I thought I leave this here - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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166th Post

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"I thought I leave this here" , posted Tue 10 Apr 01:27post reply

Shouts Out for the professor

In case the professor didn't read his tweets and for people who don't check his tweets.

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3443th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):I thought I leave this here" , posted Tue 10 Apr 01:53:post reply

Shouts Out for the professor

In case the professor didn't read his tweets and for people who don't check his tweets.

Kilvear, it's been a while! Hope things are going well. ...Mabinogi Cat robe?

I just started Twitter a few days back, I'm amazed you even realized. ...dunno how long I'll continue to use it, it's just something I meant to sign up for purposes of sending DM.

That was on Ign? humm, can't seem to find it there tho'..
[edit] Aha! Sweeeet, it's in the video review!

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 10 Apr 02:16]

167th Post

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"Re(2):I thought I leave this here" , posted Tue 10 Apr 02:18post reply

Shouts Out for the professor

In case the professor didn't read his tweets and for people who don't check his tweets.

Kilvear, it's been a while! Hope things are going well. ...Mabinogi Cat robe?

I just started Twitter a few days back, I'm amazed you even realized. ...dunno how long I'll continue to use it, it's just something I meant to sign up for purposes of sending DM.

That was on Ign? Sweeeet... humm, can't seem to find it there tho'..

Haven't played Mabinogi for a long time. Lack time to play any game with delication.

Word goes around fast on twitter and you are a legend afterall. You already have 90 over followers in a week.

Yeah it was an IGN review then I saw it. I post the link for the video for those interested.
Skullgirls IGN review

As for me. I guess nothing much changed. Still lurking on the internet now with the creepy past 30 year stench. Switch to only playing Fighting games, freelance for a couple of game websites to write while working full time as an IT slave in a company.

Been to US once and Japan a number of times just to plau video games. Good luck professor. I hope I still see you get online and talk abit like old times. You can add me on facebook if you want. Look up Kelvin Thor.

Good to see ya again.

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3444th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):I thought I leave this here" , posted Tue 10 Apr 02:25:post reply

Haven't played Mabinogi for a long time. Lack time to play any game with delication.

Word goes around fast on twitter and you are a legend afterall. You already have 90 over followers in a week.

Yeah it was an IGN review then I saw it. I post the link for the video for those interested.
Skullgirls IGN review

As for me. I guess nothing much changed. Still lurking on the internet now with the creepy past 30 year stench. Switch to only playing Fighting games, freelance for a couple of game websites to write while working full time as an IT slave in a company.

Legend? Cripes no way, lol. I'll be around this BBS if you ever need me. I don't really like SNS stuff that much

Freelance writing, IMO, is the way to go. Sounds like a good steady life you're living! I haven't played Mabinogi for a long time either, I hear it's going really odd nowadays.

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 10 Apr 03:29]

3445th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Skullgirls sounds like Schoolgirls" , posted Thu 12 Apr 01:37:post reply

Tierchart maker is Up!!

Egh, I thought that Konami was set as their JP publisher, but apparently it's still totally up in the air! I was looking forward to see a packaged version of this game. Hopefully that'll still realize considering DLC isn't really the way to go here.

[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 12 Apr 01:56]

441th Post

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"Re(1):Skullgirls sounds like Schoolgirls" , posted Thu 12 Apr 01:45post reply


Egh, I thought that Konami was set as their JP publisher, but apparently not!

Is a co-publishing game.

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"Re(2):Skullgirls sounds like Schoolgirls" , posted Thu 12 Apr 05:25post reply

Wow, what an awesome cameo :)

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3445th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):Skullgirls sounds like Schoolgirls" , posted Thu 12 Apr 11:43post reply

Wow, what an awesome cameo :)

I'm in there, looking towards the back, hahaha

5609th Post

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"Re(4):Skullgirls sounds like Schoolgirls" , posted Thu 12 Apr 12:28post reply

I'm in there, looking towards the back, hahaha

What I'm most amazed is that the waitress kinda looks like the one that the site had back in the 90s (and who's name I could never recall and she even had 1p and 2p colors). That's some pretty through stalk investigation.

