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Maou 2242th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "ARCADE REBIRTH" , posted Tue 16 Aug 12:40:    
Preposterously, another new arcade that has opened up in the Bay Area over the last half year. I literally did not know this was possible in US. The game center's name is, ah, Game Center.
Things that are rad:
1. San Mateo, so more space and thus widest and least cramped American arcade I have ever seen
2. The bizarre vacant lot it faces. The sights include A) wall graffiti that says "I love you" instead of something mean and B) a misprinted "Costumers Only" sign beside the donut shop, which I mistook to mean cosplayers at first. If I weren't so lazy I'd make a photo essay for Insert Credit about it.
3. Many machines: SSFIVAE, MvC3, Third Strike, Puzzle Fighter, free vintage Namco machine, Ikaruga (but see also the Bad Section, below), 2 Gundam games (huh?), Tekken 6, Mushihime, tons o' SNK
4. Chargable play cards so you don't have to get quarters, and nicer cabinets than Southtown
Things that are bad:
1. The owner is apparently insane and thinks that the awful Ikaruga-like game he just substituted in the Ikaruga cabinet is "better than Ikaruga."
2. The inexplicable "rental section" corner of the store...rent old consoles by the hour and play in the corner of the store? It doesn't hurt anyone, but the selection is transparently half-assed and clearly just from junk lying around the house. Are people going to rent a Game Gear? Or play the strategy RPG Dragon Force for Sega Saturn incrementally by the hour? WHAT
3. Relatedly, one friendly young guy at the counter who was telling us how this absurd rental worked seemed to be seriously, genuinely impressed by the fact that they had a Dreamcast VMU and showed it to us like it was something exciting. At least I didn't have to feign interest in a PS2 memory card. Kids these days.
4. Where is KOFXIII?
[this message was edited by Maou on Tue 16 Aug 12:47] |