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Shindekudasai 224th Post

Frequent Customer
| "Re(5):Re(10):Re(10):Re(10):New SF4 Thread: Gi" , posted Sat 28 Jun 02:28
quote: It is, with “[zeni] SHOP”, using [zeni] which is saved in the game play, it is possible to purchase various benefits. * There is a thing and a character private designation which all [kiyara] specification it is possible, commonly to designation designation! In only designation and the official event which enter into the hand with period limitation the designation which does not enter into the hand!? * You can insert in the hand the clothes Mobile private clothes! As for the clothes where personality of the character shines, as for [zeni] however it is high, there is a value of purchase! * It can purchase here sufficient original color of the color variation! - But considerably large amount, the original clothes!? In addition, when you play the game at the store which is registered to the my store you can receive 1 day 1 stamps. Gathering the stamp, with “stamp SHOP” it will get original expecting picture and arrival [mero] and arrival voice etc! Gathering the stamp, it will get the original expecting picture!?
nobinobita 377th Post

Silver Customer
| "Re(1):Badass animated trailer" , posted Sat 5 Jul 08:56:
quote: Link Here
Nice orchestrated version of Ryu's theme.
Blog says that there will be a Chun-Li one at Comic-Con.
There is some art there too
Thanks for the links!
I enjoyed the animoo Street Fighter video. What's not to like about an Ikeno inspired, vaguely third strikish anime? They probably didn't have a tremendous budget to begin with, so what was there was good. I thought the drawing and animation were nice and solid, very volumetric and not flashy. It would be great if they did more of them of similar quality.
Also, the goofy costumes look fun, but they're also kind distressing cos these characters are so iconic to me! As long as they don't get out of character, I'm ok. The olde banana republic explorer Blanka thing was pretty rad. And the chunli one is ... it's ok i guess, cos it kinda looks like something from a kinu picture (or Akiman's blog haha). I mean, as long as Ryu doesn't get tattoos and a haircut, i'll be ok.
[this message was edited by nobinobita on Sat 5 Jul 13:38] |
D`Cloud 229th Post

Frequent Customer
| "Re(2):Badass animated trailer" , posted Sat 5 Jul 13:52
quote: Link Here
Nice orchestrated version of Ryu's theme.
Blog says that there will be a Chun-Li one at Comic-Con.
There is some art there too
Thanks for the links!
I enjoyed the animoo Street Fighter video. What's not to like about an Ikeno inspired, vaguely third strikish anime? They probably didn't have a tremendous budget to begin with, so what was there was good. I thought the drawing and animation were nice and solid, very volumetric and not flashy. It would be great if they did more of them of similar quality.
Also, the goofy costumes look fun, but they're also kind distressing cos these characters are so iconic to me! As long as they don't get out of character, I'm ok. The olde banana republic explorer Blanka thing was pretty rad. And the chunli one is ... it's ok i guess, cos it kinda looks like something from a kinu picture (or Akiman's blog haha). I mean, as long as Ryu doesn't get tattoos and a haircut, i'll be ok.
more shotokan characters. gah. Heres hoping dan shows up :P
Iggy 8549th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):Badass animated trailer" , posted Sun 6 Jul 17:41
Seriously. Were you guys this crunchy about the anime trailers for the Guilty Gear games??
I don't think anyone here noticed there was one.
I think I noticed something with this trailer : I just don't like there being a scenario in SF. Which doesn't mean I hate the scenario itself, I think it's totally unnecessary. The biggest success in term of (good) design for most SF character is that they don't need pages of backstory to be explained : you see Honda, you understand he's a japanese sumo who is going to sit on your face. You see Dahlsim, you see a weird yogi that's going to do weird stuff. You see Makoto, you understand immediately she is going to punch you in the nuts until your grand-grandfathers scream. And finally, you see Ryû, you understand in a heartbeat he's a lonesome karateka training alone in the woods since puberty and that's probably what he's going to do until he turns 200. You don't need, or at least I don't need, convulsed backstory on how his master died, how he's all traumatized by the loss, how he reflects on the terrible loss as he's fighting the killer of his sensei (say the word like the hilarious samurai in Godhand) and wah wah wah. The other thing you notice immediately in SF is that if there is a scenario, it's going to be crappy, so, really, the less they put emphasis on it, the better.
