Favorite Love Story - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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1036th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Favorite Love Story" , posted Wed 15 Feb 04:24:post reply

Happy <3<3<3 Day!

What is your favorite love story in games? (or anything else for that matter)


[this message was edited by nobinobita on Wed 15 Feb 04:25]


Dr Orochi
547th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):Favorite Love Story" , posted Wed 15 Feb 04:30post reply

Alex and Luna in LUNAR... It may be fairly straightforward, but I find it very touching.

The game has special meaning to me as it was the first RPG I played all the way through.

2302th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Favorite Love Story" , posted Wed 15 Feb 04:50post reply

Alex and Luna in LUNAR... It may be fairly straightforward, but I find it very touching.

Dr. Orochi...you almost beat me to the punch! Lunar 1's romance is nice (and much improved after the SSS remakes) but cut short a bit by the save-the-gal motif, so I'm partial to Hiero and Lucia in Lunar 2 and loved seeing them develop gradually over the course of an entire game.

Being aided by those Mega CD movies and good voice acting (both in Japan and the US) really brought those two close to my heart, and I was moved and inspired by both the first ending and the epilogue at a young age. I love love love that you have to work for their romance to work out, even after the last boss. Only being able to bring them together again through the semi-secret epilogue is one of the coolest things I've ever seen in an RPG. (Fact: in an interview I translated one time, the creators estimate that probably about 20% of players of the Mega CD original never knew that Lunar 2 had anything but a sad ending.)


1036th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):Favorite Love Story" , posted Wed 15 Feb 05:15post reply

I love love love that you have to work for their romance to work out, even after the last boss. Only being able to bring them together again through the semi-secret epilogue is one of the coolest things I've ever seen in an RPG. (Fact: in an interview I translated one time, the creators estimate that probably about 20% of players of the Mega CD original never knew that Lunar 2 had anything but a sad ending.)

That's amazing. That's great storytelling through the medium of games. Actually putting some effort into making a relationship work.


943th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):Favorite Love Story" , posted Wed 15 Feb 05:39:post reply

I whole heartedly echo the sentiments on both Lunar games. Though I have a special spot for Lunar 1, I admit the secret epilogue in Lunar 2 really strengthened its love story and made it more memorable. Thanks for reminding me about the effort it took to bring Heero and Lucia together. I guess it's all about not giving up when the going gets tough and fighting until the end for the one you love.

I feel like Lunar's love story is something so innocent and special that people nowadays might feel like it's too idealistic or unrealistic or even childish. But perhaps it's we who have become too jaded... As much as I love modern realistic western RPGs like Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Witcher, Skyrim etc., the love relationships in them tend to feel more like opportunities to get laid than true love. Which is actually quite sad.

I think this is one of the reasons why I have a special place in my heart for old JRPGs... Even modern JRPGs seem to have replaced some of that genuine romance of the good old days for...well...superficial fashion shows. To this day, couples like Locke and Rachael (FF6), Justin and Feena (Grandia) etc. hold a special place in my heart for a reason...

Perhaps, it's true that games reflect the society that plays them. If so, then I can't help but feel that we have forgotten something special along the way... Namely, true love. Thanks for reminding me about this on V-day.

Hehe, I guess I still haven't chosen my favorite love story... I choose Justin and Feena. Nothing too special about their story per say...but they go through so much and stay together through the thick and thin. I think that, in the end, that's what life and love is all about.

[this message was edited by Phoenix on Wed 15 Feb 06:09]

2283th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Favorite Love Story" , posted Wed 15 Feb 05:51post reply

Fist of the North Star

Whether it's the love of parents for their children, romantic love, bromantic love, unrequited love, infatuated love, sibling love, or any other kind of love, HnK exemplifies it.


1037th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):Favorite Love Story" , posted Wed 15 Feb 05:59post reply


I feel like Lunar's love story is something so innocent and special that people nowadays might feel like it's too idealistic or unrealistic or even childish. But perhaps it's we who have become too jaded... As much as I love modern realistic western RPGs like Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Witcher, Skyrim etc., the love relationships in them tend to feel more like opportunities to get laid than true love. Which is actually quite sad.