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red falcon
6090th Post

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"Re(5):Skullgirls sounds like Schoolgirls" , posted Fri 13 Apr 02:55post reply

Of course, even if I don't really post here anymore, the moment I saw that I HAD to stick my head in and say it really made me chuckle! Ha ha ha, good times.

9330th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Skullgirls sounds like Schoolgirls" , posted Fri 13 Apr 03:24post reply

Wow, what an awesome cameo :)

It took me a few minutes to understand what you guys were talking about, but now I know, I can only congratulate everyone who had a part in this.
That's great!

1812th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):Skullgirls sounds like Schoolgirls" , posted Fri 13 Apr 14:31post reply

Wow, what an awesome cameo :)

It took me a few minutes to understand what you guys were talking about, but now I know, I can only congratulate everyone who had a part in this.
That's great!

This just so happens to be featured in the GameTrailers Review as well. Since people are compiling the various references, I wonder if it will bring a few new people to the Cafe?

Anyways, some pretty nice combos in that GT review...

/ / /

red falcon
6091th Post

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PSN: Rugalbgood
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"Re(5):Skullgirls sounds like Schoolgirls" , posted Fri 13 Apr 14:35post reply

Well, it brought me BACK again, ha ha ha. If only briefly!

I might try and host a gathering for EC people, if there are any left or interested... just for old time's sake.

Plus, I want to show off my SWEET HOUSE. WooOOoOoo.

763th Post

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"Re(5):Skullgirls sounds like Schoolgirls" , posted Fri 13 Apr 17:23post reply

Or bring some members back from undead/limbo/New Jersey.

Undead Fred. ShingoTheOne. And MumblyJoe from New Jersey.
...I wonder if it will bring a few new people to the Cafe?

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

982th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(5):Skullgirls sounds like Schoolgirls" , posted Fri 13 Apr 18:07post reply

Wow, what an awesome cameo :)

It took me a few minutes to understand what you guys were talking about, but now I know, I can only congratulate everyone who had a part in this.
That's great!

This just so happens to be featured in the GameTrailers Review as well. Since people are compiling the various references, I wonder if it will bring a few new people to the Cafe?

Anyways, some pretty nice combos in that GT review...

We're some kind of famous! Woooohoooo!

4363th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Skullgirls sounds like Schoolgirls" , posted Fri 13 Apr 22:45post reply

While we're handing out accolades I would like to compliment the Professor on all the recent upgrades to MMCafe. The place looks great!

895th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(4):Skullgirls sounds like Schoolgirls" , posted Fri 13 Apr 23:01post reply

Wow, what an awesome cameo :)

I'm in there, looking towards the back, hahaha

I'm... a little bit stunned! Professor, can you fill us in on any details of how this came about? I mean, I assume you were consulted?

The game is really fantastic. For a modern fighter, I've rarely felt quite so at home with the way it controls. It's nice that some inspiration seems to have crept in from games like Melty Blood.

And as far as the animation goes... whoa! Any game where I can turn into a moai from Gradius (complete with mouth-laser-rings) is just fine in my book. I think we need Nobi here STAT to discuss.


2333th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Skullgirls sounds like Schoolgirls" , posted Sat 14 Apr 01:41:post reply

While we're handing out accolades I would like to compliment the Professor on all the recent upgrades to MMCafe. The place looks great!

Woah, thanks for pointing out the front page, Ish! Professor, way to go! It's the perfect update that still keeps the lovingly handcrafted 1990's fansite look that I miss so dearly from the internet these days. Maybe the mascot gals and/or Juan's Cafe art need a triumphant return to celebrate their appearance in Skullgirls...


[this message was edited by Maou on Sat 14 Apr 01:41]

486th Post

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"Re(8):Skullgirls sounds like Schoolgirls" , posted Sat 14 Apr 10:27post reply

I bought Skullgirls and breezed through the tutorial and then played some story mode. End boss is cheap and so random and a boss who is random with no hitstun is just ridiculously hard to fight.

