game music revival thread - Forums

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PSN: Gojira_X
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"game music revival thread" , posted Mon 24 Jan 09:58:post reply

Haven't done one of these in a while, so I figured it was about time.

This was prompted by my recent youtube search for Suikoden music, which brought me to search out some tracks for Tierkreis. Honestly I hate Tierkreis, as the name recalls some vast disappointment with the direction, but in terms of soundtrack it is IMHO the best soundtrack Konami has ever produced on the DS. And considering Konami has produced many quality soundtracks, that's no small feat. Norikazu Miura and Basiscape did a really excellent job on it.

Some faves:
The Plain and the Sky
Mining Village
One Street Capital
Sally Beacon
Janamu Sorcery Empire

Another recent sountrack I've been really happy with is Sengoku Basara 3. There's an amazing amount of diversity to it, very energetic and not as repetitive as I would've expected from Capcom. Oddly enough, Koh Ohtani seems to get the most credit even though from what I understand he only did a portion of the tracks. I guess because his content was new and a lot of others were recycled? Forgive my lack of previous SB knowledge.

Anything to recommend? I'm always looking for some good music to listen to while I work.

[this message was edited by Gojira on Mon 24 Jan 10:00]


1298th Post

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"Re(1):game music revival thread" , posted Mon 24 Jan 15:25post reply

I sometimes just put this playlist on:

Shenmue 2 music just keeps playing on and on.
It's good ambient music.

Play to win... or to have fun too! :)

2988th Post

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"Re(2):game music revival thread" , posted Mon 24 Jan 19:35post reply

Didn't know the music in Tierkreis was any good! Almost makes me want to play the game, but I have a bias against DS RPGs and I heard it was a letdown even for already let down Suikoden fans. I like the backgrounds and character designs, though.

Off the top of my head, the Xenoblade and Last Ranker Soundtracks were pretty good. I'd definitely recommend both.


A good tear-jerker type song.

Snowy Mt. Valac
The different areas have really atmospheric music. This one is a little low-key, but it really took me by surprise. The area it plays in is a bit surreal and a bit sad. Each area has a different song for day and night.

Confrontation with the Enemy
This song played for many of the major cinemas in the game. I swear they timed the action to it, as something incredible would always happen as soon as the chorus hit.

Last Ranker

Hard to pick favorites. These are the first that came to mind. I think these were all boss themes. There are a ton of them, since that's the whole basis of the game.

Born To Survive
This Journey Without End
Crudelis et Magnificus

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

2697th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):game music revival thread" , posted Wed 26 Jan 07:45post reply

Good stuff! I didn't know Yoko Shimomura did the Last Ranker soundtrack. It's been a while since I heard anything new from her.

I've been checking out some of the 3rd Birthday soundtrack but I've been a little disappointed by it. Lots of ambience, not very many discernable melodies. It's not bad, but not as memorable as I'd hoped.

5235th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):game music revival thread" , posted Wed 26 Jan 10:20post reply

Mushihime sama Futari, a danmaku game by Cave, I think that the composers are Manabu Namiki and Kimihiro Abe... I do have mixed feelings about most Cave's shooter's OSTs.

Is Shinju in the Forest Rebel Army
The Black Shell Beast King
Sky of Fragrant Souls

Speaking of shooters if you don't mind the old school of "let's fall back to the classics" there are a bunch of marvelous themes scattered all over the place. On the neogeo alone there are already marvelous OSTs for games like Viewpoint, Pulstar or Zed Blade; and that's not even approaching the shooting games that do actually have good OSTs, like the ones from Irem or the Technos.

And... I don't know what else could be surprising... Okami? For example check out Oki or Kushi's Ride.

.... Looking at my room, I must have the least imaginative OST collection of the world, I don't seem to be able to think originality right now.

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11

28th Post

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"Re(5):game music revival thread" , posted Thu 27 Jan 00:57post reply

...Viewpoint, Pulstar or Zed Blade...

Zed Blade's music is cemented in my memory thanks to a local bowling alley growing up. This is a good thing.

