one of the core factors of fighting games on consoles. P4A, thus far, has been a perfect example of what I'd consider an ideal console fighting game release. Each character has nearly about 2 hours of storyline. It's very well written (although I swear the English translations are outright Bland and an eyesore), and even at parts that overlap between characters, the script isn't recycled. Hell, I haven't even played the original RPG and I was impressed. Atlus brought in a lot of writers to get it accomplished. BB's storylines have been generally really short in past releases, so hopefully they'll take note of Atlus' work. The BB novel series is not all that bad, actually.
[this message was edited by Professor on Mon 6 Aug 12:24] |