Random News Thread Silent Spring Edition - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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928th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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"Random News Thread Silent Spring Edition" , posted Thu 17 May 01:22post reply

The old thread was getting pretty overweight, so I thought a new one was in order. Plus, I didn't want the weird embarrassment of triple posting.

With that out of the way, looks like the Dreamcast is getting one more release. You'll notice that I didn't say 'one last release' since I could swear I said that years ago about some other game. The dude programming it is from NG:DEV.TEAM, who made the phenomenal Last Hope and some others I haven't played, but from what I can tell it doesn't look like NG:DEV.TEAM is actually publishing it. Oh, and wasn't there a NeoGeo version of Last Hope?

Best of all, the Kickstarter has funded already, insuring that the game will be released. This is exciting news, to me, anyway.



416th Post

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"Re(1):Random News Thread Silent Spring Editio" , posted Fri 18 May 00:04post reply

Wow, my local arcade has really being doing his homework lately at least from this week they had announced

- DDR X2
- VIRTUA TENNIS 3 anD 4 (didn't know that 4 was released for arcade)

And I'm hyped to see more of them, at least I still had hope to see tt2 unlimited, but the game that really got me excited is technika 3, now I don't need a vita, or maybe I will love so much the game that I will end buying a vita

388th Post

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"Megaman Marathon for charity" , posted Fri 18 May 06:07post reply

What's up guys? Long time no post. Heard about a Megaman marathon starting tonight, they're gonna play Megaman 1-10, Megaman X 1-8, Megaman Zero 1-4 and Megaman Legends 1 and 2 back to back over 72 hours for charity. Sounds exciting - stream begins at 6pm eastern here.

2351th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Megaman masochism for charity" , posted Fri 18 May 06:33post reply

What's up guys? Long time no post. Heard about a Megaman marathon starting tonight, they're gonna play Megaman 1-10, Megaman X 1-8, Megaman Zero 1-4 and Megaman Legends 1 and 2 back to back over 72 hours for charity. Sounds exciting - stream begins at 6pm eastern here.

Welcome back to the stage of history!

I pity the executors of that brutal marathon: if they have to play X3, X6, X7, and X8, that'll be more like one of those "do something awful for charity" fundraisers!


389th Post

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"Re(2):Megaman masochism for charity" , posted Fri 18 May 10:45post reply

As of an hour ago when I left work they were still on the NES tier, clearing 2 or starting 3. Wish I had known about this earlier ... I'd have taken off the weekend!

672th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Megaman masochism for charity" , posted Fri 18 May 10:57post reply

I rise from my grave as well and come back to you at the turn of the tide, just to say that good ol' Tomonobu Itagaki's last project seems to be in serious trouble. Never been a huge fan of his games nor of his flamboyant antics, but I was rather curious to see how this Devil's Third turned out. So I'm kind of a sad panda right now.

red falcon
6108th Post

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PSN: Rugalbgood
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Megaman masochism for charity" , posted Sat 19 May 08:14post reply


I pity the executors of that brutal marathon: if they have to play X3,

Hey, X3 is the only X game I actually like! Ha ha ha.

2846th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Megaman Marathon for charity" , posted Sat 19 May 08:37post reply

What's up guys? Long time no post. Heard about a Megaman marathon starting tonight, they're gonna play Megaman 1-10, Megaman X 1-8, Megaman Zero 1-4 and Megaman Legends 1 and 2 back to back over 72 hours for charity. Sounds exciting - stream begins at 6pm eastern here.

No Rockman & Bass?

red falcon
6109th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Megaman masochism for charity" , posted Sat 19 May 08:46post reply

I rise from my grave as well...

Shouldn't we be turning in to wolfmen or punching zombies right now?

2353th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Megaman Marathon for charity" , posted Sat 19 May 12:57:post reply

Hey, X3 is the only X game I actually like! Ha ha ha.
Oh, sorry! If it's a Rugal favorite I should reconsider, but...! The music, like X2, is of such poor quality compared with the high quality composition and synth of X1, and all the "secrets" and alternate bosses just felt like they were trying to find something that would work. The terrible terrible fight in the secret stage against a resurrected Vava/Vile where you just jump from one side of the room to another as he punches the wall in his armor and then slides uselessly across to the other side to do the same thing, all to the sad sad excuse for boss music, sort of typifies the dismal memory I have of X3 not being any fun at all. Maybe it's just me, though!
No Rockman & Bass?
That would be fun! I like the inane boss music from that one, and Magic Man is charming! The teeth-gnashingly impossible "supertank" boss that keeps coming back to life would probably stop the marathon players in their tracks, though.


[this message was edited by Maou on Sat 19 May 12:58]

red falcon
6113th Post

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PSN: Rugalbgood
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Megaman Marathon for charity" , posted Sat 19 May 13:01:post reply

I think the music in X3 is hit or miss, but I really love it. It's very unique sounding for the Superfami... it's kind of an obscure example, but anyone ever hear of Bishin Zoku? Awful, awful game with good design work... and some decent music in parts that uses some similar sounds to the X3 ST. Come to think of it, I wrote up a big thing on that game on Giant Bomb before I got totally put off by the message board user base there, ha ha ha.

Also, how can you NOT like the name "Gravity Beetbood"?

Edit: Oh yeah, trivia time! Flame Mammoth = Burnin' Noumander... anyone ever wonder where the "Noumander" came from? Well, here you go!

[this message was edited by red falcon on Sat 19 May 13:05]

2354th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Icy Penguigo" , posted Sat 19 May 13:37:post reply

Also, how can you NOT like the name "Gravity Beetbood"?
Well-played, but my boy Boomer Kuwanger has his number!

I don't know, musically at least there's just nothing in X3 with the rich 80's rock sound you'd find in say Storm Eagle's stage, nor of the gloriously frenetic level design and sense of space in that same level as you progress from airport to airship.

The best musical tracks all seem to match the level of design, now that I think of it: there's nothing in X3 as well-done as the verticality of Boomer Kuwanger's stage nor its lengthy music. The Doppler stages last about 60 sections to slummy music, and in contrast you have X1's first Sigma Stage, a long, exciting set-piece in three acts with this elegy-like music. Even the boss explosions and their sound effects are better! There's just such a gap between the two, it seems to me.


[this message was edited by Maou on Sat 19 May 13:46]

9333th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Icy Penguigo" , posted Sat 19 May 18:51post reply

Wait, people don't like X2 ? It's my favourite X game (a series which I don't like that much compared to the regular one. If I wanted to read about sero's scenario and rivalry-friendship woes, I would just read a random shônen Jump).
Overdrive/Sonic Ostrich> everything and anything else.

568th Post

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"Re(2):Icy Penguigo" , posted Mon 21 May 19:14post reply

This doesn't quite fit in the non-gaming random thread, so it goes here: Udon bothered to translate and release a Captain Commando manga - depite the game being 18 years old, not having sequels, and at most getting 3 appearances in crossover games (and MvC2 barely counts since it was basically recycling MvC1 work).

It doesn't take itself too seriously, given the source material - think Batman x Iron Man x tokusatsu stuff (years ago I'd have said Sailor Moon, due to the way he introduces himself sometimes - nowadays Rom Stoll is more likely to come to mind, damn you /m/). I also love the schematics page: Captain Gauntlet, Captain Hands, Captain Brain, Captain Bones, etc...

I wonder how much of it is canon though - it states the events take place in Metro City in 2026 and that Ginzu from the Bushin Ryu clan, which IIRC is Guy's - considering Guy is part of the Captain Commando team attacks in NxC, it wouldn't surprise me, but maybe the NxC just liked the comic, there can't be that much CC material out there to draw plot from.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

390th Post

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"Re(3):Icy Penguigo" , posted Tue 22 May 01:35post reply

Whaaaat?! F'in sweet! I love me some CapCom. Gotta track this down. I do remember Sho being the Bushinryu successor, but damned if I could name a source. The Metro City thing is new (well...) as far as I know, but that just lends to long-held fanon theory that the Baby was descended/cloned from a certain Mayor...

931th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):CHANGE COMMANDO!" , posted Tue 22 May 02:02post reply

Also, how can you NOT like the name "Gravity Beetbood"?

Well-played, but my boy Boomer Kuwanger has his number!

Man, the boss-naming in the X series is almost as musically wonderful as the stage-naming in the early Sonic games! Boomer Kuwanger-- it's just fun to say out loud, even!

Captain Commando

Wha, that's... that's... wow! This ups my already pretty good appreciation for Udon considerably. I always loved the character (especially his pre-fight poses in MvC) and thought that he had gotten the short-shrift in terms of a sequel or some kind of additional appearance, although I'm pretty sure he was largely the inspiration for C. Viper. The Metro City connection makes plenty of sense when you think about it! Although I guess there's no way to infer it from the games-- this can hardly be correlated to this, after all.


570th Post

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"Re(4):Icy Penguigo" , posted Tue 22 May 02:37post reply

I do remember Sho being the Bushinryu successor, but damned if I could name a source.

Maybe there was some Japan-only book or leaflet with info like that? There's a little omake comic at the end where the characters are answering questions, one of them referencing how Mack/Jehuty (despite his odd design, he's drawn to like like the coolest character, I think giving him a jacket in most scenes helped) is supposed to be the guardian of some grave, and the question is whose grave is it, so I figure that must be based on some factoid mentioned in whatever could have also mentioned Sho/Ginzu's ninja lineage.

There's something similar about Hoover/ Baby Head (I do hate this stupid western name.... at most it should be a nickname for his mech or something...) being able to speak hundreds of languages or so which must have a similar origin.

The comic also names the captain's civilian alter ego, something I have no idea if capcom themselves ever bothered to define.

I really should bother to read that NxC transcript at Gamefaqs, that's the most text any game must have had coming out of the Captain team's mouths, there could be clues there.

The Metro City thing is new (well...) as far as I know, but that just lends to long-held fanon theory that the Baby was descended/cloned from a certain Mayor...

Even if the in-game maps don't match, they're so broad (well, at least Metro City's is) that maybe all landmarks are plausible by taking different paths, and taking into account a 40-year difference.

Mike Haggar wasn't known for his tech savvy, if the theory was about Dr Light or some Tron Bonne ancestor it might be easier to swallow... Hoover and Tron do have a team attack in NxC...

Now that I think about it, Captain and Bravoman probably should have been given a team attack in that game too, but I guess they already had other teams to work with. I do love Namco for bothering with at much as they did, especially all the obscure characters they dug up - hopefully there'll still be some interesting surprises in Project X Zone.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

4384th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Icy Penguigo" , posted Tue 22 May 06:55post reply

I rise from my grave as well and come back to you at the turn of the tide, just to say that good ol' Tomonobu Itagaki's last project seems to be in serious trouble. Never been a huge fan of his games nor of his flamboyant antics, but I was rather curious to see how this Devil's Third turned out. So I'm kind of a sad panda right now.

That's too bad but considering the way that THQ has been bleeding money I can't say I'm surprised. Maybe Itagaki can get a speaking part in Saints Row 4 to help pay for Devil's Third?

I am, however, surprised at a Captain Commando manga getting translated in 2012!

I do remember Sho being the Bushinryu successor, but damned if I could name a source.

Maybe there was some Japan-only book or leaflet with info like that?

On an old poster illustration by CRMK -which I can't find online at the moment- there's bios of the characters that lists Sho's Bushinryu's credentials. Then again, I'm not sure if that's canon or if there is anything resembling canon in CC. I sort of doubt there's some deep backstory to CC that I haven't known about for all these years.

776th Post

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"Re(6):What is an Igavania?" , posted Tue 22 May 10:50post reply

New 2D Castlevania...supposedly from Mercury Steam?

(Had to link GAF. Apparently Konami didn't like the article.)

Still, what happened to IGA?

2354th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):What is an Igavania?" , posted Tue 22 May 14:00post reply

Still, what happened to IGA?

Um, I think he got "soft-fired" (i.e. the same way Sakaguchi Hironobu did when he got shipped off to Square's Honolulu office) when Konami realized, seven shoddy Metroidvanias later, that it was maybe Hagihara Tooru who made Dracula X~Nocturne in the Moonlight good. He was already gone for Lords of Shadow, after all!


424th Post

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"Re(8):What is an Igavania?" , posted Tue 22 May 14:34post reply

Still, what happened to IGA?
Um, I think he got "soft-fired" (i.e. the same way Sakaguchi Hironobu did when he got shipped off to Square's Honolulu office) when Konami realized, seven shoddy Metroidvanias later, that it was maybe Hagihara Tooru who made Dracula X~Nocturne in the Moonlight good. He was already gone for Lords of Shadow, after all!

I had been playing Dracula X Chronicles on my PSP and Chronicles on the PS3 thanks to the plus suscription. This last onth I had been wondering, When will Konami release a proper castlevania and not yet another metroidvania? At least even though SOTN is maybe the best castlevania, I still prefer the older games than the subsequent sequels released at the GBA and DS

Harmony of Despair is fun for a while, but I still miss those games with precise jumps and avoiding projectiles with a precise whip

2356th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):What is an Igavania?" , posted Tue 22 May 16:08:post reply

Harmony of Despair is fun for a while
hahahaha I don't think that has been said about that game, ever.

edit: oh wait I thought you meant "Harmony of Dissonance" or whatever they called "Concerto of the Midnight Sun."


[this message was edited by Maou on Wed 23 May 01:41]

675th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(4):Megaman masochism for charity" , posted Tue 22 May 17:20post reply

I rise from my grave as well...

Shouldn't we be turning in to wolfmen or punching zombies right now?

You read my mind, man!

I was also thinking about throwing in some witty (?) Castlevanic reference about sending the undead back to their graves or whatever, just to cope with the obligatory Castlevania quota that every random thread must fill... But luckily Sfried has saved me the trouble!

778th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(9):A cesspit of backtracking and lies!" , posted Tue 22 May 21:35:post reply

When will Konami release a proper castlevania and not yet another metroidvania? At least even though SOTN is maybe the best castlevania, I still prefer the older games than the subsequent sequels released at the GBA and DS

Order of Ecclesia was the closest we got to a "Classicvania"

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
before it copped out and said "nope, here's your Metroidvania segment for all you classic style haters" towards the latter half

End of Spoiler

but I would agree that they need to stop trying to live in the shadow of SOTN.

I was recently playing Monster World IV on Virtual Console and thought a "soft Metroidvania" (less focus on backtracking, more emphasis on action) would be the best bet for a new 2D Castlevania game. Even something as completely different as Kid Icarus Uprising, which walled-off segments after you've reached a checkpoint, basically forced players to move forward lest they try to restart the level. I felt that this aspect could really come in handy when trying to recreate the linear (but branching) nature of older Castlevania games in 3D without having to resort to endless backtracking.

Still, your best bet is Order of Ecclesia. It's one of the better Castlevanias in terms of classic feel and difficulty, and not to mention fairly anti-grindy. It pains me when people in forums try to grind their way just to plow through the next boss, but I take comforting in the fact knowing this game will have you learning to use that dodge button quickly if you don't want to have you butt kicked.

I'm willing to give Mercury Steam a benefit of a doubt with this venture considering how Wayforward did Contra 4 and and Griptonite handled Shinobi (in the gameplay department).

[this message was edited by sfried on Tue 22 May 21:43]

392th Post

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"Re(10):A cesspit of backtracking and lies!" , posted Wed 23 May 08:00post reply

I wouldn't mind seeing them do a new 2D CV ... IF they tie it back in to the greater CV mythos and dump the abortion that is Lords of Shadow's storyline. What I enjoyed most about Iga's run was the constant links and references to past games in the series ... for example that moment in SotN where Maria asks Alucard if he knows about the Belmonts and he pictures Trevor's NES sprite in his head. All those little moments like that really rewarded longtime fans of the series.

933th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(10):A cesspit of backtracking and lies!" , posted Wed 23 May 09:43post reply

I would agree that they need to stop trying to live in the shadow of SOTN.

As much as I'm part of the problem (let's face it, as much as I may grouse, I'll by whatever they release) I have always agreed with this. SOTN was great precisely because it took the series in a completely different but completely awesome direction from the previous games, but a change would be great.

The problem is I'd love it to be 2D but I'm a little bit as a loss as to how they could change things up and still appeal to modern players.

I was recently playing Monster World IV on Virtual Console and thought a "soft Metroidvania" (less focus on backtracking, more emphasis on action) would be the best bet for a new 2D Castlevania game. Even something as completely different as Kid Icarus Uprising, which walled-off segments after you've reached a checkpoint, basically forced players to move forward lest they try to restart the level. I felt that this aspect could really come in handy when trying to recreate the linear (but branching) nature of older Castlevania games in 3D without having to resort to endless backtracking.

That's a really good way of describing MWIV, and I think you're right about its potential as a style for a new Castlevania. I was thinking it would be good to revisit the style of Rondo of Blood, where it's still linear, but with branching paths, where maybe one path is cut off when another is chosen. Truthfully I'd be happy even to get a sequel to Ecclesia, which I guess isn't completely out of the realm of possibility.


4386th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):A cesspit of DD" , posted Thu 24 May 22:13post reply

A few random thoughts about Dragon's Dogma.

The music that plays when the game boots up is a welcome surprise. I hope the game randomly pulls out similar tracks during boss fights.

Out of all the different aspects of the game I still need to figure out one of the most important is I need to learn is how long a lantern can burn for. I've found I've been hoarding extra oil just in case I get stuck in the dark. Things get mean in DD when the lights go out and the last thing I want to do is not have any way of seeing.

I've found I can pick up rabbits and carry them around until they squirm free. At one point I tried to use a rabbit to play catch with my pawn but that didn't work out too well for the rabbit.

Speaking of pawns, I like the way the pawn system works. Not only do they seem to know they are video game characters but the pawns act with the ruthless selfishness that you need to win at a game. In other words, they steal everything that's not nailed to the floor. I can't take them into town without them looting houses and busting up every crate they see.

It's also dawned on me that my pawn is actually the main character. After my pawn came back from some grand adventure she had been having in some other party I realized that my pawn is going to be playing the game more than I am.