Yuzo Koshiro's work on Etrian Odyssey III/Sekaiju no MeiQ³ was so good. It's like he went back in time with his PC-8801 just to compose the soundtrack.

Townscape ~ The Port Town Bathed in Twilight

Battlefield ~ That Fresh Blood is Thine or the Enemy's

Disturbances ~ The End of the Raging Waves

Lately I seem to follow composers more than the games they work on.

621th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(6):game music revival thread" , posted Thu 27 Jan 08:10:post reply

On a more recent note Ghost Trick's soundtrack is actually quite catchy:

Main Theme
Prologue ~The Beginning of the "Night"
Lynne ~ A Targeted Redhead
A Dashing Enigma
The Last Desparate Struggle

Yuzo Koshiro's work on Etrian Odyssey III/Sekaiju no MeiQ³ was so good. It's like he went back in time with his PC-8801 just to compose the soundtrack.

Townscape ~ The Port Town Bathed in Twilight

Battlefield ~ That Fresh Blood is Thine or the Enemy's

Disturbances ~ The End of the Raging Waves

Lately I seem to follow composers more than the games they work on.

Heck, let's not forget he did in I & II. Why else would there be an F.O.E.! F.O.E.!:

The Green Green Woodlands (EOI)
Battle/Initial Strike (EOI)
A Sudden Gust Of Wind Before Your Eyes (EOI)
Destruction Begets Decay (EOI)
Woodland Ruins (EOII)
The Wind Doesn't Draw Heroes (EOII)
Battle/The First Campaign (EOII)
A Sudden Gust of Wind that Calls For Death (EOII)
Inspecting The Resounding Weapons (EOII)
A remix of Battle/Initial Strike/The First Campaign by Snappleman

I also think Battlefield/The First Campaign should be mentioned as the one in EOIII wipes the floor of the previous two, not to mention the arranged version gives FFXIII a run for its money (as if EOIII didn't already give FFXIII a run for its money...).

[this message was edited by sfried on Thu 27 Jan 11:11]

335th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(7):game music revival thread" , posted Fri 28 Jan 04:59:post reply

I find music is an important aspect of creativity and expression in games. Gaijin games are often filled with soundtrack well composed but without personality, imitating Hollywood scores for movies. Japanese games have a lot of good stuff in terms of backgrounds and emotions using the right music, at right time, describing the right situation.

Some of my favorites:

.hack//GU - Eldy Rue Server
Psyvariar 2 - Gorge City
Shikigami No Shiro 2 - Universe
Mushihime Sama - Like A Night Of Falling Stars
Mushihime Sama Futari - On The Verge Of Madness
Street Fighter Zero 3 - The Road
Shadow Hearts 3 - Dead Fingers Talk
Xenosaga 3 - Godsibb
Sonic Adventure 2 - Radical Highway
Namco X Capcom - Bay Yard
Cadillacs & Dinosaurs - Rooftop
Chrono Trigger - Schala

Also, some very good works are form Hideki Nagauma (JSR, Hollie King, Sonic Rush). Side Note: the 3 Metroid Prime games have a very good electronic soundtrack if you like trance/ambient music.

[this message was edited by Nekros on Fri 28 Jan 05:00]

2100th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):game music revival thread" , posted Fri 28 Jan 06:00post reply

Gaijin games are often filled with soundtrack well composed but without personality, imitating Hollywood scores for movies.

Though using the label "Gaijin games" I find a little odd, it's not like I don't understand what you're saying.

The blockbuster games which really are trying to be movie-like certainly do have that Hollywood-like music, but I don't think that's all there is to it. The music in Halo is pretty unique in its combination of wailing electric guitars with symphonic stuff, and Halo's quite the blockbuster!

So let's have some interesting music from the good ol' days of PC gaming:
Cannon Fodder intro, that actually WASN'T in the PC version but the Amiga one.

Syndicate Wars and the Syndicate games were cyberpunk plain and simple. There's some Vangelis/Blade Runner inspiration in the music, but it's got a darker and more unsettling sound.