PC type RPGs (western or Japanese) tend to treat a relationship as a series of transactions with branching paths where the goal is to get laid. This is actually pretty reflective of how many people approach dating but ...

I hesitate to call the idealized love in those classic Jay-Ar-Pee-Gees "innocent" or "childish" since the most mature, loving relationships I've seen in real life have a lot in common with them.


1038th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):Favorite Love Story" , posted Wed 15 Feb 06:02post reply

Fist of the North Star

Whether it's the love of parents for their children, romantic love, bromantic love, unrequited love, infatuated love, sibling love, or any other kind of love, HnK exemplifies it.



I agree whole heartedly. HnK works because it is about LOVE and CONNECTIONS! (It's super duper Confucian)


975th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):Favorite Love Story" , posted Wed 15 Feb 08:18post reply

Happy <3<3<3 Day!

What is your favorite love story in games? (or anything else for that matter)


Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
LOL j/k

End of Spoiler

I think I liked Soki's and Jubei Yagyu's love story. I didnt expected it to happen. Also similarly I loved the love story of Momohime and Jinkuro in Muramasa. I think I have a pattern here. Unlikeliness of the romance makes me intrigued.

2284th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Favorite Love Story" , posted Wed 15 Feb 11:42post reply

Fist of the North Star

Whether it's the love of parents for their children, romantic love, bromantic love, unrequited love, infatuated love, sibling love, or any other kind of love, HnK exemplifies it.



I agree whole heartedly. HnK works because it is about LOVE and CONNECTIONS! (It's super duper Confucian)


even its Engrish captures the delirious irrationality of being in love

4310th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Favorite Love Story" , posted Wed 15 Feb 12:51post reply

Kenshiro's fists are powered by love!

As for me, my favorite examples of love in games are those shown towards children. My favorite development in the Ryuu ga Gotoku/Yakuza games was when you could finally hold Haruka's hand when the two of you went strolling around town together. The plotline in Way of the Samurai 2 where you helped a small girl was also one I liked. That story was so wonderfully melodramatic that the game's other storylines paled in comparison.

5582th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Favorite Love Story" , posted Wed 15 Feb 14:05:post reply

While I agree with Ishmael that family love bond stories in game are usually more interesting than over-acted romance, when it comes to true love making in video games there it can only be one answer

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[this message was edited by Toxico on Wed 15 Feb 14:11]

344th Post

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"Re(3):Favorite Love Story" , posted Wed 15 Feb 14:17post reply

Alex and Luna in LUNAR... It may be fairly straightforward, but I find it very touching.
Dr. Orochi...you almost beat me to the punch! Lunar 1's romance is nice (and much improved after the SSS remakes) but cut short a bit by the save-the-gal motif, so I'm partial to Hiero and Lucia in Lunar 2 and loved seeing them develop gradually over the course of an entire game.

Being aided by those Mega CD movies and good voice acting (both in Japan and the US) really brought those two close to my heart, and I was moved and inspired by both the first ending and the epilogue at a young age. I love love love that you have to work for their romance to work out, even after the last boss. Only being able to bring them together again through the semi-secret epilogue is one of the coolest things I've ever seen in an RPG. (Fact: in an interview I translated one time, the creators estimate that probably about 20% of players of the Mega CD original never knew that Lunar 2 had anything but a sad ending.)

The true ending on the mega cd was hiro and lucia together?

which was the requirement to get it then?

2304th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Favorite Love Story" , posted Wed 15 Feb 14:27:post reply

Thanks for reminding me about the effort it took to bring Heero and Lucia together. I guess it's all about not giving up when the going gets tough and fighting until the end for the one you love.
Phoenix, you are a gentleman and a romantic. This was the message that my young 12 year-old self took to heart.
The true ending on the mega cd was hiro and lucia together?
Oh man, were you one of those extraordinarily unlucky 20%? Like, the first ending post-final boss has them parting ways. If you're inquisitive and return to the title screen, there's a new option for the epilogue. It's much more obvious in the remakes, where saving post-credits triggers the epilogue right away.

...and finally, Nobi: Ai O Torimodose! Get back the love! You wa shock!


