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Moo 51th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(1):Anime recomendation, please!!!" , posted Wed 20 Jul 13:06    
Not quite sure I understand exactly what you'd like to watch, but I'll just recommend some of the stuff I liked:
Story and/or visuals: Eve no Jikan, Kara no Kyoukai, Katanagatari, Spice and Wolf, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex Comedy: Minamike (season 1 only), Lucky Star, Maria+Holic, Ika Musume (starts slow, gets better), Nichijou
I've been told that Madoka Magica and Durarara are good.
Mosquiton 1783th Post

Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(1):Anime recomendation, please!!!" , posted Thu 21 Jul 06:41    
quote: Any anime recommendations?
This may not be what you're looking for, and I may be putting my rugged, masculine reputation at MMCafe on the line by recommending a shoujo manga (if I had such a reputation, anyway), but NANA is pretty great and you should watch it.
It certainly indulges in some melodrama as the series progresses, which isn't exactly my thing, but it's still just really solid and watchable. There's a vicious hook to keep you watching in the way they frame the story, but I can forgive it one because it's clever and makes for good drama, but more importantly because the characters are great and do interesting things. Madhouse really nails the production, as well. The sound design and (Japanese) voice acting are fucking exceptional.
I found it randomly on Netflix and started watching it with my wife, and was really, really surprised at how much I liked it. Along with Death Note, this is the only anime I've seen in forever that I would actively recommended.
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that, like the central characters, I moved from a small town to the big city in my early 20s in the late 90s/early 200s. The experiences and emotional texture just feels very familiar and real to me.... so your experience may vary.
Also from a male perspective, while there are a lot of anime chicks I've thought about sleeping with, in that abstract way one thinks about having sex with a fictional character, I actually fell in love with Nana O.
But hey, since you're a girl (that's my impression, at least), you're the "target demographic". So go forth and consume this fine product!
Man, I really unloaded some personal feeling here. Anyway, try giving it a give a few episodes.
/ / /
Oh my 45th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(2):Anime recomendation, please!!!" , posted Fri 22 Jul 03:29    
quote: This may not be what you're looking for,
quote: Komatsu Nana moves to Tokyo, following after her boyfriend Shouji to gain a life she has always dreamed of. On a train bound for Tokyo, she meets Osaki Nana, the vocalist for the punk rock band "Blast", also moving to Tokyo to achieve her dreams of becoming a professional. Sharing the same name, the two of them perhaps through a twist of fate, ended up becoming flat mates in Tokyo, where together they support each other through each of their love lives and careers. Based on the manga by Yazawa Ai.
OH YEAH your soooooooooo rigth, with that description theres no way i am going to try hahahahaha.Romance is not my thing.
quote: Along with Death Note, this is the only anime I've seen in forever that I would actively recommended.so your experience may vary
OH YEAH its does, Death note ah, its was cool until that stupid blonde girl appear, with that sweet pop princess diva drama, NO WAY.
I dont know why that blonde girl character reminds me of Hilary Duff in her teen days(Disney channel 90’s teen pop sensation)
Hey, do you like music related themes? I recommend you this: Yhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9MqmKXH-sA watch it everyone!(hehehehehe)
Pollyanna 3084th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Anime recomendation, please!!!" , posted Sat 6 Aug 04:46    
Whenever I see an anime recommendation thread, I want to un-recommend stuff that people have recommended. But that's just rude.
On the subject of NANA, I really loved the manga for a while, but I eventually got too angry at the characters. In the same way that I get frustrated at friends who ignore good advice and wreck their lives, I got frustrated with...pretty much everyone in the series. On one hand, I hated to see bad things happen to them, but on the other hand, I resented them for doing bad things to themselves. It was like "Do you even DESERVE a happy ending anymore?"
That doesn't detract from the quality of the series...just the opposite, really, but it made me have to step back from it and I never returned.
I never saw the second movie. I was pleasantly surprised with the first. Having already read (much of) the manga, I wasn't too excited about the anime, but I enjoyed the opening and closing themes enough to try to learn "Rose" on bass.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
Pollyanna 3086th Post

PSN: Lilly_Dopamine XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Anime recomendation, please!!!" , posted Sat 6 Aug 07:08    
quote: Tiger and Bunny is also pretty cool. I watched a few episodes of it and it was fun.
