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Nekros 463th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(3):E3 ins and outs" , posted Tue 5 Jun 19:04:    
Microsoft + Halo 4 is colorful + New tablet thing is interesting + Lara Croft redesign is very good + South Park creators and their trolling - tons of shooting games - too much U/C exclusive content - milking the same cows (FPSs, TPSs, Forza, Fable) and only teasing new franchises no one cares about - Husher
Not much focused on the games; they were present but the same old exclusives with a new number after the title.
EA + Need For Speed by Criterion - Basicly everything else
Too much self praise, no real surprises.
Ubisoft + Watch_Dogs (very promising!) + Assassin's Creed 3 (don't dig the setting so much and I'm still bored with the series, hope it will end with this) + Rayman WiiU (although I hate Rayman) - The host and her shooters praise - Shootmania
No great complaints here, it was a balanced conference.
Sony + The Last Of Us + Quantic Dream tech demo (I refuse to think this crap as a game, Cage products are the modern era equivalent of laser games and nothing more) + Show focused on games and gaming in general + White Vita is beautiful - PlayStation BUTTle Royale (Big Daddy? LOL, Bioshock wasn't even a Playstation game in the beginning) - We don't need another God Of War - Wonderbook, another of that typical Sony projects more good on the paper than effective on market. Waste of money. - Lack of Vita software
I liked the show more than Microsoft's. At least they showed something new (though leaked as hell).
The only real new game for now was Watch_Dogs, everything else was predictable or previously announced. Hope Iwata drops the bomb today :P
[this message was edited by Nekros on Tue 5 Jun 21:02] |
Loona 582th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
New Red Carpet Member
| "Re(7):E3 ins and outs" , posted Wed 6 Jun 04:58    
Well well well, FFXIV is getting Fenrir (feels more meaningful if you played XI), a GUI that looks more like SWTOR's, with current quests on screen and a couple of quickbars for skills (maybe WoW had that before, but I never played WoW), mandragoras (more FFXI callbacks), male cats (and the other missing sexes, but some in-game shots are nicer than concept artwork I've seen before), a mail system and associated inventory troubles (though XIV has been a lot more generous so far with inventory space than XI was), Chupon/Tuhonn (where's UltrosGilgamesh?), FFXI-style Cait Sith and maybe Odin.
The game's pretty playable nowadays, but this is encouraging stuff. Now if only they'd open server transfers...
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"
Pollyanna 3241th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):E3 ins and outs" , posted Fri 8 Jun 08:14    
Scarce few delights this year, but I was glad to see that The Last of Us and Revengeance look better actually being played than the do in trailer form. "This looks crazy" could be a compliment, but "this looks fun" is much better. Also...
Reposting Sfried's link from the Tekken thread about P-100
The trailer didn't sell me either, but seeing someone actually play it changed my mind. I'm so glad you posted this.
This was my only pleasant surprise from Nintendo's E3, showing, but I don't want to get into another argument about how awesome Nintendo is our isn't. To say something positive, though...Pikmin 3 really benefits from HD. Having the environments look so realistic adds a funny charm to the game. It reminds me of the real-life photos with Pikmin in them that were released with the earlier games.
quote: Well well well, FFXIV is getting Fenrir (feels more meaningful if you played XI), a GUI that looks more like SWTOR's, with current quests on screen and a couple of quickbars for skills (maybe WoW had that before, but I never played WoW), mandragoras (more FFXI callbacks), male cats (and the other missing sexes, but some in-game shots are nicer than concept artwork I've seen before), a mail system and associated inventory troubles (though XIV has been a lot more generous so far with inventory space than XI was), Chupon/Tuhonn (where's UltrosGilgamesh?), FFXI-style Cait Sith and maybe Odin.
The game's pretty playable nowadays, but this is encouraging stuff. Now if only they'd open server transfers...
I have nothing but positive things to say about the direction that FF14 has gone/is going, but I don't have much hope of anyone here becoming interested, so I haven't bothered ranting about it.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
Pollyanna 3242th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(9):E3 ins and outs" , posted Fri 8 Jun 11:15    
quote: Please don't hold back!
Two highlights.
Garuda intro
Boss battle theme with a team of moogles
quote: The only non-FF MMO I played was SWTOR, so I lack some perspective on the medium, but from from comments read all over the place, outside the inspiration 11 got from Everquest, the online FFs always seemed to be doing their own thing.
When 11 and 14 launched, I really considered them an insult to the name "Final Fantasy." I mean, obviously 14 was a wreck, but 11 was like every other online tie-in that isn't any kind of reflection of the original. If you didn't think of 11 as an online game, saw pictures of it and heard "this is Final Fantasy 11" it would be a huge disappointment. More or less the same with 14 when it launched. But when I look at the 14 2.0 screenshots and they say "this is the new Final Fantasy", it works. That's a huge accomplishment and probably the best compliment I can give to their work. I appreciate their desire to make a numbered Final Fantasy as "Final Fantasy" as possible.
Right now, I'm having a lot of fun with the game, but it still feels like smart, talented people making the most out of unbalanced, limited resources. However, all their NEW ideas have been fantastic, so I'm extremely excited to see their vision come to life in 2.0 when it will be less weighed down by some of the creaky, old aspects of the original.
Ooh, one last thing, for Uematsu fans: This is the dungeon theme.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
Loona 584th Post

PSN: IkariLoona XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
New Red Carpet Member
| "Re(10):E3 ins and outs" , posted Fri 8 Jun 17:41    
quote: When 11 and 14 launched, I really considered them an insult to the name "Final Fantasy." I mean, obviously 14 was a wreck, but 11 was like every other online tie-in that isn't any kind of reflection of the original. If you didn't think of 11 as an online game, saw pictures of it and heard "this is Final Fantasy 11" it would be a huge disappointment. More or less the same with 14 when it launched.
Maybe in the beginning for 11 - some iconic things like the classic black and red mage outfits or the elemental avatars, cactuars and tonberries only became available in the 1st expansion, Rise of the Zilart, which was the time when the game became available in english.
Although some things later in the game's life felt like tacked-on afterthoughts (mostly when they raised the level cap above 75 a couple of years ago), my experience with the game gives off a great feeling of things being very well thought out from the bottom up, with the concern of making a solid game and setting first, and a Final Fantasy flavor second.
XIV seems to be going through much of the same, but with a lot more things about it being changed from the initial version, some lessons from XI bearing more weight than others - ultimately, they decided the game needs to be dramatically dalamuded into shape, but the currently implemented improvements already make it a pretty decent FF with a flavor of its own.
"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"