Randomly New Random News Thread: Hayama goes - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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842th Post

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"Randomly New Random News Thread: Hayama goes" , posted Wed 7 Dec 22:02:post reply

Mediocre journalism strikes again.

This is much bigger news than just Last Guardian, yet everyone rehashes the same narrative. Last Guardian executive producer resigns. He was #2 of Sony Studios Japan and a former legend of AM2; This guy is responsible for Shenmue's visual style and a good chunk of its game design! Yes, he was the Boss of Ueda's team. But he was involved in many involved in Torne and internal development of Vita software. Even if you don't hang around developers, it's not crazy secret information; you can find stuff like that by spending one minute on LinkedIn.

There is a good chance he left because of Sony's tough situation, a much better salary than the JP industry standards and maybe because he enjoyed the time he spent in the UK at Sumo helping on the port of OutRun 2. So not necessarily linked to Ueda and yet if you do set your focus on that juicy part because you want more clicks, then how can you miss the opportunity to make fun of a guy who has been involved in both Shenmue and Last Guardian?

The constant lack of effort and research drives me nuts.

Also, Koei Tecmo acquired Gust and turned it into a susbsidiary. Interesting move.


[this message was edited by chazumaru on Wed 7 Dec 23:52]


5535th Post

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"Re(1):Randomly New Random News Thread: Hayama" , posted Thu 8 Dec 10:23:post reply

Gal☆Gun is getting a PS3 port, for those that don't know, Gal☆Gun is a first person game which took the pure inhibited dream that every teenager has of "grabbing an uzi and shooting down every person in sight starting with your school" into a moe animu harem setting. At least the shooting scenes and enemy attacks are funny.

On related notes, Yakuza trailer.

We are expected to pay for the Unicorn Saint?. Meh.

Update 24 as of 21/11/11 (Temporary mega upload link). // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 23 as of 20/11/11

[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 8 Dec 16:25]

233th Post

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"Re(2):Randomly New Random News Thread: Hayama" , posted Thu 8 Dec 18:13:post reply

Even Miyamoto is planning to retire from long, big budget games to smaller projects

In a selfish manner, It sucks that we won't be getting a Miyamoto-helmed big Wii U title, but I guess that's the only way we can see brand new ideas from him, or else he'd be only doing Mario/Zelda/"Wii" titles probably until he ACTUALLY retires. And I guess that sentiment is shared by Yoshi Hayama & possibly Ueda.

EDIT: Ermm... Or not?!

[this message was edited by badoor on Thu 8 Dec 18:25]

4267th Post

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"Re(3):Randomly New Random News Thread: Hayama" , posted Fri 9 Dec 02:31post reply

Even Miyamoto is planning to retire from long, big budget games to smaller projects

In a selfish manner, It sucks that we won't be getting a Miyamoto-helmed big Wii U title, but I guess that's the only way we can see brand new ideas from him, or else he'd be only doing Mario/Zelda/"Wii" titles probably until he ACTUALLY retires. And I guess that sentiment is shared by Yoshi Hayama & possibly Ueda.

EDIT: Ermm... Or not?!

After the 3DS took off like a lead balloon the last thing Nintendo needed was for their living version of Mario to talk about stepping down. What a tizzy that Wired article must have caused!

On related notes, Yakuza trailer.

I love the idea that a game this goofy is getting an international release. Somehow I don't think GalGun is making it over but you can't have everything.

Speaking of games in need of panic buttons, DoA5 screens that actually feature girls have been released.

804th Post

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"Re(4):Randomly New Random News Thread: Hayama" , posted Fri 9 Dec 07:45post reply

Bah, not interested in this kind of crossover unless Pepsiman is playable! I will admit to a certain sort of fascination with seeing Lu Bu take a swig of Pepsi.

Also, I know these are business cards, but I feel like Kojima is missing a cross marketing opportunity by not making Metal Gear brand razors.


2277th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Randomly New Random News Thread: Hayama" , posted Fri 9 Dec 09:26post reply

I know these are business cards, but I feel like Kojima is missing a cross marketing opportunity by not making Metal Gear brand razors.

Can that website/the world (except Karasu) be so dumb as to not recognize that those are safety razor blades? What a sad sad place we've come to! You can bet Solid Snake doesn't shave with these idiotic plastic cartidges with 4 too many blades...wet shaving for life.


729th Post

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"Re(4):Randomly New Random News Thread: Hayama" , posted Fri 9 Dec 14:12post reply

Even Miyamoto is planning to retire from long, big budget games to smaller projects

In a selfish manner, It sucks that we won't be getting a Miyamoto-helmed big Wii U title, but I guess that's the only way we can see brand new ideas from him, or else he'd be only doing Mario/Zelda/"Wii" titles probably until he ACTUALLY retires. And I guess that sentiment is shared by Yoshi Hayama & possibly Ueda.

EDIT: Ermm... Or not?!
After the 3DS took off like a lead balloon the last thing Nintendo needed was for their living version of Mario to talk about stepping down. What a tizzy that Wired article must have caused!

Even the Wired article was misleading. Seems like he is merely taking a more hands-on approach and that doesn't seem like a bad thing.

Speaking of 3DS, firmware update is out now. Aside from bringing nice convinient features like a QR Code scanner and 3D video recording on the Camera, it also updates the eShop so you can pay the exact amount you need instead of preset values. It can also save your credit card info too.

I also highly suggest HikuOsu/Pushmo/Pullblox if you haven't gotten it yet.

1053th Post

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"Re(6):Randomly New Random News Thread: Hayama" , posted Fri 9 Dec 23:03post reply

Can that website/the world (except Karasu) be so dumb as to not recognize that those are safety razor blades? What a sad sad place we've come to! You can bet Solid Snake doesn't shave with these idiotic plastic cartidges with 4 too many blades...wet shaving for life.

I always assumed that Solid Snake's daily shaving session would look a little more like this...

This method will surely prove useful in the post-2012 world when, due to global crisis nobody would be able to afford Gillete and Wilkinson replaceable razors anymore... An era of Tough Boys is about to begin!!

68th Post

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"Re(1):Randomly New Random News Thread: Hayama" , posted Sat 10 Dec 13:31post reply


The constant lack of effort and research drives me nuts.

Yeah, I keep noticing disgusting errors in game industry related articles. They even get basic facts like people's names wrong, not just once but in multiple articles. None of them seem to bother checking their facts. They just make stuff up and when people point out the errors, they seem to ignore them or delete the article outright. Journalism at its finest. I've been seeing a lot of strange articles, too... If anyone so much as sneezes in Skyrim, it's a front page headline. Maybe I'm just visiting the wrong sites.

Pretty much every game artist/developer whose work I liked ended up leaving the companies they worked for, and the franchises they created always seemed to go in directions that I despise. It's one of the reasons why I feel so detached from games nowadays. I don't know why it keeps happening, but I expect that once a franchise becomes popular, money-hungry producers hop on the bandwagon and suppress the creative talent.

2278th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Randomly New Random News Thread: Hayama" , posted Sat 10 Dec 15:31post reply

Journalism at its finest. I've been seeing a lot of strange articles, too... If anyone so much as sneezes in Skyrim, it's a front page headline. Maybe I'm just visiting the wrong sites.

To be fair, games "journalism" is a misnomer since 95% of the people in it have no journalistic training and possibly not even any expertise in writing, period---it's not a field where ambitious researchers or writers will go, it's for...fans of games whose main skills are being fans of games. There is little "uncovering" being done, so people aren't in practice with researching like Chaz has just done...no research to do most days when one just regurgitates PR that's been handed down, or conducts interviews. Hum.


902th Post

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"Re(1):Randomly New Random News Thread: Hayama" , posted Sat 10 Dec 18:52post reply

Probably a symptom of living in a cave, but I found out Xenoblade Chronicles is slated to be released in the US next Spring.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

1727th Post

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"Random Rising Revengence" , posted Sun 11 Dec 06:12post reply

So the trailer for MG Rising leaked.


It looks crazy and zany, but it all makes sense seeing that none other than PLATINUM games is developing it.

It looks really different from the original footage of slicing supporting structures, vans and watermelons.

4268th Post

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"Re(1):Random Rising Revengence" , posted Sun 11 Dec 13:16post reply

So the trailer for MG Rising leaked.


It looks crazy and zany, but it all makes sense seeing that none other than PLATINUM games is developing it.

It looks really different from the original footage of slicing supporting structures, vans and watermelons.

That looks much better than the original teasers. I may start paying attention to this game now.

Speaking of upcoming games, TTT2 has been confirmed for a home release during... the holiday season of 2012? The hell?

5538th Post

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"Re(2):Random Rising Revengence" , posted Sun 11 Dec 15:14:post reply

Speaking of upcoming games, TTT2 has been confirmed for a home release during... the holiday season of 2012? The hell?

Speaking of, I think that a few days ago I read a tweet about them still tweaking the arcade release (it got a re-balance patch some time ago) and thus haven't even started development of the console version.

Update 24 as of 21/11/11 (Temporary mega upload link). // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 23 as of 20/11/11

[this message was edited by Toxico on Sun 11 Dec 15:15]

234th Post

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"Re(1):Random Rising Revengence" , posted Sun 11 Dec 23:05post reply

So the trailer for MG Rising leaked.
It looks crazy and zany, but it all makes sense seeing that none other than PLATINUM games is developing it.

It looks really different from the original footage of slicing supporting structures, vans and watermelons.

While I love the new reveal and that Platinum Games is developing it, there's quite an outcry of hate around the internet about how "it's a button-masher, not a real Metal Gear" or that "it's too unrealistic and fantastic to fit the metal gear canon" and at the same time think that the 2010 watermelon cutting tech demo looked much better in terms of gameplay and even graphics. Which is just hilarious to me.

236th Post

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"Takashi Nishiyama interview" , posted Thu 15 Dec 05:55post reply


I was contemplating whether I should post this on the SNK thread or not since Takashi Nishiyama did spend a big amount of his career basically creating SNK's fighting game repertoire, but it also has a lot of classic Capcom information. Anyway, I enjoyed reading it.

3154th Post

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"Re(4):Randomly New Random News Thread: Hayama" , posted Thu 15 Dec 09:42post reply


Speaking of games in need of panic buttons, DoA5 screens that actually feature girls have been released.

I love it! I'm glad they graduated from the stupid doll look. Well, they still kind of look like dolls, but they look like really good dolls now. Before I could say "I own dolls that look better than these."

It's always fun when a designer has to decide what a character would look like if they were a real person. I'm glad that they decided that Hitomi is 80% adorable and 20% funny looking.

Speaking of upcoming games, TTT2 has been confirmed for a home release during... the holiday season of 2012? The hell?

Beats the wait we had on Tekken 6, which was announced before the PS3 launched and before anyone knew anything about the arcade version. In a world where games get announced 5 years before launch, this isn't so bad, but I guess it seems more frustrating since the game is essentially done already.

While I love the new reveal and that Platinum Games is developing it, there's quite an outcry of hate around the internet about how "it's a button-masher, not a real Metal Gear" or that "it's too unrealistic and fantastic to fit the metal gear canon" and at the same time think that the 2010 watermelon cutting tech demo looked much better in terms of gameplay and even graphics. Which is just hilarious to me.

People complained about the original when they released info on it, too. Now Platinum can be a hate shield! I hate to see that, since they're probably my favorite developer, but I'm glad they're up to something, as it seemed like they were moving abnormally slow.

On the other side of the spectrum, I am terribly sad to see that Kojima's team is evidently useless without his direction and that he's condemned to either make every Metal Gear himself or shop it out to someone else entirely.


I was contemplating whether I should post this on the SNK thread or not since Takashi Nishiyama did spend a big amount of his career basically creating SNK's fighting game repertoire, but it also has a lot of classic Capcom information. Anyway, I enjoyed reading it.

Thank you so much for posting this. There was a lot of information there that I was ashamed not to know. You are my shame-eraser for the day.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

2279th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Randomly New Random News Thread: Hayama" , posted Thu 15 Dec 12:10post reply

DoA5 screens that actually feature girls have been released.
I love it! I'm glad they graduated from the stupid doll look.
Interesting new look! We were just complaining about this the other month, about how the DOA 1 character design was "PSOne CG" as opposed to a distinctive hand-drawn style translated to 3D, which I feel hampered the designs' ability to grow beyond "PSOne art." These are still a bit close for comfort, though, and probably will feel similar in several years, unless they really decide what these people actually look like as drawings...


4269th Post

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"Re(1):Takashi Nishiyama interview" , posted Thu 15 Dec 13:29post reply


What a fascinating article. Nishiyama has been in the biz for so long and been so silent that this piece filled in a lot of missing pieces about the history of the genre. But for every answer it provided it created another question. For instance, Nishiyama notes that when SNK was bought out by UEC there were over 600 people in development alone. Is that a mistranlation? What was SNK doing at the time that needed 600 people? Was that around the time of the NGPC?

808th Post

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"Re(2):Takashi Nishiyama interview" , posted Thu 15 Dec 22:35post reply


What a fascinating article. Nishiyama has been in the biz for so long and been so silent that this piece filled in a lot of missing pieces about the history of the genre. But for every answer it provided it created another question. For instance, Nishiyama notes that when SNK was bought out by UEC there were over 600 people in development alone. Is that a mistranlation? What was SNK doing at the time that needed 600 people? Was that around the time of the NGPC?

I found that to be a remarkable number too, but I'm also not sure what constitutes a developer in this context. One thing I was really amazed to hear was that Nishiyama had created Moon Patrol, which is a favorite game of that era for me!


70th Post

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"Re(3):Randomly New Random News Thread: Hayama" , posted Fri 16 Dec 00:44post reply

To be fair, games "journalism" is a misnomer since 95% of the people in it have no journalistic training and possibly not even any expertise in writing, period

You're right. That's what bothers me about it. I often get the feeling that a lot of them have absolutely no idea what they are talking about, yet they get special privileges from developers. I even read that some developers rely on feedback from reviewers. I'd rather get feedback from veteran gamers like the ones on this BBS.

I wish I could have supplemented this post with an interesting news-related comment. The most I can say is that I'm looking forward to the motion capture potential of "Kinect 2" and the PC version of Kinect.

237th Post

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"Re(5):Randomly New Random News Thread: Hayama" , posted Fri 16 Dec 07:04post reply

People complained about the original when they released info on it, too. Now Platinum can be a hate shield! I hate to see that, since they're probably my favorite developer, but I'm glad they're up to something, as it seemed like they were moving abnormally slow.

On the other side of the spectrum, I am terribly sad to see that Kojima's team is evidently useless without his direction and that he's condemned to either make every Metal Gear himself or shop it out to someone else entirely.

You bring up a good point about Kojima Productions and Konami in general. Other than their soccer games, Konami haven't made a big budget internally developed HD game since MGS4. Capcom for example made RE5, Lost Planet 2, and will be releasing Dragon's Dogma before Rising. And this ratio remains the same when considering outsourced developed games of both companies.

And it seems that Kojima is now intruding Platinum's other plans as (Max) Anarchy Reigns has been delayed till summer

730th Post

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"Re(6):Randomly New Random News Thread: Hayama" , posted Fri 16 Dec 07:23post reply

GBA Ambassador Program games have been confirmed, include Minish Cap, Metroid Fusion, Wario Land 4, FE Seima no Kouseki and others.

842th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):Random Rising Revengence" , posted Fri 16 Dec 09:28post reply


Speaking of upcoming games, TTT2 has been confirmed for a home release during... the holiday season of 2012? The hell?

I am not a fan of Tekken but doesn't it make perfect sense?
TTT2 is currently operated in the arcades, meanwhile :
Nov 11 - Tekken Hybrid (includes TTT HD + TTT2 demo)
Jan 12 - Soul Calibur 5
Feb 12 - Tekken 3D Prime
Mar 12 - Street Fighter x Tekken
Mid 12 - Street Fighter x Tekken Vita
End 12 - Tekken Tag 2

The interview of NIN is great. Too bad they did not talk a bit more about the SNK period.


3155th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Randomly New Random News Thread: Hayama" , posted Fri 16 Dec 09:47post reply

Interesting new look! We were just complaining about this the other month, about how the DOA 1 character design was "PSOne CG" as opposed to a distinctive hand-drawn style translated to 3D, which I feel hampered the designs' ability to grow beyond "PSOne art." These are still a bit close for comfort, though, and probably will feel similar in several years, unless they really decide what these people actually look like as drawings...

I'm feeling hopeful for the game, and thus charitable, so I'm going to say that they had a misguided attachment to the doll-like designs and that the ones we're seeing now are an intentional "happy medium" between those and something that resembles actual humans.

I'm glad that we can see more than a 10% difference in features between the girls. Before, the message was that there was only one kind of pretty girl, and a divergence of more than 10% would result in something undesirable. I've bitched about this before, but I feel like they did the same thing with the girl's personalities in DOAX2.

You bring up a good point about Kojima Productions and Konami in general. Other than their soccer games, Konami haven't made a big budget internally developed HD game since MGS4. Capcom for example made RE5, Lost Planet 2, and will be releasing Dragon's Dogma before Rising. And this ratio remains the same when considering outsourced developed games of both companies.

Konami doesn't do jack these days. They don't even outsource well. I can't believe they used to be one of my favorite companies. On the upside, I feel like Sega has recovered from their "laughingstock" status. But maybe that's my Platinum bias.

And it seems that Kojima is now intruding Platinum's other plans as (Max) Anarchy Reigns has been delayed till summer

Bluuuhhhh! One delay is enough! I might have to go back and play Vanquish again. I recently finished Gears of War 3, which I liked at first, but bored me to tears by the end. For the last few hours, I kept thinking "I could be playing Vanquish..."

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

72th Post

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"Re(7):Randomly New Random News Thread: Hayama" , posted Fri 16 Dec 12:38post reply

I've always liked Dead or Alive for its animation, exciting combat and interactive environments. It's hard to tell people I like it though, because they always assume that it's only about the sex appeal.

I may be wrong, but I thought Dead or Alive 5 looked like they're still using the same face/body models, just with better textures, normal maps and shaders. The prerendered models used for images/cutscenes back in Dead or Alive 3 looked much better than the ones in-game and I think DOA5 looks more like those now, which is great.

I used to do some modding with Dead or Alive meshes and still have some of them on my drive. I've no idea if this is interesting to others, but I like to compare triangle counts and differences between sequels. They're also great for reference. Ayane's DOA3 black ninja outfit is around 13k triangles, and her overalls outfit from DOAU? is around 17k. I don't seem to have it on-hand, but if I recall correctly, her Beach Volleyball model was around 30k triangles. I guess they had polygons to spare from having simpler environments or something. A few meshes from other games for comparison: Resident Evil remake's Jill is ~12k triangles, Devil May Cry 4's Dante is ~30k and Marvel vs Capcom 3's Felicia is ~18k triangles.

