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Grave 1371th Post

PSN: Drakee XBL: Mikelson Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Executive Member
| "HERE COMES DAREDEVIL" , posted Tue 17 May 10:35    
Working in secondhand electronics has it perks, and I recently found myself an owner of a 64GB iPad at an insane price. So in addition to my Android phone, I now have iOS in my daily life as well. Fun!
Here's what I've been digging so far: Road Blaster HD: Thanks again to Badoor for pointing out that this existed! Road Avenger was my most coveted FMV game growing up, the animation looked amazing to me but I never got to try it out. For 99 cents it was too good to pass up. The iOS port's touch control seems a little bit dicey but shockingly enough, the tilting is pretty responsive. Loving the look of the game.
Fruit Ninja HD: Same Fruit Ninja as before, only bigger! Halfbrick makes quality games for pretty much every major mobile platform now.
Korg iMS-20: If you enjoyed DS-10 but wished there was more of it, you should probably get this! Amazing app, still learning a lot about what it can do. Picked up iElectribe as well but that's been a little less straightforward so far.
Playing a little bit of Infinity Blade now, too early to say how I feel for sure but it seems really cool. Very impressive 3D for the hardware.
Wish the Cave games had proper iPad versions but I'll probably end up picking them up anyway. The FF3 DS port is very expensive but looks gorgeous. Anyone play it yet?
Also looking for recommendations on an IM client. IM+ is fine but I don't want to pick up the paid version quite yet. Everyone tells me Beejive is really good but there's no trial and it's $6. Urgh.
All in all, very cool device - not gonna replace every device you own, but I'm finding tablet computing a lot nicer than I expected. I'll get to see how cool it is for sure when I go out of town for a week with it as my sole computer! I think it'll be fine but we'll see.
quote: I would love to play some with Android, but sadly most of the devices are wildly non-standard (in a way that makes developing for it difficult) and the non-phone devices seem cheap to me.
True on both counts. Only now are we seeing tablets of any real quality on Android, but in the case of the Xoom they're way too damn expensive and in the case of the Eee Transformer they made about 6 of them and you can't buy it anywhere. I think it'll be a while before Android catches up with the iPad, but it's only a matter of time until it overtakes it in terms of functionality.
While Android does make things a lot more complicated at times and its market is inferior in some ways, the amount of freedom it gives you in exchange for that is totally worth it to me. I still have the original Motorola Droid on Verizon and I'm running newer system software than a great number of new phones releasing presently. Not only that, it was almost effortless to overclock with minimal effect on heat and battery life - it's performing like a new phone and should work like a champ until the end of my contract.
Badoor 195th Post

PSN: BadoorSNK XBL: BadoorSNK Wii: n/a
Regular Customer
| "Re(1):HERE COMES DAREDEVIL" , posted Tue 17 May 23:56    
quote: Here's what I've been digging so far: Road Blaster HD: Thanks again to Badoor for pointing out that this existed! Road Avenger was my most coveted FMV game growing up, the animation looked amazing to me but I never got to try it out. For 99 cents it was too good to pass up. The iOS port's touch control seems a little bit dicey but shockingly enough, the tilting is pretty responsive. Loving the look of the game.
No problem. Everything's Fine. I'm really loving Road Blaster. It's a lot of fun.I'd say that it is now my 2nd favorite FMV game ever (After Mad Dog McRee ofcourse). I prefer the tilt controls to the touch in it since "precise steering" isn't really a concern. Plus, the added physical movement sort of replicates the original arcade experience. Data East's other FMV classic, Cobra Command, is also on iOS though I haven't checked that out yet so it could be a bad port.
Lately, I've been using my iPhone4 to do other non-gaming stuff. Things like the usual social stuff or watching anime like Urasawa's MONSTER, or just do some writings for work. Most of what I would've recommend had been already told but right now that last 2 games I played were HotSpringStory, the pseudo-sequal to GameDevStory. And Spirits, a cool looking Lemmings-esque type of game.
KTallguy 1315th Post

PSN: Hunter-KT XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(3):HERE COMES DAREDEVIL" , posted Wed 18 May 18:15    
The sad thing is that I enjoy games like Ghost Trick and Phoenix Wright on iPhone FAR FAR more than any native iPhone game.
And the sadder thing is that really stellar games like these are 99% ports. No one wants to make games for the platform that are more than glorified time wasters. That depresses me to no end. I want innovative, cool games like Ghost Trick to be on the platform, but unfortunately they cost money to develop, so they have to be offset by a DS/PSP release first.
Again, terrible, terrible depression because of this. If all handheld gaming moves to smart phones and people have to sell everything for a buck, I will really be depressed. 13-15 bucks for an iphone port of Ghost Trick or Phoenix Wright is totally reasonable because the games are so good (and before they were 25-30 bucks for Christ's sake!!) But people just look at a game like that and immediately think "too expensive", so there you go. We've fucked ourselves as an industry, painting ourselves into a bite-sized fast food price point.
Capcom is trying a little. They released a game called Edo-tantei (江戸探偵), which is a Phoenix Wright clone about a 17 year old kid that time-slips to Edo Japan and plays detective. But fuck me if the story isn't some bullshit shounen manga crap. Phoenix Wright is interesting precisely because the character is a little older and not some boring ass highschooler who constantly lacks confidence and all those stupid Japanese tropes. The game's writing and story is just so banal, I would rather play a 5 year old semi-crappy port of the DS Phoenix Wright than a game optimized for iOS. Get it together, Capcom.
Anyway I like some iOS only games (Sword and Sorcery was fun), but most of the time it's just boring time waster stuff which is fun, but doesn't scratch that particular itch. Blah blah anyway </rant>
Play to win... or to have fun too! :)
Grave 1373th Post

PSN: Drakee XBL: Mikelson Wii: n/a
Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(4):HERE COMES DAREDEVIL" , posted Thu 19 May 00:36    
quote: And the sadder thing is that really stellar games like these are 99% ports. ... Again, terrible, terrible depression because of this. If all handheld gaming moves to smart phones and people have to sell everything for a buck, I will really be depressed. 13-15 bucks for an iphone port of Ghost Trick or Phoenix Wright is totally reasonable because the games are so good (and before they were 25-30 bucks for Christ's sake!!) But people just look at a game like that and immediately think "too expensive", so there you go. We've fucked ourselves as an industry, painting ourselves into a bite-sized fast food price point.
I agree that there's a problem here but I don't necessarily agree that shutting up and paying whatever we're told is the solution. Sometimes you get a great port. FF3 looks like one of those. More often than not, for cell phone games, and by extension, tablet games, you're getting something halfassed and shoved out the door for a quick buck. Until that changes, my feelings won't change.
And sure, maybe these DS games were $30 on release, but what about now? FF3 can be had easily for under $10, and the DS version will work on any DS hardware - the same can't be said of a lot of these games. Make them all universal. If I ever get an iPhone, the $17 FF3 won't work there and I'd have to buy the $14 iPhone one as well. Kinda shitty. But it's Squeenix so nobody is surprised. I'll try to compose my thoughts on this more eloquently when I'm not on a bus to NYC, I guess!