SimCity 2000's theme song was jazzy, upbeat, playful and urban. Pretty much perfect for what the game is about!

Ultima 7 had a lot of gems, but this one is nice and relaxing.

One Must Fall 2097 and the techno that I grew up with. I remember the first time my computer had a soundcard so that I could actually hear this song, I looked at the animated spotlights on the giant robot with its fist raised and thought that this was the coolest thing EVER.

2145th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):game music revival thread" , posted Fri 28 Jan 13:47:post reply

Oh snap Spoon brought the PC music!!!*
(*actually I know hardly anything about PC music besides Quest for Glory which I damnably cannot find)


Crusader - PARTY.mod

When I saw Syndicate, I thought of Crusader, which has this wicked awesome eletronic track. In actual fact, it's just called Party, but when we found the soundtrack rip years ago, the music was in weird .mod files, so it is to be called Party.mod (dot mod) at all times. Listen to it all the way through past the 3 minute mark. I'll know if you don't!


[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 28 Jan 13:59]

531th Post

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"Re(8):game music revival thread" , posted Fri 28 Jan 14:14post reply

Also, some very good works are form Hideki Nagauma (JSR, Hollie King, Sonic Rush).

Now why did you have to mention That Man? Hideki Naganuma singlehandedly reignited my great interest in video game soundtracks (and probably in contemporary music in general, all those years ago when JSR first came out. I simply can't control myself when he is mentioned!

So the great question is: has he done anything else after Sonic Rush? Come now, the English language evidence is lacking, but surely one of the Japanese language speakers here can say for sure.

2146th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):game music revival thread" , posted Fri 28 Jan 14:24:post reply

Now why did you have to mention That Man? Hideki Naganuma

Tragically he has not done anything since Sega Ralley 2006 that I see in either language. He does, as of this year, have a Twitter! But it tells nothing of use so far other than recent reflections on the importance of having an open ear during your foundational teens.

Oh well, nothing to do but keep ROCKING IT ON


[this message was edited by Maou on Fri 28 Jan 14:26]

532th Post

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PSN: robotchris
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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(10):game music revival thread" , posted Fri 28 Jan 14:39post reply

Tragically he has not done anything since Sega Ralley 2006 that I see in either language. He does, as of this year, have a Twitter! But it tells nothing of use so far other than recent reflections on the importance of having an open ear during your foundational teens.

Oh well, nothing to do but keep ROCKING IT ON

Truly a pity. JSRF is the sole reason why I bought an XBox, and his music is a large part of why I bought JSRF. Hum, I will have to check out Sega Rally 2006 OST... I had not realized that That Man was involved.

Thanks for looking around though!

(An infusion of Ollie King OST is keeping my... reaction under control... for now. And I've never even played the game!)

2101th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):game music revival thread" , posted Fri 28 Jan 15:56post reply

The shareware title Overkill (published by Apogee! the kings of shareware!) had some of the most strangely mellow music in a shoot'em up.

It seriously reminds me of Border Down, which also had mellow music, though Border Down had one track in particular that sounded like it came out of SimCity 3000.

One thing about the PC games I played is that many of them were either of the sci-fi type, or the high fantasy type. I get the feeling that the high level of geek that was prevalent back then (seriously, BBS is like anything but mainstream) and the prevalence of the demo scene made really electronic, nearly stereotypically-techno music a very common thing.

Of course, there were also visionary games like Wing Commander that wanted all the drama and panache of a real space opera, and the technology behind the music was cutting edge at the time. Think about it for a moment; when was the last time you heard the words "cutting edge technology" when talking about MUSIC in games? We hear it all the time today with regards to graphics and AI and massive games, but very rarely with regards to music.

I was always surprised by how the character and feel of DOOM changed the moment you played it with music. It suddenly went from "kinda scary shooting game" to "LET'S ROCK!!!!!"
even though the tune is somewhat repetitive. It actually kind of reminds me of Super Castlevania 4 in that regard, where the moment I crossed the drawbridge, the music rocked out so hard that it was impossible for the game to feel scary anymore.