844th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Randomly New Random News Thread: ByKing" , posted Fri 16 Dec 17:36:post reply

ByKing (ex-SF3 staff) is finally up to something relevant!

4 vs 4 action game for arcades. They'll show it in January.

[!] First screenshot of the first FOX Engine game. Why, that's totally different from Metal Gear!


[this message was edited by chazumaru on Fri 16 Dec 18:11]

1728th Post

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"Re(1):Randomly New Random News Thread: ByKing" , posted Fri 16 Dec 18:37post reply

Live-Action Kenshin trailer

Actually looks pretty good. At least leagues better than that visual abomination that was the Ranma TV drama.

666th Post

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"Re(2):Randomly New Random News Thread: <3" , posted Sat 17 Dec 01:05post reply

This thread is in serious need of moar Ashura's Wrath goodness. You know you love it as much as I do.

511th Post

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"Re(8):Randomly New Random News Thread: Hayama" , posted Sat 17 Dec 01:32post reply


I've no idea if this is interesting to others, but I like to compare triangle counts and differences between sequels. They're also great for reference. Ayane's DOA3 black ninja outfit is around 13k triangles, and her overalls outfit from DOAU? is around 17k. I don't seem to have it on-hand, but if I recall correctly, her Beach Volleyball model was around 30k triangles. I guess they had polygons to spare from having simpler environments or something. A few meshes from other games for comparison: Resident Evil remake's Jill is ~12k triangles, Devil May Cry 4's Dante is ~30k and Marvel vs Capcom 3's Felicia is ~18k triangles.

This is VERY interesting to me. Can't believe how Dante's model has so many triangles. Doesn't seem like it.

"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"

4271th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Randomly New Random News Thread: <3" , posted Sat 17 Dec 03:21post reply

I am not a fan of Tekken but doesn't it make perfect sense?
TTT2 is currently operated in the arcades, meanwhile :
Nov 11 - Tekken Hybrid (includes TTT HD + TTT2 demo)
Jan 12 - Soul Calibur 5

For some reason I keep forgetting about SC5. I don't know if that says more about me or more about Soul Calibur.

This thread is in serious need of moar Ashura's Wrath goodness. You know you love it as much as I do.

I'm really looking forward to the upcoming demo for this one. While I love the way the game looks there's a part of me that's worried that when it comes to gameplay this is going to be the next El Shaddai.

809th Post

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"Re(4):Randomly New Random News Thread: <3" , posted Sat 17 Dec 05:32post reply

This thread is in serious need of moar Ashura's Wrath goodness. You know you love it as much as I do.

I'm really looking forward to the upcoming demo for this one. While I love the way the game looks there's a part of me that's worried that when it comes to gameplay this is going to be the next El Shaddai.

Don't say that! My fragile mood can't handle such a thought!

In other semi relevant news, looks like Sony is becoming the first game manufacturer to remove paper manuals-- in this case from PS Vita games. It got me thinking that US manuals have declined to such a point that I rarely look at them except perhaps in passing, so why not? Digital manuals are cheap and the space needed to store them is tiny. In understand that as long as there is physical media there will be packaging, if nothing else to discourage physical theft, but I say good riddance to manuals.

On a related note, anyone getting a scalper-priced launch day Vita (assuming non-Japan residents or visitors)? I had planned on getting one at the US launch, but I'm rethinking that for financial reasons.


733th Post

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PSN: My3DSFriendCode
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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(5):Randomly New Random News Thread: <3" , posted Sat 17 Dec 07:14:post reply

In other semi relevant news, looks like Sony is becoming the first game manufacturer to remove paper manuals-- in this case from PS Vita games.

Nah, Nintendo has been doing that post-Zelda OoT 3DS. The only things in the box are Club Nintendo codes and a fold out poster that doubles as an instruction sheet. In fact the manuals of the 3DS built-in software are all within the system itself (When you highlight the game, they're right beside the Open icon). Newer 3DS titles have been doing this lately too, with Mario 3D Land being most notable.

Of course, I do think manuals will still have their place. There's just something about feelies that make it feel special.

[this message was edited by sfried on Sat 17 Dec 07:30]

733th Post

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PSN: My3DSFriendCode
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"Re(7):Nobunaga, I choose you!" , posted Sat 17 Dec 10:18post reply

What the hell?

4272th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Nobunaga, I choose you!" , posted Sat 17 Dec 10:59post reply

What the hell?

I am laughing so hard right now that it's difficult to type. This is so unexpected, so random, so ridiculous and so amazing! Obviously I'm going to have to buy this.

In minor news, I was trying out the new patch to SSF4 by playing a few matches against the computer. When I went up against Guile one of the first things the CPU did was make Guile put on his sunglasses. Here I thought the patch was just a balance adjustment. Instead, it seems the computer now knows that it should use Guile's third and most important special move.

903th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(8):Nobunaga, I choose you!" , posted Sat 17 Dec 11:29post reply

What the hell?

That's what a lot of the reactions are, even with the Pokemon people (in fact that's how I found out about it).

It's just... so bizarre that it must be awesome. Even if it is just a Nobunaga's Ambition game with Pokemon covering it.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

239th Post

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PSN: BadoorSNK
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"Re(8):Nobunaga, I choose you!" , posted Sat 17 Dec 12:25:post reply

What the hell?

If the pokemon universe is actually set in our "real" universe. Then can we expect to see other games set in real life historic wars that used pokemons as tools of destruction? How were pokemons used in World War 1 & 2? or the crusades? I mean, we already know KOEI will probably do a Sangokushi, three kingdoms version. I'm already picturing the poster with Lu Bu and a his might Snorlax.

EDIT: Trailer

It basically looks like Pokemon SRPG, which I'm surprised they have never made before AFAIK. Also, I'm surprised that 1500s japan possessed the genetic bioengineering know-hows to create Mewtwo. If not then this game is not only breaking the real-life lore canon of Nobunaga fighting wih pokemons but its ALSO breaking Pokemon lore too, unless Mewtwo time traveled to the past.

>prohibition era
>Team Rocket as gangsters wielding Raticates, Honchkrows, Haunters, and Banettes along with their firearms
Wow, this must explain why Meowth speaks like a 1920s gangster in the anime.

[this message was edited by badoor on Sat 17 Dec 13:41]

735th Post

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PSN: My3DSFriendCode
XBL: isdownbellow
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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(9):Nobunaga, I choose you!" , posted Sat 17 Dec 13:27:post reply

If the pokemon universe is actually set in our "real" universe. Then can we expect to see other games set in real life historic wars that used pokemons as tools of destruction? How were pokemons used in World War 1 & 2? or the crusades? I mean, we already know KOEI will probably do a Sangokushi, three kingdoms version. I'm already picturing the poster with Lu Bu and a his might Snorlax.

One of the few instances I will quote "the unwashed butt of the internet":
>prohibition era
>Team Rocket as gangsters wielding Raticates, Honchkrows, Haunters, and Banettes along with their firearms

[this message was edited by sfried on Sat 17 Dec 13:27]

73th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(8):Nobunaga, I choose you!" , posted Sat 17 Dec 13:53post reply


This is VERY interesting to me. Can't believe how Dante's model has so many triangles. Doesn't seem like it.

That's including his sword, sorry. Didn't see it on his back. He's still 29.4k triangles without it. The topology in general looks kinda dense, and there are lots of little details like the buttons, belts and zippers. When I tried out DMC4, I thought the models might be high poly because I never saw many character models on-screen at once.
What the hell?

That is very WTH. Just a heads up: a friend notified me that some people on the neogaf forums complained about being infected by a virus from one of their adverts. I've no idea if it's been resolved yet.

735th Post

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PSN: My3DSFriendCode
XBL: isdownbellow
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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(9):Nobunaga, I choose you!" , posted Sat 17 Dec 14:08post reply

That is very WTH. Just a heads up: a friend notified me that some people on the neogaf forums complained about being infected by a virus from one of their adverts. I've no idea if it's been resolved yet.

Thank goodness for Firefox and Adblock Plus.

74th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(10):Nobunaga, I choose you!" , posted Sat 17 Dec 23:32post reply


Thank goodness for Firefox and Adblock Plus.

The friend who warned me uses Adblock too, which I thought was strange. It made me think that the ad somehow got around them. I really need to get it myself, as I've only got NoScript at the moment. I hear that Adblock stops video advertisements, and I really can't stand those.

Here's me struggling to find something newsworthy: a friend linked me this a few weeks ago, might be of interest to some. http://area.autodesk.com/inhouse/bts/uncharted_3_with_naughty_dog

667th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(8):Nobunaga, I choose you!" , posted Sun 18 Dec 00:37post reply

What the hell?

You know, there are these times when you think that you've already seen everything under the sun and there's no point on seeking for anything new that might strike your fancy or refresh your weary eyes anymore. I was having one of such periods. And now this... thing comes out totally out of the blue, forcing me to admit that, indeed, there is room for the unexpected on this world. While I'm highly skeptical about the final outcome, hey, at the very least THIS is a surprising one. Way to go, Koei!

Being a die-hard Nobunaga fan myself, I'll have to keep an eye on this. Now I wonder what the next WTF game featuring Nobunaga would be... a Nobunaga dating simulator? A Nobunaga-raising game à la Princess Maker? One can only wish!

4273th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Nobunaga, I choose you!" , posted Sun 18 Dec 01:25post reply

If the pokemon universe is actually set in our "real" universe. Then can we expect to see other games set in real life historic wars that used pokemons as tools of destruction? How were pokemons used in World War 1 & 2? or the crusades? I mean, we already know KOEI will probably do a Sangokushi, three kingdoms version. I'm already picturing the poster with Lu Bu and a his might Snorlax.

We already know that Lu Bu loved his Pepsi so having him ride into battle on a Pokemon seems to be the next logical step.

Being a die-hard Nobunaga fan myself, I'll have to keep an eye on this. Now I wonder what the next WTF game featuring Nobunaga would be... a Nobunaga dating simulator? A Nobunaga-raising game à la Princess Maker? One can only wish!

I'm hoping for a licensing agreement with the Edgar Rice Burroughs estate so they can make the Nobunaga Oda: Warlord of Mars game that I so desperately want to play. While I doubt that will ever happen I didn't think I would ever see Nobunaga hanging out with Pokemon either.

4553th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Randomly Random Encounter" , posted Sun 18 Dec 18:41post reply

FFXIII-2's causing quite the uproar with its canon ending, apparently.

vid (skip to around 1:10:00 for the ending)

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
everyone dies, Lightning is the new final boss, FF becomes the new AOF

End of Spoiler

Maybe this gives Square an excuse to pull a Frankenstein and cobble XIII's assets to finish that neglected stepchild called Versus.

2258th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Randomly Random Encounter" , posted Mon 19 Dec 01:15post reply

FFXIII-2's causing quite the uproar with its canon ending, apparently.

vid (skip to around 1:10:00 for the ending)

Maybe this gives Square an excuse to pull a Frankenstein and cobble XIII's assets to finish that neglected stepchild called Versus.

But how is this a problem if most of the FFXIII cast wasn't well-liked to begin with?

2280th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Randomly Random Encounter" , posted Mon 19 Dec 03:40post reply

But how is this a problem if most of the FFXIII cast wasn't well-likedcared about by anyone who particularly liked Final Fantasy from the old days to begin with?

I have a feeling that FF XIII-2's ending problems matter in the same way that Dirge of Cerberus' (beginning through) ending problems matter.


239th Post

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PSN: BadoorSNK
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"Re(4):Randomly Random Encounter" , posted Mon 19 Dec 10:41post reply

But how is this a problem if most of the FFXIII cast wasn't well-likedcared about by anyone who particularly liked Final Fantasy from the old days to begin with? So!

Maybe fans could use Tri-Ace as the scapegoat villain, since they helped develop FF XIII-2. Maybe that's why it got a timely release. And Maybe SQUENIX should learn from this and MGR:R and do the same with Versus XIII, give it to people who can actually make something.

In other "making other people make things for you that you used to make yourself", RE6 might yet again be another Western Developed game. If I had a dime for everytime that happens...

75th Post

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Occasional Customer

"MBAACC network trial" , posted Mon 19 Dec 14:47post reply

Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code trial with network play is now available:

2281th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Randomly Random Encounter" , posted Mon 19 Dec 16:05post reply

give it to people who can actually make something.

Ha! The people that FF and DQ are being farmed out to really indicates the relative quality trajectories. DQ gets Level 5, who are clearly The Kings of Town, and FF gets...Tri-Ace, who are the kings of...something less good.


1804th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(10):Nobunaga, I choose you!" , posted Thu 22 Dec 18:30post reply

I'm already picturing the poster with Lu Bu and a his mighty Snorlax.


We already know that Lu Bu loved his Pepsi so having him ride into battle on a Pokemon seems to be the next logical step.

Among men, Lu Bu. Among Pokemon, Rapidash.

/ / /

1806th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(6):Randomly Random Encounter" , posted Thu 22 Dec 18:43:post reply

give it to people who can actually make something.
Ha! The people that FF and DQ are being farmed out to really indicates the relative quality trajectories. DQ gets Level 5, who are clearly The Kings of Town, and FF gets...Tri-Ace, who are the kings of...something less good.

Hey wait just a minute, Tri-Ace used to make legitimately cool stuff. And during that period Enix used to publish their games (thinking VP and Second Story here).

You're blaming the victim here.

Square fucked everything up and lost all their homeys' love. There are no doubt still some great and talented individuals toiling for the organization, but regarding Squeenix as a corporate entity, fuck those guys.

/ / /

[this message was edited by Mosquiton on Thu 22 Dec 18:47]

668th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Re(10):Nobunaga, I choose you!" , posted Thu 22 Dec 19:41post reply


Among men, Lu Bu. Among Pokemon, Rapidash.

If I can not marry catch a Jigglypuff in this lifetime, I will be no hero!

3156th Post

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PSN: Lilly_Dopamine
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Randomly Random Encounter" , posted Thu 22 Dec 20:05post reply

Ha! The people that FF and DQ are being farmed out to really indicates the relative quality trajectories. DQ gets Level 5, who are clearly The Kings of Town, and FF gets...Tri-Ace, who are the kings of...something less good.

I agree that Level 5 are "the Kings of Town" in reputation, but I think there are a few things to put in perspective.

Level 5 mostly makes games for children. I don't like to say something is "too childish" for me, but Level-5's games cross that line. In addition, I don't believe they've made a decent RPG on their own. Certainly not ones that are significantly better than Tri-Ace's. Their recent PS3 Ni no Kuni also sold surprisingly poorly (though I can't personally account for it's quality or lack thereof).

And although Dragon Quest sells hugely well in Japan, it still falls far behind Final Fantasy due to international sales. Japan isn't even the largest market, after all.

Personally, I wish more companies would outsource to Tri-Ace, as they can put out games that look good, sound good and play good, but always seem to have unspeakably rotten stories.

But I still agree that Level 5 has a fantastic reputation, whereas Tri-Ace only has a reputation among big RPG fans.

Hey wait just a minute, Tri-Ace used to make legitimately cool stuff. And during that period Enix used to publish their games (thinking VP and Second Story here).

I don't see Tri-Ace as being any better or worse than they were before. They make good games that fall short of greatness. I would say that VP is the one to break that standard, but it has aged a bit poorly, as interesting as it was when it came out. I have a lot of fun with their games, but I rarely win them because I have a blast with the system, but have no commitment to the narrative.

Square fucked everything up and lost all their homeys' love.

I actually had a positive impression of FFXIII, until I finished it and realized the whole game was like Swiss cheese. But I have no doubt that XIII-2 was dramatically cheaper to produce and used a large amount of the cut environments from XIII. So that will likely cushion the lack of sales their bad reputation from XIII will cause them. Pity if it's an outstanding game and people don't buy it, though.

Which reminds me... I believe Devil May Cry 2 sold better than DMC3. When you make a game with a bad reputation, making a good sequel might not count for as much as it should.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

76th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(7):Randomly Random Encounter" , posted Thu 22 Dec 23:19post reply

Tri-Ace is also rather famous for "bullshots".

2285th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Randomly Random Encounter" , posted Fri 23 Dec 03:45:post reply

I agree that Level 5 are "the Kings of Town" in reputation, but I think there are a few things to put in perspective.
Hmm, I wouldn't just acknowledge that they have a great reputation, I would note that the reputation is duly deserved because they really do make good games! (Not games that I necessarily play! But undeniably good games! With actual craftsmanship and intelligent designs and visual appeal and uniqueness, and everything!)
I don't see Tri-Ace as being any better or worse than they were before.

I realize I wasn't very nice to Tri-Ace. I mean, Star Ocean 1 on SFC was probably pretty impressive (I didn't care at the time), Star Ocean 2 sure did have two endings (I didn't care at the time), Valkyrie Profile was clearly good (I still didn't care at the time), and I have at least part of them to thank for spawning the break-off team that eventually made the one (uniformly) good Tales game.

But, but, but, but then, I just don't know what there is to say about a company that made Star Ocean 4. I've never even played it, but somehow I'm deeply, personally embarrassed that it even exists.


[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 23 Dec 03:46]

3158th Post

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PSN: Lilly_Dopamine
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Randomly Random Encounter" , posted Fri 23 Dec 08:06:post reply

Speaking of FF, did anyone else play Type-0? It's a pretty fantastic game except for its completely absurd difficulty balance where you have impossibly hard sidequests or no sidequests at all. Then difficult main quests that you're not prepared for because you can't finish the sidequests. It's like playing a SaGa game or something. It's really kind of game-breaking for me.

But boy, does it have a lot of beautiful death and destruction. It really had me gritting my teeth a couple of times and thinking "stop killing each other!!!"

If anyone hasn't seen it, the opening is quite good and represents the game very well:
Ace isn't the main characterrrrr

(Don't stop at the title screen, you've got a gratuitous chocobo death and Bump of Chicken following.)

Hmm, I wouldn't just acknowledge that they have a great reputation, I would note that the reputation is duly deserved because they really do make good games! (Not games that I necessarily play! But undeniably good games! With actual craftsmanship and intelligent designs and visual appeal and uniqueness, and everything!)

I'm sorry, looking back at my post, I realize I said that they made games for children, but I didn't say that they make extremely GOOD games for children (which is true). I don't have anything against Level 5 at all, but I'm still waiting for them to make a game I like. The closest is Dragon Quest 9, which I can only give them partial credit for.

