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Stifu 187th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(5):New Nejibako loke test." , posted Mon 4 Jul 16:33
quote: Actually, his sprite IS updated.
I'm fully aware it's updated. I just think it's totally wrong to reuse a sprite that's over 10 years old AND that is in a different format than all the other sprites of the game. I don't think it's quite as wrong for other characters... but Earthquake is supposed to be huge. It's okay to do so for Nicotine or Cham Cham... Nicotine is an old little guy, it doesn't matter if he looks a bit smaller than he did in SS2, because his sprite was big enough back then (he looked smaller in his artwork or in SS RPG, I think). As for Cham Cham, as you know, they're making her younger in this game, like Nako and Rimu, so it's all good. Plus her updated sprite gives her a totally different look...
I can't say anything about Gen-An yet... We'll see. But anyway, it's now obvious why they showed us Wan-Fu first. It was like saying "Hey, look, we remade one of the returning characters from scratch !"... Only to find out a few weeks later Wan-Fu was the only lucky one.
Sorry for derailing the thread, but it didn't seem like it was going anywhere anyway.
Stifu 189th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(7):New Nejibako loke test." , posted Mon 4 Jul 18:59
With all the testing it has had, NBC seems interesting enough... However, I'm not all that excited about it. Since this isn't KoF, I was expecting more "out there" characters... Like B. Yoo from Windjammers or Death from Magical Drop, for example... But no. We still got a rather boring (and rather small so far) roster.
Also, Robert's stance in NBC looks even lamer than his AoF3 one. I didn't think that was possible. I also heard Mizuchi's sprite isn't always "homogeneous"... They only updated some frames, and some old frames pop up occasionally, like they did with other characters since KoF 2001...
I was hoping they'd finally end up "cleaning" all their sprites since they fixed Iori in this one, but it looks like once they fix one, they break a new one (or more)... and as you noticed, I happen to be anal about that kind of things.
KTallguy 663th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "I went to the test. Update!" , posted Tue 5 Jul 02:12:
Also, Robert's stance in NBC looks even lamer than his AoF3 one. I didn't think that was possible. I also heard Mizuchi's sprite isn't always "homogeneous"... They only updated some frames, and some old frames pop up occasionally, like they did with other characters since KoF 2001...
The new one looks kind of weird but I liked the art of fighting 3 one! =)
Ok, I went to the test in Shinjuku. It wasn't even too crowded, but I was there at night... I got a lot of chances to play. I played a bit and watched a lot. I'm not going to be able to remember everything but I'll see what I can do. I will say that overall my impression was quite good! I also went today, (Wednesday) and I have updated impressions! System: Feels loose, but not too loose. I would venture to say it feels just right. It's not as stiff as SNK Chaos, it almost feels like a little bit looser KOF.
AB is the tactical escape, but I never really used it. It seems strange, difficult to use, but strong, like an invincible roll. It takes meter. I saw it used only a few times. I began using it more today, and it's really nice if you want to dodge someone's attack and counter quickly. It recovers fast and can suprise an opponent.
Throws (CD) are strong but you need to be at point blank, like SNK Chaos. I don't know if you lose meter when you wiff a throw or not. Throws are really good because they allow a nice guessing game; is he going to rush me down and throw or should I block his huge combo followup... it's a good mixup for every character.
A lot of the game relies on getting space when your character is too weak so you can tag out safely. If you block and press E, the tag button, you'll do the big cancel knock away move that takes some meter and buys some time to switch out. That makes throws useful. However you can throw escape.
The guard step is strong but you have to have really good timing. I saw people using it well, getting in combos after GC. Of course it works best on the last hit of a combo, otherwise your GC combo will get stuffed.
The dash/run system is really well done. Basically you hit -> -> to dash, but if you hold forward you'll run. It is implemented well and allows for KOF style rushdowns.
The red/yellow bar system is also well done and works basically just like Tekken Tag Tournament. Red is replenished slowly when you tag out that character. Managing your characters well is important. The tag attack takes off a fair chunk of red but almost no yellow. Very useful.
One thing that really impressed me was the character art, very nicely drawn. I think it's the coolest character art I've ever seen. Especially when you win, the win art is amazingly well drawn. The backgrounds are very nicely drawn but pretty much void of activity. I spotted Kain in one of the backgrounds.
The sprites are in general very well done. Antialaised and better looking than CapSNK2 in my opinion. There are a few exceptions which I will get to.
