finally got a cabinet. post yours!???????? - Forums

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4231th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"finally got a cabinet. post yours!????????" , posted Thu 31 Mar 04:49post reply


it's an aero city

And I have theeeeese games.

windjammers! blazing star! magical drop 3! etc!!!

my next trip to japan, I'll be loading up on MVS carts and stuff, and this weekend I'm headed to the Arcade Infinity graveyard to try to get a Naomi and CvS 2. Right now I just have MVS, ST-V, and some random jammas. Has everyone posted their setups before? If not, to it here!


2988th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(1):finally got a cabinet. post yours!?????" , posted Thu 31 Mar 05:22post reply


it's an aero city

And I have theeeeese games.

windjammers! blazing star! magical drop 3! etc!!!

my next trip to japan, I'll be loading up on MVS carts and stuff, and this weekend I'm headed to the Arcade Infinity graveyard to try to get a Naomi and CvS 2. Right now I just have MVS, ST-V, and some random jammas. Has everyone posted their setups before? If not, to it here!

It's Exodus!

Nice! Oh, what memories the retro cabinet brings.
IMO, the stores will be stockpiled on your next trip because people are afraid to come here! You will load yourself with games!

.. as long as there is a Japan! Egad.

People are currently wondering what will become of the Tokyo Game Show, prediction is the city will still be short of electricity by then.

4232th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):finally got a cabinet. post yours!?????" , posted Thu 31 Mar 05:29post reply


It's Exodus!

Nice! Oh, what memories the retro cabinet brings.
IMO, the stores will be stockpiled on your next trip because people are afraid to come here! You will load yourself with games!

.. as long as there is a Japan! Egad.

People are currently wondering what will become of the Tokyo Game Show, prediction is the city will still be short of electricity by then.

I'm not afraid of a little radiation! (actually I am, I hope the country's in better shape by then)

you think they'll be out of electricity? interesting... I guess that's a possibility. Japan's pretty screwed right now by all accounts. Maybe I'll just to go Osaka instead :3

2991th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(3):finally got a cabinet. post yours!?????" , posted Thu 31 Mar 05:40:post reply


It's Exodus!

Nice! Oh, what memories the retro cabinet brings.
IMO, the stores will be stockpiled on your next trip because people are afraid to come here! You will load yourself with games!

.. as long as there is a Japan! Egad.

People are currently wondering what will become of the Tokyo Game Show, prediction is the city will still be short of electricity by then.

I'm not afraid of a little radiation! (actually I am, I hope the country's in better shape by then)

you think they'll be out of electricity? interesting... I guess that's a possibility. Japan's pretty screwed right now by all accounts. Maybe I'll just to go Osaka instead :3

A little radiation won't hurt!
Actually, I'm afraid I might've inhaled some Plutonium... Was outside during a seriously bad time. Oh well.

Actually, east Japan including Tokyo is short of electricity even right now; they have scheduled blackouts every day from region to region so that the whole east Japan electricity grid doesn't get knocked out. Central Tokyo is currently an exception because it's the center of the country's economics.

The summer is expected to be real bad because everyone needs electricity for the A/C!

[edit] I want to go to osaka too.

[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 31 Mar 05:43]

4233th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):finally got a cabinet. post yours!?????" , posted Thu 31 Mar 05:52post reply

oh yeah, the rolling blackouts. I do know about those... and in the summer a lot of older people die from the heat. gaaaah.

Osaka road trip!

301th Post

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"Re(2):finally got a cabinet. post yours!?????" , posted Thu 31 Mar 06:07post reply


It's Exodus!

And he came back just to brag! But I must admit that is a pretty nice cab.

Question: where can one buy arcade game kit stickers and other crap from?


773th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(5):finally got a cabinet. post yours!?????" , posted Thu 31 Mar 06:48post reply

exodus only comes back to brag.

I now have this at home so I will probably get rid of my Blast City currently sitting at the office. You would understand my reasoning if you ever came here instead of insulting the goodwill of your intercontinental friends under those dirty little lies!

People are currently wondering what will become of the Tokyo Game Show

You mean the Kanazawa Game Show.

A little radiation won't hurt!
Actually, I'm afraid I might've inhaled some Plutonium... Was outside during a seriously bad time. Oh well.

Pluto-kun says "don't worry". Thanks Pluto-kun! Finally an unbiased friend I can trust!


39th Post

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"Re(6):finally got a cabinet. post yours!?????" , posted Thu 31 Mar 07:00post reply

exodus only comes back to brag.

I now have this at home so I will probably get rid of my Blast City currently sitting at the office. You would understand my reasoning if you ever came here instead of insulting the goodwill of your intercontinental friends under those dirty little lies!