The only problem I've come across is that while I was amused by the idea of being able to create a young character as a pawn most everybody else online seems to have had the same idea. In one way this is fun since I can now lead a children's crusade to go kill a troll or something equally insane. This also means, however, that my poor pawn doesn't stand out much when she's online. In hindsight I should have modeled my pawn after Cee Lo Green just so they would have had a more unique look.

937th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):Re(10):A cesspit of DD" , posted Thu 24 May 22:43post reply

Speaking of pawns, I like the way the pawn system works. Not only do they seem to know they are video game characters but the pawns act with the ruthless selfishness that you need to win at a game. In other words, they steal everything that's not nailed to the floor. I can't take them into town without them looting houses and busting up every crate they see.

I'm intrigued to see this at work in greater detail. It seemed that it might be the case in the demo, but... cool!

The only problem I've come across is that while I was amused by the idea of being able to create a young character as a pawn most everybody else online seems to have had the same idea. In one way this is fun since I can now lead a children's crusade to go kill a troll or something equally insane. This also means, however, that my poor pawn doesn't stand out much when she's online. In hindsight I should have modeled my pawn after Cee Lo Green just so they would have had a more unique look.

It's great to see that I'm able to make a pawn who looks exactly like my mom. How many games let you do that? Speaking of children, are smaller pawns weaker than bigger?


3228th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):A cesspit of DD" , posted Fri 25 May 02:41post reply

I was thinking it would be good to revisit the style of Rondo of Blood, where it's still linear, but with branching paths, where maybe one path is cut off when another is chosen. Truthfully I'd be happy even to get a sequel to Ecclesia, which I guess isn't completely out of the realm of possibility.

Rondo is still my all-time favorite, but Ecclesia is totally #2. I've been reasonably satisfied with every "metroidvania", but Ecclesia was the first one that really hit a home run in my opinion. Pity they kind of stopped after they finally got everything right.

Hmmm...I kind of want to play Harmony of Despair now. It's a good quick fix for Castlevania withdrawal.

Speaking of children, are smaller pawns weaker than bigger?

Larger characters can hold more, but get their stamina back slower.

There are so many things I like about this game, but the fact that most of your time is spent running running running to get from point A to point B sours the entire experience. I need a horse. Maybe there's a more viable teleporting option later? Anything!

I once threw one of my pawns into a fountain. He said "soaked to the bone!" but picked up a bunch of coins while he was in there. Man, I've got that guy whipped.

I wish the pawns would talk about DLC and suggest you buy some, just to rub it in your face THAT MUCH MORE. "Two dollars is but a trifling price!" "Surely, there are more quests to be found on the Playstation Network!" I would have to draw the line at "Have you played Street Figher X Tekken? I heard it's good!" though. That would just take me out of the experience.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

4387th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):A cesspit of DD" , posted Fri 25 May 12:38post reply

I wish the pawns would talk about DLC and suggest you buy some, just to rub it in your face THAT MUCH MORE. "Two dollars is but a trifling price!" "Surely, there are more quests to be found on the Playstation Network!" I would have to draw the line at "Have you played Street Figher X Tekken? I heard it's good!" though. That would just take me out of the experience.

For me, nothing will ever beat the first Dragon Age game where you could come across a guy who wouldn't talk to you unless you bought a DLC quest. That's the first time I've ever seen such a blatant in-game ad.

In other news, Max Anarchy is still looking nuts.

457th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(7):What is an Igavania?" , posted Sat 26 May 00:37post reply

New 2D Castlevania...supposedly from Mercury Steam?

(Had to link GAF. Apparently Konami didn't like the article.)

Still, what happened to IGA?

Maybe he'll be the supervisor or general producer. Like KojiPro did with LOS. Btw, a sequel to LOS is coming to PS360 and WiiU.
Not that I don't trust Mercury Steam, but to me the only western studio cabable of doing a Metrovania is Epic (see Shadow Complex). With the right Japanese supervision it could be possible, but more hard to achieve than a 3D gritty reboot like LOS.

2310th Post

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"Sword and Sworcery" , posted Sat 26 May 02:05post reply

Finally sat down and played this, after it was released on PC last month.

It's incredibly beautiful and the way the lush audio is matched to what is happening on screen is wonderful. It's quite short, and what gameplay is there might feel too thin, but the other way to look at it is that for less than $9 on Steam you get an awesome soundtrack and a gorgeously drawn and colored interactive experience to go with it.

It's also made by Canadians.

2851th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):A cesspit of DD" , posted Sat 26 May 04:39:post reply


In other news, Max Anarchy is still looking nuts.


I suppose this means it could be moved up, but I wouldn't hold my breath

[this message was edited by Gojira on Sat 26 May 04:43]

939th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(7):Re(10):A cesspit of DD" , posted Sat 26 May 04:49:post reply


In other news, Max Anarchy is still looking nuts.


I suppose this means it could be moved up, but I wouldn't hold my breath

It's pretty funny how even a 404 Not Found on IGN presents the viewer with an ad first!

Hum, actually, looks like the whole site's content DB is down. All the ads still work though!

EDIT: Working now. I wouldn't be surprised if the JP version might have English menus when played on a US region PS3. Anybody else have experience with this kind of thing?

Oh, also: Jet Set Radio is coming to PSVita! There's some good news to counteract the bad.


[this message was edited by karasu99 on Sat 26 May 04:59]

1391th Post

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PSN: Hunter-KT
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"Re(8):Re(10):A cesspit of DD" , posted Sat 26 May 05:59post reply

Oh, also: Jet Set Radio is coming to PSVita! There's some good news to counteract the bad.

This will speed up my eventual Vita purchase.

Also I'm super excited about the possibility of a new ZOE game: http://news.dengeki.com/elem/000/000/489/489356/

It will also be nice to play the originals at 60fps with a new opening by Sunrise, and wide screen and all that. ZOE2 was one of my favorite games back in the day.

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

1062th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(9):Re(10):A cesspit of DD" , posted Sat 26 May 13:59:post reply

Oh, also: Jet Set Radio is coming to PSVita! There's some good news to counteract the bad.

This will speed up my eventual Vita purchase.

Also I'm super excited about the possibility of a new ZOE game: http://news.dengeki.com/elem/000/000/489/489356/

It will also be nice to play the originals at 60fps with a new opening by Sunrise, and wide screen and all that. ZOE2 was one of my favorite games back in the day.

So ... beautiful.


The new look...

... reminds me very much of Takayuki Takeya's take on Dunbine:

I'm super duper stoked for this!


[this message was edited by nobinobita on Sat 26 May 14:02]

778th Post

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PSN: My3DSFriendCode
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"Re(8):What is an Igavania?" , posted Wed 30 May 03:28post reply


Maybe he'll be the supervisor or general producer. Like KojiPro did with LOS. Btw, a sequel to LOS is coming to PS360 and WiiU.
Not that I don't trust Mercury Steam, but to me the only western studio cabable of doing a Metrovania is Epic (see Shadow Complex). With the right Japanese supervision it could be possible, but more hard to achieve than a 3D gritty reboot like LOS.

Epic? You mean Chair? Yeah, their Metroidvania fans alright, but not as much as Wayforward. Their work on Aliens: Infestation for DS was commendable.

393th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(9):What is an Igavania?" , posted Wed 30 May 06:37post reply

Opinions diverge on Igavanias. For some, they're the best things since sliced bread. For others, it's a low-budget cash-grab that recycles sprites from 1996. I always thought they were pretty good.

And you know what else, I finally started playing Pandora's Tower, and aside from it being awesome .. I would love to see these guys tackle a Castlevania game. It already seems to tread the line between, I dunno, Devil May Cry and the 2 PS2 CVs? All it's really missing so far is some Medusa Heads and a pointless resurrection of Dracula.

(I'm only 3 towers in so far, so please don't spoil it for me if these things actually show up. Guy can hope, right?)

394th Post

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"CV:LOS:Mirror of Fate pix" , posted Wed 30 May 07:37post reply



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"Re(1):CV:LOS:Mirror of Fate pix" , posted Wed 30 May 10:34post reply

ShiftyLook announces they're doing a Valkyrie webcomic - considering the site was basically set up to promote old Namco IPs in the west and that Valkyrie is confirmed for Project X Zone, I wonder this means most of the ones already on the site will make it to the game (most were in NxC), how how likely this makes it that the game will be released in English.

That bein said, after going through a fair chunk of the NxC script and doing a little research of my own on some of the series, I can't say I like the site's take on some of the IPs, but at least Namco's bothering to try make their stuff known, that much I can respect. As for PXZ, Monolith Soft already had 3 games to refine those mechanics they originally used in NxC (with the 2 Endless Frontier games), so I'm hoping that adds up to a better game.

I wonder what would it take for SNKP to endorse something like this Namco webcomic initiative...

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

3229th Post

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"Re(1):CV:LOS:Mirror of Fate pix" , posted Wed 30 May 10:56post reply



My concern is that we now have a title...colon...title...dash...title. What if they make a sequel? With it have a numerical, then another colon, then another title? Nothing is ever just "2" anymore.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

781th Post

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"Re(3):Megaten 4 3DS" , posted Wed 30 May 12:22:post reply



My concern is that we now have a title...colon...title...dash...title. What if they make a sequel? With it have a numerical, then another colon, then another title? Nothing is ever just "2" anymore.

Rumor has it it will return to a more Classicvania style approach. But I agree sequel naming conventions need to be better. That said, wouldn't mind if every installment has their own original subtitle instead of a numbered installment (happened already post-Rondo), instead of a mix of numeral and subtitle (like XIII-2, BW2).

Speaking of numeral titles, Latest Famitsu reveals Megaten IV 3DS. Guess we were wrong to assume Strange Journey was 4.

Edit: Argh. 4 not VI.

[this message was edited by sfried on Wed 30 May 12:46]

676th Post

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"Re(1):CV:LOS:Mirror of Fate pix" , posted Wed 30 May 14:18post reply



More info here. Sounds like a Metroidvania all right, but at least I'm happy they're bringing back Simon and Trevor. A story/timeline reboot for the Castlevania universe might not be a bad idea.

781th Post

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"Re(2):CV:LOS:Mirror of Fate pix" , posted Wed 30 May 14:24post reply

Sounds like a Metroidvania all right, but at least I'm happy they're bringing back Simon and Trevor. A story/timeline reboot for the Castlevania universe might not be a bad idea.

From what I was hearing, it was more Classic than Metroidvania. But that was the rumor...

3232th Post

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"Re(4):Megaten 4 3DS" , posted Wed 30 May 18:24:post reply


Speaking of numeral titles, Latest Famitsu reveals Megaten IV 3DS. Guess we were wrong to assume Strange Journey was 4.

And speaking of numbered sequels, it drives me nuts when they do a sequel on a lower-spec system than its predecessor. (KOF 14 will be back on Neo-Geo!)

Still, I realize that Persona is the money maker now and doing a lower-budget SMT on a popular system is a safe (and probably smart) decision. I just hope it isn't an excuse to use the same damned sprites. A sequel they really put their heart into on any system is great, but going lower-spec AND recycling is no good. Still the 3DS has enough momentum now to warrant a little bit of optimism in terms of what they might be putting into the project.

Then again, I don't know why they would announce this so shortly after the Soul Hackers remake and compete with themselves.

Agh...if they have the same sprites, I'm gonna be so sad.

EDIT: On a 100% positive dungeon crawling note, I'm thrilled to see a sequel to Unchained Blades announced! With Uematsu's band doing the soundtrack! YEEEE!

I recommend the first game to any dungeon crawling, Lunar or Grandia fans with a slight masochistic streak, by the way! I think the English 3DS release is coming soon?

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Wed 30 May 18:37]

5647th Post

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"Su perro" , posted Thu 31 May 01:14post reply

A little bit of a break from the Megane talk, and I know that this isn't that appreciated here, but for the looks of it, the latest Su Perro bot wars changed from TBA to japanese winter (December 2012 ~ March 2013) , it even got a Famitsu article. Ikezawa Haruna (who usually banters how she loves SRW and who we know by post 98' Athena) got a part in the game, so props to her.

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 23 as of 20/11/11

2358th Post

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"Re(5):Megaten 4 3DS" , posted Thu 31 May 02:04post reply

I recommend the first game to any dungeon crawling, Lunar or Grandia fans with a slight masochistic streak
Hello! You summoned me? I do believe you have included all of my favorite things in one sentence. If I can basically finally play Fuurai and Lunar at the exact same time without needing a secretary, I will be happy indeed.


782th Post

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"Re(5):Megaten 4 3DS" , posted Thu 31 May 03:05post reply

I recommend the first game to any dungeon crawling, Lunar or Grandia fans with a slight masochistic streak, by the way! I think the English 3DS release is coming soon?

Yup. From what I hear it will be the first completely digital retail release for the eShop.

Though I'm sick and tired about people complaining about it on a "lower spec" system. The 3DS has a pretty hefty feature set and is able to pull off some effects that even the Vita might have trouble pulling off in large doses (since most of them are built-in to the chip). I'm also assuming they will make large use of StreetPass/SpotPass features to exchange demons.

However you'll be pleased to know that due to the 3DS's odd resolution, I'm pretty sure they will have to redo the sprites anyway, unless they've gone the Etrian Odyssey VI route and replaced them with nicely animated polygonal representations (because 3D and all).

Speaking of which, looking back at the interviews Kazuya Niinou did back when SQ was first release, and its quite surprising how many of the 1st person dungeon crawlers have caught on.

Hello! You summoned me? I do believe you have included all of my favorite things in one sentence. If I can basically finally play Fuurai and Lunar at the exact same time without needing a secretary, I will be happy indeed.

I wonder what do people think of the (Summon Night) Swordcraft Story games? They were basically dungeon crawlers with an interesting Tales of-esqu combat system.

9337th Post

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"Re(5):Megaten 4 3DS" , posted Thu 31 May 03:22post reply

And speaking of numbered sequels, it drives me nuts when they do a sequel on a lower-spec system than its predecessor. (KOF 14 will be back on Neo-Geo!)

Is the 3DS really that weak? Would it be totally out of question for them to reuse the PS2 models? On the other hand, that might make it difficult to read on a tiny screen... Or maybe have the fight happen like in Sekaijû 4, enemies in 3D, allies off-screen, and regular DQ-like combat like in all games?

My biggest gripe is that while Strange Journey was all cute and all, I didn't feel the need of it being on DS (2 screens, touch screen... It could have been on PS1). I'd be sad if the serious, numbered 4 ended up feeling like a cheap port...

On the other hand, if the game allows Mara-sama to jump out of the screen in augmented reality 3D, I'm probably...
... not going to finish that sentence.

784th Post

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"Re(6):Megaten 4 3DS" , posted Thu 31 May 04:04:post reply

Is the 3DS really that weak? Would it be totally out of question for them to reuse the PS2 models? On the other hand, that might make it difficult to read on a tiny screen... Or maybe have the fight happen like in Sekaijû 4, enemies in 3D, allies off-screen, and regular DQ-like combat like in all games?
Once again, the 3DS is not weak. Play Resident Evil: Relevations or Kid Icarus: Uprising and you'll be surprised at what the system can pull off.

Sekaijû 4 actually has party members appear on-screen while giving commands (like its previous installments, and this is intentional). The very fact some people were nervous about them using polygon enemies shows that there is still love devoted towards great sprite art, abeit a devoted niche.
My biggest gripe is that while Strange Journey was all cute and all, I didn't feel the need of it being on DS (2 screens, touch screen... It could have been on PS1). I'd be sad if the serious, numbered 4 ended up feeling like a cheap port...
Considering 1st person dungeon crawlers were largely successful on the DS it would make sense, and I do not feel SJ was a "cheap port". It it were on HD systems, I doubt the mainstream would take kindly to the fact that it is in (limited) 1st person view, and would've required more resources to create something to the scale that they would've wanted to convey.
On the other hand, if the game allows Mara-sama to jump out of the screen in augmented reality 3D, I'm probably...
... not going to finish that sentence.

Well, as if Senran Kagura hasn't put shameless use of the 3D AR yet, I'm sure a Mara the size of Tetsujin 28 wouldn't be at all that surprising.

[this message was edited by sfried on Thu 31 May 04:07]

3232th Post

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"Re(6):Megaten 4 3DS" , posted Thu 31 May 05:59post reply


Is the 3DS really that weak? Would it be totally out of question for them to reuse the PS2 models? On the other hand, that might make it difficult to read on a tiny screen... Or maybe have the fight happen like in Sekaijû 4, enemies in 3D, allies off-screen, and regular DQ-like combat like in all games?

I never used the word "weak". I said "lowER spec". It isn't about the 3DS, it's point of comparison. And yeah, I'm sure it would be capable of what you mentioned, though I wonder if I would be more loathe to see those renders again or see the same sprites again.

I don't think the 3DS resolution would necessarily be a deterrent, since they would be taking them from illustrations. Isn't that what they did in Strange Journey? Or is my memory failing me?

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

1064th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(6):Megaten 4 3DS" , posted Thu 31 May 06:00post reply


On the other hand, if the game allows Mara-sama to jump out of the screen in augmented reality 3D, I'm probably...
... not going to finish that sentence.


9338th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Megaten 4 3DS" , posted Thu 31 May 06:07post reply

I was more thinking of something like this.

784th Post

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PSN: My3DSFriendCode
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"Re(8):Megaten 4 3DS" , posted Thu 31 May 07:32post reply

I was more thinking of something like this.

I guess you didn't get what I was insinuating...not that it matters.
And yeah, I'm sure it would be capable of what you mentioned, though I wonder if I would be more loathe to see those renders again or see the same sprites again.

I don't think the 3DS resolution would necessarily be a deterrent, since they would be taking them from illustrations. Isn't that what they did in Strange Journey? Or is my memory failing me?

Strange Journey had animated sprites, so I do believe they would have to use more than one frame of reference so to speak. That said, with SQs jump to poly enemies, I wouldn't be surprised if it did have fully modeled demons based on the illustrations.