Also, play more games. Newer ones.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Fri 23 Dec 08:22]

2262th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Randomly Random Encounter" , posted Tue 27 Dec 02:39post reply

I'm about to start playing Arc Rise Fantasia. I have a feeling that what I actually want to play is Xenoblade, though.

Even so, I remember Polly saying that Arc Rise Fantasia had really great combat and bosses, so I'll go with it for now.

736th Post

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PSN: My3DSFriendCode
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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(10):Randomly Random Encounter" , posted Tue 27 Dec 15:22post reply

Fire Emblem: Awakening to be first FE game with paid DLC. Hopefully that means expansion campaigns...

In the meantime, Bravery Default continues to pique my interest. Is this being developed by Matrix Software? Considering their work with 4 Warriors of Light I'd be surprised if S-E wouldn't just handed the reigns of the FF franchise over to them instead of Nomura.

Theatrhythm still looks stupid and awesome, which makes me feel weird. I should hate it, and yet...

669th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(10):Randomly Random RPG" , posted Tue 27 Dec 15:28post reply

A trailer for the new Gensou Suikoden that doesn't actually show much gameplay at all. Man, generic rpg is generic.

I won't rant again about the tragedy of throwing the (arguably) richest lore on the whole jrpg world to the wind but... at least, it could *resemble* Suikoden somehow. If you are going to re-imagine Gensou Suikoden from scratch that's perfectly fine, but then you should justify naming the whole thing "Gensou Suikoden"! You know, a war story, some tyrant to overthrow, recruiting dozens of people for your gang, building a castle... SOMETHING ;_;

3158th Post

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PSN: Lilly_Dopamine
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Randomly Random Encounter" , posted Wed 28 Dec 19:00post reply

I'm about to start playing Arc Rise Fantasia. I have a feeling that what I actually want to play is Xenoblade, though.

Even so, I remember Polly saying that Arc Rise Fantasia had really great combat and bosses, so I'll go with it for now.

Arc Rise takes the traditional RPG battle formula to the limit, but it doesn't advance the genre like Xenoblade and Last Story do.

It takes a while to get rolling, but the boss fights really are wonderfully challenging. I also like that weapons aren't necessarily better than one another-just different. Even the wooden training sword has its uses. My condolences if you're playing the English version, though. The dub is apparently so bad that even the localization company complained about it.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

4279th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Randomly Random RPG" , posted Thu 29 Dec 03:08post reply

A trailer for the new Gensou Suikoden that doesn't actually show much gameplay at all. Man, generic rpg is generic.

Picking on JRPG's feels too easy nowadays but when they release a trailer and the only gameplay it shows is some dude hopping out of a line of characters so he can swing a sword it's hard not to complain. If this was a trailer was about an attempt to revive the OAV market and this was a spiritual successor to Record of Lodoss War then I would be interested. As a game, however, it's not selling me.

In fighting game news, it sounds as if Edge Master and Algol are joining the cast of Soul Calibur 5. Algol? Out of all the stinking characters to bring back they added Algol?

811th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):Re(10):Randomly Random RPG" , posted Thu 29 Dec 10:03:post reply

In fighting game news, it sounds as if Edge Master and Algol are joining the cast of Soul Calibur 5. Algol? Out of all the stinking characters to bring back they added Algol?

In addition to that, there's some other weirdness included in SCV. Nice headwrap!

Edit: Plus, looks like Aquapazza is getting a console version 'sometime'.


[this message was edited by karasu99 on Fri 30 Dec 06:00]

493th Post

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PSN: IkariLoona
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"Re(4):Re(10):Randomly Random RPG" , posted Thu 5 Jan 23:30post reply

Capcom must be really tired of "Mahvel baby!"-like videos

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

494th Post

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PSN: IkariLoona
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"Re(5):Re(10):Randomly Random RPG" , posted Tue 10 Jan 03:49post reply

I just learned that this exists and figured it might tickle some people's sensibilities around here - not quite new, but I hadn't seen it mentioned here yet.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

68th Post

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PSN: pooplos-z
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Occasional Customer

"Re(6):Re(10):Randomly RocketPropelledGrenade" , posted Tue 10 Jan 04:05post reply

Just wanted to share this with you fine gents. This past weekend I made my way down to Chicago to visit some friends and check out Galloping Ghost Arcade among other things. The place is amazing first of all, but I could not believe my eyes when I saw THIS!

My friend and I immediately began to play each other. A lot of the cabs there are not custom fits so I paid no attention to the gun/foot pedal. Shortly after the arcade owner noticed us playing and told me that the gun/pedal really do work with the game! You control with the joystick and gun/pedal act as attack/jump! I have no idea if this was meant to be played this way but it was a fun option.

My favorite stage has got to be the crashed helicopter stage. I couldn't believe how deep the stage went. Thanks for opening my eyes to Outfoxies!

4285th Post

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PSN: Ishmael26b
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Re(10):Randomly RocketPropelledGrenade" , posted Tue 10 Jan 05:34post reply

I just learned that this exists and figured it might tickle some people's sensibilities around here - not quite new, but I hadn't seen it mentioned here yet.

After last week brought us both Jin Fuha and Melon Kuma I was worried that the board would not have anything amazing posted for the rest of the month. Silly me.

Just wanted to share this with you fine gents. This past weekend I made my way down to Chicago to visit some friends and check out Galloping Ghost Arcade among other things. The place is amazing first of all, but I could not believe my eyes when I saw THIS!
It's time for a road trip to Chicago!

246th Post

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PSN: BadoorSNK
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Frequent Customer

"Re(7):Re(10):Randomly RocketPropelledGrenade" , posted Tue 10 Jan 06:32:post reply

Just wanted to share this with you fine gents. This past weekend I made my way down to Chicago to visit some friends and check out Galloping Ghost Arcade among other things. The place is amazing first of all, but I could not believe my eyes when I saw THIS!

My friend and I immediately began to play each other. A lot of the cabs there are not custom fits so I paid no attention to the gun/foot pedal. Shortly after the arcade owner noticed us playing and told me that the gun/pedal really do work with the game! You control with the joystick and gun/pedal act as attack/jump! I have no idea if this was meant to be played this way but it was a fun option.

My favorite stage has got to be the crashed helicopter stage. I couldn't believe how deep the stage went. Thanks for opening my eyes to Outfoxies!

They also are (were?) making a new arcade game themselves, a 2D fighter with MK-esque digitized characters. And it was looking pretty sweet in a cheesy so-bad-it-transcends-into-greatness manner in the vein of "classics" like Way of the Warrior, Tattoo Assassins, or Kasumi Ninja.

[this message was edited by badoor on Tue 10 Jan 07:00]

5551th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Re(10):Randomly RocketPropelledGrenade" , posted Wed 11 Jan 02:29post reply

BTW I don't know how many of you heard that 4-chan or someone did a doujin free download visual novel (that's right).... While we have the fact that the game is like completely uninteresting besides the fact that is fan made, well; the thing is that at some point This happened

Update 24 as of 21/11/11 (Temporary mega upload link). // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 23 as of 20/11/11

4286th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Re(10):Randomly RocketPropelledGrenade" , posted Wed 11 Jan 09:54post reply

This happened

The Raul Julia sound clips were nice but there is a point when you can try too hard and that game is trying way too hard.

I know we're only a few weeks into the new year but after trying the demo I think that Asura's Wrath might have a lock on the Prettiest Failure of 2012 award. It's a shame that I like everything about the game except actually playing it.

1425th Post

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PSN: Drakee
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Asura's Wrath demo on PSN and XBLA" , posted Wed 11 Jan 11:46post reply

Do you like QTEs? Do you ever find yourself wishing that you didn't have to play the "real game" parts between them? You're in luck! Asura's Wrath is here!

Game feels about as interactive as watching the trailer did. Wish I didn't like the visuals and the "spectacle" of it all so much because the fact that this game exists really bugs me. It's the distilled essence of everything I despise about God of War and other action games of today. Gross.

816th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):Asura's Wrath demo on PSN and XBLA" , posted Wed 11 Jan 12:29post reply

Do you like QTEs? Do you ever find yourself wishing that you didn't have to play the "real game" parts between them? You're in luck! Asura's Wrath is here!

Game feels about as interactive as watching the trailer did. Wish I didn't like the visuals and the "spectacle" of it all so much because the fact that this game exists really bugs me. It's the distilled essence of everything I despise about God of War and other action games of today. Gross.

Good heavens, I can't believe how bad that was! I had such high hopes too... man, it was just a bunch of QTE's strung together by cutscenes. Why, Capcom, why?


3164th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Asura's Wrath demo on PSN and XBLA" , posted Wed 11 Jan 12:44post reply

I thought I was clever getting the Asura's Wrath demo from the Japanese PSN earlier, then it just came out in America anyway. Well, at least I was spared the dub.

Although I can't see spending $60 on a movie with "game elements", I have to admit I was laughing with delight through the entire demo. I love how it has eyecatches for commercial breaks to further cement the idea that it's not a game. But still...that is 100% entertainment. "Press down to brace your chin" is pretty amazing.

I looked up the character designer's name and nothing came up. Surely I'm mistaken. Somebody tell me who he is and make me feel silly.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

818th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):Asura's Wrath demo on PSN and XBLA" , posted Wed 11 Jan 13:43post reply


Although I can't see spending $60 on a movie with "game elements", I have to admit I was laughing with delight through the entire demo. I love how it has eyecatches for commercial breaks to further cement the idea that it's not a game. But still...that is 100% entertainment. "Press down to brace your chin" is pretty amazing.

Ugh, but... I can't believe that Capcom is just putting forward this Dragon's Lair-esque QTE monstrosity-- it looks beautiful, but the gameplay is just non-existent. It looks beautiful, but the gameplay is just a joke. As fun as some parts may be, it's just a gimmick.

Sorry, I cut a huge amount of games slack, but this is just ridiculous.


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"Re(8):Re(10):Randomly RocketPropelledGrenade" , posted Wed 11 Jan 14:04post reply

After last week brought us both Jin Fuha and Melon Kuma I was worried that the board would not have anything amazing posted for the rest of the month. Silly me.

Hmn Remember kids, in a better world everyone is Wakamoto

Update 24 as of 21/11/11 (Temporary mega upload link). // 104 personajes traducidos

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Last update : Chapter 23 as of 20/11/11

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"Wakamotofest" , posted Wed 11 Jan 14:11:post reply

Hmn Remember kids, in a better world everyone is Wakamoto

Toxichan, that's the best thing I've seen on normally unfunny TV in a long time! It may be because sitting around talking like our Lord and Savior Wakamoto is what friends and I do at all hours anyway. We could probably all be bros.


[this message was edited by Maou on Wed 11 Jan 14:15]

2272th Post

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"Re(4):Asura's Wrath demo on PSN and XBLA" , posted Wed 11 Jan 16:05:post reply

Did any of you play Ninja Blade?
It features the most ridiculous looking ninja, and while the bulk of the combat in the game is easy and familiar enough, what really defines the game are the gratuitously ridiculous QTE cutscenes.

EDIT: I hope nobody clicked on the link, I now see that I had completely the wrong link! Whoops, that wasn't actually meant to be a stupid joke.

[this message was edited by Spoon on Thu 12 Jan 11:53]

247th Post

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"Re(5):Asura's Wrath demo on PSN and XBLA" , posted Wed 11 Jan 16:42post reply

Did any of you play Ninja Blade?
It features the most ridiculous looking ninja, and while the bulk of the combat in the game is easy and familiar enough, what really defines the game are the gratuitously ridiculous QTE cutscenes.

The sort-of ninja gaiden clone by FROM Software made exclusively for 360? Yeah I have. I was watching it closely as it seems like that was the first non-mecha action game FROM were making since Otogi. Plus, the soundtrack was composed by MGS's Norihiko Hibino. It came and got decent reviews so I bought it. But the merely ok combat and all the QTEs just bored me. So I became a bit disenchanted with FROM, which lead me to ignore another console-exclusive release they made in 2009, Demon's Souls (at least for a while).

3165th Post

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"Re(4):Asura's Wrath demo on PSN and XBLA" , posted Wed 11 Jan 17:10post reply


Ugh, but... I can't believe that Capcom is just putting forward this Dragon's Lair-esque QTE monstrosity-- it looks beautiful, but the gameplay is just non-existent.

It's a shame, because I enjoyed the bit of gameplay hidden in the demo. Though I suppose even that was just a vehicle for the cinemas. CC2's recent Naruto game had the excuse of having a complete (if simple) fighting game on top of its QTE super cinemas. If you just want to PLAY Asura's Wrath, I wonder if you're out of luck, or if they'll have some sort of mode to facilitate that.

Plus, the soundtrack was composed by MGS's Norihiko Hibino.

Ah! I want to say it had a few remarkable tracks, but I didn't know he did it. I just thought "From Software usually has good soundtracks."

Remember kids, in a better world everyone is Wakamoto

Thank you. That is possibly the best thing I've ever seen.

Also, please make another fighting game, Treasure...and not on a portable system. I don't even care if it's Bleach again.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

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"Re(3):Asura's Wrath demo on PSN and XBLA" , posted Thu 12 Jan 04:43post reply

I thought I was clever getting the Asura's Wrath demo from the Japanese PSN earlier, then it just came out in America anyway. Well, at least I was spared the dub.

I was not spared. Got the demo from J.PSN, and it was completely in english. It was also completely shit.

Break the chain. Break if for yourself. Free your fighting spirit......

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"Re(4):Asura's Wrath demo on PSN and XBLA" , posted Thu 12 Jan 05:14post reply


I was not spared. Got the demo from J.PSN, and it was completely in english. It was also completely shit.

Hm...well, for future reference, in the event that you'd rather have something in Japanese, you can try either playing it from your JP PSN user, or changing the language to Japanese in the system settings.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

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"Re(5):Asura's Wrath demo on PSN and XBLA" , posted Thu 12 Jan 06:53post reply


It's a shame, because I enjoyed the bit of gameplay hidden in the demo. Though I suppose even that was just a vehicle for the cinemas. CC2's recent Naruto game had the excuse of having a complete (if simple) fighting game on top of its QTE super cinemas. If you just want to PLAY Asura's Wrath, I wonder if you're out of luck, or if they'll have some sort of mode to facilitate that.

It's a super shame, since the game looks really great and has a lot of playfulness to it, like the enormous stone dude you fight, and Asura constantly raging out all over the place. Let's put it this way: it's either an awful QTE-fest or whoever decided what would go in the demo made a serious miscalculation and included only most QTE-heavy stuff. If the latter is the case, I'll be curious to hear if the full game is more playable.

ANYWAY, on a more cheerful note, I saw this, which I can't remember if we discussed here or not-- it was announced a while ago and just now released. It's extremely good-natured, and it's pretty obvious that the people who made it really love the source material. It reminded me of the Super Mario Crossover game from a few years back that included a bunch of playable NES characters.


1026th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(5):Asura's Wrath demo on PSN and XBLA" , posted Thu 12 Jan 09:26post reply


I was not spared. Got the demo from J.PSN, and it was completely in english. It was also completely shit.

Hm...well, for future reference, in the event that you'd rather have something in Japanese, you can try either playing it from your JP PSN user, or changing the language to Japanese in the system settings.

Oh man, I hope that works for the NA version of Asura's Wrath. I downloaded the demo last night but haven't had a chance to play it. No matter what, I'm grotesquely excited for it just for the art direction alone. But I am hoping that the final game has some actually engaging gameplay in it.


10th Post

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""Re(5):Asura's Wrath demo on PSN and XBLA"" , posted Thu 12 Jan 21:43:post reply

Asura's Wrath is indeed the saddest thing I've seen in a long time, because for what is it it's actually very nice. I would definitely look forward to Asura's Wrath: the videogame.

[this message was edited by Fuu on Thu 12 Jan 21:44]

3167th Post

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"Re(6):Asura's Wrath demo on PSN and XBLA" , posted Fri 13 Jan 08:35post reply

Abobo reminds me of this.
Love those howls of anguish (?). And the "punch until the enemy walks into it".


Oh man, I hope that works for the NA version of Asura's Wrath. I downloaded the demo last night but haven't had a chance to play it. No matter what, I'm grotesquely excited for it just for the art direction alone. But I am hoping that the final game has some actually engaging gameplay in it.

Capcom's tearing me apart on this one.

Check out the Limited Edition

I'm not always adverse to playing a Japanese game in English, but I'm really hoping for a Japanese option on this one, or I might have to import. I would say "sure Capcom has enough sense to do this", but they didn't for Basara 3, so who knows. It might be an issue of lip flaps, so maybe I shouldn't be so harsh.

I don't know if I can justify the cost of importing the LE, there doesn't seem to be a US LE, and I might have to go for the Asian version if I want the Japanese voices. This is a uniquely frustrating situation!

It's so hard to be a snob!

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

1027th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(7):Asura's Wrath demo on PSN and XBLA" , posted Fri 13 Jan 09:17post reply


I don't know if I can justify the cost of importing the LE, there doesn't seem to be a US LE, and I might have to go for the Asian version if I want the Japanese voices. This is a uniquely frustrating situation!

It's so hard to be a snob!

I got nothing against dubs, it's just that this is a case where the game will feel much more natural in Japanese rather than English given the source material.

If Assassin's Creed can go the extra mile and record the entire game in both English and Italian (one of the coolest touches I've seen in a game in years), surely Capcom can let us choose between English and Japanese.

What would be really cool is if they only recorded the game in Tibetan and just subbed it for all territories!


2290th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Asura's Wrath demo on PSN and XBLA" , posted Fri 13 Jan 09:41post reply

What would be really cool is if they only recorded the game in Tibetan and just subbed it for all territories!
I am patiently awaiting the reappearance of the made-up, reversed language they used in Wander in the Collossus.


2272th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Asura's Wrath demo on PSN and XBLA" , posted Fri 13 Jan 23:34post reply

What would be really cool is if they only recorded the game in Tibetan and just subbed it for all territories! I am patiently awaiting the reappearance of the made-up, reversed language they used in Wander in the Collossus.

Was that the same one that they used in Ico?
I remember that they spoke in a made-up language... and it was subtitled in made-up glyphs, and you could unlock an option to have it subtitled in a language you could actually understand.

2292th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Asura's Wrath demo on PSN and XBLA" , posted Sat 14 Jan 02:59:post reply

Was that the same one that they used in Ico?
I remember that they spoke in a made-up language... and it was subtitled in made-up glyphs, and you could unlock an option to have it subtitled in a language you could actually understand.
I think so, but I don't remember the talking in Ico as much(I never played it as much as my beloved Colossus, anyway) probably because the big guy in the sky, Dorumin, talked to you after every Colossus. I recall hearing that the language was just another language that had been reversed, but I can't confirm. I don't remember glyph subtitles at all, though, but I'm just speaking about the Japanese version of Colossus here.