Another thing is the sound is kind of interesting, very spacey sounds for some of the attacks, but nothing was jarring. Rock's teleport, for instance, has an interesting Sci-fiish sound that goes with it... =)
<b>Ok, I'll try to break down each of the characters. </b>
Terry: Bascially simple Terry. I don't think he has rising tackle. Combos are strong, but no one was using him as much as the other characters. Sprite is directly (more or less) from KOF 03. Terry was picked quite a bit today, and his Buster Wolf does a lot of damage.
Marco: Haha, this guy is a riot. I picked him once just to mess around. His heavy machine gun is a good move but it has a lot of lag coming out. I believe it might be able to hit all the way across the screen. His regular punches are all him shooting guns and have a set range, you can't see the bullets or anything but the other player gets hit. But his regular punches can't hit someone all the way on the other side of the screen. He also has a rocketpack, which is quite powerful and can even be used to escape. I couldn't pull off any of his supers. Nicely drawn sprite, but I didn't really get to look at it in detail. I picked him again today, and it looks like he is going to need a lot of work to get good with. He seems like he could be very capable in the right hands, however. I managed to pull off the 'helper guy doing a huge fireball super', and it made everyone at the cabinet laugh. Basically he walks back and forth a few times on the screen before releasing his hadoken, and I don't really know if there is a faster way to activate it... he is animated very well though...
Washizuka: Strong!!! Really nice character. His super is quite good too, just like the one in Last Blade, where he pushes you to the corner. Requires a lot of work to be good though... His sprite looks very nice too. The FX on his slashes and stuff are well done IMO. He also has some nice secondary colors, and a good air game, it seems. He has the red/black colors from the EX version of Last Blade 2... which look bad ass... =)
Nakoruru: Her sprite is very nice, it looks like an edited SS0 sprite. On second thought, I was looking today and it looks like a brand new sprite, animated exceptionally well. The Mamahaha attacks are nice and I think you might be able to combo them but before coming out there's some lag. The hawk flies extremely fast though! The attack where she hits you with her cape is well animated. I picked her once but lost.
K': Pretty much KOF03 K', but his sprite looks slightly different. Same old K', but fun to use. He has all the moves that 03' K' has. Comboing the super uppercut is easy.
Mai: I saw her picked once. The person using her was not very good. She looks like SNK Capcom Mai but nicely antialaised. Today I saw a better person using them, and I can't see any evidence that it is a new Mai sprite. I really looked for new animations, but everything seems taken from SNK Chaos.
Geese: Not as strong as Chaos. (Thank God). He doesn't seem to have a huge Reppuken (I never saw it). His raging storm has a lag in the beginning so you can't combo it, but it does crap loads of damage. Good anti air (how it should be). Looks like SNK Chaos.
Yuki: Wow... this is one crazy character. They did a really good job making this character unique, that's for sure. There was a person getting large win streaks using this character so I can say a lot. One move that is powerful is basically a "gun" like move that is a instant hit across the screen if your standing. If Yuki does his charge move 2 times he can combo 3 of them. It's not a ton of damage but he's pretty safe unless you jump very high and over the (invisible shots). He has an anti air move that looks like his arm is exploding in the air, if he charges that it does more damage, more hits. I don't think it can hit people just standing on the ground though, strictly anti air. He has a air/ground special dash that makes him very manuverable; the guy using him would do a combo, in the middle do the dash and then throw. Strong. I only think you can dash forward. He has a move where when he's jumping in the air he disappears and suddenly appears on the ground, lighting all around him. Very nice antianti air. The 'megashock' super doesn't do much damage but hits the entire screen, if your not on the ground you get hit automatically. If you have more questions about him fire away.
Ai: I used her twice, but I didn't get her at all. She can use blocks or something. Her balloon is cute.
Yuki and Ai: Their sprites are ok, but maybe need a little bit of touching up. The edges aren't very well drawn, they seem a little hard, like they need alaising. It's hard to notice unless you look hard though.
Kim: Strong as always, but his dashing super doesn't do much damage at all, which leads me to believe you can combo it like a motherf-cker. Basically normal Kim.
Tung Fu Rue - I like his sprite. He has a lot of interesting moves. People using him weren't that good. Dashing punch (looks like Yun from SF3) is very strong and seems comboable. The huge giant coming out of his back is intimidating looking!
