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Pollyanna 2502th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Random Thread : random X random" , posted Fri 9 May 07:01
quote: Is there anything dramatically different about Disgaea 3 that makes it work for you this time? Or was it more of a case of having all the usual parts put together in a way that worked for you?
Well, there were some little changes here and there that I appreciated. I don't want to give the impression that it was just like 1 and 2, but more than anything it was just that it came together nicely.
It was the writing more than anything. I liked the gameplay in 2 just fine, but the script was so embarrassingly bad, it was so NOT funny and the characters were so unlikable that it's like the game was begging me not to play it.
3 on the other hand is clever, funny, thematically sound, and despite having the usual Nippon-1 cheesiness, never becomes hopelessly sappy.
I think my only problem with the game is that the battle themes (excluding the Gundam parody one) all totally suck. Also, the Rosenqueen shop theme is unbearably annoying, especially because you have to frequently exit/enter the shops to change their inventory. I guess the game makes up for it with the home base song, though.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
EddyT 708th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(8):Random Thread : random X random" , posted Fri 9 May 21:23:
quote: Heh, beloved by who, I wonder? Stop right here. Kid Icarus is one of my favorite 8 bit games ever. There.
So, no fallen angels, no tattoos, no Factor 5, thank you. The western version is called KID Icarus, not New Wave Frat Boy Icarus.
I waited many years for a proper sequel. Judging from these conceptual sketches, I'm guessing there's a reason why this game hasn't taken off the ground yet.
I would hate to see the early conceptual sketches of Metroid, if it went through the same guys who did these prelims of Pit. Samus with body and nose piercings, with mohawk? Soundtrack by Slipknot? Metroids with glowsticks?
[this message was edited by EddyT on Fri 9 May 21:24] |
TreIII 106th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(2):Re(10):Random Thread : random X random" , posted Wed 14 May 00:05
quote: Platinum Games -remember them?- might be up to something with Sega.
...They are. ^_^
That's the (off-screen) trailer for the upcoming Wii game, "Mad World". It looks some what like a God Hand continuation, with perhaps "Violence Jack" being used as the source material, rather than HnK. Shigenori Nishikawa, a planner on RE4, will be the director behind this game.
The other (linked on that page) is Bayonetta. This one will be directed by Hideki Kamiya (RE2, DMC, Okami). With this game, Kamiya is poised to try and see if he may make DMC, his old creation, cry. This one will be PS360.
There's also the DS game, but unfortunately, no shots or whatever. Officially, there's still an embargo in effect until Friday (or tonight, if Famitsu gets a scoop, and it gets leaked).
Any way...blood n guts or whatever, these games look STYLISH, and that's what matters most. Go Platinum Games!
Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?
TreIII 108th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(6):Re(10):Random Thread : random X random" , posted Wed 14 May 09:40
quote: Thanks for the links!
I wonder how Mad World's visuals will ultimately help the overall game or bore the eyes in the long run.
I dunno...I think it looks unique. And like with Viewtiful Joe, MW's unique art style may do all the more to help it stand out.
That's one of the things that I think hurt GH the most - compared to other Clover-made games, it was relatively plain jane when it came to visual aesthetics (even though the gameplay rocked like no other).
That, in itself, is another reason why I'm hoping Mad World will be some semblance of a success, especially if it IS indeed a successor to God Hand. If Mad World does well, they can chalk it up to the gore, the film noir/Sin City-esque graphical style or whatever, but it will be inescapable to recognize that God Hand was onto something back in '06, but only those of us who played and loved it knew it back then and there. ^_^
quote: Bayonetta looks ridiculous and I wish it was socially acceptable to parade around in Magnum High heels (for males of course). Lets hope the actual design for the heroine isn't GENERIC HOT GIRL ( or even better, be actually a man!)
Well, ya never know. We might get another girl like Trish, Lady or Lucia, who while I think are some what attractive, aren't necessarily what I would consider "generic bombshell #35345", either.
My main hope, at this time? That maybe Sega might decide to give the game a PC port, as well. Sega, in a number of respects, has done more to support the PC than even Capcom has done, so it would be nice to see that trend continue, or, at least, for Bayonetta's sake. Besides, wouldn't Sega want something to contend with DMC4 PC's release...?
Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?
TreIII 109th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(2):Castlevania: Order of Ecclasia" , posted Thu 15 May 04:05
More on Mad World, courtesy of Gamespot:
quote: "...The developers said they aren't setting out to make a depraved or perversely violent game with Madworld, but rather a game focused on "fun," comical violence.
PlatinumGames said they felt the Wii was missing "such a game [as] Madworld," with many games on the platform being too similar to each other. A brief gameplay segment was shown at the announcement press conference in which the game's lead character, Jack, used a chainsaw--controlled with a flick of the Wii Remote--to slice up foes, and was able to perform finishing moves such as impaling them on a nearby spiked wall.
The game also features Bloodbath Challenge minigames. One demonstrated was called Man Darts, where the object was to splatter enemies onto a giant oversized dart board by swinging a baseball bat at the correct time."
Ah yeah, this is DEFINITELY going to be God Hand's successor. I needed this game in my life YESTERDAY.
Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?
