E3 ins and outs - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"E3 ins and outs" , posted Tue 5 Jun 09:09post reply

So we got a few conferences today with some mildly interesting demos and news out there.

The biggest surprise to me was that EA sports finally got UFC

THQ sold it to them

I am kind of disappointed, it really does seem like the last legs of THQ. Whoever gets the WWE license better get AKI/Syn Sophia to make their games.

Microsoft had some interesting announcements about having a tablet/mobile device integration for the 360, but this response by Trey Parker was the best part of it

Link Here

GTTV got to show off some gameplay of Platinum Games Metal Gear Rising: Revengance

Looks amazing

Hopefully a little more stealth is kind of incorporated into the game. Maybe Arkham City-esque, the game allows you to do stealth things, but the AI is not smart enough to follow you up very intensively. I have faith that Platinum will set up a bunch of stuff to cut up on stages to create unique kills. I just wish the bodies would disappear right away as they do in the video.

Capcom is still teasing Darkstalkers

Link Here

Assassin's Creed 3 is looking very nice. It makes me want to pick up the franchise again after being completely turned off by the first game.

This Watch Dogs game from UBIsoft also looks quite fun.

Of course I am wondering how much freedom the game will actually allow.

The one thing I was really hoping for was a Price cut for the 360. I moved to Atlanta a couple of months ago and let my brother keep the PS3 so I was in the market for a different console. I really would like to get a new 250gb console for <$250. But I think I will just get a used console at Gamestop and go from there.


440th Post

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"Re(1):E3 ins and outs" , posted Tue 5 Jun 09:24post reply

a wwe game made by EA would be really cool

And since EA now had the UFC brand, this will mean the end of the guys from MMA supremacy?

2851th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):E3 ins and outs" , posted Tue 5 Jun 11:39post reply

The new Tomb Raider is still looking good, although with every new trailer and gameplay demo it's looking more and more like an Uncharted copy. Perhaps that could be a good thing, but one thing I really hope they don't copy too much is the closed areas. I've loved UC but the one thing TR had over that series was a tangible spirit of exploration. If this new game isn't tapping into that, it will be hard for me to call it worth investing time in no matter how cinematic it looks.

463th Post

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"Re(3):E3 ins and outs" , posted Tue 5 Jun 19:04:post reply

+ Halo 4 is colorful
+ New tablet thing is interesting
+ Lara Croft redesign is very good
+ South Park creators and their trolling
- tons of shooting games
- too much U/C exclusive content
- milking the same cows (FPSs, TPSs, Forza, Fable) and only teasing new franchises no one cares about
- Husher

Not much focused on the games; they were present but the same old exclusives with a new number after the title.

+ Need For Speed by Criterion
- Basicly everything else

Too much self praise, no real surprises.

+ Watch_Dogs (very promising!)
+ Assassin's Creed 3 (don't dig the setting so much and I'm still bored with the series, hope it will end with this)
+ Rayman WiiU (although I hate Rayman)
- The host and her shooters praise
- Shootmania

No great complaints here, it was a balanced conference.

+ The Last Of Us
+ Quantic Dream tech demo (I refuse to think this crap as a game, Cage products are the modern era equivalent of laser games and nothing more)
+ Show focused on games and gaming in general
+ White Vita is beautiful
- PlayStation BUTTle Royale (Big Daddy? LOL, Bioshock wasn't even a Playstation game in the beginning)
- We don't need another God Of War
- Wonderbook, another of that typical Sony projects more good on the paper than effective on market. Waste of money.
- Lack of Vita software

I liked the show more than Microsoft's. At least they showed something new (though leaked as hell).

The only real new game for now was Watch_Dogs, everything else was predictable or previously announced. Hope Iwata drops the bomb today :P

[this message was edited by Nekros on Tue 5 Jun 21:02]

787th Post

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"Re(1):E3 ins and outs" , posted Tue 5 Jun 22:21post reply

E3's not over yet.