[this message was edited by Maou on Wed 15 Feb 14:32]

345th Post

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"Re(5):Favorite Love Story" , posted Thu 16 Feb 02:40post reply

Thanks for reminding me about the effort it took to bring Heero and Lucia together. I guess it's all about not giving up when the going gets tough and fighting until the end for the one you love.Phoenix, you are a gentleman and a romantic. This was the message that my young 12 year-old self took to heart.
The true ending on the mega cd was hiro and lucia together? Oh man, were you one of those extraordinarily unlucky 20%? Like, the first ending post-final boss has them parting ways. If you're inquisitive and return to the title screen, there's a new option for the epilogue. It's much more obvious in the remakes, where saving post-credits triggers the epilogue right away.

...and finally, Nobi: Ai O Torimodose! Get back the love! You wa shock!

Actually, I never played lunar (or owned a sega cd) but found curious that a 20% of lunar players didn't know that there was a true ending

2285th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Favorite Love Story" , posted Thu 16 Feb 12:05post reply


Actually, I never played lunar (or owned a sega cd) but found curious that a 20% of lunar players didn't know that there was a true ending

Did the game come out before or after the widespread public availability of the internet? Because that would've made a huge difference.

346th Post

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"Re(7):Favorite Love Story" , posted Thu 16 Feb 12:57post reply


Actually, I never played lunar (or owned a sega cd) but found curious that a 20% of lunar players didn't know that there was a true ending

Did the game come out before or after the widespread public availability of the internet? Because that would've made a huge difference.

Well, the requirement doesn't seem nothing from the other world, even thogh maybe at the time returning to your save state after a finished RPG will be odd

864th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(8):Favorite Love Story" , posted Thu 16 Feb 22:17post reply

I cannot detect whether Ishmael a very kind person I want to have babysit my non-existing children or a very scary person I want very far away from non-existing them.

There are many nice displays of non-romantic LOVE in games such as Monkey island 2 (the complex relationship between the protagonist and the antagonist), Mother 3 (the parents), MGS3 (The Boss and Snake), Wanda (Wanda and Agro) etc.

Traditional love stories in games are usually pretty sappy. Romance / love at first sight situations make for fairly uninspiring love stories, especially as they often involve young and naive people. Maybe the young couple relationship that bothers me the less is found in Linda Cube, cf. my current avatar (MEGA SPOILERS).

I usually connect more to relationships that display a long, common experience together. Snatcher did that quite well with Mr. and Mrs. Seed. The state of the relationship between Nathan Drake and the-blond-girl-that-is-not-Chloe's-ass is also much more interesting in Uncharted 3 than in the previous episodes, too. There is also a nice love story in Ihatovo Monogatari but that is adapting a story from a book so I am not sure it should count as an original video game effort.


2821th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Favorite Love Story" , posted Fri 17 Feb 07:32post reply

I guess I'd go with Nagamasa and Oichi, though it's a little unfair because they're based on real people who shared a romance that has probably become heavily exaggerated over time. Nonetheless it's a tragic story that has resonated with me in both the Basara and Musou versions, to the point where I really can't imagine either one of them with anyone else.

Honorable mentions go to Ico and Yorda. While it's not entirely clear that they're even a couple, Ico does protect her, hold her hand and lead her about. The reason isn't outright given, maybe he just likes helping people out of dungeon-ish settings, but I'm sure a lot of people just thought he'd fallen for her. And why not? Also I met a girl who thought Ico was the most romantic game ever made. Not my impression, but I guess I can see why someone would think that.

416th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(10):Favorite Love Story" , posted Sun 19 Feb 21:51post reply

Love the Xenogears thing.
Not shoujist (like FF's), not stupid, not childish and with an actual make out.

350th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Favorite Love Story" , posted Mon 20 Feb 07:52post reply

Assasins creed Brotherhood and Revelations had some interesting moments of love IMO

Even though Ezio was a ladies man, he seemed to had a big love for cristina vespucio, if you solve the sidequest within the game, you can see how she was his true love, and not in a way that he wanted to get laid with her

Then in revelations, it has another interesting relation with Sophia, even though I never feeled it completely