1065th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(9):Megaten 4 3DS" , posted Thu 31 May 07:46post reply

I was more thinking of something like this.
I guess you didn't get what I was insinuating...not that it matters.
And yeah, I'm sure it would be capable of what you mentioned, though I wonder if I would be more loathe to see those renders again or see the same sprites again.

I don't think the 3DS resolution would necessarily be a deterrent, since they would be taking them from illustrations. Isn't that what they did in Strange Journey? Or is my memory failing me?
Strange Journey had animated sprites, so I do believe they would have to use more than one frame of reference so to speak. That said, with SQs jump to poly enemies, I wouldn't be surprised if it did have fully modeled demons based on the illustrations.

Sprites or 3d, I just want Kazuma Kaneko at the helm providing amazing art direction and mood.

I'm a bit worried at the moment as the teaser art on the website looks very generically brushy and digital speed painterly.


2313th Post

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"Re(10):Megaten 4 3DS" , posted Thu 31 May 09:15post reply

When I think about it, the biggest improvements to SMT and Persona don't seem directly attributed to Kaneko. He's still credited mostly with character and monster design, but the big huge improvements in interface, environment design, and general look and feel seem kind of divorced from him.

So while Kaneko's characters are this cornerstone for the way a lot of important stuff looks, I think I'm actually more interested in who else does it. In fact, if Kaneko wasn't involved in it at all... I wonder what it would be like.

785th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Megaten 4 3DS" , posted Thu 31 May 10:56post reply

So while Kaneko's characters are this cornerstone for the way a lot of important stuff looks, I think I'm actually more interested in who else does it. In fact, if Kaneko wasn't involved in it at all... I wonder what it would be like.

I think Kaneko's artstyle, in general, has evolved over time too. Take these old designs from Soul Hackers, for instance, and compare them with these new ones for the 3DS remake. Of course, you can see some Masayuki Doi(Persona/Catherine artist?) influences in there as well with the shading. Given how every SMT had a distinct look I'm sure this won't be different, but at the same time I would give them some leeway to branch out.

1067th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):Re(10):Megaten 4 3DS" , posted Fri 1 Jun 10:41:post reply

Hehe sorry to come off as a Negative Nelly. (Really! It's kind of embarrassing coming back to some of my posts sometimes)

In my mind the MegaTen games are insperable from Kaneko, in the same way Final Fantasy used to be inseparable from Amano.

When I think about it, the biggest improvements to SMT and Persona don't seem directly attributed to Kaneko. He's still credited mostly with character and monster design, but the big huge improvements in interface, environment design, and general look and feel seem kind of divorced from him.

As far as I know, Kaneko usually does more than just character design. He's often the art director, and he's usually involved in coming up with the scenario itself.

Here's a quote of his from a great GamaSutra interview:

" I'm involved in the process from the very beginning, figuring out the scenario and all that."

From here:

I think Kaneko's artstyle, in general, has evolved over time too. Take these old designs from Soul Hackers, for instance, and compare them with these new ones for the 3DS remake. Of course, you can see some Masayuki Doi(Persona/Catherine artist?) influences in there as well with the shading. Given how every SMT had a distinct look I'm sure this won't be different, but at the same time I would give them some leeway to branch out.

That's a big part of what I look forward to with each new MegaTen. As you've pointed out, Kaneko's style has evolved greatly over time (way back in the day he was very Tetsuo Hara influenced!). I'm constantly looking forward to what he's going to do next.

My main concern with the teaser image on the website is just that I personally don't like how digital speed paintings look. They take a great deal of skill and they're super useful, I just don't like how they end up looking like collages. I doubt the final game will look anything like that though. It's probably there for texture to convey the feeling of a story still in development.


[this message was edited by nobinobita on Fri 1 Jun 10:46]

4390th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):Megaten 4 3DS" , posted Fri 1 Jun 22:49post reply

Thank you to Grave's pawn for being a big help in taking down a chimera in Dragon's Dogma. No thank you to Grave's pawn for later rolling a boulder over me when I was trying to scout out the slope of a hill.

A new MG: Revengeance trailer has popped up. There's a bit of gameplay footage but the trailer mostly seems to exist to showcase Depeche Mode and cyber ninja platform shoes. Here I thought that Platnium could not get any more camp than they had with Bayonetta.

939th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):Megaten 4 3DS" , posted Sat 2 Jun 01:36post reply

Thank you to Grave's pawn for being a big help in taking down a chimera in Dragon's Dogma. No thank you to Grave's pawn for later rolling a boulder over me when I was trying to scout out the slope of a hill.

Jerk! You made me laugh while I was drinking coffee!

A new MG: Revengeance trailer has popped up. There's a bit of gameplay footage but the trailer mostly seems to exist to showcase Depeche Mode and cyber ninja platform shoes. Here I thought that Platnium could not get any more camp than they had with Bayonetta.

These are all excellent signs. With the bleeding tank at the beginning and the weird-looking gameplay it's shaping up to be my favorite Metal Gear already! Although... I'm crossing my fingers that all those crazy actions won't be accomplished exclusively through QTEs. If they avoid that, I suspect I'll love it!


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"MGSRR" , posted Sat 2 Jun 02:41post reply

In the worst-case scenario, the game will be the greatest spiritual sequel to Ninja Blade ever.

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"Re(1):MGSRR" , posted Sat 2 Jun 02:52post reply

MGSRRRRrrr is kind of cool. But something about the running seems off. I've seen footage that looks a lot better. I think at 60fps it will be more forgivable.

It seems like the standard "hit a guy until his health drops to a certain level -> QTE kill". Hopefully the cutting freedom isn't just for show, but is actually useful.

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

459th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(2):MGSRR" , posted Sat 2 Jun 04:00post reply

MGSRRRRrrr is kind of cool. But something about the running seems off. I've seen footage that looks a lot better. I think at 60fps it will be more forgivable.

It seems like the standard "hit a guy until his health drops to a certain level -> QTE kill". Hopefully the cutting freedom isn't just for show, but is actually useful.

Seems better than NG3. Depeche Mode and "blade time" (can't say it's proper bullet time with swords) also help.
But my attention got caught by this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QE0E46DumkA Maybe something new now that Gabriel resembles more Vlad, high hopes for gameplay changes involving vampire powers.
Also, the new game for 3DS will be shown and will be a part of the LOS saga (not Igavania, sadly) with our favourites Nes' Vampire Killers. I have only seen a blurry screenshot and it didn't impress me, but I'm sure too pissed about it not being a 2D Japanese Castlevania to see something interesting for now.

9340th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"MXNRCHYgrrrrrrrrr" , posted Sat 2 Jun 04:49post reply

The demo of Max Anarchy is on the Japanese PSN.
I tried it, it's super fun, super silly, makes Power Stone feel clear and tactical, has a lot of people playing from around the world besides the Japaneseness, has full English available including menus, have you push buttons (possibly too many) until you have the (false) feeling that you're actually playing well when you're just punching through the wall, allow you to slap cyborgs and humiliate a transformer robot with Mathilda, and gets old after an hour.

But if the full version has enough variety, I could see myself repeating that hour every few days.
Oh, there's also a single campaign, and though the brawler part has a nice Finalfightesque feel to it, the writing is so horrible (think Vanquish, NOT Bayonetta) that I'd rather they hadn't bothered with it.

3235th Post

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"Re(1):Sword and Sworcery" , posted Sat 2 Jun 04:55:post reply

Finally sat down and played this, after it was released on PC last month.

It's incredibly beautiful and the way the lush audio is matched to what is happening on screen is wonderful. It's quite short, and what gameplay is there might feel too thin, but the other way to look at it is that for less than $9 on Steam you get an awesome soundtrack and a gorgeously drawn and colored interactive experience to go with it.

I love it when people actually take recommendations, so it doesn't feel like you're just gushing to yourself on the internet, so I'll let you know that I purchased the new Humble Indie Bundle thanks to your mention of this game. I haven't played it yet, but when I do, my enjoyment or lack thereof will be completely attributed to you.

EDIT: I don't remember who, but someone recommended Sonic Generations on PC over console. I picked it up for $5 and delighted in 1080p loveliness. This is the Mario Galaxy of Sonic games, I want a sequel and the Chemical Plant theme on flute is too great.

The demo of Max Anarchy is on the Japanese PSN.

Argh! Beat me to it by like, 5 minutes!

MGSRRRRrrr is kind of cool.

Who knew that the new Metal Gear would be the new Bayonetta? Though yeah, the frame rate looks a little off.

But my attention got caught by this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QE0E46DumkA Maybe something new now that Gabriel resembles more Vlad, high hopes for gameplay changes involving vampire powers.

I found myself delightfully surprised by this trailer. They kind of "merged" his design with Dracula's very well! The first game was (just) good enough to warrant a trip through it's gorgeous environments, but I hope the sequel has a little more direction in terms of plot and progression.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Sat 2 Jun 10:25]

274th Post

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PSN: BadoorSNK
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Copper Customer

"Re(3):MGSRR" , posted Sat 2 Jun 08:49:post reply

Konami stuff

For a fiction that's not fantasy based, the Metal Gear universe is shaping up to be pretty well suited for an action game. Usually, the fantastical element allows creators to make up new creatures with varying sizes to fight. But here there's human goons, big regular enemies (Gekkos, military vehicles, and that thing from the 1st trailer), and of course huge bosses like Ray. I'm also glad to see there are stealth and platforming parts too. And Depeche Mode.

The new Kid Dracula trailer looks pretty sweet and I like that I can finally play as the big man. I'm more concerned about the 3DS one since it officially declares the death of IGA's Castlevania run, for better or worse(unless IGA continue's managing the Xbox Live/PSN side of Castlevania). There's barely any details but I hope its good.

EDIT: Sorry Nobi, I was just being facetious. I was talking about about Castlevania Lords of Shadows 2 since it technically has Dracula as the main playable character, I just called it the new Kid Dracula.

[this message was edited by badoor on Sat 2 Jun 19:24]

1068th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):MGSRR" , posted Sat 2 Jun 09:58post reply


The new Kid Dracula trailer looks pretty sweet and I like that I can finally play as the big man.

There's a new Kid Dracula?

When i was maybe 6 years old, I was playing Kid Dracula at a mall in Thailand. A pair of grown American men stopped and watched the screen, then commented on how they thought Kid Dracula looked stupid. That's when I learned there were people in the world with Terrible terrible terrible taste.

(please link me to this trailer!)


395th Post

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"Re(5):MGSRR" , posted Sat 2 Jun 13:32post reply

More pix of CVLOSDS: here

I'm actually a bit impressed with the new Simon design, it takes elements of Kojima's Chronicles design and applies it to the old, chiseled 'Belmont the Barbarian' look. Trevor's redesign, on the other hand .... it looks nice, and it follows certain design cues from Curse of Darkness, but I don't get a 'Trevor' vibe from it at all. In fact, it looks much closer to Richter in SOTN.

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"Re(6):MGSRR" , posted Sun 3 Jun 01:13post reply

It's the firts lord of shadows worthy?

I had read lots of critics saying that doesn't feel like a castlevania, and other thar said that the game is amazing

396th Post

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"Re(7):MGSRR" , posted Sun 3 Jun 04:58post reply

IMHO, it spits in the face of everything I love about CV. But your mileage may vary.

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"Re(8):MGSRR" , posted Sun 3 Jun 05:41post reply

IMHO, it spits in the face of everything I love about CV. But your mileage may vary.

I have a distaste for a title being shopped out to another company and people buying it because they like the original title. By that token, it might even be BETTER if the new title is vastly different than the original, because it allows me to judge it by its own merits easier.

That being said, LoS was indeed a bad Castlevania, but I don't think it was a bad game.(In my opinion) Technical issues aside it was amazing to look at with a thankfully huge bonus gallery of environment designs. The soundtrack was suitably epic, the boss battles were fun enough, the challenge was about right and the battle system was good enough, even if the skills you learn were a bit lopsided (some were hugely overpowered and others were practically useless).

The biggest weak point in the game for me was a lack in direction. It reminds me of old games where every level is completely different and there's no sense of continuity between them. When you ask the question "why am I here?" the only answer is "to beat the bad guys". The problem is, LoS tried to put an overbearing narrative on top of this hodgepodge of locations and it came across as mostly nonsense. This sounds like "it was a good game with a bad plot", but there was a poor sense of progression that permeated the entire game.

This is a bit off subject, but since I mentioned Sonic Generations earlier, I'd like to say that it has an amazing sense of "wordless narrative" in its level design. Things happen in the environment that "tell a story" through the level. You have a "climax". There's a somewhat intangible sense of progression that drives you through each level and the game as a whole. LoS totally doesn't have that.

(On a side note, I probably have an inflated sense of how awesome Sonic Generations is because I skipped all the cinemas immediately.)

More pix of CVLOSDS: here

The game looks good, but it also looks close enough to Castlevania that my aforementioned bias is creeping in. Like "instead of having the people who make Castlevania make Castlevania, they're having someone else make Castlevania like the people who make Castlevania would make it." On the other hand, if I had never heard of Castlevania, at this point, I think the game looks good enough to possibly stand on its own merits.

Also, agreed about the designs.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

870th Post

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"Re(7):MGSRR" , posted Sun 3 Jun 07:14post reply

I had read lots of critics saying that doesn't feel like a castlevania, and other thar said that the game is amazing

I am pretty sure not a single journalist has played the game except Nintendo Power. They had the worldwide exclusive deal. Everyone else will discover the game this weekend in LA. You should rather wait for E3 to get credible/reliable impressions.


434th Post

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"Re(8):MGSRR" , posted Sun 3 Jun 07:26post reply

I had read lots of critics saying that doesn't feel like a castlevania, and other thar said that the game is amazing

I am pretty sure not a single journalist has played the game except Nintendo Power. They had the worldwide exclusive deal. Everyone else will discover the game this weekend in LA. You should rather wait for E3 to get credible/reliable impressions.

Im refering to the game that kojima worked, not the one that will be released next year

871th Post

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"Re(5):Megaten 4 3DS" , posted Sun 3 Jun 07:49post reply


And speaking of numbered sequels, it drives me nuts when they do a sequel on a lower-spec system than its predecessor.

What examples exist besides Game Boy sequels to NES games and DQIX?

It doesn't apply to Megaten since 3DS is more advanced than PS2 in many ways. However, Strange Journey used Etrian's engine so the big question is whether Megaten IV ports the Megaten III assets to 3DS or builds on the Etrian 3DS engine. Maybe it somehow does both (since Etrian 3DS has polygon models for monsters).

>>Speaking of PS2 assets
I think 3DS is really benefiting from being the third home of Japanese PS2 assets following PS2 and PSP. That alone might have helped a lot regarding the Monster Hunter decision.

>>Speaking of Etrian's engine
I would assume Soul Hackers is already using the Etrian 3DS engine. I also think it would have been smarter to release Soul Hackers after Megaten IV... Which leads me to:

Then again, I don't know why they would announce this so shortly after the Soul Hackers remake and compete with themselves.

Clearly Soul Hackers is much closer to completion than Megaten IV, so Atlus is thinking that announcing Megaten IV now is somehow helping Etrian 4 and Soul Hackers.

One possibility is that they are afraid their fans might sell their 3DS in order to get a Vita for P4G. Such behavior might damage the sales of EO4 and SH (and eventually SMT4). By announcing SMT4 now, they make sure that Atlus fans comit to 3DS. It might even be a hint at more support for 3DS in the future.

However, I don't think they fear so much about P4G competing with their own efforts. It seems there is a divide between the old-school Atlus fanbase and the current Persona fanbase. I think the divide has widen with the PSP/DS era. Atlus found a new audience on Nintendo machines with Etrian, which must have connected strongly with oldschool Atlus fans since the game is much closer to the early Megaten and Devil Summoner.

And obviously, Atlus found a new teenage audience with Soejima's Persona games, as demonstrated by the disappointing(?) sales of the Persona 1&2 remakes compared to the sales of P3P.

I think Atlus is hoping to completely merge the Etrian and original Megaten audiences in order to have two strong fanbases: one for Nintendo and one for Sony. This is pretty much what they were doing with Devil Summoner and Persona during the SS/PS1 era.

At a later point, if the 3DS is a clear winner against Vita, they might bring Persona handheld games to 3DS, the same way they brought Soul Hackers to PS1 once SegaSaturn was sailing away.

If you were reading Famitsu in the late 90s, you might remember that the Soul Hackers PS1 ad was already hinting at the existence of a speficic Persona audience. The ad spread over two pages. On one page, Atlus urged existing Megaten/DS fans (SFC/Saturn owners) to get the definitive version of Soul Hackers on PS1. On the other page, the ad explained that if you discovered the world of Atlus with Persona (on PS1), you would really enjoy this game as well. I think it goes beyond the issues of sales; Atlus sees Persona as a very important series to capture new fans among teenagers.

This is probably why they are being careful and slow before Persona 5, the game that will have to capture a new generation of teenage fans after 1+2 on PS1 and 3+4 on PS2. They need to make sure they understand where the biggest potential new fanbase is currently sitting, also taking into account the international fanbase.

So, if the announcement has nothing to do with P4G, it might be that Atlus fears not enough Atlus fans have transitioned from DS to 3DS, or that retailers have told Atlus they are worried fans might not have transitioned (which means the retailers will order less copies of Etrian 4).

By revealing the existence of SMT4, Atlus are now promoting three potential games for their fans to buy on the 3DS: Etrian 4, Soul Hackers and SMT4. This might help convince some fans to already plunge for 3DS with Etrian 4 and convince some retailers that the fanbase will be there when Etrian 4 comes in stores.

/My two cents.


872th Post

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"Re(9):MGSRR" , posted Sun 3 Jun 08:14post reply

A little bit of a break from the Megane talk

The Megane talk?

Im refering to the game that kojima worked, not the one that will be released next year

Oooooh. My bad.

There will be a Nintendo Direct show starring Iggy's favorite Satoru in about 24 hours (two days before the Nintendo Conference):


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"Re(6):Megaten 4 3DS" , posted Sun 3 Jun 09:22post reply


And speaking of numbered sequels, it drives me nuts when they do a sequel on a lower-spec system than its predecessor.

