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karasu99 414th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Gold Customer
| "Re(2):Random Thread, nongaming edition" , posted Wed 18 Aug 23:14    
quote: Are there fans of the A-Team in Japan?
Seriously? The A-Team seems like the kind of thing that would support cosplayers and weird little SD figures. And themed bars, maybe.
quote: Are there fans of the A-Team anywhere in the world?
Aw, now you're just being mean! Really though, I derive a strange sort of nostalgic comfort from watching it, so yes, I would say I'm a fan. Not a go-to-a-convention kind of fan, but a casual one at least. Surely I'm not the only one here at the Cafe? <cue the sound of crickets and frogs>
As for the original question, sorry Professor, haven't seen the movie. It looked a little disappointing to me (Plus I don't think I could stand the idea of someone other than Mr. T cast as BA).
Megane 495th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(3):Random Thread, nongaming edition" , posted Thu 19 Aug 00:21    
quote: Are there fans of the A-Team in Japan?
Seriously? The A-Team seems like the kind of thing that would support cosplayers and weird little SD figures. And themed bars, maybe.
Are there fans of the A-Team anywhere in the world?
Aw, now you're just being mean! Really though, I derive a strange sort of nostalgic comfort from watching it, so yes, I would say I'm a fan. Not a go-to-a-convention kind of fan, but a casual one at least. Surely I'm not the only one here at the Cafe? <cue the sound of crickets and frogs>
As for the original question, sorry Professor, haven't seen the movie. It looked a little disappointing to me (Plus I don't think I could stand the idea of someone other than Mr. T cast as BA).
*raises hand* I have fond memories of watching it with my dad. However, I do not have any memories of what exactly happened in the episodes, so all I remember is B.A.Barracus beating up fools and Face being a good impersonator. I specifically bought a black Matchbox van and called it the A-Team Van.
karasu99 416th Post

PSN: robotchris XBL: robotchris Wii: n/a
Gold Customer
| "Re(7):Random Thread, nongaming edition" , posted Fri 20 Aug 01:40    
quote: The A-team was like one of the signature TV shows from the 80's together with the Knight Rider series. And the thing is, they both ran with the same kind of story formula where they went around various towns and helped out the helpless.
Come to think, they were supposed to be soliders for hire but I don't think there was actually any episodes where they got paid...? Kind of explains why the characters were always taking on the oddest jobs like acting in a crocodile suit.
It was a standard style for action shows of the 80's, far beyond these two-- MacGyver and the Master, to name just two more, followed almost the exact same formula, but with a different cast. It's a theme that even runs through movies of the 70's as well-- the equalizer helping out the little guy, whether it's against the government or against the corporate scoundrel who covets their land or wants to make them work for nothing, etc.
I think the money aspect was extremely secondary to the whole story. Plus, by making them complete the job regardless of the income (even though they complain about not getting paid/losing the money/getting only a fraction of the money they were promised) is part of what casts them as heroes: they're only doing it to help, ultimately.
Professor, the cast is still around, with the exception of George Peppard, who played Hannibal, who died in the 90's. He had been a pretty huge actor in the 60's-- he was even in Breakfast at Tiffany's. Dwight Schultz, who played Murdock, went on to play a recurring role as Barclay in Star Trek in the 90's. As Amaukusa points out, Dirk Benedict, Face, was in Battlestar Galactica, and a bunch of theater roles. And then of course there's Mr. T.
I heard an interview with Schultz and Benedict, who had small roles in the new movie. Apparently the scenes they filmed were tiny, and were reduced even further in the actual movie-- to the point where they are blink-missable-- and both regretted having their participation.
Ugh, I can't believe I'm typing ALL THIS about the A-Team. I guess I just enjoyed the show a lot!
hikarutilmitt 551th Post

New Red Carpet Member
| "Re(8):Random Thread, nongaming edition" , posted Thu 2 Sep 11:57    
quote: Then again, I haven't watched an A-Tema episode in years and the movie of the same name doesn't look very tempting...
