Comic Con 2011 Super Turbo Turkey Punching - Forums

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PSN: Mozex
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"Comic Con 2011 Super Turbo Turkey Punching" , posted Sat 23 Jul 01:29post reply

I was only able to get Sunday tickets (again :2ch_uboa2:) but I'll start the thread early anyway.

No stabbings this year please.

Be kind to goblins.


53th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):Comic Con 2011 Super Turbo Turkey Punch" , posted Sat 23 Jul 02:56post reply

Your avatar is so appropriate.

4543th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Comic Con 2011 Super Turbo Turkey Punch" , posted Sat 23 Jul 23:26post reply

Went on Friday and saw the SFxT tourney. Most fell back on SF mains Ryu, Ken, Guile and Chun (who sadly got double teamed a lot), but a few brave souls dared to use some of the Tekken crew and even Poison. Hwoarang looks dope in this one, especially with his EX flying kicks that get a free wall bounce off a hit.

Tried out the demos for FFXIII-2 and Dragon's Dogma and wasn't really impressed with either. Rayman Origins was pretty sweet though.

Funny how last year, Sony was showing off the Move like their lives depended on it, and this year not a single Move game was on display. It was all Uncharted 3 and Ratchet and Clank from what I saw.

There was only one panel I went to this year, and it was the screening of the new Thundercats cartoon. Waited in line for a good hour and a half before it happened and I still barely managed to get in. It was worth it though, since they actually did a really good job with it and the atmosphere was insane (crowd went nuts when Liono did the classic chant).

All in all, I'd have to say this year's event was better than the previous one. Still wished I could have been at the SFxT panel though, because Ono is a riot to watch.

4262th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Comic Con 2011 Super Turbo Turkey Punch" , posted Mon 25 Jul 07:50post reply

I went and then I came home!
my tekken and soul calibur interviews were the highlight of the working bit, and seeing a panel with adam west, burt ward, and julie newmar was the highlight of the other bit.

aside from the "worst cartoons ever" panel, which is invariably the standout presentation.

4162th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Comic Con 2011 Super Turbo Turkey Punch" , posted Mon 25 Jul 09:36post reply

I'm having trouble sorting through all the information that came out of SDCC while sitting in the comfort of my own home. How people who attend the convention can find anything is beyond me.

So far my favorite news concerns the details for the sequel to Avatar: The Last Airbender. In The Legend of Korra the new Avatar rides her big ol' bear/dog into what looks a lot like 1920's China and proceeds to elemental kung-fu the crap out of everything. Yeah, I want to watch that.

439th Post

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PSN: Mozex
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"Sunday Recap" , posted Mon 25 Jul 23:18post reply

This Sunday didn't seem as busy as last year, but the show was exciting and it was nice not to have to fight the crowd so much. I was glad that the movie and TV studios weren't pushing quite as hard.

I saw the voice actor panel on Sunday and although I didn't really know the names of any of the people it was really great to hear their famous characters and the cold-read of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves was lots of a fun.

After leaving for lunch and a little more shopping I went to the Starship Smackdown panel. It was fun, but I enjoyed last year's much more. I warned my girlfriend going in that it would be the nerdiest thing she's ever seen and it did not disappoint.

Be kind to goblins.

885th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):Comic Con 2011 Super Turbo Turkey Punch" , posted Tue 26 Jul 10:33post reply

There was only one panel I went to this year, and it was the screening of the new Thundercats cartoon. Waited in line for a good hour and a half before it happened and I still barely managed to get in. It was worth it though, since they actually did a really good job with it and the atmosphere was insane (crowd went nuts when Liono did the classic chant).

They're showing it this Friday on Cartoon Network. Can't wait; I've heard good things about it.

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

1711th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):Comic Con 2011 Super Turbo Turkey Punch" , posted Tue 26 Jul 11:21post reply

I went and then I came home!
my tekken and soul calibur interviews were the highlight of the working bit, and seeing a panel with adam west, burt ward, and julie newmar was the highlight of the other bit.

aside from the "worst cartoons ever" panel, which is invariably the standout presentation.

I'm curious. What were the worst cartoons ever?

SDCC news was kind of slow for me. New Marvel Legends was exciting to hear, but other than that nothing else has popped up. I am surprised nothing has popped up on the Nickelodeon TMNT cartoon or those new Street Fighter figures Jazwares are supposed to me.

440th Post

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PSN: Mozex
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Gold Customer

"Re(4):Comic Con 2011 Super Turbo Turkey Punch" , posted Tue 26 Jul 11:52post reply

Nickelodeon TMNT cartoon or those new Street Fighter figures Jazwares are supposed to me.

I didn't go looking for it, but I didn't happen to see and TMNT or SF figures while strolling the floor.

Be kind to goblins.