What examples exist besides Game Boy sequels to NES games and DQIX?

It doesn't apply to Megaten since 3DS is more advanced than PS2 in many ways. However, Strange Journey used Etrian's engine so the big question is whether Megaten IV ports the Megaten III assets to 3DS or builds on the Etrian 3DS engine. Maybe it somehow does both (since Etrian 3DS has polygon models for monsters).

>>Speaking of PS2 assets
I think 3DS is really benefiting from being the third home of Japanese PS2 assets following PS2 and PSP. That alone might have helped a lot regarding the Monster Hunter decision.

>>Speaking of Etrian's engine
I would assume Soul Hackers is already using the Etrian 3DS engine. I also think it would have been smarter to release Soul Hackers after Megaten IV... Which leads me to:

Then again, I don't know why they would announce this so shortly after the Soul Hackers remake and compete with themselves.
Clearly Soul Hackers is much closer to completion than Megaten IV, so Atlus is thinking that announcing Megaten IV now is somehow helping Etrian 4 and Soul Hackers.

One possibility is that they are afraid their fans might sell their 3DS in order to get a Vita for P4G. Such behavior might damage the sales of EO4 and SH (and eventually SMT4). By announcing SMT4 now, they make sure that Atlus f

-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --

Speaking of newer ''atlus rpg '' fans I found myself interested this last month in trying the persona series thanks to P4A

My biggest problem is that my time in college plus fighting games and other interests don't let me a lot of time to play all the personas, are necessary to play the 4 to understand the whole series or missing a masterpiece?

At least I got persona 1 for my psp and at first was fun, but the problem is that maybe I will son had to sell the console since I need the money

The one that I more interested is persona 4, and with a friend we were thinking on buying persona 3 fes for ps3 but 100 hours is a lot for me more considering that each game maybe has that amount of time.

So yeah, any advice? Which one should I play

873th Post

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"Re(7):Megaten 4 3DS" , posted Sun 3 Jun 09:45post reply

The recent entries are not direct sequels and can be enjoyed separately. To enjoy Persona 4 Arena, you only need to know Persona 4. Either play the game or watch the anime if you lack the money to play the game. There are also some guest characters from Persona 3 in P4 Arena, so you might want to play this one as well (or watch a LP, or check a FAQ/Wiki) if you really want to know all about the setting. There is no anime for P3.

Persona 4 is universally seen as a much better game than Persona 3 in terms of system and interface. However, I heard Persona 3 Portable on PSP fixes a lot of issues people were complaining about in the PS2 version(s). I think someone here (Pollyanna?) confirmed such claims.

Obviously the universes and characters are more debatable based on your personal tastes but since your entry point is P4 Arena, it makes much more sense to start with P4.


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"Re(8):Megaten 4 3DS" , posted Sun 3 Jun 10:04post reply

The recent entries are not direct sequels and can be enjoyed separately. To enjoy Persona 4 Arena, you only need to know Persona 4. Either play the game or watch the anime if you lack the money to play the game. There are also some guest characters from Persona 3 in P4 Arena, so you might want to play this one as well (or watch a LP, or check a FAQ/Wiki) if you really want to know all about the setting. There is no anime for P3.

Persona 4 is universally seen as a much better game than Persona 3 in terms of system and interface. However, I heard Persona 3 Portable on PSP fixes a lot of issues people were complaining about in the PS2 version(s). I think someone here (Pollyanna?) confirmed such claims.

Obviously the universes and characters are more debatable based on your personal tastes but since your entry point is P4 Arena, it makes much more sense to start with P4.

More than money my issue is time, I could beat the game in one month playing it how much?

874th Post

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"Re(9):Megaten 4 3DS" , posted Sun 3 Jun 10:18post reply

I actually checked this recently in preparation for P4G because I was worried I might never find the time to play it through. The usual estimate for a first playthrough of Persona 4 is around 80 hours.


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"Re(10):Megaten 4 3DS" , posted Sun 3 Jun 10:25post reply

I actually checked this recently in preparation for P4G because I was worried I might never find the time to play it through. The usual estimate for a first playthrough of Persona 4 is around 80 hours.

Including the ''true ending''?

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"Re(2):Re(10):Megaten 4 3DS" , posted Sun 3 Jun 12:46post reply

Sort of sleepy. Sorry if I forgot something or none of this makes any sense.

What examples exist besides Game Boy sequels to NES games and DQIX?

You really got me thinking about this, and when it comes to numbered sequels, I think you're right. Excluding the yet-to-be-released MH4 and SMT4, we've got... Ys7? Parasite Eve 3 was on a portable system, but it was still a (technical) upgrade. Super Robot Wars Z was moved to PSP, but looks better anyway. Then you have games like Kingdom Hearts that are stuck in portable game non-sequel limbo and titles like Monster Hunter that beg for a real HD followup.

Still, I think I've been blinded by my bias against portable releases and said something wrong, all the same.

I think 3DS is really benefiting from being the third home of Japanese PS2 assets following PS2 and PSP. That alone might have helped a lot regarding the Monster Hunter decision.

Ugh. I groan about every MH game not stepping forward enough, but I end up delightfully surprised each time. I think that good will might be running out, but we'll see once we get some more info on 4...

Capcom and Atlus are both quite good with their recycled assets.

By revealing the existence of SMT4, Atlus are now promoting three potential games for their fans to buy on the 3DS: Etrian 4, Soul Hackers and SMT4. This might help convince some fans to already plunge for 3DS with Etrian 4 and convince some retailers that the fanbase will be there when Etrian 4 comes in stores.

I forgot that Etrian 4 was Atlus. This is a pretty sensible perspective.

Persona 4 is universally seen as a much better game than Persona 3 in terms of system and interface. However, I heard Persona 3 Portable on PSP fixes a lot of issues people were complaining about in the PS2 version(s). I think someone here (Pollyanna?) confirmed such claims.

I've heard the same, but I haven't actually played P3P myself. The problems I had with the game stretch far beyond little gameplay annoyances.

80 Hours was my experience, with the "true" ending. I think I came in a little shorter than that. The game is too long. Not because it's 80 hours, but because it lacks the strength to support 80 hours. It doesn't take long before all the bosses are strong to all the elements and most of the cast has already finished their character development. Most of them have strong intros then just "hang out" for the rest of the game, vs Innocent Sin, which had the characters working out their problems to the very end.

If the game itself looks like something you want to spend hours and hours with, check it out, but otherwise, just watch the anime and save 65 hours of your life.

I have a lot of negative things to say about P4, but the characters have stuck with me (unlike P3), so I'm looking forward to the fighter for sure.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

876th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):Megaten 4 3DS" , posted Sun 3 Jun 17:11:post reply

Ah yes Ys 7 is a good one, although I guess using PC as a point of comparison is a bit of a special case since PC does not have a fixed architecture. Ys 7 is actually more impressive visually than Ys 6... Kiseki 3rd is another example.

Another game that comes to mind and fits the bill perfectly is Valkyria 2, coming from PS3 to PSP. I think everyone remembers the complains of fans that the series had to drop the Canvas Engine.

Had Atlus stuck with "SMT4" for Strange Journey and KojiPro "MGS5" for MGSPW, as their creators claimed, they would have also fit the description. I am sure other series did the same on DS and PSP, since this is when handheld consoles became more important than home consoles in Japan even though all home consoles were more powerful. Tokimemo 4 and Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 3 already come to mind, although the PSP at that point was very close to PS2.


[this message was edited by chazumaru on Sun 3 Jun 17:12]

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"Re(4):Re(10):Megaten 4 3DS" , posted Mon 4 Jun 01:57post reply

Well the anime is a true reflex of the game? So I would get the true ending with it?

I heard that the anime wasn't that good, but well, saving the time from my life sounds better, specially with tons of other games that I had yet to play like mgs4 or sotc hd

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"Castlevania LoS 2 to debut in E3 2012" , posted Mon 4 Jun 08:30post reply

In case anyone missed it, here goes the mandatory, hype-inducing CG trailer

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"Re(1):Castlevania LoS 2 to debut in E3 2012" , posted Mon 4 Jun 19:57post reply

In case anyone missed it, here goes the mandatory, hype-inducing CG trailer

Was that Alucard near the end? I'm not too into the series' continuity, so I don't event know who the protagonist is in the LoS games (clearly a vampire (too) in this trailer), but a callback to one of the most well-regarded games in the series could make this a bit more interesting - say, by letting you use a different character at some point.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

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"Re(9):MGSRR" , posted Tue 5 Jun 03:25post reply

I had read lots of critics saying that doesn't feel like a castlevania, and other thar said that the game is amazing

I am pretty sure not a single journalist has played the game except Nintendo Power. They had the worldwide exclusive deal. Everyone else will discover the game this weekend in LA. You should rather wait for E3 to get credible/reliable impressions.

Im refering to the game that kojima worked, not the one that will be released next year

Like Polly said is a good game, but don't expect a Castlevania one. It has strong points but the flavour and design are nothing like the original series. It stands alone as a gothic-dark medieval action game (think about a god of war with combo and magic to unlock via exp.points) and it's pretty well done. I like it, despite the fact I hate it's called Castlevania and don't consider it as part of the series but more a spinoff (or a game "inspired by") with eastern wibe.

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"Re(10):LOS2: This time it's personal" , posted Tue 5 Jun 06:38post reply

I had read lots of critics saying that doesn't feel like a castlevania, and other thar said that the game is amazing

I am pretty sure not a single journalist has played the game except Nintendo Power. They had the worldwide exclusive deal. Everyone else will discover the game this weekend in LA. You should rather wait for E3 to get credible/reliable impressions.

Im refering to the game that kojima worked, not the one that will be released next year

Like Polly said is a good game, but don't expect a Castlevania one. It has strong points but the flavour and design are nothing like the original series. It stands alone as a gothic-dark medieval action game (think about a god of war with combo and magic to unlock via exp.points) and it's pretty well done. I like it, despite the fact I hate it's called Castlevania and don't consider it as part of the series but more a spinoff (or a game "inspired by") with eastern wibe.

I'm pretty soft on the game myself. I originally loved it as a game but not so much as a Castlevania. Then I felt it wasn't particularly fun for most of the game, so I started to dislike it. Then I beat it and realized I liked it for storytelling and a few of the boss battles, but not for the general fighting, but that overall I pretty much enjoyed it. Like Polly says: just good enough to be interested in a sequel.

It's much better than the N64 and PS2 3D Castlevanias, and I think the developers clearly cared for the material, but as a 3D action 'platformer' (as far as I can recall there's not a whole lot of platforming, actually...) it's only average.

I think the trailer looks pretty nice. I'll probably buy it since: Hey, Castlevania! I can't help myself.

Actually, I haven't played the DLC at all for LOS1-- the punchline has been spoiled for me quite a while ago though. Does anyone recommend I check it out?

Say, I know Anarchy Reigns has been discussed a bit, but I finally got around to the demo this past weekend and LOVED it. I'm glad Platinum has really made something incredible again! Bayonetta is one of my favorite games of the past decade, but then I was let down by Vanquish, sadly. I've already played at least $20 worth of game in Anarchy Reigns' free demo, so I'm anxious to see how great the full game ends up being.

So does anyone know what the deal is with the release date being un-set? The great unwashed over at some off-brand boards seem to think that it had something to do with Sega's impending release of Jet Set Radio HD (and that once it gets released, the date will be set again for AR), but that doesn't make any sense. I'm sure someone here at the Cafe has some insight!


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"Re(5):Re(10):Megaten 4 3DS" , posted Tue 5 Jun 07:05post reply

Well the anime is a true reflex of the game? So I would get the true ending with it?

I heard that the anime wasn't that good, but well, saving the time from my life sounds better, specially with tons of other games that I had yet to play like mgs4 or sotc hd

I think they're saving the "true ending" (which is more like just...a continuation) for the upcoming movie. I wouldn't say the anime is exceptional, but it is very close to the game. I only watched 3 random episodes and they were all exactly like the game. If you're mostly just interested in getting into Person to increase your enjoyment of the fighter, you can watch a few episodes and see how you like it.

It's much better than the N64 and PS2 3D Castlevanias

Apples to apples, this is very true.

Anarchy Reigns

I'm hoping for a release date at E3. If not, I'll probably just import it. I didn't bother raving about the demo, because I love God Hand and I love Platinum so much that it's like...it goes without saying. Even playing the demo felt like a formality. I was excited to see how tricky some of the players on the multiplayer mode had gotten already. As I got my face pounded in I thought "thank you for showing me how great this game is". That's not even a joke.

What didn't you like about Vanquish? I admit that it didn't sing to me in particular (I wasn't interested in the characters or the world or anything), but I thought it was an outstanding action game.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

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"Re(6):Re(10):Megaten 4 3DS" , posted Tue 5 Jun 07:34:post reply

Anarchy Reigns
I'm hoping for a release date at E3. If not, I'll probably just import it. I didn't bother raving about the demo, because I love God Hand and I love Platinum so much that it's like...it goes without saying. Even playing the demo felt like a formality. I was excited to see how tricky some of the players on the multiplayer mode had gotten already. As I got my face pounded in I thought "thank you for showing me how great this game is". That's not even a joke.

I just can't remember being quite so delighted with a game in a long time. It just feels right to play, all around. It's got great environmental dangers, nice-lloking character designs AND models, the multiplayer is fun, and the single player is fun too. Best of all the fighting engine is just spot-on. You're probably right about an E3 announcement, but yeah, I'll definitely import too if it ends up being dated months off or not at all.

What didn't you like about Vanquish? I admit that it didn't sing to me in particular (I wasn't interested in the characters or the world or anything), but I thought it was an outstanding action game.

Well, it looked great and the aesthetic was really cool, I thought, but I just found playing it to be frustrating. I should explain that I hardly ever play first or third person shooters at all, so things like targeting and using cover are completely foreign to me, so it's possible that if I gave it more time or energy I would like it more. I just got past the point of where the demo ended and found myself to be in way over my head difficulty and control wise, so I gave up. Normally I would have passed on a shooter like this, but I was fresh off playing Bayonetta through like 6 times, so I thought "it's Platinum, I'll love it, even if I don't like the genre".

I may play it again sometime, since I've played a few shooters since then with some degree of success, and maybe just swallow my pride and ratchet the difficulty back to easy or something.

May I ask what you enjoyed about it? As in, what made it an outstanding action game?

EDIT: The new Devil May Cry trailer really bugged me; it seems neither well written nor 'funny ironic', and I'm not sure who watches it and finds Dante or the masked dude with the 'anonymous voice' to be cool or engaging. If I do end up getting the game someday, here's hoping the cut scenes are skippable!


[this message was edited by karasu99 on Tue 5 Jun 08:36]

3239th Post

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"Re(7):Re(10):Megaten 4 3DS" , posted Tue 5 Jun 09:01post reply

The new Devil May Cry trailer really bugged me; it seems neither well written nor 'funny ironic', and I'm not sure who watches it and finds Dante or the masked dude with the 'anonymous voice' to be cool or engaging. If I do end up getting the game someday, here's hoping the cut scenes are skippable!

It was so embarrassing for me (and not in the usual DMC way, which is admittedly pretty embarrassing) that I had to turn the volume down for fear of anyone catching me watching it. The environments look pretty incredible, though, so I'm not writing the game off entirely.

May I ask what you enjoyed about it? As in, what made it an outstanding action game?

If I had to pick the one thing I liked best about the game, it's that you have a sense of progression as a player outside of what the game presents. Uh...that sounds weird, but what I mean is that in most games these days, your character levels up. You get more and more cool moves and weapons as the game progresses. Vanquish isn't like that. Instead, you have a huge amount of options at your disposal from the get-go...you just don't know how to use them yet. As I went through the game, I found myself doing more and more cool moves and using more and more advanced strategies against the enemies, simply because I had more personal experience. The game encourages creative use of your resources in such a way that there's a natural progression for the player instead of a forced one. Getting a new weapon or move in a game is fun, but doing something new and cool because you figured it out is arguably more rewarding.

I don't mean to complain about the usual leveling system in games, it's just that I found this especially well-done. If you play through the game (or a stage) again, you'll have a completely different feel for it. You'll see solutions that were previously invisible in situations that were difficult before. The way that the stages are so nicely broken up also makes replaying enjoyable. It reminded me of a classic action game in that respect.

Anyway, I think the fact that the game throws all of its systems at you at once may be a contributing factor to your relative dislike for it. If you don't have any 3rd person shooter experience, you might not have progressed as quickly as you'd liked.

On a side note, there are plenty of things about Gears of War that ruined GoW for me, but I think Vanquish did the best job. (Although to be fair, GoW has fantastic multiplayer options, which Vanquish is 100% lacking in)

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

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"Re(6):Re(10):Megaten 4 3DS" , posted Tue 5 Jun 09:02:post reply


It's much better than the N64 and PS2 3D Castlevanias
Apples to apples, this is very true.

Sudden interjection! While I'd agree it's a "technically better" game, as it was certainly more fun to play and... well, better designed... I really don't even think of LoS as a Castlevania game at all.
Considering the lead apparently even looked like Kratos earlier in development and it was not at one point a Castlevania game....

The general "generic-ness" of it ended up really boring me... but I did everything in it anyway. Dunno if I'll bother with any more in the series yet; Maybe I will if they actually put some interesting things in it rather than jamming it full of "lycans" (I absolutely hate this term... just call them werewolves, for fuck's sake!) and boring ol' nosferatu type vamps again. C'mon, where's some of that fun enemy design of yesteryear? I think Juan had the privilege of getting to listen to me gripe my way through the game, if I remember. To be fair, I liked the Castle more than any of the other parts of the game; it featured all of the few parts I thought were actually interesting. I wish the whole game was there instead of Middle Earth.

Edit: Climbing around and QTEs are both quite boring.

[this message was edited by red falcon on Tue 5 Jun 09:08]

943th Post

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"Re(7):Re(10):Megaten 4 3DS" , posted Tue 5 Jun 12:07:post reply


Polly's Vanquish talk

I think you really hit my issue with the game on the head. Really early on in the game it became not impossible to progress, but hard enough that it was frustrating, so I eventually gave up.