4391th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):E3 ins and outs" , posted Wed 6 Jun 00:43post reply

I'm glad to hear that the slicing and dicing in MG:Revengance is done in real time and not through cinema scenes or QTE's. Hopefully all those cutting options flow smoothly in the game itself. If they do the game will be great fun. If not, the game will turn into Ninja Gaiden 3.

Watch Dogs sounded interesting at first but after seeing the gameplay footage I can't help but think it's just AC with a new backdrop. It looks like the primary difference between WD and other stealth games is that to distract guards you now mess with their phones instead of throwing a rock or poison rice ball. I was, however, amused by the dorky long coat and ball cap ensemble the lead character was wearing. Dress to impress buddy!

943th Post

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"Re(3):E3 ins and outs" , posted Wed 6 Jun 00:55post reply


Watch Dogs sounded interesting at first but after seeing the gameplay footage I can't help but think it's just AC with a new backdrop. It looks like the primary difference between WD and other stealth games is that to distract guards you now mess with their phones instead of throwing a rock or poison rice ball. I was, however, amused by the dorky long coat and ball cap ensemble the lead character was wearing. Dress to impress buddy!

Har, yeah that outfit is... wow, I'm surprised it wasn't focus-grouped out of the game. But the game itself looks interesting enough! I'm also not sure it matches up with other stealth games too exactly because of the sheer number of people standing around compared to something like Tenchu.

I continue to be excited about MGRR. It's got a cool aesthetic and while some of the character designs are pretty sketchy it's got Platinum's delightful stench all over it.


2318th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):E3 ins and outs" , posted Wed 6 Jun 01:59:post reply


- Shootmania

Yeah, their presentation of Shootmania wasn't good at all, which is unfortunate. Building a game around instagib, having similar features to their other Mania franchise games for creating levels and recording videos, etc. is all good to me. Don't damn a good game with a poor showing :(


the dude in Watch Dogs

I had heard that the ballcap/scarf/coat combo is a common fall/winter thing in New England, but I don't know the truth of it.

From a distance I thought it was a funny cross between stereotypical Sherlock Holmes and protester. Frankly I would be perfectly happy if the main character simply wore a version of jeans/hoodie/scarf, but then again I guess long coat/ballcap/scarf qualifies as a variant of it. I think it would feel weird if he was much better dressed than a nondescript rioter/anarchist.

[this message was edited by Spoon on Wed 6 Jun 04:10]

463th Post

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"Re(5):E3 ins and outs" , posted Wed 6 Jun 02:25post reply

+ Pikmin (good for fans, even if I don't care)
+ New Super Mario U (same good game as always)
+ Zombi U (quite interesting mechanics)
- Too much Mario games
- Too much focus on social aspects
- No other classic Nintendo ips

I had hopes in seeing new Wii U games from Nintendo... hopes brutally raped and destroyed by a bunch of crap called Nintendo Land, Wii Fit U and a new Mario game that is dangerously similar to the previous. Plus 3 first party games for 3DS that features only Mario: New Super Mario Bros 2, Paper Mario and Luigi's Mansion 2. Overbalanced use of ip or I am wrong?

2318th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):E3 ins and outs" , posted Wed 6 Jun 04:23post reply

On one hand, I could bitterly complain about the rampant sequels in E3.

On the other hand, I am TOTALLY INTRIGUED about Hokuto Musou 2. Will it go into Isle of Shura? Will it go so far as to show us the utterly insane grown-up Bat finale?

582th Post

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"Re(7):E3 ins and outs" , posted Wed 6 Jun 04:58post reply

Well well well, FFXIV is getting Fenrir (feels more meaningful if you played XI), a GUI that looks more like SWTOR's, with current quests on screen and a couple of quickbars for skills (maybe WoW had that before, but I never played WoW), mandragoras (more FFXI callbacks), male cats (and the other missing sexes, but some in-game shots are nicer than concept artwork I've seen before), a mail system and associated inventory troubles (though XIV has been a lot more generous so far with inventory space than XI was), Chupon/Tuhonn (where's UltrosGilgamesh?), FFXI-style Cait Sith and maybe Odin.