Count Hihihi 92th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(10):Badass animated trailer" , posted Sun 6 Jul 21:52
Like Iggy said, the characters of Street Fighter are self-explanatory in their appearance. Everything there was to be said about them or about the story, happened in the games.
So, I don't get why this anime trailer that's done in a completely different style than the game gets you all hyped up. It's like some incredibly obvious and lame fan creation. Yes, Ryu and Gouki want to punch each other. And yes, Ken is there too. And wasn't this all said and done in the GAMES over ten years ago?
How about watching a 5 minute anime of Pac-Man eating dots and chasing ghosts to a glorious orchestrated rendition of the classic theme? Sounds pretty damn stupid, yeah.
My point is, that the "trailer" is worthless. How can you see any value in it? Yeah sure, it's "badass"...
But I'm a nicer guy than you think, so I will give you some COOL ADVICE! Go to the options/settings screen in a Street Fighter game, set the difficulty to ONE STAR and the rounds to ONE. This way you can watch the ENDING SCREENS without having to learn any special moves! GAME ON DUDES!
a·bel·o·gist - a person who argues in defense or justification of anything SFIV related.
iggy 8550th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(10):Badass animated trailer" , posted Mon 7 Jul 04:10
quote: Blanka is an open book, right?
The Hulk raised in the jungle. Savage². I guess the only important thing you can't understand immediately when you see him is that he also creates electricity. If the point of Cammy was to show a military girl that's just here to show as much skin as possible, then, yeah, she's a "good" and "effective" design.
quote: In that essence what was the purpose of the Alpha/Zero series?
Gee, I don't know... To suck? To have some of the worst designs of the whole SF series? Please don't ask me to defend a series I hate more than CFJ.
quote: Personally I love more plot to fighters, I fail to get excited for example at Namco's stupid titles like Soul Calibur or Tekken that throw us a quick 30 second CG ending that explains nothing about the characters or their motivations unless you can somehow translate a character's personality by them grinning at the end after shredding a punching bag with a sunset in the background or some other cliche ending Namco is known for.
I like how you say you like plots then throw away the two fighting games with the biggest storyline in the entire genre (in sheer volume and quality; humorous for Tekken, serious for Calibur). I'm actually fairly good at translating a character's personality through the huge pile of text compiled on official sites, guide books or manuals (or the games themselves, actually) explaining background, family relations, motivations and various likes and dislikes. It's not because you never read it (or because it never got translated in a language you understand) that it doesn't exist.
Iron D 2914th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Re(10):Badass animated trailer" , posted Mon 7 Jul 05:23:
quote: Like Iggy said, the characters of Street Fighter are self-explanatory in their appearance. Everything there was to be said about them or about the story, happened in the games.
So, I don't get why this anime trailer that's done in a completely different style than the game gets you all hyped up. It's like some incredibly obvious and lame fan creation. Yes, Ryu and Gouki want to punch each other. And yes, Ken is there too. And wasn't this all said and done in the GAMES over ten years ago?
Yes, and now it's in movie form. And it doesn't look bad to boot. It's just simple fun, and I'm sure it's something that can be skipped if it bothers you so freakin' much.
quote: How about watching a 5 minute anime of Pac-Man eating dots and chasing ghosts to a glorious orchestrated rendition of the classic theme? Sounds pretty damn stupid, yeah.
Honestly, if done right, this could be pretty entertaining.
quote: My point is, that the "trailer" is worthless. How can you see any value in it? Yeah sure, it's "badass"...
Forget being "badass"...it's simply a fun idea and fun to watch.
quote: But I'm a nicer guy than you think, so I will give you some COOL ADVICE! Go to the options/settings screen in a Street Fighter game, set the difficulty to ONE STAR and the rounds to ONE. This way you can watch the ENDING SCREENS without having to learn any special moves! GAME ON DUDES!
I'm not even sure what you're trying to get at here. Are you trying to imply that we don't actually care about playing the game based on a little praise that we gave for an animated trailer?