But your point about getting better at the game makes perfect sense too-- after playing the demo a few times, I was able to breeze like crazy through the demo portions of the early game before I hit a wall.

Maybe I do need to revisit it. It's an absolutely gorgeous game, from the HUD design to the menus to the enemy designs.

It's much better than the N64 and PS2 3D Castlevanias
Apples to apples, this is very true.

Sudden interjection! While I'd agree it's a "technically better" game, as it was certainly more fun to play and... well, better designed... I really don't even think of LoS as a Castlevania game at all.
Considering the lead apparently even looked like Kratos earlier in development and it was not at one point a Castlevania game....

Definitely, I agree wholeheartedly! LOS is a fun game, but it's clearly a weird and not exactly good fit for the franchise. You're right though, I should be clear: the N64 and PS2 games are better examples of the franchise, but LOS is a much better game taken simply as a game.

The general "generic-ness" of it ended up really boring me... but I did everything in it anyway. Dunno if I'll bother with any more in the series yet; Maybe I will if they actually put some interesting things in it rather than jamming it full of "lycans" (I absolutely hate this term... just call them werewolves, for fuck's sake!) and boring ol' nosferatu type vamps again. C'mon, where's some of that fun enemy design of yesteryear? I think Juan had the privilege of getting to listen to me gripe my way through the game, if I remember. To be fair, I liked the Castle more than any of the other parts of the game; it featured all of the few parts I thought were actually interesting. I wish the whole game was there instead of Middle Earth.

Edit: Climbing around and QTEs are both quite boring.

No, no, I agree totally, on all counts! And I think the environments, the character models, and the designs only share a supernatural theme with the Castlevania franchise in general.

There were a few things I liked, like the griminess, the level-up engine, the basic feel of playing the game, and the basic separation of regions (this reminds me a lot of the themed levels of some of the older games). But none of these things contribute appreciably to this being a Castlevania game.

Oh, and QTEs and climbing around-- I thought the climbing parts were okay, but yow, QTEs are too often excuses for lazy game engine implementation, or forcing cinematics. I can't remember quite how bad it was in LOS although I suspect it wasn't fantastic.


[this message was edited by karasu99 on Tue 5 Jun 12:14]

786th Post

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"Re(10):Mirror of Fate/2D Castlevania talk" , posted Tue 5 Jun 15:14post reply

To those who haven't seen the non CG-trailer with actual game footage towards the end of Mirror of Fate, seems to be 2.5D, but here's hoping they will honor the IGA series by not making it 2.5D DMC...(wait a sec...that doesn't sound so bad) Just...please no QTEs.

461th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Mirror of Fate/2D Castlevania ta" , posted Tue 5 Jun 18:24post reply

To those who haven't seen the non CG-trailer with actual game footage towards the end of Mirror of Fate, seems to be 2.5D, but here's hoping they will honor the IGA series by not making it 2.5D DMC...(wait a sec...that doesn't sound so bad) Just...please no QTEs.

Seems LOS with platforming elements. That's ok to me, too bad it's not IGA.
I wish they could make a new Igavania for PS360 giving it the same treatment as Contra got.

788th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):Mirror of Fate/2D Castlevania ta" , posted Tue 5 Jun 22:25post reply

Seems LOS with platforming elements. That's ok to me, too bad it's not IGA.
I wish they could make a new Igavania for PS360 giving it the same treatment as Contra got.

A new IGAvania is fine, but I have a terrible feeling if there was a new one, the format will still be largely Metroidvania with RPG elements, and people will once again complain about grinding...in a Castlevania game. (Also why not an Igavania for WiiU too?)

2359th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):Mirror of Fate/2D Castlevania ta" , posted Wed 6 Jun 02:37post reply

why not an Igavania for WiiU too?)

Again, why not an "Igavania" with Hagiwara Tooru, who actually made the one "Igavania" that was impressive on its own merits, aside from the newest one from what I hear? Where did this guy go? I realize that after two Dracula X games, each a perfect example of their respective genres, you might feel like you had done all you wanted to do, but...


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"Re(5):Re(10):Mirror of Fate/2D Castlevania ta" , posted Wed 6 Jun 03:20post reply

I know I've already carried on a great deal about Dragon's Dogma but seeing as how it is probably my GOTY I'll probably continue to pester everyone about it for the forseeable future. While I'm primarily enjoying DD because it plays like the unofficial third D&D Capcom game I even like how it handles little things such as the completion of quests. In most other games when you complete the long journey a quest involves you have some quick way of returning to the starting point. In DD, however, you have to suck it up and walk back home. Having your party stagger back to an inn in the dark after having survived some giant battle adds an interesting dénouement to the usual video game fetch quests.


Although I never got around to trying out LoS the teaser for the sequel did get my attention. Now I'm tempted to try out LoS because while I have played Castlevania games that were good at being Casltevania games they weren't actually good games. This will give me a chance to see what the other half of the equation is like.


Are there some replays I should watch that will show me how I was supposed to play Vanquish? When I played through the game it felt to me like a cover based shooter with a rocket scooting element grafted on. Those two opposing styles of gameplay never mixed for me.

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"There's going to be a new Hokuto Musou!" , posted Wed 6 Jun 03:24post reply

What a relief!

Now I just have to wait until they deny this one a disc release in the US too...

4393th Post

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"Re(1):There's going to be a new Hokuto Musou!" , posted Wed 6 Jun 03:57post reply

What a relief!

Now I just have to wait until they deny this one a disc release in the US too...

What great news! They are even crazy enough to use the post-Raoh stories for material.

In other news Lei Fang's trashy little black dress has been confirmed in DoA5. Sarah Bryant is in there as well but, really, it's all about the dress.

945th Post

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"Re(1):There's going to be a new Hokuto Musou!" , posted Wed 6 Jun 04:01:post reply

What a relief!

Now I just have to wait until they deny this one a disc release in the US too...

Well! That's unexpectedly great news! Hopefully they'll let you move a little bit faster than in the first game!

It was so embarrassing for me (and not in the usual DMC way, which is admittedly pretty embarrassing) that I had to turn the volume down for fear of anyone catching me watching it. The environments look pretty incredible, though, so I'm not writing the game off entirely.

Some friends and I watched the trailer again last night and... wow, it's just cringe-inducing in so many ways! It wasn't even cheesy-funny.

I agree, the actual gameplay looks amazing so I may end up getting it, especially if there's a Japanese language option so I can fool myself into believing that the writing and voice acting ISN'T completely ridiculous. Who exactly are they targeting with the whole Dante character in this?

Again, why not an "Igavania" with Hagiwara Tooru, who actually made the one "Igavania" that was impressive on its own merits, aside from the newest one from what I hear? Where did this guy go? I realize that after two Dracula X games, each a perfect example of their respective genres, you might feel like you had done all you wanted to do, but...

How many times can I edit one post because I lost my train of thought and missed commenting on something? I think it's pretty funny that while folks (like me) love the original CV games, those two are kind of the focal point, and were followed by not-exactly-awful-but-nothing-special portable sequels, so maybe you're right! As for Hagiwara Tooru, he seems like a ghostly figure, at least as far as English languages sources, go. Did he ever do anything else?


[this message was edited by karasu99 on Wed 6 Jun 04:36]

580th Post

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"Re(2):There's going to be a new Hokuto Musou!" , posted Wed 6 Jun 04:36post reply

In other news Lei Fang's trashy little black dress has been confirmed in DoA5. Sarah Bryant is in there as well but, really, it's all about the dress.

I rather enjoyed seeing Hayabusa in the NES Ninja Gaiden outfit - but maybe he used that in some other DoA and I wasn't aware of it.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

2360th Post

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"Re(2):There's going to be a new Hokuto Musou!" , posted Wed 6 Jun 05:30post reply

Ooops, I'm a jerk, it's Hagihara (it can be read both ways). But that didn't give any more results. This place seems to point to him being in more supervisory roles and that he became an exectuive officer type back in 2003, which pretty much means you probably never get up to anything interesting anymore.


947th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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"Re(3):There's going to be a new Hokuto Musou!" , posted Wed 6 Jun 05:51post reply

HagiHara Ooops, I'm a jerk, it's Hagihara (it can be read both ways). But that didn't give any more results. This place seems to point to him being in more supervisory roles and that he became an exectuive officer type back in 2003, which pretty much means you probably never get up to anything interesting anymore.

Ha! Well that would do it! Actually it was pretty easy to find some info, although you've got me if it's valid or of any real value. Although-- it is pretty intriguing to imagine that he had the same influence on Bayou Billy and Kid Dracula as he had on Dracula X!


2319th Post

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"Agni's Philosophy" , posted Wed 6 Jun 23:07post reply

This real-time tech demo has me more intrigued and impressed than anything Square has done in a while.

275th Post

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"Wreck-It Ralph 1st Trailer" , posted Thu 7 Jun 04:55post reply

Best Captain N movie adaptation ever?!

Looks cool, even if it's basically a reskinned Toy Story. Lots of cameos. Heck, even the Zombie looks very similar to the one from House Of The Dead, Look (3rd guy from the left).Which is awesome. Some look really identical to their current look, like Bowser and Robotnik (or Eggman whatever). Others look odd, like Zangief and Dictator(his body looks more like alpha/zero than SF2/4).

1069th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Wreck-It Ralph 1st Trailer" , posted Thu 7 Jun 07:32post reply

Best Captain N movie adaptation ever?!

Looks cool, even if it's basically a reskinned Toy Story. Lots of cameos. Heck, even the Zombie looks very similar to the one from House Of The Dead, Look (3rd guy from the left).Which is awesome. Some look really identical to their current look, like Bowser and Robotnik (or Eggman whatever). Others look odd, like Zangief and Dictator(his body looks more like alpha/zero than SF2/4).

Robot from Cyborg Justice!


1070th Post

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"Re(1):Wreck-It Ralph 1st Trailer" , posted Thu 7 Jun 07:35post reply

Look (3rd guy from the left).Which is awesome. Some look really identical to their current look, like Bowser and Robotnik (or Eggman whatever). Others look odd, like Zangief and Dictator(his body looks more like alpha/zero than SF2/4).

I love how Bison looks, with his gigantic hands and Bengus muscles!


4397th Post

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"Re(1):Agni's Philosophy" , posted Thu 7 Jun 23:26post reply

I wonder if Jeff Bridges will have a cameo in Wreck-It Ralph?
This real-time tech demo has me more intrigued and impressed than anything Square has done in a while.

I like how that demo takes a lot of familiar elements and presents them in new and interesting ways. Having a healing potion that radically affects the body as opposed to something that simply moves some numbers around on a chart was particularly striking. It's too bad nothing will ever come of this demo but, then again, it probably has a better chance of showing up as a game than FFVersus ever does.

791th Post

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"Re(2):Agni's Philosophy" , posted Fri 8 Jun 06:43post reply

Another sigh of relief, although I think it's asinine of them to leave it out of the conference.

In fact, is it just me or is everyone thinking only about 2012 stuff?

3240th Post

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"Re(1):Agni's Philosophy" , posted Fri 8 Jun 08:00post reply

This real-time tech demo has me more intrigued and impressed than anything Square has done in a while.

Although this looks nice (Square has THAT in the bag at least), I feel like it's the start of a new, vicious cycle, where Square bites off more than they can chew and releases a pretty,but incomplete game. They need to shorten their development times and release a well-rounded game more than they need something conceptually and visually stunning.

On a positive note that gives me hope for their future, they've turned around Final Fantasy 14 quite splendidly. When it launched, it was easily the worst game I'd ever played and an outright insult to the people who bought it. It was at least a year away from being ready for beta and they were expecting people to pay for it. Since then, or rather, since it got its new director, every step has been a step in the right direction and the new content has not only been fun, but also feels like "Final Fantasy". I hope people are willing to give it a second chance when 2.0 comes out, because I honestly believe it'll be something special by then. Looking at their new screencaps, I can feel the developers desire to make it "worthy of being a numbered title."

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

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"Re(2):Agni's Philosophy" , posted Fri 8 Jun 18:22post reply

Project X Zone apparently has 70 voice actors - speculate away.

People keep hoping for Bayonetta - I say it's only worth having her there if they manage to mix these two scenes together.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

466th Post

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"Re(1):Agni's Philosophy" , posted Sat 9 Jun 00:08post reply

This real-time tech demo has me more intrigued and impressed than anything Square has done in a while.

Oh yes, it's nice indeed. The art direction is especially quite good being in a show featuring most shooters and apps. My wife pointed at how feels like remnants of Panzer Dragoon sometimes, if it will be an actual game could be something good and inspired from Jap devs.
To me is cool and all but I don't think this will be getting anywere from a tech demo. A pointless CG movie, maybe.

Check this btw, leave the feedback and hope for a game: https://form.square-enix.com/a.p/933/

2320th Post

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"Re(2):Agni's Philosophy" , posted Sat 9 Jun 01:14post reply

Part of the reason why I'm so hopeful for something interesting to come out of it is that they claim that the entire demo ran in real-time (though no mention on what hardware). If they just wanted to make a pretty pre-rendered CG movie, there's nothing shown in there that can't already be done. Of course, the budget and amount of time needed for making a full, rich game that truly leverages all that while still being so finely detailed would probably be hilarious.

I really like how that trailer merged fantasy/contemporary/sci-fi. The slums shown are lovely versions of ghettos in India (or parts of southeast Asia), and the way in which glittering high-tech cities that literally seem like another world are in sight of these slums is a more fantastical version of places that really do exist in India. Considering that the trailer invokes the name of the Hindu god Aghni, that can't be a coincidence, though the poor/rich in sight of each other is a theme that has been present in previous FF games. That the incredible sleek city is only shown from a distance and at the very end, without ever being hinted at earlier in the trailer really fired my imagination.

467th Post

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"Re(3):Agni's Philosophy" , posted Sat 9 Jun 07:59post reply

That the incredible sleek city is only shown from a distance and at the very end, without ever being hinted at earlier in the trailer really fired my imagination.

A lot of themes present in FF7 (the last FF game I enjoyed in every aspect). I particulary appreciate the magic/science approach: the people of the slums use magic arts that -presumibly- are performed secretly and represents something that's forbidden. The ritual in fact is more reminiscent of the following of an arcane cult (the hoods and the secrecy) than the canon magic usage in the series. And it's used to summon a beast from a bunch of insects (btw, a manifestation of the demon Beelzebub in the "real" high magic rituals), both the process and the creature itself are creepier than the classic summoning in the series (green globes, fancy evocation circles, etc.). The technology is used to stop the wizards, the squad never uses magic or esp powers in any form but gunfire and mutant beasts (Parasite Eve quote I suppose). This remindend me A LOT of a darker FF7 setting: a world where magic is a forbidden art and science controls the knowledge. In FF7 Shinra never uses magic in favour of mechs, guns, b.o.w.s and Mako draining: even the soldiers are inbued with the mako energy and Jenova cells rather than use materia that contains magic essence.
It was a very intrguing and unique setting at the time and fused both aspects of sci-fi and epic fantasy, but in a way so gritty and gloomy and dirt as only a product of the 90s could have been. Another setting I loved as much as FF7's was the Panzer Dragoon one: again sci-fi crossed with a culture similar to the anciet Jews or the Imuhagh.
Ok, Agni's Philosophy has a glimpse on both, I can't ignore this.

On the name Agni: If I'm not wrong is the deity for sun, fire and lightning but in the demo is the name of the girl, not the summon. The word also means "fire" so it's ok with a FF protagonits. Usually they tend to have English names of elements or natural phenomena. Exceptions are Terra and Noctis; both from latin, and Tidus that is a way to say tide I presume*), so Agni for this girl is not a bad choice considering the India thing you mentioned.

*and also an ass of a character! :P Curious is that in the Japanese version is called Tiida, wich is Okinawa dialect for "sun".

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"Re(1):Random News Thread Silent Spring Editio" , posted Tue 12 Jun 04:39post reply

Mirror of Fate's inspiration is Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse, branching paths.

Shantae GBC VC release imminent.

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"Re(4):Agni's Philosophy" , posted Thu 14 Jun 08:04post reply

It just makes me sad that someone can't snap their fingers and make that gorgeous tech demo into a game. But this is absolutely the kind of art style and world that I'd like to play a game in.

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

4399th Post

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"Re(5):Agni's Philosophy" , posted Mon 18 Jun 02:11post reply

I have come across three things recently that have amused me.

1. There is going to be a fifth live action Resident Evil movie. How is this possible?

2. Watching streams of fighting game tournaments continues to be oddly entertaining. I've heard the phrase "as fun as watching someone else play a video game" used as a negative but watching someone else play can actually be a lot of fun.

3. It finally dawned on me that instead of boring people by talking about Dragon's Dogma I could annoy them by posting screenshots instead.

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"Re(6):Agni's Philosophy" , posted Mon 18 Jun 07:29post reply


3. It finally dawned on me that instead of boring people by talking about Dragon's Dogma I could annoy them by posting screenshots instead.

I had something..uh..."fun" happen the other day. I got a pawn named "Zombie." Big guy, heavy armor. He kept complaining about how "he'd had enough fighting." I couldn't figure out why, but I was doing JUST TERRIBLE when he was on the team. Finally, a friend said, "hey, does Zombie have a weapon?." He didn't. He just walked around, avoiding conflict and occasionally complaining. He looked so tough, though! I'm torn. On one hand, I feel stupid for missing something so obvious, but on the other hand, I can't really blame myself for expecting that the pawns will be CAPABLE of fighting.

I'm glad you're enjoying the game a lot. It has too many frustrations for me to love it, but when it's good, it's really good.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

877th Post

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"Re(6):Milla's Philosophy" , posted Mon 18 Jun 22:12post reply


There is going to be a fifth live action Resident Evil movie. How is this possible?

1. All the previous movies made a lot of money.
2. The director is married to the lead actress.


277th Post

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PSN: BadoorSNK
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"Anarchy Waits and waits" , posted Tue 19 Jun 06:51post reply

And waits and waits... till 2013

This delay is just insane. The japanese version with full localized English, French, Italian, and Spanish languages will be out next month, a minimum 5 months before the official western releases.