TreIII 110th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(4):Castlevania: Order of Ecclasia" , posted Thu 15 May 12:14
quote: Er, how is it going to be God Hand's successor? At the moment I'm still not honestly sure what the game play is going to be like in Mad World. All I know so far is that there's a chainsaw and I can play a mini-game that sounds like it was yanked straight out of Incredible Hulk: Ulitmate Destruction. So far Mad World is reminding me more of other Clover productions where the visual style was decided upon first with the game itself seemingly built around it. Don't get me wrong, I quite like the Sin City comic book look but I can't get too excited about playing the game since I'm not exactly certain what it is I'm supposed to be playing.
Well, there are a few design aspects that point towards the notion of a God Hand upgrade of some sort.
1) Towards the end of the video (where our man, Jack, runs a sign post through a guy's skull), we get a glimpse of what seems to be Jack standing at ready, and then pivoting around so he can see the poor schmuck plunge into what seems to be a body of water.
What does this point to? To me, it showcases how the game is probably going to use an evolution of the God Hand style Tank Controls. The camera angle utilized was basically the same (only pulled back more, which should be beneficial), and like with God Hand, the camera focused on the main character, and pivoted with the character as he turned around. The overall interface, at least at this time, seems to give off the aura that they learned from GH, and wanted to showcase how they could make it better.
2) The emphasis on Special/Finishing Moves - The MadWorld promo's reliance on them is pretty much on the same level as what we saw when GH was being hyped up in the months leading to its release. Back in 06, we saw Gene, among other things, using various types of "Reel Moves" to demonstrate the game's own brand of comedic, over-the-top violence.
Looks like the same thing here with MW, only of course, the specials are a lot gorier and bloodier, but still retain that over-the-top campiness that's supposed to make you chuckle.
3) The character himself - The one thing that stands about Jack is that he's got an interesting apparatus for his right arm. Call it "reaching" if you will, but the fact that a powered-up right arm, is ONCE AGAIN the focal point of attention for another game, by basically the same guys behind the last game of this sort, is enough to make me draw conclusions that I think have a solid base.
Now, I'm not expecting a God Hand with blood and fresh coat of Sin City paint, and frankly, I don't want such a thing. As much as I loved that game, I'm hoping that, if MW is indeed an evolution of that style, that it will stand to be EVEN BETTER than before. Kind of like how Double Dragon started out as an evolution of Renegade (or Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun), and DD is 100 times more the game than Renegade ever was.
MW could stand to have that kind of thing, if the guys at Plat Games are up to the task.
Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?
Sensenic 1615th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(5):Castlevania: Order of Ecclasia" , posted Thu 15 May 18:05:
quote: (the only slighly innovative title in the franchise since SotN being PoR) and the situation's getting pretty boring...
I thought Aria/Dawn of Sorrow were very innovative and refreshing, everything from the music and stage atmosphere to the awesome Soul System. Portrait was fun too (at least, the 2 hours I got to play of it before my DS was stolen >_<), and I have faith in Iga and the CV team. There's also talk of connectivity between OoE and the other new title in the works, Castlevania: Judgement (probably for Wii).
Edit: Oops hit the "Post" button accidentally. Now for the actual reply >.<
Precisely Aria was innovative in the sense that at least it was "its own game", it didn't give the feeling of an attempted rehash. Graphically, there were no recycled sprites there, no visual show off or attempt of "SOTN but now in GBA!" like HoD was. This, with its unusual setting and plot and its new game system gave it a feeling of a genuine new game.
With Dawn I have to disagree because, even if it was one damn fine and beautiful game, they retook the Rondo sprite rehashing there, the plot was one silly excuse, after the good epilogue that Aria would have made (now I want a third chapter to close better the Soma saga u.u), and the gameplay system, while good, was exactly the same as Aria, so not much innovation here.
Now as for Order, at least one innovative part it's apparently quite certain that won't be there. Again, Rondo/SOTN sprites (one more to the collection, apparently from what people say: the forest background from the beginning of SOTN). And probably DoS and PoR too... Hopefully the gameplay system will be different like in PoR, yes, I enjoyed the dual protagonist system pretty much, and we don't know anything about the story and setting (well, it will be a castle, I guess that much we can bet ^_^U) but I'm starting to get tired of seeing the same base monsters again and again and the only really different thing between games being the new gameplay gimmick (apparently called "Grief" this time) and boss battles.
Guess I was expecting some "third time's the charm" innovation like Aria was. Go me. ^_^U
PS: I'm writing this while at work and half sleepy, so sorry if it makes even less sense than usual. ^_^U
PPS: BTW, I understand your feelings, partner. My DS was stolen too, PoR, Zelda, HoD and New Mario Bros with it. ;_;
 "Farpaitement!" -Obelix-
[this message was edited by Sensenic on Thu 15 May 18:26] |
emagius 0th Post

New Customer
| "Re(6):Castlevania: Order of Ecclasia" , posted Thu 15 May 21:52
quote: Precisely Aria was innovative in the sense that at least it was "its own game", it didn't give the feeling of an attempted rehash. Graphically, there were no recycled sprites there, no visual show off or attempt of "SOTN but now in GBA!" like HoD was. This, with its unusual setting and plot and its new game system gave it a feeling of a genuine new game.