[this message was edited by Maou on Sat 14 Jan 03:00]

2806th Post

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"Re(7):Asura's Wrath demo on PSN and XBLA" , posted Sat 14 Jan 04:36post reply


I'm not always adverse to playing a Japanese game in English, but I'm really hoping for a Japanese option on this one, or I might have to import. I would say "sure Capcom has enough sense to do this", but they didn't for Basara 3, so who knows. It might be an issue of lip flaps, so maybe I shouldn't be so harsh.

To be fair, I suspect the reason that Basara 3 didn't have JP voices (among other things) was because of the existence of the Wii version. Since Capcom handles cross-platform as "whatever we can't do on one platform we will not do on another," the lack of space in Wii media for extra voice and DLC basically cut any possibility of that off at the tail.

Although I can't complain about the English voices in Basara 3 because they're freaking amazing. Even cheesy Red Ranger Yukimura was the best possible casting they could have done. I know it does nothing for people weaned on the JP voices though (which is like 90% of the players).

Anyway since Asura's Wrath is not being cross-released on lighter platforms, I'm fairly certain that there will be a JP voice option.

As for why the game is the way it is, remember who's developing it. No, not Capcom, the other one. The Naruto people.

1028th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(10):Asura's Wrath demo on PSN and XBLA" , posted Sat 14 Jan 06:47post reply

Made up languages

Olde English could be put to really good use in a fantasy game:



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"RE: Really?" , posted Sat 14 Jan 12:30post reply

Seriously? I mean... okay, I guess.


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"Re(1):RE: Really?" , posted Sun 15 Jan 03:03post reply

Seriously? I mean... okay, I guess.

I really hope that 300 years from now on kids would heatedly argue which of either Charizard of Mewtwo was used by Nobunaga to unify Japan.

Update 24 as of 21/11/11 (Temporary mega upload link). // 104 personajes traducidos

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Last update : Chapter 23 as of 20/11/11

746th Post

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"Re(1):RE: Really?" , posted Tue 17 Jan 12:05:post reply

Seriously? I mean... okay, I guess.

Speaking of "Really?", Wabbadabbadabba is that true? Whoa, you go big guy!

In other localization news, the Fatal Frame AR game Shinrei Camera is apparently coming here as Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir.

[this message was edited by sfried on Wed 18 Jan 02:25]

69th Post

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"Re(2):RE: Really?" , posted Wed 18 Jan 03:41post reply

Speaking of "Really?", Wabbadabbadabba is that true? Whoa, you go big guy!

This also exists.

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"SRW does Tetsujin-28" , posted Wed 18 Jan 20:00:post reply

Super Robot Wars Z2-2 goes with another series that once seemed impossible

The article also mentions 40 series - wasn't the previous record 30-something in Alpha 3?

Edit: fixed link and comment, I'd forgotten about Giant Robo

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

[this message was edited by Loona on Wed 18 Jan 23:51]

3168th Post

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"Re(1):SRW does Tetsujin-28" , posted Wed 18 Jan 20:29post reply

[url=SRW does Tetsujun-28]Super Robot Wars Z2-2 goes with another series that once seemed impossible, creating a precedent for pilots outside the mechs?

The article also mentions 40 series - wasn't the previous record 30-something in Alpha 3?

Giant Robo was in...erm...Alpha 1? It was on PS1, whatever it was. You fought a tiny little Alberto in that one, too, but I don't remember much else about it.

I don't think anything could stop me from playing Z2-2. Z2 is my favorite in the series by a factor of 10. Actually, it's the only one I've played that really clicked on every level for me.

I'm glad that they're announcing new series for 2-2, but they had things covered pretty well in the first game. There were some strange inclusions, but I didn't cry over any omissions. I wonder if we'll be losing any series, though. A lot of stories really concluded themselves (Eureka 7 and God Mars come to mind). Mazinger and Gurren Lagann still have a lot to give, though.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

824th Post

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"Re(2):SRW does Tetsujin-28" , posted Thu 19 Jan 02:22post reply

[url=SRW does Tetsujun-28]Super Robot Wars Z2-2 goes with another series that once seemed impossible, creating a precedent for pilots outside the mechs?

The article also mentions 40 series - wasn't the previous record 30-something in Alpha 3?

Giant Robo was in...erm...Alpha 1? It was on PS1, whatever it was. You fought a tiny little Alberto in that one, too, but I don't remember much else about it.

I don't think anything could stop me from playing Z2-2. Z2 is my favorite in the series by a factor of 10. Actually, it's the only one I've played that really clicked on every level for me.

I'm glad that they're announcing new series for 2-2, but they had things covered pretty well in the first game. There were some strange inclusions, but I didn't cry over any omissions. I wonder if we'll be losing any series, though. A lot of stories really concluded themselves (Eureka 7 and God Mars come to mind). Mazinger and Gurren Lagann still have a lot to give, though.

Ahhh, this is fantastic news! Not only did I love the first game quite a bit, but I've been waiting for any iteration of Tetsujin 28-goh to appear in SRW for ages! On the downside, it appears we get Shin Tetsujin (aka 80's Tetsujin) rather than my personal favorite, the 1950's one, unless my crappy Japanese skills fail me completely.

More info here, with the complete list here, for those who don't want to dig too much.


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"Re(3):SRW does Tetsujin-28" , posted Thu 19 Jan 13:26post reply

Nobunaga + Pokemon could've been Pokemon Musou. Gives new meaning to "Defeating an Offi-I mean Trainer."

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"Re(4):SRW does Tetsujin-28" , posted Fri 20 Jan 02:20post reply

Nobunaga + Pokemon could've been Pokemon Musou. Gives new meaning to "Defeating an Offi-I mean Trainer."

Thankfully that didn't come to pass. Otherwise we would never get the chance to own a statuette of Nobunaga and his pet thunder chicken.

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"Re(5):RE 6: Bromance" , posted Fri 20 Jan 12:20post reply

Resident Evil 6 Trailer


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"Re(6):RE 6: Bromance" , posted Fri 20 Jan 15:32post reply

Resident Evil 6 Trailer

I am surprised to see that it isn't also announced for the Wii U considering it has been tentatively set for later this year as well.

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"Re(7):RE 6: Bromance" , posted Fri 20 Jan 16:05:post reply

I am surprised to see that it isn't also announced for the Wii U considering it has been tentatively set for later this year as well.

Knowing Nintendo it will probably be announced at E3. Everyone's been keeping a tight lip on the system ever since its unveil.

[this message was edited by sfried on Fri 20 Jan 17:58]

403th Post

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"Re(6):RE 6: Bromance" , posted Fri 20 Jan 19:11post reply

Resident Evil 6 Trailer

Oh yes, more dudebro Biohazard.
Seriously, didn't you had enough of this? I'm sick of this tps with BH characters, I want more exploration and adventure. I'm fine with the marketable combat system with explosion, bullet storms, etc. but come on! BH was a "survival" horror, why they not realize that NOW a new game with more exploration, puzzles AND gunfights is way better and faithful to the original than a tps title?
It so stupid I'm puzzled about capcom marketeers...seriously, is too difficult make a game more like that nightmare expansion of 5?

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"Re(7):RE 6: Bromance" , posted Fri 20 Jan 23:10post reply

Hahaha, Harry S. Truman turned into a zombie!
Seeing as how outside of RE4 I've always hated the way the RE games play so I'm probably not the target audience for this series. But even with that I still can't help but be amused by the epic goofiness that RE swims in. Will Chris still have a button designated just for yelling? Can you still pack fish into a briefcase? Will tube tops still be considered appropriate attire for bio-organic emergencies? I can't wait to find out.

2277th Post

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"Re(8):RE 6: Bromance" , posted Sat 21 Jan 00:00post reply

Hahaha, Harry S. Truman turned into a zombie!

President Evil

2293th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):RE 6: Bromance" , posted Sat 21 Jan 02:27post reply

Will Chris still have a button designated just for yelling? Can you still pack fish into a briefcase? Will tube tops still be considered appropriate attire for bio-organic emergencies?
President Evil
That does it, Ishmael and Spoon are officially the Kings of Town this week.


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"Re(9):RE 6: Sausage Fest" , posted Sat 21 Jan 08:50post reply

More info has been released regarding RE6 (link checked for accuracy THIS time): one more male lead (the other guy from the trailer) as well as some interesting notes about the tone they're going for-- zombies, to start with, and more shock scenes that require quick reactions (yeah, now that I think about it, that probably means a ton of QTEs). The setting will be the US and China.

I am in the minority I suspect, since I didn't care for RE5 at all, and was only lukewarm about RE4, for that matter. I understand that the series has moved on from its PS1-era roots of encountering zombies in enclosed spaces and careful ammo management, but I just don't care for the direction it's gone in, personally. Here's hoping that 6 will have at least a teeny tiny bit of a return to what I liked about the series in the first place!


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"Re(10):RE 6: Sausage Fest" , posted Sat 21 Jan 16:11post reply

I am in the minority I suspect, since I didn't care for RE5 at all, and was only lukewarm about RE4, for that matter. I understand that the series has moved on from its PS1-era roots of encountering zombies in enclosed spaces and careful ammo management, but I just don't care for the direction it's gone in, personally. Here's hoping that 6 will have at least a teeny tiny bit of a return to what I liked about the series in the first place!

Having played the demo, I can say RE:Revelations has more of the tension and ammo management that the originals had than what I've seen so far with 6. I suggest you try it out in "Hell" Difficulty.

9316th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):RE 6: Sausage Fest" , posted Sat 21 Jan 22:55post reply

Speaking of sausage fest, being the manliest voice actor interplanetary warlord sometimes exposes you to quite a lot of bullshit.

That's the price for being awesome.

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"Re(3):Re(10):FF XIII-2" , posted Mon 23 Jan 14:33post reply

In a strange turn of events, I ended up trying the Final Fantasy XIII-2 demo tonight. It's the first new FF game I've tried since FF8, so I was prepared to be confused, and I wasn't disappointed. For the duration of the demo I had no idea what was going on, ever! It's very pretty, that's for sure! There are of QTE's during boss battles, but they call them something else. I didn't mind them, but there is little indication ever when one is about to be triggered.

I very nearly tried the first XIII, but I was derailed by a lot of negative info I heard-- that it was a completely linear game with no overworld and no cities or anything, and therefore no exploration, really. I've heard some better details about XIII-2, but playing the demo, I'm kind of tending toward not trying it, since I felt overwhelmed by its systems.

Also, I don't really care for the character design-- one of the main people, Noel, looks an awful lot like his character design comes by way of Kingdom Hearts, a series that I've studiously avoided in the past.

I'm suspecting that Polly may arrive and tell me why I should give modern Final Fantasy a shot. But then again maybe not!


2297th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):FF XIII-2" , posted Mon 23 Jan 14:41:post reply

It's the first new FF game I've tried since FF8, so I was prepared to be confused
Hey Karasu, I bet it doesn't help that you're literally playing together the pieced-together scraps of the 50% or so unused assets from the original XIII that developed when the director noticed that he had neglected to make a unified game/story so much as have fifty teams of dudes arranging disparte set pieces. You're sort of playing the Cuts on the Floor from the Director's Cut: The Director's Cut!
I'm suspecting that Polly may arrive and tell me why I should give modern Final Fantasy a shot.
But don't worry, I'm here to tell you it's still okay to live in the past, before she gets here! OR or or here is someone else's better way of saying it, and here is a shorter version of that same way.


[this message was edited by Maou on Mon 23 Jan 14:45]

3170th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):FF XIII-2" , posted Mon 23 Jan 17:24post reply

I've said this before, but although I enjoyed FFXIII tremendously at times, once I realized what a hack job it was, it lost all of its magic. It's like finding joy in something because of its powerful message only to find out in the end that it actually had no message whatsoever, or a totally stupid message unlike what you were imagining. It's strengths are fine (it's certainly beautiful and has many lovely touches), but its weaknesses are enough to break the deal. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

BUT, I also wouldn't recommend FF8 to anyone in this day in age. I might even recommend 13 over it.

I haven't picked up 13-2 yet because I don't like the protagonists. They're slightly more tolerable in Japanese, at least, so if I do pick it up, I'll be importing. Also, what the hell is wrong with Chocolina's voice in English!? She's super hot, but she sounds like somebody's mom.

The game looks fine though, as long as you don't set your expectations too high. It doesn't have to be a masterpiece to be worth playing.

In terms of modern FF games, Type-0 was really close to being both a masterpiece and a step forward for the genre. I have never played a non-SaGa game with a more frustrating difficulty balance, though. Really soured the whole experience.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

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"Re(5):Re(10):FF XIII-2" , posted Mon 23 Jan 20:25post reply

I'm glad this came up because I played the XIII-2 demo the other day. I hated so much about FFXIII except for the battle engine (when it's finally fully-featured) and a couple of the characters, so I had low expectations playing the XIII-2 demo. Surprisingly though, I came back with a positive impression.

Everything about the demo seemed to be geared towards showing me that somebody was listening when I rattled off the list of things I hated about XIII. Like, specifically me. It's eerie. Everything that I could compare in the demo to what I experienced in XIII was fixed. There are NPCs to talk to, a shop that's not an inanimate object, hidden things to find, branching choices, puzzle mini-games, quests with greater variety than just "hunt monster A," and a complete battle system from the outset. I'm not totally turned around but at least now I may actually be interested in playing it.

My only complaint right now is that I don't like the idea of Serah as main protagonist after spending the entire first game as a frail-looking thing. And Noel looks like Nomura phoning it in again, since he literally looks like the creepy lovechild of Sora and Tidus. But the two grew on me a bit so who knows, maybe they can keep growing.

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"Re(6):Re(10):FF XIII-2" , posted Mon 23 Jan 21:50post reply


My only complaint right now is that I don't like the idea of Serah as main protagonist after spending the entire first game as a frail-looking thing. And Noel looks like Nomura phoning it in again, since he literally looks like the creepy lovechild of Sora and Tidus. But the two grew on me a bit so who knows, maybe they can keep growing.

Serah is at least reasonably adorable, but Noel has a weak design, a boring personality, an annoying voice and a face that makes me angry every time I see it. Pity (for me at least), since Lightning is my favorite FF protagonist by a long shot.

Maybe it's just me, but I had a visual problem with the fights. It's nothing new for Square, but there's no sense of impact in the attacks. They don't look powerful...it's like ballet. And with the characters running around more, it's like everyone's kind of absentmindedly dancing while numbers show up. I feel like the increased motion was supposed to make it seem more like a real battle was going on, but it had the opposite effect.

I like the limit break-type things the monster party members do, though. Pausing the fight for a second gives it more focus...more of a narrative quality. I think if there were more visual "cinch points" like that, I would enjoy the battles more. I'm not talking about lengthy animations, but little 1-3 second pauses to break up the number ballet, add some drama and make the heroes look cooler. I'd like super quick QTEs for critical hits or something


The QTEs in the boss fights seemed non-invasive enough and added a good sense of narrative. It got me thinking about how memorable all the fights in FF4 were, though. The bosses went through different phases and you had to react differently and use very specific tactics in each situation. I think because of that, the battles felt like a part of the story, rather than just numbers and graphics. The fact that your characters and their skills were locked probably contributed to that...so you have a sense of "Cecil did this" and "Rydia did this" in terms of the "fight narrative".

I don't really have a point, I just think that's one of the remarkable things about FF4 and why it's a (relatively) enduring classic.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

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"Re(5):Re(10):FF XIII-2" , posted Tue 24 Jan 02:28post reply

There's a lot to reply to here! Here are a few key points:

But don't worry, I'm here to tell you it's still okay to live in the past, before she gets here! OR or or here is someone else's better way of saying it, and here is a shorter version of that same way.

Wow is that a long review. Even the short version was long, but both were enjoyable reads. Eh, I would not say I live in the past, at least not game-wise, although my predilection for FFV might make it seem otherwise.

Also, what the hell is wrong with Chocolina's voice in English!? She's super hot, but she sounds like somebody's mom.

I was thinking the same thing! Although somehow I feel like I recognize the VA. Not sure where from though!

In terms of modern FF games, Type-0 was really close to being both a masterpiece and a step forward for the genre. I have never played a non-SaGa game with a more frustrating difficulty balance, though. Really soured the whole experience.

Well, I think this is what it comes down to for me: I think Square Enix is in a weird place with Final Fantasy as a series: Sometimes it's like all any fan wants is a remake of Final Fantasy VII, but at the same time they need to keep the series fresh so that people won't view it as a dinosaur (which they undoubtedly do, ultimately, regardless of what SE does). I want there to be a way through that introduces new systems and so on, while keeping enough of what makes it a Final Fantasy game, but... wow, XIII's systems and gameplay are so baroque as to hardly even feel like a game for me. Having never played the first game, I can't really see the improvements made in XIII-2, but wow.

Well, is an interesting game to try the demo of, at least. I'm super excited to try Type-0 though-- the videos I've seen have been pretty promising seeming!


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"Re(6):Re(10):FF XIII-2" , posted Tue 24 Jan 22:15post reply

I don't know if it's still available, but Square had a very enticing demo of Type-0. The first one was fun enough, but they released a second one where your EXP carried over, you got new costumes for everyone (you had to EARN them in the first demo) and they gave you an EXP boosting item to take over to the real game. You NEED an EXP boosting item. You need several with how many characters you have on your team.

I considered saying "screw you" to half the cast and just sacrificing them to use summons, but you have to level up the summons as well! So that's like...20 characters to keep up with! There is a system where you level up by "resting" (not playing the game) that I scoffed at, but now I realize that the game very well might have been made with that in mind and it might've improved my opinion of it.

I've been working all day every day lately, so I haven't finished the game yet. Maybe I should look into that, so I can be rewarded for not playing at least.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

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"Re(5):Re(10):FF XIII-2" , posted Tue 24 Jan 23:07post reply

My evaluation of the demo is that I feel pretty lukewarm about the experience. It wasn't anything great. It tries to seem less linear, but it just provides more routes the same end path, and then it has you backtrack at a certain point. I guess there is one point where it asks you what you wanna do, but I never gave mind to try the different answers.

QTEs are a terrible thing and I've always said this, and this game has not changed my mind one bit. I wish whoever invented QTEs would press the decision that makes himself jump into an active helicopter rotor.

The battle system didn't change much from the last game, and while I don't have a big issue with that, I do wish they could have polished it some more rather than just adding "cinematic actions" (aka QTEs).