People are currently wondering what will become of the Tokyo Game Show
You mean the Kanazawa Game Show.

A little radiation won't hurt!
Actually, I'm afraid I might've inhaled some Plutonium... Was outside during a seriously bad time. Oh well.
Pluto-kun says "don't worry". Thanks Pluto-kun! Finally an unbiased friend I can trust!

I'm sure that when I die the first thing that I will see will be god playing some rb2 in that cabinet

2175th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"here comes a new challenger" , posted Thu 31 Mar 11:13:post reply

And I have theeeeese games.

Youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu look like you need an opponent! KTallguy is still here, too, so we could assemble a Bay Area tag-team of challengers to your newly-acquired throne.

You mean the Kanazawa Game Show.
The Kagoshima Game Show could combine the safety of Kyuushuu with Saigou Takamori, all in one place. I'd go.


[this message was edited by Maou on Thu 31 Mar 11:14]

4234th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):here comes a new challenger" , posted Thu 31 Mar 15:09post reply


yeah, I'm a jerk! I promise eurotrips and don't deliver! but it's never my fault, so all is excused (in my brain). your cabinet is great. Is that from neo arcadia? I think I asked that already, and may have the name wrong anyway.

Maou, are you bay area too? Didn't realize. Ktallguy and I have hung out already, but not since I got the cab. but it's not configured for MVS stuff yet, so you can't reeeeally play fighters just now. It's only got A, B, C. no D! I'm working on it!

3013th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):finally got a cabinet. post yours!?????" , posted Thu 31 Mar 17:32post reply


I'm sure that when I die the first thing that I will see will be god playing some rb2 in that cabinet

First you gotta beat St. Peter in Aggressors of Dark Kombat.

Or wait...maybe that's in hell...

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

41th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(8):finally got a cabinet. post yours!?????" , posted Fri 1 Apr 10:26post reply


I'm sure that when I die the first thing that I will see will be god playing some rb2 in that cabinet

First you gotta beat St. Peter in Aggressors of Dark Kombat.

Or wait...maybe that's in hell...

- ''so you're no catholic right? well, as a punishment, you muust play forever with lucifer in a neo geo...''

-''Eh, that doesn't sound that bad



2177th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):here comes a new challenger" , posted Fri 1 Apr 12:32:post reply

Maou, are you bay area too? Didn't realize. Ktallguy and I have hung out already, but not since I got the cab.
I am indeed...we should remedy your unused cab situation, if you have time! A pal at Capcom and I caught up with Ktall last weekend and he said you two had already crossed swords (I'd somehow mentally misplaced you into LA up until then). I think he's here for most of April, and aside from the sakura matsuri over the next two weekends, pretty open---we should be able to rustle something up if you're game.

As for Dark Kombat in hell...I think that the Playstation port of Street Fighter Zero 2 would do. Nothing tortures like having something gorgeous that's been hideously marred. And I don't mean like this.

Edit: Toxico: but will you be my dojikko?


[this message was edited by Maou on Sun 3 Apr 14:35]

5294th Post

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PSN: Toxic-Baron
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):here comes a new challenger" , posted Sun 3 Apr 14:24:post reply

To sum up the main post in this thread....

+ Brandon sleeps naked curled up in fetal position inside a box (he provided the picture), in the vein of the titular character of Jim Profit.
+ Brandon is a tsundere and ask people over to his house in a tsuntsun way.
+ Maou is a yandere, and takes Brandon's advances in a different way that they are intended; smiling at the prospect, he already knew were Brandon lived and slept before he could even think of pointing it out.
+ Iggy and Chaz watch the action from a proper distance while praising their haircuts.
+ I'm snuffing around were I shouldn't (?). Big news.
+ There it was this Vampire Savior ~game ~scene ~let's ~encourage website that I didn't know of? Cool.

obscene voodoo dance teleport

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11

[this message was edited by Toxico on Sun 3 Apr 15:38]

1562th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):finally got a cabinet. post yours!?????" , posted Tue 5 Apr 23:41post reply

my next trip to japan

Let me know if that's going to happen any time soon because we still need to meet in Japan to do that azumanga puzzle bobble match! That is, if there are any arcades left by then!

2994th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):finally got a cabinet. post yours!?????" , posted Wed 6 Apr 04:52post reply

my next trip to japan

Let me know if that's going to happen any time soon because we still need to meet in Japan to do that azumanga puzzle bobble match! That is, if there are any arcades left by then!

Guess what boys and girls! This year's Tokyo Game Show will be held at--- (drum roll)

the same place as usual

What the.....

871th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):finally got a cabinet. post yours!?????" , posted Wed 6 Apr 17:46post reply

my next trip to japan

Let me know if that's going to happen any time soon because we still need to meet in Japan to do that azumanga puzzle bobble match! That is, if there are any arcades left by then!