Well, how about Circle of the Moon, then? Not only was it the least rehashy of the post SotN games, but it also played like a fusion of old-school Castlevania platforming and new-school Castlevania Metroid-ing/leveling/equipping. The plot wasn't anything to write home about, but the gameplay and boss designs stand head and shoulders above that of the other post-SotN titles (and the castle layout is much better than that in AoS and HoD, as well).
chazumaru 534th Post

New Red Carpet Member

| "the new james bond has a castlevania title" , posted Fri 16 May 00:43
quote: As much as I would like you to be right, the game doesn't seem GH-ish to me. Maybe more like a Bio Hazard 4 at close range ? I don't know what to think of it yet, except I will buy it and its developer's name still sucks.
IGN has an insignificant preview, but it includes a nice anecdote:
quote: The room is packed full of journalists, all of them cheering, as Inaba introduces the project lead. "Nishikawa has worked on Dino Crisis 2, Resident Evil remake and Resident Evil 4," he says and pauses. "Sorry. I forgot Dino Crisis 3. But I think he would like to forget that one, too." Nishikawa takes the stage, everybody laughing, and adds, "I wish I could forget Dino Crisis 3."
Well, I wish I could stop forgetting that I was supposed to be playing Dino Crisis 3 right now, but instead stupidly spend my free time on better games (namely Kamiwaza and Tori no Hoshi).
TreIII 112th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(6):Castlevania: Order of Ecclasia" , posted Fri 16 May 00:57:
quote: As much as I would like you to be right, the game doesn't seem GH-ish to me. Maybe more like a Bio Hazard 4 at close range ? I don't know what to think of it yet, except I will buy it and its developer's name still sucks.
Again, until I see more proof to the contrary, it looks, to me, as being as much in the way of an evolution to GH, as Kamiya's own Bayonetta looks to be the "next logical step" to his old baby, Devil May Cry.
Reading this IGN preview, it only gives me more "fuel" to my speculation.
An excerpt:
...Nishikawa adds a little more. "The game is not just about killing people. We're looking to create the most interesting and unique gameplay experience that we can. One of the key elements in the game is an entity called the Death Watch and within that context, we're trying to create the most interesting rule structure so while you're going around beating the hell out of people, you're also fitting in with the game world itself." He can't just bring up this 'Death Watch' and leave it at that. We press him for more on the subject and he pauses for a half minute as he tries to explain it. "It's difficult for me to explain without going into a lot of depth about the game itself. But a very simple analogy is to compare Death Watch to a baseball game and the key player is Jack, and the actions that he makes fall within the realm of this sport activity. So there are people watching and there's a scoring system involved." We ask, like the movie Running Man? "Something similar to that, yes."
- read the entire thing here: http://wii.ign.com/articles/874/874210p1.html
Now, to me at least, the "Death Watch" thing, with it being set up as a sort of ruleset to govern how you will play the game, sounds like it could be set up as a natural progression for the "Level Up/Down" and "Random Demon Encounters" systems in GH.
Call me "reaching", if you will, but I think it's just a simple manner of how these guys at PlatGames are doing more to adhere to the overall design philosophies that they know worked over the years.
That's why, again, until I get more evidence to the contrary, I'm personally believing that MadWorld is a God Hand evolution of some sort, and Nishikawa is just doing more to continue what his boss Mikami started with that aforementioned series, and adding his own twists.
Oh, and here are some pics:
http://media.insidegamer.nl/screenshots/public/12759/120227.jpg http://media.insidegamer.nl/screenshots/public/12759/120228.jpg http://media.insidegamer.nl/screenshots/public/12759/120229.jpg http://media.insidegamer.nl/screenshots/public/12759/120230.jpg http://media.insidegamer.nl/screenshots/public/12759/120231.jpg
Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?
[this message was edited by TreIII on Fri 16 May 01:22] |
Time Mage 2670th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):Castlevania: Order of Ecclasia" , posted Fri 16 May 01:45
quote: Well, how about Circle of the Moon, then? Not only was it the least rehashy of the post SotN games, but it also played like a fusion of old-school Castlevania platforming and new-school Castlevania Metroid-ing/leveling/equipping. The plot wasn't anything to write home about, but the gameplay and boss designs stand head and shoulders above that of the other post-SotN titles (and the castle layout is much better than that in AoS and HoD, as well).
Ah, good to see some CoTM love. Sure, it was dark and didn't have the best graphics or animation, but the gameplay was excellent, and the closest to the classic games. I beat it 5 times, one for every extra mode you unlocked. It was great the 5 times.
Regarding Mad World, I'm in the same boat as Iggy. Right now, I don't know if I'm liking that extreme violence (even if it's stylish), but I can't help but think that it will be an awesome game, given the precedents.
"News flash big guy: You can wax on wax off all you want I'm still... KICKIN' YOUR ASS!"
TreIII 112th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(9) Platinum Games info" , posted Fri 16 May 02:21
Official site for all the PR related stuff.
Somethings that I found interesting:
[quote=Inaba]MADWORLD, our unique title for the Wii, challenges the market to a fight outside the ring. But just as in pro-wrestling, it's all part of the show. It's all in the name of fun in my eyes. However, I'm not sure if the festivities will see Japanese release.
Looks like the censorship is already starting to be a worry. If Japan won't bite, can't say I see Europe, Australia or a number of other places doing likewise.
Also, there's a lil blurb by Mikami as well.
[quote=Mikami]Our partnership with SEGA has yielded the unveiling of three original titles; unfortunately, my title isn't quite ready to be revealed to the world yet. We've only been working for two months, and to me, showing something incomplete is an affront to our players.