Have you gotten to Lunatic yet? I love him so much. I'm just on my toes whenever he shows up. He was the focus of a recent episode, and I feel like the show can only go downhill from there.
When I started watching the show, I thought it was pretty mediocre, but strangely addictive. Even though I wasn't really pulled in, for whatever reason, I kept watching. I'm glad, though...it's only gotten better and better. If you were happy with the early episodes, I would enthusiastically encourage you to keep watching.
The show has "star power". I would recommend it to anyone, whether they were into anime or not. I'm glad it has some meat to back up its natural charm, though.
Have you seen Sacred Seven? If T&B is Sunrise's shot at American Superheroes, Sacred Seven is the Japanese side. Very much like an old tokusatsu show. You in particular should check out the first episode, at least. The animation in the big battle is totally amazing. I was so-so on the show, but the final battle in that episode just blew me away. I thought "if there's only one more battle like this in the rest of the show, it'll be worth watching every episode just so I don't miss it."
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
nobinobita 971th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member++
| "Re(3):Anime recomendation, please!!!" , posted Sat 6 Aug 07:36    
Have you seen Sacred Seven? If T&B is Sunrise's shot at American Superheroes, Sacred Seven is the Japanese side. Very much like an old tokusatsu show. You in particular should check out the first episode, at least. The animation in the big battle is totally amazing. I was so-so on the show, but the final battle in that episode just blew me away. I thought "if there's only one more battle like this in the rest of the show, it'll be worth watching every episode just so I don't miss it."
I've only seen the first couple of episodes of Tiger and Bunny. I liked it! It wasn't moving or anything, but it was fun and just felt like a good story. I like the idea of corporate sponsored Super Heroes. Previous takes on this sort of thing have been very political and cynical. I like how sunny the show is so far. I agree that it's the kind of show anyone can enjoy, not just anime fans.
I will give Sacred Seven a shot, thanks for the recommendation! I'll watch anything if it has fun fights. I finally got an HD TV recently, so I'm all excited bout movies, shows and games again.
karasu99 720th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(4):Re(10):Anime recomendation, please!!!" , posted Wed 24 Aug 01:37    
I watched, of all things, Evangelion 2.22 last night and I've got to say-- it's just freaking gorgeously animated. So much so that I spent I don't know how much longer after watching it watching the 'creation of' reel where the different stages of its animation are presented in a split-screen manner. I suppose it's some minor kind of spoiler, so...
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - There's a scene where all three Eva units are running across the landscape, and the impression of speed and scale is fantastic. Little tiny cars and subway trains are thrown into the air and huge power lines are leaped over like hurdles. Even in the original I was fascinated by how much of Tokyo 3 was built to support Evas running around like mad across it, and it's been made even more so in the remake: huge bunkers rise up from the ground to provide a platform for Evas to run around on and leap off of.
End of Spoiler
Also, I will second (or third) the suggestion that someone made way back about Tatami Galaxy. While I found the speed of the subtitles to strain even my relatively fast reading speed, it was beautifully done in a completely different way from a monster like Evangelion.
Also also: Eden of the East was enjoyable recently as well, but I'm surprised to see that the movie has not yet made it to the US market, at least not in a way that I can find that doesn't involve a torrent and has me actually trading a few dollars for it.
HAYATO 1050th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(3):Mooooody indie animation" , posted Fri 4 Nov 00:34    
quote: For anyone interested in cyberpunk stuff, I'd recommend the Mardock Scramble trilogy. So far, only the first entry of the series has been released, but IIRC, the second one should be out in theaters soon.
Just did a quick google search and found some gorgeous art by my favorite illustrators:
Katsuya Terada
Range Murata
Wow, thanks for the pics, Nobi!! Despite being a mere thumbnail, Terada's cover looks awesome, as (almost) everything he does.
Now that you mention Terada, you made me recall I have yet to purchase Saiyukiden Daienoh vol.2 . Did you get a look at it already? In case it's any good, I don't know whether I'll be able to wait for an English release...
And what about your essay on researching Asura's Wrath's art influences? I'm eager to read it, and I bet I'm not the only one...