All dem references. It's pretty fucking sad that a game like this external to Capcom makes more references to Capcom's past than Capcom did with SF x Tekken, even though Capcom should have done so just like they did with Capcom vs SNK 2.

Also saw Professor's name in the end credits, as well as another name I recognized easily "Derek Liu" who apparently runs Gaia, which I didn't know about because that website frankly scares me. But I knew a Derek Liu who once had a syste.ms website and fooled around with a Korean bootleg SF2 PC game, and wondered if that was the same Derek Liu in the credits.

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1450th Post

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"Re(9):Skullgirls sounds like Schoolgirls" , posted Sat 14 Apr 11:05post reply

Also saw Professor's name in the end credits, as well as another name I recognized easily "Derek Liu" who apparently runs Gaia, which I didn't know about because that website frankly scares me. But I knew a Derek Liu who once had a syste.ms website and fooled around with a Korean bootleg SF2 PC game, and wondered if that was the same Derek Liu in the credits.

Wait, holy fuck, SFLiu Derek Liu?! That's be awesome if so! Haven't thought about that stuff in so long.

3449th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(9):Skullgirls sounds like Schoolgirls" , posted Sat 14 Apr 11:52:post reply

Red Falcon:
Wow it's been a while! How have things been? You've got a new house now? Congrats!!

Yeah, a while back I got a mail from Mike Z and Alex saying they were wondering if it's ok to throw in a reference. But man, it's quite amazing to actually see it in the game though, it's pure awesomeness! Also, I was sort of assuming that it'd only be one amongst a whole ton of other site references. It's pretty flattering. They're both very cool guys to talk(mail) to.

Putting the guest art stuff back up may be an interesting idea, lemme check into my backup discs!
Btw, is anyone having troubles with the BBS? Just wondering since I've done a bit of tweaking. When threads are displayed on their own (like this for example), it'll look like an individual page.

Yeah, there's a TON of gaming/pop culture references in Skullgirls. This is true love we're makin', Vocaliod alt colors, a *lot* of Tohou references, even Mortal Kombat references. It really feels like a game made by people who love fighting games.

I was checking the credits myself and I see a whole bunch of people I know. This is a small world.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sat 14 Apr 11:54]

487th Post

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PSN: hadoolket
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Gold Customer

"Re(10):Skullgirls sounds like Schoolgirls" , posted Sat 14 Apr 12:04post reply

Wait, holy fuck, SFLiu Derek Liu?! That's be awesome if so! Haven't thought about that stuff in so long.
The same one! If he is the same Derek Liu being in the credits of Skullgirls, that's pretty cool.
Btw, is anyone having troubles with the BBS? Just wondering since I've done a bit of tweaking. When threads are displayed on their own (like this for example), it'll look like an individual page.

Yeah, there's a TON of gaming/pop culture references in Skullgirls. This is true love we're makin', Vocaliod alt colors, a *lot* of Tohou references, even Mortal Kombat references. It really feels like a game made by people who love fighting games.
Sometimes the threadview switches between the way it usually is and the newer way. I think there should be some kind of way to configure between page view and full thread view because when threads get really large, loading them is a big hassle.

Skullgirls is a big thank you note for the entire generation of fighting games, which I find really awesome. It's a way of also saying "you shouldn't forget your pasts but you should take pride in it because the history behind your franchises is really cool".

join the m.bison hat club today
i'm not just the president i'm also a client

red falcon
6092th Post

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PSN: Rugalbgood
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Skullgirls sounds like Schoolgirls" , posted Sat 14 Apr 13:43post reply

Red Falcon:
Wow it's been a while! How have things been? You've got a new house now? Congrats!!

Things are the same as always: Busy, ha ha ha.
I'm always expanding my collection of random shit. Anyone here familiar with Summer Carnival '92: Rekka?

354th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Skullgirls sounds like Schoolgir" , posted Sat 14 Apr 20:35post reply

Red Falcon:
Wow it's been a while! How have things been? You've got a new house now? Congrats!!

Things are the same as always: Busy, ha ha ha.
I'm always expanding my collection of random shit. Anyone here familiar with Summer Carnival '92: Rekka?

