It's 4:08am....... - Forums

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"It's 4:08am......." , posted Tue 29 Apr 20:10post reply

..... and I've just finished my first run of Romancing SaGa.

Triple Dragon + Reverse Delta is an awfully cool-looking combo.


531th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"ORLY?" , posted Wed 30 Apr 07:09post reply

It's 1:08 A.M. in the time zone I am in.

Do you know where your children are?

..... and I've just finished my first run of Romancing SaGa.

Triple Dragon + Reverse Delta is an awfully cool-looking combo.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

696th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Ya RLY" , posted Wed 30 Apr 07:14post reply

It's 7:10 AM in my time zone, and I just woke up.

And I am unaware that I have children... my sleepwalking habits may have gotten me in trouble again...

637th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"THREAD HIGHJACK" , posted Wed 30 Apr 07:38:post reply


I bought unlimited saga for PS2 for 7 US DOLLARS! My first experience with any SaGa game was SaGa Frontier ( which I loved, along with Romancing Saga Minstrel song). Does anyone care to elaborate the horrors I will face while playing this game?

いつまでも残酷に腐るまで I LOVE YOU
何処までも卑猥に腐るまで I LOVE YOU

[this message was edited by Evenor on Wed 30 Apr 07:42]

1410th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):THREAD HIGHJACK" , posted Wed 30 Apr 07:45:post reply

. Does anyone care to elaborate the horrors I will face while playing this game?

Actually, if you survived the horrors of SaGa Frontier 1 and lived to enjoy the tale, I suspect you'll be quite happy? This I'm saying without having ever played a SaGa but Frontier, but given how I felt about it, I can't imagine that Unlimited won't be better. Plus I didn't like Itou's score for Frontier, but Hamauzu's Unlimited work is stellar.


[this message was edited by Maou on Wed 30 Apr 07:46]

403th Post

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"Re(2):THREAD HIGHJACK" , posted Wed 30 Apr 08:15post reply

Maou is correct. I can't vouch for unlimited but I will second the notion and can say if you can dredge through all the painful leveling of Saga frontier with each quest and painfully live to make it through t260g's quest kudos to you good sir.

This song is so true

1410th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):THREAD HIGHJACK" , posted Wed 30 Apr 10:13post reply

painfully live to make it through t260g's quest kudos to you good sir.

I sure as hell didn't make it through (though I did finish two of seven stories trying to find one that wasn't retarded, unsuccessfully), but I have HEARD the last boss theme for T260G, and it's amazing. Not much for Itou, but that song is hothothot.


404th Post

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"Re(4):THREAD HIGHJACK" , posted Wed 30 Apr 10:56post reply

painfully live to make it through t260g's quest kudos to you good sir.
I sure as hell didn't make it through (though I did finish two of seven stories trying to find one that wasn't retarded, unsuccessfully), but I have HEARD the last boss theme for T260G, and it's amazing. Not much for Itou, but that song is hothothot.

The last boss battle for t260g is really amazing if you ever get the chance to play it again. If you spend a lot of time dedicating to leveling your characters like mad the last fight is fun and to emphasize on the music it is really cool. Heck now that I think about it a pretty good portion of the music is pretty cool from his scenario.

Spoilers Last fight t260g vs genocide heart

This song is so true

1413th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):THREAD HIGHJACK" , posted Wed 30 Apr 11:10post reply

Heh, if only that had been one of those two wretched scenarios I did, I would've at least had a great ending! I still remember my woes of a decade ago: first, I tried Asellus or whoever, and couldn't even figure out how to trigger the first event/get out of the dungeon. Tried the Alkaizer superhero guy (Red? Blue?) and loved the theme music and that he seemed to have a girlfriend ("ooh! story!") but of course was disappointed when his ending was just a "the end" screen. Then, inexplicably tried the uncomfortably-named Coon (Rikku or something abroad?) and won that, and hated everything. Who knew that the Chrono Trigger reject robot would have been the most satisfying?