What my team lacks in numbers, we make up for in the sheer amount of fun we are having now. With these great creators, I'm sure we will have something to show you soon that will make you stand up and take notice.
I know that having nothing to show was not what everyone wanted to hear, so for now, I must be begging your pardon.
You're forgiven Mikami. XD
Any way, most people are thinking that the Mikami game will probably end up being a Wii title, given by how small his team seems to be. But we shall see...
Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?
Maou 1432th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(2):Re(10):Re(9) Platinum Games info" , posted Fri 16 May 08:16
Wow, Circle of the Moon love! Personally, I loved how hard it was, but hated most everything else about it (aside from Proof of Blood and Awake, which are amazing musical additions). It seems to entirely miss the point of the new Metroid-style that had been added to the Dracula series. Like, the point is that when you get a new item/skill like double jump etc., there should be MANY new directions you can roam freely. In Circle, each new skill is needed so that you can can go to exactly ONE new area you couldn't reach, and god help you if you forgot where that place was, because there ain't no alternative routes in this damn castle.
Sensenic 1616th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Random Thread : random X" , posted Fri 16 May 18:39:
Well, how about Circle of the Moon, then? Not only was it the least rehashy of the post SotN games, but it also played like a fusion of old-school Castlevania platforming and new-school Castlevania Metroid-ing/leveling/equipping. The plot wasn't anything to write home about, but the gameplay and boss designs stand head and shoulders above that of the other post-SotN titles (and the castle layout is much better than that in AoS and HoD, as well).
Yes, I'll admit that Circle was different too... But definitely not my cup of tea. Too hard for clumsy ol' me, too random item acquiring for completist ol' me, uncomfortable control (maybe I should try that gameshark code ^_^;) and the oh so ugly and repetitive castle areas. Even if it's only an aesthetic factor I really like my backgrounds to be varied, detailed and make (even if just a little) sense for them to be in a castle, like Aria and Dawn's castles. Specially Aria, with its dorms, its ballroom, its cellars, its floating gardens of... eh, well that one was quite silly ^_^U, instead of those "tall stairway of lengthness", "long hallway of emptiness", etc. from CoM. Hated it so much when I found out they brought back that blandness to PoR's castle, specially its central part... u.u
And I don't remember the boss battles to be so memorable (got only up to the battle vs the rival guy, whose name I forgot), except perhaps Adramelech... But anyway, I enjoy Boss battles in all the new CV, I don't think that's a bland point of any of them... bar HoD of course. All those Bigger, Badder versions of normal enemies just to show off... ugh.
It's also true, though, that perhaps right now I'd rather see them trying something different that I might end up disliking (or not enjoying as much), such as CoM... But (apparently so far) it seems they won't.
quote: Wow, Circle of the Moon love! Personally, I loved how hard it was, but hated most everything else about it (aside from Proof of Blood and Awake, which are amazing musical additions). It seems to entirely miss the point of the new Metroid-style that had been added to the Dracula series. Like, the point is that when you get a new item/skill like double jump etc., there should be MANY new directions you can roam freely. In Circle, each new skill is needed so that you can can go to exactly ONE new area you couldn't reach, and god help you if you forgot where that place was, because there ain't no alternative routes in this damn castle.
Well, HoD and PoR are quite open to exploration, specially HoD, but both Aria and Dawn are actually quite New Power -> New Area linear too, IIRC.
EDIT: Ohohoho, so now this sounds better.
Level Based! Although the levels are free to explore, so it's like PoR but all "paintings", no central castle hub. Let us hope there's not much recycling out there.... The new glyph gimmick sounds interesting too, but that was to be expected. Two hands from SotN return, all attacks spend MP, pushing both buttons = "item crush".
 "Farpaitement!" -Obelix-
[this message was edited by Sensenic on Fri 16 May 19:38] |
Pollyanna 2503th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Castlevania: Order of Ecclasia" , posted Fri 16 May 20:58
On Castlevania They got a new artist. That's enough for me. I'll play Castlevania rather it's very good or not.
Really, I just hope they can manage all their options/difficulty a little better. I've had a very unbalanced experience with the past few games where I would get a very strong item/spell early (by chance), then not get anything worth replacing it with until the game was nearly over. Also, since you can do things in different order, the game would sometimes be decently challenging, then be so easy it's stupid only moments later.
Options and freedom are fine, but balance and good level design trump everything in my book. I don't want a completionists game, I want a game that feels like an accomplishment when you complete it. (but that's just me)
On Mad World
While I see a potential God Hand connection, I think you could argue against it as well as you could argue for it. It's just too early to say.
In my business, everyone lies and everyone slathers you with fake promises, so I've learned not to get my hopes up too easily.
Oh...hey! Now Sega can put out some good games, huh?
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
Time Mage 2671th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Castlevania: Order of Ecclasia" , posted Fri 16 May 21:37
quote: On Castlevania They got a new artist. That's enough for me. I'll play Castlevania rather it's very good or not.
Really, I just hope they can manage all their options/difficulty a little better. I've had a very unbalanced experience with the past few games where I would get a very strong item/spell early (by chance), then not get anything worth replacing it with until the game was nearly over. Also, since you can do things in different order, the game would sometimes be decently challenging, then be so easy it's stupid only moments later.