It's actually very good. I enjoyed it much more than Expendables. Both have stupidly impossible action stunts, but A-Team chose to accompany it with humor and Expendables accompanies its action with gore.
Yeah, I was very pleasantly surprised at how "exact" The A-Team movie was. It captured everything that made the show so much fun to watch (being ridiculous in premise, ridiculous in stunts, humorous, etc) plus it had Liam Neeson who makes any movie better than it could have been (yes, even the Clash of the Titans remake).
But then I also enjoyed The Expendables for everything it set out to do: guns, explosions, testosterone and crazy action that was transplanted from the 80s and early 90s to now and given a shiny coat of awesome. It also helps that Stallone impressed the hell out of me with Rambo (IV).
 PSN: hikarutimitt XBL: hikarutilmitt
HAYATO 1000th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(3):Re(10):Random Thread, nongaming edition" , posted Fri 8 Oct 05:58    
quote: Raise your hand if you recognize something I'm late to the party or something? first time I have seen this after the trailer, so it looks like I'm one game behind
So, a sequel is in the works then? Wow, that was completely unexpected...
Demo available
Well then, that means that they may have the full version ready for the next comiket, amirite? Anyways, I'm too busy with Castlevania:LoS (which is pure LOVE)to test this demo, so I'll wait for the final release (and its subsequent patches)...
PS: Wow, this is my 1000th post in the Cafe!!!
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - I never thought I'd reach such a high mark in any forum before leaving out of boredom. But, after spending so many lines with you guys, it's no wonder that the Cafe ended up being that place of eternal excitement, which has hooked me up for so many years (and hopefully, so many more to come!!)...
End of Spoiler
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - PSS: No wonder either, that my 1000th post had something to do with Castlevania. The chances were very high after all, but heh!!
End of Spoiler
Baines 272th Post
Copper Customer

| "Re(1):Berserk Anime movie" , posted Wed 12 Jan 17:49    
quote: I am not too sure how far or faithful they will be. I am pretty sure they will tone down the more graphic stuff (Trolls, Black dog Knights), but I hope we get as much as possible.
I'd be okay with the level of the TV series, though even that was toned downed. Although some of the later arcs might even start to feel the hurt of even that level, particularly as the TV series cut most of the violence involving children. (The child impaled on the first Apostle's weapon. The more in-your-face evidence that the Apostle was eating children. Guts' rape only shown in the nightmare flashback, a scene that was vague enough and with a "guy turns into monster at the key moment" ending that you could easily miss what it referenced. The dead kid that is key to Griffith's dream of getting to the castle by climbing corpses was nearly excised.)
I'm not even sure how you can do the fairy/wasp children storyline without violence on children, at least not without losing the whole point. (Kind of like the Disney version of Peter Pan versus the original story.)
Nut yes, I'd rather the new stuff be less restricted than more restricted. Most of the graphic nature of the story serves a purpose beyond just being graphic. It sets the world. War is bloody. Being a mercenary isn't always a good time. Monsters are monstrous. People can be monstrous. Of course some is just "If you hit something with a giant slab of edged iron, it will get splatted or sliced." (And in the still frames of the manga, even that served the purpose of showing Guts' power, skill, speed, and agility. And how those traits become more inhuman over time. I think Miura has lost some of that with his Guts' fights in the last few years.)
Nekros 329th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(2):Berserk Anime movie" , posted Wed 12 Jan 20:43:    
I think Guts inhumanity is well depitched after he gets the Berserker armor. He's freakin' cool and near-unbeatable but this burn himself out both in phisical healing and soul/identity maintenance. Most recent volumes are not about gatsu, the focus is all about Griffith and the war, the making of the new world (basically the near-real dark ages with some monsters and supernatural elements turning into full fantasy dark ages). Pretty interesting, but Miura, when your series will end? He reminds me of Hajiwara, making new elements one tankobon after another....and resulting in a neverending mess way different than the initial setting and plot.