335th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(2):Re(10):game music revival thread" , posted Fri 28 Jan 17:19post reply

Truly a pity. JSRF is the sole reason why I bought an XBox

You've offended that little girl with short white hair, see her crying in the corner alone.

Speaking about Amiga, well, Tim Wright is THE MAN. He also worked on some Wipeout series music (mostly in the 90s), one of my favourites western series.
Also, Rare's DKC games have an excellent ambient/new age soundtrack.

36th Post

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PSN: pooplos-z
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Rare Customer

"Re(3):Re(10):game music revival thread" , posted Sat 29 Jan 18:30:post reply

If any of you guys are interested, AREA PICO PICO 88 is going on right now.

[this message was edited by Gieflos on Sat 29 Jan 18:33]

Burning Ranger
1688th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Music..." , posted Mon 31 Jan 06:47post reply

These are the only songs you need:


So much to do so little time...

2103th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Music..." , posted Mon 31 Jan 07:31:post reply



[this message was edited by Spoon on Mon 31 Jan 07:33]

624th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Music..." , posted Mon 31 Jan 11:19:post reply



G. A. M. E. O. OHHH. VEE. AHH.
On a more serious note you missed the best track in the game.

[this message was edited by sfried on Mon 31 Jan 11:21]

Burning Ranger
1692th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Music..." , posted Mon 31 Jan 12:41post reply



Well played, sir! By the way, I read somewhere that there may be a Sega Rally Online Arcade for PS3. Apparently, a rating has been issued for the title in Korea by Sony CE Korea.

So much to do so little time...

2148th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Music..." , posted Mon 31 Jan 14:16:post reply

Oh snap, Ranger, I hadn't realized I'd missed my chance to yell DAYTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONA in this thread!

To atone, here is what is actually the greatest racing tune ever, as mentioned previously by exodus:

Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune: FUN-LOVING SPIRIT

Current Lifelong Listens: 500+


[this message was edited by Maou on Mon 31 Jan 14:22]

Burning Ranger
1693th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):Music..." , posted Mon 31 Jan 21:00post reply


To atone, here is what is actually the greatest racing tune ever, as mentioned previously by exodus:

Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune: FUN-LOVING SPIRIT

I will concede that the WM:Maximum Tune series has some of the best electronic music in a racing game. Stream of Tears is probably my favorite, along with a few of the select/finish BGMs. I have a few tracks on my iPod.

So much to do so little time...

861th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Ghouls N Ghosts and Esquival" , posted Wed 9 Feb 19:26:post reply

Ahhhh what a great thread! Thanks for bringing so much new music into my life. I've been going through them at work. They're enough to make me want to play games again! The Xenoblade tunes were disarmingly good and made me feel nostalgia for a game I've never even played--which is perhaps the faint pulse that I chase after in every RPG hmmmmmmm...

Anyway, here's an oldie but a goodie:
The Theme to Ghouls N Ghosts!

Any of you guys like Juan Esquivel? I was watching the Ernie Kovacs show a while back and saw this amazing segment, a playful experimental short with awesome Latin tinged lounge tunes that made me think of the Ghouls N Ghosts theme:

I seriously think it might be the inspiration for it. Try loading up both tracks and playing them at the same time. ITS GREAT!

[this message was edited by Nobinobita on Wed 9 Feb 19:56]

861th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Journey to Silius" , posted Wed 9 Feb 19:38:post reply

I simply can't engage in a conversation about game music without bringing up Journey to Silius:

I have to admit that I only found out about the game recently. I miiiight have read about it in EGM or even played it at the mall as a kid, but I don't remember. But g'dang it's got the richest production I've ever heard from the NES. It totally stands on its own merits, independant of nostalgia or kitsch value. It just sounds awesome and embodies the concept of DETERMINATION.

Incidentally, it was originally supposed to be the game for James Cameron's The Terminator. They lost the license, but you can still hear a twinge of the Terminator theme here and there in the deadly serious base lines.