Options and freedom are fine, but balance and good level design trump everything in my book. I don't want a completionists game, I want a game that feels like an accomplishment when you complete it. (but that's just me)
Yeah, I completely agree. I mean, I'll enjoy the game even if it's not challenging enough (or the challenge is poorly balanced, as you said), but putting some effort in making the most useful items/spells/whatever appear later shouldn't be too difficult. Getting something quite good for the part you're in is OK, as long as said item/spell/whatever is not nearly the best one for the entire game, or a ridiculously long part.
"News flash big guy: You can wax on wax off all you want I'm still... KICKIN' YOUR ASS!"
Sensenic 1616th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(3):Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia" , posted Fri 16 May 22:34
quote: On Castlevania They got a new artist. That's enough for me. I'll play Castlevania rather it's very good or not.
Really, I just hope they can manage all their options/difficulty a little better. I've had a very unbalanced experience with the past few games where I would get a very strong item/spell early (by chance), then not get anything worth replacing it with until the game was nearly over. Also, since you can do things in different order, the game would sometimes be decently challenging, then be so easy it's stupid only moments later.
Options and freedom are fine, but balance and good level design trump everything in my book. I don't want a completionists game, I want a game that feels like an accomplishment when you complete it. (but that's just me)
Yeah, I completely agree. I mean, I'll enjoy the game even if it's not challenging enough (or the challenge is poorly balanced, as you said), but putting some effort in making the most useful items/spells/whatever appear later shouldn't be too difficult. Getting something quite good for the part you're in is OK, as long as said item/spell/whatever is not nearly the best one for the entire game, or a ridiculously long part.
Did this happen with the last 2 DS games? I'm not quite sure but I don't remember obtaining some ability early and spamming the hell out of it... And I'm of the grinder kind. I think balance was quite well done on the last 2 games (even if still being easy overall, like all metroidvanias sans CotM).
As for the art, Website open, with one beautiful peace. Ain't she the Shiki looking one? The artist sounds familiar... Is it one of the guys behind Portrait's "omake" artworks, maybe?
 "Farpaitement!" -Obelix-
Grave 1060th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(6):Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia" , posted Sat 17 May 15:21:
quote: I was immediately smitten by the Bayonetta design. I rub it! I really like how she recalls Guanyin, the Bodhisattva of Compassion also known as Kannon in Japanese (where she is revered by Buddhists and Shintoists alike). I think her design is very cleverly and appealingly implemented.
Please take a look here for a more detailed comparison.
That wouldn't be innapropriate as the Guanyin was originally a muscular mustachioed man, but when the concept spread from India to China, Guanyin was changed to fit Chinese preferences, becoming a beautiful young woman.
This surely caused a big stir among early nerds who flooded public forums with scrolls complaining that East Asian character designs were too feminine.
I am kind of amazed by this analysis, I'm not gonna lie! If this was all really intentional, the design seems a whole lot more interesting to me. But I'm totally psyched about anything Platinum does no matter what because God Hand is the best ever. I want to kiss all of them on the mouth.
quote: Yes, it happened quite badly in the last two games. Not quite as bad as the ice shield (or something of the sort) sliding sliding sliding sliding in Harmony of Dissonance, though.
What was spammable in PoR? Not that I'm saying I don't believe you, I'm just curious. As much as I enjoyed the game, nothing stuck out in my mind quite as much as the earlier games in that formula.
[this message was edited by Grave on Sat 17 May 15:23] |
Time Mage 2672th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia" , posted Sat 17 May 15:42
quote: What was spammable in PoR? Not that I'm saying I don't believe you, I'm just curious. As much as I enjoyed the game, nothing stuck out in my mind quite as much as the earlier games in that formula.
On the top of my head, the Vampire Killer's special attack (  Y) basically destroys everything. Sure, you don't get it early, but once you do, it's basically the best.
Also level 1 hard mode would be much more difficult if you didn't have that armor that makes all hits take only 1/10th of your HP. That way you have 10 "lives" until the very end, despite your level.
I find PoR pretty decent balance-wise, though. And it has the best final boss of the Metroidvanias, in my opinion. It's an original and well thought concept, plus is cool as hell.
quote: What did you guys think of the difficulty level of the Alucard/Julius/Yoko mode from DoS? I usually don't bother with secondary modes but I really enjoyed this one in part because I had a much harder time then I did with Soma (Death vs Julius being a particular pain for me..).
Not only the premise was great (and the final battle awesome), but yes, the challenge was greater, too. Despite being also able to level grind, I actually ended up underleveled in comparison to Soma, just because there wasn't anything to collect, so it was just a trip from boss to boss. And yes, Death was really difficult. I think I died at least 20 times before I beat it.
"News flash big guy: You can wax on wax off all you want I'm still... KICKIN' YOUR ASS!"
TreIII 114th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(8):Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia" , posted Sun 18 May 08:09
quote: On the top of my head, the Vampire Killer's special attack (  Y) basically destroys everything. Sure, you don't get it early, but once you do, it's basically the best.
There's also the 1000 Blades Dual Crash as well. You do get THAT pretty early, but the fact that it's non elemental, doesn't cost a lot of energy to use and does a lot of hits, makes it something that's pretty much useful in every situation, even on Lvl 1 Hard challenges.