Never heard, but Summer Carnival '92: Recca is a pretty cool game.

Waw!? And now what's going on!? Toh Shin Den is about to present to you a super hot virtual battle like one that you've never seen before at a rate of 90000 polygons per second!

900th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):Re(10):Skullgirls sounds like Schoolgir" , posted Sun 15 Apr 02:23post reply


Things are the same as always: Busy, ha ha ha.
I'm always expanding my collection of random shit. Anyone here familiar with Summer Carnival '92: Rekka?

I definitely know it, although I haven't often thought of it in the past decade, I'm sorry to say. I take it you've come across a copy?


2297th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):Skullgirls sounds like Schoolgir" , posted Sun 15 Apr 05:08post reply

I love Rekka!

I think of it as being the only shoot 'em up on the famicom that pushed the system in the way that Zanac did... but Rekka is so intense that the only way I could keep up with the enemy waves is if I got the weapons that autoaimed at the incoming enemies.

The intense sprite flickering when you use the charged up bomb is quite something, too.

552th Post

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"Re(9):Skullgirls sounds like Schoolgirls" , posted Sun 15 Apr 06:38post reply

I bought Skullgirls and breezed through the tutorial and then played some story mode. End boss is cheap and so random and a boss who is random with no hitstun is just ridiculously hard to fight.

I was wondering about the boss fight, since the game promoted its versus and tutorial features so much, so it's a bit saddening to read this, I hoped for something closer to a final test of the skills everything else about the game was trying to teach and reward.
I'll still get the demo whn it reaches Europe since I'm a bit curious, although sadly none of the character in that one particularly interest me - I feel that design-wise the game's cast lacks a center, someone relatively "plain" that sets the tone, and I don't think the girls with parasites in their heads quite qualify, but Peacock looks fun and Valentine looks interesting.

As for BBS oddities, just moments ago the Back button in my browser wasn't returning me from a thread to the message list, but I', not sure if that's a browser issue of a consequence of BBS changes.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

2334th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Skullgirls sounds like Schoolgirls" , posted Sun 15 Apr 06:53:post reply

Putting the guest art stuff back up may be an interesting idea, lemme check into my backup discs!
Btw, is anyone having troubles with the BBS? Just wondering since I've done a bit of tweaking. When threads are displayed on their own (like this for example), it'll look like an individual page.

Would love to see it! As for the BBS, yes, I'm noticing that when opening a thread in a new tab (as opposed to clicking directly), it now loads into the same template as the MMCafe top page instead of the usual white background, which is a bit difficult to read since the frames on both sides make the text field much narrower, and also since all the front page items, including the upticking visitor counter, load. Hmmm...


[this message was edited by Maou on Sun 15 Apr 07:15]

3450th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Switching BBS states" , posted Sun 15 Apr 18:53:post reply

Quick note, I added a function to switch between classic and new view, accesible from top menu when opening from a new tab. If anyone has troubles, please let me know!

Loona: back button not functions happens but it's a browser thing. I know Firefox has that issue for sure.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 15 Apr 22:04]

2786th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Switching BBS states" , posted Mon 16 Apr 01:25post reply

I just saw it and had to leave the controller and rushed to the PC to come to the cafe... What an awesome reference! The game looks great so far, lots of fun and awesome design/animations.

I bet this game is going to bring back (even if briefly) a lot more of the old posters. And wow, nice, redesigned and functional main page! I definitely should visit the cafe more often ;_;

"News flash big guy: You can wax on wax off all you want I'm still... KICKIN' YOUR ASS!"

1059th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):Switching BBS states" , posted Mon 16 Apr 04:49post reply

I haven't played the game yet (and highly doubt I will), but I'm glad that this hardworking community gets the recognition it deserves.

Back in the mid-90s when Internet was young and a budding mass media industry in many European countries, some videogame magazines published many pics and japanese news and trends which were ripped outright from this site, watermarks included (in fact, that's how I came to know this wonderful site). I think it's about damn time Professor and the rest of you devoted cafers get props for all your hard work throughout all these years and I hope this homage is just the first of many to come.