The game's pretty playable nowadays, but this is encouraging stuff. Now if only they'd open server transfers...

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

946th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(5):E3 ins and outs" , posted Wed 6 Jun 05:03post reply

the dude in Watch Dogs

I had heard that the ballcap/scarf/coat combo is a common fall/winter thing in New England, but I don't know the truth of it.

From a distance I thought it was a funny cross between stereotypical Sherlock Holmes and protester. Frankly I would be perfectly happy if the main character simply wore a version of jeans/hoodie/scarf, but then again I guess long coat/ballcap/scarf qualifies as a variant of it. I think it would feel weird if he was much better dressed than a nondescript rioter/anarchist.

Maybe they're going for an 'incognito look', although I kind of doubt it given how many people recognize him in the trailer. Hey, and if a smartphone is his primary tool, will he have to worry over the battery life?


790th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(6):E3 ins and outs" , posted Wed 6 Jun 07:09:post reply

+ Pikmin (good for fans, even if I don't care)
+ New Super Mario U (same good game as always)
+ Zombi U (quite interesting mechanics)
- Too much Mario games
- Too much focus on social aspects
- No other classic Nintendo ips

I had hopes in seeing new Wii U games from Nintendo... hopes brutally raped and destroyed by a bunch of crap called Nintendo Land, Wii Fit U and a new Mario game that is dangerously similar to the previous. Plus 3 first party games for 3DS that features only Mario: New Super Mario Bros 2, Paper Mario and Luigi's Mansion 2. Overbalanced use of ip or I am wrong?

I feel much of the third party stuff will be on their other presentation conferences, and that their focus was on the concept of the system (and I wouldn't exactly call Nintendo Land crap yet as we've seen very little, and the fact that they mentioned Nazo no Murasamejou in some form still intruiges me). That said, I'm surprised they announced stuff like Tekken Tag Tournament 2 in their sizzle reel.

I agree there are too many Mario games shown 3rd party stuff was mostly concentrated on Arkam City.

Edit: Looks like I was right. Seems like Nintendo likes to trickle in the more unique titles (like this Platinum Games/Nintendo collab tentatively called Project P-100) instead of putting it on their main presentation.
But why they do this still boggles me. Investors perhaps?

[this message was edited by sfried on Wed 6 Jun 07:51]

3241th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):E3 ins and outs" , posted Fri 8 Jun 08:14post reply

Scarce few delights this year, but I was glad to see that The Last of Us and Revengeance look better actually being played than the do in trailer form. "This looks crazy" could be a compliment, but "this looks fun" is much better. Also...

Reposting Sfried's link from the Tekken thread about P-100

The trailer didn't sell me either, but seeing someone actually play it changed my mind. I'm so glad you posted this.

This was my only pleasant surprise from Nintendo's E3, showing, but I don't want to get into another argument about how awesome Nintendo is our isn't. To say something positive, though...Pikmin 3 really benefits from HD. Having the environments look so realistic adds a funny charm to the game. It reminds me of the real-life photos with Pikmin in them that were released with the earlier games.

Well well well, FFXIV is getting Fenrir (feels more meaningful if you played XI), a GUI that looks more like SWTOR's, with current quests on screen and a couple of quickbars for skills (maybe WoW had that before, but I never played WoW), mandragoras (more FFXI callbacks), male cats (and the other missing sexes, but some in-game shots are nicer than concept artwork I've seen before), a mail system and associated inventory troubles (though XIV has been a lot more generous so far with inventory space than XI was), Chupon/Tuhonn (where's UltrosGilgamesh?), FFXI-style Cait Sith and maybe Odin.

The game's pretty playable nowadays, but this is encouraging stuff. Now if only they'd open server transfers...

I have nothing but positive things to say about the direction that FF14 has gone/is going, but I don't have much hope of anyone here becoming interested, so I haven't bothered ranting about it.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

1072th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(8):E3 ins and outs" , posted Fri 8 Jun 09:47:post reply


FF XIV Looking Better!