Speaking about the movies, I don't care. Didn't like the tv anime at all, not interested in anime adaptations that can't be too faithful to the original. I like when there are big changes in plot or characters (FMA/Evangelion), but when it comes to visual or spirit is better to respect the original form.
I also noticed Mad House il working on a movie based on Trigun, sadly is more oriented to the comedy side of the show rather the sci-fi and drama ones. I'll pass this too.
[this message was edited by Nekros on Wed 12 Jan 20:46] |
HAYATO 1019th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Human annihilation FTW" , posted Wed 12 Jan 22:01    
quote: These are absolutely beautiful! I am surprised that your black heart found the emotions to post something like that. It's a gallery built around the complete eradication of the human race; what a softie that Toxico turned out to be!
Wonderful gallery, it's exactly the stuff I fell in love with since I read John Christopher's "The White Mountains" as a child. Later on, when I discovered Shirow's rendition of the genre in "Wild Cherry Mountain" (a short story included in Exon Depot/ Pieces #1), I became a total junkie for "post apocaliptic jungle" themed stories...
In case you enjoy this sci-fi subgenre as much as I do, I'd suggest you to check these works out:
- Masmune Shirow's Exon Depot stories "Wild Cherry Mountain" and "Shimban".
- 2000AD's "Kingdom" comic series.
- "Giniro no Kami no Agito", the famous Gonzo anime film (whose landscapes are the only thing remarkale about it).
- Another remarkable setting can be foun on Sci-Fi channel's film "The Lost Future", but anything else is dreadful. Advisable only for hardcore fans...
- And, of course, "Enslaved: Odyssey to the West", one of the most entertaining videogames I've played this year. The plot doesn't make much sense, but the overall atmosphere is one of the best of its kind. Plus, it's full of Monkey Magic, which is a thumbs up in my book...
Professor 3017th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(2):Random Thread, nongaming edition" , posted Tue 26 Apr 23:46:    
quote: http://www.mmcafe.com/cgi-bin/imageboard/file/tumblr_lg0phyGRLl1qbqt8go1_500.jpg
I saw this in the random image board, and was, well, random xD
Could somebody say me what says there? xD I knew there is a big chance that is something related to the miners
Btw, in that imageboard I recall seeing a motivatonial poster which says ''Akira User'' But I couldn't find it, somebody has it?
The first part talks about Sebastian Pinera, age 60, head of the coalition for change, winning the election last January 17th. The second part explains that he's a millionaire who even has an airline and a TV company in Chile, and he won his votes by emphasizing the creation of new employments. It's interesting, I wonder where it was sourced from.
"Akira User - Face it, you're doomed" It's there, somewhere in the deep ocean of images...
[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 26 Apr 23:49] |
Toxico 5313th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Random Thread, nongaming edition" , posted Tue 26 Apr 23:57    
quote: http://www.mmcafe.com/cgi-bin/imageboard/file/tumblr_lg0phyGRLl1qbqt8go1_500.jpg
The first part talks about Sebastian Pinera, age 60, head of the coalition for change, winning the election last January 17th. The second part explains that he's a millionaire who even has an airline and a TV company in Chile, and he won his votes by emphasizing the creation of new employments. It's interesting, I wonder where it was sourced from.
I wonder who could have uploaded that, fuoh~hoho ho ho ho ho~~ Personally I also wondered from were it comes from, with my polite guess being Mudazumo Naki Kaikaku, however since I haven't gotten around to read it (though I plan to), I couldn't corroborate such hunch.

目に焼きつけて、死ぬがいい・・・ Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11
Iggy 9280th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Random Thread, nongaming" , posted Tue 19 Jul 04:33:    
quote: I've never heard of the show or comic til today, but everything i've seen from it has me in stitches. It's magnificent!
Warning: you need high level of moe-protection to survive more than a few minutes of Nichijou. Like, Lucky Star-high, or even worse.