Guess what boys and girls! This year's Tokyo Game Show will be held at--- (drum roll)

the same place as usual

What the.....

But it's in pea green this time!

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

776th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):finally got a cabinet. post yours!?????" , posted Thu 7 Apr 22:16post reply

At least we are back to the oldschool dates. Sunshine! Warm evenings! C-League baseball is not over!

Also, between the ZZT4 T-shirt, the Megaman Universe towel and the Bumpy Trot 2 postcards, it's quite amazing how many goodies from last year will now become collector/cursed items.


4236th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):here comes a new challenger" , posted Sat 9 Apr 06:06post reply

Maou! yeah, I've seen ktallguy a bunch of times, we've hung out plenty. I was in LA from 1999-2003. But I'm back to the bay now! Oakland for life! We should try to meet up and play things, yeah!

Toxico! Tsun Tsun!

Zepy! Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111

Chaz! <3!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2179th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):here comes a new challenger" , posted Sun 10 Apr 04:15:post reply

But I'm back to the bay now! Oakland for life! We should try to meet up and play things, yeah
Aha, O-town, I had no idea you were so nearby--maybe you made it to the Fox Theater for the surprisingly fun revived X Japan "San Francisco" show in Oakland a few months back. What is the state of your A-B-C-D button situation? Whether or not Ktall is free to come with, it's always fun to head across the Bay...if the mood strikes, drop a line to maoujacky at hotmail dot com and it'll forward to me and we can scheme. it all depends on your skill


[this message was edited by Maou on Sun 10 Apr 05:26]

4239th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):here comes a new challenger" , posted Wed 20 Apr 09:45post reply

man, I didn't even know about X Japan at the Fox! Now I feel like an idiot/jerk/idiot.

my ABCD situation is unresolved, I've been gone a lot. I have heard there may be solutions I can look for on ebay/forums, so I'm going to investigate presently.

2187th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"here comes a new-er challenger" , posted Fri 29 Apr 16:14:post reply

The X Japan show was surprisingly stellar even though they failed to resurrect Hide's ghost.

Speaking of arcade cabinets and the Bay Area, hot damn, there's a new (!) game center in California, and it's not in SoCal (!?!). The fact that it's in the outskirts of Chinatown just like NY's grimy-delightful Chinatown Fair Arcade makes me happy somehow.



[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 29 Apr 16:29]

2202th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):here comes a new-er challenger" , posted Sun 5 Jun 14:36post reply


On-the-ground report of SF's new Southtown Arcade: pretty fun! It's quite modest in size, about 10 machines, but it's pleasantly bright for an American arcade, though the walls are a bit sparse..they need more of the fun posters they have framed. Some pretty decent people on the SSFIV AE and Marvel machines, though very very very happy to see KOF XIII and more importantly, a working IKARUGA to play. I told the guys running it that it was pretty classy to have that in the mix. Cabinets looked a little weary on one hand, but they were at least nice Japanese-made (right down to the LED displays) so that two SSFIV machines could play against each other.

...hey Brandon, maybe they'd know where to get some decent repair buttons?


4256th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):here comes a new-er challenger" , posted Thu 14 Jul 07:13post reply

man whoops, I missed this entirely!
I went to south town arcade as soon as they got their CvS 2 fixed. It is pretty nice! I definitely felt like I was in that "good enough to beat my friends, but not good enough to beat these guys" situation there, which is a good place to be, sometimes.

I found some guys who can figure out my whole button situation, which is gonna be super cooooooool.

2223th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"push the button, Frank" , posted Fri 15 Jul 14:06post reply

I found some guys who can figure out my whole button situation, which is gonna be super cooooooool.
That's what I like to hear! You've got an eager audience to see it when it's shipshape. We could even convene a mini-West Coast MMCafe crew to marvel at your wares...isn't Nobi around here, too? SHARPEN YOUR FANGS


4257th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):push the button, Frank" , posted Sat 16 Jul 01:46post reply

That's what I like to hear! You've got an eager audience to see it when it's shipshape. We could even convene a mini-West Coast MMCafe crew to marvel at your wares...isn't Nobi around here, too? SHARPEN YOUR FANGS

haha. if only I were a legitimate competitor in any game.

815th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"HYPER" , posted Mon 18 Jul 18:46post reply

Some guy in the UK, which I presume to be a former operator, is getting rid of his Hyper Neo Geo 64 stock on eBay. This allowed me to acquire a Hyper Neo Geo 64 motherboard along with three games (Buriki, Asura and WA) for the grand total of £30 - just under $50 for you crazy Unitestanese people.