I wonder if the recent downward spiral of sales in the US might have instigated this delay. In any case, I guess this will be the 2nd Platinum game I will be importing.

2855th Post

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"Re(1):Anarchy Waits and waits" , posted Tue 19 Jun 07:40post reply

And waits and waits... till 2013

This delay is just insane. The japanese version with full localized English, French, Italian, and Spanish languages will be out next month, a minimum 5 months before the official western releases.

I wonder if the recent downward spiral of sales in the US might have instigated this delay. In any case, I guess this will be the 2nd Platinum game I will be importing.

So Sega of America doesn't want my money after all. Good to know.

Meanwhile, what will I have to do to ensure that I get Bayonetta with the import release?

9341th Post

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"Re(1):Random News Thread Silent Spring Editio" , posted Tue 19 Jun 08:24post reply

Speaking of importing, Tokyo Jungle is just not very good: full of bugs, very repetitive, one tiny map, all the animals play along the same two archetypes (no gimmick like the elephant using its trunk, the kangaroo jumping super high... They will just play almost like the deer and the chicken).
That is, until you notice the game is never meant to be realistic, but is instead a very old school arcade game: one tiny map, survive as long as possible while the environment becomes more and more hostile, follow the random events that give you extra stats when you follow them... I just played 3 hours straight just with the first animals, and after the initial disappointment (not too sharp: my expectations were very low from the start), I started enjoying far too much for my own good.
But god what have they been doing for the last two years, I just do not know. The game looks the same as in 2010. And I can tell you they definitely didn't spend that time on the debug.

I believe that like Max Anarchy, it's a great game to play in little, short sessions every now and then, you laugh, you unlock one or two new animals, then you forget about the game for a couple of days and you go back to it.

All in all, very few games allows you to kill stray cats with a deer, then run away from hungry dogs into a giant tiger that eat your brother while throwing you in a lake where an alligator tries to eat you alive until the dogs fall into the lake as well and the alligator attacks them allowing you to survive and run to shelter where you savagely mate with a flee-ridden low-level female.

2362th Post

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"Re(2):Anarchy Waits and waits" , posted Tue 19 Jun 08:34:post reply

So Sega of America doesn't want my money after all. Good to know.
To be fair, I don't think Sega of America has wanted anybody's money since at least 1995, when they surprise-launched the Saturn with no games and then fought mightily to make sure that 89% of its fantastic library of games never left Japan. Some lunatic who wanted to "make money" appeared briefly and launched the Dreamcast with Soul Calibur, but he must have been promptly obliterated.


[this message was edited by Maou on Tue 19 Jun 08:36]

951th Post

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"Re(3):Anarchy Waits and waits" , posted Tue 19 Jun 09:00post reply

So Sega of America doesn't want my money after all. Good to know. To be fair, I don't think Sega of America has wanted anybody's money since at least 1995, when they surprise-launched the Saturn with no games and then fought mightily to make sure that 89% of its fantastic library of games never left Japan. Some lunatic who wanted to "make money" appeared briefly and launched the Dreamcast with Soul Calibur, but he must have been promptly obliterated.

The poor, dumb bastard! Money? Hah!

Well, at least this silly delay will ensure that I give my money to Sega of Japan instead; at least I feel like those guys have at least some of our best interests in mind.

Wow, but Q1 2013? Part of me wants to believe it's just a dumb joke. At that point, why even bother releasing it?

In other 2013 news, I've been seeing tons of ads on television of for the upcoming God of War game, that's coming out real soon-- as in March 2013, only 9 months from now. They're super effective ads too-- no images of the game are shown, and a disclaimer even states that the box art is preliminary and may change, BUT they sure do spend some time telling the viewer about the DLC pack you'll get if you preorder. Is the game being designed around said DLC? Not that God of War games are typically 'designed', but... you know what I mean


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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Anarchy Waits and waits" , posted Tue 19 Jun 09:17post reply

Has any reason been given as to why the US version of Max Anarchy has been delayed? Releasing MA during the dog days of summer when there's not much out there would have been a good move for a title like this. But to toss it into the post-holiday glut or some other distant point in the future where it will die horribly? Nuts to them.

I'm glad you're enjoying the game a lot. It has too many frustrations for me to love it, but when it's good, it's really good.

You're right, DD has a number of issues but I enjoy the parts that it does well to such a degree that I can live with its quirks. That, and the lighting is great. If there's anyone out there giving awards for video game lighting DD should take top prize.

...allowing you to survive and run to shelter where you savagely mate with a flee-ridden low-level female.

So Tokyo Jungle is set in Roppongi? Either way, thanks for the review. While it's a great idea for a game I've always felt that TJ could have come from D3's Simple series of games. It sounds like it plays that way as well.

3245th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Anarchy Waits and waits" , posted Tue 19 Jun 11:34post reply

Has any reason been given as to why the US version of Max Anarchy has been delayed?

I was going to say "Well, there are a lot of fighting games coming out", which just barely made sense, but MA would still come out faster than them, so that makes even less sense. I can only assume they don't want to compete with...something.

Speaking of which, I don't know how Capcom expects players to show any continued interest in SFxT, but I'm curious to see if they'll pull something in terms of system changes.

If there's anyone out there giving awards for video game lighting DD should take top prize.

Sometimes I like being in the dark just to be in the dark. I'm a big fan of the soundtrack and the battle animations as well. Very "Monster Hunter." Actually, I hope they can take a lot from this game for future MH titles. The way that the fights unravel has a sort of "narrative" to it. It's never just "hit this until it's dead." That's the way I felt when I first played MH, though it's become sort of mundane now. DD brings back that feeling...and a wonderful feeling of "adventure".

But damn do I ever hate long treks (in just about any game). That's a massive pet peeve of mine, so I can only enjoy DD so much. I have to tell myself that grunt enemies are the best way to level my job and that I'm not actually wasting time.

Speaking of importing, Tokyo Jungle is just not very good: full of bugs, very repetitive, one tiny map, all the animals play along the same two archetypes (no gimmick like the elephant using its trunk, the kangaroo jumping super high... They will just play almost like the deer and the chicken).

I think this is going to be a cheaper DL title internationally (?)...which sounds like a good place for it. Your endorsement (or lack thereof) makes it sound like it's worth playing, but not importing.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

3500th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Random News Thread Silent Spring Editio" , posted Tue 19 Jun 13:25post reply

Speaking of importing, Tokyo Jungle is just not very good: full of bugs, very repetitive, one tiny map, all the animals play along the same two archetypes

But god what have they been doing for the last two years, I just do not know. The game looks the same as in 2010. And I can tell you they definitely didn't spend that time on the debug.

It's still funny that there's Sony AIBOs in the game, lol (spoiler link). But yeah it was a very budget game brewed in a uber small studio at a residential neighborhood, using a PC with only 4GB RAM.

469th Post

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"Re(5):Anarchy Waits and waits" , posted Tue 19 Jun 17:42post reply

Speaking of which, I don't know how Capcom expects players to show any continued interest in SFxT, but I'm curious to see if they'll pull something in terms of system changes.

With exception of the mission mode, the offline modes are quite boring. The online if not filled with bugs, could be fine, but I think was going too optimistic in the beginning with this title. Gameplay with gems is simply stupid, too advantages for some characters (Hugo, shotos, Kazuya), link moves are a good thing but requires too much on reflexes than actual timing. Also disappointed by the soundtrack, a game like this has to be filled with good remixes. Overall I can't say it's a bad game, I think Capcom's are not my kind of fighters anymore. I enjoyed spending two hours on online Virtua Fighter 5 FS more that my total 6 hours on SFxT.
Side note: I played Zero2 and Vampire Savior a couple of nights ago, they actually play like NOTHING of the modern Capcom fighters. They feel more cohesive and harmonic, I can't say otherwise.
By the way, about Ono's health: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-06-11-the-rise-and-collapse-of-yoshinori-ono He simply burned himslef out because of Capcom, apparently.

PS: Tokyo Jungle is not conceived as a DD title; in Japan it got a retail release.

9343th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Anarchy Waits and waits" , posted Tue 19 Jun 19:23:post reply

I think Ishmael is right with the D3 idea... It's really the same kind of guilty pleasure.
And wow about the 4Go computer. You'd think with the money Sony spent on the marketing plan, they'd have invested at least some of it on better hardware, especially if the team was very small...
I think this is going to be a cheaper DL title internationally (?)...which sounds like a good place for it.

While it's definitely for the best, as this game is really just an old-school scoring type arcade game, releasing it via DL will rob the US of the per-shop exclusive DLC. While it's usually more annoying than anything else, this time, asking yourself "should I buy it in this shop to play as the Alligator, or that shop to play as the kangaroo, or that shop to play as the sabre-toothed tiger?" was part of the fun.
(It is quite cheap in Japan as well, I got mine for 3900 yens? So it's already almost priced like a Simple Series).

Oh, and back to Max Anarchy: Inaba just said they had no information on why the game was pushed back; as far as they're concerned, the development ended, the game will be released in Japan at the set date, and there are no talk about altering the content for the western release in any way. And since the Japanese version will have native customisable EFIS (no German, for a reason) and Bayo as a preorder...
I'm more worried that the game being pushed back will limit the player base too much, and playing an online game only with Japanese players or importers is not going to allow much play...

[this message was edited by Iggy on Tue 19 Jun 19:44]

952th Post

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"Re(6):Anarchy Waits and waits" , posted Wed 20 Jun 12:40post reply


Oh, and back to Max Anarchy: Inaba just said they had no information on why the game was pushed back; as far as they're concerned, the development ended, the game will be released in Japan at the set date, and there are no talk about altering the content for the western release in any way. And since the Japanese version will have native customisable EFIS (no German, for a reason) and Bayo as a preorder...

It's pretty funny that almost all of the quotes from Platinum have essentially been "We have no idea why it was delayed, the game is finished. Oh and by the way, the Japanese version is region free on X360 and PS3 and has English menus." I'm not sure I've seen a developer other than Cave pretty much telling everyone to go buy the import version.

I'm torn, honestly. It's expensive to import these days, so I'll have to give it some thought as to whether or not I'll import it, as good as it is. Maybe if they confirm that the Bayonetta DLC will be a pack-in code for preorders or something. Dunno.


1818th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

""STD capital of Japan"" , posted Wed 20 Jun 13:13post reply


...allowing you to survive and run to shelter where you savagely mate with a flee-ridden low-level female.
So Tokyo Jungle is set in Roppongi? Either way, thanks for the review.

Hah! It sounds like this man has seen some things. Well played, sir. I allowed myself to laugh since I'm sure you are someone who truly feels sympathy for human animals.

I have to admit I was never very interested in Tokyo Jungle... but I can't help but wish it well.

/ / /

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"Re: Random News: Can of Music Edition" , posted Thu 21 Jun 23:57post reply

New Mega Man (plain, no X included) series soundtrack collection is coming, all in a pretty 'E' can tin. Pretty, but... I wonder if such things might be available in digital format in a western-accessible location someday (I mean in a for-pay format, I'm certain this beauty will be ripped and made into a torrent almost instantly upon its release).


794th Post

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"Re(1):Re: Random News:Direct Edition" , posted Fri 22 Jun 13:32:post reply

Latest Nintendo Direct footage really made me feel geared up for Bravely Default. Didn't expect it to be that high profile but now it's looking to be one.

Project Sora collaborating with two of Namco Bandai's divisions. I'm not sure what to expect other than Pac-Man and Klonoa might be likely candidates for Smash 4. It's be funny to see Hayachi get batted by Ness.

Ex-Troopers is loking great.

Oh, and 3DS LL/XL pretty much confirmed.

Edit: And America is getting Layton Mask of Miracle. Treehouse localizing again. I'm guessing it took so long since they probably replaced many of the Japanese language-centric puzzle with new international ones like they did with other installments.

[this message was edited by sfried on Fri 22 Jun 13:35]

4401th Post

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"Re(2):Re: Random News:Direct Edition" , posted Fri 22 Jun 23:47post reply


Oh, and 3DS LL/XL pretty much confirmed.

Does the second stick attachment work on this new 3DS model? While I'm not going to begrudge Nintendo or anyone who wanted an XBox sized 3DS I can see why they decided not to announce this slightly puffier handheld during the hype fest of E3.

In other news Team Ninja declares that Ninja Burgers are off the menu. I've seen plenty of game companies apologize for poor titles in the past but this is the first time I can remember a developer so quickly owning up to having laid an egg.

593th Post

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"Re(3):Re: Random News:Direct Edition" , posted Sat 23 Jun 00:50post reply

All red arremers are Firebrand to Siliconera, but yeah, there's some Makaimura in Project X Zone.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

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"Re(4):Re: Random News:Direct Edition" , posted Sat 23 Jun 14:27post reply

All red arremers are Firebrand to Siliconera, but yeah, there's some Makaimura in Project X Zone.

That's shockingly goofy on their part. Usually they're a little more exact!

Finally, my dream of driving a Japanese taxi (competitively) will be reality! Seriously though, how is it I aways want so badly to play the mini games in Ryu ga Gotoku games? It's like a magic trick!


1755th Post

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"Random Lollipop Chainsaw" , posted Sat 23 Jun 15:15post reply

So I got this game earlier in the week and played about an hour a day for 5 days and beat it. Yes, it is short, but I really enjoyed it.

First off, it is probably the funniest written game I have ever played. Some of the off the cuff comments the characters make during combos and the generic zombies have some funny stuff. There was a line about Katy Perry that made me laugh quite a bit.

The soundtrack is pretty damn good. Probably the best use of licensed music in a non-music and rhythm game in quite some time. It probably ranks up there with Crazy Taxi for me. Even songs like "Mickey" and "Pac-Man Fever" got me in the mood to decapitate zombies.

The gameplay is alright. The game could use another layer of polish in this regard if anything else just to clean up some of the animations. You of course get the combos involving the chainsaw, but you gain abilities like a grenade launcher and a dash attach. Zombie types are varied enough that you have to be careful which ones you focus on or what attacks you use. Bosses are memorable and fun with each one having a couple of phases each. They threw in a handful of side missions/minigames in each level to try to break up the monotony of the hack and slash. You get to play zombie basketball, baseball and mow them down as well.

If you got a weekend, try to rent this out and beat it. Probably not worth the full $60(I got it for $45 off of Amazon and I don't regret it.)

Latest Nintendo Direct footage really made me feel geared up for Bravely Default. Didn't expect it to be that high profile but now it's looking to be one.

Project Sora collaborating with two of Namco Bandai's divisions. I'm not sure what to expect other than Pac-Man and Klonoa might be likely candidates for Smash 4. It's be funny to see Hayachi get batted by Ness.

This announcement is fairly strange, but not too far out of left field since Namco Bandai has collaborated with Nintendo in the past (will we finally get a console version of Mario Kart Arcade?). I wonder if they are trying to speed up the process so that they can have an exclusive killer app ASAP.

3246th Post

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"Re(1):Random Lollipop Chainsaw" , posted Sat 23 Jun 16:01post reply

Lollipop Chainsaw

I usually preorder a game if I want it at all, but after Shadows of the Damned and No More Heroes 2, I felt like I'd be better of waiting for the price to drop. I don't consider relative shortness to be a bad thing (better than stretching a game too thin), but that does encourage me to wait for a sale, when I already have other games to play, and I'm highly unlikely to play Lollipop Chainsaw more than once.

Anyway, thanks for the write up. I hope Suda can make a 100% awesome game someday, rather than more 66.6% awesome ones, tainted by budget or polish issues.


The bigger screen is exciting, and the size isn't a deterrent, since it's not like I'd ever be putting the thing in my pocket anyway. My concern is that the 3DS was built for a smaller screen and thus, looks best on a smaller screen. If there's any loss of sharpness in the transfer, then the original might still be the better choice. I'm sure there will be exhaustive comparisons made when it's released, any way around.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

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"Re(2):Random Lollipop Chainsaw" , posted Sun 24 Jun 00:26post reply

Gekiganger's sentiments pretty much mirror mine and his Crazy Taxi comparison reminds me of a comment I heard that made me feel better about Lollipop. I forget who it was but they said if you think of Suda's offerings as Dreamcast games it eases the rough edges. Once I looked at it that way I enjoyed the game much more.

2363th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Ninja Burger in my taxi" , posted Sun 24 Jun 02:54:post reply

In other news Team Ninja declares that Ninja Burgers are off the menu.
Phew! Ishmael had me scared for a minute that my fast food venue of choice since 1999 had gone out of busines!

In seriousness, though, that's actually a very important article that points to a lot of the problems in big-budget Japanese design these days. It turns out that you will never succeed in making a Western shooter that is better than a Western shooter, so you're probably better bringing your own aesthetic and style (cultural or personal) to the table. People have forgotten since the first Xbox came out and American publishers actually started making good games on consoles instead of just PC's, but it turns out that for about three or four generations of consoles, tons of Americans bought games in spite of---or maybe because of---the Japanese style.
Finally, my dream of driving a Japanese taxi (competitively) will be reality! Seriously though, how is it I aways want so badly to play the mini games in Ryu ga Gotoku games?
Why, because it is the One True Successor to dear beloved Shenmue! All I want to do is buy gachapon capsule toys and go to the arcade all day (in the game). My group's biggest collective regret was that no matter how many times we exchanged it, we could never get a copy of Shenmue with a working Disc 3 and thus never got to join the ranks of the truly competitive forklift racers.


[this message was edited by Maou on Sun 24 Jun 03:00]

1756th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):Random Lollipop Chainsaw" , posted Sun 24 Jun 13:11post reply


Anyway, thanks for the write up. I hope Suda can make a 100% awesome game someday, rather than more 66.6% awesome ones, tainted by budget or polish issues.

Suda has his own little niche that he fills quite nicely. He is like the Troma Films of the video game world. I need to pick up Shadows of the Damned still. EA gave it no advertisement what so ever and when I finally noticed it, I was too caught up in other stuff.