405th Post

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"Re(6):THREAD HIGHJACK" , posted Wed 30 Apr 11:19post reply

Heh, if only that had been one of those two wretched scenarios I did, I would've at least had a great ending! I still remember my woes of a decade ago: first, I tried Asellus or whoever, and couldn't even figure out how to trigger the first event/get out of the dungeon. Tried the Alkaizer superhero guy (Red? Blue?) and loved the theme music and that he seemed to have a girlfriend ("ooh! story!") but of course was disappointed when his ending was just a "the end" screen. Then, inexplicably tried the uncomfortably-named Coon (Rikku or something abroad?) and won that, and hated everything. Who knew that the Chrono Trigger reject robot would have been the most satisfying?

Oh man I seriously and honestly do NOT blame you on asellus dude. Good god the beginning is such a piss off. Thankfully it becomes gradually easier not too easy but just right and with multiple endings for her. I like her final boss music stage.

Rikku is a pain also the master ring fight at the end is just horrible. I will honestly admit that I looked up information in order to make a black dragon rikku. I hated his game as well.

As for power ranger Red, I liked his. His was cool long and tough at the end if leveling wasn't done right. The super hero stchkit was seriously awesome.

*Cue rick astley robo theme ftw*

This song is so true

1415th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(7):THREAD HIGHJACK" , posted Wed 30 Apr 11:47:post reply

Ah, there we go, there's the awesome prog-organ last boss theme I know and love! The video also reminds me of another thing I love to hate about SaGa Frontier, the way the characters animate so badly when running...their walking animation just floats around the screen like a bat outta hell. So shoddy it's hilarious!

T260G always made me wonder if Kawazu ever paid his royalties to Sakaguchi and Horii for such a naked theft of Chrono Trigger, but after seeing Lavos Genocide Heart, I've reached a new level of being impressed!


[this message was edited by Maou on Wed 30 Apr 11:50]

407th Post

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"Re(8):THREAD HIGHJACK" , posted Wed 30 Apr 11:54:post reply

Personally it reminds me of a bobble head desperately trying to keep their head from crashing onto the ground. Kind of like the pep boys mascots haha.

I hate the fact they didn't add in that scenario for Fuse which links every scenario together and supposed to make sense of the whole game all together along with a final enemy. Though I believe if I'm not mistaken I think mondo is considered the last boss of them all from Lute's game.

I'm sure there was money slid underneath the table with a letter clearly saying "I didn't see anything at all!"

edit: speaking of which was saga frontier 2 worth finishing? I got caught in the fake gustave battle and kept dying over and over.

This song is so true

[this message was edited by catalyst on Wed 30 Apr 12:03]

1416th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(9):SaGa hatefest" , posted Wed 30 Apr 12:23:post reply

I guess I heard Frontier 2 was worth finishing insofar as it's not Frontier 1... And there is more glorious Hamauzu music in there. Then again, I only have the soundtrack and didn't have to deal with the game.

Hahahaha, here's the bit I remember hearing infamous stories about, Blue's "ending." You beat the boss, and the game just...ends, right there on the battlefield. The least they could've done for you was have Kawazu come to your house and slap you for paying him money to create such garbage.


[this message was edited by Maou on Wed 30 Apr 12:26]

407th Post

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"Re(10):SaGa hatefest" , posted Wed 30 Apr 12:50post reply

I remember that day clearly when I was 17 when that happened

"I hate you so much"

Fast forward a couple years later and apparently I read the reasoning to that story that Rouge was supposed to win [I don't know how the hell you can possibly beat time magic when space magic is so friggin crappy]

and Rouge is supposed to seal himself up in hell then some how make it back to his friends. Still I say...

"I hate you so much"

This song is so true

8472th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):SaGa hatefest" , posted Thu 1 May 22:45post reply

Yeah, I saw what you did there. Opening a SaGa thread while I was away. Tshhhh.