Any way, I also have to agree with Julius Mode in DoS being something awesome. Frankly, I really wish that they would, for a nice change of pace, actually build a full game around that type of gameplay dynamic, because it just seemed "just right" for the kind of challenge that a lot of us desire.
Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?
Pollyanna 2505th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Random Thread : random X" , posted Sun 18 May 19:54
Forgive me if this is incoherent. It's late and I've been "partying" all day.
I don't remember which spell I used a lot in PoR, because I didn't spend much time with the game. I mean, I won it very quickly and didn't pick it up again, so my memory is spotty. I want to say it was...some projectile? Ice? Swords? Something?
I know I got an axe very early in the game that I was able to upgrade to its highest "evolution" almost equally early.
Still, the game fared a bit better than the others for me, if only for the boss fights. I recall actually needing to recognize their patterns, rather than just spamming some attack over and over.
In regards to Julius Mode, it was fantastic. Of course, I go into extra modes expecting a novel, but butchered experience with spotty, often frustrating difficulty...so Julius Mode far exceeded my expectations. It felt more intentional and less tacked-on. It also felt less "empty" than the extra modes tend to after the main game.
青春謳歌 弱肉強食
nobinobita 342th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(2):moar random X / Tatsunoko vs Capcom" , posted Thu 22 May 02:06
quote: Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Cross Generation of Heroes
I... never mind, no comment.
Holy Moses, what is Capcom developing.
It'd be interesting if the game ends up making more income than SF4.
This looks sweet! This is potentially as exciting as the Capcom Marvel games to me! If anything it could be an even better match, since Tatsunoko had a big focus on Sentai type shows, but in animation. I can't wait to see what Capcom does with Yattaman, Gatchaman and Tekkaman.
And maybe if I wish hard enough, they'll even throw in some Mospeada (Robotech generation 3) Samurai Pizza Cats and Super Book!
Also, I wonder if any Production IG properties will make it in there, since they are an offshoot of Tatsunoko. Maybe we'll see some Karas?
Anyway, I'm crossing my fingers that this will be good (and in 2d, to maintain the visual appeal of both Capcom and Tatsunoko Productions)
TreIII 116th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(3):Re(10):moar random X / Tatsunoko vs Cap" , posted Thu 22 May 03:22
Personally, I don't see much of the problem in this. The presentation, as of right now, looks damn good, and certainly beats the pants off of SF4 (which tries to have a game in the same style of 3D models in a 2D setting).
To me, it's all about how the game plays, and just how much more appealing it stands to be. Thus, I think this game is probably going to do well, or at least in Japan, where it probably will be the only place it can be released.
I love the Tatsunoko love-fest that this game represents, but let's face it; their presence makes it so that this game is in the same boat as mainstream SRWs when it comes to "what chance does this game have of being released in America?" ^_^;
Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?
nobinobita 345th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(3):Re(10):moar random X / Tatsunoko vs Cap" , posted Thu 22 May 04:14
quote: It's 3D
not that I'd be surprised, but the characters sure don't *look* 3D, and I don't see any mention of it on the page...
Looks 3d to me. The poses are kinda squarish, lots of 90 degree angles.
Some of the contours have a stiff 3d model feel to them.
There's no indication of ripples and folds in the cloth (though it's hard to say at this size).
Chunlis special attack has no blurring or squashing and stretching as it normally would have on her legs, instead it's an overlay of a 3d slash graphic.
Also, this pose is very particularly 3d. The guile pic there isn't the best, but if you watch a vid of SF4 or any other 3d game, you'll often see the characters react like that doubling over. It happens in 2d fighters as well, but less frequently, and the drawings have a different feel. It's hard to explain.
There's just something about the posing, and especially the way the ankes and wrists look that stand out as 3d to me right now.
I would love to be wrong though.
Also, thanks to Zepy for that clean scan!
Spoon 1581th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(10):Re(10):moar random X / Tatsunoko vs Ca" , posted Thu 22 May 08:17:
Of course, the whole project will surely collapse under the weight of its awesomeness and end up bad, ugly and buggy, but it has 6 more month to deteriorate. Until then, I'm happy.
So when sengoku basara characters get put into it, which game will be worse in the better way: this or SBX?
I'm hoping that characters like Gatchaman will come with a full array of moves involving all his teammates or characters from the series that aren't playable characters. That way when you pick a team of 3 (or is it 2?) against your opponent's team, even though it's supposed to be 2v2 or 3v3, it ends up looking something like 9v9 from all the different characters that can appear.
If the game loads up on familiar Capcom faces like Megaman, I hope that they take that approach and make like 5 Megamen: classic, X, battle network, ZX, and Legends each with their own band of helpers from their own series.
Of course, it probably won't be that awesome and it'll probably have gameplay that will make HnK look completely beginner friendly and balanced. But I will still hope!
[this message was edited by Spoon on Thu 22 May 08:18] |
TreIII 117th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):moar random X / Tatsunoko" , posted Thu 22 May 09:13
quote: I'm hoping that characters like Gatchaman will come with a full array of moves involving all his teammates or characters from the series that aren't playable characters. That way when you pick a team of 3 (or is it 2?)
2, actually. I can do without the 3 v 3 MvC2 style, personally.
quote: If the game loads up on familiar Capcom faces like Megaman, I hope that they take that approach and make like 5 Megamen: classic, X, battle network, ZX, and Legends each with their own band of helpers from their own series.
