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Pollyanna 3203th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):" , posted Sun 11 Mar 06:33    
Now whenever I see Elton John, I think of Mega Man, and vice-versa.
quote: Even though I thought Wild Arms was lame and derivative of FF VI, Estpolis/Lufia, and Lunar 2, I always loved the "Wayfarer of the Wilderness" map theme. But then, I realized that composer Naruke Michiko's love for American Wild West music was a little too obvious a tribute: Ennio Morricone's stirring "Ecstasy of Gold" from The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.
When I made that realization myself, I stopped listening to the Wild Arms soundtrack and started listening to more Morricone. She has a few songs that are like that on the soundtrack, but I'm not complaining. It's a little "dirty" and I'd rather listen to the real thing, but when I'm playing the game a good soundtrack is a good soundtrack.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食