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TreIII 66th Post
Occasional Customer
| "Re(1):Street Fighter Online Mouse Generation" , posted Fri 18 Jan 08:44
quote: http://www.watch.impress.co.jp/game/docs/20080116/sfo.htm
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Also, I may silently judge you based on your reaction to this.
Hmmm...strangely enough, I'm more interested in this game than SF4, at this rate. XD
I basically just have two things I have to question, though:
1) Why a business model that requires us to spend more to pimp out our characters? If the game turns out to be just as moddable as Rag Doll is, I can't see people spending more money on what they could do themselves, or mooch off of others online.
2) ...Why did it have to be Street Fighter? Nothing against SF, but I would have thought that a franchise like Rival Schools would have been perfect for some thing like this. Or maybe even Vampire Savior, Cyberbots or what have you. I can only hope that, again, if this moddable, we maybe able to do such things like that...
Dokuganryu wa Date jya ne you see?