Hmm...I'm one of the biggest Rockman fans around, but even I think that might be too much for one game.
I mean, c'mon, this is Capcom, we're probably going to get a few clones as it is (I could see Tekkaman Blade and Evil being as different from each other as Ryu and Gouki), let's not give them MORE fodder to work with.
quote: Of course, it probably won't be that awesome and it'll probably have gameplay that will make HnK look completely beginner friendly and balanced. But I will still hope!
We'll see...while I'm willing to bet that this is a budget project meant to capitalize on childhood wank fantasies of some sort, they have to at least retain HnK-level silliness to stay viable, otherwise the Japanese will just pan this game.
After all, the way I'm seeing it, between BASARA and this game, Capcom wanted to basically give Japan gamers a reason to play their arcade games. Because they certainly aren't enthused with SF4...
Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?
Spoon 1581th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):moar random X / Tatsunoko" , posted Thu 22 May 10:24
quote: Hmm...I'm one of the biggest Rockman fans around, but even I think that might be too much for one game.
I mean, c'mon, this is Capcom, we're probably going to get a few clones as it is (I could see Tekkaman Blade and Evil being as different from each other as Ryu and Gouki), let's not give them MORE fodder to work with.
I guess my thinking is that since I'm expecting tons of things from the same series/character, it'd be nice if they made an effort to really differentiate each of the entrants arising from the same thing, like Megaman...and how that could actually be pretty cool.
Though getting 5 really different Megaman variants would be... impressive, at least. I'm not expecting THAT many, to be honest.
The presence of a Megaman Legends/Tron Bonne reference in one of the backgrounds gives me hope for something good, though!
EddyT 726th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(6):Re: Direct Feed CvT" , posted Fri 23 May 12:52:
quote: Horrible game/loketest YOU CAN'T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS MISTER
... because why would you hold a cake and just stare at it? It doesn't make sense...
Heh, but I dunno, I forgot what the point of this game was. What I've seen was just old 2D gameplay with 3D models and the same old guys. Bleh. The tired old SF2 cast would've been barely okay if they were going for something besides the familiar 2D gameplay, since I thought from the first shots that it was going to play 2.5/3D at least. Hmm!
The gameplay at least is much better... and it does have additional characters from the original SF2 cast. I can see why people don't think the game will be that great, but really... it was said all along that this game was a game that would cater more to people who loved SF2 many years ago, but haven't played since... more than anything else. So far, it's as advertised.
It really is fun to play, and a lot of things compliment the game nicely. Of course, it was to be expected that there'd be huge expectations for a sequel to a great series released 8-9 years later (see Indy Jones). It's flatout near impossible to satisfy everyone in that aspect.
Therefore, it's my job to tell you that this game truly sucks and you're better off watching the entire collection of Darkstalkers: The Animated Series on DVD to make better use of your time.
Here is how the general reaction will be towards SFIV:
People who haven't played SFII since 12 years ago: Cool! SF in 3D!
People who still play SF games competitvely: Wow, this game is fun! I like Saving Attack!
People who have played SF casually, or have heard of SF but rarely played it: Dude, what's the point? It's the same old crap, but in 3D.
People who see Rufus for the first time: ...................
Just an honest assessment. Game sucks. Returning it tomorrow.
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - I'll be in Osaka in 3 hours. I'll post my notes on srk.com when the arcade closes
End of Spoiler
[this message was edited by EddyT on Fri 23 May 12:59] |
Just a Person 1157th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(2):Re(10):Re: Direct Feed CvT" , posted Fri 23 May 21:16
quote: Irony What I was saying is that the game wasn't that much intresting for me, but Eddy is give a really worst image of it.
I you read carefully the SFIV thread you will discover that Eddy likes this game so much. He was joking here.
But I have to say, seeing again the entire SFII cast with no updates (look/costumes and moveset) it's a pity. And a bit sad.
Yes, that's quite underwhelming...
However, one of SFIV webpages has been updated. I don't understand a word in Japanese, but there is a picture with the faces of the characters... and some unknown faces until now!
Reading Shoryuken's forums, it looks like the last face is actually from a guy eating ramen at the China stage, but I don't remember seeing the other ones in any stage, so they might be new fighters, after all...
I can be any person in the world... maybe I'm this person right in front of you... maybe I'm not.
Maese Spt 415th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(9):Re(10):moar random X / Tatsunoko vs Cap" , posted Fri 23 May 23:46
quote: I wish more games were drawn. Even if they're not traditionally animated, the 2.5D of Odin Sphere works very well because it still maintains the appeal of the drawing itself.
This is what fighting games should look like!
That technique would have been incredible with Ikeno's paintings.
Count me in as well!!! Substituting the bouncing lolis for some other actually interesting desingns, I mean (笑).
Capcom lost a great oportunity with SF IV, but there is hoping for that Vs. Tatsunoko thing.
I do remember an interview with the now infamous Ken Kutaragi, back in early/middle 90s, where he predicted the "games of the future" to become more and more similar to an anime show, visually speaking... and seeing these last Capcom developments, one can not help but thinking that we are slowly reaching that scenario. I, for one, would be most delighted if such a prophecy becomes true... I'm a cel shading whore.
