Coolest Character? POLL - Forums

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New Red Carpet Member

"Coolest Character? POLL" , posted Sat 21 Aug 14:53post reply

Whos the coolest of these dudes?
The Human Torch
Iceman (X-Men, Arctic Attack! ICE BEAM!)
Howard the Duck
The Grifter
Oro (sf3)

I also forgot to include soukyourgentai....

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"Re(1):Coolest Character? POLL" , posted Wed 25 Aug 08:57post reply

I know virtually nothing about any of these characters. Visually, I'd go with the grifter.

Be kind to goblins.

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"Re(1):Coolest Character? POLL" , posted Wed 25 Aug 09:33post reply

I would have said Oro but you had me at ICE BEAM! ICE BEAM! ICE BEAM! ICE BEAM! ARCTIC ATTACK! ICE BEAM!

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PSN: pooplos-z
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"Re(2):Coolest Character? POLL" , posted Thu 26 Aug 01:03post reply

There is no choice, only one of them is man enough to fight with one hand tied behind their back.

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New Red Carpet Member

"Final Burn Alpha Street Fighter alpha 2 Chall" , posted Wed 1 Sep 11:01post reply

enge. I think I have reached a new level. Anyone want to play me at 9 am tommorrow?

al;so how come no one is talking about Tekken VS SF?

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