Gekiganger's sentiments pretty much mirror mine and his Crazy Taxi comparison reminds me of a comment I heard that made me feel better about Lollipop. I forget who it was but they said if you think of Suda's offerings as Dreamcast games it eases the rough edges. Once I looked at it that way I enjoyed the game much more.

Just to add to that, I feel that this game doesn't try to be anything but a fun video game. Today we get a lot of developers trying to create "immersive" or "cinematic" experiences, which I feel really picked up after the Dreamcast era. But in their quest for the movie experience, developers slowly take more and more control away from the gamer(or simply create the illusion of control).

1076th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"MAX ANARCHY" , posted Mon 25 Jun 05:35:post reply

Anarchy Reigns

Finally got to spend some time with the demo. OH MAN ITS SO FUN!

Here are some quick thoughts:

1) This is one of the coolest casts of characters I've ever seen. Everyone's really memorable and distinct, from the way they look to the way they play. Even the way each character throws a punch of kick feels distinct and personalized. The movesets and animations aren't interchangable between characters (can't say this about too many games).

2) This is the best soundtrack I've heard in a long time. Platinum always delivers with the music.

3) I love the attitude of the game. It's totally gonzo and violent, but in a good natured way. The game emphasizes how ridiculously strong you are rather than how much pain you're causing other people.

4) Max Anarchy has fulfilled my wish for a new game with enemy grunts that die in single, decisive hits. The way those mutants pop is very very satisfying.



[this message was edited by nobinobita on Mon 25 Jun 05:36]

1076th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Ninja Burger in my taxi" , posted Mon 25 Jun 05:48post reply

In other news Team Ninja declares that Ninja Burgers are off the menu.

Great article! So glad to hear that a Japanese developer realizes their best chance at success is to make Japanese games.

As a side note, why is Ninja Gaiden 3 being singled out as a terrible game? Do we just hold Japanese action games to a higher standard? Because it still has better controls and gameplay than say Force Unleashed 2 or any God of War.


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"Re(2):Ninja Burger in my taxi" , posted Mon 25 Jun 07:03post reply


YESSSSS!!!!!!! In fact remarkably so! Not incidentally at all it reminds me a lot of Powerstone, and as a result it's fun in a lot of the same ways.

As a side note, why is Ninja Gaiden 3 being singled out as a terrible game? Do we just hold Japanese action games to a higher standard? Because it still has better controls and gameplay than say Force Unleashed 2 or any God of War.

It might be that it's being singled out because the first two games were so phenomenal, and because 3 just doesn't feel like 1 and 2-- in fact it feels to me a lot like it's being discussed here: a Japanese developed game trying to feel like a US developed game.

I'm glad at least that they caught themselves in the act so to speak, so maybe we can get another great Ninja Gaiden game someday.


4402th Post

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"Re(2):Ninja Burger in my taxi" , posted Mon 25 Jun 09:34post reply

From Lollipop Chainsaw to Max Anarchy, this thread is reminding me of all the new games out there that I want to play. It's also reminding me of the upcoming games that I'm looking forward to as well. Still, while I'm happy that Haruka is a playable character in the latest Ryu ga Gotoku I admit I'm a bit sad that she won't get to crack skulls like her Uncle Kaz. Oh well, I'm sure there will still be plenty to do in the game.

As a side note, why is Ninja Gaiden 3 being singled out as a terrible game? Do we just hold Japanese action games to a higher standard? Because it still has better controls and gameplay than say Force Unleashed 2 or any God of War.

I think it's because NG3 is claiming to be a direct sequel to NG1 and 2. If the game had been a new IP or a reboot of Wrath of the Black Manta or whatever then NG3 might have disappointed a bit but there wouldn't have been such a negative reaction. While it's true that the current NG games don't play like the NES or arcade versions of NG a good chunk of time passed before Itagaki started doing his thing. But since NG3 directly follows the previous NG games it's only natural that people compare it to what came before.

When it comes down to it I would much rather play GoW1 or 2 (not GoW3, that was wretched) than NG3. GoW2 made no sense and was ridiculous but it was committed to it's vision of turning it up to 11 all the time. I never had that same feeling of a personal vision in the time I spent playing the NG3 demo. Hopefully in their next game they can make something they are excited about and that energy will come through in the game instead of trying to hit all the bullet points on a list of what players supposedly want.

918th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):Re: Random News:Direct Edition" , posted Mon 25 Jun 11:03post reply


Oh, and 3DS LL/XL pretty much confirmed.

Does the second stick attachment work on this new 3DS model? While I'm not going to begrudge Nintendo or anyone who wanted an XBox sized 3DS I can see why they decided not to announce this slightly puffier handheld during the hype fest of E3.

The stick attachment is fairly snug on the existing model, and chances are it won't fit at all with the XL model (provided Nintendo doesn't do something strange such as make the lower half the same size??)

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

794th Post

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"Re(3):Ninja Burger in my taxi" , posted Mon 25 Jun 13:20post reply

As a side note, why is Ninja Gaiden 3 being singled out as a terrible game? Do we just hold Japanese action games to a higher standard? Because it still has better controls and gameplay than say Force Unleashed 2 or any God of War.

I think it's because NG3 is claiming to be a direct sequel to NG1 and 2. If the game had been a new IP or a reboot of Wrath of the Black Manta or whatever then NG3 might have disappointed a bit but there wouldn't have been such a negative reaction. While it's true that the current NG games don't play like the NES or arcade versions of NG a good chunk of time passed before Itagaki started doing his thing. But since NG3 directly follows the previous NG games it's only natural that people compare it to what came before.
Isn't NG3 Razor's Edge for Wii U suppose to be a different or a "fixed" version of NG3. I heard it was actually being co-developed with Nintendo too. I felt most of Team Ninja's priorities were shifted to that version.

Speaking of which, Fatal Frame apparently is now co-owned by Nintendo as well?

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"Re(1):MAX ANARCHY" , posted Mon 25 Jun 18:28:post reply

The game emphasizes how ridiculously strong you are rather than how much pain you're causing other people.

That's an interesting distinction to make - can you elaborate?

Edit: Oh, right: To celebrate a decade online and being the most profitable Final Fantasy, FFXI is getting another expansion, complete with a new continent nad new Geomancer and Rune Fencer jobs (the latter finally using great swords as a primary weapon, an odd oversight so far). Vanafest also mentioned some features about the new expansion that makes it feel like Colonization, and some play-as-a-monster PvP mode.
Also, Hiromichi Tanaka is leaving SE, which has been something as a cause for celebration for many FFXI players, as the man's usually held responsible for some of the more grindy and frustration features of the game, not to mention the original form of XIV - which kinda fits his background as one of the people behind FF2 (where apparently getting your characters to spend battles hitting each other was an optimal strategy) and FF3 (huge final dungeon with no save points and a boss that requires a very specific party setup).

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

[this message was edited by Loona on Tue 26 Jun 00:08]

595th Post

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"Re(2):MAX ANARCHY" , posted Wed 27 Jun 17:54post reply

Devilotte in Project X Zone (oh yeah, and some other people too) - can't wait to see how they'll pull her off without a mech. what does a guy have to do to encourage an english version for this?...

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

4404th Post

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"Re(3):MAX ANARCHY" , posted Wed 27 Jun 23:44post reply

Looking over the Mass Effect finale redux I realized that ME has picked up the storytelling quirks of Neon Genesis Evangelion. I doubt this is the legacy the game developers wanted. It's also interesting to compare this capitulation and the ten-string combo Harada dished out to Tekken whiners on Twitter. Then again, I suspect the endings in ME3 were probably not universally loved in-house either.

Speaking of development and the SE links Loona supplied earlier, SE announced that they are going to avoid large scale in-house development after FFXIII-2. After all the horror stories that came out of the creation of the FFXIII games I'm not surprised they are going to try a new plan in the future.

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"Re(4):MAX ANARCHY" , posted Thu 28 Jun 02:05post reply

I'm sad about the axing of internal development at Square HQ... will those staff get laid off or just sit there?

It's a shame that poor project management and lack of effective processes will negatively affect so many people.

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

3247th Post

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"Re(1):MAX ANARCHY" , posted Fri 29 Jun 09:18post reply



Recently, playing Sonic Generations gave me a similar experience. On one of the classic Sonic levels, I said "This is good videogames, dude."

Anyway, Max Anarchy is happily preordered. The wait has been long enough, and Platinum certainly seemed to deliver well enough to warrant the price.

Speaking of development and the SE links Loona supplied earlier, SE announced that they are going to avoid large scale in-house development after FFXIII-2

XIII-2 itself was partially outsourced. Square can't finish their games, so hopefully this will be a good turn for them.

I normally call BS when people talk about how far behind Japanese games are, but lately so many games have been shipped in a "good enough" state that it's embarrassing. I hate this self-defacing "oh, we're so many years behind the west" combined with the stupidly arrogant release of an unfinished game.

Dragon's Dogma again

I still think this game deserves many of the nasty things reviewers have said about it, but beating one of the roaming dragons last night at a reasonably low level (30) became an instant "all time favorite video game moment." The monsters and characters in this game are so alive (when they're fighting)! It really makes for some outstanding boss battles. I hope Capcom can bring this exact experience to another game, preferably with multiplayer.

Real pity about the world, though. Since your hero can't talk whatsoever and the pawns never interact with anyone but you, pretty much all the characters in the game don't have anyone to talk to. They can kind of talk AT you or talk at the air, but it's kind of hard to develop anything interesting that way. It's like Dragon Quest 1 or something. I don't know if Capcom stupidly thought western games were actually like this or if they were just plain stupid.

A fantastic side-effect of this sloppiness is that the women of the world all treat my 14 year old girl character like an attractive adult man.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

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"Re(2):MAX ANARCHY" , posted Mon 2 Jul 21:15post reply

New Project X Zone trailer - oh please Bamco don't hate my money...
Stuff I noticed in this i hadn't seen before inclused the use of Resident Evil's Tyrant and Nemesis as enemies, and a magic circle stage that I'd seen in NxC in Valkyrie's Zouna's pyramid stage - I don't think we'll see a Dust Dragon from Forgotten Worlds materializing there this time though.

There's also this puzzling thing from Namco, not to be confused with this one.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

2324th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):MAX ANARCHY" , posted Tue 3 Jul 01:35post reply

not to be confused with this one.

I remember back when ALL*STARS was announced, I was totally hype simply for the prospect of EDF guy in a fighting game, let alone EDF guy vs. Futaba Riho.

Then the game came out and, predictably, it sucked. Oh well.

4406th Post

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"Re(3):MAX ANARCHY" , posted Tue 3 Jul 22:13post reply

Real pity about the world, though. Since your hero can't talk whatsoever and the pawns never interact with anyone but you, pretty much all the characters in the game don't have anyone to talk to. They can kind of talk AT you or talk at the air, but it's kind of hard to develop anything interesting that way. It's like Dragon Quest 1 or something. I don't know if Capcom stupidly thought western games were actually like this or if they were just plain stupid.

Demon's Souls also had a mute protagonist and only a few characters you could interact with; just curious, but do you feel that approach was more successful in DS than it is in DD?

A fantastic side-effect of this sloppiness is that the women of the world all treat my 14 year old girl character like an attractive adult man.

I had been wondering what would happen if you picked a female lead. It seems that DD, like most games, managed to totally half-ass it. Now I want to switch the bodies on my pawn and main character just to see if anyone in the game notices the difference.


There's also this puzzling thing from Namco, not to be confused with this one.

It looks like this game is going to feature mollusks, dried fruit and aquariums. I have no idea what is going on but I want to play it already.

In adaptation news, Gackt is going to play Nobunaga. Sure, why not?

14th Post

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"Re(3):Icy Penguigo" , posted Wed 4 Jul 00:29post reply

This doesn't quite fit in the non-gaming random thread, so it goes here: Udon bothered to translate and release a Captain Commando manga

Wow, thanks for posting that link! Captain Commando is so old and so niche, that I never thought its manga would ever get an official English translation. A big thanks goes to Udon for taking a gamble on it. I just went out to Barnes & Noble and bought a copy. It's an interesting read and provides some nice (though probably non-canon) background on the characters. Overall, I liked it, but I just wish they stuck with the characters' original Japanese names rather than their American ones. But that was probably a licensor decision, not Udon's. Looking forward to volume 2!

597th Post

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"Re(4):Icy Penguigo" , posted Wed 4 Jul 02:19post reply

Wow, thanks for posting that link! Captain Commando is so old and so niche, that I never thought its manga would ever get an official English translation.

In my wildest dreams it raises the odds of them ever taking on an SNK license, at least those are more recent and had sequels - I'm yet to see an actual reasoning behind this... experiment?... Least I could do was spread the word about it to keep it going.

It's an interesting read and provides some nice (though probably non-canon) background on the characters.

Actually just about everything there checks out, after some investigation - most of it seems based on the
arcade flyers for the game, further backed up by the text in NxC (which came out much later than the manga, but emphasizes things like Ginzu and Guy sharing a style), and while those don't cover the Metro City setting specifically, the actual game does feature Haggar busts, and the connection is declared in the Captain's profile in the new Udon MvC series book.
As far as I can tell the manga only really invented a couple of female characters and a real name and day job for the Captain, and made up and tweaked relationships and worldviews for the antagonists.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

3248th Post

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"Re(4):MAX ANARCHY" , posted Wed 4 Jul 08:17post reply


Demon's Souls also had a mute protagonist and only a few characters you could interact with; just curious, but do you feel that approach was more successful in DS than it is in DD?

Demon/Dark Souls had fewer characters and much less talking altogether. Also, you weren't surrounded by 3 extremely chatty partners to contrast yourself with. It was also lacking the (tragically rare) high-quality cinemas where your character makes realistic expressions, but never has a word to say. I don't like comparing the two games, because they hamper my enjoyment of each other. But to answer the question, I think Demons' Souls (or at least Dark Souls) is just more successful overall compared to DD, which seems a bit confused here and there. On the other hand, though, the fantastic way that you interact with your environment in DD vs the way you kind of float over everything in DS has killed my enthusiasm for the DS update. Even if I say "DS is more successful overall", DD's high points are very VERY high for me.

On the subject of DD, it was considerate of them to let you recruit pawns that are much higher level than you so you don't have to keep getting new ones as you level. Unfortunately, I've had some very expensive pawns throw themselves off of cliffs lately. It sucks to grow attached to your teammates, only to have them leap out of your healing range and out of your price range.

And on a side note, thank you for taking Basil on such a grand adventure. That covered the tab of one of my tragic losses. I have since switched him over to sword and shield, because the archer classes seem to have a bunch of skills that are aimed at actual players, not AI.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

4563th Post

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"Re(4):MAX ANARCHY" , posted Thu 5 Jul 05:18post reply

Looking over the Mass Effect finale redux I realized that ME has picked up the storytelling quirks of Neon Genesis Evangelion. I doubt this is the legacy the game developers wanted. It's also interesting to compare this capitulation and the ten-string combo Harada dished out to Tekken whiners on Twitter. Then again, I suspect the endings in ME3 were probably not universally loved in-house either.

Speaking of development and the SE links Loona supplied earlier, SE announced that they are going to avoid large scale in-house development after FFXIII-2. After all the horror stories that came out of the creation of the FFXIII games I'm not surprised they are going to try a new plan in the future.

I think this is how we all wanted mass effect to end

1819th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):MAX ANARCHY" , posted Thu 5 Jul 07:13post reply

On the subject of DD, it was considerate of them to let you recruit pawns that are much higher level than you so you don't have to keep getting new ones as you level. Unfortunately, I've had some very expensive pawns throw themselves off of cliffs lately. It sucks to grow attached to your teammates, only to have them leap out of your healing range and out of your price range.

And on a side note, thank you for taking Basil on such a grand adventure...

I keep getting excited that people here are playing Dragon's Dogma then realizing everyone else got the PS3 version.

/ / /

3249th Post

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"Re(6):MAX ANARCHY" , posted Thu 5 Jul 07:33post reply


I keep getting excited that people here are playing Dragon's Dogma then realizing everyone else got the PS3 version.

I got excited about the Biohazard 6 demo yesterday, then realized I got the PS3 vesion of Dragon's Dogma.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

446th Post

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"Re(5):MAX ANARCHY" , posted Thu 5 Jul 09:59post reply

Looking over the Mass Effect finale redux I realized that ME has picked up the storytelling quirks of Neon Genesis Evangelion. I doubt this is the legacy the game developers wanted. It's also interesting to compare this capitulation and the ten-string combo Harada dished out to Tekken whiners on Twitter. Then again, I suspect the endings in ME3 were probably not universally loved in-house either.

Speaking of development and the SE links Loona supplied earlier, SE announced that they are going to avoid large scale in-house development after FFXIII-2. After all the horror stories that came out of the creation of the FFXIII games I'm not surprised they are going to try a new plan in the future.

I think this is how we all wanted mass effect to end

I want to know those FF XIII stories

4410th Post

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"Re(5):MAX ANARCHY" , posted Fri 6 Jul 10:03:post reply

And on a side note, thank you for taking Basil on such a grand adventure. That covered the tab of one of my tragic losses. I have since switched him over to sword and shield, because the archer classes seem to have a bunch of skills that are aimed at actual players, not AI.

The little guy pulled his weight and was certainly much better than some of the pawns I've hired. I wish there was a way to search for pawns by inclination since there's nothing more annoying than to have a pawn who wants to go pick up sticks and rocks during the middle of a fight.
I think this is how we all wanted mass effect to end

I would be happy if all games ended like that.

Looking forward to volume 2!

Wait a sec, the Captain Commando manga is a multi-volume affair? That's terrific! I love the idea that hundreds of pages of Captain Commando are being translated into English.

[this message was edited by Ishmael on Fri 6 Jul 11:32]

4413th Post

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"Re(6):MINIMUM ANARCHY" , posted Fri 13 Jul 03:04post reply

Double posting because I'm cool like that.

Max Anarchy didn't exactly take the world by storm. Has Clover/Platinum ever made a game that people wanted to buy?