Speaking of anime, fortunately, this season has two highlights: * the adaptation of Usagi Drop, a manga about a 30-something salaryman who adopts the secret daughter of his late grand dad (so she's his aunt, but she's 6). The graphical faithfulness to the source material is pretty amazing, and it's the first time I ever see Inu Curry (the psychopaths who did the most visually insane parts of Zetsubou Sensei and the witches of Madoka) do something not "The Ring" level. * But more importantly, this year is the grand return of Ikuhara Kunihiko, the main driving force behind Utena in the 90's, which could very well out-awesome everything we've ever seen since the invention of penguins. It's a deep melodrama about a girl dying of an incurable disease, her brothers fighting to save her, and amazing transformations. The script, the rythm and the complete insanity of the first two episodes are mesmerizing.
[this message was edited by Iggy on Tue 19 Jul 04:36] |
Toxico 5396th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):Random Thread, nongaming" , posted Wed 20 Jul 01:59:    
How is Usagi Drop? The initial volumes make it look like it's going to be a domestic family sort of thing but it sounds like in the later volumes it turns into something else. Does it work as a full story or is it yet another manga that gets done in by a time skip?
It's hard to tell, initially the story only shows you the wonders and problems of childcare and how can people that don't know each other are to bound in a family perspective kind of deal. The later part swifts to the "maturity" phase of the characters, when they feel when they are "starting life" for the kid and "running out of options" for the folk, during the later part many interesting shifts happen to them that one couldn't have foreseen before (since "they are adults now", its really different"); the problem with the second part is that the "end", the last volume feels somewhat rushed as the characters just change too much in short time for the sake of understanding the girl better, thus people feel that the ending doesn't fall into place with the previous events (even though "clues" about the ending could be seen slightly from the start).
If you are only going to settle with the anime, then you probably won't have to worry yourself about that at all.
The series is not finished, though. The author said that it was going to start another "chapter" (arc) for the series (or already did?), the thing is that the current situation of the characters can still be subjected to changes, so there.
edit :
Hey Oğuz, remind me, do people like Hakan in Turkey? I heard that Juri wasn't really a hit in Korea (probably would've done better without the dumb Feng Shui Engine glowing eye bit), but I don't see how Turks (and all the rest of the world) couldn't love Hakan!
I think that the main complains from the korean populace was that Juri didn't really resembled a character designed in korea. I think that they even didn't voiced those complaints in such eloquent manner. For the record I remember May Lee being universally hated in Korea as well.
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11
[this message was edited by Toxico on Wed 20 Jul 02:04] |
Toxico 5444th Post

PSN: Toxic-Baron XBL: n/a Wii: n/a
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):Re(10):Re(10):Random Thread, nongaming" , posted Fri 19 Aug 02:23:    
quote: This thread has been going for eleven months. Can it make it a full year?
Speaking of old things and anniversaries and whatnot, does anyone here remember that the mmcafe had some sort of pet back in the day? And I'm not speaking about Brandon or Iggy, but an actual "fictional figure" that was to represent service or something within the site. I remember that it even had a 1p color palette and a 2p color palette.
So, I remember that I saved some of those "gift galleries" that this site used to have in some back ups and having got into a playful mood, I figured that I would search it and see it. Browsing through terabytes and terabytes of data is not exactly a quick process, it includes triggering your dust allergies when opening old boxes and trying out zillions of CDs that might or might not read, but will always make horrible sounds when placed in your drive... Ah, to think that there it was a time when 700 megabytes was like 30% of my HDD.
Anyway, I actually got bored of it for about 30% through the search (which used like 4 hours or something), and within the few things that I could review and whatnot, the only image of the girl (whose name totally escapes me) was some gift art that Juna made and that isn't exactly old since it was in this site like 3 years ago or something? .... Checking again, it's on the site now... It wasn't there the last time I checked it, but who knows how many years has been from that ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
 さっきの感じならあと100発はもつ‥‥と思うぜ Update 23 as of 25/10/10 (Temporary mega upload link).
Now sponsoring : video game analogies (ES) Last update : Chapter 22 as of 10/01/11
[this message was edited by Toxico on Fri 19 Aug 02:30] |