I like how you say you like plots then throw away the two fighting games with the biggest storyline in the entire genre (in sheer volume and quality; humorous for Tekken, serious for Calibur).
What? Volume and quality? I'm a huge fan of both Tekken and SC, but even I will admit that both Tekken and SC have some ridiculous and redundant stories.
Tekken is basically just ownership of the Mishima Zaibatsu constantly trading hands back and forth between the Mishimas while almost everyone else doesn't even really matter in the grand scheme of things.
SC can simply be boiled down to: everyone wants to get either Soul Edge, Soul Calibur or both.
[this message was edited by Iron D on Mon 7 Jul 05:30] |
Amakusa 769th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(2):Re(10):Badass animated trailer" , posted Mon 7 Jul 05:44
So, I don't get why this anime trailer that's done in a completely different style than the game gets you all hyped up. It's like some incredibly obvious and lame fan creation. Yes, Ryu and Gouki want to punch each other. And yes, Ken is there too. And wasn't this all said and done in the GAMES over ten years ago?
How about watching a 5 minute anime of Pac-Man eating dots and chasing ghosts to a glorious orchestrated rendition of the classic theme? Sounds pretty damn stupid, yeah.
My point is, that the "trailer" is worthless. How can you see any value in it? Yeah sure, it's "badass"...
There isn't a greater meaning. There isn't some kind of statement being made. There's no way anyone is going to derive any value from the movie other than to be entertained.
Yeah, you heard it right. It's meant to be entertaining-- which is something which you obviously forgot, or never realized in the first place.
Lastly, you underestimate just how popular Pac-Man is.
I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard. I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee. "Dink-a-dink-a-dink-a-do."
Iggy 8551th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Re(10):Badass animated trailer" , posted Mon 7 Jul 06:20
First, I want to point out I am talking about two different things here: first, how the best classical Capcom designs were self-explanatory and didn't need storylines (this includes the better characters from SF, Vampire, and several other games of this now distant era. Obviously, the games and characters with more specific designs and objectives, like Justice Gakuen or SNK games, work with a different objective).
Then, Namco:
quote: What? Volume and quality? I'm a huge fan of both Tekken and SC, but even I will admit that both Tekken and SC have some ridiculous and redundant stories.
Let's say "ridiculous" is the other guy's fun. Kuma's scenario is as fun, interesting and complicated as the whole Mishima's family, and the William sisters drama is one of the things I look forward to the most in Tekken6. We're talking entertainment here, and I'm deeply entertained by Law's problems with his insurance company. And as for SC, the absurd complexity of the social relationships inside Taki's village, all within characters that only started to appear in actual videogames more than 10 years after their first appearance in her scenario, was my "ridiculous".
Maese Spt 436th Post

Gold Customer
| "O_o" , posted Mon 7 Jul 12:13
The Cafe never ceases to amaze me.
Did you guys really like this trailer so much? I mean, I don’t mind it, nor do I think it “stains” the game experience or anything, but technically is average at best. I don’t see anything to be excited about. It’s just another lame, boring, poorly animated fighting sequence, similar to hundreds and hundreds of other animus, without any soul or distinctiveness. I can understand people being glad to see Gouken in action and all, but if this is your concept of “badassness”, then I don’t know what to say.
But don’t get me wrong: I am not discussing if it’s appropriate or not. Ugliness seems to be the main theme of SFIV, so I think the trailer suits the spirit of the game perfectly after all. Sadly, I am not being sarcastic.
And regarding Tekken and Soul Edge/Calibur storylines, well… you may find them ridiculous (heck, they ARE ridiculous!), but you can’t deny that those two games have possibly the most dense background of all fighters on the market. Back on 1994 when most, if not all, beat’em up main characters were the classic “I-strive-to-be-the-best-of-the-best” Ryu clones, Tekken’s protagonist was an evil bastard (Kazuya) arguably worst than the über-evil final boss himself. Same goes for Soul Edge: the main character (Siegfried) is a parricide schizo who loses his soul to the evil power everybody else is trying to supress. And pretty much every secondary character has a bizarre and unique background too.
Now we are used to the Mishimas domestic affairs and the whole thing may not seem so innovative, but if you look at it with some perspective, you can see how Namco created something “different” with those two franchises. If you don’t enjoy the results, that’s another problem. I, for one, enjoy both stories immensely.