I will just say something : U:Saga is the most difficult RPG to get into, period. It took me 40 hours to understand what I was doing and why I should do it. I would say "but maybe now there are FAQs that could help you", but probably not. Nothing beats the huge kaitaishinsho from Bent Stuff anyway.
It is a complicated system, that borrows nearly nothing from other games, has some benefits, and... well, in the end, if you are masochistic enough to hang on until you get a glimpse of all the mechanics, you can have a fun time with the game. I know I did. But it takes time.

Also, both Saga Frontiers stink and should burn in hell where they belong.

529th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):Re(10):SaGa hatefest" , posted Thu 1 May 23:08post reply

I remember when you wrote that long article on U:Saga. The one you promised for so long and we could finally read. That was so cool.


1572th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):Re(10):SaGa hatefest" , posted Fri 2 May 09:24post reply

I remember when you wrote that long article on U:Saga. The one you promised for so long and we could finally read. That was so cool.

It was a truly excellent read. I recommended it to all my friends.

135th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):SaGa hatefest" , posted Sat 3 May 09:57post reply

I sure wish they'd make a Jet Set Radio game for the Wii already...

1053th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(6):Re(10):SaGa hatefest" , posted Sat 3 May 10:04post reply

I'm tempted to say it'd almost make sense, as tagging controls with the remote would be way better than the way they were on DC. But I actually liked the way JSRF removed those to not slow you down. I'd rather they put it on PS3 or 360 and had some super-sexy next gen cel shading going on. Not that it's going to happen so we should just stop talking about it.

Also SaGa Frontier is awesome and anyone who hates it is a soulless monster and deserves to go to jail forever.

1418th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(7):Re(10):SaGa hatefest" , posted Sat 3 May 12:54post reply


Also SaGa Frontier is awesome and anyone who hates it is a soulless monster and deserves to go to jail forever.

Hehheeheh. Wait, really? I've yet to meet an actual fan of this game, and we have rabid SaGa partisans like Iggy here who even hate it. My hatred for this game and my woes over the huge sum I spent on it persist to this day, a decade later, but they're kind of comical, too, since it makes such a good story. So! Tell me about your forbidden love with this hellspawn.


1054th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(8):Re(10):SaGa hatefest" , posted Sat 3 May 14:18post reply


Also SaGa Frontier is awesome and anyone who hates it is a soulless monster and deserves to go to jail forever.
Hehheeheh. Wait, really? I've yet to meet an actual fan of this game, and we have rabid SaGa partisans like Iggy here who even hate it. My hatred for this game and my woes over the huge sum I spent on it persist to this day, a decade later, but they're kind of comical, too, since it makes such a good story. So! Tell me about your forbidden love with this hellspawn.

Well, y'see, I don't really care much about the rest of the SaGa games. That might have something to do with it. It's not that I actively dislike them, it's just that they've never been plopped in front of me in English and my times of slogging through RPGs in languages I don't understand are behind me. Also PS2 Romancing SaGa doesn't count because those midgets are disgusting.

Anyway, there's something about SGF that I really, really like. It might be the completely sterile prerendered backgrounds of the time. I'm a sucker for those... The music too! I mean, the actual gameplay is good enough and occasionally entirely hateful toward the player. I enjoy games that knock the player down a few pegs when they're getting uppity. Or when they try to fight a boss or something. Serves stupid players right! Etrian Odyssey made me feel this way recently. Like old times.

Anyway, I can't necessarily say why it is I find so endearing about wandering around semi-aimlessly hoping I figure out what it is that'd advance the plot or finding random weirdos to join my party, but the game makes me feel good. And you can't put a price on that, folks! I mean, it's no Dino Crisis 2, but what is?

2346th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Re(10):SaGa hatefest" , posted Sun 4 May 05:22post reply

Oh, is this the SGF anon meeting?

Hi, I liked SGF2 for some reason. I'm told I should be ashamed.