What little dialogue I've experienced in this demo is just more samples of bad writing that Squareenix has become accustomed to doing, and the trailers don't seem to dispel that sentiment one bit.

The leveling system is like a more compartmentalized, encapsulated thing that is probably not too intuitive at first, but won't take too long to figure it out if you know the first game.

Cannot say I care for the Pokemon adventures featuring Sera and Noel standing in for Ash or Companion-of-the-season, but I never really liked Ash either.

The only real improvement in my mind is the fact that you have a better chance of outrunning the enemies that appear randomly now, or you can press some attack button to get a preemptive strike on them if you hit them with it.

And all I have to say from what I've heard is, get ready for FFXIII-3.

Did I mention how much I hate QTEs?

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"Re(6):Re(10):FF XIII-2" , posted Wed 25 Jan 13:40:post reply

New trailer for Kaizoku Musou.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
It's great that they decided on Water 7 as a major arc, but no Brook gives me a case of sadface. Hopefully Thriller Bark is right around the corner.

End of Spoiler

[this message was edited by Gojira on Wed 25 Jan 13:41]

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"Re(7):Re(10):FF XIII-2" , posted Wed 25 Jan 21:43:post reply

New trailer for Kaizoku Musou.

The first footage they showed was of post time-skip Luffy fighting Kuma as well as Luffy and Ace vs the Admirals. Watch it again...Brook is in it, too. They make it seem like it covers practically the entire series (if it goes that far), but I know that's too much to hope for. I'm sure we'll get hit with tons of DLC and sequels.

EDIT: Or did I misunderstand and you were only talking about the trailer, not the game as a whole?

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Wed 25 Jan 22:04]

4297th Post

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"Re(8):Re(10):FF XIII-2" , posted Thu 26 Jan 00:17post reply

New trailer for Kaizoku Musou.

After this game was announced I hunkered down and read through the entire One Piece series. My thanks to this unreleased game and my local library for getting me to read this series.

Keeping with all things Musou, the latest Orochi Warriors game is being released outside Japan. I wonder if they will keep up the crossover madness and eventually let Nobunaga ride his Pokemon into battle against the demonic hordes? That may sound silly but at this point how much is too much?

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"Re(8):Re(10):FF XIII-2" , posted Thu 26 Jan 07:22post reply

New trailer for Kaizoku Musou.

The first footage they showed was of post time-skip Luffy fighting Kuma as well as Luffy and Ace vs the Admirals. Watch it again...Brook is in it, too. They make it seem like it covers practically the entire series (if it goes that far), but I know that's too much to hope for. I'm sure we'll get hit with tons of DLC and sequels.

EDIT: Or did I misunderstand and you were only talking about the trailer, not the game as a whole?

Ah, I hadn't seen the first gameplay trailer yet, I actually thought this was the first gameplay trailer for some reason. Thanks for setting me straight. 45 degrees! I

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"Re(9):Re(10):FF XIII-2" , posted Thu 26 Jan 08:03post reply


Keeping with all things Musou, the latest Orochi Warriors game is being released outside Japan. I wonder if they will keep up the crossover madness and eventually let Nobunaga ride his Pokemon into battle against the demonic hordes? That may sound silly but at this point how much is too much?

Heard second-hand that Pokemon + Nobunaga's Ambition was originally conceived as Pokemon Musou, but Nintendo said no and suggested Nobunaga's Ambition instead.

It could've happened. Maybe it still can.

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"Re(8):Re(10):FF XIII-2" , posted Thu 26 Jan 11:03post reply

New trailer for Kaizoku Musou.

The first footage they showed was of post time-skip Luffy fighting Kuma as well as Luffy and Ace vs the Admirals. Watch it again...Brook is in it, too. They make it seem like it covers practically the entire series (if it goes that far), but I know that's too much to hope for. I'm sure we'll get hit with tons of DLC and sequels.

Actually didn't they say in the original announcement in Jump something like that they will be covering everything in the story all the way till new world?

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"Re(10):Re(10):FF XIII-2" , posted Fri 27 Jan 06:44post reply

Heard second-hand that Pokemon + Nobunaga's Ambition was originally conceived as Pokemon Musou, but Nintendo said no and suggested Nobunaga's Ambition instead.

It could've happened. Maybe it still can.

Actually, it already has can happened.
It's called Pokémon Rumble, and on 3DS, it's kinda cool. And it's as much Musô as you can get out of this license.

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"Re(9):Re(10):FF XIII-2" , posted Fri 27 Jan 08:18post reply


Actually didn't they say in the original announcement in Jump something like that they will be covering everything in the story all the way till new world?

B-but it's so hard to believe! Especially with them showing so many characters from CP9. I expected just to have Lucci. Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, but it looks like Koei is finally starting to redeem themselves (in my eyes, at least). C'mon Konami, you're next!

I'm not nuts about the renders in Kaizoku Musou, but they look really good in motion. I like the way the enemies respond to attacks, and the character's techniques are captured much better than in the anime, which usually looks like complete trash.

Speaking of which, on the other end of the spectrum, Cyberconnect's new Naruto game seems to have replaced their amazing 3D animation with cheap-looking stills from the anime and mediocre animated cut scenes? I never thought I would see the day where I complained about 2D art/animation in a game (and want 3D), but here I am!

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

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"Re(10):Re(10):FF XIII-2" , posted Fri 27 Jan 08:45post reply

Speaking of which, on the other end of the spectrum, Cyberconnect's new Naruto game seems to have replaced their amazing 3D animation with cheap-looking stills from the anime and mediocre animated cut scenes? I never thought I would see the day where I complained about 2D art/animation in a game (and want 3D), but here I am!

Maybe Asura's Wrath completely burned them out on barely-interactive 3D cutscenes! The demo certainly burned me out on them, anyway...

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"Re(2):Back to SFxT" , posted Fri 27 Jan 10:06post reply

Wow, SF x Tekken keeps seeming more and more like some kind of weird joke cooked up at a bar between Ono and Harada. Not that I'm complaining! Now we have some official art of Pacman-on-Mokujin and Box Art Megaman. I wonder if they will actually call him that or not (EDIT: Looks like he's just 'Mega Man').


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"Re(3):Back to SFxT" , posted Fri 27 Jan 10:29post reply

Wow, SF x Tekken keeps seeming more and more like some kind of weird joke cooked up at a bar between Ono and Harada. Not that I'm complaining! Now we have some official art of Pacman-on-Mokujin and Box Art Megaman. I wonder if they will actually call him that or not (EDIT: Looks like he's just 'Mega Man').

PacMan is rumored to be a mimic character, but Bad Boxart / Beer Belly Mega Man doesn't seem so, with his buster pistol.



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"Re(3):Back to SFxT" , posted Fri 27 Jan 13:10post reply

Wow, SF x Tekken keeps seeming more and more like some kind of weird joke cooked up at a bar between Ono and Harada. Not that I'm complaining! Now we have some official art of Pacman-on-Mokujin and Box Art Megaman. I wonder if they will actually call him that or not (EDIT: Looks like he's just 'Mega Man').

Just to make things more confusing they will probably call him Mega Man in the JP version, making him officially the only character named "Mega Man" in JP regions.

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"Re(4):Back to SFxT" , posted Fri 27 Jan 13:29post reply

I still don't understand why Capcom is doing this

Nobody will say ''haha, good one Capcom, I think that I will buy your game just to support all this awesome trolling and to keep going with your sophisticated sense of humor''

In the other hand, lots of MM fans which are already completely pissed off are probably now exploding from nerd rage, there is a big risk that some customers will not want to buy the game or know anything about Capcom. If this point of view is right or not, or if fans should not take things that seriously, in the end it really doesn't matter, since it's more easy to not piss off this fans instead of telling to each one of those ''dude, you take your fandom too seriously''

In the days of Megaman 9 and 10, this would have been saw as an amazing joke, but in this era post Inafune where some fans flat out believe that Capcom hates Megaman, and where some of them is incredible salty, this is an stupid idea no matter how much you try to paint it

Well, at least since I don't care that much for Mega Man, is still a big lol even though I hate how Capcom treat their joke characters.

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"Re(5):Back to SFxT" , posted Fri 27 Jan 15:12post reply

I still don't understand why Capcom is doing this

Nobody will say ''haha, good one Capcom, I think that I will buy your game just to support all this awesome trolling and to keep going with your sophisticated sense of humor''

In the other hand, lots of MM fans which are already completely pissed off are probably now exploding from nerd rage, there is a big risk that some customers will not want to buy the game or know anything about Capcom. If this point of view is right or not, or if fans should not take things that seriously, in the end it really doesn't matter, since it's more easy to not piss off this fans instead of telling to each one of those ''dude, you take your fandom too seriously''

In the days of Megaman 9 and 10, this would have been saw as an amazing joke, but in this era post Inafune where some fans flat out believe that Capcom hates Megaman, and where some of them is incredible salty, this is an stupid idea no matter how much you try to paint it

Well, at least since I don't care that much for Mega Man, is still a big lol even though I hate how Capcom treat their joke characters.

Ono tweeted that he consulted Inafune a year back regarding a Megaman character in SFXT... this was the result.


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"Re(6):Back to SFxT" , posted Fri 27 Jan 15:54post reply

Ono tweeted that he consulted Inafune a year back regarding a Megaman character in SFXT... this was the result.



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"Re(7):Back to SFxT" , posted Fri 27 Jan 19:21post reply

Ono tweeted that he consulted Inafune a year back regarding a Megaman character in SFXT... this was the result.


Is it really that hard to believe? A year ago Inafune was doing this.

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"Re(5):Back to SFxT" , posted Fri 27 Jan 20:21post reply

I still don't understand why Capcom is doing this

Nobody will say ''haha, good one Capcom, I think that I will buy your game just to support all this awesome trolling and to keep going with your sophisticated sense of humor''

Some capcom fanboys might surprise you.

The difference between two playable badboxartmegaman s is that one looks humanized megaman the other one is just stupid. So yes, it looks like Capcoms way of showing middle finger to the fans.

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"Re(5):Back to SFxT" , posted Fri 27 Jan 20:57post reply

Nobody will say ''haha, good one Capcom, I think that I will buy your game just to support all this awesome trolling and to keep going with your sophisticated sense of humor''

>He's never been to 4chan!
>laughing elf costanza girls with laptop.jpg

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"Re(6):Back to SFxT" , posted Fri 27 Jan 22:01post reply

Nobody will say ''haha, good one Capcom, I think that I will buy your game just to support all this awesome trolling and to keep going with your sophisticated sense of humor''
>He's never been to 4chan!
>laughing elf costanza girls with laptop.jpg


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"Re(7):Back to SFxT" , posted Fri 27 Jan 23:51post reply

Nobody will say ''haha, good one Capcom, I think that I will buy your game just to support all this awesome trolling and to keep going with your sophisticated sense of humor''
>He's never been to 4chan!
>laughing elf costanza girls with laptop.jpg


If that makes you scared, don't go to this thread

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"Re(7):Back to SFxT" , posted Sat 28 Jan 00:02post reply

Will Pac-Man actually be a Mokujin type character or will he have his own move list?

But while Pac-Mokujin is all well and good it's Mega Man that I really love. First off, I love the little details. My favorite is that not only is his helmet decoration askew but there's a miscolored spot where it is supposed to be. He even kicks like the MvC version of the Blue Bomber. But what I really like is that Mega Man is taking himself seriously. He may be a joke character but from the way he's charging into battle it's obvious he doesn't think of himself as a joke character. I don't know if it's inner nobility or self-delusion but either way it makes him work.

The people who are acting like this is some sort of horrible new trick confuse me. Yes, this is an attempt to push buttons but it's obviously in good fun so the howling, rending of garments and frustration some people are expressing seems excessive. Plus, it seems that those that are complaining have forgotten the history of fighting games. Crossover games have often brought out such silliness. For me, these characters let me know that this a true crossover game. Now I want Alex the dinosaur, Pepsiman, Mars People and the car from Daytona as DLC.

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"Re(5):Back to SFxT" , posted Sat 28 Jan 01:18post reply

I still don't understand why Capcom is doing this

Nobody will say ''haha, good one Capcom, I think that I will buy your game just to support all this awesome trolling and to keep going with your sophisticated sense of humor''

In the other hand, lots of MM fans which are already completely pissed off are probably now exploding from nerd rage, there is a big risk that some customers will not want to buy the game or know anything about Capcom. If this point of view is right or not, or if fans should not take things that seriously, in the end it really doesn't matter, since it's more easy to not piss off this fans instead of telling to each one of those ''dude, you take your fandom too seriously''

In the days of Megaman 9 and 10, this would have been saw as an amazing joke, but in this era post Inafune where some fans flat out believe that Capcom hates Megaman, and where some of them is incredible salty, this is an stupid idea no matter how much you try to paint it

Well, at least since I don't care that much for Mega Man, is still a big lol even though I hate how Capcom treat their joke characters.

I think these two new characters are primarily an advertising tool for the Vita (and PS3) to try to drum up interest. I am sure more people will be exposed to this game due to the conversation over these "joke" characters as opposed to two more "fitting" guest characters like perhaps Morrigan and Ivy.

It was a calculated move by Capcom. Perhaps they could have taken the resources used to make these guys and put in two more real characters like Charlie and JACK, but that would not have granted them much exposure to the main stream.

Apparently Lupinko (the guy that leaks Capcom stuff) said that Pac Man and Mega Man were also in the 360 version, but SONY was able to money hat them as well.

It's unfortunate that 360 peeps lost out on two extra characters (I would've like to have seen tournament play footage with these two guys anyways).

Is it really that hard to believe? A year ago Inafune was doing this.

I wonder if this was supposed to be a coordinated ad campaign that would have seen around the same release date as Mega Man Universe.

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"Re(8):Back to SFxT" , posted Sat 28 Jan 04:02post reply

Crossover games have often brought out such silliness.
If only MvC3 actually understood this, but Marvel is a dick company and of course I naturally am opposed to them due to my anti-corporate nature

Though on this same note, a lot of SFxTekken should have understood this as well; the crossover series has been a pretty loose and fun mesh of characters who have not a whole lot of rhyme or reason to be fighting against each other, much less pair up with each other, and the storyline was simply "I'm the evil throwaway bad guy, fear my generic motives of taking over the planet, muhahaha!" and oddly, Pacman and Megaman are the first honest step toward this direction, despite not being SF or Tekken characters.

I don't have anything against the Megaman/Pacman thing personally though I do have to nitpick on the Megaman thing, because he seems more representive of an out of shape basement-dwelling cosplayer than he does the actual boxart depiction with its dislocated right hip and hunchback posture and "I'll get you, my pretty!!" pose. And I dunno how anybody is surprised about it because it was ONLY leaked QUITE A FEW MONTHS BACK, and those who are surprised weren't paying attention when other people were yelling in their faces. Welcome to the internet, the home of people with attention deficit disorder.

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"Re(9):Back to SFxT" , posted Sat 28 Jan 07:33post reply

New Capcom Logo

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"Re(5):Back to SFxT" , posted Sat 28 Jan 16:08post reply

In the days of Megaman 9 and 10, this would have been saw as an amazing joke, but in this era post Inafune where some fans flat out believe that Capcom hates Megaman, and where some of them is incredible salty, this is an stupid idea no matter how much you try to paint it

If Megaman Universe had been released, then it would have made sense. A new Capcom game would have a tie-in to another Capcom game. But MMU was cancelled.

If it had been an alternate costume for another character, it wouldn't have been bad. It would have just been some joke reference.

Making Bad Box Art Megaman into an actual full blown complete bonus character is just a bad idea.

And actually, what does it really say about Capcom? Namco gets their mascot Pac-Man. He's a bit comedic, but putting him in a Mokujin robot is certainly better than making a Pac-Man fighter. Heck, Pac-Man even ends up being a Namco/Capcom hybrid thanks to the Mokujin bot. Sony gets their mascots. And Capcom gets...Bad Art Megaman... Who has now put on an extra 100-200 pounds, and looks like an idiot. That is Capcom's "mascot" for the game, a really bad cosplayer.

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"Re(6):Back to SFxT" , posted Sun 29 Jan 11:01post reply

I think I just want a wrestling character to be able to escape from command grabs like this.

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"Re(7):Back to SFxT" , posted Sun 29 Jan 12:13post reply

I think I just want a wrestling character to be able to escape from command grabs like this.

If that move ended in a suplex I would have found a way to send that guy $100 to his bank account

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"Re(8):Back to the courtroom" , posted Sun 29 Jan 18:01post reply

Gyakuten Saiban 5 exists. Can't wait to see that finger jabbing at me in 3-D!

4558th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Back to the courtroom" , posted Sun 29 Jan 20:18post reply

Gyakuten Saiban 5 exists. Can't wait to see that finger jabbing at me in 3-D!

Odd how there's no hero on the logo...is Capcom going to relinquish MC duties to Phoenix again after the disaster that was 4?

1578th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(9):Back to the courtroom" , posted Mon 30 Jan 03:21post reply

Gyakuten Saiban 5 exists. Can't wait to see that finger jabbing at me in 3-D!

Nice chin

5574th Post

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"Re(10):Back to the courtroom" , posted Sat 4 Feb 06:34:post reply

Disgaea 4 console skins..... Would you have the guts to show something like that to your friends? I like to think that I would not.

PSh3 gets Chaos Code. So, I can finally play as Bravo and Catherine (Catherine who someone irresponsibly left out from the top 3 yearly Catherine Rankings)?

Update 24 as of 21/11/11 (Temporary mega upload link). // 104 personajes traducidos

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 23 as of 20/11/11

[this message was edited by Toxico on Sat 4 Feb 07:06]

511th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Back to the courtroom" , posted Thu 9 Feb 21:59post reply

Not as eastern as most news around here, but Tim Shaefer's Double Fine started running a donation drive to fund a new point-and-click adventure game, and in a matter of hours they already gathered an impressive amount, and in fact already beat the target amount: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/66710809/double-fine-adventure

Now what would it take to get SNKP to pull off something like this to make a Garou 2?...

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

413th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(3):Re(10):Back to the courtroom" , posted Fri 10 Feb 01:06post reply


Now what would it take to get SNKP to pull off something like this to make a Garou 2?...

Yes, I hope Double Fine will provide a good example to most eastern software houses.
Like Sega (Panzer Dragoon, JSR, Shenmue), Capcom (Vampire, Justice Gakuen, 16-bit Rockman), ArcSys (2D Guilty Gear) and Square-Enix (Chrono, Xenogears).