Iron D 2914th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):O_o" , posted Mon 7 Jul 15:46
Did you guys really like this trailer so much? I mean, I don’t mind it, nor do I think it “stains” the game experience or anything, but technically is average at best. I don’t see anything to be excited about. It’s just another lame, boring, poorly animated fighting sequence, similar to hundreds and hundreds of other animus, without any soul or distinctiveness. I can understand people being glad to see Gouken in action and all, but if this is your concept of “badassness”, then I don’t know what to say.
Could you (or Count Hihihi for that matter) please point out where in this thread anyone was calling the anime short badass (with the exception of Onslaught's sarcastic remark), revolutionary or anything other than fun?
My whole point is that some folks here seem to be reacting to statements that were never even made. The short is a fun little addition that's nice to have. That's it. Nobody's absolutely orgazming over it.
quote: But don’t get me wrong: I am not discussing if it’s appropriate or not. Ugliness seems to be the main theme of SFIV, so I think the trailer suits the spirit of the game perfectly after all. Sadly, I am not being sarcastic.
To each their own, I guess. I think the game itself is beautiful, while the anime is...okay looking.
quote: And regarding Tekken and Soul Edge/Calibur storylines, well… you may find them ridiculous (heck, they ARE ridiculous!), but you can’t deny that those two games have possibly the most dense background of all fighters on the market. Back on 1994 when most, if not all, beat’em up main characters were the classic “I-strive-to-be-the-best-of-the-best” Ryu clones, Tekken’s protagonist was an evil bastard (Kazuya) arguably worst than the über-evil final boss himself.
I'm not sure what you mean by having a "dense" storyline, but I never said that I didn't like Tekken's story. In fact I love it and certainly do agree with your assessment on Kazuya, but there are definitely flaws. It even seems as though Namco is putting less and less effort into Tekken's story as the series progress. Basically everyone who was in T5 has the same story going into T6, and then there's the fact that some characters who used to have more relevance and have been reduced in importance (see: Paul)
Again, while enjoyable in it's absurdity, Tekken's storyline does basically boil down to the Mishima Zaibatsu constantly changing hands between the Mishimas, with just about every other character not having any real significance in the overall big picture.
quote: Same goes for Soul Edge: the main character (Siegfried) is a parricide schizo who loses his soul to the evil power everybody else is trying to supress. And pretty much every secondary character has a bizarre and unique background too.
Again, I love the story for the SC series, but it does just boil down to a big race for Soul Edge/Calibur with most character's storylines not really changing much from game to game. It seems like since Calibur 1, all of the returning characters have had the same story in every game since.
Oh, and I should add that Sigfried wasn't the main character of Soul Edge, Mitsurugi was. And Mitsurugi cerainly fits the "stereotypical fighting game main character" mold, although he's more likable than most.
Maese Spt 439th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(2):O_o" , posted Mon 7 Jul 16:20
I love to have enough free time at the office to partake on idle Internet arguments!
quote: Could you (or Count Hihihi for that matter) please point out where in this thread anyone was calling the anime short badass (with the exception of Onslaught's sarcastic remark), revolutionary or anything other than fun?
My whole point is that some folks here seem to be reacting to statements that were never even made. The short is a fun little addition that's nice to have. That's it. Nobody's absolutely orgazming over it.
I am tempted to perform a Messatsu quote here, here but I will restrain. Scroll up a little and, around the middle of the thread, Gekiganger V entitled his post “badass animated trailer”; from then half of the posters went “OMG, this is wonderful what’s not to love?”. The whole thread had "badass animated trailer" as a title for like two days.
But as said before, this is a matter of different tastes and standards, so there is not much we can discuss here. You have your vision and I have mine, that’s all. I’m glad you are enjoying what you see; I wish I could say the same. I really wish :(
And about the Namco hijack:
I do agree that Tekken and Soul Calibur’s storylines have gotten kind of lame lately (along with the games itselves, I guess). But they were pretty good at the beginning… well, as good as a fighting game storyline can get, huh. Actually, I already forgot why are we discussing this on the first place.
