Mother 2, and perhaps 3 - Forums

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Mother 2, and perhaps 3" , posted Sun 27 Apr 15:26:post reply

Since I have a fever lately to play old RPG's I never got around to, after Phantasy Star II Sega Ages I'm going to give whichever DraQue in the thread below wins a spin, get into Shiren, and was thinking about...Mother.

I hear that some people have very strong feelings about Mother 2. It looks like it might be Rogers' favorite game. I hear that its story and scenario writer are beyond clever, pulling games closer towards art beyond mere the Hollywood-caliber entertainment level they usually wallow in. I'm curious as to whether this is true, and as to how the game mechanics will fare in this day and age together with the now-miserable graphics. Any Mother 2 advocates? 3 is implied, too, I guess.


[this message was edited by Maou on Sun 27 Apr 15:28]


2494th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Mother 2, and perhaps 3" , posted Tue 29 Apr 17:04post reply

I was waiting for someone else to speak up, since I tend to "hog" these recommendation threads, but I guess a hog is better than no one.

If you have a pixel fetish, I don't think Mother 2 will have aged too poorly in terms of graphics. It has very little to offer in the gameplay department, though. Well, I mean, anything outside of the classic RPG standard.

Still, it's a very charming game that simultaneously plays on the basics of the genre and does something really unique. If it looks charming to you, it'll probably charm you. I haven't played it in years, but the only complaint I had at the time was that it dragged a little here and there.

Mother 3 on the other hand, is one of my favorite games ever. At first I wasn't impressed with the dated-looking sprites, but when I got around to playing the game, I totally changed my mind. It's not even like the game is made out of's like your walking around in a pixel illustration. The soundtrack is fantastic (and has SO many good battle themes!), I love at least...most of the characters and the battle system is lots of fun.

The writing is also incredibly clever...really poetic. Like...I mean, the words are clever, not the plot (not that the plot is bad). Unfortunately, I didn't play Mother 2 in Japanese, but I assume it's the same way.

There is some intangible quality to Mother 2 that 3 is lacking and there is one incredibly huge plot point in Mother 3 that you'd need to play 2 to understand, but excluding that, I'd recommend Mother 2 for a try and highly recommend 3.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

1458th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Mother 2, and perhaps 3" , posted Tue 29 Apr 22:21post reply

I was waiting for someone else to speak up, since I tend to "hog" these recommendation threads, but I guess a hog is better than no one.

I was waiting for someone else to speak up because I'm never very good at saying what I like about a game

Also that I only played Mother 3 and not Mother 2. But like Pollyanna I also put Mother 3 as one of my favourite games ever.

Aside from the great music and story, I really really liked the boss battles in the game because every one of them had me on the edge barely beating them and even losing sometimes. I think it's a great game really, I wish more RPGs would do things similarly, even if the graphics are in 3D.

I've been planning to play Mother 2 for a while, but I just haven't gotten around to playing it yet.

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):Mother 2, and perhaps 3" , posted Wed 30 Apr 15:32post reply

I was waiting for a more seasoned Mother played to post first, because I only played Earthbound.

I'll always recommend playing it to someone who's looking for a very different RPG, it's a very refreshing experience. I liked the colorful graphic style and the quirky and quite bizarre scenarios (Moonside anyone?), the music... It's a very charming game!

I'm only halfway through the game. I got the teleporting skill (you need to run straight a bit to teleport) and I needed to head to Monitoli Building. I thought, teleporting to Saturn Valley = Free HP/PP recovery, and I got there, recovered, and tried to teleport out of the place. The game seems to be as smart as to expect someone exploiting that, cos there isn't a single spot around for running and teleporting! I got really annoyed by that fact, and didn't keep playing. I really really want to finish the game though.

2495th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Mother 2, and perhaps 3" , posted Wed 30 Apr 18:06post reply


Aside from the great music and story, I really really liked the boss battles in the game because every one of them had me on the edge barely beating them and even losing sometimes.

Yeah, the difficulty was really well managed throughout the game and the upside was that even though the bosses were challenging, it was always possible to beat them without spending much time leveling up.

The fights were so EXCITING too, with the rhythm hits and the counting-down HP. I thought that was a brilliantly clever way to add real-time elements to something entirely turn-based.

It also wins points for successfully creating a tear-jerking boss fight. Not a common combination.

I just remembered my one huge complaint with the game, though it bothers me more on a "WHY!?" level than a "game ruining" level.

The equipment system was awful. You go to a new shop, you get new equipment. You can almost always afford it and it always just gives you higher attack than the previous equipment. As a result, there's NO POINT in it being there. What's worse is that it's needlessly bothersome to buy, sell and equip items.

青春謳歌 弱肉強食

1610th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):Mother 2, and perhaps 3" , posted Thu 1 May 07:21post reply

I was waiting for a more seasoned Mother played to post first, because I only played Earthbound.

I was waiting for similar reasons and... Oh, whatever, I hardly post around here nowadays. u.u

I'm playing through Earthbound currently (I just cured those green guys' shyness), and even though I play it very little, because of available time, I'm loving it ((c) McDonald's).


I'll always recommend playing it to someone who's looking for a very different RPG, it's a very refreshing experience. I liked the colorful graphic style and the quirky and quite bizarre scenarios (Moonside anyone?), the music... It's a very charming game!

Except by the fact that while being different it's at the same time, a really typical old-school one, gameplay-wise.
You have your menu controlled system, context buttons be damned, very limited inventory, first person battles against static sprites...
But its mood, characters and so, its cheerful look, its psychodelic battle backgrounds and music etc make it a really diferent experience.

But to tell the truth... the final drop that made me decide to go for it was when I read that not only it had enemies on screen, but when you have enough experience the weaker enemies run away from you, so you don't have to bother with those battles again. If still you chase them, you automatically defeat them and earn your free items and exp. points! So comfortable...


I'm only halfway through the game. I got the teleporting skill (you need to run straight a bit to teleport) and I needed to head to Monitoli Building. I thought, teleporting to Saturn Valley = Free HP/PP recovery, and I got there, recovered, and tried to teleport out of the place. The game seems to be as smart as to expect someone exploiting that, cos there isn't a single spot around for running and teleporting! I got really annoyed by that fact, and didn't keep playing. I really really want to finish the game though.

Try Onett instead of Saturn Village, mommy's house is free too, you have your sister there, so item management is also free and less bothersome, you have room to teleport right outside the house... and it cures home-sickness any time! ^_^



730th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(5):Mother 2, and perhaps 3" , posted Thu 1 May 07:44post reply


Try Onett instead of Saturn Village, mommy's house is free too, you have your sister there, so item management is also free and less bothersome, you have room to teleport right outside the house... and it cures home-sickness any time! ^_^

I already saved at Saturn Village. I didn't want to walk out of that damn forest, but I guess there is no other choice...