I like that FemShep has become popular enough that they are making a big, expensive action figure of her. What's crazy is that more of these figures will probably be sold than copies of the 360 version of Max Anarchy.

1402th Post

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"Re(7):MINIMUM ANARCHY" , posted Fri 13 Jul 06:37post reply

Double posting because I'm cool like that.

Max Anarchy didn't exactly take the world by storm. Has Clover/Platinum ever made a game that people wanted to buy?

I kinda wish the characters had better designs. I think they're a bit messy. I enjoyed the demo though.

Sega's strategy of delaying it FOREVER is also interesting.

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

1820th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(7):MINIMUM ANARCHY" , posted Fri 13 Jul 10:32post reply

Double posting because I'm cool like that.

Max Anarchy didn't exactly take the world by storm. Has Clover/Platinum ever made a game that people wanted to buy?

Not much hope for humanity.

/ / /

9351th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):MINIMUM ANARCHY" , posted Fri 13 Jul 17:10post reply

Sega's strategy of delaying it FOREVER is also interesting.

Their strategy of not making any promo or commercials of the game except buying a somewhat good score in Famitsu is also pretty innovative.

3256th Post

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"Re(8):MINIMUM ANARCHY" , posted Sat 14 Jul 20:52post reply

I'll be sad if Anarchy Reigns doesn't have some degree of success in the west, since a fair portion of the game's appeal lies in its multiplayer. I find story mode perfectly satisfactory, though.

I'm just hugely biased towards Platinum's games. Pretty much none of my friends are excited about their stuff, and the only thing I can say is "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I need to be more persuasive.


I kinda wish the characters had better designs. I think they're a bit messy. I enjoyed the demo though.

I wasn't huge on any of the characters as they were announced, but now that I'm playing the game, I've completely turned around. I think the game's strongest point is how successful the characters are. It reminds me of Street Fighter where you have these characters that may not be "cool" (in fact, many of them are "lame"), but are perfectly clear in the execution of their concept. I can't think of many games that accomplish that as well as Anarchy Reigns.

The other high point in the game is the title screen, which is probably my favorite since SMT3.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

2861th Post

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"Re(9):MINIMUM ANARCHY" , posted Sun 15 Jul 07:34post reply

Max Anarchy has been a bit of a puzzle for me since I finished the campaign. On one hand, I like it, I enjoy it, and as hokey as the story was the execution was far better than I would have expected from anyone other than P+.

However now that I've unlocked the characters I'm feeling a little down on the battle system. It's fairly solid, for sure, but the variety kind of bothers me. Since I look at this game somewhat as a fighter I was really hoping to see a wider variety of styles between characters. A few characters have unique features like Baron and Durga, but most of them are just the hit-hit-hit variety with similar mixups and ranges. I'm finding it fun now, but I feel like a wall is coming where I won't be able to find much else to do with it. Maybe I'm worried about nothing, though.

Also I'd be remiss if I forgot to mention that I love the music. So crazy.

3257th Post

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"Re(10):MINIMUM ANARCHY" , posted Sun 15 Jul 09:05post reply

It's fairly solid, for sure, but the variety kind of bothers me. Since I look at this game somewhat as a fighter I was really hoping to see a wider variety of styles between characters.

The game is very deep for a beat' em up, but pretty shallow for a fighter. I feel like it has "width" more than "depth". I like that it's easy to jump characters, but yeah, maybe a few more "trick" ones would be nice.

But that's why I say the online is important. As a strictly single player experience, the game offers enough to get your money's worth, but it doesn't turn into that 200+ hour sort of thing you really devote yourself to without enough people to play with.

I don't want to sound like I'm complaining though, because it's an issue of "yes, it's amazing, but what if it was EVERYTHING?"

And the soundtrack is remarkably perfect. I would never listen to this music on its own, but I wouldn't put anything else in the game. It brought up the question "What if it was your job to rap about science for beat 'em up games?"

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

1822th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):Re(10):MINIMUM ANARCHY" , posted Sun 15 Jul 15:43post reply


The game is very deep for a beat' em up, but pretty shallow for a fighter. I feel like it has "width" more than "depth". I like that it's easy to jump characters, but yeah, maybe a few more "trick" ones would be nice.

So there's nobody that would really be considered a "Trap" character, I imagine.


As a strictly single player experience, the game offers enough to get your money's worth, but it doesn't turn into that 200+ hour sort of thing you really devote yourself to without enough people to play with.

I'm actually curious how close the single-player is to a musou-style game... and is it quality or quantity that provide the value here?


And the soundtrack is remarkably perfect... It brought up the question "What if it was your job to rap about science for beat 'em up games?"

Something else it has in common with Mad World I guess, although that was more like "rapping about Haloween". I had the same thoughts with that game. While I was playing it, "Hah this is actually a pretty cool soundtrack." Afterwards, "Actually maybe it's best if I didn't listen to the words too closely."

/ / /

9353th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):MINIMUM ANARCHY" , posted Sun 15 Jul 18:55post reply

I'm actually curious how close the single-player is to a musou-style game...

To me, the single-campaign stages remind me more of a modern Final Fight... Punching never-ending waves of thugs, and you have your trusted jump+punch move that kills everything around you, but depletes some of your life.
It's much more pleasant if I try to convince myself I'm playing a new, I don't know, Captain Commando or Mutation Nation.

3260th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):MINIMUM ANARCHY" , posted Sun 15 Jul 20:37:post reply


I'm actually curious how close the single-player is to a musou-style game... and is it quality or quantity that provide the value here?

It's quite different. You have an "overhead map" sort of area where you can run around a lot and fight hordes of guys, then "missions" you can enter from different points on the map. The missions vary wildly, from beating 5 boss-like characters, to races, or shooting things with a gun, or riding on a helicopter or whatever. Whether you kill guys on the "map" or complete missions you get "points" that eventually unlock the next story mission, which includes a cinema (or several) and usually some sort of boss fight.

I disagree with Iggy's description as you don't really have any stages with waves of thugs that you move through to progress. You have the option to stick around on the map and beat guys as much as you like, though and some missions will be like "kill as many guys as you can in 5 minutes" or something.

The system is a little tighter than Musou games as it's also suitable for PvP and the missions provide a very focused challenge with an emphasis on perfecting your game for a higher score.

In the game's favor, let me say that I never spent more than 5 minutes roaming around on the map and never had to repeat a mission more than once to get enough points to progress the plot. "Getting points" isn't like a grind or anything.

I don't know how to evaluate "quality", but I think you can work up your expertise at the game a little better than a Musou game which tend to require very little from their players. It's a little more like God Hand or Guardian Heroes in terms of depth (well, maybe less than those).

But in terms of the big sprawling tearing up 100s of dudes factor, Musou games give you a lot more. Also, despite its huge wealth of online multiplayer options, I don't believe you can play Anarchy multiplayer in person (?).

I would say the game has a good ratio of quality/quantity vs the musou games that give you tons and tons of the same stuff to do, but work well as a sort of stress relief. As a disclaimer, Kaizoku Musou is nothing like that, as it has relatively little multiplayer beat 'em up content and a very focused story mode. I'm using something like Dynasty Warriors 7 as my Musou example, as most games in the series are like that. (For the record, I enjoyed both Kaizoku Musou and Dynasty 7 tremendously)

As an added note, the survival mode you unlock (in Anarchy) by collecting 500 points on the webpage is lots of fun. It's like an incredibly difficult boss rush you can play with a team.

Ah, I thought of a comparison. After the story mode, you're more likely to continue playing AR to get better scores, "work on your game" or enjoy vs matches. In a Musou game, you're usually working through a super massive list of unlockables/items. The closest thing in AR are the skills that you can equip in multiplayer that you get from killing 100 dudes on each overhead map and playing whatever in multiplayer (more the latter than the former).

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Sun 15 Jul 21:10]

1826th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):Re(10):MINIMUM ANARCHY" , posted Wed 18 Jul 08:23post reply

Thanks for impressions guys. I should be able to maintain my moderate anticipation levels for this game... although the North American release caught a huge delay recently. :/

I'm a little worried though that THE TERRIBLE REIGN OF MAX ANARCHY won't quite live up to the games of the mid/late nineties with games like Guardian Heroes, Capcom's Aliens vs Predator and D&D games, Battle Circuit, and so on. A lot of room for mechanical depth that lets players express and challenge themselves with the way you beat up the enemy.

I can enjoy musou games in some capacity (it really helps to be playing coop, though) but I really like to have a bit more depth... at least it sounds like there's a little more to it here. Maximum Anarchy does have the multiplayer thing, as well.

My favorite beat'em up descendant in the longest time has actually been Dragon's Dogma, which picked up a few of the action genes from Devil May Cry. I'm really excited about the eventual follow-up to DraDog, actually. I hope they they focus more on the fighting (of course) and adventuring and less on the "questing" and typical, stilted, RPG walk-and-talk bullshit. Pawn system can stay. They can totally build on that.

/ / /

878th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(5):MAX ANARCHY" , posted Thu 19 Jul 01:18post reply

I'm sad about the axing of internal development at Square HQ... will those staff get laid off or just sit there?

A more constructive switch, which is common in this type of situation, is staff re-organizing. Say you have 200 staff secured on project X. Rather than keeping the team intact, you will distribute the staff accordingly with the needs of other projects. Luckily(?) for SQEX, they have at least 3 MMOs running, each at a different stage of production. This kind of undertaking lends itself quite well to flexible staff assignment.

A bigger issue on the long term is that flexible staff management usually rlies on iterative projects and therefore a focus on sequels rather than new IPs. SQEX uses external studios for remakes so this aspect of their business should not be affected at all.

I left my free copy of Max Anarchy in Iggy's hands and I heard from a close source he spent less time with it than with that Ubisoft Kinect game he bought last time.


9357th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):MAX ANARCHY" , posted Thu 19 Jul 04:04post reply

I left my free copy of Max Anarchy in Iggy's hands and I heard from a close source he spent less time with it than with that Ubisoft Kinect game he bought last time.

My god, you are actually correct...
I feel so bad not giving Max Anarchy the time some part of me believes it deserves that I start having guilt-dreams about it. I am serious.

Last night, I dreamt the game was actually called "CAKE ANARCHY", and it was full of delicious cakes that you could eat in your living room thanks to some augmented reality thing, and I loved the game. But I was forced to stop playing after my second cheesecake.

5670th Post

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"YAKUZA ANARCHY" , posted Fri 20 Jul 03:35post reply

Dengeki has some articles about Yakuza 5 :

- Short one and about mini games, I wonder if you'll finally be able to pitch now.

- Long one has some VA interviews. Remember to picture Lin with Kuroda's voice to maximize the factor.

--- Additionally, Ryuga Gotoku 1 & 2 getting HD re-releases Milking the cow, was it? This is to commemorate the 500万 series sales landmark. Now, since I suck with numbers, what's that? 5.000.000? 500.000? 50.000.000? Probably the first one. The other 2 aren't realistic enough I know that 万 is 10k but I still get confused... Heck, I get messed up by western numbers already

They promised actual HD and HQ scenes with better load times... Now, if they would actually fix the ubberly chunky controls from the first games with the current command scheme...

Update 24 as of 03/04/12. // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 24 as of 15/06/12

882th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):YAKUZANARCHY" , posted Fri 20 Jul 04:15post reply

This is to commemorate the 500万 series sales landmark. Now, since I suck with numbers, what's that? 5.000.000? 500.000? 50.000.000?

500万 = 5 Million

The series must indeed be around 5 million shipped in stores with the addition of the RGG5 retail orders. Realistically, it is nearer to 4 million copies sold to consumers.

I am quite eager to play RGG5. RGG4 is the only episode I played beyond the TGS/PSN demo and I enjoyed it. The game seemed to address most of the issues people complained about regarding previous episodes, while I obviously did not suffer from the burnout of going through all the previous episodes. The concept of having multiple characters really appealed to me and they did a good job with the recap videos to catch the relationships of the returning characters.

Therefore, everything regarding RGG5 seems to go in the right direction for me. Five characters to play through including a baseball player, hunting in Hokkaido, an idol simulator with jailbait Haruka (how old is she in that one? 17?) and a taxi drift racing mini-game which lets me hope Genki is helping on the development... My only complain is that Nagoya is included rather than Hiroshima.


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"Re(2):YAKUZAMBLE FISH" , posted Fri 20 Jul 06:22post reply

Apparently, Dimps got tired of making shitty games for other companies and claimed the The Rumblefish IP back from Sega. They renewed the official site, and Big lungs Garnet started her own twitter account.
Now that was a series I didn't expect to see back from the dead... I'm curious to see where it might go.


883th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):YAKUZAMBLE FISH" , posted Fri 20 Jul 07:12post reply

Most likely pachislo or a quiz game for GREE


2344th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):YAKUZAMBLE FISH" , posted Fri 20 Jul 07:27post reply

Most likely pachislo or a quiz game for GREE


4416th Post

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"Re(5):YAKUZAMBLE FISH" , posted Fri 20 Jul 08:51post reply

Seeing as how Sega doesn't seem too keen on third party stuff at the moment now is probably as good a time as any to get back those old IP's. Here's hoping Platinum is paying attention.

Speaking of Sega, I'm still not certain I like the idea of Haruka getting involved in the potentially dodgy world of idols. True, watching her study for university exams wouldn't make for thrilling gameplay but I had hoped she would do something a bit different when she got out of school. All she did was spend half her life getting repeatedly kidnapped while being raised by a man who would routinely beat the holy crap out of crowds of people in Kabukicho. Where did she go wrong?

I'm a little worried though that THE TERRIBLE REIGN OF MAX ANARCHY won't quite live up to the games of the mid/late nineties with games like Guardian Heroes, Capcom's Aliens vs Predator and D&D games, Battle Circuit, and so on. A lot of room for mechanical depth that lets players express and challenge themselves with the way you beat up the enemy.

I'm hoping JoJo is the test run for giving old licensed games the HD treatment and that we will soon get AvPHD and D&DHD. Okay, that's never going to happen but it's a nice thought.

By the way, did anybody note that the new RE movie has been handing out human body parts for people to eat? That is the best promotion I've seen in some time.

1080th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(6):YAKUZAMBLE FISH" , posted Fri 20 Jul 09:33post reply


By the way, did anybody note that the new RE movie has been handing out human body parts for people to eat? That is the best promotion I've seen in some time.

I wonder if they got the idea from this Thai artist/baker (who is amazing!)


608th Post

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"Re(3):YAKUZAMBLE FISH" , posted Fri 20 Jul 11:08post reply

Apparently, Dimps got tired of making shitty games for other companies and claimed the The Rumblefish IP back from Sega. They renewed the official site, and Big lungs Garnet started her own twitter account.
Now that was a series I didn't expect to see back from the dead... I'm curious to see where it might go.


I never got the chance to play any of the RF games, but I like the idea of Dimps owning an IP of their own to play around with - Takashi Nishiyama left Capcom before that became the cool thing to do and made SNK awesome in the process, can't wait to see what his own company can do without the bounds of other companies' IPs.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

3517th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):YAKUZAMBLE FISH" , posted Fri 20 Jul 12:31post reply

Apparently, Dimps got tired of making shitty games for other companies and claimed the The Rumblefish IP back from Sega. They renewed the official site, and Big lungs Garnet started her own twitter account.
Now that was a series I didn't expect to see back from the dead... I'm curious to see where it might go.


Egh, I missed out on this post and put up the same news! But yeah, hopefully it won't turn into another GREE game... dating sim with chest nurse. Seeing a new 16:9 RF game would be pretty awesome.

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"Re(4):YAKUZAMAPPY" , posted Fri 20 Jul 17:10:post reply

Iggy is just messing with your head (as he should be). To be honest, I really think this is TRF2 being ported to PSN/XBLA.

Not because I believe Dimps is so attached to the past or eager to please The Madman's Cafe, but rather because Nishiyama strikes me as a guy ready to let go of the past if he believes in a new strategy for his company. Therefore, I am convinced he is interested in other opportunities such as the social network scene, but I am equally convinced he would employ entirely new IPs to achieve this rather than to rely on ill-placed nostalgia.

Speaking of ill-placed nostalgia, I am really confused about Namco's recently rejuvenated infatuation with Mappy. Now they got Scott Kurtz of PVP to produce an animated web series for them.


[this message was edited by chazumaru on Fri 20 Jul 17:13]

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"Re(5):YAKUZAMAPPY" , posted Fri 20 Jul 19:45post reply


Speaking of ill-placed nostalgia, I am really confused about Namco's recently rejuvenated infatuation with Mappy. Now they got Scott Kurtz of PVP to produce an animated web series for them.

The whole ShiftyLook project seemed interesting until became clear the only research the comics' writers were doing for the most part consisted on skimming the wikipedia articles on the IPs they were supposed to help revive.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

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"Re(5):YAKUZAMAPPY" , posted Fri 20 Jul 22:26post reply

Iggy is just messing with your head (as he should be). To be honest, I really think this is TRF2 being ported to PSN/XBLA

They actually have plans for DEVELOPMENT of the series. It could be even better than a mere port, if managed correctly. Can't wait to play RF2 btw, how's compared to the first? How's Boyd in particular?

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"Re(5):YAKUZAMAPPY" , posted Sat 21 Jul 02:08post reply

Iggy is just messing with your head (as he should be). To be honest, I really think this is TRF2 being ported to PSN/XBLA.

If it's anything other than this, I will be surprised.

But then again, they might just port TRF1 to PSN/XBLA, discover that it does horribly, and then let TRF2 languish in its coffin. They could do that.

And I will be sad.

3519th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(5):YAKUZAMAPPY" , posted Sat 21 Jul 04:37post reply

Iggy is just messing with your head (as he should be). To be honest, I really think this is TRF2 being ported to PSN/XBLA.

I pretty much think the same too-- it's probably a DLC release of TRF2. However, their notice says 'consideration on expansion of the title', so who knows.

I can only assume it didn't cost them too much to pick up Sega's portion of the copyrights so they decided to grab it.

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"Re(6):YAKUZAMAPPYFISH" , posted Sat 21 Jul 05:08