And yes, I also thought Mitsurugi was the main character of Soul Edge, until I read some time ago some stuff from Namco saying that Siegfried was the leading guy all along. Anyway, while I concur that Mitsurugi is somewhat archetypical, I wouldn’t exactly say he’s your regular Ryu clone, so to speak. But maybe it’s just me.
Iron D 2915th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):O_o" , posted Mon 7 Jul 18:29
I am tempted to perform a Messatsu quote here, here but I will restrain. Scroll up a little and, around the middle of the thread, Gekiganger V entitled his post “badass animated trailer”; from then half of the posters went “OMG, this is wonderful what’s not to love?”. The whole thread had "badass animated trailer" as a title for like two days.
*Smacks head* Dammit! This is what I get for a) never reading the message titles and b) only looking back through the thread as far back as just before this argument startted. You're right, some folks DID call it badass, and now I look like a fool.
I'll still say that I don't really think the trailer was badass still, but it was fun. And that seems to be the opinion of most of those that have bothered to comment on it at all.
And about the Namco hijack:
quote: I do agree that Tekken and Soul Calibur’s storylines have gotten kind of lame lately (along with the games itselves, I guess). But they were pretty good at the beginning… well, as good as a fighting game storyline can get, huh. Actually, I already forgot why are we discussing this on the first place.
... so did I.
quote: And yes, I also thought Mitsurugi was the main character of Soul Edge, until I read some time ago some stuff from Namco saying that Siegfried was the leading guy all along.
Hard to argue with official word from the creators, but at the very least this sounds like retconning, as there was nothing to signify Sigfried being a main characer in Soul Edge, and alot of things to signify Mitsu being the main character. I'm talking artwork, story, and general attention given to the character.
quote: Anyway, while I concur that Mitsurugi is somewhat archetypical, I wouldn’t exactly say he’s your regular Ryu clone, so to speak. But maybe it’s just me.
Well, I guess proving that the sword is mightier than the gun isn't really the same as "finding stronger opponents", but that seems to be what Mitsu's story has devolved to.
I guess this Namco tangent is kind of pointless since neither of us can even remember why or how it was brought up, so on my end of the conversation I'll just drop it.
Just a Person 1188th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Choose a character for home versions" , posted Tue 15 Jul 22:15
Yes, Capcom is conducting a poll to choose other returning characters for SFIV's PS3, X360 and PC versions.
Options include Cammy, Ibuki, Sakura, Dan, Fei Long, Dee Jay, Hugo and T.Hawk. I don't know how many of the most voted characters will be put into the SFIV home versions (but I hope it's more than one character).
It's worthy noting that Capcom has already made a similar poll before and Dudley won; yet, he's not in this poll. Could this mean he's already a SFIV exclusive for home consoles, or maybe people at Capcom just don't like him?
Anyway, I hope Cammy, Ibuki and Sakura end up as the most voted fighters. Come on, SFIV needs more women!!
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
GPA 44th Post
Rare Customer

| "Re(1):Choose a character for home versions" , posted Wed 16 Jul 01:11
Wait, why are Dan and Fei Long on that list? They've already publicized sketches of them for the game, and while I know thats completely different than actually announcing them, it would seem odd to show their dev art, talk about them (though, with out using their names because they might "not" be who they appear) in interviews and blogs and then turn around and not include them in the final version.
I sincerely hope Capcom USA isn't having this poll just to trump up hype when they already know full well who is going to make the cut and rig the poll in the end.... though that wouldn't surprise me at all either.
quote: Yes, Capcom is conducting a poll to choose other returning characters for SFIV's PS3, X360 and PC versions.
Options include Cammy, Ibuki, Sakura, Dan, Fei Long, Dee Jay, Hugo and T.Hawk. I don't know how many of the most voted characters will be put into the SFIV home versions (but I hope it's more than one character).
It's worthy noting that Capcom has already made a similar poll before and Dudley won; yet, he's not in this poll. Could this mean he's already a SFIV exclusive for home consoles, or maybe people at Capcom just don't like him?
Anyway, I hope Cammy, Ibuki and Sakura end up as the most voted fighters. Come on, SFIV needs more women!!