I had never dared bring one back from Japan because of the weight and size of the motherboard and given the price (shipping included), it was an offer I could not refuse. The machine barely fits in the SNK cabinet I mentioned above, to the point that I suspect my cabinet was the benchmark SNK set themselves at the time for how big the HNG64 could be. I am enjoying Wild Ambition much more than a decade ago.

Has anyone tried to play the two racing games with a stick? Is it necessary to play them with a racing wheel?


2242th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"ARCADE REBIRTH" , posted Tue 16 Aug 12:40:post reply

Preposterously, another new arcade that has opened up in the Bay Area over the last half year. I literally did not know this was possible in US. The game center's name is, ah, Game Center.

Things that are rad:

1. San Mateo, so more space and thus widest and least cramped American arcade I have ever seen

2. The bizarre vacant lot it faces. The sights include A) wall graffiti that says "I love you" instead of something mean and B) a misprinted "Costumers Only" sign beside the donut shop, which I mistook to mean cosplayers at first. If I weren't so lazy I'd make a photo essay for Insert Credit about it.

3. Many machines: SSFIVAE, MvC3, Third Strike, Puzzle Fighter, free vintage Namco machine, Ikaruga (but see also the Bad Section, below), 2 Gundam games (huh?), Tekken 6, Mushihime, tons o' SNK

4. Chargable play cards so you don't have to get quarters, and nicer cabinets than Southtown

Things that are bad:

1. The owner is apparently insane and thinks that the awful Ikaruga-like game he just substituted in the Ikaruga cabinet is "better than Ikaruga."

2. The inexplicable "rental section" corner of the old consoles by the hour and play in the corner of the store? It doesn't hurt anyone, but the selection is transparently half-assed and clearly just from junk lying around the house. Are people going to rent a Game Gear? Or play the strategy RPG Dragon Force for Sega Saturn incrementally by the hour? WHAT

3. Relatedly, one friendly young guy at the counter who was telling us how this absurd rental worked seemed to be seriously, genuinely impressed by the fact that they had a Dreamcast VMU and showed it to us like it was something exciting. At least I didn't have to feign interest in a PS2 memory card. Kids these days.

4. Where is KOFXIII?


[this message was edited by Maou on Tue 16 Aug 12:47]

975th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):ARCADE REBIRTH" , posted Tue 16 Aug 13:19post reply

Thanks for the heads up!

EGADS! It's right down the street from Ramen Dojo!

Would anyone be interested in a Bay Area MMCafe meet up some Saturday or Sunday down the road?

976th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):push the button, Frank" , posted Tue 16 Aug 13:30post reply

That's what I like to hear! You've got an eager audience to see it when it's shipshape. We could even convene a mini-West Coast MMCafe crew to marvel at your wares...isn't Nobi around here, too? SHARPEN YOUR FANGS

haha. if only I were a legitimate competitor in any game.

Doh! Just noticed this call out.

I'd definitely be up for a bay area meetup. I haven't been here very long, so I'm always glad to meet new and friendly faces (especially if they play Street Fighter).

Don't worry, I'm totally nice and clean and unabrasive in person! Just ask Mr Tim Rogers, or Stabo or Red Falcon. I bet they don't even remember meeting me!

2242th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):ARCADE REBIRTH" , posted Tue 16 Aug 13:50post reply

Ramen Dojo!
That IS a good point. Fortunately, the food is as delicious as the name is stupid...only place I've found stamina ramen in America. Can these two forces of justice be combined into one outing?

Would anyone be interested in a Bay Area MMCafe meet up some Saturday or Sunday down the road?

That is exactly what I would be interested in. Autumn?


978th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(3):ARCADE REBIRTH" , posted Wed 17 Aug 19:29post reply

Ramen Dojo! That IS a good point. Fortunately, the food is as delicious as the name is stupid...only place I've found stamina ramen in America. Can these two forces of justice be combined into one outing?

Would anyone be interested in a Bay Area MMCafe meet up some Saturday or Sunday down the road?
That is exactly what I would be interested in. Autumn?

Autumn sounds great. Maybe we can get Karasu down here by then too!

713th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(4):ARCADE REBIRTH" , posted Thu 18 Aug 02:13post reply

Ramen Dojo! That IS a good point. Fortunately, the food is as delicious as the name is stupid...only place I've found stamina ramen in America. Can these two forces of justice be combined into one outing?

Would anyone be interested in a Bay Area MMCafe meet up some Saturday or Sunday down the road?
That is exactly what I would be interested in. Autumn?

Autumn sounds great. Maybe we can get Karasu down here by then too!

Probably! Autumn should work pretty well for me. I'll have to hone my vs fighting skills in the meantime.