846th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):Back to the courtroom" , posted Fri 10 Feb 01:14post reply


Now what would it take to get SNKP to pull off something like this to make a Garou 2?...

Yes, I hope Double Fine will provide a good example to most eastern software houses.
Like Sega (Panzer Dragoon, JSR, Shenmue), Capcom (Vampire, Justice Gakuen, 16-bit Rockman), ArcSys (2D Guilty Gear) and Square-Enix (Chrono, Xenogears).

I suspect there would be quite a bit of eye-rolling if a big company like Sega or even SNKP did a Kickstarter for a game, given that there is a perception that they actually have money to make most games. What would be cool is if they would greenlight independent development of their 'forgotten' properties by smaller and indie (or doujin) companies without the looming threat of litigation and cease and desist letters (a la Sega and Streets of Rage Remake).

But this is all fantasyland!


9318th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):Back to the courtroom" , posted Fri 10 Feb 06:09post reply

Yakuzas doing Kickstarters.
Now THAT would be immensely funny.

1033th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(5):Re(10):Back to the courtroom" , posted Fri 10 Feb 06:41post reply

What would be cool is if they would greenlight independent development of their 'forgotten' properties by smaller and indie (or doujin) companies without the looming threat of litigation and cease and desist letters (a la Sega and Streets of Rage Remake).

But this is all fantasyland!

This needs to happen. Given the history behind the iOS and Android port of Sonic CD, maybe this isn't a long shot.


2282th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):Back to the courtroom" , posted Fri 10 Feb 06:58post reply


This needs to happen. Given the history behind the iOS and Android port of Sonic CD, maybe this isn't a long shot.

Considering how Sega of Europe sought to bar the Streets of Rage remake from being released on the developer's website, I would say it is a longshot.

The Sonic community is a bunch of insane hackers and fanboys that know the old Sonic games better than the developers of the game do. They have both reverse engineered and taken apart the Sonic games to a level that is frankly astonishing and a little bit frightening. I'm glad that some of their efforts have been rewarded (like the Sonic CD remake, which is really quite an achievement if you look at what's gone into it!), but I'm also kind of sad that for all their incredible efforts, their view is extremely backwards-looking... then again, it's not like Sega made many good Sonic games after the 2D ones anyway.

4305th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):Back to the courtroom" , posted Fri 10 Feb 23:47post reply

Now what would it take to get SNKP to pull off something like this to make a Garou 2?...

There is a small but annoying group of fans who claim that a game company "owes" them something because they bought a piece of merchandise at one point. Can you imagine how obnoxious these people would be if they felt they actually had a stake in the game because they threw $5 into a Kickstarter? I get queasy just thinking about it.

249th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):Back to the courtroom" , posted Sat 11 Feb 06:17post reply

Now what would it take to get SNKP to pull off something like this to make a Garou 2?...
There is a small but annoying group of fans who claim that a game company "owes" them something because they bought a piece of merchandise at one point. Can you imagine how obnoxious these people would be if they felt they actually had a stake in the game because they threw $5 into a Kickstarter? I get queasy just thinking about it.

But in the specific case of the Double Fine Adventure game, that is exactly what they are promising, fan input on all types of stuff, from art assets to gameplay. I guess the final game would probably be a mishmash of Day of the Tentacles, Maniac Mansion, Grim Fandango and the Monkey Island games.

Personally, while I'm happy to see that they're making a new adventure game, it just feels a little bit on the shady side the way they're making it. It reminds me of how big hollywood studios now have an "Indie" branded production company, even though that term doesn't make much sense (Big companies are actually sort of doing this with Pre-paying for upcoming unknown DLC). Who's to say they might just go spend all that money partying and the final game might just end up being a piece of crap, especially given that there's not a single detail about the game other than it's just an adventure game. Now Granted, there's probably no other group of people more qualified to do that then Double Fine, but still I'm not 100% behind this, only 85%.

753th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):Back to the Mansion" , posted Sun 12 Feb 16:57post reply

Having finished the main campaign of Revelations, playing a little Raid Mode, and having listened to the interesting Retronauts podcast about the Biohazard franchise, I wonder if the "militarism" angle might have been set up right from the start, knowing full well the people who ended up were special forces. Not that it matters much, since people like the more adventure horror game aspects of classic RE/REmake over the more action oriented later installments.

What strikes me as interesting is Shinji Mikami's approach to all this. REmake had many new aspects introduced like Crimson Heads and Hunters breaking down doors (along with many nods to the original), but it's not as if RE4 was lacking in any aspect of fooling one's expectations. Granted, Silent Hill might have trounced RE's attempt at scares with psychological stuff, but there were earnestly creepy moments in RE4 moreso than RE5.

Which brings me to Revelations: I kinda appreciate that they are revisiting these aspects again in some form with the ship exploration. I still miss the aspect of viewing key items to solve puzzles. There's a little bit of that going on in this game with the log/diary readings and some wierd mechanism oreinted devilry, but I really wish they went full out with crazy pieces that take up inventory. I guess they were trying to make everything work.

That said, I find it to be a very good RE despite experimenting with an episodic structure. Their hearts are in the right place, and I can only hope some of it passes on to RE6.

4307th Post

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"Re(6):Re(10):Back to the Mansion" , posted Mon 13 Feb 08:55post reply

Itagaki is saying things again. If you told me that Itagaki was not a real person and was instead an elaborate piece of performance art staged by Sacha Baron Cohen in a wig I would believe you.

Now Granted, there's probably no other group of people more qualified to do that then Double Fine, but still I'm not 100% behind this, only 85%.

That ain't bad all things considered. I'd put money down on those odds.

1430th Post

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"Re(7):Re(10):Back to the Mansion" , posted Mon 13 Feb 12:40post reply

Itagaki is saying things again. If you told me that Itagaki was not a real person and was instead an elaborate piece of performance art staged by Sacha Baron Cohen in a wig I would believe you.

I want to say, "Haha, that Itagaki, what won't he come up with next?" Because that story is ridiculous. And yet I...

I think I now understand why DOA2U had an Aerosmith song licensed for its intro music!

2301th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"God Hand live" , posted Tue 14 Feb 04:36:post reply

If you like God Hand, and if you're at the Cafe you probably do or else you'd have been fired by now, I see Capcom's running a God Hand live broadcast (working title: the Godcast) today. This should be even more hilarious to watch than Tougeki. As Gene says about his power ups, "I LOVE it!"


[this message was edited by Maou on Tue 14 Feb 07:12]

4308th Post

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"Re(1):God Hand live" , posted Tue 14 Feb 05:57post reply

If you like God Hand, and if you're at the Cafe you probably do or else you'd have been fired by now, I see Capcom's running a God Hand live broadcast (working title: the Godcast) today. This should be even more hilarious to watch than Tougeki. Per Gene's power ups, "I LOVE it!"

Thanks for the heads up! I'll be certain to tune in.

2818th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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"Re(2):God Hand live" , posted Tue 14 Feb 07:13post reply

Evidently, the eminent Tim Rogers will also be prominently featured in this Godcast.

2302th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):God Hand live" , posted Tue 14 Feb 07:34:post reply

Evidently, the eminent Tim Rogers will also be prominently featured in this Godcast.

Indeed. In terms of enthusiasm and knowledge as to what tactile joys make God Hand maybe the greatest game, I have met no person more fitting than Tim to accompany the Godcast. Short of getting the entirety of Insert Credit and ABDN into the same room at once.


[this message was edited by Maou on Tue 14 Feb 07:36]

9319th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):God Hand live" , posted Wed 15 Feb 03:36post reply

Evidently, the eminent Tim Rogers will also be prominently featured in this Godcast.

TM and Godhand in the same sentence/leap of thought/universe?
You don't deserve nice things.

311th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(3):God Hand live" , posted Wed 15 Feb 09:21post reply

Evidently, the eminent Tim Rogers will also be prominently featured in this Godcast.

God Hand getting some love was nice.

Watching Tim try to play was not nice. Yes, not playing the game for two years is an excuse for being out of practice, but bad God Hand play simply does not look appealing.

I admit that I stopped halfway through, but Tim didn't seem to add anything to the broadcast after the very beginning of the game. Indeed, his part of the talking and the play are why I stopped halfway through.

514th Post

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"Re(4):God Hand live" , posted Thu 16 Feb 20:23post reply

Karateka is being remade - I can't wait to see if this granddaddy of fighting games will still have a damsel in distress that's stronger than the final boss if you approach her the wrong way.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

251th Post

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"Re(5):God Hand live" , posted Thu 16 Feb 22:28:post reply

The stream made me want to continue my playthrough of God Hand and try to finish it. And I just managed to beat the final boss, who sounds awfully like Dr. Claw. Such a fun game.

Karateka is being remade - I can't wait to see if this granddaddy of fighting games will still have a damsel in distress that's stronger than the final boss if you approach her the wrong way.

For me, I've always enjoyed doing this

But honestly, I'm excited. I think there's a dearth of hand-to-hand combat in action games in recent years. Almost all of them either focus on guns or swords with little fisticuffs. The only recent games I can think of that has them are the Yakuza series and well...God Hand.

EDIT for more God Hand news: PS2 classics are now out in EU PSN stores, including God Hand but the selection is different with Gungrave Overdose, Neo Contra, both Maximo games, and the worst non-wii SSX.

[this message was edited by badoor on Fri 17 Feb 06:04]

312th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(6):God Hand live" , posted Fri 17 Feb 16:35post reply

I think there's a dearth of hand-to-hand combat in action games in recent years. Almost all of them either focus on guns or swords with little fisticuffs.

Weapons are flashier. Weapons add an immediate visual variety, as well as make gameplay variety more immediate/likely. Weapons also suit any kind of collectable/ton-of-items systems.

One other thing I've considered for a long time, though, is that weapons can be easier to handle. Weapons give attacks longer ranges, getting action away from the player's body. When dealing with 3D characters and free/chase cameras, this means the player is more likely to be able to see what is happening, where bodies could block short jabs. Weapons also tend to have more arcing attacks, where with fisticuffs you might expect more straight attacks. This means weapons can get away with less required accuracy and/or obvious auto-target.

516th Post

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"Re(7):God Hand live" , posted Fri 17 Feb 21:22post reply

Apparently Asura's Wrath will get SF-themed DLC:

<insert joke about such DLC having more gameplay than the full game and/or how it should have been the other way around, but for UMvC3>

Loving the statue in the background though.

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

4312th Post

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"Re(7):God Hand live" , posted Fri 17 Feb 23:30post reply

I think there's a dearth of hand-to-hand combat in action games in recent years. Almost all of them either focus on guns or swords with little fisticuffs.

Weapons are flashier. Weapons add an immediate visual variety, as well as make gameplay variety more immediate/likely. Weapons also suit any kind of collectable/ton-of-items systems.

One other thing I've considered for a long time, though, is that weapons can be easier to handle. Weapons give attacks longer ranges, getting action away from the player's body. When dealing with 3D characters and free/chase cameras, this means the player is more likely to be able to see what is happening, where bodies could block short jabs. Weapons also tend to have more arcing attacks, where with fisticuffs you might expect more straight attacks. This means weapons can get away with less required accuracy and/or obvious auto-target.

To bring it all full circle I found the improved melee attack in the Mass Effect 3 demo to be so entertaining that I wanted to run around and punch as many aliens as I could.

In other news Zangief is going to be in the next Disney movie.

2827th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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"musou again" , posted Wed 22 Feb 07:49:post reply

Final (?) Kaizoku Musou trailer

Includes Brook gameplay (finally) and a couple of nice surprises in the Marineford scenario.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Although I was sure they'd be included anyway, I didn't think Hancock and Whitebeard would be playable characters.

End of Spoiler

[this message was edited by Gojira on Wed 22 Feb 07:56]

755th Post

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"Re(1):FOE again" , posted Wed 22 Feb 19:29:post reply

yay Sekaiju no Meikyuu IV! scans 1 2 3 4

[this message was edited by sfried on Wed 22 Feb 19:31]

3189th Post

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"Re(2):FOE again" , posted Wed 22 Feb 21:06post reply

I thought I had the week off, so I ordered Asura's Wrath only to find that I had a new project waiting for me. Bleh.

Anyway, if you didn't like the demo, the game isn't going to surprise you. I'm not much of a penny-pincher when it comes to game purchases, so I don't regret getting it, but realistically, it doesn't have a huge amount of game content and you could almost definitely rent it and win it in a weekend (comfortably).

Still, I'm enjoying it a lot and it has a few ideas I'd like to see CyberConnect take to their fighting games.

yay Sekaiju no Meikyuu IV! scans 1 2 3 4

I thought the medic was cute before but this is killer.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

4316th Post

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"Re(1):musou again" , posted Wed 22 Feb 23:05post reply

Final (?) Kaizoku Musou trailer

Includes Brook gameplay (finally) and a couple of nice surprises in the Marineford scenario.

So there are twelve playable characters at this point? I was a bit worried/hopeful that Captain Buggy or some other odd choice might make in but I suspect that's probably the full roster. Considering how varied the powers are of the characters they can't do any cloning to pad out the cast like in a Dynasty Warriors game.

In other news, a teaser trailer for a lost Strider game recently turned up.

518th Post

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"Re(2):musou again" , posted Thu 23 Feb 03:26post reply

Sega, Capcom and Namco Bandai working together on a 3DS project?
According to someone at NeoGAF, this is under Namco's Banpresto label, which usually handles the SRW games... color me intrigued - I used to not give a damn about the 3DS...

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

755th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):musou again" , posted Thu 23 Feb 13:29post reply

Sega, Capcom and Namco Bandai working together on a 3DS project?
According to someone at NeoGAF, this is under Namco's Banpresto label, which usually handles the SRW games... color me intrigued - I used to not give a damn about the 3DS...

Iwata has been pulling the stops to get people to care about the 3DS again ever since its weak launch, and with rather good results.

On the other side of the pond, it's nice to hear The Last Story making it over to the US thanks to XSeed. Here's hoping Pandora's Tower can make it too.

4321th Post

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"Re(4):musou again" , posted Tue 28 Feb 23:52post reply

Someone is making a webcomic out of Xevious.

859th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(5):musou again" , posted Wed 29 Feb 02:52post reply

Someone is making a webcomic out of Xevious.

Hey, and SkyKid too! An unusual choice, but... sounds good!


254th Post

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PSN: BadoorSNK
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Copper Customer

"Re(5):musou again" , posted Wed 29 Feb 08:03:post reply

Someone is making a webcomic out of Xevious.

I want to see a depressing soap-opera drama comic based on the life of Dig Dug star and father of Mr. Driller, Taizo Hori, and his messed up family history. He divorced his alcoholic wife, Masuyo "Kissy" Toby, probably because she's prone to kissing random people when drunk. This lead to hateful disputes in the family that lead Mr.Driller's older brother to leave home and hold a grudge against his dad, who's now always away on business trips and never at home. All of which seems to actually be part of the canon.

[this message was edited by badoor on Wed 29 Feb 08:14]

3196th Post

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"Re(6):musou musou" , posted Fri 2 Mar 21:02post reply


I got Kaizoku Musou. It has far exceeded my expectations so far.

Story mode has a surprising amount of puzzle/platforming stages. They aren't good for replaying, but they round out the adventure fairly nicely. The chapters are categorized as "Action" "Musou" or "Boss" (although both Musou and Action stages have bosses as well).

I think Wapol's level was the most extreme example. The first part has you carrying a sick Nami, trying to prevent her from freezing and setting her down so you can solve puzzles to advance. There are a few fights scattered through that part, but it's mostly puzzle. After that, it starts a new chapter, which is an extended boss fight with Wapol and that's it.

The boss fights are quite good and play out more like an action game than straight-up Musou. You'll have to do very specific things to damage them, like swallow water then spit it on Crocodile or feed Wapol (making him stronger and stronger) until he gets sick. You have to learn the bosses' patterns and come up with solutions, rather than the usual "run around, then do your combo."

Unfortunately, I haven't played in the Alternate Scenario mode, which I assume is more like a normal Musou game, so I can't say how robust that is or isn't immediately.

However, the "Musou" elements are not poorly done...in fact, I would say it's my favorite Musou type game yet (before wouldn't been Basara 2, though Dynasty Warriors 7 is good as well).

You can't jump...instead you have a quick dodge/dash. Your move speed is very fast and you have a wide variety of moves (normal and strong attacks, musou attacks and several special moves assigned to the shoulder buttons). Most attacks can be charged for more damage/different effects and numerous attacks have situational advantages (deflecting cannons, launching enemies, breaking shields, pulling enemies closer). The characters are definitely more robust than the usual Musou heroes. The skill customization isn't bad either, and collecting the equippable "coins" isn't annoying.

You can tell this from trailers, but the character animations are also very good, enemies included. There's a good sense of weight with the characters and all of the signature moves are well-represented.

I'm also fond of their minimalist approach to the story. Usually when I play a game adaptation, I'm bored to tears (Why would I want to watch a poorly-done oversimplified version of a story I already know), but they kind of went for a "only show the absolute coolest moments in the series" approach. The end segments to the boss fights are gratifying and the cinemas at the end of each level are fairly well-done too. On the downside, since it's sort of a slide show of cool parts from the series, people who aren't familiar with the story would be a little lost (although it might inspire them to get into it more).

The music is nice, too. Regular Musou screaming guitars with an added jazz flair. The Baratie's big band-sounding them is especially cool.

On the downside, the exclusion of Thriller Bark is a huge loss. As a result, although Brook is in the game, to my knowledge, there is NO SCENARIO IN THE STORY where he is actually an active crew member (Since he's not around for Impel Down and Marinford). I can see excluding Skypeia because it's more trouble than it's worth, but despite how much trouble Thriller Bark would be, it kind of needs to be there.

The game is also very easy, but that's to be expected of a Musou game. They spell out everything needlessly, but I'm hoping the challenge balance will be better on hard.

The game doesn't supply near the volume of some other Musou games (which excel in that category), but what it has is better than usual. Koei could've made a mediocre game and it would've sold just as well, but they made a good one that makes you want more. The game's a good purchase even for non-One Piece fans, but it does immediately make me wonder what we'll be seeing in terms of DLC and updates.

Tiny note: If you taunt, certain characters will change their appearance. Sanji will either loosen or tighten his tie, Zoro will put on or take off his bandanna and Luffy will do the same with his hat. I haven't tried everyone else.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

756th Post

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"Re(1): Capsule robots live!" , posted Fri 2 Mar 23:12post reply

Uh guys...Do you like Gotcha Force?

