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chazumaru 858th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(7):New Neo Geo handheld... and MORE!" , posted Fri 27 Jan 15:11    
I avoided the traditional quote format to make this post easier to read.
The PS Vita is currently laying there like a dead possum in the middle of the road but someone thinks it's a good idea to release a dedicated handheld that plays the first Sengoku game?
Blaze has had a lot of success with their cheap Mega Drive handheld machines (more on them later in this post). The Dingoo has been a success in Asia. Do not underestimate the cheap dedicated handheld business.
This will be obviously be catered to the hardcore fans of SNK that will buy this no matter what.
Yes, but not only dedicated fans. It's the branded/diversified version of an offer that already exists.
The starting lineup is definitely garbage though. Screw the 'classics', portable Real Bout/SS2/Last Blade is where it's at.
LB could be possibly harder to emulate and would take more place? But I agree with you; it could have gotten wider in the SNK spectrum.
It seems to me that there is very little reason to include both 2GB internal memory and an SD slot if the intention was not to sell updates of some sort
Also consider it will most likely play MP3 sound files and MP4 movie files, like most similar machines in Asia do.
to me the true catch lies on exclusive services that the console gets
I am ready to bet a free trip to Chile that it will not happen.
Does any SNKP game before KoF12 have a 16 x 9 aspect ratio?
Nope and that is the biggest design issue, but we do not know if they intend to stretch the display of games or display black bars (or potentially offer both options).
...and what's up with the shoulder buttons?
The case is most likely adapted from another, similar device. It was probably cheaper to keep the buttons.
Awwww, popular sentiment now seems to be that it was a hoax.
I think if it was a hoax, the article would have been redacted, not removed entirely. Rather sounds like an unfortunate leak.
That seems to apply to Sega too, and I've seen in physical store portable consoles that run nothing but Megadrive games
Blaze. They also released a Master System version in Europe, and...
THIS. Announced today. It's called the GameGadget and it is a retro-oriented handheld machine with a dedicated electronic store. More details at Eurogamer.
> 100 euros > Spring release > 6 buttons (ABXY+LR) > 433mhz dual core CPU > 64MB RAM / 2GB Flash RAM > 320 x 240 (good job!) > AV out > 140mmx75mmx16mm > SD card allowing MP3, photo, video > Li-ion 2200 battery > Shitty D-pad because we it's just impossible to get the right machine
Very interesting move. They are still dealing with business partners / contents providers but they would not have announced it without at least a few done deals (Sega?). Regarding prices, they are aiming very low, with free and €2 games, but are thinking about promoting 10€ bundles.
Interesting times!