Asura - His super is very strong! Also he is well animated. He can shoot one arrow or three, the move looks good and does decent damage, arrows go full screen, if three they kind of cluster together but don't go high at all. Seems difficult to use. Looks like he also has a normal counter move where he uses his axe...
Hanzo - I like his sprite too, his moves look cool. No one was using him very well. Has his projectile, flying 'kite' move. Seems strong. Today I saw a good person using Hanzo. He has a mid-air teleport where he teleports a little forward and falls straight down, which is good for throwing the other player's timing off. His super fireball is nice and strong. Seems like a combo oriented character...
Fuma - I only saw him used once. All I know is that he's quite different from Hanzo but also well drawn. I used him myself today. Maybe he's a good character but Hanzo seems better. For one thing, Fuma's fireball hits high and seems duckable.
Kyo - Used a lot, of course. Basically 03 Kyo in 02s outfit. He has very strong combos. He has all of the moves from KOF, none of them seem changed at all. He has very strong combos where he can knock you in the air and juggle with the flame super.
Iori - Same old Iori, I didn't see his new super, but he's still as strong as always.
Rock - Rock looks very nice, like Garou but anti-alaised. His counters and moves all work... nothing much else to say. I saw his counter miss once on a jump in attack... I saw someone connect his whole huge combo super for nice damage. Also Raging Storm has to be very close to hit. I don't think he has delay getting out of it... the move seems designed strictly for anti air, not for combos..
Kisarah - She has a cute sprite, I have no idea how to use her but I saw her doing decent damage. Her bag combos deal good damage from what I remember. I like her but I have no idea what she's all about. Fun to watch though...
Haohmaru - His sprite is like SS0 but he has stubble and his eyes glow a little. His slashes are pretty strong, but he's of course, pretty slow. Spacing is important. I liked his sprite though! I used him again today. His strong slash is very strong. He has most, if not all of the moves from SS. I was getting good damage in by faking the tornado and hitting them as they jump in, comboing the uppercut, and catching them with the huge, strong slash. In the right hands, good.
Cyberwoo - The robot seems like it was first rendered in 3D and then turned into a sprite. It animates well. I don't know much else because the person using her died too fast =)
Kaede - Strong!! It's funny how Rock and Kaede look almost exactly the same in their selection portraits though ... combos are good. Sprite is nice. No complaints except maybe to make his fireball sprite look more electric... right now it just looks like a blob of energy.
Akari - Her counter move with the guy with the bat is really funny to watch. She also has her teleport moves and they come out quite fast. Her teleport moves have a lot of mixups; she can roll in place, jump twice, and land early to deceive the opponet! The attack where the bell falls on the opponent is nice, but the bell seems ripped straight from LB and looks very blurred. =P
Mr. Karate - Strong!! Like a combination of Takuma and Ryo. Has the parrying fists like Ryo, so he can block and counter quickly. I saw people using him a lot, with good results. Haoushokouken can be comboed (I believe) and is very strong.
Mr. Big - Holy crap, strong. This is the other character that the one guy was using to get win streaks. I think he's slightly broken, because his ducking Jab has a lot of range, and the guy was just getting people in the corner and doing dash jab dash jab... making it near impossible for the other player to move. If the other player jumps, standing strong kick will hit them and do a lot of damage, and comes out fast enough to do on reflex. They can guard cancel the kick and attack back, or use the blocking E move to push him away, but the Jabs are too fast to GC counter, I believe, because the next one will just hit you... you can't combo them though... I think everyone just didn't know how to counter him. He has a Terry power wave like move that doesn't go anywhere, but is useful for keeping the other player blocking. His super where he hits you in the air and juggles you with his sticks is very very strong.
Shermie: I picked her just for the hell of it, but I can't use her at all. That being said, I got the impression that she will have trouble in this game where everyone has projectiles, and there's no roll. But I have no idea, really. Sprite didn't seem too different but she had a lot of cute poses. In her forward strong does she always stick out her chest? Holy crap, was I wrong. Shermie is strong!! Her throwing game is top notch! Also, she has a super flying electric knee attack that is simple to combo and gives her some versitility. Someone good with her was using her today, and winning a lot.
Hotaru: No one could use her properly but I have the feeling she'll be strong. Nice sprite, like Garou but a little skinnier. Today, I saw someone using her 'O' super to catch people a lot. Also, I forgot to mention that she has two new stances. One where she is backturned, and one where she is crouched down low. These stances lead to launchers and combos... very similar looking to Xiayou from Tekken.