1435th Post

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PSN: Drakee
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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(7):musou musou" , posted Sat 3 Mar 00:40post reply

Polly, that's about everything I needed to hear - I might order this while I'm out of town so it'll be waiting for me when I get back. I have a lot of games to play right now but I'm prepared to drop all of them for Kaizoku Musou.

4325th Post

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"Re(2): Capsule robots live!" , posted Sat 3 Mar 03:46post reply

I'm flush with games at the moment but Polly's write-up of Kaizoku Musou is making a game I already want even more tempting. If they announce DLC for the game that includes Robin's hat I might not be able to hold off.
Uh guys...Do you like Gotcha Force?

That's unexpected. Did someone find a crate of old games and decide "What the hell, let's try to sell them?" Or is there a Gotcha Force fan base out there that I'm unaware of?

2828th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3): Capsule robots live!" , posted Sat 3 Mar 08:39post reply


On the downside, the exclusion of Thriller Bark is a huge loss. As a result, although Brook is in the game, to my knowledge, there is NO SCENARIO IN THE STORY where he is actually an active crew member (Since he's not around for Impel Down and Marinford). I can see excluding Skypeia because it's more trouble than it's worth, but despite how much trouble Thriller Bark would be, it kind of needs to be there.

Well, at least he's playable. But damn, that really sucks.

DLC scenarios were confirmed to be in the works a few weeks ago. Hopefully Thriller Bark is one of them, but something like that seems like it might be a little massive for DLC so I don't know.

868th Post

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"Re(4): Capsule robots live!" , posted Sat 3 Mar 09:41post reply

DLC scenarios were confirmed to be in the works a few weeks ago. Hopefully Thriller Bark is one of them, but something like that seems like it might be a little massive for DLC so I don't know.

Reading this made me hope that the Davy Back Fight makes it in as DLC! It's still among my favorite parts of the manga even though it's so short.

Of course you're right though-- Thriller Bark would be fantastic!


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"Re(8):musou musou" , posted Sat 3 Mar 09:42post reply

Another note about Kaizoku Musou...you have multiple musou moves, but I don't know if they're just a progression or if you can choose them. Also, the game is FULL OF CRYING. Since they include all the dramatic scenes and almost nothing but the dramatic scenes, it has more crying than any game I've ever seen BY A HUGE MARGIN.

Polly, that's about everything I needed to hear - I might order this while I'm out of town so it'll be waiting for me when I get back. I have a lot of games to play right now but I'm prepared to drop all of them for Kaizoku Musou.

Too bad it's so expensive! I forgot, are you a One Piece fan too, or just a Musou fan? I know you're pretty crazy about Musou games...

If they announce DLC for the game that includes Robin's hat I might not be able to hold off.

I think she might put her hat on for her taunt (I'll get back to you on that one), so you might need to make a more ludicrous demand.

DLC scenarios were confirmed to be in the works a few weeks ago. Hopefully Thriller Bark is one of them, but something like that seems like it might be a little massive for DLC so I don't know.

I was trying to read in between the lines with the DLC scenarios, but I have no idea what they're actually promising. They have a very affordable survival mode type-thing available now, but I hope the following scenarios will be a little more robust.

But yeah, they put a huge amount of effort into the story chapters, so I'm not getting my hopes up for Thriller Bark. In a perfect world, we'd have that and Skypeia as DLC, then add the bosses as playable and Fishman Island for the sequel. The only time skip characters in the game are Luffy, Zoro and Sanji. The character select screen has two very obvious missing slots and room for another row. I was trying to think which characters would be obvious additions. They already have renders for Bon and Ivankov, so a "SUPER OKAMA PACK DLC" might be possible. Hopefully they won't waste a slot on Vivi, who I can't imagine would be in very high demand.

Speaking of okama, I'm not into the One Piece anime at all, so it wasn't until recently that I found out that Bon and Franky have the same voice actor. Now, Bon just sounds like "Gay Franky" to me.

On a final note, their first set of DLC costumes were really interesting, so I'm excited to see what they do next. It'd be nice to have time skip versions of the remaining characters (though Franky would be difficult), but I'm expecting Strong World suits.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

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"Re(9):musou musou" , posted Sat 3 Mar 13:23:post reply

Too bad it's so expensive! I forgot, are you a One Piece fan too, or just a Musou fan? I know you're pretty crazy about Musou games...

Yeah, the $100 pre-shipping tag I'm seeing all over is a bitter pill to swallow, but I think it's gonna be worth it. I love OP even more than I love the Musou series so how can I not?!

That reminds me, I never wrapped up Gundam Musou 3. I wonder if I can even find online games to 100% it with...

While we're on the subject of OP, has anyone else in the US tried Weekly Shonen Jump Alpha yet? Been using it on my phone and tablet, and I'm very impressed. The Viz manga app isn't perfect yet (and it's sort of only on iOS and their website right now) but having extremely high quality translations of SJ titles two weeks after Japan, delivered directly to me - this is pretty much what I've been asking for even before there was a US Shonen Jump, when I was going to the local Waldenbooks every week for my issue of Raijin Comics. I've given up on scans for the SJ titles altogether and now I just wait for these. Would be curious to hear what other folks think.

And speaking of SJ, I do kind of want that Naruto game coming out this month. The demo was gorgeous and there's something like 70+ characters... definitely interested.

edit: why is my text formatting weird

[this message was edited by Grave on Sat 3 Mar 14:49]

3198th Post

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"Re(10):musou musou" , posted Sat 3 Mar 14:15post reply

I love OP even more than I love the Musou series

Then no price is too great.

While we're on the subject of OP, has anyone else in the US tried Weekly Shonen Jump Alpha yet?

Do they change the SFX like usual? I was hoping the need for a speed release would give them an excuse to break that habit. I'm fairly happy with the adaptation in Viz's more recent OP volumes, but I don't like to buy their books because I can't stand them changing the SFX. I was thinking about giving SJA a try, though, since Jumps are disposable anyway, and if I'm going to buy the Japanese volumes, it doesn't really matter if the SFX are changed in the weekly chapters.

And speaking of SJ, I do kind of want that Naruto game coming out this month. The demo was gorgeous and there's something like 70+ characters... definitely interested.

I thought the last game was very good, but this one doesn't play to CyberConnect's strengths. The story mode boss battles were super cool as were the fancy pants cinematic finishers...but they seem to have gone for a more direct fighting game approach in this one (that's fine, but the last game had it both ways). Also, it's a pity for a company that excels in 3D character animation to fill the story mode with cheap 2D art and animation. I mentioned before that Kaizoku Musou did a good job in picking the right scenes to show you (and does them as best they can...much better than the anime, generally), but I'm afraid the new Naruto might be doing the opposite. If I wanted to see mediocre animation, I'd just watch the TV series.

But maybe I have a misconception about the game. Feel free to correct me. I just don't have enough friends who are into these games to warrant a purchase unless they made super awesome changes to the system or had a good story mode.

It bugged me in the older Naruto games how the cinematic super moves were super awesome to watch, but kind of annoying to sit through in a battle, since they could go back and forth and you could do them so frequently. I like in Asura's Wrath how the focus is to build up your gauge and do a fancy attack that advances the plot. I'd like to see CC do a fighting game where you advance to the next round with a cinematic super. Like, you have a power tug-of-war, and when certain conditions are met, you blow the person away with your mega radical CC cinematic awesome thing. That way it feels like it's progressing the battle rather than impeding it. The boss battles in Asura's Wrath were close enough to CC's fighting games that I wouldn't be surprised to see some of its ideas pop up elsewhere.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

1437th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):musou musou musou musou" , posted Sat 3 Mar 14:59post reply

Do they change the SFX like usual? I was hoping the need for a speed release would give them an excuse to break that habit. I'm fairly happy with the adaptation in Viz's more recent OP volumes, but I don't like to buy their books because I can't stand them changing the SFX. I was thinking about giving SJA a try, though, since Jumps are disposable anyway, and if I'm going to buy the Japanese volumes, it doesn't really matter if the SFX are changed in the weekly chapters.

Nope! They just put tiny English approximations (and it still fascinates me how everything appears to sound so much different in English for some reason!) alongside. WSJA issues expire one year after their release, which is a rather generous buffer for being able to view back issues. So far nothing seems to have been censored yet either, but I might have missed something. Other than a few app hiccups I'm quite happy!

I thought the last game was very good, but this one doesn't play to CyberConnect's strengths. The story mode boss battles were super cool as were the fancy pants cinematic finishers...but they seem to have gone for a more direct fighting game approach in this one (that's fine, but the last game had it both ways). Also, it's a pity for a company that excels in 3D character animation to fill the story mode with cheap 2D art and animation. etc

Well, other than a demo of the first PS3 CC2 Naruto, I haven't touched 'em... hell, the last Naruto game I owned was Gekitou Ninja Taisen 2, so it's been a while. I guess it'd be a little less disappointing if I don't know what I'm missing. Still, the basic play seemed awfully simplistic, but I figure it'd get better after turning the difficulty up in the final game. I'm almost positive I'm gonna pick it up if my store gets a copy, so I'll probably have impressions when I'm done traveling mid-month. Of course, if I cave and order Kaizoku Musou that might not happen at all...!

Of course, I still haven't finished Shadows of the Damned or Dead Rising 2, and I'm playing Twisted Metal and Soulcalibur V... and I wanted to play Bionic Commando again on hard... and I haven't even started Valkyria Chronicles or the MGS HD Collection yet. This is a problem. I need to stop doing this.

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"Re(3):Re(10):musou musou musou musou" , posted Sat 3 Mar 18:52:post reply


Ah! There is a level with Brook! There's a Sabaody stage after Water 7. In the between chapter interludes Brook laments "What about my story!?"

You don't choose a Musou, it's level 1-2-3. You hold the button down longer to go to the next one. Luffy is Rifle->Storm->Gear 2->Gear 3. I wonder if the other characters get as many moves as they level up.

Gear 2 is like another mode, but Gear 3 is like a combo move. And yes, he deflates afterwards and is vulnerable for a while (though you can still run around and roll).

The CP9 theme is cool.

Robin DOES put on her hat for her taunt!


Well, other than a demo of the first PS3 CC2 Naruto, I haven't touched 'em... hell, the last Naruto game I owned was Gekitou Ninja Taisen 2, so it's been a while.

In that case, it's probably not a bad buy. It's just that the story mode boss battles in the last game were the high point for me, and that seems to be missing from this one. Otherwise, it uses the same system (from what I could tell from the demo), so it doesn't seem like such a great purchase for me, especially when I'm playing so many other games (and I'll have Mass Effect, SFxT, Tales of Innocence R and Gravity Daze next week).

And yes, the game is sort of simple, but not in a bad way, especially if you want to play with friends who are less than ultimately hardcore.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Sat 3 Mar 20:36]

4327th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):musou musou musou musou" , posted Mon 5 Mar 06:16post reply

Robin DOES put on her hat for her taunt!

Aaah! It's those little touches that really make a game.

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"Re(5):Re(10):musou musou musou musou" , posted Mon 5 Mar 08:15post reply

Finished Kaizoku Musou's Story Mode last night and played a few Another Log (Musou) games 1P and 2P. I'll post a few final impressions, so I can stop crowding the board with my rants unless people have questions.

The later-game characters (Jinbei, Ace, Hancock, Whitebeard) all turned out very good. Really, every character is extremely well represented. When you play a character you love, you love the way they play. Hancock's use of her snake was a surprise and a delight. The facial animations for everyone are really excellent as well. I kept thinking "I know that face! I remember the panel it was from!" There are some nice effects, too... Magellan's poison looks like jelly and Akainu's drippy magma looks great.

Some of the game's strengths turn into problems when you play local 2 player, though. The attacks in the game are very showy...much moreso than other musou games. The characters flip and zip around, fill the screen with fire and fly into the air, sending the camera with them. When you're limited to half of a screen, you can hardly tell what's going on. Also, unlike other One Piece games, they preserved the scale of the characters accurately, so someone like Whitebeard takes up most of the screen. The fact that the characters run faster than the horses in Musou doesn't help either (although that's really nice otherwise).

The way Another Log works is really stupid. For example, if you pick Brook (or Whitebeard) you get one level and then an ending. If you choose Zoro, you get like...8 stages. Fortunately, you can choose whatever path you like, no matter who you play as, but it's...just awkward to do it that way. Awkward and lazy. On the upside, it's fun to level up the characters and unlock new moves for them. There really are a ton of different and interesting attacks in the game. I haven't tried challenge mode yet, so there may be more content than I think there is, but as of now, I think a few more musou levels would make for some nice, easy (and realistic) DLC.

A few random notes:

*It has my favorite Musou soundtrack by a mile. Unfortunately some of the best tracks from story mode don't show up in Another Log.

*Franky poses after every combo, but you can roll out of the animation, thankfully. He has to keep drinking cola to do some of his moves.

*Brook can play guitar and violin. I have no idea what the violin does.

*After you win story mode you can use 7 different variations of Luffy's costume, including time skip. I imagine you get time skip Zoro and Sanji by finishing their Another Log, but I haven't tried yet.

*The crying in the game really is out of control. If someone who doesn't know One Piece played this, they would get a very odd impression.

*Buggy, Mr. 3, Bon, Jinbei and an army of prisoners run around with you in Impel down.

*They bit off more than they could chew with the Enies Lobby battle. Too many characters are missing, so it doesn't feel like the original. I don't blame them...you can't have EVERYTHING, but this part of the story really didn't quite feel right. On the upside, a lot WAS included (Luffy vs Usopp, vs Franky, Luffy vs Blueno in Iceberg's mansion (then again later), Sanji vs Jabura, Zoro vs Kaku and Luffy vs Lucci)

*The boss battles in story mode are the best part of the game, but you have to go through some lengthy parts to replay them. Kind of a shame, but no part of the game is really bad, it's just that you'll probably be more excited to replay bosses vs stages.

*There is a trophy for clearing Marinford in a certain way called "Thank you for loving me."

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

2830th Post

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"Re(6):Re(10):musou musou musou musou" , posted Mon 5 Mar 19:29post reply

Wow, I had no idea that Impel Down was included, that's quite a lovely surprise.

Another Story sounds a lot like Illusion Mode in Hokuto Musou. Are there made-up scenarios involved?

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"Re(7):Re(10):musou musou musou musou" , posted Tue 6 Mar 10:33post reply


Another Story sounds a lot like Illusion Mode in Hokuto Musou.

It's not nearly that interesting, and it sticks to the story enough to limit what stages characters appear in (as I mentioned, Brook's scenario consists of only one level). Story mode is obviously the star of the show, whereas Another Log succeeds only thanks to the strength of the combat system.

They've kind of dug themselves a hole making the story mode so awesome, because people will want to see more scenarios presented like that in the future, but it won't make sense to exclude the ones in this game and only package new ones. I think the best case scenario would be an add-on packaged game with 3 (or so) new story mode scenarios and a more robust normal musou mode. If they just made a sequel with a better musou mode, it would seem cheap after the huge amount of effort they put in the story in this game.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

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"musou effect 3" , posted Wed 7 Mar 05:38post reply

In the past 15 hours I think I have played 10 hours of ME3. It should be noted it is 3PM here right now.

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"Re(1):musou effect 3" , posted Wed 7 Mar 06:29post reply

In the past 15 hours I think I have played 10 hours of ME3. It should be noted it is 3PM here right now.

I just started up ME3 as well and so far I'm very impressed. Between this and SFxT I'm stuffed with more games than there are hours in the day.

One thing I really found interesting was that because of the choices I had made I ended up playing through the first mission with a three woman squad. None of them were in the passive healer role either. Instead, they were tossing grenades, blasting people with sniper rifles and generally tearing shit up. That's not something you see every day in a game.

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"Journey" , posted Wed 14 Mar 22:59post reply

I just wanted to state for the public record that Journey is a very good game.

4562th Post

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"Re(1):Journey" , posted Thu 15 Mar 01:24post reply

Did my first runthrough last night online. Meeting and traveling with completely anonymous companions is such a surreal experience. It even made the final trek up the snow much more dramatic.

I'm planning on doing my second run offline and attempt to get all the powerups, then once I acquire the white robe I'll go back online and see if I can meet up with someone and stick with them the whole way through.

9323th Post

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"Re(1):Journey" , posted Thu 15 Mar 05:52post reply

I just wanted to state for the public record that Journey is a very good game.

Just before I raise an eyebrow of disappointed malevolence, did you like Flower?

3206th Post

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"Re(1):Journey" , posted Thu 15 Mar 05:59:post reply

Before I start complaining about hyperbole, let me be hypocritical and say that Gravity Daze is my new favorite game ever. Each time I play it, I think "This is the best game ever made."

EDIT: And now that I know Iggy is here, have you played this!? I am constantly reminded of something you said in reference to Toyama...it was something like "Follow the creator, not the series".

I just wanted to state for the public record that Journey is a very good game.

This game is frustrating me before I even play it. So many people are giving it piles and piles of emotionally overblown praise and talking about how it made them cry when they didn't even cry at their father's funeral or whatever. I have no clue what the game is about whatsoever and I have been given the impression that it's much better going into the game knowing nothing. So...without spoiling me, is it really a good game or just a good spiritual experience? I didn't play Flow, but I would consider Flower both a waste of time and money for me. I love "artsy" and "emotional", but I don't want "boring"


Mass Effect 3

I haven't spent a huge amount of time with the game, but my impression thus far is that while ME2 was generally excellent and occasionally profoundly brilliant, ME 3 is generally excellent and occasionally profoundly stupid. I can't deny that my hugely positive impressions of ME2 have shaped my view of ME3, but that doesn't mean I'm not happy to be playing a "generally excellent" game.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Thu 15 Mar 06:00]

1363th Post

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"Re(2):Journey" , posted Thu 15 Mar 06:37:post reply

I played it (Journey) last night, which I think was a mistake. I was exhausted and kind of falling asleep during some of the later moments... But meeting a companion and just doing the entire thing in one shot, I felt like the whole game was so fleeting. It was very good, breathtaking at parts, and then gone.

I think I want to play the entire thing again and take it in more.

Oh and Polly, I completely ignored all media except for the very early screenshots. Going in with no expectations is better. That being said I do recommend it. I didn't cry and it didn't change my life but it was worth my time.

Edit: I would emphasize that it's a good experience first, a good game second. You're not shooting for high scores or other things, but it's replayable in the sense that you would rewind a movie that you really liked that had a lot of wondrous shots and beautiful moments and try to look at them more in depth, which you can't during the movie because you're swept up in it.

However the game bits are VERY simple. I think in this game's case, simplicity is on its side. Everything feels pretty much right, nothing is out of place or superfluous. The game is not void of danger, there are gamey bits where there are things you must dodge or should collect, there are loose challenges where you must reach platforms or use the environment to your advantage, but everything is distilled to very pure, simple gameplay.

