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Iggy 8472th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Re(10):SaGa hatefest" , posted Thu 1 May 22:45
Yeah, I saw what you did there. Opening a SaGa thread while I was away. Tshhhh.
I will just say something : U:Saga is the most difficult RPG to get into, period. It took me 40 hours to understand what I was doing and why I should do it. I would say "but maybe now there are FAQs that could help you", but probably not. Nothing beats the huge kaitaishinsho from Bent Stuff anyway. It is a complicated system, that borrows nearly nothing from other games, has some benefits, and... well, in the end, if you are masochistic enough to hang on until you get a glimpse of all the mechanics, you can have a fun time with the game. I know I did. But it takes time.
Also, both Saga Frontiers stink and should burn in hell where they belong.
Grave 1054th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member

| "Re(8):Re(10):SaGa hatefest" , posted Sat 3 May 14:18
quote: Also SaGa Frontier is awesome and anyone who hates it is a soulless monster and deserves to go to jail forever. Hehheeheh. Wait, really? I've yet to meet an actual fan of this game, and we have rabid SaGa partisans like Iggy here who even hate it. My hatred for this game and my woes over the huge sum I spent on it persist to this day, a decade later, but they're kind of comical, too, since it makes such a good story. So! Tell me about your forbidden love with this hellspawn.
Well, y'see, I don't really care much about the rest of the SaGa games. That might have something to do with it. It's not that I actively dislike them, it's just that they've never been plopped in front of me in English and my times of slogging through RPGs in languages I don't understand are behind me. Also PS2 Romancing SaGa doesn't count because those midgets are disgusting.
Anyway, there's something about SGF that I really, really like. It might be the completely sterile prerendered backgrounds of the time. I'm a sucker for those... The music too! I mean, the actual gameplay is good enough and occasionally entirely hateful toward the player. I enjoy games that knock the player down a few pegs when they're getting uppity. Or when they try to fight a boss or something. Serves stupid players right! Etrian Odyssey made me feel this way recently. Like old times.
Anyway, I can't necessarily say why it is I find so endearing about wandering around semi-aimlessly hoping I figure out what it is that'd advance the plot or finding random weirdos to join my party, but the game makes me feel good. And you can't put a price on that, folks! I mean, it's no Dino Crisis 2, but what is?