This image pretty much epitomizes why I play videogames

I don't normally care for MMOs, but every screenshot and illustration I've seen for this game looks fantastic. The art direction and execution is just phenomenal. So pitch perfect. I could rant about it all day.

I'm optimistic about the revamp. I like what I'm hearing from Yoshida. It sounds like they've finally realized that they should make a game that will appeal to people who actually like Final Fantasy as opposed to pandering to veteran MMO gamers.


[this message was edited by nobinobita on Fri 8 Jun 09:54]

1072th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(8):E3 ins and outs" , posted Fri 8 Jun 09:54post reply

I have nothing but positive things to say about the direction that FF14 has gone/is going, but I don't have much hope of anyone here becoming interested, so I haven't bothered ranting about it.

Please don't hold back!


583th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(9):E3 ins and outs" , posted Fri 8 Jun 10:04post reply


I'm optimistic about the revamp. I like what I'm hearing from Yoshida. It sounds like they've finally realized that they should make a game that will appeal to people who actually like Final Fantasy as opposed to pandering to veteran MMO gamers.

The only non-FF MMO I played was SWTOR, so I lack some perspective on the medium, but from from comments read all over the place, outside the inspiration 11 got from Everquest, the online FFs always seemed to be doing their own thing.

The game looks good, but what's really been impressing me is the writing - the NPCs are about as foul-mouthed as they can possible get away with, Darkstalkers' Morrigan sounds like a choir girl compared to most. That's a small part of the work that's put into the online FFs' setting, but it certainly has an impact compated to what the other games got you used to.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

3242th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):E3 ins and outs" , posted Fri 8 Jun 11:15post reply


Please don't hold back!

Two highlights.

Garuda intro

Boss battle theme with a team of moogles

The only non-FF MMO I played was SWTOR, so I lack some perspective on the medium, but from from comments read all over the place, outside the inspiration 11 got from Everquest, the online FFs always seemed to be doing their own thing.

When 11 and 14 launched, I really considered them an insult to the name "Final Fantasy." I mean, obviously 14 was a wreck, but 11 was like every other online tie-in that isn't any kind of reflection of the original. If you didn't think of 11 as an online game, saw pictures of it and heard "this is Final Fantasy 11" it would be a huge disappointment. More or less the same with 14 when it launched. But when I look at the 14 2.0 screenshots and they say "this is the new Final Fantasy", it works. That's a huge accomplishment and probably the best compliment I can give to their work. I appreciate their desire to make a numbered Final Fantasy as "Final Fantasy" as possible.

Right now, I'm having a lot of fun with the game, but it still feels like smart, talented people making the most out of unbalanced, limited resources. However, all their NEW ideas have been fantastic, so I'm extremely excited to see their vision come to life in 2.0 when it will be less weighed down by some of the creaky, old aspects of the original.

Ooh, one last thing, for Uematsu fans:
This is the dungeon theme.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

584th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(10):E3 ins and outs" , posted Fri 8 Jun 17:41post reply


When 11 and 14 launched, I really considered them an insult to the name "Final Fantasy." I mean, obviously 14 was a wreck, but 11 was like every other online tie-in that isn't any kind of reflection of the original. If you didn't think of 11 as an online game, saw pictures of it and heard "this is Final Fantasy 11" it would be a huge disappointment. More or less the same with 14 when it launched.

Maybe in the beginning for 11 - some iconic things like the classic black and red mage outfits or the elemental avatars, cactuars and tonberries only became available in the 1st expansion, Rise of the Zilart, which was the time when the game became available in english.

Although some things later in the game's life felt like tacked-on afterthoughts (mostly when they raised the level cap above 75 a couple of years ago), my experience with the game gives off a great feeling of things being very well thought out from the bottom up, with the concern of making a solid game and setting first, and a Final Fantasy flavor second.

XIV seems to be going through much of the same, but with a lot more things about it being changed from the initial version, some lessons from XI bearing more weight than others - ultimately, they decided the game needs to be dramatically dalamuded into shape, but the currently implemented improvements already make it a pretty decent FF with a flavor of its own.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"