Anyway it's 15 bucks and the entire thing doesn't last horribly long, if your on the fence I say go for it.

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

[this message was edited by KTallguy on Thu 15 Mar 06:45]

9324th Post

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"Re(2):Journey" , posted Thu 15 Mar 09:37post reply

EDIT: And now that I know Iggy is here, have you played this!? I am constantly reminded of something you said in reference to Toyama...it was something like "Follow the creator, not the series".

I haven't because I don't have any time at all, and also I don't want to hate myself when Sony will try one last desperation move to make the Vita appealing, and I don't work in a company that supply Vitas for free.
I have both done as much as humanely possible to not spoil GD to me in any way, AND unilaterally decided, with the limited information to my disposal, that Daze was the best game of the year, 2013 can start right away.

Being a fanboy is HARD.

I'm relieved I only like two persons in the industry and not a whole company; I don't know how nintendorks do.

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"Re(2):Journey" , posted Thu 15 Mar 23:42post reply

Just before I raise an eyebrow of disappointed malevolence, did you like Flower?

Be careful good sir, your frowning countenance is so severe that it's threatening to dislodge your monocle.

As for Flower, I never played it. I liked the idea of Flower but I always viewed it as an art piece created to promote discussion and reflection. Knowing Flower exists is enough, actually buying and playing the game would be redundant.

What I think that I most liked about Journey was its lack of text. Too many games think that rambling explanations or walls of text are informative or are fun in and of themselves. Even fighting games can become far too garrulous, with the story modes in MK9 and KoFXIII being two recent examples. I could not get through the story modes in either of those games and I'm a person that likes fighting game plots. Having a game told visually was refreshing change of pace.

I haven't spent a huge amount of time with the game, but my impression thus far is that while ME2 was generally excellent and occasionally profoundly brilliant, ME 3 is generally excellent and occasionally profoundly stupid. I can't deny that my hugely positive impressions of ME2 have shaped my view of ME3, but that doesn't mean I'm not happy to be playing a "generally excellent" game.

While I always felt that the plot of ME2 was a shaggy dog of a story I think that actually worked in the game's favor. ME3, in contrast, feels like it's moving toward an ending so there are points where the game feels a bit more creaky than it otherwise would. I do, however, like the sense of worry and despair that is hanging over the game as everyone tries to deal with the concept of a war they are probably are not going to win. I wish there was an option to have Shepard sit alone in her cabin and drink.

423th Post

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"Re(3):Journey" , posted Thu 15 Mar 23:56post reply

Completely agree with ME3. Can't wait to finish this one, it's getting really stupid time by time. Lots of good things paced up in the prequels are screwed with stupid "do a favor to obtain smthg", with that sense of "OMG Shep is gonna be like Jesus and save us all with sacrifice" that really ruins ANYTHING in the game. Not that before it was brillaintly written but now is too centered on Shepard doing the savior role, lame. Also, some characters are very stupid, like

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
EDI with a body to exchange fluids with Joker

End of Spoiler

or that retarded dudebro that is James Vega, created only for guidos or FPS/marine fanbase so they can relate in some way to the game.
Not to mention the carrot to shooters players called online multiplayer: never needed this in a RPG.

I notice a thing that pisses me off if it turns out to be true: for now is just speculation but it seems that

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
the Prothean weapon needs a human to activate it. Probabily this will end up with Shep immolation exactly like Peter Bishop in Fringe with the machine of the firstborns.

End of Spoiler

Hope it's not the case, and that we'll have something original instead.

Btw, yay for femshep!

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"Re(1):Journey" , posted Fri 16 Mar 01:50post reply

I finished Journey so if anyone is interested I recommend sparing a couple of hours to play it. And I do think it's better than Flower for several reasons:

1- It's shorter than Flower. Both games are simply about moving around an envirnonment and seeing cool shit. There's not much more to it than that, neither a twichy reflex aspect nor a deep cognitive strategic aspect that can support any sense of growth and such. So adding more hours by having you stay longer in the same looking or slighly different looking levels would only do a disservice.

2- There's a better sense of "Identity" in the art direction. Flower, while gret looking, was all just grassy hills, only changing the skybox and the lighting between sections. It looks like a tech demo for a new system (Maybe one with a stupid name like Wii U). It was easy to get lost there from flying around extremely samey environments, with the only thing indicating whether you've been here before or not is the collectable petals. Journey is much more defined and distinct. I mean, you can't make swag out of Flower.

3- The collectable's are not the tedious "sweep every little inch of this acre to collect the giant number of petals" type. Instead they are more of "There's a few collectables in this area so you need to keep a sharp eye to locate them. They could be hiding behind stuff. And after locating them find out a way to reach them" type.

4- The anonymous companion multiplayer is cool in the cheesy "Humans are meant to communicate with each other and provide for each other" kind of crap. Seeing a random unknown help you out instead of the "screaming kids" template in other MP games is really something to see. But they did cheat by having it be always more beneficial to help your companion than not. So there's really no options here. I really wish they would give us reasons to screw up each other for more self-centered gains. And then we can see whether this Journey was really "Harmonious" or not.

Granted, I might be on a bit of a high since I literally just finished it a mere couple of hours ago. But I wanted to say stuff right now rather than wait and possibly forget about it or just get too lazy to write about it. Anyway...
I just wanted to state for the public record that Journey is a very good game.

Yes, it is.

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"Re(2):Journey" , posted Fri 16 Mar 01:56post reply

badoor pretty much nailed it with the comparison to Flower. This game does have a strong identity, and the different sections are unique. I'm starting to turn around on the positive aspects of the game being short. In the end, it makes me more interested in playing it again.

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

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"Shenmue 1 and 2 HD in the making?" , posted Sat 17 Mar 12:34post reply

Well, ''an anonymous source'' strikes again

The game basically has been created from 1 year ago, and sega has yet to decide in the future of the shenmue franchise to see if this must be released

Since this is shenmue related, this will get hyped but after a while will be canceled

Still, hope that this leads to shenmue 3, I will buy those versions 3 times if necessary

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"Ninja Gaiden 3: Hayabusa's Wrath" , posted Sun 18 Mar 09:10post reply

I've been playing the retail version for a few days now. Up to four hours in. As marketed, the main new features here are the more cinematic story by NES Ninja Gaiden and Chrono Trigger/Cross writer: Masato Kato, and well...QTEs. The cutscene QTEs aren't too bad and I think are handled well. I like the fact that the buttons would always correspond to whatever action is required (Say if Ryu needs to jump, you press the jump button. Or if he needs to roll away, you roll away using block+direction). In fact, you can turn off the button prompts and it still works.

My slight problem is with the combat itself. When doing a long ground combo on an enemy, you get this abrupt QTE pause right before they die(Called something like the "Steel on Bone" moment in their marketing) where you have to press the attack button once more to cut through. And then after that you can finish them off again to fill up your gauge I guess. I feel like it just slows things down more, when in NG1&2 they would've been dead 3 sentences ago.

Actually, the "Steel on Bone" QTE part reminds me of stupid annoying windows pop-up prompts. Kind of like "You've been slashing at this poor guy for a while now and he's one more strike to death. Are you sure you want to kill this bastard? If yes keep pressing the same button you've been pressing all along. If no, then don't do anything for a while and you'll get a kick to your face"

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"Re(1):Ninja Gaiden 3: Hayabusa's Wrath" , posted Mon 19 Mar 11:26post reply

How is the difficulty? The NG games have been known for being tough and sometimes just plain cheap. Do the enemies need skill to beat? Are they simply cannon fodder this time out? Is there a bird waiting just offscreen to knock you into a bottomless pit?

Does that Steel on Bone thing come up during the middle of a fight? If it was an occasional cinematic ending to a large fight -sort of like what is in Skyrim- it could be a neat touch. But if you're getting a QTE prompt while other enemies are still on the screen that could get old really fast.

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"Re(2):Ninja Gaiden 3: Hayabusa's Wrath" , posted Mon 19 Mar 12:19post reply

I had so much to say about Mass Effect 3, but as I was typing I felt "do people really want to read all this crap?" so...

Ninja Gaiden 3

Do I want this game? I can't figure out what it brings to the table, other than plot, which I don't care that much about. I mean...I'm glad if they get it right, since I felt the plot a bit invasive in NG1 and awkwardly not present in NG2, so...that's a good area to improve, but not one that's going to sell me on the game if it doesn't stack up otherwise. Watching trailers, I can't figure out what the game does right to justify fewer weapons and a notably decreased length.

NG2 was quite long and had quite a lot of weapons, so it's not like I mind taking a hit in that category (and it seems NG3 will have DLC weapons), but what's the big selling point? Is the story that great? Does the product come together especially brilliantly?

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Ninja Gaiden 3: Hayabusa's Wrath" , posted Mon 19 Mar 13:59post reply

I had so much to say about Mass Effect 3, but as I was typing I felt "do people really want to read all this crap?"

yes, please!

Meanwhile, I have yet to finish any of the modern Ninja Gaiden games...

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"Re(4):Ninja Gaiden 3: Hayabusa's Wrath" , posted Mon 19 Mar 18:53post reply

I had so much to say about Mass Effect 3, but as I was typing I felt "do people really want to read all this crap?"

yes, please!

Seconded! I've actually not played any of the games in this series but I'm always wondering if I should. Polly has a way of convincing me of the merits of games I might otherwise have passed on.

Meanwhile, I have yet to finish any of the modern Ninja Gaiden games...

I finished 1 about 5 times, but never got through 2, since it felt like something essential had changed between those two. Also, as always I've got a huge queue of games to play and precious little time to play them in. I guess I enjoyed enough of 1 that I should give 3 a shot either way.


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"Re(3):Ninja Gaiden 3: Hayabusa's Wrath" , posted Tue 20 Mar 02:12post reply

How is the difficulty? The NG games have been known for being tough and sometimes just plain cheap. Do the enemies need skill to beat? Are they simply cannon fodder this time out?
I'm playing at the hardest difficulty that's open from the start, just like I did with NG2, and it's very difficult, maybe even more so than NG2's equivalent. The regular lowest-level goons are nothing special, but any type that's a level above just have immense defence. They keep spamming out rolls that are invincible to my attacks. And they even do it mid-combo. I barely am able to connect 3-hits without having one roll away safely, even when backed at a corner. It also doesn't help that they keep spawning so much enemies at you within a room, it becomes almost average for you to clear out a room 3 to 4 times before you're allowed to move to the next kill room. And the fact that you only have 1 weapon and no items, no shops, or souls to heal or to use for the charge attack isn't helping. I still find it a lot of fun to fight them.
Is there a bird waiting just offscreen to knock you into a bottomless pit?
Well, it seems that birds and bats are now in peace with Ninjas as I've yet to encounter any in combat. Actually, you have an eagle who's your loyal friend who can heal you and save you progress with its rather suspicious looking yellow "aura".
Does that Steel on Bone thing come up during the middle of a fight?
It happens with almost every human-type enemy you fight (though you are invincible while doing it). You'll be doing that like 10 times a minute so yeah it does get old fast. At first, I though it could work like in Shinobi(PS2) or Kunoichi, where you combo on one enemy, and then after you do the QTE thing, you can immediatly strike the next enemy with it, and the next, to make a chain of 1-hit kill attacks. And it looks cool when you do manage to do it. But it just rarely happens and most of the time, the game just thinks you want to do the finisher move on the 1st guy to fill your ninpo gauge instead of attacking other surrounding enemies.

Is the story that great? Does the product come together especially brilliantly?

So far, not really. Take note that I suck so when I said I'm 4 hours in, what I really mean is 4 hours crawling through the 1st "story" hour of the game since I die a lot. But anyway about the premise and characters...

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Ryu now talks (Sort of like how Samus "started" talking in Other M) but he neither says anything interesting nor annoying. There's an evil Mega Corporation. You have a female assistant/love interest/damsel in distresss, but now with less boobs in accordance to Team Ninja's new mantra about women. There's a cute little girl who's mute and cute. There's also a technition guy who I guess is like Otacon but is nowhere near as goofy or memorable. The story is basic "Who's the real monster now?" type. But Ryu just never seemed phased by that. You have a flamboyant archnemesis but Ryu's muted responses just undermines him

End of Spoiler

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"Re(4):ME3" , posted Tue 20 Mar 03:48post reply

Okay, I'll do the short version of my ME3 rant. Keep in mind that I haven't won the game yet, so some of these opinions might change for better or worse by the end.

Karasu...I think you want to play ME2. ME2 is really, honestly one of the best games I've ever played. I have a top 10 list that shuffles, but this one is always very high on it. I have a few nitpicks about the game, but none of them spoil the experience. As a quick note, my favorite thing about the game is that it ends with a "we may not make it out of this alive" mission where every party member has a chance to die and through your actions, every party member also has a chance to live.


The weird thing is, ME3 is probably the better game, but I like it less. Part of that is expectations coming from ME2, but I think it just doesn't come together quite as well.

The action scenes are more varied with different enemy types and challenges to deal with, but they're a little less elegant...a little uneven in terms of challenge.

As Ishmael mentioned, the story is a bit more of a story, but because it is required to propel itself towards an ending, it's more "creaky". ME2 was more like a bunch of short stories involving people and places in a world that all came together in a big climax. (Oddly, it reminds me a little of Dragon Quest, in that respect)

As Nekros said, there are a lot of people crying for help, but I guess that makes sense, since it's like the end of the world and all. I find some of the sidestories a little more interesting than the main events, simply because they have more leeway in terms of how they play out. I was pleased to see a few cases where choosing Paragon options made things more complicated. One of my few problems with ME2 was that Paragon choices all turned out wonderfully and Renegade choices were silly (if fun) and didn't make any sense. I wish more Paragon choices turned out poorly, so that there was a sense of "being nice isn't always the answer." (Still, I have found the Renegade choices in ME3 to be a bit more reasonable overall)

There is a similar sense of "Shepard is always right" in ME3, but it's more benign. Like, when you listen in on other people's conversations, you have an option to side with one person or another. It seems like the game goes out of its way to justify your position, by suddenly painting the guy you disagreed with as a jerk, or introducing some new element into the story that makes your decision seem especially smart. This is more funny than an actual complaint.

I do like the sense of "whatever you do, it'll work out in the end" in terms of not screwing yourself over, though. It's rewarding to feel like you worked through a scenario "your way" and even if it turns out poorly, you can keep trucking on without fear of later game repercussions. Still, I'm finding a lot of choices in ME3 are the same damned thing. My favorite was the choice between "Tell me about XXX" and "What's XXX?" One was Paragon and one was Renegade. SERIOUSLY!? There are also cases where you have two choices that are essentially the same, you choose one and Shepard says something completely different than what you had in mind. This is inevitable with the way Bioware does their choices but at least it's better than Old Republic ).

So far, my favorite improvement over ME2 is the wider variety of character animations during conversations. My favorite moment (as silly as this sounds) was talking to Garrus on the Normandy for the first time. Shepard leans on a part of the ship in the most natural way while talking to him, and later in the conversation, he gestures with his hands "let's keep talking, but I need to go over here". Shepard nods, and they walk and talk. THIS IS WHAT REAL PEOPLE DO! I also like that when you first see James, you can't help but think that this guy works out non-stop all the time...then when you go to talk to him on the ship, he talks to you WHILE DOING PULL-UPS. Now his over-the-top muscles are justified!

That reminds me, though, I'm not pleased at how they introduces a male/male romance option. I appreciate that they didn't randomly turn a character gay, but I wish that Shepard had the option to feel more gay as a lifestyle choice rather than an option with one guy. What I mean is that female Shepard can flirt with girls outside of romance options. I don't want to see Garrus turn gay, but I would love it if male Shepard could hit on him. There could be all sorts of responses :"I like you man, but not like that", "I can hardly tell human males from females, but I know you're not my type" or "I got really drunk one time and kissed a dude, but I'm not going down that path again". I understand that the gay options are probably just made by men who want to see girl on girl and women who want to see guy on guy, so the argument is kind of irrelevant. Still, I really enjoyed the feeling that female Shepard was the biggest pimp in the galaxy, regardless of the gender of who she was hitting on.

Oh, there's one thing I really don't like about ME3, though it's especially obnoxious to me. I didn't feel like you really lost out not loading data from ME1 when you played ME2. It's not like you LOST things so much as things just played out differently. In ME3 however, you are decidedly punished for not loading ME2 data (with a favorable outcome). You miss out on quite a number of scenes, some of them very good. Thanks to friends, I've been able to see these scenes, but since I jumped platforms from ME2 to ME3, my own game experience is messed up. The only remedy is to buy a game I already own AGAIN and play through a game I've already played to death a second time. Also, why bother giving us the Kaidan/Ashley choice if you're just going to screw us over on the other stuff? This is a sick joke for me anyway, as I felt great satisfaction at pressing a button to make Kaiden dead only to groan every time something came out of Ashley's stupid mouth. It's like having 2 cancers and choosing which one you want to keep!

Ah...another addition in ME3 that I just remembered that I like is catching your party members engaged in conversations with other people. Seeing them doing whatever they're doing around the Citadel is really nice (I think Persona did this first?) as well.

It sounds like I've got a long list of complaints and very little praise for ME3, but it's just that many of the improvements aren't as fun to talk about. Even if I don't like the package as much, ME3 is probably more successful than ME2 as both an action game and an RPG. I have cried "foul" on a number of my deaths, but seeings as they hardly penalize you for dying, I can look on the bright side and say that I appreciate the greater challenge. Also, the quests and battles are all just about the right length, so the game lends itself well to both short-term and long-term sessions. Similar to ME2, the overarching objective is nicely clear, so you can see how much progress you've made towards the end battle. I don't like vagueness and random choices determining if you get a good or bad ending. 60 hour games that rob you of 10 hour "real ending" scenarios because of some choice you made are the worst.

On a final note, I feel like I've had to bring a bunch of different races together to stop an impending disaster a few too many times in Bioware games.

Also, we still don't get female Turians do we? Anywhere? Maybe I'm wrong?

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

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"Re(4):Ninja Gaiden 3: Hayabusa's Wrath" , posted Tue 20 Mar 04:44post reply

I remember that the first two 8-bit NG games had stories that weren't amazing plots, but the cinematic telling of them (at the time) and the amount of mystery there seemed to be made the experience of them memorable.

The 8-bit NG3 I have an inordinate fondness for, but even I recognize that its plot is generally nonsensical. But given that Ryu Hayabusa's most common line in 8-bit NG was "... !", the thought of him having dialogue still is kind of hard for me to wrap my head around.