NARUTO 3645th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Re(10):Re: Direct Feed CvT" , posted Sat 24 May 03:54
quote: Seriously NARUTO! Where you been?! Reno got me hyped for SF4 after earlier loketests, but it's EddyT's posts here that really sold me on the game. Like I've said before, it's not the direction I was hoping for, and I sure as hell hope they give us a little more in terms of the roster, but... most of all, I really really really wanna get my hands on it. Also how freaking amazing the four bosses look kind of cancels out a lot of my dislike for the other models in the game!
I forgot what my point was!
Well it's your right to like it, IMO it's utter trash... Disgusting(IMO) Cell-shad design, 2.5 sucks...it's areall 2D like SNKP is trying to do what I expected. No originality at all same boring SF2 cast, no SF 3 characters, 16 characters when VF5 has 19, TK6 more that 35, even KOF MI did have abetter cast. Same old moves, same old characters design, color edit and no 2P costumes for a 3D game... There sooo Much reason to hate it, but no... There SF4 writing on it so even the wort game will sell.
Peoples didn't even look seriously to the game itself anymore.
But then again it's your right to like it... I like the Bouncer and it's not know for being a marvelous game.
 Fortes fortuna juvat...
EddyT 730th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(5):Re(10):Re: Direct Feed CvT" , posted Sat 24 May 08:47:
Cheer up little buckaroos...
At least we have something new from SF with both this game and the crossover game. Many people thought SF was pretty much gone for good, like Vampire/Darkstalkers currently is.
We were starving for fighters for a while, but now we have a renaissance for the next calendar year. I think people should be very happy about that in general.
It's unfortunate that many people already dismiss this game as a concept that should have never left the drawing board. While I agree that it's possible that IV could have taken another route and could have been much better than it is, it still plays pretty solid and still can be a lot of fun to play if you put aside the differences with art direction, story and other things of that nature.
But alas, people will find reasons to hate... no matter what. I've been guilty of that before, especially with my previous hatred of SFIV before I tried it for myself.
It may not look like it from screen shots, but you can tell the guys at Capcom have been working hard to make this game good. They have been listening to a lot of our input from the loketests and we have seen many appropriate changes. It's hard to please everyone, though...
If you made up your mind, it's cool. I'll still play it regularly, and it's not because I feel sorry for the series. It's because it's actually really fun to play. That's more important to me than 2D sprites, storyline, etc.
PS: Yes, if you couldn't tell before, I was kidding about hating SFIV. Why the hell would I come out to Osaka 3 times (so far), paying 10,000 yen for train fare plus 6,000 yen to sleep in an Internet cafe for a weekend just to play a game?
[this message was edited by EddyT on Sat 24 May 08:51] |
Nekros 33th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(8):Re(10):Re: Direct Feed CvT" , posted Sun 25 May 06:54
quote: Many people thought SF was pretty much gone for good, like Vampire/Darkstalkers currently is. Speaking of which, I was wondering which Vampire character they were going to pick for Tatsunoko, the game being 3D and all... I'm afraid we'll be stuck with Morrigan, and maybe Dimitri if they care to add the midnight blisses, but even they could be tricky to portray correctly in 3D. I think this is the part of the game I'm the most worried about.
On the contrary, I think you should be rather confident in Anakaris, given that it might be the easiest character to turn into polygons.
Anakaris is an easy choice in terms of chara-design. But his moves have a lot of effects and morphing, I wonder how the "transformations" of limbs would be in 3D. Personally, I think a Vannillawar-esque touch to Darsktalkers is the only way to bring the series to the next level in the polisher way.
BTW: do you use "polisher" in English? As the superlative for polish... I' rusted T_T
exodus 4111th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(9):Re: Direct Feed CvT" , posted Sun 25 May 07:36
quote: wait...how is that the most logical?
Logical because of Funamizu, of course. I said logical, not feasible. As in: it would have been logical to use Platinum Games for the port of Okami on Wii, but it obviously wasn't feasible.
Why would Capcom be pissed at Funamizu? It seems they never held a grudge against Fujiwara, for instance.
hah - alright. Well, I didn't ignore Crafts & Meister without purpose - I was choosing the likely and possible companies, sooooooooo yep.
I don't think Capcom would be pissed - more like it's not the type of company to reincorporate its old employees - opposite of Square, which just re-employs every new company started by ex-employees (Jupiter, Think & Feel, Brownie Brown, etc).
I love what my friend Christian said about Brownie Brown...they're really living up to their name!
TreIII 126th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(8):Re: Direct Feed CvT" , posted Mon 26 May 05:41
quote: I chose four companies capcom's worked with recently - and thus far, capcom hasn't worked with any of the companies made by people who have left, at least not publicly.
Well, there is ARIKA (Street Fighter EX, that Rockman EXE game for GC), who was founded by one of the guys who gave us Street Fighter in the first place, and yet left the company soon after the SF2-exploitation.
So, unless Funaimizu & the rest of C&M pretty much burned their bridges as soon as they left the company, I don't think it's entirely implausible to suggest C&M. Hell, the fact that they would have the most experience in crafting this type of game (and working with the System 256, no less) would probably do more to give Capcom incentive to just collaborate with them again.
Besides, in the end, it would be more of a thing that Capcom gets a good game from a team that they can largely put their trust in, while C&M would do more to help build up their portfoilio. Everyone wins, if this game delivers and sells well!
Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?