[this message was edited by Nobinobita on Wed 9 Feb 19:40]

2113th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Journey to Silius" , posted Thu 10 Feb 00:11post reply

Speaking of movie-inspirations, one such game I have for my FDC is Arumana no Kiseki.


The first two songs in the youtube are the first you hear in the game, though most of the time you will only hear the second one (the first one only plays in a cutscene if you hang around the title screen long enough). The second one I love though. Even when I first played it, it seemed to inspire feelings of "bold adventure", "ingenuity", and "perseverance". The rest of the music in the game is good too, and the high-tempo boss theme (you'll know it when you hear it...) is memorable because the first time you hear it, you are on a raft fighting a dragon. I have to think that the song was written with the image of a hero going down the rapids in a raft!

2114th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Journey to Silius" , posted Thu 10 Feb 00:25post reply

Thinking about Indiana Jones suddenly got me thinking about Meikyuuu Jiin Dababa (sp?). It's basically a tile-based action/maze game where you play a hopping monk out to save... a princess? As crazy as all that sounds, it was a really solid game which I beat many times.

The music has stereotypical Middle Eastern vibes mixed in with electronic beats... the end result is a perfect fit for the game!

I can't tell if my memory is fuzzy, but does it seem the case that for many 8-bit games, they put some of their best music very early in the game? Like the first/second song you hear in the game is one of the best songs they have in the game. Is that any more or less common today?

1024th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"VIP quality soundtracks" , posted Thu 10 Feb 02:04post reply

Well I must concede that this "Journey to Sirius" came as a gush of fresh air. I didn't expect such awesome music coming from an obscure (to me at least), minor title like this...

If you a re looking for great, epic-like music, you should try TFX, an early x86-era flight simulator whose soundtrack was composed by Barry Leitch (the very same behind other PC and Amiga titles such as Lotus Turbo Challenge and Silkworm).

Very vibrant, yet even nostalgic at times, TFX's is a score that comes to my mind from time to time and I never get tired of...



5248th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1): Same old same old" , posted Thu 10 Feb 02:46:post reply

I simply can't engage in a conversation about game music without bringing up Journey to Silius:

In a similar vein I always throw a dirty look at Jaleco's tunes whenever Videogame music pops up.

Dead Dance (Gadjet stage) Also known as Tuff e 'nuff,

Beans stage same game. Rei stage is also good.

Stage 1 (1st part) , Stage 1 (2nd part) music for Rushing Beat Ran. Rushing Beat is a series of 3 beat 'em up games all for the SNES which all have amazing soundtrack. With the lads in the gang we coined the nick Cody Garou for the main character a few years back. The Rooftop stage was my favorite theme.
We couldn't properly settle for a nick for the partner of the main in that very same series, he switched from nicks like "Maxima bizarro" to other things like "the pink paco"

If you are interested in the soundtrack do yourself a favor and listen to the jp version; Jaleco US totally butchered the ost for the 3rd game, though I don't remember tampering with the first game or the second. The third games get props for having a character going insane if you break his vase. Yamaoka also has some amazing memes and a fun mugen character that provides a vase for you to break in battle. If you are wondering, you can change the name of the enemies and characters, so that explains some things.

Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).

Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES)
Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11

[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 10 Feb 03:04]

2702th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Journey to Silius" , posted Thu 10 Feb 03:07:post reply

I simply can't engage in a conversation about game music without bringing up Journey to Silius:

I have to admit that I only found out about the game recently. I miiiight have read about it in EGM or even played it at the mall as a kid, but I don't remember. But g'dang it's got the richest production I've ever heard from the NES. It totally stands on its own merits, independant of nostalgia or kitsch value. It just sounds awesome and embodies the concept of DETERMINATION.

Ah, yes, Journey to Silius. The game was a fun - if simple - little run-and-gun in the vein of Contra but that soundtrack was so freaking powerful and bassy for a NES game. Especially the theme that starts up at 4:42, which was stuck in my head for years. Thanks for bringing it up again!


Incidentally, it was originally supposed to be the game for James Cameron's The Terminator. They lost the license, but you can still hear a twinge of the Terminator theme here and there in the deadly serious base lines.