Robert - As said earlier, his standing animation is a little overdone, but it's not so bad. Has high/low projectiles like Sagat. Sprite is maybe 80% new? Seems strong but crumbled to Mr. Karate.
Lee - Seems very strong but needs a lot of practice to win. I like his animation. His combos also seem difficult. Saw someone using Lee well today. Crossover kick is very strong, and so is the light version of the spinning ground attack. Has many combos that look more simple, but then the most damaging combos seem difficult to do...
Moriya : Nice and strong, I liked how he looked and his combos did a lot of damage. Didn't notice any new moves.
Genyjuro: As strong as Moriya. I liked the way his sprite fit with the other characters especially. One of his supers is his card fireball that bounces up in the air and comes down when blocked (I guess it's impossible normally). You can get some good damage from it.
Chonrei - Quite strong. I liked the way his dashes looked. He has a super that his a multihitting fireball that stuns you, kind of like Gills Agias Reflector in SF3 but a ball shape. His fireballs are strong.
Chonshu - Saw him once. It was hard to tell how he was but the sprite was nice... I used Chonshu today... his teleport is very well done... I won once using that teleport to mix up. Combos look strong if you can pull them off...one super is similar to Chonrei's...but it doesn't go forward at all, suitable for combos...
Shiki - I picked her and promptly died. Seems like 100% SNK Chaos sprite.
Mudman - Wow, what a nicely drawn sprite. Animation is very nice and detailed. Has one fireball that runs straight forward and one that fires up in the air and comes down. I saw someone getting a win streak with Mudman and Iori..
Mars and Athena weren't there at all, there were two blank spots on the character select screen...
Scratch that; Athena was in the house! She had an uppercut move where she turned into a mermaid, she can shoot arrows on the ground or mid air, and holding down the button makes them flaming arrows.... her supers seem like they are taken from SNKCap, I saw her riding a lion shooting 3 fireballs like before...
I also took two videos while I was there, one is of Kyo and Mr. Karate vs Akari and Washizuka and is 2 mins and 30 seconds long. The other is a minute and 48 seconds and features Genyjuro and Jin vs Kaede and Moriya. Decent quality, 320x240. If anyone wants to host them, please respond to this thread. Unfortunately the videos don't show a whole match, as they can be long if both people are good.
I took another video today before promptly being told that I couldn't take pictures. I was shocked and surprised, but I wasn't able to negociate a settlement... sorry guys, only one more movie that I will share shortly. Anyway, I hoped this might help some people... if anyone has any questions please fire away and I'll tell you what I know. I might go back to Club Sega tomorrow or the next day to play again. Good night...
This game seems to be shaping up to be very nice... lots of people at the loke test! Edit: Gender Problems (sigh) Second Edit: update!!
Proud Supporter of Next Generation GAMEPLAY "テメエがヤクブソクなんだよ!"
[this message was edited by KTallguy on Thu 7 Jul 01:00] |
Stifu 190th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(1):I went to the test." , posted Tue 5 Jul 02:39
Hey, thanks for the report...
Sounds rather good overall. It's "unfair" how this game has like 3 different in-game artworks for each character, while SS Tenka only seems to have 1 for each... (And it's been this way since SS5, while SS3 and 4 had 2 per character...)
Mai's sprite IS updated though, despite what you said... I wonder if she got completely updated, or if it's just a hackjob where old frames pop up in some anims, like they've done numerous times to other KoF characters in the past.
Doesn't Genj(y)uro look just like he does in SvC Chaos ?
It's a bit shocking how Athena and Mars People are still not playable, while they've been advertized for ages, and that the game is so close to get released... (or so it's supposed, at least)
I could host the videos for a little while if they aren't too big... Let me know.
Red Falcon 5556th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(9):Videos are up" , posted Fri 8 Jul 13:06
quote: Yeah, but it was also like that in Last Blade. Except it did actual DAMAGE. Well... Kaede's DM looked kind of weak, too, so I wonder if this is a global thing.
I find Washizuka's lvl. 1 DM to be one of the weaker DMs, actually (still does more than Yuki's lvl.1, though) Despite that, he still seems to be a fairly strong chara. The person using him wasn't using that zoning attack of his at all (you know, the shoulder ram + the high, mid, or low slash)... I hope it isn't nerfed in this game!
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