An odd question (Fatal Fury related)? - Forums

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PSN: My3DSFriendCode
XBL: isdownbellow
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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"An odd question (Fatal Fury related)?" , posted Thu 19 Apr 15:30post reply

Does anybody know which Fatal Fury had Terry pointing and looking up a tall building with Geese in it? I have a feeling it was Real Bout but I could be wrong.

Would anybody happen to have a clip of that particular cutscene too?


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PSN: Toxic-Baron
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):An odd question (Fatal Fury related)?" , posted Thu 19 Apr 15:35:post reply

Would anybody happen to have a clip of that particular cutscene too?

Hmn. Though, the video only serves to confirm the question, it doesn't show the whole cutscene. I'll probably try to hunt down the scene later after actually sleeping something.

edit : Bad quality + spanglish

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[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 19 Apr 15:37]

772th Post

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PSN: My3DSFriendCode
XBL: isdownbellow
Wii: 279306128909

Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):An odd question (Fatal Fury related)?" , posted Fri 20 Apr 06:04:post reply

Would anybody happen to have a clip of that particular cutscene too?

Hmn. Though, the video only serves to confirm the question, it doesn't show the whole cutscene. I'll probably try to hunt down the scene later after actually sleeping something.

edit : Bad quality + spanglish

Thanks Toxico. I found a better version here (plus a nice superplay).

[this message was edited by sfried on Sat 21 Apr 06:29]