Yeah, the main Terminator theme almost blatantly pops in during the opening sequence, though at the time of playing the game I was too young to have seen Terminator so I could only find it "bitchin'."

It's too bad, Sunsoft produced some really good movie-licensed games on the NES back in the day like Batman and Gremlins 2. Fun stuff with good soundtracks. Then in the SNES era they produced some of the best Neo Geo ports on the SNES and kind of disappeared.

[this message was edited by Gojira on Thu 10 Feb 03:18]

2116th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Journey to Silius" , posted Thu 10 Feb 09:38:post reply

sunsoft batman

Which one of their NES Batman games did you prefer, the first one, or Return of the Joker?

I always thought that the first one had a great platforming feel, interesting music, and some very well made sprites and BGs. The second one was a more straight-out shooting game, but the big sprites were so captivating.

Can't forget the cover of the Return of the Joker, either! It was a perfect image of the Joker! The Genesis version's cover seems so much blander by comparison.

[this message was edited by Spoon on Thu 10 Feb 09:41]

2702th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
XBL: Gojiraaa
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Journey to Silius" , posted Thu 10 Feb 11:57post reply

sunsoft batman

Which one of their NES Batman games did you prefer, the first one, or Return of the Joker?

I always thought that the first one had a great platforming feel, interesting music, and some very well made sprites and BGs. The second one was a more straight-out shooting game, but the big sprites were so captivating.

Can't forget the cover of the Return of the Joker, either! It was a perfect image of the Joker! The Genesis version's cover seems so much blander by comparison.

I don't think I ever played Return of the Joker. It came out after I'd sold my NES to buy a Tetris Boy (and later a SNES with U.N. Squadron).

Batman was definitely a great platformer though. And hard, too. At least that's how I remember it, having played as a frustrated lad with no platforming skills. The music does a good job reminding me, because while I remember the first stage music very well, the later stage bgms I don't recognize at all! lol

862th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):Journey to Silius" , posted Thu 10 Feb 12:49post reply


It's too bad, Sunsoft produced some really good movie-licensed games on the NES back in the day like Batman and

-- Message too long, Autoquote has been Snipped --

Wow, so many good tracks. So it turns out Sunsoft were just Chiptune virtuosos across the board.

Also, I believe one of the UN Squadron tracks was the inspiration for the internet sensation, Chocolate Rain.

880th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Tons o Music" , posted Sat 12 Mar 11:04:post reply

Thought I'd share this gigantic collection of streaming game music with you good folks:

[this message was edited by nobinobita on Sat 12 Mar 11:04]

2716th Post

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PSN: Gojira_X
XBL: Gojiraaa
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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Tons o Music" , posted Sat 12 Mar 14:58post reply

Thought I'd share this gigantic collection of streaming game music with you good folks:

That's a nice, diverse collection of tracks! It's been ages since I've listened to Shining Force 3 music.

Speaking of streams, I've been listening to no-life radio a lot at work. There's no request system, but their mix of VGM and terrible voice-acting clips helps balance out my daily necessities when I don't have time to scour youtube for a good-quality playlist.

3004th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Tons o Music" , posted Sun 13 Mar 12:48post reply

This is way overdue, but man! The Journey to Silius soundtrack is really good! I haven't said much , because I'm not really into chiptune music, but I sat and listened to the whole thing twice in a row.

On a totally unrelated note, this is my favorite track from Last Story:

Vague/mild spoiler...

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -

It plays when you fight a crazed noble on a boat, so both the aristocratic and surf rock sounds are appropriate.

End of Spoiler

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

639th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):No western love?" , posted Sun 13 Mar 13:42post reply

First, let me say that Stéphane Picq is perhaps one of the most unheard and underrated videogame musicians out there. His work on the Dune game for PC is immensely mesmerizing:

Chani's Eyes
Sign of the Worm

(I suggest you also check out the game, too, since it's abandonware and preceeded the modern real-time strategy game archetypes that Westwood would later establish with Command and Conquer)

Then there's Graeme Norgate, best know for his work at Rare(pre-MS)/Free Radical, but probably best known for the catchy music in Blast Corps:

Title Theme
World Map ("Time to get movin'")
Angel/Tempest City
Simian Acres
Carrick Point/Ebony Coast

I could probably also mention David Wise.