Thank you everybody and congratulations!

red falcon
6093th Post

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PSN: Rugalbgood
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):Skullgirls sounds like Schoolgir" , posted Mon 16 Apr 12:04post reply


Never heard, but Summer Carnival '92: Recca is a pretty cool game.

Oh, fine!サマーカーニバル'92 烈火, then. Come on, Rekka/Recca, it doesn't really matter, you knew what I was talking about. -_-

karasu99 Posted:

I definitely know it, although I haven't often thought of it in the past decade, I'm sorry to say. I take it you've come across a copy?

Yes, I'm quite pleased to have obtained one after long searching. I also got back in to collecting arcade PCBs, after a long hiatus. Just got Undercover Cops in last week, actually!

3455th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Nighthawks Cafe" , posted Mon 16 Apr 22:27post reply


Reverge Labs' Alex Ahad updates his DeviantArt after about 4 months of haitus. Viewable in HQ is good stuff!

1816th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):Nighthawks Cafe" , posted Sun 22 Apr 11:59post reply


Reverge Labs' Alex Ahad updates his DeviantArt after about 4 months of haitus. Viewable in HQ is good stuff!

Seeing that in the game was mind blowing. Figures I'm due for my semi-seasonal stroll through here.

3461th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):Nighthawks Cafe" , posted Wed 25 Apr 03:56post reply


Reverge Labs' Alex Ahad updates his DeviantArt after about 4 months of haitus. Viewable in HQ is good stuff!

Seeing that in the game was mind blowing. Figures I'm due for my semi-seasonal stroll through here.

Welcome back Zam! Yeah it's quite something, isn't it!

1748th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Nighthawks Cafe" , posted Wed 25 Apr 10:32post reply


Reverge Labs' Alex Ahad updates his DeviantArt after about 4 months of haitus. Viewable in HQ is good stuff!

Very nice, I think I will actually get that newish facebook layout and make that my cover photo.

266th Post

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PSN: BadoorSNK
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Copper Customer

"Re(2):Nighthawks Cafe" , posted Wed 25 Apr 22:38post reply

Congratulations to the Skullgirls Team and MMCafe. I haven't got the chance to spend a lot of time on it but it's pretty cool.

In the mean time, the soundtrack is out on iTunes.

One thing I noticed is that Vincent Diamante worked on the soundtrack besides Michiru Yamane. Diamante previously did FLOWER for PSN and, more relevantly, did the soundtrack for the 2007 mobile phone Castlevania: Order of Shadows. It's a pretty decent soundtrack too.

1820th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):Nighthawks Cafe" , posted Fri 27 Apr 12:57post reply

In the mean time, the soundtrack is out on iTunes.

Out of curiosity, anyone know if they will be releasing a physical disc?


The voice actor who played one of the Black Egrets uploaded several gameplay vids of several members of the cast: http://www.youtube.com/user/JusticeTang

red falcon
6099th Post

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PSN: Rugalbgood
XBL: RugalBGood
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):I thought I leave this here" , posted Sat 28 Apr 11:32post reply


The game apparently sold really well for a DL title. Here's to hoping more DLC charas besides Squigly and Umbrella will come to pass!

3472th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Tokido playing... Skullgirls!" , posted Sun 29 Apr 13:33:post reply


The game apparently sold really well for a DL title. Here's to hoping more DLC charas besides Squigly and Umbrella will come to pass!

That is awesome! And the OST is tops at Amazon Japan of all places too.. soo funky

On a little different note, the Pools for Shadowloo Shodown 2012 have been revealed, and low and behold... Tokido is entering for Skullgirls. Justin Wong too, but that's not too surprising since he's in the US and he plays Marvel. The tournament taking place May 3-6 will be viewable through the official stream at http://www.twitch.tv/shadowloohq.

Given that Skullgirls hasn't even been released in Japan yet, this is going to be completely mistifying.
I wonder who he'll be using?

And remember, the winner will get this well-handcrafted wooden joystick.

[this message was edited by Professor on Sun 29 Apr 14:03]

729th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):Tokido playing... Skullgirls!" , posted Fri 11 May 14:22post reply


The game apparently sold really well for a DL title. Here's to hoping more DLC charas besides Squigly and Umbrella will come to pass!
That is awesome! And the OST is tops at Amazon Japan of all places too.. soo funky

On a little different note, the Pools for Shadowloo Shodown 2012 have been revealed, and low and behold... Tokido is entering for Skullgirls. Justin Wong too, but that's not too surprising since he's in the US and he plays Marvel. The tournament taking place May 3-6 will be viewable through the official stream at http://www.twitch.tv/shadowloohq.

Given that Skullgirls hasn't even been released in Japan yet, this is going to be completely mistifying.
I wonder who he'll be using?

And remember, the winner will get this well-handcrafted wooden joystick.

Justin took top in SG.

1381th Post

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PSN: Hunter-KT
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Tokido playing... Skullgirls!" , posted Sun 13 May 00:52post reply

On a little different note, the Pools for Shadowloo Shodown 2012 have been revealed, and low and behold... Tokido is entering for Skullgirls. Justin Wong too, but that's not too surprising since he's in the US and he plays Marvel. The tournament taking place May 3-6 will be viewable through the official stream at http://www.twitch.tv/shadowloohq.

I'm extreeeemly interested in what the Japanese fighting game community has to say about Skullgirls. I wonder if they bad mouth it like every western fighting game... at least that's my impression.

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

red falcon
6106th Post

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PSN: Rugalbgood
XBL: RugalBGood
Wii: Doesitmatter?

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Tokido playing... Skullgirls!" , posted Sun 13 May 02:12post reply


I'm extreeeemly interested in what the Japanese fighting game community has to say about Skullgirls. I wonder if they bad mouth it like every western fighting game... at least that's my impression.

So far, people seem at least curious and eager to try it, from what I've seen. This is the first notable western fighter that isn't really an MK clone too, bear that in mind! Speaking of which...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

1383th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Tokido playing... Skullgirls!" , posted Tue 15 May 03:24:post reply



Wow! Is it wrong for me to be impressed by this?


Like, sure it's MK, but ... wow!

Warning, has some bloody parts.

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

[this message was edited by KTallguy on Tue 15 May 03:26]

red falcon
6108th Post

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PSN: Rugalbgood
XBL: RugalBGood
Wii: Doesitmatter?

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Tokido playing... Skullgirls!" , posted Tue 15 May 08:10:post reply


Wow! Is it wrong for me to be impressed by this?

Not at all, if it's your thing! I'm always one to give something a try myself. I'm honestly kind of surprised I haven't seen anyone else mention it pretty much ANYWHERE. It's probably going to end up "phantomware", though... I'm looking at you, Dark Presence! It's been floating around for, like... 10 years now? I forget when I first heard about it, ha ha.

[this message was edited by red falcon on Tue 15 May 08:11]

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"Re(5):Tokido playing... Skullgirls!" , posted Tue 15 May 14:16post reply

Not at all, if it's your thing! I'm always one to give something a try myself. I'm honestly kind of surprised I haven't seen anyone else mention it pretty much ANYWHERE. It's probably going to end up "phantomware", though... I'm looking at you, Dark Presence! It's been floating around for, like... 10 years now? I forget when I first heard about it, ha ha.

The production values are through the roof! But I've never heard of it, ever. It would be funny if it was actually released someday.

But yeah, enhanced MK style games... they're interesting, at least.

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

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"Re(3):Tokido playing... Skullgirls!" , posted Wed 16 May 02:22post reply



Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

It's like if Bio Freaks and Bloodstorm fused and ended up on the 3DO. Wow!

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"Re(4):Tokido playing... Skullgirls!" , posted Wed 16 May 02:32post reply



Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

It's like if Bio Freaks and Bloodstorm fused and ended up on the 3DO. Wow!

The funny thing is that the actual in-game screen is nicely done and moody seeming. I was impressed until I saw the portraits and the other characters (I watched the video KTall linked to first).

You're spot on about it looking like it's on the 3DO (I think it's because it's awfully FMV-looking), but my very first impression is that it reminded me of Battle Monsters.