617th Post

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"Re(4):No western love?" , posted Sun 13 Mar 23:41post reply

My internet connection is seriously crippled at the moment and cannot even load youtube vids, so I have little to contribute. But just wanted to say this thread is AWESOME, keep the good tunes coming guys! One day I will (hopefully) be able to listem to all of them!

I liked Suikoden Tierkreis and Last Ranker's BSOs quite a lot. Thanks for posting them, what a pleasant surpirse! Since music is a pivotal part of Suikoden saga's charm for me, I guess I'm now tempted to give Tierkreis a try despite all my previous bitching about the game.

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"Re(4):No western love?" , posted Tue 15 Mar 14:47post reply

If you're talking Western, I've got to mention Jake Kaufman/virt. I always am eager to hear of his involvement in projects. His work on Shantae was great, and more recently he arranged Manabu Namiki's Ketsui soundtrack for the Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu Black Label Arrange Mode Album. I first took notice of him through his work on Contra 4. He's got a great classic sense to his work and loves to dabble in different genres.

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"Re(5):No western love?" , posted Wed 16 Mar 08:51post reply

more recently he arranged Manabu Namiki's Ketsui soundtrack for the Dodonpachi Daifukkatsu Black Label Arrange Mode Album.

Speaking of That Game, or at least its normal version, not Black Label... the music for stage 1 is just incredible. While I am a huge Cave fan I am often underwhelmed by their games' music, especially given how much they are gushed over, but in this case... wow.

2724th Post

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"Rare OST?" , posted Tue 29 Mar 16:42post reply

I recently was browsing through Amazon and came across this (I should take a screenshot but I kind of doubt anyone will buy them within the next few days):

They have 2 used

Anyone have some insight on this? I mean Orta's a great soundtrack and I love it, but holy cow what an insane price tag for an 8-year-old CD.

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"Re(1):Rare OST?" , posted Thu 31 Mar 03:41post reply

I really want to hear the OST of buriki one, there was a ripped one somewhere in the internet, but the cd had some scratches, and the quality of the mp3 was not that good, when I heard the mp3 with the voices of the characters, my ears nearly exploded

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"Re(2):Rare OST?" , posted Sun 3 Apr 19:13:post reply

Just wanted to say thanks to you all for bringing Myth to my attention. It's a great album. The arrangements were really good and the performances were spot-on. My only regret was that at 14 tracks it was so short! But then I probably just wished they'd arrange the whole damn thing.

Also this one might be old news, but for a mere "fan vocal" this deserves promotion.

[this message was edited by Gojira on Sun 3 Apr 19:15]

904th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Princess Ghibli - official Ghibli metal!" , posted Thu 21 Apr 18:40:post reply

There is an official album of metal renditions of beloved Ghibli tunes.

You can read about it here:

You may purchase it here:


[this message was edited by Nobinobita on Thu 21 Apr 18:43]

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Princess Ghibli - official Ghibli metal" , posted Sun 24 Apr 08:24post reply

There is an official album of metal renditions of beloved Ghibli tunes.

You can read about it here:

You may purchase it here:


At that price, how could I say no?

I love living in the future.

"hey, check this out."
And it's mine.

Pretty good! Though I had to remove the Totoro song from my playlist quickly. I think that one's for special occasions only.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

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"Mario Bros theme" , posted Sun 1 May 02:45post reply

I don't know if I'm alone here, but I'm sick of hearing the theme of Super Mario Bros

It seems like every videogame band (at least here) from one way or another MUST play that theme, to the point that is not funny or cool anymore

I for once will love to hear more themes from maybe more obscure games, not just the ones that everybody knows (Mario, Zelda, Metroid, and Maybe Sonic and Megaman)